LE COMTE k FLESHER Offer The Gorgeous Musical Spectacle , The PRINCE Of TONIGHT BY ADAMS. HOUGH A HOWARD 260- TIMES AT THE PRINCESS THEATRE Chicago's Most Popular Playhouse. Overflowing with Song Hits aui SUnataf Show Gtr ?. Metropolitan Cast with TOM AKNOLD SUPPORTED ?T Mable Laffin, Eva Phelps, Vert LaVere, Frank Harsh, .Tom i H'jpjood, Lew Naden, Charles Corwin and the RO-PFOPT PRINCESS Pri?e BEAUTY CHORUS I rwrilL-UU Poney Ballet ot Wonderful Dancer* j rr a Tiinrn Tb? Blue m<i siiw Mict. * i LL A I I I U L v Delft Foreal in the Land of the Moon. I H I 1 1 (i I II Lithe Fnirles Dancinf in an Em raid Gloom I Lll I U M LU Water ? Fete and Banquet-- Grand Illumination Special Feature n and Burch In Prices 50, 75, 1.00 and 1.50 : i fX' Thursday 1O-.O0 a. tn. Worth* & Elheridge ? -ultou hllf i ftlM W?)??l ?'lay p-'T TO CHICAGO ON THE CAROLINA SPEC I A I. Throtirh ??W|.|!?s Cur D?i? ?? Mn HOl'THRRN RAILWAY Premier Currier of llie South. QlEEN AND CRESCENT ROCTF and riu pour route. i Southern Railway in now optrai l?g throurli sleeping cars JiH/ 011 the Carolina Special between Char ? lesion. S. <\. ami Chicago. ?" af fordlnc t'X<*vll*>ni connection* fr?,in ' ii n#l ffir* Eastern North ('troll r.a points, ('?olrts'horo. Raleigh, Dur ham. Greensboro and Intermediate points, through ARHKV1LLE ANI) THE I. AND OF THE 8KF For Pullman sleeping rar reser vatlOn*. Fclic-tlule* an-1 detailed! In formation, a.^k any Southern Rail way aircnt, or write. O F YORK. Travelling Passenger Agent, Raleigh. N C 1-29-4 wr NOTIC K OF HAI.F. Under and by vlrtut* of t lie power of naW? contained in a rertain mortg age d ped pxpruted lo the undersign ed by It. M Treves, which said mortgage is duly recorded In Ihe of fice of tlie KeglBler of needs for Beaufort county, In Book 18 2, a' j)*e? in. and Is dated the 3rd day nf September, 1014, and Is hereby referred to, the undersigned will, on tbe 22nd day nf February, 1915, at 12 o'rlock noon. off??r for ?ale, a* 'h" rrvir'ho'.is^ dnor In Roaufnrf to iho hirhest bidder for ^ it,~ fi'towlnc rr?al estate, to f,. Vr> ?? -? l??d off hT V T ?'.t was as follows f *?*'? so MrVnlr town. wan laid <-** 'n*n fi i^tji of 3R fr>??t front, hv 9.i '? -?-**? ' 1 " 'pot helntr left as an n' ? ... 'n '?ommon by those I f* 'n "? fn tbflr lin'r ? 4 1VI, >?? Vo 5 ?!<" ?.? -p ? ?-? A ???, * A A ? **? n !?**?*? ronn", fry i ?. * ?r? W x* 1 Terusrv f KTFWART Mortgage*. . Motlr. In h.r?hT (rtT?? ,h||l fh|! andAr?)*oc<l tin* ihl? d?y QualHtod ?? executor of the e?tate of Haste* King. deceaaed. late of Deaafort Co., aod all persons holding claim* airalnst the Mid estate will prewmt the same to me. duly verified, with in one year from thla date, or tbl* notice will be pleaded In bit- of their recovery. All peraont Indebted to said eetate will pleaae make tmme dlste payment: Thl? Jan. Ut, if IB. J. If. LTX>YD. Vb#f.nkit . * 1cr? ? thai II lr *holf a. ?p O'tll-e- a vlti , .? .t a? ..HU'.CltDt pa?i>o? u ??h-.rtr. far above a ?km r'n?' * rh??f ? sl"l car Fbov Repartee. A woman witness, la the course ot D Jong, rambling statement, remarked: "Hp said be was as good a* me, and I said su was I. I told blm be w&a no man, and be said neither was L" Looking Backward. ! Our first yean at school were not made easy and joyoua to us bj i tlio modern method? of the kin i dersarten tnd '?ther similar ays (ems of acqnMng knowledge with out effort, and wo thereby es cepf.d the effects of the fallacy that learning and education can be at Ruined without palna and concentra ?.Ion of the mind. We were conatantl; drilled at pchool In mental arh'imetlc nr.d other studies of a kind .not much I clis>heu, I nm told, by the youth of to ?lav and unfashionable with modem educators of young children; and at wome we were urged in season and rut, ar. we then though*, to lmprort our ml.Mis, to contemplate serious ?hlngs. and especially and most fre quently. to r^ad gocd Tjookn, purtlcu larly those bonka which rf quired ef fort for their iind?rntandlnf and ma* 'e y.? C' ora1 P Vratt in the Atlantic NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of pow?r of ?tale contained In a Deed of Trust from M. T. Bradshaw lo the under signed O. Hutnley, trustee, dated Taoury 17th, 1914, and recorded In 'he Register's office of Beaufort ?.ounty, North Carolina in Book 164 'page 243, the undersigned wll] eel lfor cash before the Courthouse dooi of Beau tort county. N. C., on the 2' J day of Fob. 19 IB, at 12 o'clock noon I the following described real estat? j ?o-wlt: Beginning on the North slda o Ihe public road known as th? Mill roid. at an lrr?n axle, driven | ithe ground, at the corner of the lam' ?o?d by Harry McMullan and Dan lei !,. T'erry to Henry C. Cherry an v.-1 f e ; titence with the said Henry C ' li*-rv and wife's line. North 2 ' **? *-2 nole?: th?nce North ft' * " W-'St 22 polet. to a marlre nim. Cooper and Jackson's corn* v,""h B Hodges line! thence wltl v^h n HodgM line. North 42 E*? '9 ? o CoonerS corner; fhenc ?i r*?t 20 nnlws to Jackeon'' ? * *? ' r ? ttou+h 18 1-4 Was' *????: to ft ntn* stump; thenc c?on?v * ** t-K then^ t<? i.j Fn?? 1A poles; th^nc ? ? in w??t ?o the North ?fde ??' -rsf,A - Mtenc* with fh? NortV <??4* r,r the Mill nned to the begin n inr: onn*sfi*tnr 1*1. <1 sere*. a-* en* vfrfi by ,?r*hn B. Besnass on .Tan*' nry #th. 1914; being same land th' d*r cnnr??ed to the. t?artT of th' ?-?t jvrt bv Ha rrr MeMalton sr * *?fft pr d T>sn1*1 I?. P?rnr to whir' dee# reference Is made for fnrthe* ijixifrtftt'pn. , This 21* *e" *f .??* 1*1* O PITMT.WT. Tract#* CASTORIA tm Infest* ui OkUina. Dm KM Yn Btn Akrayt Bm|M WILL PROTECT President Wilton Personally tuper* tflsas ths Document Framed la 8 tat# Department. Washington.?' Tha United Statea dispatched a Ion? not* to Oroat Brit ain I natoting on an early Improvement la the treatment of Americas com merce by Brltlab fleet*. It warn ad England that much feeling bad bees! aroused in thia country and that pub tic criticism wu general over unwar ranted Interference with the legiti mate foreign trade of the UQitfcd statea. The document, constituting the strongest representation cm. the subject made by tha United 8tatei to any of the belligerents. was cabled to Ambassador Page to be formally presented to Sir Edward Orwy. the British foreign secretary. Its prepara tion was bagun a month ago by Solici tor Cone Jobnaoft. Counselor Robert ' :?nslng and Secretary Bryan Ihd dur ?v t??e last two weeka had the per* - i attention of President Wilson, rcevfsed Its phraseology witb i?te care. fho detailed point of view of | ' -te?i States In the numerous e* of detentions and sela goes had been set forth in ? >f emphatic protects most of : nve gone unheeded, the com titration waa couched In general hub covering the entire subject of e relations between the United tes and Great Britain ss affected . t-je lattet*s naval policy, consider Ighy objectionable to this govern nt. Tha note declare* at the outset that 'ie representations are made In a ?fendly spirit but that the United Intes considers It best to speak in jrma of frankness leat silence be -.nstrued as an acquie.scence to - a Mlcy of Great Britain which Infringers o rights of American citizens nn er the laws of the nations. Since Trance bas virtually adopted ?e same policies on contraband ar rresi Britain today's note is a state tent Intended for all members of the 'riplf Entente. The documents point out that com ?li'lnts on every side snd public ?rlticlsin* in the United States hold he British policy as directly respon ihle for the depression in many I Vmeriran Industries. Reimbursement lore for cargoes unlawfully detained ?? seized, it states, does not remedy *ie evil as the chief difficulty ia the I noral efTect on American exporter*' o are restrained from taking risk* I or hazards which In no rase ought to ?urround legitimate trade between '?e United States and other neutral countries. LEO FRANK'S APPEAL GRANTED Ivdge Lamar Gives Georgia Man Stay of Execution. Washington. ? Justice Lamar of tbt nnlled States supreme court ha* ?ranted an hppeal from the refusal o> tho Federal district court for North ern Georgia to release on habeas cor pus proceedings Leo M. Fran* under lealb sentence for the murder of Mary Phagan. at Atanta Frank baa been sentenced to be Gauged January 12. hut Justice La Tiar's action causes a stay of execu tion. Thirty days are given for the record of the proceedings In the low er court to be Died In the Supreme court here. The state of Georgia then may ask that the hearing of the rase be advanced. Such suggestions generally are granted. As a result of Justice Lamar's act ion tbe entire court will pasn upon Frank's rlgtyt to seek release from custody on a writ of habeas corpus on tbe ground that tbe trial court In Fulton county. Georgia, lost jurisdic tion over blm by Its fsllnre to have him* present when the Jury returned i lis verdict. Mexican Faction* Split Washington. ? Diapatcbea from the Brazilian mlnlatar In Mexico City dated there and received hare d? aerlfeed the politic*! altuation u fall of nnc*rtalntlea. The ml n leister re fer,^ to the lack of harmony between the aevera* cbtefa, bnt Indicated that notl In* alarming had davalopec* and that Rood order waa being preeenred. From Ita own agenta alao the state department waa adrlaed that friction nxlpted between the Zapata and Oatl errra-Vllla facflona. Collapea of ?anopy Kill# Four. Kanaaa Cltjr, Mo. ? Nine man were eauzbt here In the coltapae of a wood en canopy btilU to protect pedeatiiaPe paring a million dbller hotel building ?t?Cer eonMmcUon. Two were killed and al* aerloiifly Injured. tVgfter 8. Dloklnaon, au actor of Lt? ?Pln. Neb., died in a koapltal Hfa ?kull wai fraetvfed. The ?tfcu- daad rfctlm waa a nagro. Jama* McLean. bnalncM agent for a labor union, wee n a crltltel condition 1 c other* In lorod were workmen employed en U?e v?l'dlr 1 merchant and a shipping agent to >anplrmcy to violate the Pood ami Tuf Act Involving the shipment-] f coffee in Interstate commei rom Ne?w York to the West. ln l heee cases the two defendants wer* | ?ach fined 91,000 and by .f th^ir contlction of a felony lottl heir cIUmAIi under the provU ;>ne of a Nsiw York Statute. In another action In cooperation -J with the Customs Service, the De partment 'was 'of assistance In th< | proceedings that resulted Id the im position of a line of $5,000 1n th< Massachusetts Federal court on onel defendant engaged In tamperln; with revenue Import stamps and ] celling domestic liquors a? Import?' goods. , A second defendant Is no* | awaiting sentence. In two otB* jurisdictions, the Department as-'| slated in procuring the Snd'.ctme* for conspiracy to violate the Foo snd Drugs Act of s number of egf j handlers who have been illegal!' shipping spoiled eggs In Interstat' commerce for food purposes. In a number of other caa< pec!ally concerning drug matter and the prevention of the s^le o? ? wrvsiira curative device? the Department has cooperated with the PostofBce authorities in bring ing actions and securing conviction for violations or the postal law Involving misuse of the mails. KKMARKARLK PRAT OF R^MUN INFANT TOKT There haen't come a story from Europe since the war broke out t< ompare with one related by & local Hebrew business man. He nets I' right s.raight in a letter from Rue ala. A war widow left her tl>ree weekr old babe In the care of a small gir white she went to market. Immedl <*tetT after the departure of the rood woman the Infant son ?wofc# lind frightened the girl by asking; "Where's my mother?" The horri fied girl called neighbors In. 01<* Tewifh women threw un their hand at the sight of the weakling sitting upright In bed "Send for the rab hi. beldames; I want to make t ?latement." the boy commanded He talked wisely and with the con hdence of one supernaturally en dowed. until the arrival of the reb "There will be no peace in Rus sla until the Roahannah (the fal* festival) and until then the war wll continue unhilitd And .Iflcrggftlngl.' 'estruetful.'* the tiny prophet de -tared. Then he twaddled his pin' toes a minttte and brooded in si lence. A short blessing and thf ?hlld died. The strangest part about It is that -ome Kinston Hebrews believe itx ??A miracle truly." they aay. Oth rrs do nnk. '% lie." declares one of Hit ludat Intelligent of the rac* licrt.- Klaston tt&s Press. Theories end Thing* Onl) the other day I ^ ? scturrr on Bun-epota expatiatl- g os k? enfranchising and enncbllng JHiw ?r of his science, teaching as It doe? h* majesty of God and hla hand*. %-ork. I agreed, of course. TheorMi juiy. i k*?w yet' w or myself. ? could not help prefe*rtM o tvoudir at the naud Oftfce vmight* o the creation of a dandelion, a ?p*r ?w, r. flounder.? Robert 1#- Q*y. * ke A' 'an tin . iflnpartanct et #l?y. Play la an earnest thing In child hood. Barer t trlrlat aaattar. Tin olay KtlviliH of oblldrea bara ? . moanlut *m<-b tba worW I. beginning | to UDdcntanl Faranta ?r? realising (.on md mor. Ikit cWdwi a play to .01 mnral; for [ub, but for baaltb ?trenylh. daralopmant and tb. Nilldlag ot character Zrarj boat ?houM prt'lue lmer??t lb Play wo. ??( loo fo- boya ar n ?<rl?. Part ol the prciv*'^!1? ra .tb'^dt of bom# irtlD ??? aim. to do tbH. The bomomid. binder ;?rlen In not a oUtftlt tMfci \t . tnotnar tu roooiict, thua laabtni *orb> LUd play ? b?n*?t wJ ? **"?? ? rfc. 1 .Mldrrii ??pr.mlty of IMIMM. Tlirre narir ni a u?n h> alt Ida mt *ban our oatlota.1 Ufa baa bni to fctarworan la tba tronaaotlona a# i bmtbeaa raproagntbig aa" It doea tba | ha.le principle of progndg an* par aafcast aaocaaa, aad tba anaar at aw nerdallam paaaaa whe* wa dlaocrrei anitbl.m only a cloak for ft. Tfca United SUtea la prorlag t# tba ?orV >ioa? lucnaaequenUal ara tboaa thing* ?Mall bare baa? fait to b? parimouat In tba bonding op of a nalV j. aoek a. .illHarr power and frowning forttt . vile ? al^ng tba bordar, for bu.lnaa. bMBHtaiai that Maoarna Indiilduak .ad tba bom* walta:*. and raqulraa nc tpohxtr la tfcta day of glorified p?? rat tnduatry, ?bkb la aaotWK o.-w it -Xm?rlr.?t?allva "-^B?r, ? Bur Vomlnaat Atataaaa Ma?, la X? iwiat Magaala* ? a the Union and to the various Jtate relief organisations all of *hloh food-staffs and relief supplies Mr# aew being handled by the Com This organisation of the Commis ;on inculadaa a Una of thirty-live er. instil pa, the"trse/of the ?f.00? ae 35,000 offices of the six express ompaalea of the United 8tates. p*c.;sl arrangements have, heen nade with the post off cea end ox ress companies for the ofclpmen ?f small packages of food by Indlrlg ala, and It does n'ot In anx. aense. nurb the railroad arrangemeata eviously made for large ship lents. The response of America to the ppeal of Belgium has heen grati ng, the task of provisioning o\ Ix million people, 1,400,1)00 or' ?horn are absolutely, destltate, re airce the dispatch of a shipload of >od every other day and the main lining of a transport line comprU ng 31 steamers. State feilef or animations have been told, there ? pre, that they "should be put on ft vrmsnent basis (or continued ef ort until summer, if not longer. A ItUE KNITTING MILL INVITO* correspondence from, women de sirous of earning money, part or full time. Good pay. Experience unnecessary. International Knit ting Mills, West Philadelphia, Pa. I -30-tfc-sat. NOTICE OP BALK. By virtue of the power of sale *>htn|ned In a mortgage deed exe cuted by BenJ. Slngletary and wife ? tlie undersigned, dated November 9, 1904f and recorded In Book 162. age 203 Register's office of Bean ort county, and herein referred to, will offer for sale' to the highest iddor for cash, at the Courthouse *oor of Beaufort county on Tuesday he 2nd day of March, 1015, at 12 "clock noon, the following descrlb d land oonveyed in the said mortg to deed, to- wit: ?A certain traef ~oi land situated t Washington township, Beaufort ; ?ounty, North Carolina, and adjoin ng the lands of W. ft. Ellis and ther and othere and being the Iden Iral two tracts of land conveyed to aid Slngletary by W. ft. Ellis by 'eed dated November 39th, 1904, ?nd record^ In "aid Register's of 'ce, and the said deed is herein re Vrrcd to for a full and complete de scription of the said two tracts of 'and. This Jan. 29th. 191ft. JOSHUA E. 9WANNEK. Mortgagee. T. T. PHILIPS. OWnar of Debt. l-30-4wc. In any cue Dr^ Ann* Howaid Shaw, President ot the Natloi il American Suffrage Association. wJl make an agrees; and In addltlor short talks of a tew mi notes each WIH be made b y the follow In*: liter Kate Gordon, president of the Southern States Woman Suffrage Conference; General Julian S. Carr Chlcr ? Justice Walter Clark; Kn Archibald Henderson. President & he North CaroliW Equal Suffrag* League; Mrs. Goodno, president of the North Carolina Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union; Mrs. En gene Reilley. of the General Federa tion of Wsmen's Clubs; "Mrs. T. N. I. Ingle, chairman ? of Boolal 8ervice in the State Federation; and Mrs. A. Fair brother. The great event of the year will be, of conrse, the address by Dr. Shaw. She Is too well known tr need eny introduction, snd the state league Is very fortunate Indeed to hare her with us at this time. A upoclal section' of the News and -Obaeaar. will ha printed on the dar following the Special Hearing. This will be or gneat Interest to every one snd of especial value to suffra gists. It Is. requested thst each league sell ss msiy as fifty oopUr number are desired, that the order be sent at once to Miss Byntvm Chairman Press Committee. Kind ly note this as it ts a matter of Im portance. > All visitors are requested Co reg ister with name and address, a? the Information Bureau, Yert>or: ough House. EQUAL SUFFRAGE LEAGUE OT NORTH CAROLINA. Mrs.* Achlbald Henderson, President *?o.ar?4?. aed by virtu, of th* power of Ml* contained U a crrlaln awl art. Troetoe, by I. c. Cayton. M Lorooa Cayton, bl. wit., and W. H. Proecott, and rust. Preecott, kU w*e, which saldJOeed of TtuM u dated JannaJXStWT 1*14. and U du ly r^ord. IS Book lt?. PW ?*?. rru.uw. will, ob Monday. hi. dr.1 day of M?ch, t?U, U It o'clock noon, at IW CoaMbouae door or Beaafort com Or. offer for ?al?. to lb. hlgheet bidder for cash, the fol lowing dmrlbed raal aad paraoaal rover, to- wit: That oartala tract or panel of land. lyln? aad belnk In tk. coon > II Baatifott. Mat. of Morth Carolina tlchland township. beginning a* C W. Im'i coram' in tba Holldla line nd running with aald !**'? ttn ?T 1-1 Bast. Fifty fMt; tbenc '? t-1 W. Tww>'y-**e fa.tr 'tnv N. IT 1-1 w. fifty fMt to th. Sol 'la Baat line; th.no* with u'd t?r V * 1-* B.>to th. beflanlag eo alnlng 1J8 square yard?. and w.' '"own a? th* B. c. Car'on ,-o rlte. which ?a!d sit. wan convv d ? r C. Cayton by Will Dunn a, Ml ,Y*-r thr*. years a no. - . . c, . Aleo that Mrtala -stock of aoq4 v an*. Mrtbtndln. fix urc Uturea aad book aocoan*i lorn n *. .lore bonding h?wlnb.fo lMortbed. and Mic the only Hoc >* ??oda, ?*??? aad merriuadl Ixtare* and book aeooanu mad ' *rtl? of MR8T PART. Pea?aad karlp, mad. on jn. T ?*e bolder, of th* not** aeenr lL.?Sf "tT4 sale ! '?" *> JS!?*? ladeWednM. Thli I7tb day Jan. lfll. EDWARD L. STBWART, l-?l-4wc. TrMte* now ow ?a'*- Call and hoar th* Meat 8oa? htta, at Raae Broe Variety 1-IO-llc. HELP! The State, County ul Schools are calling (or money. Help ma by pay ing your taxes promptly. Do It Now! W. B. WINDLET, Sheriff N. B.~ It may be a long, way to Tlpparary, but everybody must go. 1 ? 21? til ? ? ww inirvirr' 'ttt if plea. Lemons, Potato.*, Cabbage oalon. Prtoe la right. See H. B Mayo. 1-JI-ltc. . ^ w ? .^W.. on oh. famished rooms. Per family wltboat children. Slagle room! for gwtleaen. Ill Wmi Seeon* 1-ll-ltp. -?> none* ok ui a i'.- . Uador u< by vtrtaa o? tha pom at aala oaatainad |? a aaortsaca a??i ntcwfi fey Thome Crawford *><? , wlfa. UM Aerll l?th, 1914, Ud ? ??!y racordM la tha offio* of <h B?(H?tar of Dm*, of Baaaforr rotir ty lo Book ITT. pw ?lt. ?Mib t. karafey raforrad to, lb* unde?t?n ?d ?lll oo (ho Had day of Fofern tf. ltll, at Jl o'clock aooa, attk* OartMa... door la Boaatort ooaa ty, offar for aala to tka Mcfeaat Md 'or eaak, tka M!to?ta< daaorlb ?d real oata to, to-wtt: Ray o Makes Reading A Pleasure TBH HE full mellow glow at th? Rayo Lamp rout your eye* and rnakea reading * pleasure. TK? abaenee of glare and harahneo will be * diatinct relief to you It ia this quality that cauaaa adentiata to recommend the aoft light of the oil lamp. TW R&yo LAMP it the higheat point o I paw fn Hon in oil Wmpe No glafa, no flkkar, correct . light alwaya. Rayo Lamp* ara eaay to light and cam for. lne*. prnahre? yet the baat light at any price. " Your dealer will be glad to ahow you the *?yo STANDARD OIL COMPANY w-n,.t?.,D.C. (NSW JERSEY) 0-J^M.C BALTIMORE 2SS=:rbv' * i A \ * fcril AND BULBS- AT RUSS ..:? td iriMtfiiMi

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