continued will ?lom ?otimt|to 4oo om dft* of ?s?tr*tlaa. ?UA ft will bo contlaned at rofvtor nW ?criptlon ratoorafttll aotk*, % atftf ta pwiK ??nify, and 1 Ml t? lmm?dlmt? attention. It to ear j dMlro to pi mm ro?. All arttcl KC3MB&' bo pabltofcoi. PRIDAT. rBBHUAUT'l^* ; l?Mrtfv? to ll?* <W?rk. *J ?fflinon aays: "?Tory *ay to ? ioousd&y." If ?o rMllMd thla w? woald tak? each day aad try tU worth m tt cam? to ua Th?n ?mt. woujd do. baitar work. Uwioxrvw^ MallbUP Mooek. '?? 1 tr-itr *w W:r* man's A?:-*t ? ?urknaa o*e? It to Wmie'* his family to tak? carr of hit?:* Hit labor Is bis only ttMt la buHoe. Who Injured, he 1? for l\im time be<n. a banii.MI/t U killed. bi?, famtlr m*: be left destitute and hla. ehlldraa dc prtved of in education and toroau it | seek einplormsat before their matur Ity. This phllrMiOphy is found la a *>Ui 'atin of ths Chicago- tore?? of ?**?* HOW TO IMPROVE LAMB CHOP Preotloe ?f Allowing Y?-, Run With M ?there Until Tim? la OkJaeiUffaht?. Lambt should to i four to tour aad oMkltf Mfetki ?M. So tay? Frank erf the llnlversifcy ? fleehs. la numsreui ia^ulrlea jeet Many flockmastar* affair fto Teafc? to ran with thetr astkM ^rtfltoeed la? Um?. This Mr. gMlWfu re gard? a? very ?h#e?*te*nile fa* ft ?* noys th? ?w?e aad ke?#e Um oondltlou. Momov?, at-ftla L . lambs get but llttia axllk a*4 tfc?g will raally do totter with??* 11 Whan taken from ttolr mo+t* tha lamb? should to ptft en a pieo? cif fra?h pas tur?, wkleh wlU tolp t? avoid much ? trouble. After wanning UaaQM eve? to put on a aoaatieatur? ft* a w??k ft order i w ly. During this period thay sheaid be milked s few tynee la ?reve*t ttfc udder from an d aa seen an they are fairly fry tUr easkt te to placed op good pasture agala, where they will put on fleet aad toceme irtrong and rlgorooa bafnre (toy ara bred In the fall Early weaning aad gaed qai a at tto awaa after tke lam be ar? taksa away ?cables the ?waa to gr? tato wtnier Quarters In good nanitlUpo, fhgs ?1Q tng winter feeding aad tnsufjng a large crop of strong lamW te the spring. -*?' PADDY MAKES BLUFF 600D trlahman, Slnglahanded, *C*ptareo 81? Carman Soldlera end ? Manhao r. Them Into English Trenahee. r< , Prlvato Oeorge, at Brighton, wound ed, tells thls^atory: "Paddy Keenan, aa Irlatunan serv ing with our regiment, was iurpr1*e?f ono day by a Gerrnag scouting party of six while ho was taking It easy, a little In advance of ^juf" line?.' Hd aaw there was 10 cobfde between bluffing It or a little Vt?r to" 'Beflte or the grave, so he chose the fonoen Jumping to Mr feet he called pn tha Herman? to throw down their atm*1, aa they were eovered by the rffl?e bt hla friends. Faddy ordered them to march in single file fieward' oar trenches. He followed behind with his rifle ready. When the Oetajans found that the trendhM ?Ward so fly away they were' **aar?, fcttt a? thdy had prevlouely tbi tmn '?***} ttolr arms they could do nothfag agfttne? Paddy aad his rlfle,;ao they-made tto * a bad Job and were brought nr< Remember Your La*t Dew 01 Calomel? Ton probably recalt tlfli bad after-1 effects of the calattel nfore than i ?ijlknees yon taok It for. nevefr again go throunh with "all knocked out for d day of'1 by calomel." Npxt time yojjr llyer fats sluggish and Inactive, vro vftfe that Vou go to Lea DavenpotVa, -atorefpr^ Bottle of Hudson's Liver Tone, splendid vwtotabla M<ml? / iQSdfMi that will styt ypar llfor. ?e surely as calomet^Vrer im<f with none ^arzsitnir: . aadr^t#'<,ia * ?A*l?iie tlon of hahtts Mr diet mwapwrasffy ^/Chewing Gym evefOteiifec/ ?hew <*Bdbs" thbiidea in "Bolbs," Little .One? Why, just to give you a chewier chew, a mintier in your gum. Made heart ibpei to you'll know thexuhysight and nobody can ?lip anything else to you whenyou ?ay "Bobs." Everybody Hkcs 'em?"ftoirs Peearv'wQ Crown of Hi sroeu of patience cannot b# ro where there tut? been uo ?u> If tboe refiaeet to atiffur, than ffftNtt to be 1 crowned i kot It tka? to be crowned, them km* fi*ht *oaXutly end eeffor pattenUj With out laftor Bono can obtain rest and without contend!*# there can bo no loetwoet?ThoiMS ? Kempla. Oood Nature. The world deals *ood-natnredly wtth ?Do+cmtyred people, aay? Thackeray, eat I never knew d sulky ttlsanthrop ist who qaarreled with It but it ?M ha,-and not It* that vm in the vronc NOTICE OF RALE. Under and by Tirtne of the rower of eele contained in a oertain deed cd truat. executed to Edward L. 8tew art, Trustee, by J. C.'-Cayton, and t?orena Cayton. bla wife, and W? H. Preacot*. and Fanale Freer o 11. bit wife, whl^h ?aid Deed of Treat la dated^lanttary list, 1914, and la do ljr recorde in Boo* 179, page 989, Becafort. connty recoTdn. and is hereby referred to, the .undersigned frost*?., will, on Monday, hte first day of Starch, T9IB, at 19 o'clock lioon, ' at the Conrthoase dbor of Beaof^Tt -county. *>fer tor ?aje. to ttui ^I?he?t bidder {or cash, the fol lowing described real and personal probkrtjr}NlHHt: That certain tract o? parcel of, land, lylnt a^d beja* in ttie eounty, of Beanfo^t, State of North (Carolina. Rlehltfrid township, be?<nninic at O W: I^ee'acomer- IM the lTotldla line, ? ad running with-?aid boo'? line 8. 1-9 Eaat, FVtJ ceol;. tfcence B.. 2 1-2 W. Twenty-Are feet; thenco S. 87 1 -tC*. Fl**#?% UdfcP'H?! falnlnir It* Square I yard?, end ?1? line ?on known ollMDdl. area and its located lerelnbefore only stock erchandlse owned by partlea of FIRST F**T. ***** boes* made on me w?? ?MtaO *14 faMteMM*. Tbl? lim ?W Tui lltl EDWARD L* ATHWART, TcnsU*. NOTl(T! or NAIifO. Under ud by .lixtof of Ih. power nf ?aln conl^loM Id % morim? deed ???wUd bj Thom?i Crawford ?nd ?rtfc. AM*, urn 1M?. .111?. Ud d?ir imiriii 1? (b. oflo. at the R>d?t*r of Dm*? nf e? tir h (rt lILw U?, rtWi !? !????>*, |M -4m ? t*? *to<l|a: ?1 will, on. Ml?.?"*? 0?rtb.w. IHllMl I* ??ff* jor ?|IMA ^ MrtK *<? Mr tor mb. (1?.Mfc #*r??4 ???A?. HrWH: ?? I?W??'??"?'?, ?* NiWiflrlMMbtfeOMM mm* *n?v?.? -I'Tf :..)>-TTT.. ~"V I ?944 dttcb to tb* ?Id r<yj to lb. bertp. <ia>" m*n m WWtXD U nrWA*T. fHtil Water Power Wasted. The famous Victoria falls of *? Zambesi rfrer, la RMesls, It la es timated. roald be ?ade to yield U, <>*>>*? fceraetower, or Just about the suae amount as all of Suiopas water Judge Wouldn't gtand for It ?XL Ignorant Justice of the peace 1? Florida was caQed op to decide a taae. OoufiBel for both sides made their Ion* amd eloquent speeches after all the facta had been elicited from the wit MmU. "PilMub dUch&'ctid." Hid tfc? awdMrnu. "The )um kcukUoo I? 4*. tw knt ob a dio?,) Mob. Scanty.* Case After Case' ? Plenty More JJJcer This in Washington Hcoree of Washington people can tell you about Doan's Kidney Pllla. Many a happy dtlsen makes a pub lic statement of hla experience. Here la a eaae of It. What bettor proof of merit had than auch erf.? dor semen t ? # I Mrs. C. E. Jordan. UT W. Second St., Washington, says^*I wan a con stant sufferer from backache, rheu msrtlc paine and lumbago. I could get ao reeVdayor night and In the warning I vas so sore and stiff, l threaded-to ret up. I suffered ter ribly from severe keedaohen. which laated for days at a time. My kid neys acted-irregularly. Finally, I procured a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills at Davenport's Pharmacy and they soon relieved me. I took about g d ocen bores of Doan's Kidney Pllla and was enred of the rehnmatlc pains and other symptoms of kidney Jroohls. I always recommend loan's Kidney Pills to anyone suf fering as I did." Frleer <0e, at all dealers. Don't pimply ask for a kidney remedy? fret Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs Jordan had. Fo?ter?Mtl fcurn Co., Props.. Buffalo. N.*'Y. WOTIOK Of 9ALK. Undw and by virtue of the power 'gf .???? ^Halaed la a Mortgage i^T ***** Pivce ffigs&ehs fwtb CiNtH. Is Book I 111 - ?*-. *'?(?1mm nil n e??W 'WW fSToMh Mor. th. CTi&Ki.sFS r, MB??1ontc, ?,-tkart Uu ,l?. ?MMaaaM^HF.1 ibfle roid ran ? M w mi ?1 gfonswaffi'sS i w ?* lb* ootinty pillj ?*<?1?^ ta>< ?tt?k l? undivided, TM? ttk tmr of fit 11? nm um&m, ^In>wf ? m iifiiiitiiirtifri.ffiMiiiijffilfel 1 WINTER SMELTER FOR SHEEP VWm Sh?p*?r4 Will ?M That ?mu. ?Mat* ftr Pr*t*ctl*n of Flask Ar? Th. *toptordwbotowto?*noa?h 1? D? prepared for ?at wintry 1*7? and cold wlntar alchts do?? not 4r?ad lo*??a from pmmlt. and th? mortality Is til? lambing nainn of wt February ?M-Mmk tint a*n ?on from br~d .tmm mwm t***?* to??**rt??< b? WWW? . At winter begin* to draw a -trni? a?ar*r, k? **ae that hU ah*Har U* arrai*w?aata at? all that ttoy *u*t to to. IttoM a? matur "f**T (I?Mm ar? ?MT7 ?v? ar. ??t. But tka* auwt oot bi to o?? that ?*anrfi??h? n^y^TwrtStlo?. ??r? a vrttar ta An ?ipm. *l?aty ?f Hght and wattlattaa. mA. fnadom Ma* draft* *r* th* mala ,.Tto. warmth ot th? ato4:,l< !??? Uo?ortaat thaa th? **? ??~lty at ? fooCnund roof |I a???r rut mor? thah fifty itoap ta a Moda *h*4. Mor? thaa that aumbar will to.thard to ua**a? *nd th* ?>????* <* aaahfcnta imaac ?w** with Umb win .ha (Mati/ taoraaaad. Th* ?h?d ought )o to about twlc? a* Wm* a? It it wid* aid th?r? ?hould to ampla room for ?T?ry aafanal to H* down la Kid* lt*>?oor? with?? th? ap> pearaao? of arowdtng tha plaoa. Th* floor M?t.?t wn? to *b*olnt?ly dry aad ramala that way. , Th*. f**dlng rack ahonld ba pl*c?d on on? ?ld? of th? ?b?d and ihould o*n?lat of a flat-bottom?d trough at tto butt?^ ?annoant?4 by a woU> A thropehlre theep. built rack, made of slats salted about three Inches apart Put It out fa* enough ttom tka side vail ao that tha awes may feed at It from both sides. Whara tha space la not great enough to allow tha raok to ba built out from tha wall ao aheap can feed from both ?Ideas the bottom of the rack will have to be built al an tin* enough to elide tC' 'he grain, hay, chaff, trashy bits Of font?* tear*?,, down to the aide where the sheep are feeding. Thla Will keep the far side of the raok from tiling up with mold/ feed. Live St<5ck Notes The market demanda light hoga in Summer and heavy hoga la tha winter time. * ee e Opening* near the ground ahould be Oloeed ao the young plga cannot crawl through. a e a To prevent thumps. give the ? plenty of exercflHTit&& ' feed them. ? -4 .. >e.. e * ve i Experiments Indicate that moet of the body lucrease of young plga oc purs at night ?e e e I Feed the hoga lightly, preferably on dry feed, ft at previous- to ahlpplng (hem to market ? e. e ? I In feeding gvaln to hoga, even Is summer, It la beet to feed on a clean. Ught-feeding floor. ? e e j Judgment la the .outgrowth of ax-. perlenoe, yet a man may have a wide experience and yet lack In judgment ? a e ? i Tour dairy calls for pigs to patch out the profit, of utilising much that be wee ted If yoa have no ta v-? I* NOTIOB OW SALE. By virtue of tha power of sale contained Id ? mortgage deed exe cuted by BenJ. Blngletary and wife n the undersigned, dated November f29, 1904, and rac^rde* la Book 151, j ??age 20$ Register's office of Beaa ort oounty, and herein referred to, ( will offer for sale to the hlgheat bidder for cash, ?t the Courthouse I loor of Beaufort county'on Tuesday 'he Ind day of Marob, 1915, at IS Veiock noon,' iktf following describ ed land oonveyed la the tald mortg age Weed. to-wlt t P A certain timet of land situated a Washington tftwnehip, Beaufort -ounty. North OafttliUi and edfotn* Ing the lands W. It Ellis and Titer and othaw andbelMUthe Id en leal two traota M tend ?rayed to ?aid fllngtetary bf W. It EUla by daw) dated NoymAMt}>9th. 19t4. flee, and tha said deed If 1 ferred to for a rtfl an* complete o. ?cation o* the said two Uacts I land. . Tbl. J Ml IMt.' 1*11. JOfflml a. IWANNKK Mortt???. r. t. raiun, Mm of d?h MMSBfc ji <- ? mM *1 - A. mM, W wh M J*, Pop** * 1*ml ?or ? ~u~ of IU p**ral W *? sentte Action; ind tontdoa ax>, ?In la wl4 by wlwr?.:A. H?n. *. U >Mtlm? *!**? ??. *?rUta ?H?f. fettl. cm >. ob t*ln?<J bjr wrttlnf M-Br. W. ptMnll, 411 WMlllltlHI ?T~t. j MobUo.Ho. 111. | !?>? i u? m?' iJo sm*\ *2?py&.&r> . '.T Tk> ?Uo. it ? Jin ud upct?tynpt. the work. ' ' ..'.e^e- e if you , do mot k*?p M wm tkiil ?cod corn It may mold. Let t* hav? [ hIS8| The drainage deepens tha feeding I CTonnd of the crop m4 farmer ageinat both drought and flood t*g. Hay aline* and a loader ar? amooj I Ik? tools tkat cot down Che ooat o! [ hired kelp br making thai help ?or % Oaairo> uiMMed or. WV trait . or feed It to atock. V ? a "1 Winter peara will keep aa waB ad j applea If oarefully handled. -e, e The cow * ti* rnpet Important aid I to the prosperity ol \h* U^.gtafcyJ NOTICH OP MLK. Under and byjclrtue of a Mortf-1 age dated September if. Iti?, from naiajr A. Wall to tka ?daralg?d P. T. Woolard. which la.reaerded in the Bag o f Beautort county. North Caroling Book 1? ( page 16, the undersigned win eel! at public auction for aaah before the Courthouse door of Beaufort county N. a, on the. of March, 1915. at 13 o'clock noon, the following de scribed real estate, to-wtt: A certain piece or tract of land lying and being ituOhooowlnlty town ship, Beaufort cottaty, 6 tata of North Carolina, and deecribed and. defined as follows, tok-wtt: That certain piece or. parcel of land oa which. Daisy A. Wall now re sides lying and being (n ttxe town of Chocowinity, N. C., the eame being composed of four lota from who Is known aa the Ferry ? place; >,two of the aaid lota bari n* been conr^y ed to her by W. E\ F. .Patrick wd the other two lota baring been con veyed to her by Hill aftd Jonea. both the aald daada being recorded in the IWlater'a oUlee.of aBaafort county, an^^re herein referred to and ma d p conjnrance. * ?T. *7*>OI,ATlD, '? i?.| ?)|flCtS^pt0v Harry MelCollan,. Atty. l-lt~4we. ? J NOTICE OF JBALH UyPHR Dip? OF TftTTST. Under and by virtue of the power of eale contained in - a certain deed of trust executed oa February fth, 1909. by h H, Orelde* t? W, T. Hod nell. Trustee ?9r,I^AA :Bs ,Hl?*nall. which ?ald d*ed of Jyn?T If ford ed in Book 16i. page WU. of the Beaufort county fecorda, which la hereby refered to <e?p*rtid?lar* default haring , beam- made iMt Uie payment# of the <Ukt,??Wre4 by Mid instrument. tbe. anfegglc&eA mortg agee win. Ifr-tfA of Marcb, 1 9f? at 11 o*cfoA no4a. offer tor sale Uf the wiboet liMlir for caah at 4ke Oo?sAmbI? door In Beaufort county, the fa Wowing de actikatrtnc* of 1m*: toH ?nniy, on t h? Bu4r lAaOur- ml' ?? Wta UMrttof'i mm?, thmeo N. * 1-J B 1.1? m|m to miJ JInanlin'i.wiw. ***** u a ?*1d urirfuStt?"? RcAmon'? tnj Boo n?r'l Hn?N. 4? 8-4 W. H44< pol?, to * ?6rt*r la th* ?sveeiaK jhH^ with liolmM't.IniMV ?>! A. t> BMoham'a Itn? to t la 4k* h?d or. Smnd OnL JL B. B?vk ro?d. th*ncw wttli Wtlfroftd Sil. 4i 1 t <11. f 4 fin <1 ooTT)*T in ?>' ? WmrrwiTir. 11??, <h?MM ?1% ?*14 KM W?i ft *.* K X*.?oWU ?n?tWr<c ?*r of Mid D. ?. oomi. raioiiwPaw ePMM TM? M ?th. Illl : ~i W. T. ItlBWU, TrotUo, VarfnrfM w*td * orla*?, i-Mn ? w& THE HALTER PUULEfl hfltar ropo. In ggflfe U? kota. MU> tk* I ?? kla to?... Ifclfc? ?t uuui tkat ii naMm fei^P ha laiu that to It I ?ttution. HU will U 1 h*Mt U am? mm m .YTOpm.jy^ - Aw* ty Um ?) ItifM. t*4 ta tfiaact th* rtas/e? jinn on Jk* *m __ kfc ?nan* **?*t ,M WTOV 0* ?AUI Under ul br Ttitw of the powar ft Ml* contained la a urtala m?rt? |l" deed executed to tha underaiffa Id br 1 H. JUtey?*, vfcioh aald ortfiage la duly recorded 1b tha at uLnSpsajetu " imm &K ^?llo^Bi X?] MtsU, to 3?tag lot No. t *?,1*14 off by W. rarasfe sur^fss loto? loUoCJUJMt front, br M t*-? i si tto tklrt Mi? . OeHoa. Unni ?T ed bta one-half Mint to *?.<-?. I FKnowythe Piano \ r*m* JlMMMutVJI?? immm ~CW tifiam : ,-y p. a Box a* ! JSC N.4GHY * ?"J*-*?- *w >? . Atemymt.ijw M. C. : < 4??t.A*r Aft?r Jtavtn in ??;? ?MMmo' ****?> [*, Urn IkM u>* Jtark^< n> ?r. J. a. L-CL. Wn ?? w - W ? JUlmi^ *> WHBRV-v .... ! wrrrmv T PrietSTR tMftnT>*r!or J ?! ud Bnpr^m? Court* of ?!?<? "?i ft\ flt?t?. ? ? ? --??i ? >? r?, V " -" r w ?? ? ? ? , row ABB ^ ? : cXiiUmiM N. c. '-.?r r- .?.:? * . ?vr^sasapsssL^ ? ? ?' ? '|i ? V?4 *" .a.", % j#-*

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