msmiTi ?. i?o?. at Ik* I Mfc. *. 0.. < i I. HI*. 3ub?crib?M dwirtak tl? ????r <1> *OOUOU4 -111 pl??t MtUT life Ot loe on a?u or ?i?lr?ilo? otkJFwl?. at will be continued at regular eub ?ertption ratee until notioe im stop U ree?lr?d. It yoa do not pt the Dally Ntvi promptly telephone or wriU the -y tho writer, otherwlee they will not be publlehed. WJED.VE3DAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1?1S TIIE MILK OF DIFFERENT BREEDS OF* COWS. Among the various aee<}clationa of breeders of milk cattle there is u liveijr competition ;for recognition of the superiority of the type of anl *iueh each happens to "be pri marily interested In either a cyu, u: scientific way. Manv >- announcements of the , >. llitklila .a ?. nether the repu> unlike composition for ....JJ: ulttUD O u are in reality suf .. . . c lo liiorii MtJ'.OU ou f.urn a scientific or prac il point of view. It is, of course. ;ecognized that tytpes of dal .\hjch give a iarge amount mtnonly furnish a product n solids and particularly ...ail components. In this itspeci the milk from cows of the Jtrsey and Guernsey typos departs noticeably from the Holsteln vari ety: but inasmuch as It is believed wiili some Justification, that the composition of milk Is more or les? influenced by the period of lacta tion and the season- of tho year? ? tiiai row 5 far along In lactation give richer milk than Just after calviug - -one might well assume that inci dental factors of this sort may easi ly counterbalance the inequality uf composition attributable to tluj' differing types of cattle. During iti'.- past few years the laboratory of food and drug '. Inspection of the .Mufsat husetta Stale Board of Health has made extensive analyses of hun dreds of samples of milk from Jer !??>>*, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Dutch He It and Hoisiein cows, as well as ironi cross-bred or so-culled grade l'jWs. The valuable data thus ob t allied under controlled conditions make it clear that variations In the composition of milk are due primar ily to the breed, and to a less extent to tiie una -on or the year and the time since calving. The least vari able milk constituents aro the lac tose and the mineral ingredients, both of which are therefore of value in detecting added water. Inciden tally. says The Journal of the Amer ican Medical Association, the fact is Lome out, contrary to popular opin ion. that milk obtained In summer under current conditions Is. if any thing, somewhat inferior in quality to that obtained in winter. 8t. George and the Dragon. It is rather surprising to find 91 Ocorge and his dragon turning up on that stretch of the Danube wbleh parts Hungary from Servla, remarks the London Chi'ouffcle. But the cav ern of Coluharz r i>n :he -ene of the encounter. - ?rs?'. tint the "Golden Legend' in ' i lie dragon In a "pond like ??"a" in Libya. But the champions >' l.i'lubacz relate that, having slain he dragon St. George left the carcass '?e cavern, where It has ever since ?red Innumerable flics. And, as Mr. notes, ther* Is no doubt f ? '??' nies In the early summer over spares of tlx or be? bar* of ec Humorous Childish Error* The literary mistake* of chlldre* sre perennial and perennially amusing In character. A public school teacher who recently has complied u book of al*" Ifaiormstlon *n b?half of l-r prills says, ror exampl^lbat th? aRusion "Dan to Bermhebtf? brought forth fhe amasinc roialnformaVaatbat Dan vm a man who *rr confined In a l?or. g d?n for mistreating his wlfs, H^ersbeba? and that another ea??r If (?.accurate student deernbed Causa* %s th? mother of fala ?u?<*sat Wlrele^t fo? farmers. Wlrplnx for farfnara In ths oitlr In* disltlcta la IBs latMl l?sa In An* trnlla. H l? iukimiki tl-'ot tki farm, ?rs lo tho various looatltlrj ahrsld or. (anna tbsmsalres Into * cooperative body. tnbscrlblng to a fund that woulf provide a wireless station f?/ each mom bar, and ? o mitral motion at tsr nearest town, where an ? para tor would b? on duty. Kor the anro of I lew each ? body of tan subscribers ronld pur Ohm ln.tmm.ota, including a trana mtttar with a range of in aitlea Th" ? erection of Uts maM S^MSSSOiSAi Uneeda Biscuit Tempt the appatite, please the taste and nourish the body. Crisp, cjean and fresh, 5 cents. Barooct Biscuit Round, thin, tender?? with a delightful flavor ? appropriate for lunch eon, tea and dinner, zo cents. Graham Crackers Made of the finest ingredients. Baked to perfection. The national strength food, zo cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that Name. PROTECTION FOR PIT SILO* Corn Stalks , Placed In Thfl Unclar ground Receptacle Kept W%?k? Cattle Relished Feed. We have a pit silo and small burn In Conner! hm with It. We first marked off a circle 14 feet In diameter and ?hen dug a trench and placed ttsmo 'or a curb 5 Inches thick and 3 fello to economise In building material ? i.d benldes furnishing a roof tat the tllo. It makes a good place tojstore Iry feed, writes George B. Shleua of ^fden, Kan., fo the Farmer*" Mall rid Breeze. In making and flllln| thl* ? 111 we were only out about $|S In cash. Of course, we figured nuthlog for our work anl we exchanged work tn filling. The cement ooat onjy |j. We put com stalks without any corn mi 'hem in the silo, cutting theni Into one-half inch leagths. This *lage kept fine, only * little on topi and around the aides spotting. The fattl* voaM hardly tooch the same *1*4 rfer put up dry if one*. This la to notify the general p?l> llc that 8. i. Merrlman, Jr., who wa?j formerly general maaager of j tho | Was liington-n?au fort Land Camp i ny, la no longer connected with the said company. f , Mr. Joha B. Corey }s now mana ger of the company, and caaj b foond at the Conpaay'a oSf* on Mark*t afreet. thle dty. at th# old rental stand of H. % Hardlni A Son. W A8FflN6TOM-BBAUPOHT JLiND COMPANY. was 1 1 Than Traffic Warranto, and Material* Suite* to Traffic. \ i*7 V. M. CON*. Colorado Agrteultiaal Roadf and road materials ar* the tfabject *0 district' of a dty? Too often People loae eight ef the Good Road Bordereo With Lombardy Poplar* to Serve aa a Windbreak. repairs needed In order to kee> roada good, and that la net done -without ex* pense-. In fact, the maintenance aaj depreciation charges are usually great er for good roads than for ordinary roada, *but goods roads are worth the extra expense, and they are, therefore, good business. Many people speak of the surface of * good road as though It were an arch which must su^rnort the weight cf traffic, but the cnlef con corn In properly constructed good roads Is the ?rear on the road surface material, caused by thf grinding action ot wheels and the. miction action of rapid ly, moving automobile tires, which re move the flo dust an?i olndlng ma terials, exposing the coarser ?nd more compact material. Macadam; onv if the most famous road builders, laid down three rules for making a good roaC: (I) Qood Drainage, (2) Better Drainage, (3) Still Better Drainage; or, In other words, "A good road lias a tlfcht roof and a dry cellar." Proper drainage to prevent water from getting Into the road from beneath and a good surface! to cause the rainfall to run off before entering the foviidatlon, will Insure a good road, because a well-packed earth j fcuadatioo will sustain the weight ot ordinary country traffic without break* Ing through. If the' surface la not pre* served, the foundation of the road win be damaged, and this applies to dirt as well aa rock road b. for In many casea w? find that 4arth roads are the most advisable kind of good roada and all that the traffic smsm It Is necessary to keep the roof tight . Do not allow holes to remafe In th# road surface, for If they ^re not repftfred-th* water will collect In, them and run through Into the foundation, causing "chuck holes.'* - 6uty ef Ever y Fuman No wen who (unit ahould b??rnd?e the flnie ha apandi In gradtai, drag ging and ducking tha hlghwaya,' Ha meat uaa tham II montte Id tha rmr.1 BVery day*a work mtkM than a little better U tha work la dona la talllgently. I Plannad To Blow Up Steamettlp New Orleans? The afreet of. four men who admitted to the police that thajr ware Oemana. la believed hy the police to have frnatrdted a plot to blow up tha Trench ateamahlp Rocbera bran, which la doe to leave New Tor* The police have Is their poeadaoea a box containing 76 ponnda.of dynamite connected With wlrea ael to eqiiooa all end one-half day. TUa plat. a? cording to the police, waa to ahlp tha bomb by eipreaa conalgned to, .Iht Rnchambeaa at 1W? Tork H waa tn tended to .bio* up the vaaeol at Ma Little Thlnfle Count. ?? Repalra la time aave labor and a? penae. A gate hinge oat or order, ft board o# I ho bam, a fence broken dovrn a lack of paint on building In dicate the termor before every vittter ixmt tx-lay treaties Tow omgb. A alight cough Often becomee earl eae. r.anga get eongeatetf, Branchial Tubee OH with maeoaa. Tanr tltal ItT la radioed. To* need Or. MI'i PIHe-Tar-Honey It aootkoa your Ir rlMte? air paaaatea. Inoaena macona end matda year arstem reelat Catde sir. the Baby and Children Dr. Bell'. Extra Heat, Just "When You Need It \X/"ITH a Perfection Smokeless Cfil Heater in the house you are safeguarded when accident! happen to your heating system. perf/ction SMOKELE$?g^HEATERS Cold snap* hare no terror (or yoa, for the Perfection suppBea Just the extra heat needed to (pake bedroom, bathroom or sittinc room warm and comfortable. Burns kerosene ? easy to handle and inexpensive. Perfection Heaters are portable, beat quickly and are smokaleps and odorless. I At hardware, furniture dealers and general scores everywhere. Look foe the Triangle Trade-Mark. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Wi iiitt,.,D.c (NEW JERSEY) h..rc. KV BALTIMORE SECRETARY OF NAVY. DANIELS PRSENTS THE BADGES OF HEROISM TO MEN, % Boy? Are Honored Who Bore Tham ssivss With Distinction Under Fire in Mexican Port. Ne^f Tort ? Medals yfi honor wsre prusented by Secret -a/y Daniels to 13 enlisted men of tife United Stales Navy who won special mention for distinguished 'conduct at the occupa tion of Vera Crus in April last. The formal ceremony took place on the deck of the battleship Florida at the Brooklyn Navy?Yard and Hear Admir al Fletcher, now coaunander-lo -chief of the Atlantic fleet, who commanded the American naval forces at Vera Crus, and other high officers of ihs Navy participated. The medal win ners were: Tenry N. Nfcherson, boatswai 1't mate, first class; Abraham de chief turret captain; Joseph O. Har ner, boatswain's mate, first diss; George Cregan, boatswain's mate, first class; Lawrence Cregan, boatawsln'r mate, first class; Lawrence C. Slnnctt, gunner's mate, third class; Percy A. Decker, chief boatswain's mate; Sh>f leu F. Bishop, quartermaster, ,flrst clasn; James A. Walsh, quartermaster, third class; Charles L. Nordslek; sra man; Fred J. Schnelpel. sekmsn; Berrle H. Jerrltt, gunner's nate;Vth'rd class; William Zulderveld, hospital steward; Harry C. Beasley, coxswain; Edward A. Oisburne, electrician, sec ond class, waa not present to receive his medal, but It had been sent to him.. Secretary Daniels also read a to ig list carrying names of officers, heed ed by Rear Admiral rt etcher, and bluejacketa and marines, who had re cetved -aoeelhl mention for heroism and bravery at Vara Cruz. Before presenting the medsls, S?? retary Daniels declared that0 the out standing naval event of the past yeir was the courage, sacrifice and self restraint displayed by the officers and men qt the Navy and marine -coras ?t the' battle of Vera Crus. ? '"On answering; the call of their country," said the Ssteretary "nlre teen men. Bailors and marines, won the distinction and glory of death on the field of battle. America, thro, mourning her loes, was ilka tNlob! 'all tears.* M The SJecretsry spoke of the honors paid these heroes at the time their bodies were brought to the tinitcjd States, when President Wilson him self In an address at Brooklyn, vo'c ed the Nation's appreciation of their Beat War Kidney O.y. Doctor. Dr. 1. T. R. Nc*l, Greravllla, go Car, an that In hi. 19 THn at at p^rl.ace he has found no preparation for the kidneys equal to Foley Kid ney Pllle. Pain In back and hip. L< ?n Indication of kidney trouble? s warning to ho lid up the weakened kltlneys, make them vigorous, rid din* your blood of aelda and polio. t Foley Kidney Pllle win kelp any case of \ldney and bladder tr?ubl? and hnyond [he reach of medicine. In 60c and $!.?? alaea. Bold In your Iowa kr Davaepart's Pharmacy. MOTICM. Not Id* la hereby given thai the firm eompoeed of ). H. Meeklna and n. H. Mtterthwalte ha. be?n dlt ?iiv.d and that tke bntlnees thereof Baa been .old to Raymond Woolard ?fo la entitled to eollect all s< rannu due the Mid firm and hae a? ?uroed all ifebta payable by them The aald Raymond Woolard win continue tke bn-ineaa at tl. (lore on the east aide of Mctfalr street Repartee. A woman witness, In the coarse at a long, rambling statement, remarked: "Be said be wai a* good m me, sfd , I asld so wai I. I told hhn be* mat | oo man. and he said neither vu L" Would Have Leet 1* The tamooe author ?aa-eStt$ag ta I oouras sear London, vl T FT golfer r?<4frned from % game, "l're Ion sixteen balls today oe that beast ty co n*s*!" he exclaimed. "6l?f*eal? "ky ?r dn Pearler remarked qsii* T. "the* didn't play the laat let An Aethc Llrer If yon want good health, a clrar complexion and freedom from Dltsl ness. Constipation, Biliousness, Headaches and Indigestion, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They drive out fermenting and nndlgeeted foods, clear the Blood and enre Constlpa tlon. Only 25c, at your druggist. NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND ~~ Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Beau tort county made In the special pro ceeding entitled "W. L. Vauffhsn. Administrator of John Cox. deoMv ed. vs. Charlie Cox. a mlndr, and others, helrs-at-law of John Cox, deceased," the fame being No. ? ?? upon the special proceeding docket of Mid covnty. the undersigned com rnlasloner will, on Thursday, the 11 dA? of February, 1915. at twelve rttlock, l?., at the Courthouse door In Washington. N C.. offer for sale 'c the highest bidder for cash the following tract of land lying and oe ln*.UL Chocowlnlty township. Bean fort countr, however, subject to th" dower right of tiro widow of the said John Cox. deceased. (Emma Cox Whitfield), the said land being de scribe t s follows: Adjoining the lands of ft T. flock. Crave McGowans, Herbert Dixon, and others and consisting of J. tract* as follows: 1st. Tract: Conveyed by deed from Chas. B. Powell to Jno. Co*. May' 2. 1S9S. Book 95, page 469, Records of Besufort county, bound ed by the Washington and New Bern road and being on the east vide of said roed. and being a part of thevtrafct* of land bought by It. T. Buok from H. H. Carrow and wife by deid dated Feb IS. ltlS, and more psrtlculsrly described ad fob lows: Beginning near the Ar.A Buck place at her line at the road leading from Washington to ' New Bern, and running with the aa*d rosd northwardly to a small brsnch near the public school house. I then with the ma of said brstich tf? the old line of said Carrow tract, abound the Ann Buck land, and with her line to the beginning. Containing 10 acres' more or lets. fnd. Tract : Deeded by R. T Boetr end wlfTMarr E to John Cox.lNov ft. 1891 . Book ft. page *95, and described as follows: All that tract of lsnd specified In a deed from H H. narrow snd wife to R. T. inch -Wod Feb 15, 1*M, Book 52, page 294, Records of Besufort county snd situated on the west side of th? Washington and Wew Bern road , This being known as the Ptpey tract hounded on the north bv the lands of Rtehsrd Buck: on the east b? the lands of Ann Bock; on the tonth br the lands of Ann Buelt: on th* West by the Lewis Taylor land*, rontelnlng 45 acres more -or lem. ; la Real lam Carried Tao Faff Wa har? carrlad the cult of leaMma too far la our theater, till oat plan kat? b^ome, Is truth, ao realistic that they are not even tree of the majority Only a ?mall aectkm of the paitto- ?a Ita moat carolaat hours, erer talKa tu ?lan?lly and alopplly aa the cuanctara la a Cohan oomedy or any one of hall a hundred recent American dramas wt might name. Moreover, If r?a$m m neana that we ahaii hear-nrf n*or? baautlfu! language 09 our itace. no mora careful phrasing, ao more poetic Osure nor eloquent period, then let aa bare done with real lam, for jood aad all. Fortunately, however, man and women afcl exlat who oan and Ao talk well and carefully and eloquently. We should And entertainment tn aeelaa them repreeentad on the ataie. aad In the aklll of any playwright who caa oefghten by hla atyle the charm of well kail, virile, beautiful dialogue.? Walter Pri chard Raton, la imerlcor Ma^aaW Aviator an 4 HI* rm * T ?>? did net know kaUar," r? aarkad aa Phi lint nun, h? ? out .)? laotlnad to (Hilar. aa arlaior It ikln to a aaatlp* d? KM lani n?o I ?u tailing ? trim out > tnuia ?toman had droppMI 41 teat. T mT >? takad. 'Aad kow aaa| ku W Mt r Thaartaa and TMnfa. j OnU 0? oib.r day I Ibtaaf. * ? ^cturpr on ma-apota aipatiatlii oa ka" enfranchising ?.,d aaaokllac pern ?r of kit aotaaca. teaoktnf aa It doat ha majaatr at God aad kit tan 4* 'rrk. 1 a?raa*, at couraa. Tk*or?V aliy, 1 kaaw b? waa; jrac, a* ar mrtalf- ? aould not kale prer#rla? ?o woadar at tka Hand of tka Mrai?bt? a tka craatlon of a dandollon. HI-* w. a flonodar^-Bobart H. Oar. ? Know the Piano Lfl ? a"d ttoa ?? froaa] It doaa lot par to *?? kaph ard ia the matter at Mining ^ a piano? yo* kare too much | at atake, oopar aad fatara aatli (act loo. ; ' Tan know Mr refutation tor latetrttr amd (air daallpf. We ara kare to iter and maka good. To?r lataraata aad Hri are Idantlaal; aonpaaaaatlr, TOO an rely apas oar rtpre Maka Ua boma circle ai attrao ??? aa poealhle; |in U the CHARM I or MUSIC, that reaWal, elevating charm which eraatea parity of iheockt aad tndaaaa kltkar Meala Chas. M. Stieff L*cn 3. S tttle. Mgr. MIQra-tj w. ? MORKtLK, VA. < ? fsM Tke firm of C. 8. Ball 111 L. A. I Randolph, GMn* bnilneaa In thai county of Beaufort aad to*a of Vaahlnctoa. aelllnt rati oar. af 1914, baa thla day i In* the a bore Arm tor , ed In tke rear 1?14, <| ;l? L. A. I m