pnrr Pnt?t04HT. G+b ?' el t*tt, cheap. W. T? tfc- f-8-Vte T- -FFWNI8HKD OR UN Tnrniahed rooms. FW famlW without children. Single roomr for gentleman. lit West Seconf ?traet. -r I ' . t4Mtp. >"? \ ? FOB SALE OR RENT ON EA 8Y terms the Joe Leggett Farm, 4 0 ?ores near Stall Inns CroseRo^ds: acres fa culttratloa, plenty of timber," Sic* *tx-rooir tfoueo, neck house gad , tobaeoo bkra r*?. We?b1agton-Beaufort Tjend VWTPTWM ? FOR * TTTF. RAIjA^rv of the season we will sell Ov+t a* #fcc onart. dry m?U?nre. itone delivered. C. H. Starling. 1-1?4 to. ? i FOR SALE OR RENT? THE IIOX ner I.v Waters Farm. 50,a?res. about JLO miles from Washington, on Plnetown road, on easy term* ?Eighteen acres in cuttlraSon, plenty of wood and threft-rfom dwelling bouse. See Washing ton-Ueaufort Land Co. 2-3-10tc. Flay Is an earns* Ulnv-in M JwoC.W* a trivial matter. Play activities of children hart) mesAlag tftuch the world !? be?tnfl ff understand. Fnrents.a re reaJLl more and raori ihat children's pl?; eot' merely for fan. bat for hot strength, mental dsftfopment as* gutting of character. Krery b< should prt rlae tat mwrt In play Iflfm Wpa tv - boys st q girls- Par lb* prasepi'-tav methods of home *.r lag alms to do Uils. The home m kindergarten la not a offflcult tfc K>R SALE OR RENT ON EASY terms, the W. T. Cam pen houee and four lota loested near the Cotton -Storage Warehouse 'gnJ Hacbaey*a factory. See Washing- j -Beaufort Land. Company. * *-lttc. - I mr "H S ? - ?' '"?* ? j f WOR ?*LE ? HRVERAT. NTCK *one*a and lots on Main an<t fr" I nnd st? nets. Washington- Rea n ? r?rt Tend* Pompsny. i.u.iA*Mda ^.Vr' -bl <>* WE ARE AGENT I vet Johnson, Rradin Standard, Embfem, Hudao DaytoD and Great Wester Bicycles void for cash or b ft* French Draooon Tall* of Battle With Germane. . ..?*% ?? J, . ' Pomeranian Regiment. Makes Deepen' at? Fight to Retain Standard Sergeant Hslds Banner Alono After Comradee Die. ?y WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS. | fCaKed Praea CoVr*?pon<l?-nt.) I PariB. ? Although rent mental stand- ' ards are no longer carried In the for*-" rront of the battle, modern mrthuds of warfare have not altogether eliminat ed thoee picturesque "fights for the flas" dear to the heart of the no relist a ad painter Moat of the French and Oerman r-gttnenta carry their colors with them, and there have been Ml^j eral deeper ate lights fo> these silken trophlee, the fiercest recorded be'ng that for#tlve standard of the Sixth Pomeranian 'regiment, which now hangs la the chapel of the Tnvalldea for the inspection of French sight* seen -The story oTJts capture la told by a' French dragoon whose c*?*m?nt brought back the trophy. *Tn#dr a heavy shsirSre," he said, 'ou. r.ns supporting the dragoons had to a, fe to another position, and th? enn thinking that we'werp In m treat, hurried their sdvance.'tbe Sixth Pomeranians coming up at the double. Suddenly three large shrapnel shells from their own guns burst oyer the regiment, doing terrible execution and throwing the whole column Into oon fusion, . v. v V ' "It was the right moment for u8, aftd the dragoons charged home with lauces. The flermans rallied and formed into a square, hut tho volleys thay fired were not sufficient to break the charge, and we rode over them Trampled on by the horses, sabered aad trapsfixed by the lances, the Qer mans fled In wild confusion. - ' "One little group, however, was ral lied by im officers near asiam copae Wo did not realise the motive of theli resistance until we^caught sight or a gold and purpla flag flattering' In ths bredze. They had rallied to save thai ? flag. We rode up to them and shouted a demapd for surrender, bnt the onlj reply waa a volley whieh sent So horses c&nterlur riderless back to out linea. Oar officers ordered a charga In scattering formation, and the gal lant little group was ridden down. "The flag fell from the hands of a ?German captain "who had received s terrible saber gash across the head It disappeared for a moment In a tur moll or horses and. struggling men and then we saw it again waved de flantly by a German eergeant, wfui wfth three other man fought them salves free. They retreated shouldci to shoulder a few yards, and then with his back to a tree, the old ser geant was left alone with the fla? But he pank to the ground a moment later, his chest tranefbted by a lance. He was a brave man. "When we brought the flag back we ?aw in golden letters across its lorn -nd blood -stained (aids the words. 'Champlgny.l?71'N. \ miOLKT 3H Mm NORMAN 1% lnohra Mm "TfT w.+a K* ?? Under nni by ilrlue of (be power 'of Me contained In a. d-o<1 of truet executed by H. c; Brm,*w in<1 Vtte and II. O. Pcele end wife on Allium Ind, lilt, the .nnderelicned trontee will, on Tnwday. February teth. 1819, M It o'clock nijiii). Alt at Ijie Courthouae door. Bo*"'"-' coun ty* to the blghaet bMdcr for e^eh. tbe following deeerlkod property: k't A troot of* tend In ohacowinlM tovfcehlp end !? the tO?? of Ohoco ? Inity, county Of Beeofort And eta I fit North C r r ollpe, bounded u fo?-' ,-fle|rtnnln* et * etnlte on the weal -ide of tbe w*?hln*ton ud *Ww Hern ro?d *t \ dteunee of tS ynrdr from K. C..H?hee' end ] W. H?y?' orner; thinu- parallel with the ??? road Ho'tth 48 V.Vit JS yarde t? r throre parallel with the dt> rlefon lino between th? landi of S' C. Hojthre end J. W. llarea North *1 derrcee end 15 minute* weet ?(> yor.le lo ? nek?; thence North 41 Rent 1* yard-, lo a atrte; Ciene< i Sonth ?* (fefroca H mlbnte- Raet SO yerda lo tbe flret etntlon; con telrtnu by acioer eorfey, a fraction Ice* "then one-third of* n a.-rc. the ;:1,Lleod hartn. Me, coorcyed lo] lonth Amounted to " Wbu? ??? rworto to tk< tut? ??nt 0 1 agriculture 4a not lo tto nn? at itlon. tlx mi Baptist Convention Moots. '? There wsre present for the organ!* cation of the North Carolina Baptist 8tate convention at Raleigh 435 dele gate* with event Indication that the attendance will reach l.OM. Her. C. IL Durham. of Winston-Salem, was < Selected president for a third term. Other officer* elected ware: Vice preeldents, J.' E. Vann, Wlnston-8? lem; O A. Tata. High Point aad H P. King. Mount Airy: eerretatlee. Dr. Chaaa Brewer. Wake Forest Colleaa, *nd Rev. W. M. Gllmore, J-oulsburg: corresponding secretary. Rer. living* stoaa Johnson, Raleigh;* auditor, P. H. Brtggt, Raleigh; treasurer. Wat tan Durham. Raleigh; treasurer, tax* Durham, Raleigh; member of board of trustees to succeed Rer. W. C. Tyree. who has left the state, L. R. Pruett, Charlotte. uIORTH carouna news briefs. J. A* Durham was elected president of the Greater Charlotte Club at tha annual . mealing reoently. Ha auo* reeds Mr. C. 43. Hook. The T^>mmunJty C|ub of Header ?on vine, recently held "their first meeting In their new 95,800 building* The Bulletin Is the n^me of anew paper which will be laaued monthly from AshevHle beginning in Janeary. The publication will be edited by tha Methodists of the Abbeville distri* ?>f the Western "North Carolina Cog loreace of tha Methodist Ep*scopil church. South The town of Whttev'.Ue will soon iaave a white way. High Point has just paaaad a car* few law forbidding children under 18 lo be on the streets at night. _ Columbus county farmers are get ting loans on cotton stored la ware* -houses. ~ David Bryant, an old colored man. and his wife were robbed of $201 while they slept la their home near Orifton an a recent night, according to a report received by the authorities at Klnston ?* Spencer is soon to hare a national [ One Halifax farnfer shipped two carloads of hogs recently. The seventh district medical sod' ?ty .will meet next at Rutherfordton. Many parties. of dear barters from all over the state are in tha sand hllle. I^ee county will rote for the issue Of another $100,000 good roads bonda January If. Capt. Jessie Wilder, aged 78. prom* Inent naval statesman of Wilming ton . died recently. District Attorney F. I>. Whistoti want to Washington and got the prom ise of United States Treasurer John Btfrke, former governor of Wyoming, to go to Raleigh to speak January 18 The Invitation waa extended by the Bar Association. Tha Catawba county board of edu cation has purchased 11 acres for the farm life school at 8 tar-town. The people have given 10 acres for the sohool which raakea 21 acres in all. It Is rumored that the Norfolk Southern railway wilt extend their track to Cape Ixx>kout. * John L. Hendrix, aged 88, promin ent. Oullford county cltlxen, died a few days ago. Hickory cltlsens have formed a charity organization and will carry On their work lr a systematic manner. Hon. T W BlcketC delivered ths annual address at the Blks memorial at High Point Dr C. W. Stiles of tha United 8tate* public health service, snd Dr. L. L. Luniaden, one of the foremost sanita tion experts of the public health a er vice, Bpent som? time in Wilmington and New Hanover county inspecting the fine work that haa been adoom piished during tbe .paat year. In older to encourage farm boy* 1 6 equip themselves for farm work some handsome prizes la the form of A. * M. so bo Iambi pa are being offered by buaineaa houses of Raleigh and else where. In a number of other countlea of the state the Idea of sehoiarsklpe ?o corn club boys la btcorofng popular. Jeimle Stearns, aged 16, of Charlotte lotto, was accidentally ahot and kUfc ed by his J 6-y ear-old comrade. Leon ard Honeycutt, while bunting recently. The policy of the new board o* Buncombe oounty commissioners, aa a inn.ineed at the meeting held re cently. will be to maintain tbe pree ent roads which traverse the cotinty w.ther than to build new ones. Daumge to the amount of tlOjtOt wan dona by a fire a few nights ago to plant of the Ashevllle Milling --ny, on Haywood street, the km oovered by lasartnoe te the 1 "* |lf,0*?. Does Relieve I jdy who It aflUeted with Rheumatism In any form should b> , ? keep a bottle of Bl0?n'?| on hand. The talatt* fffcl to Mm ml oowSeas to Burnish huwm ?oil Deficiency May le Rwtor?d K Crop Is Pl?>wd Under ? Roots Oo to ConeWerable Depth. Why sow row pen a? Why put acres and acres of land In this legume that wss once confined almost exclusively to the 8outb and has now become one of the staple crops that Is feeling Its way a few miles farther toward tha Canadian boundary every year? I will confea* I *& a cow pea crank, says an Arkansas writer In Farm Progress. I donl have the idea that ft is the mainstay and the backbone of all farming operations, bat 1 am wilting to maintain Chat it will do more than any other legume we have to ward maintaining our soil fertility. 1 can enumerate a good many reasons why every farmer who can grow cow peaa should grow them. And' among those reasons I want to place the maintaining of our soils first. Maybe they are not so neces sary in the deep-soil oountftes, but In shallow soiled sections where the hard pan lurka but a few lnchee under the surface and the clay ribs of the hills show after a few years' cultivation, the oowpea is a greater aid than any other one crop. Take the roots and the stubble What are they worth in dollars and centa? If you boaght the fertility they pull out of the air you would pay from $2 to $4 an acre for it. They are, huieua, fertility, renewed vigor, the promise of immediate results and the hope of many a future yield. Molt .of. our soils jare deficient In humus. They have 'Been ever since we cut the timber off the wooded lands or turned'under the original sod of deep rooted prairie grasses. Wo have neglected the humus -aide of soil maintenance for a many a long day The cow pea vinea, roots and leave? will help to restore it if we will turr them under. If tha pea crop is turned under when full of aap and at the height of its growth it win be worth r great deal to tha land. Meij^buy subsolling plows and use them. "Cowpeas will do much of thlF necessary work. The roots will do the eubsolling. as they reach down sn(* down after moisture and soil stuff They go to considerable depths and thay take with them through the chan nals In the earth, the air and the rain water from the upper levels. Collapse or o .? Wm-f. Kansas City, Mo.? Nina mer wer caught here in the collapsa of s wood en canopy built to protect pedc Irian passing a million dollar hotel buiMIn under construction. Two ware killoc and si* seriously Injured. Walter 8. Dickinson, an actor of L!b epln, Neb., died |n hospital Hl? skull was fractured. The otn< r dear' Victim was a negro. James Mclean business agent for a labor union wa in a critical condition. 1l* others li Jured were workmen employed on tl building TRY THIS FOR TOUR OOtTHH Thousands of people kaap -eotigi ng because unable to gat tha rig) remedy. Coughs arc caused by 1 lamination of Throat and Bronchi robes. What you naad is to sooth ids Inflammation. Take Dr. Kin? Vew Discovery. It paaetratea tha dc cata mucous lining, ralaoe t> Phlem and quickly relieve* the coi rested membranes Oet a He bo?t' 'ro*? your druggist. MDr. Kins' Mewk Discovery quickly and eoi. i lately stopped my *o?tV **** f. R. Watts. Floydale, Texas. Mon 'jack if not satisfied, bat It near ilwaya helps. Neighborly Advice Freely Mm b r > Waahla(toa OIU When one bu nlOM torturer from * bad twt ud fonnfl rallar from the achaa ud pftina, (hat par ?on'a >dr1oa la at uatol ralua to flianda and neighbor*. Tha- follow lag neighborly ad-rt^e comae from a Washington reeldant) Mr. M. BawjraryiS Third itreet pvanhlnrhxi. ?ar?"^aT?ral yeara a* o 1 n^a thrown from a buggy aad my back aid kidneys became weak I bad dall, nagging palaa IB my bark aad acroee my Iota*, la tha aorilnit 1 was ao aora and tired ao easily I didn't fool Ilka doing anything Th.. kidney secretions vara Irregular la >MU|< Having haard or Doan'a Kidney pill". I procured a box and thrr aoon rallavad ma. They etrength eoeA mr back aad relieved tba other ymptoms of kldnara tronhle. I glad ly raoommond Doan'e Kidney Pills." Prlw I Or. at al Mara. Don't .imply ask for a kidney regwdy? the Dona's' Kldnay Pllla? tba Sam. that *1?. a., . . WILL PROTECT EXPORTEM Pfm idawt Wilson Pareeflftfty Mir vieee the Peoumont Frumd In ?tats Department. ?WahlMto#.- *be United 8ta*es dispatched a loaf note to Greet Brit ain I no la ting on an eeriy Improvement more* by Brl^sh tnto. It waraed England that much feeling bad b??a * routed tn this oountry aad that pub tic criticism was general over unwar ranted Interference with the legiti mate foreign tr*de of the United States. The document, cons tl rating the atrocgeet repreeenUUoo on the subject made by the United States to any of the belligerent*, was cebleo to ArabaesadoY Page to be formally preeented to Sir Edward Orey. the British foreign saeretsry Ha prepara tion waa begun a month ago by Solid tor Cone Johnaon, Counselor Robert Laming and Secretary Bryan and dnr Ing the laat two weeka had toe *er sonal attention of Preeldent Wliaon who reerlsed lta phraaeology wltb minute care. Aa the detailed point of view of the United Statee In the numerous specific caaea of detentions and sels nrea of cargoes bad been aet forth In a aerlea of emphatic protect* moat of which have gone unheeded.' the com munieatlon waa couched in general terms ooterlng the entire aubjeot oi the relations between the United States and Great Britain a a affected by the letter's naval policy, conelder ed hlghy objectionable to thla govern meat. The note declare* at the outset that the representations are made In a friendly spirit but that the United Statee considers It best to apeak In terms of frankness lest silence be oonatrued as an acquiescence to a policy of Great Britain which Infringes ?he lights" of American citizens un der the laws of the nations. Since Franoe has virtually adopted 'he same policies on contraband ar Oreat Britain today's note Is a state iient Intended for all members of the Triple Entente. The documents point out that com plaints - on every aide and publ'r criticisms in the United States hold the British policy aa dlrecUy respon sible for ths depression In msny American industries. Reimbursement llone for cargoea unlawfully detained jf seised, It atates, does not remedy he evil as the chief difficulty la the moral effect on American exporter? *io are restrained from taking risk* oi* fc a sards which in no case ought to jurronrd legKlraate trade between he TTn?*?d State* and other ne GERMANY PAYS FOB AN AUTO ;hlcago Man Recelvee 12,000 Mark* for Car Worth Only 14,000 When New. Chicago.? The efficiency of the Ger man government la ahown In more ways that oi\c according to Ferdinand dunte of this city. One of these ways ? not ao well t*o*n ? la the promptnesa with which he government paya Its debts. Mr. Bunte exhibited a letter from an gent of the mlfltary commission 1n Huttgart, Informing him that IZ',000 narks had boen deposited to his cred t In a ^German bank by the govern neiit. "I keep an automobile In a garage n Stuttgart," he aald, "fbr I go to :un;pe every year to sse my daugh ^rn and five grandchildren. I Went ?i Europe laat February and was aught In the war. My automobile hlch cost me 14,000 marks, was com lunrieered by the government for fuse t tho army. Two days later the mill ?ry commission paid 12,000 marks for ie automobile. I had ueed the auto tobile for a year, and this waa a goo' rice." :orth Carolina, February Term, I ? I. V? Beaufort Oosmtjr Superior Govt. GEORGIA BURNS Asalsst HARRV BURNS To the Defendant above named: You are hereby notified that; an ictton entitled as abcrve hag. btoen net It a ted against yon In the Bn^er 'or Court of Beaufort county, whfrre 'n the plaintiff ta asking tor a" di vorce from bed and board. Ton are further notified thai s ?om plaint In aald action baa been luly -filed. The anmmona In aald ictlon la returnable at the Court Ho nee at Wia*h0nj?ou, N. O. on he ISth day of February. 1916, and von are required to appear and an swer or demur to tbe complaint therein or tha relief demanded frill be granted. This 7th day of Jan. 1911. 1 (MO. A. PAlIIi. Clerk Superior Court 1-8-4 wc. W. B. HAM.. j MatiMritwJ f ? 1 There's a Steady Job At Bank of Washington Washington. N. C. 4 PER CENT. INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY More Loss From ^Windstorm This time nearer home ? in Edgecombe County. Why no! get Windstorm Insurance before the Tornado set! you? Wm. Bragaw & Co. First Insurance Agent* In ^Washington. N. C. J LION WOOD Utmkm H*m Yart Coctoa -M lft? W LI J. LEON WOOD & CO. BANKERS and BROKERS P" rlfBta wtraa to l?? York Stoek tnj?p Mum* < two? >1 Ilm QmM Ati Don't Talk High Prices Phone us your orders, special prices on Flour. Full line of heavy and fancy groceries. SGOTT & BERGERON Crystal Ice Cream Let Us Make Your St. Valentine Special Call Up And Ask Us Phone 83 Crystal Ice Co. Positive Protection Absolute elctrical efficiency guaranteed by us when we do your wiring. No cross currenCs, slip-shod Installations or dangerous complications. Just High-Class Installations That will do the work and preserve your safety We are masters of the electrical art. Now Located In Latf^hlnghouse Building. The Electric Shop, wm. Knight, Mgr ???king Tenant*. A fellow wai telling us that when he COt the Job as a renting mkh be was ?o green he started seeking tenants ?n quite an original way Ha called on the lire station* covering localltlee where his building* were situated and a box *>f ctgara to the Bremen grd aed a promise to phone him every time a (Ire occurred. Day o?- night he covered the Area. It wasn't vary difficult to get tenants, as ha arrived at the psycho logical moment when a man's eta** or office was In flri&es and anythw In the way of floor of thla kind was ap preciated and many or these tenants became permanent, (or naturally, after being secured under these excep tional circumstance#, a atrenuous ef fort iB made to give them better serv lee than they bad previously. ? Bull* tar ? ?^?at A circular Tour. V?rr V- Uttla ring, 'twu |1>n bmr by '"d erarywh?ra that Mary want th*t ??*g wan Bora to go. 8b? look thw /fa^ with har on? day. whan ?ha werii ir; to tea, whara ?b? might ?How It to the girls, who numbered t**enty-tbra?. Avd whan tie glrla all thf f*m they made ? groat ado, with one rolo_: "Ha? It at Wat got round to yoaf* Knew Something About It. Shocked Visitor ? "Do vou mm (? ?ay, Bobbin, that you have narar r Ml the Bible?" Bobbie (trying to kaap up appaarancnn) ? "Wall, 1 may not have road It. but I know what tt la. all right " "Well, what Is UT" "Why, it's the 0ook they gat moving plctor* ?tori"- '"oru." ? Ufa UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU M DONT STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED Hi CuJMJafcato. OaJowH aikfi Jfm nick; ymi W ft 4ft?r'? work Calomel in qufefmilwr and it eftllTftteei, eftkweel injures jour livrr. If you arm Mitotic; f?l U*v, Tour drtijrplrt or dealer eelU ynm a 80 rent bottle of Dodaon'a Ur?r Tom under my peraonal rutruiU* thai it will eleaa your nluggifth liver Utter than ii Arty calomcl ; it won't make you *U>k and you can eat anything you nit without being lallvated. Your druggist guar anion that ftach upoonfat will atari your li*er. clean your bowda and HtraigWn you up by morning or you get your money back. OtUdrcM Mr take Dodaon'a Liver Tone because It la pleasant tasting and doesn't grip* or cramp or tnak* them sick. T am siting million* of bottlsu of TVtdsnn'* Uw Tow# to people ?W fc?? found that tl.i- pleasant, n " medicine Ukr* the plaoe i ? nH4M>

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