OR SALB OR WOTT ON EASY terms t he Joe Leggett Farm. 40 aerea ne?r Bulling* Crooe Roads: eight ??m to cultivation. plant* of MmVr. nice ?1x-roorr bout*. n*f*Vh*wp# tobacco barn **-? '^-?htegtou-Beaufort Land; Oommmy. I-S-10tc j ?-%irr im_**TF>ciM4N TO SRT.T f ??*-*???????* OU? TTon** and Ban* *?*?.?? B1sr eref '*? ' rn???nn?f?^ tt?*ntar ComM ??? n?ve1end. Ohio. ?w%w ??r,w or witnt? twr row nor T W?twr? Farm. B# tn-p* 1# mfl&e from Washington on Ft net own road, on easy term* IMrtMB ?qtm to cultivation. - plenty * of wood and three-roem dwelling houee. Boo Washier ton -Beaufort Land Co. 8-8-lOtc. Not Dteooncerted. An old negro minister was recently interrupted la the conrae of hU ier ?on by a loud laugh from one of the congregation. He stopped bis dls eourae, and eald: *T)e poatle baa toW oa dat >r hearty laugh does good Ilk' Medicine,' hut de brudder is 'specifu ? 'minded dat dls ain't er doctor's p "*"< 'f -*>?*>? r^i-VY shop" m> Bverybody whf. Is afflicted wit: Rheumatlem to any form should b all means keep a bottle of 81oan* Liniment on hand. The minute yoi feel pain or soreneaa to Joint or mo* eie, hatha Ik with 81oan'a Liniment Do ndt rub It Sloan's 'penetrate.' almost Immediately right to the sea< of paint, relieving the hot, tender swollen feeling, apd making the part easy and eomfortable. Oet a bottl rye SSKK:: ? Mnlait colds, aor* ui nroll* ba^k !f Lot satisfied; but It doee giv i r Johnson, RfjHdinj lard. Emblem, Hudsnr on. and Great Western :les sold for euh or on b dty all work fjuaran bo4r warmth Ml* M. lnh*)6d with < W JffW ??*? m? mm _ ?Vapo^b wocssaasAm TREAT feYEGLASStS TO BATH Common Method of Relishing Cannot Bo Kxpected to Remove All the I T Do 70a ever give yoar eyeglasses ? bath? It not, give them a surprise and aee ho* 70a Uke the result. Especially la hot weather, who# dampness and duet form a gummy combination on the eyelashes, the wearer of glasaee or spectacles will And hla vision. apparently, much Im proved by glring them a thoroug| washing* daily with soap and warm water, followed by drying and polish ing with tissue paper. The gumcdy substance which oollecta on the lenses la hot weather cannot be removed by a mere rubbing with chamois or tissue paper, and the more huml^ the day. the more necessary become* the eye glass bath. An oculist, who knows the Import ance of well washed lenses, carried In his pocket a vial of alcohol. It takes but a moment to moisten the corner of a handkerchief and remove the combination of dust and moisture from his glasses. Another business man baa the case of bis glasses Inter lined with a folded bit of sort tissue, ?ttch as Is used for oopvlng letters In offices. This Is *0 soft that It Is easUy (bided Into the small space of the spectacle case. No 4ust collects on this as It does oh the velvet lining, and the tissue interlining 1* renewed " day or two [ Monterey Held By Carranxa. Laredo, Texas.? Monterey Is held by Carranxa troops, according to reports, which aaltl that Geo. Maclovlo llerrera arrived tWfre wtth a large force. When JI'Sirera'B troops approached Monterey the 'citizens took them for Villa troops and for a while pande monium- reigned. General Herrera lurriedlr sent out scouts who inform Jd the populace that no Villa troops vers In- sight and by night cdndiUqns *e-e &prsoachlng normal again. VII i'b catturo at Vlvtoria Is seml-ofcl oun's Kidney Pills. Wasnlngton'is no exception. Every aeotlon of the U. 8. resounds with praise of Doan'a Kidney Pills. Thirty thousand persons are giving testi mony in their home newspaper*. The sincerity of these wit hisses, the fact that they live So near, is the beet proof of the merit of Doan's. IloroV a Washington case: R. B. Wesson. 12 7E. Msin 8t., Washington, pays: "Several yeirs ago I had a dull pain In toy brick and across my loins. I? the morning ^ was sore and .stiff and fcould ilot bend tp put on my ahoes. After fit ting for any length of time. It took me several minutes to straighten up again. I also had headaches - shd Idlssy spells. Finally I procni'ed Doan'a Kidney Pills and they sored me of the trouble. I always recoWu mend Dpan's Kidney Pills to anvdne f hear complaining <\t weAk Jcldneyp." Price 6O0. at. all dealers. Don't imply ask for a kidney remedy ? <*t . "icin*. Kldtt.r ?m? that Vr F?.t?r-MI1burn , 0. Props., Buffalo* N. V. , MMiBina or ?? Under and' by virtue of the power', f sale contained In a deed of triist ?xecutod ny H. Oi Brapaw and Wife .nd M. f wn-blp and fn the town of Choco n't? county of Beanfort and stat? North bounded as fol ws: Beginning at a st*ke on the west de of the Washington and Now road a? a distance of IS gafd* -dm N. C Hnghss* aad J W. Hays' ' thence parallel with ths sSI'' ?ad Sonth 4R-We?t M yards to s I'm; tffehCe parallel With the dl Mon line hetwe-n UW*' 1nnd* of N Unrbe* and J W Hb^es North x d**reea snw (/enfl ahould grow them. And among those reasons I want to I place the maintaining of onr soils , first. Maybe they *ra not so aso+s sary In tha daep^ofl countries, bat In | shallow soiled ssettons where tha hatd pan lurks but a few ineheg under the I surface and the olay ribs of t$a hills, tfhow after a faw years' cultivation, tha oowpea la a greater aid tat* any other one crop. Take tha root* -and tha stubble.) What are. they worth In dollars ahd cenUT If you bought the fertlUty they pall out of the ah; yoa would pay from M to M an sofa for ft They are hamae.- fertility, ranewed rigor, tha promise of Immediate results and tha .hope of njany a fatu re yield. Moat of our soils aravdefldaat la numus. They hare been ever sfnoo llnW?. tha aroptr that an ?Kunim K?. takan plara off Rio Oranda 4*1 Koitt BtnU, batwaan tha British h?ttl< crulaar Von de Tann, adding that thi Von dor Tttfn hu baan auk. Villa LloV? Carranxa fai-oaa. twado. Tar? Oarraoi* troop, iv dar Onarai Antonio vniaraal i-i>4 Maclorlo Herrara hara boan 4mI?|Vf It data* tod br tha foroaa of Oonarn Vlliat Baitlilo, Mirloo, and ara V* treating toward Montarar with ?>< Villa foroaa In cloaa pnrault. Aaotlla ?ngagamant la axpaotad at MontarV Tha defeat of tha Carraaaa armr j It eal4 to haae reeoWed from a teletn daratandtnK of ordara tha troopa of VtlHraaJ and Harrara baoomlng 4a morailaad aftar pnalUav* of ad ran tag* IITWIEN adv. OIPARTM INT AND MILITIA l? RKA30N. OFFICERS BEGIN MOVEMENT Will Try to Held Organisation TV Qether UntH New Ooverner Comes Into Offlcs. Colombia, 8. C. ? Governor BImn has disbanded the South Caroline on , ganlsed mill tie. ThlrtjHme com par nlea, comprising approximately 2.000 officer* and men, are affected. Die agreement between the governor and militia And war department official* on the organisation and equipment of troope was given aa the reaaon for the action. MUltla officers began a movement to pitovedt complete disorganisation Telegrams *#ere sent to South Caro lina members of Congress at Wash ington requesting that the? use their Influence to have the war department Vlay asking the return of $200,000 voi th of supplies loaned the troops. Governor Blease wlfl retirt January 19 and Governor Manning, his succes sor will be asked to re-Instate the sol* diers.- b?." ? While Mr. Msnnlng has not yet In dicated what action he wfll take, it waa considered certain by militia of fleers that h/ would rescind the actYon of Governor Blease. Adjutant General Moore has gone to Washington to confer with war Department 'officials on the situstlon Governor Blease explained in hit order disbanding the troops that the secretary of war and the secretary of the navy asd Adjutant General Moore of South Carolina on one side and himself on the other, prompted him to take this step. These differ encee, he said, resulted In serlour breeches of discipline In the mllltls corps. "The present governor of the State of South Carolina is of the opinion that it will be unfair and unjust on hit part to turn over to his successor' ir office the mllitls of South CaroL^^^i Its present condition," the ordo?3H | The controversy between GoverAo B'ease and Adjutant General c-Mo#r* waa said to have been the result o> the governor's refusal to sign certain orders and official papers presented I to him by the adjutant general. tor Co* Lansing Ing the so oal attention who reeriaed minute car*. Aa the data! lad point of view tha Unltad State* tm tha no marc specific caaas of detaatleaa and aala uraa of oargoea bad been set forth tn A serlee of emphatic protean moat of which have gone unheeded, tha com munication waa oouched la general term* oorering tha entire subject of the relatione between tha Unltad 8 {alee and Great Britain aa affected by the letter's naval policy, consider ed hlghy objectionable to this goru ment The note d>etarat at the outeet that the representations are made in friendly bplrit but that the United Statee oonslders It beet to apeek In terma of frankneea leet alienee be construed a? an acquleecence to policy of Great Britain which Infringe* '.be rights ' American cltisena an der the lawe of the natlona. Slnco Franc* baa virtually adopted the aame pollclea on contraband aa Great Britain todav's note la a state rent Intended for all members of tha Triple Entente. The documenta point out that com plaints on every aide and public criticisms In the United 8tatee holl the Britlah policy aa directly reapon sible for the deprassk>n In man? Vmorican Industries. Selmbursement done for cargoee unlawfully detained or seised, It atates, doea not remedy the evil a? the chief difficulty la' the moral effect, on American exporters ho are reetralned from taking riaka or hazards which In no caae ought to surround legitimate trade betwa the Statee and other n^' GANGRENE MICROBE IS FOUND Amsrlean Ambulanoe Service 8ur fleons In K re nee Make Dleoovery ef Greateat Imports no*. PariB ? a microbe oaualng gangrene tn bullet and ahrapnel wounds ha&J been dlaoorered by Drs. James Scar ?ett and Gaorgat Desjardlns of the American ambulance strvfoe. E?viou?ly Initial ^rttaree all were ?Mfce, leading to tha^ belief of aden> VPPoi.it tba disease' waa cauaed not by a tingle germ, but by a combination germs. After much research and axiierlmentatlon on horaea and guinea pig a, 'a single bacillus baa been dlscov- ; ?red and tsoiated ind tba serum Is' *lng prepared by Dt. Heart Wetsberg >f the Paataur Institute. The discovery is expected tn medics, lrcles to have world-wide importance The serum Is being Injected Into pa lants on tfee battlefield In the early ;ta~es of tiifeotlon,' obviating am put* Ions and preventing a great ioea o* 4ft*. Jforth Osrollas, February Term, r ioib ? Beaufort Ooaut? ?wp?rior Court. GEORGIA BURNS Agatuet HARRY BURNS To tha Defendant above named: Ton are hereby notified that an action entitled fee abuna baa bean Instituted a gain ft you In tba Super lor Court of Baaafort county, where in the plaintiff Is asking for i di vorce from bed and board. . Tou are further notified that ? complaint tn said notion baa b^M duly filed. Tba summons In sdld action la returnable at tba Ocirt House at Wbefafuglton, N. O., en tba lBtb day of February. lMI.ebd you are required appear afld fin swer 'or demur to tba complaint therein or tha relief demanded Will be iran tod This 7th a?r of )?. me. ?4 u *4mtaM?ter ?< W. B. Htn. dMHNdi lat* at B??nfort connlr. ?d< *11 pinou koMto# ofltfc, n*ato*t th? Mid nUU will >T?i?t Ik* *u? ?? a* 4(17 wIM wltkta on* r**r from thli UH or tkla ?o (In will k* I* ft*r of thWr r*?or*rr. All ?*r*OM lld*M*4 to Ik* a*lt Mtei* win |t*M? Mk* Iti m*4l*t* HfMi ThH On. n. 1*14. YOURJCHECK BOOK Shows Every Payment And Eli mates Missunderstanding. Keep Your Account With ; Bank of Washington Washington. N. C. When rhe Sun Shines and when the wind comes, or the rain or snow, you need Bragaw's Insurance just the same. Wm. Bragaw Sc Co. Ftaat Insurance Agents In Washington. N. C. | LION WOOD Mirtm N?w York CottM JAUES W LK J. LEON WOOD & CO. BANKERS and BROKERS. Don't ' Talk High Prices ?< Motors mhakhn aaM ?? to maka Dim boon nuinchw, mon wtoimiH, and tonflor miH tlton mr brfora. Hob- Mark Womot Sabbat Boot, on mad* of Atat-cada pan ta tabbaf, A-l taatad dotik? ninfatcad tkraa?MM'-Md Hi?4 trtth rt. m woo) not. Alwya b?r Hob- Mm* Rabbat Pootwaar. Daalata who aall k M? tka bM of avarptMa* BOSTON MMU SHOC CO, MaUaa. M? .