o tern." rt Land ' I-l-10tc. ! ran ruf or WKirr? twt wwr tMT I. Water* Farm. 50 %ct+" about 10 miles from W*"h'nr?n ? iK,i_; ^ven. ' /r ?i?d"N'-'VuM : hi ?atur; en. I Ir fx I'fnl-g ?Memcry." Whe? yor . t^ak ? or oihers ??- hav oc a i?d mervo!.<- ? c do aot qmo ihftt at all Int e.. of at nln^j that the on mlth a m^orj' ha* jMvaWli r^elvad an *.???*? t hi Mil nnjiihcaiioue of ail ?t? d-tVts, and recorded It la Bis- whole aUman texture ready to r reproduction it vUl what jo* really Indicate ii Out ae tea pod poweroTre^oUpo, Lit *spoc Special Ink Evolved. rte the carbon of ordinary printing tnka does not bleach In using printed ?afarta! tor new paper. a-French Una tea patented a special Ink. The black y ten-it" la a confound from tanliark snrtraeti acting on ferrous sulphate, and this Is Incorporated wlt? ravin, or ntneral oil and resin, or boiled In aaed oil In re pulping the paper *he Ink la bleached with an sold solu?on of a bypochlorlde, chlorine gas, or feydroehloile or oxalic acid, the p^Up batar tufr perfectly blf. To Pnvfnt Cheaee Molding. , food way to mwl oheeae from dim la to wrap It hi a cloth wranp la Tfmaar ?nd than In japer. la* polaona and aclda from the blood ? U helped hT poraplratlon. In cold weather, with lfttle o?t door wort or exwdaa to t*a?e iweatlnj, the Mlwji hare to do double work. Totor Kidney PUla help overworked weak aad dlaeaaed Wldnora to (liter aad gaat oat of the blood th? *a?t.' matter thai man palnn lu the Wder or tack, rheumatltm, Iamb?*o. atiff oeaa of JetnU, acre mate lea and oth ?r Ilia raaoltlac from tapropor ?llm I nation. ' For aale at Saranport'r Ptarma What is Th? Kind You Have Always Bought COOKED FEED FOR THE HOGS Practice Has Ceen Largely Abandoned | Because Dl"?s* Ibll'ty Has Been Re dyccfi" Potato fa Exception. Pv Q R 8 MtPSON Ore go a Agrlcultur ? nl Coll***.) Peking (wd; lor awlne has been ~r oly abaridepfcd.stape the dlgestt y rf mo*t feeda Is diminished by ? ' k'i g. Tbe potato seems to be" An lev fcpis .rnie. When cbeap o b?- fed to pigs, potatoes will f>nd the xpfcnse of cooking and pay tr?' ! Mi;?Q0^g equipment does r l jrj( a proportion of the ? '? 4 \ .At the ">resent time one >^Cdl> teems JustlQcd In isatalling an xpeiieive cooker for potatoes, since .rdiuortly- rotatcew are more valuable or human than for pig ffed. Other ?-?rope alto usually furnish more uu rW-nt* at less cost per acfe than po ;ito(r Steaming -Is mor^ desirable than boiling potatoes, atnie the pur jioee of cooking is t* decreas^ the wi ur content hiiU jMJrrtkhe ttarch relia -If tKg**e?a -ape 'batted the water should be drawn off and the potatoes lefUorc. the. flee long enough toTtve them a dry end mealy- appearance, when they split openf i ? i' FRANCE HAS MEW AIR BOMBl Liquid Missile Can Ba Used Three | Hourfc After Filling? Guarded ?? With 8ecrscy. Paris. ? A liquid Sir bomb has beeti perfected which can 1* used in three hoars alter it has bc*n filled. Consid erable secrecy has been observed In regard ta tho bomb, wh^ch W. Paintey. the acadcmician, made practical from the inventor's deslsn. 8hot Carried Gold Coins. Paris. ? Three gold pieces. have been extracted from the skill of Private 'oirsey.in Parts. A piece of ihrapnel "terced the pocSet tf another soldier, "too hr.d coins, and who wai marching *>?ad rtf Boies or Tbe shrapnel and eWr*', lodged in. the leg of Boiseey, irave a cent before he trai oundo.1 I ? ? .. .. , Mri**, .'as perl I "Xhonr * blnfe that has nl* *aya refilled t o ooxo through tny noodle,'' remarked Jasper Knox, the ?egr of PtfcetownwTOFDlluk, "and that is this: if, ns the newspapers would have* tis hellr-ve, all brides are beautiful where 1 r? Sam Hill do all tbe homely married " %omen come ?rotnf ? Judge. wont k <4ebalr. Under and by "virtaa of the power, ?f sale oohtalned In ydeed of trust ozecuted by H. c. DAgaw and* wife *nd M. G. Peele andfwtfe oh August I 2nd, 1913, tho ui/ertigneri trustee ill, on Uyeediur, February l?th, at 18 q^fock noooo. sell at door, Beaufort roun t bidder for cash, following deeoribed property: ' tract of land In Chocowlnlty In the town of Ghoco aod fiat* Irishman, filnglshanded, Captures 81x German 8oldlers and Marches Them Into English Tranches. Prlvste George, st Brighton, wound ed, 'tens this story: "Paddy Keonan, an Irishman serv In^wlth our regiment, waji surprised one ^ay by a German scouting party of slk while he waa taking It easy a little in advance of our lines. He saw there was no choloe between bluffing it or a little trip to Berlin or the grave, so he chose the former. Jumping to his feet he called on the Germans to throw down their arms, as they were covered by the rifles of his friends. Paddy ordered them to march In single file toward our trenches. He followed behind with his rifle ready. When ?b? Germans round that the trenches 1|ej? so far away they were waxy, bat as they had previoualy throw) ' ? their arms they could do v ?&%&- against Paddy and his rifle, so - *de the beet of * bad job into camp as prisoner - Mskes *16400 on I - * isst. Atchison. Kan.? Hen >'lck, an Atchison traveling ma jj t '? e terri tory includes several { ?< ? Kansas counties, says many '?? in that section made money rear by stakipg farmers to si -J f % -at last fall, to be repaid on - ,1. of one fourth the crop. The of seed ing Is about two hui Hlars a quarter aection. One -- \ t in hla territory made 916,000 && ? r. Testing Wsr . *ri ^London. ? To test war x 40,000 recruits in English ca ? wear ing suits of khskl of (i texture over their ordlnarv ojot _ Vf 8wathsd In BaHi-.v** Are Been Everywhere In I** l*?v man Capltsl Berlin.-? No fslr plot* i d be drawn of the Berlin of > . ? ' that did not inolude mention thou sands of wounded in thi n In motor cars, in wheel chai i the crowds on the street^ th ? ? ? retry where, limping, maimed ;> ithed in bandages. At one dl le in the Hotel Adton were *i ' eerfc, o very one of whom hadi^ - In- a sling, and two of who v \i Oietr heada In bandages. On tain, had lost his right hand 4j ? had 'the Iron, cross of the first c'u id he seemed the happiest of i f . In deed, the cheerfulness o( 'fir contrasted strikingly 1 ?>. Ujj sad eyes of the many wdzne* n ruing. BY SmdtlNG Mo?t? The im of the SwtT ta 'uri *'*il!^4kaUab? *?? ? ?q k > mtmt that win i* mt?-inr.W|i ihto nK *oai? ?otn? bititr If waanad Millar, wbara tha mara'a mUh doaa not aw to KM wttb ?M ?alt. end aooM raaalrlat tba 4u* a mitt for a l?iv.twM oa aaaooat or tba aaJt Uu ymr or iiMt), bat la moat lain this la th? propar up o (iitkr Tim1r| Howarar. U tha mara baa baan ra brad and la L. ' i to ba ptafnant. L ' colt should "ba* ba aUosrad to ^hla orar four or Ira montha at ^?trthaat aa tba OOK portion of tba t^Kiedna to dfcansa at thto parlod an^Bd*! wlald a datartoratlnt affact oq th^aalth ct tba apcklln# colt, at Wei Hi red Colt*. the same time tending to rob the oolt Id foal of the nourishment that should be traidKjjltted to It. while the com pUoations dauaed by these unfavorable conditio?* also detract from the health of the mare. la weaning ti?? oolt, one muat be guided partly by the amount of milk produced by the mare; her adaptabil ity to dry up Quickly and properly, without damage to the udder. These are the points that should be given special attention In oonnectlon with handling the mare, and while come will require several days of grad ual oolt before the wesntngTls made permaaent, most dani^ llKstand the more sudden wean ing. \ To guard* against mistakes In this respect, let the oolt suck only at night Farm Mon?y-M?k?r?. and Id the mornfof for two 4aye. then allow It to rack only onoe * day for a 'ouple of days. Next, let it 4uck every other day tor four days, then shut It away froai tbe mare permanently. All this time tba mere bbould be milked three times e day, or often er If nerewary. Milk ?Vr Ju?t before the colt tuck* every time") It Ul?. QWO. A. PAUL. Clark Bopartor Ooart | l-?-4wo. Natlaa U UttMr ?!*?? ttat tfea kaa tkla lu qua) u atalaMtnrtar of W. a. rtall iMHHd, If* of Baaofoft ooantr. *?? all tmMi ? old I oi alaiaa valnat Ux mM Mttt, will irnui Item U a* raHe*o Animal Peeta. Is cursed with certain peaUl such a a rabbits, wild dog, kanga , roo and blowfly. Large sums of money are spent la an endeavor to lessen the number of rabbits. It ia fentlmsted that In Victoria alone 160,000,000 j wei?e put to death in 1918. It Is gen I e rally admitted that ten rabbits eat as much aa ona aheep. and many | graslera have long; since realired that they cannot profitably run pheep on ' propertiee infested with rabbits. Wosfc for an Expert. A Pennsylvania man is said to be trying to grow a watermelon with a handle by which ft may easily be car perhapa, but alto rt What the world ts a waUruieten wfth a cutaway huf^ .allowing for it to be cut Into r mm curves, ao that It may be etion ia the good old-fashioned wsy without vetting the ears fall of water. Journal. and Attention. retire evermore from the i of thoee who slight them ?f the World. Pt range aa It may seem, there era than fO?r thooeand languages a by mankind, while the num ber of Oaloota escape this. There than atgty vooabularlne In te Mexico the Nab-* a? Into eorae eeved ?o'*dijwl - ^ m am rj Ancient King a Terror. Mithrldatea, king of Pontius, la rtr? ly mentioned nowadays, but Id the year 88 D. C. he wan the terror of the world. He killed hit own family, slaughtered seven different klnga and their courts, marched through Asia and left everywhere tralla of dead. Ha Invaded Greece and there slaughtered nearly half a million human beings, then he marched against Rome with awful carnage. In hia own array ha lost only 86,000 men. but he la thought to have killed at loast twenty tlmea that number of bis enemlea. First English Newspaper. The first newspaper printed In ths English language, with Its old Engllah type and its quaint account of event* In foreign countries, was a pamphlat issued Id 1621. Its title. "Corrant or Newes From Italie. Germanle. Franoa and Other Places." is as curious aa Its contents For many years it had been supported that no oopy of tha Corrant was In existence but recently a copy of this iutereatlng document was discovered ? Exchange. DRINK HOT TEA [ FOE A BAD OOLD { Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea, or as the German folks call it. "Hamburger Brunt Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a ttlil spoonful of ibe tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It ie the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, en it opens the poree of the skin, relieving congestion. Also looeens the bowels, thus driving a oold from the system. Tnr it the nejrt time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It ie inexpensive end entirely vegetable, therefore sale and karmleea. RUB BACKACHE AND LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Rub Pain and SKIffh? away with a small bottle of old hosett St. Jacobs OQ When your hack ie sore and lama or lumbago, aeiatica or rheumatism has ? -?"? ? suffer! Get a stor?, poaar a rah it right ??J **y?