New Theatre 171711 Sat. Night rEJD, O THE SHOW THAT LETT ALL CHICAGO TALKING LE COMTE & FLESHER Offer THt Gorgeous Musical Spectacle The PRINCE OfJTONIGHT ?Y ADAMS. HOUGH 4 HOWARD ' 260 ? TIMES AT THE PRINCESS THEATRE Chicago's Most Popular Playhouse. Overflowing with Song Hlta and Stuanlaj Show Glr!*. Metropolitan Cast with TOM ARNOLD SUPPORTED BY Mable Laffin, Eva Phelps, Vera LaVere, Frank Harsh, Tom Hopgood, Lew Naden, Charles Corwin and the RA. "PF'O'PI F1 PRINCESS Pri* BEAUTY CHORUS UU *r?ivrili>-?u PoDey Ballet of Wonderful Dancer* rr 1 Tlinrn The Blue and Silver Ballet. L L A I IIUL V Delft Forest in the Land of the Moon." '? 1)1 I 1 1 1| | || Lithe Fairies Dancing in an Emerald Gloom I Lll I Ulil>w Water ? Fete and Banquet? Grand Illumination Special Feature *? Wilkin 3 and Burch in Prices 50, 75, 1.00 and 1.50 Seat Sale Next Thursday 10:00 a. m. Worthy & Etheridge Cur!ou? Army Toitt. ? ? ?hp U 'lab reglraenta the -* h..v? tb?r moa . curious 1 1 forms part of the cere ,v ? grand dinner given annu .* : >i !'iivid'p day. After the din i - 'V.i J. 'ur. r accompanied b? mascot of the fusileera, ? .1 v. uh rvbtttM of red and blue 1 i:.*v feet front, bv 93 ?' 1 H feet being left as an al " e imod In nnnmon by those I ?*1* lots to, or to their heirs nnd this lot No. 2 lies ' "nrrer lot deeded to R ? ?id the third lot sold t' | ? -t-?n The lot No. 60 was ^'aton sold to Bangham ? *y deed dated JOth' day tR92. and recorded l? I OS Heaufort county inrt Wm. Rragaw convey n-cJ ?o on* out b> meetly it Is vow." Looking Backward. Oar first years at school wore noi made easy and Joyous to ui by tbe modern methods of the kin dergarten and other almllar ay* tpms of ficquJi'lug knowledge with out effort, and we thereby ea caped the effect a of the fallacy that learning and education can be at tsiined without paina and concentra tion or the mind. We were constant!: drilled at achoo! In mental arithmetic and other studies of a kind tot roach eltBhee, 1 am told, by the youUx of to day and ynfashionable with modera educators vt young children; and at home we were urged In season and nut. as we then 'hough*, to Improve our minds. to contemplate serious' ?hlngs. and enperlally snd most quently. to read good bookn, pu/ticu larly those books which rf-quli^d ef fort for their understanding and ma* *yy ? C*?ora' P Vrett In the Atlantis NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of power of salo contained In a Deed of Trust from M. T. Bradshaw to the under nlgnrd O. Rumley, trustee, dated Janury 17th. 1914, and recorded in ?ho Register's office of Beaufort (.ounty, North Carolina 1n Book 164. page 243, the undersigned will ?el for cash before the Courthouse doo of Beautort county, N. C.. on the*2; day of Feb. 1915, at 12 o'clock noon the following described real cstat* to- wit: Beginning on the North side o the public road known as thi Mill road, at an iron axle, driven i tho ground, at the corner of the lane sold by Harry McMullan and Dat lol L. Perry to Henry C. Cherry an wife; thence with the nald Henry ( Cherry and wife's line. North 2 East 92 1-2 poles; thence North 8< 12 Went 22 polee, to a marke sum. Cooper -*nd Jackeon'a corne. n Noah B. Hodges line, thence wit) Noah B. Hodges line. North 43 Ba? >8 poles, to Cooper's corner; th??c North 81 East 20 poles to Jackson' oorner; thence South 18 1-4 Eas 31 2-5 poles -to a pine stamp; 4henc? Soath 8 Eaat 18 2-8 'polee; thenc South 13 1-2 Eaat 10 poles; thenc South 39 West to the North side o the Mill rosd; thenee with the Nortl side of the Mill road to the begin nlng; containing 181.8 sores, ss sur ?eyed by. John B. Reaps? on Janu ary 9th, 1914; being same land thl day conveyed to the psrty of th' first part by Harry McMnllsn an wife and Daniel I?. Perry, to whlcJ deed reference Is made for furtfce description. This 21 wt day of .Tan. 1918. O. RUM LET. Trustee. ? : ? , I MRS. J. ?. PUP. Froprtatrs ? 148 Cor. Booond ft Htfwy 8 m WMhlD?n the store building hereinbefore lescrlbed. and being the only slock I of goods, wares and merchandise 'xtures and book accounts owned by artles of FIRST PART. Demand having been made on me ?y the holders of the notes secured ?y said Deed of ?Trust. this sale Is 'eld to satisfy said Indebtedness. This 27th day Jan. 1915. EDWARD L. 8TEWART, ' Trustee. 1-2 9-4 wc. Where She funded It. When Illicit distilling was commas u\ the Hifhlands there was an old ky-pots. The aau*er met ilm one d?.y, and. surmising t'uci he bad been d*lng repairs at no grert dlr 'ance, aske l what bo woo Id take to t*? 'orm hlm *the ghugcr) where he h*4! repaired the last whlQky-pou "Orb ?' laid the ->ld man. 'shell situs' taW oalf a crown " "Done.** retorted the fauger. "Here Is your uiouey but be careful to tell me correctly.'1 "Och, ?ha'. I no tell tho gentleman a !ee. J t-hust mended tho last whisky pot ? here lh?? bnle was " NOTICE OK SALE. Under and by virtue of the power >f pale contained in a mortgage deed executed by Thomas Crawford and wife, dated April 24th, 1914, and iuly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Beaufort coun >y In Book 177, page 439, which Is !iereby referred to, the undersign ed will on the 22nd day of Febru ary, "fo 15, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courttrpuse door in Be?aufort coun *,y, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, the following descrlb-| ?id real estate, to-wit: Beginning at James Smith's cor ner, and running with his line to s jum in Brown's run; thence to the Crawford dltchr-,thencd with said ilteh to the old roaJ to the begin ning, containing eleven and throe juarter acree, more or less. ThlsJHKh of. Jan. 1915. EDWARD -L. 8TEWART. Mortgagee. l-23-4wc. Chew "Bobs" 5e. the packet or two "Bods" for a cent at all the better stands and stores. WARM hearted little things? these "Bobs"! All the pep and the mint of the peppermint, all the chew of the gum? with fine white coats of candy, and made heart shape 'cause everybody loves them so. Bobs" give you real flavor Literal Interpretation. ? Au alert little girl, learning with tui ?riso that she mast nut whisper 1b thurrH. promibed, if permitted to go tgaln, not ?o tran*grenh in such man ner Auntie, talcing the child to a briefer Merle*. waa surprised. In tha v.lddle of the senaon. to find that >li? No wh.?sj>erlBg!" command lad ra ?elved quite literal lnierpret*tlcn Oh, auntie," -ilghed her small com panion, gently bu? *lth terrific ol**r less, ?why did we ooroe to hear tb'j ireacher? He's worse than the otfca C?e we 'jeard last wm!" Lenient British Judges. It Se a noteworthy fact that during hia BO yea. V practice at the Rngli,li bar. Sir Edwc'vd Clarke was never Jn? strumental In securing a death penal* ty. Unless an argument against a prla oner before the privy oouncll on a rolonlaJ appeal be so devnribed. Even j T.ore remarkable, perhaps, ta the rt-O ord of two Irlnh Judges, Bnroo Fi tiger ?ld, who was on the lytnch w? 2# years and never once pronouncee ? ?apltal sentence, and Lord Morris, who int for 22 years and never hanged a "rimlnaL New Theater One IMIjjhl Only WED. FEBRUARY lOttl The Big Musical Comedy You Have Be?n Waiting For Society Event of the Season WITH ^ Calla Mnvis, Jaaala Wlllln?h?m, A lex LoHua. i Original W?b?r Tkaalar Naar York Production, ar'a Na* York Tliaatar. SE? THB I.ATI9T PARISIAN DANCM, "TANOO Sana Oonptpr and Pro4?tloa TDa< Playad Louloriin. BlmlDCtiam. Mampkto, and all tha Pi aa of Ik* stoma l?k State Iftid or Fresh Brssd. Most peraoni don't like stale bit *4 to well as fresh, though many oc?n slder It more digestible. As s mattss of fact, fresh bread Is just as 'digest* tble ss stale. If It oe chewed as much, but Its very softness is a tempi itioa to chew It too little; hence It Is nr al lowed without the admixture of enough saliva to digest Its stardfc. < Stale bread, on the other hand. 1 a dlfr Qcuit to swallov unless thorough!? chewed. The difference between fresh a ud stale bread Is merely a matter oi water. In bread as It oomee from Oie oven the crust is drv and oris# tud the .crumb ia moi5l and soft, be iauf?o all the water Id In the criupb \a hours or days pass the crust sb age 808 Register's, office of Beau ort county, and heroia referred to J will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse ioor of Beaufort county on Tuesday i'he 2nd day of March, 1*11, at 12 o'clock noon,. the following describ ed land oonveye Mil ?n4 umpl.t* ?.? . - .. m .. _ _ . ? *? ? 4 A ' M <*criot?on of tho ssid two tract* of '? Mr. C: 1 rlT?d U> i K ?? " Ml* Lola ?Ue Kuest West Second Mr. HoMt, Oonto.; W u Mr not, lMt OVKRVKJHT RELIEF ? W>R OONWMPATIOBf ? Wbu the bowel* become dec red with a maw of pfclsonous Ktoraaeh waste, tick headache with ell IU attendant ra leery, belch I nc of eour stomach fea rer t are sure to follow. * A mild, please tit laxative-ton- ? * lc that will carry off the con- ? * geeted mate without upsetting * * the stomach or griping the bdW^"** ?" els, Is the combination of aim- ' * pie laxative herbs with pepsin * ?sold In drag stores under the * ? name of Dr. Caldwell's Ryrup ? * Pepsin. A dote taken Just bo- ' * fore retiring will afford grate- * I ' fui relief next mornlag, without ' ' unpleasantness or discomfort. * - Dr. Caldwell's 8yrup Pepeln Is'* ' the Ideal family remedy, espe- ' * daily for the women aad ehll- ? ' dren and 6ld folks. A free trial * * bottle can be obtained by writ- ? * Ing to Dr. W, B. Caldwell. 461 ? ? Washington 8L, Montlcello. 111. * "I Eat ^ ? I Grape-Nuts A? Yost Round and it (Erect with me," wita* a doctor, "better than any breakfast food on the market? unteu there k one I have not tried." Grape^Nut* it Scientifically prepared to acree with both Strone and wrak diecntion*. Lotgt bakinc ? about ?? hotirt partially pr?^!(f*ttt . thft vtarch celit for quick, eaty aMitrtilatkra. ' jl?*idr*. Grape-Nut* tup plica, in concentrated form, all the nutriment of wheat and bailey, including the invaluable mineral cle ment* often' lakinf in or dinary food Wax-amled? criip--re ady to eat? and economical. "There'a a Reason" for Grape-Nuts