Country A? Ik. i ooacco \*newwT9 ~ |uid one of the fnatMt thinkan Uu? country vnt produced. SgytKuCarpmntmrt ? "Evwy dm yo? tm ? raw hu put ianaadaf thought ud hillufd It ?? with i mady, i?wte?il "It'?whrt you bin 1 Oct* Ut Job to da tfau ym M*d t chew of PICNIC TWIST to wbec" brain and hand to a cutting edge without any dulling aft ar afcct." You can tike chew after chew of PICNIC TWIST and get all the uplift without that after effect of heavy, dark tobacco. Only the mild mellow parr of the leaf gam Into this x>fi, convenient twist. That's the secret of its sweet, long-lasting flavor and its extraordinary mildness. PicNicTwis CHEWING TOBACCO "Tht Tfrnktrt of tht Country Art iht Tobacco Chcwetn" You can alio pt PICNIC TWIST la 50c trmhnm* prwerrlng drum of 11 twUti writer _4 ? such as U la*. pi.ysic. or other arts - thereby they have be ? I feeing that they are ..s. u rtV'-'ul'iliers. they are not co use the horacman'8 title ?ir spurs. they are only termed simply miles 'tr.d mllft**, 'knight,' or 'knights ' i tho carpeiry." or 'knights of the i no rloth," to distinguish them from nlehta that are dubbed an sol .. ..V lltild." Tv.c Beat Glory. ...J commend a true good it is the shadow of vir - rt ; i. at that It doth any good to the body which It accompanied. but it is an I'ttlcaciuua shadow, and. like that of St. 1'eter, curea the diseases of others Tho best kind of glory, no doubt. 1e that which is reflected from houeaty such an was the glory of Cato and Arisildes; but ?t was harmful to them both, and is seldom beneficial to any man whilst he lives. ? Abraham Cow ley. Vegetables m Far NortS. Potatoes, r&bbst gc. caulJflov .onnfiil 1n a glass of wter be | ??"??vrsst for a few days a ""'ir kidney* will then act line and| '?"?rd"rs rlisapepar. Thi1 ??? made from the acjf * TRititj and l?mon Jirlce. combine*' ?with llthla, and has been n?ed fo: | ""?"pMnnii lo ?Mej?n and Rtlmnla' kiilneys and stop hladde ?-r'tntion. Jad SnltR |r Inexpensive ?????.???? * r?d makes a delightful ef ' ?n? M?h1a-wat?r drink whir' m*n and women taV t H 11a avoiding ser1 I ?? 'mi Madder disease*. ATOR'R IfOTirlC." Votlee In hereby given that thr ?">*Ws1gned has this day duly quail fl??d as administrator of Charles P Fulrher. d?" *te of Beaafor' county. *. raona holding | claims agal 'tf estate ? prw*ent the ? duly verified I within one y ,-r. hla date orj thla notice w. ?..? \?<\ )n bar| of their rsrove erson? In- I debted to the aa -ill pleaip | make Immediate Tbto 4th day o. * % 4h(jrut # *h. *a?or I IHMJTICIAN8 AND POLITICIANS It is reported that many Chicago women failed to register last week because they had to tell their Cfffes. Governor Whitman of New York will probably make of mar the suc cess of his administration on the Public Service Commission question. Gen. Villa, next to the Kaiser of Germany, enjoys the reputation of having more misfortunes "wished" on him than any other living man ->t prominence. Some new report in Always in circulation, only to be de nied. New Monrovia, a suburb of West Palm Beach, Fla., Is the name of a new and exclusive colored city. The :ktizens have established a weekly newspaper and many other business -?nierprisee. The proposition that Japanese roops be brought to Europe to cam >algn either on the western or east ?rn war frontier, perhaps on both, las not received the encouragemen* ?f any of the Allied government*. Washington society is "al het up" ?t the prospect that C. W. de Lyon Micholls. New York social arbiter. ?ar excellence will soon Judge who ?re the capital's most beautiful wo nen. It is rumored that Gen. French. >ead of Britain's forces In France. * a convert to woman suffrage. Hi? 'lews have undergone a complete hange as a result of witnessing the levotton and bravery of women at i he front. Practically eveTy fifth Inhabitant >f Ronton is receiving aid either di ectly or indirectly Prom expendi ture made from the city treasury' FherKare at present upon the mu nlcipal pay rolls direct 14,600 per ;ons and indirect through contracts vpproxlmately 3,000 additional, or a otal of 17.600. With the completion of the new allroad In Western Africa, within he next few months, it will be pos slble to cross the Dark Continent rom the Atlantic to the Indian O K an by rail and river routes. The New York Central has beer ngaged In a campaign to restrict he use of commutation and famlb lckets to their lawful holders. a* p result, of which no fewer than Sf tickets were lifted by conductors vhen presented by persons not en titled to use them. "RKK BOOK ON STOMACH ILLS Geo. H. Mayr of 1S4 Whiting St.. :h1c*go, 111., a prominent drugglat, i as published a gaVde to health. In which he shows how he cured hlm ?elf and brought relief to thousands >f other sufferers from constipation, Mlloosnesfe, indigestion and Intesti nal troubles by the use of French 'leaWng' oils. One dose usually con vinces. The most ohronie casee arely need over three doses. This ' r>ok will be mailed free on re nest. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy !s sold by leading druggists every ?There with the poritli* understand ing that your money will be refund ed without question or quibble If ON18 bottle falls to five yon abso lute satisfaction. Long Enough Alreaify. ? ' ? mth? r fuaay man traveling from New York to Philadelphia had been much annoyed by hi* oppoalte com panion, a tall, lanky fallow whose bony fcneea troubled him not a little. There was a atop of aeveral mtnutea at Trenton and the tall traveler road from hla seat. and aald with a yawn: "I guess HI get out and atretch my lege a bit." "Good graciooa!" ex claimed the other, "don't do that un less you are prepared to pay double fare, or to take a compartment ail tc youraelf." Mr. J. Cv riv?d hare thta morning. ? ? ? ? Mr. J.f L. riaaefl thro ugh the e-e e Mr. A. L. Alexander of waa oh our etreeta today. e e ? a Mr. H. L. R??n of Norfolk, Va.. la In Uie oily today. \ Varioua Vlewe of the Snow. \The farmer calls the anow the poor fertlllaer. It keepa the ground ar^r and puts dollara ? prospectively ? In v\hi?* vacant pocketa. It la much estoeined by artlsta. who uae almost every \olor except white when they s?>t out Voaint It. Tb^lr favorite tints 'or this ?>>h>ose are pink, purple and a slaty blue. It seem6 to be the chief business of artlsta to Inform ua cour teously but firmly, that our eyes are liar a. ? Exchange. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice 1b hereby given that the undersigned has thla day duly quali* fled a a administrator of Herbert ! county, and all persona holding claims against the said estate present the same to me duly verffled within one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the aald estate will please make Immediate payment. This 4th day of Feb. 1915. LAVINIA BELL., Administrator Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has this day qualified j executor of the estate of Nanc> Clng, deceased, late of Beaufort Co. ind% all persons holding claim igalnat the aald estate will presen he same to me, duly verified, with n one year from this date, or thl iot1ce will be pleaded in bar of thel ecovery. All persons Indebted t ?aid estate will please make Immr Hate payment. This Jan. lat, 1915. J. M. LLOYD, Executor OFFICE MAN, EMPLOYED BY day wants some night work. Of fice, care Daily Newa. 1-8- 6 to. CASTCJftlA Tor Iiluti ud CUUro. Tin KM Yds Hm Always Btvtfrt NOTICE OF BALE Under and by virtue of the power] of sale contained In a certain mortg age deed executed to the undersign- 1 d by R H. Reeves. Which eald j nortgage Hi duly recorded ta the of 'ce of the Register of D^eds for Beaufort county, In Book 182, at Dage 10, and la dated the 8rd day >f September, 1914, and is hereby eferred to, the undereigned will, on 'he 22nd day of February, 1915, at I J o'clock noon. ofTer for aale, at he Courthouse door in Beaufort -ounty, to the hlgtoeet bidder fori ash, the following real estate, to wit: Being lot No. t aa laid off by W.| P. Rnugham which waa as follows rxrt Ne. 60 McNair town, waa laid off Into 6 lota of 85 feet front, hi 9o ft. deep (16 feet being left aa an al ley to be uaed In common by thoee I old the six lota to, or to ttoelr heir* ind aesigna, and thla lot No. 3 He* Hetween the comer lot deeded to R. T. Hodgea and the third lot sold to P-fount Gordon. The lot No. 80 waa by Julia M. Staton sold to Bang bam % Bragaw. by deed dated 10th day of November. 1892, and recorded It Book 82, page, 108, Beaufort cOUnfy record*, and Wm. Bragaw convey ed his one-half Interest to W. P. Ba ogham by deed dated January 8, 1895, and recorded ta Book 88, Me 118. Thla 22hd day of Jan. 1815. EDWARD L. rfEWAHT, WM1 OUR WAY. ? ? m i ? ? ? e ? ( Under ud b mW?* of tke or eale contained to a 6artoIn iu. of trnot.?teented to Edward L 8tew art. TruoJoe. Kr J. C.J Ooytom. oj Lorwt Ovtoa. hla wife, and W H Ptmeh, U4 Fannie Proacott. hU w*e. -which aaid Deed Of Trn* la dated January flat, 1S14. and la du ly recorde 1b Book ITS. page IIS. Beaafort county reeorda, and la hereby referred to. the undersigned Tmatee, wllL on Monday, hte At* day of Mar&. ltlS. at IS o'clock noon, at tke Courthonae door of Been tort county, offer for sale. to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real and personal property, to- wit: That certain tract or parcel' ot taad. lylnr and being In the connty ot Beaufort. State of North Carolina. Richland township, beginning at 0. W. Lee's rorncr in tho Holldia line, and running with said Lee's. Hue 8. ?T 1-S Bast. Fifty feet; thence 8. IS 1-S W. Twenty-live feet; thence I [Jr. ?7 l-S W. Fifty feet to the Hoi Idia East line; thence with said line jN. S 1-S E. to the beginning, con twining 138 square yards, and well known a* the E. C. Cayton store alto, which eaid site was conveyed tc I E\ C. Cayton by Will Dunn a little over three years ago. Also that certain stock of goods, wares, merchandise, fixtures and j fixtures and book accounts located I I in She store building hereinbefore 1 described, and being the only stocV of goods, war ear and merchandise fixtures and book soconnta owned b: parties of FIR3T PART. Demand having been made on me I by the holders of the notes secured by said Deed of Trust, this sale if held to satisfy said Indebtedness. ? I This 27th day Jan. IS 16. ? "" EDWARD L. STEWART. I, Trustee 1 ll-SS^we. ' NOTICE OF BALE. Under and by virtue of the powei of a&le contained in a mortgage deed executed by Thomas Crawford an< wife, dated Ajpril 24th, 1914. and duly recorded In the office of tht Register of Deeds of Beaufort coun ty In Book 177, page 439, which It hereby referred to, the undersign ed will on the 22nd day of Febru |ary, 1915, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door In Beaufort coun ] ty. offer for sale to the highest bid (dor tor cash, the following describ ed real estate, to -wit: Beginning at JameB Smith's coi ner, and running with his line to i I gum in Brown's run; thence to th? [Crawford ditch; thence with said ditch to the old roaJ to the begin 1 nlng, containing eleven snd three quarter acres, more or less. , This 20th. day of Jan. 1915.- j EDWARD L. STEWART. Mortcagee ? l-23-4wc. NOTICE OF SALE. < By virtue of the power of sale) contained In a mortgage deed exe cuted by Benj. Slngletary and wif? I o the undersigned, dated Novembeil 29, 1904, and recorded In Book 152.1 nago 203 Register's office of Bean Tort county, and herein referred to T will offer for sale to the highes'! bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door of Beaufort county on Tuesday] the 2nd day of March, 1915. at 1?] o'clock noon, the following descrlb- 1 ed land conveyed In the said mortg ige deed, ^o-wlt: A certain tract of land situated in Washington township. Beau fori county. North Carolina, and adjoin ing the lands of W. R. Ellis and other and other* and being the iden tlcal two tracts of land conveyed t? said Slngletary by W. R. Ellis bj? deed dated Nilf&nber 29th. 1904 and recorded nn said Register's of flee, and the aald deed Is herein re ferred to for a full and complete d* j serlptlon of the said two tracts o*, land. , This Jao. 29th, 1915. JOSHUA E. SWANNKR. Mortgager F. T. PHILIPS, Owner of Debt 1 -S0-4we. TO CHICAGO ON THE CAROLINA SPECIAL Thrrrogb Stooping Oar 1>?M/ Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of tbe South. QUEEN AND ORESCENT ROU? AND BIO FOUR ROUTE \ Southern Railway la now operat Ing throqgh sleeping cars dally op the Oarollna Special between Char teuton, 8, 6,. and' Chicago. Til af fording excellent connectlohi from and for Eastern North Carotins oolnta, Ooldsboro, Raleigh, Dor ham. Oreenrfboro and lntermedlat' points, through A8HEVILLE AND THE LAND OF THE 8KF. Pollman sleeping car resar valMfMr ached ules sod detailed In for4Mi|lon, aok any Soatherfe Rail way agent, or write O. F. YORK. Travelling Paaaenger Afsnl, Raleigh, N C l-St-4w* ' n i II I ? : ? (Dud Tent In tbo exobma don: -S?mkO?rihl.r Kln? J.mM enommtln* Ihoae who bad lora.kon him. uM: -And eat-lWuulbto hu *OD?. tOOt" Consoling Philosophy. Perhaps It om *?? brow line arouud a muting himself trying to hit upon (bo moot consoling bit of philosophy ever written. this of So crates would be easy to surpssa. "It all our misfortunes were laid la om heap, whence every one mo ft take an eftual portion, moat people wooltf be content to take their own aa4 da tum." r.vbc Mo Plague ftavegea. BuKo.ilc plague appeared hi Buret* to 13ri It had started. In Asia, whig# more than 100.000.000 of human l*r ngs perished. After reaching BarojM be plague lasted SO years, and durtug hat period It carried off 40,000.000 per 'ons. When it began Norway had a copulation ot-2.500.000, when It ended 'his *. -eat population had been re duced to fewer than 400,000. Getting Rid of ftparro* Pest. Nowhere la the Bngllah sparrow In hided among the birds protected by aw, and aa individuals and flocka avo an extremely narrow range, each lock occupying one locality to which ta activities afe chiefly confined, they ire easily exterminated. When a ilace has once been cleared of spar -ows It will be aome time before It la 'eoccupled. China Big Peanut Exporter. One Chinese province exports more than 160,000 tona of peanuts annually ill because an American missionary 20 years ago gave to a native convert i quart of seed. NOTICK OP &ALK UNDER I>KE1> OP TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power )f sain contained In a certain deed of trust executed on February 5th, 1909. by J. H. Orelder to W. T. Hud nell, Trustee for Lone B. Hudnell, which aald 0eed of trust la record ed In Book 154, page 5(3. of the Beaufort county records, which \e -tereby refered to for particulara lefault having been made in the payment of the debt secured by aald nstrument, the underaigned mortg igee will, on Friday, the llth day >f March, 1915. at 12 o'clock noon >ffer for sale to the highest bldde* 'or cash at the Courthouse door In Beaufort county^ the following de >crlbed tract of land: ? A certain traot of land lying and ">elng In Richland townahip, Beau Tort county, beginning on the Sandy landing road at Win. Mourning'? corner, thence N. 2 1-2 E. 5.28 pole? ?o said Mourning's corner, thence N". 86 E. 69.86 poles to a sweet gum L. D. Mldyette's corner, thence slong ^ald Mldyette'e Roberson's and Bon ner's line N. 4 3 8-4 W. 326.49 pole *o a corner In the Savannah, thenc with Roberson's. Bonner's and A. D 'Jeacham's line to a large pine in tb" iead of Second Out. A. B. Beach \ra'a corner, thence 8. 30 1-2 W 10.96 poles to the Hickory Poln oad, thence with aald road 88. 48 W '01.24 polea to a corner In D. V Warren's line, thence with eald lln' V. 79 ^-4 E. 20 polea to another cor ler of aald D. V. Warren's corner* hence parallel with the weat dltc* iT the Savannah field 8. TO 1-4 F "00 polea to the 8andy Landlnr 'load, then with the Sandy Landing oad to the beginning, containing 156 acres. It being the same land conveyed *iy deed to J. H. Oreidfer by Mrs. L> na R. Hudnell on February 5th. 1909. This Feb. 6th. 1915. W. T. HUDNELL. Trustee. Mortgagee. Ward A Crimea, Attys. 2-8-4wc. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the power if aale contained In a Mortgage 'rom Jar^ls Pierce, laalah Pierce ind Mary Pierce, dated November ^ftth, 1915. and recorded In the Heglater'a office of Beaufort county Vorth Carolina, In Book lit, page *78, the undersigned will sell at nubile auction for cash before the Courthouse door of said oouaty on, he tth day of Uarcb. 1911' at IS /olock nooTv. the fololwlng dencrlb? ?d real estate, to-wlt: ?Beginning at a short leaf pine, ''wrner of the Roy and Bryeft Pat Ick land, crossed pubtle road run ning thence 8outh 80 1-t West SI ?joles to a stake, thence South 5 Bast 110 . polA to a post Oak; thene* North 65 East 68 poles to a oorner ?n the fork of the public eounty -oad 1n the aforesaid Roy and Pat rick line; thence with the main pub He road to the beginning, con taili ng by estimation 33 S-4 acres more of lees, the same was conveyed bv Beg). Patrksk by deed recorded i* 'he RexiMer's office of Beaufort cogn ?y. Book SO, pages 190-191 to Llngy 4nn Pierce and others, eald deed la herein referred to for a filler de scription prf said land. It Is the *>urpo*e of this mortgage deed to convey atl the rights, title and Inter est of the parties of the flrrt part, fli the abet* described land which Is ladinded. 1?, ? 3..-. TLkn This 6th 4 ay of Fab. 1918 A. PH1LMLP8 Harry Mo*?Ugn At*y. It to often difficult to tell Juat what to the matter -vtth a crying, pmtM baby. or child too rora* to mill IU feellnga U ward*, kit ae a punl r?le the mother will And that there Is a tendency to oon*tpa Uoo, which tea brought oa a head aeba or aamnsm. The little oaa has mo pais, bat feel* "oat of aorta." The 8 rat thins to try la a family remedy containing rood bat mid laxetlre t* opeltloo. and Many moth era will mt that their choice would be Dr. Caldwell's Srra? Papain. Thonaanda of mothers keep It in the hoaaa for each urn fancies. amonr ?bora Mar ka mentioned Mra. Joho rinsk. It. 1117 Aba tract Are.. Pitta bum. Pa. Ma haa been (inn* I* soccaaeftony to little Walter, whose el tare we preaeat at thraa months wMb ha welched 14 1-1 pounds. He la 4 healthy, lsughlnff youogsier to day and ttn. Kirch gladly gives Dr. TliKwira Syrup Papain credit. It ahi many an Ulneaa aid many a ?area doctor bni. for by admlototer ag It promptly when the (rat symp toma of lUnMe are noticed It pre vents a aa? loaa ailment. It la ao pleaaaat taetlng thai ao thlld will rafuae it, aad aa U doe* tot gripe, the child to glad lo take I 't again. A bottle can ha obtained " of ur drugglat far ttlr onu or Ina dollar, the later betag til* Hm bought br families already familiar with It* molt*. Reeolta an alwaya goaniteed or aioaar will be refund ed. Srrmp PepaU la for all tha fam 117 tram lafaawr to aid age, and be oaosa of lu mlldaeaa families ehoald par far It oTar all other remedtaa. It to ubaolutalr aafa awl reliable. Too wiU never again gtra cathar-Joe. TtUa ??lt" or each hank (hrtfca. tar tier a ra uaaallj uiimn? 1 1 and la (ha caee of children, women amd elderlr People are a great (hock to tha eTa tem. and hence should be aroMad. wishing to trr a fraa bottle caa obtain postpaid b? addreaalng Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 41* Waahlngton Ifoatloetlo, in. A pootal card with your una and addreaa oa It will do. New Fact* About Canoar. A atudy of 1,000 MM of ouw of th* Ilomuh rereala tho fact that thli dlaeaaa rlalme mora mas than woman ?k tta Tictlma and that It oeewa moat tNVHOUj batween the a|M of forty .aad ttay y Mil. Ulcar of the etom ach. on tha other hand, tnwn moat frequently between tho ace* of twen ty and forty yeara. In OTer (0 p*r cant of the caaaa Of cancer heredity ?earned to play do put whate??r. jiamalaaaw A ?j|. .11 ? ?rv?l#Ul ACUVtXIN. ? diner la a restaaraat thought ha weald have a joke with the waiter, aad asked htm If he had erer eeea a saus age roll. -Bar." said the wallor, 1 hare not only^een e sanaage .roll, but I hare seen a biscuit hex. a table >poon. a chimney sweep, a chain link, i noee gay. a camera slide, a garden enoe, a sword fish and a wall flower." Trapping Sparrows. In ftngland sparrows are trapj^d with a store, one ead held op b> a short stake to wlflch a long string Is tied. The trap Is baited with br%*d crumbs, oats or whoat The'blrds me permitted to est the baltmntU a nq?a ber bare gathered under the alein, when the c ?rd la pulled, remorlng Oie stake und illowlng the trap to {|.l orer the I'rda gathered under t*s slere. Where's the Wheels? Twttyearold Harry had nersr svin a lire lassh, hie only knowledge ,.f that animal being dertred &ou a fay one oa wheels. While risltlag grand father on the farm, be was taken ?o the shuep pen to see the Iambi, i t er looking at them for a few nlnu' i, he looked up at his grandrath/r ,a.(k a puxled express km. aad aske*: ?^ken's the wheels ?" Me Cause for Tee re. "We hare - new had a pftSdest named Charlie." yomarks the Toledo Blads. Nor to tho best of out knowl edge hare we erwr had one i/fio was called Reggie or Algernon. lui we1 can't fee that the feet la cumulated te mo e any one tj salty tears ? -Phiia- J delpb* | Inquirer. HMtJaWoMf and Cw Theater One Night Only WED. FEBRUARY lOth The Kg Music ll Comedy You Have Been Waiting For Society Event of the Season WITH J c?tu JM?U WtlllBgkim, A In Uiftu Original Watwr TkMMr New Tor* PrMaetlo ?r'a N.. Tort TkMUr. , SEE THE LATEST PARISIAN DAN CBS, "TAI Sam? Company and Production Th*t PUi IfOalRTllln, Rlrmlogham. Mrmpkla. and all th? 1m of lh? South. Price* CO 781 Play Bai * 915 Ba ?e Ball Goods Now On Sale At RUSS BROTHER, VARIET? STOI