? v -' - Mi M-| M- N. k A-KD1A I l?-?te. XOW UJCATBD. I* m HOBTOK tmlldln?. nun* u? ?*??. 1?0. Com* lo *** **?>. F?*r*?rWat?on H>r4nn Co. I-IMU. P'nerwwo. K. C. l~Lt-Vc r*-. itxtj bora*-?owov-1115 mod ?I. fwmlor T?rtn? Car. . ?Q?lr aa wtth .Umrl?.-IK*ti, nl> ?Urt ?r, tir? pnmp r?a hy anflne an* ?II lil MHt pl?. Or*p? mu ud Orange" ' Pri m? reatonabl*- H. B. Hajo 1'H-IK asBSESsa?sastl ?>MwdV Whw M lo Ali JU?M. *? ??7 kara. a u?a?/ hv and Oh ba ablnr. bot ra* their no**a II: % wl?4??"g It, using either Iron hlngee or strip? of leather, to support It and allow a free swinging. Attach a hook latch, as Indicated, and you win tare your self much lncon renlenca and repairing of fencea C0R FATTENING THE LAMBS COTTONSEED MEAL FOR FEED Hosrd'e Dairyman Thinks AbatA Two Pounds Dally Quite Enough for Best Results With Cow* In reply to a query aa to the p ropar amount of cottonseed meal to oaa In ?i combination with mixed ground corn. Hoard's Dairyman makes the following ,reply: Aa a rale, not more than two pounds of cottonseed meal should be fed -daily. We recognise that In the South much more than thla Is fed. but for bost results we think two pounda per animal a day la quite enough. A, p*.lxture, therefore, of the corn and cottonseed meal should be such as to provldo thla amount of cottonseed 1 meal dally. It would be better, how-1 ever. If some other feed oould be! mixed with these two. aa'we believe better resulte would follow. If the priceB seem too high for the other Classen of feeds, we would suggest that the corn aod cottonseed meal mixture be put on top of the silage allow Feeding Sllsge to Cowe. ? Feeding the silage tends to relax' the cow's system ilk* grass In the summer time, therefore, she la mora susceptible to extremes of heat and cold than the cows that are kept ex clusively on dry fooder and tboy should not be exposed to chilly winds tN't knot warm and comfortable. THE DOCTTOR'ft WIFR Aktcm With Hlra About Food. A trained nurse wyi: "In the practice of toy profession I have found so many points in favor of Orfpe-Nuts food that I unhesitating ly recommend K' to all my pattenta. ?'it la delicate and pleasing to the palate (an essential la food for the slci) and can he-adapted to all ages bei|ig softened with milk or cream for 'babies or the aged when deficien cy jof teeth render* mseticatlon 4m poHHible. For fever patients or t h at e on liquid dlst I And Grape Nut? and aibumen water very nour ishing and refreshing. ".This recipe Is my own Idea *nd Is diadeas follows: Soak a. teaspoon - -ful. of Grape-Nuts In a glgga of wh ter' for an hour, strain" and with Hie beaten, white of gp egg and S spoonful of fruit htfoe for flavor - Ing! This affords a great deal of nourishment that even th* weakest stomach can assimilate without any I ^My hurf>and Is a physician and hs joecs Orape-Nuts hJrwwflf and pfe, ders It many ttpes for hie pgtlenia. ^Fersonslly I, regard *. dish of Grape-Nut a with fresh or aterwed fruit as the Ideal breakfast for *nj one?well or sick.'*.' In stomach tronhle, nervous | t rat ion. etc., a lO-day trial of Note wtil usually wprk wonders to ward nourishing and residing and 4n this wftj end the tro&fe. Kam* *re? by Gostom <*., Battle Cretk. Mich. l*>ok 1n pkgs. for the f among lit book, "the Road to Weif*tt&" ? *? IsteerT 'a ? BMWk > Nortkos.P*. a polptoud U N. Dl Mi t m mM to (o to Bticunk u. thu OB?* omiki I of an k* rat tfa?T? ultbt r CWtMWX at fate, mot ? For "- T" "bilo h? bunk th?t fa, Mat to tfa* l ueoont of tfa, C4. Wkaa lk?r Ont M. am thu ? ?4? I* I > rn ?M rfbr Mw. Mm? Of Jiokttn* ?n L? ?t. i-. ,, wh a ho Inai oat oka W ?iiiiM < ^ mmm wnuw i SAYS HE IS H18 BROTHER Ate* TWtlo Wife ?h? It Hit ?eter** Uw ?nt Tr?iu H.r ee If ,jK wS?* Twomi, from the to rtiuBbir his owm bmm. U^v4 a Cooper west to Seattlo with hit wlfit, who bad Juet protenco la Taooma. The -jert day h? ditappeared __ When ho next ouie to official boUm be *u at the Taooma dty JaU. rapre ?on tin? him?tt m Um Rov. Bniwt 4. Cooper, who hod oono from Africa to help find hit mlttlnc brother, Edward. 1 QBtead of th? dlnjT brow? nit he had worn at th? "nu o( myttery," ha [ donned a tori* frock ?Cat with ?Ilk lapels, black rimmed spectacles, fancy reat and broad clerical hat. Be bad tho poUoa brin? oet the plo ture take* of the qtfoact wanderer arretted on Taoowa arenne laat March. He declared thli unkempt, be wbickered person wat hie brother Bd ward. Ho teemed much disappointed when tnformad the unknown had left the ooonty hoepttal. bat declared ho would keep &p the search. The unknown wat In % data whea found by the poUoe latt March wan derlnf almlestly on Taooma ttreets. He wat toot to the oounty hotpttaL rat Coo per* t wife in Seattle who ra refied hit plural identity or intanlty. She tald ho it now otaejeed with, the Idea that he lt^ own brother, traaU hit wife aa a tlateMn-Uw an# talkt reli*ton to bar at if ha were actually a preacher. FERDINAND PINNEY EARLE The mm wly> drew "affinity" from the pagee of the dictionary la now tor tag at the home of hla brother el Al lenhuret, N. J. Hla lateet eoulmate la M lee Charlotte Herman. COWS SKELETON SAVED HIM Arfcaneee Youth Had Been Convleted in Court of tUallnf AnhMl. Little Rook, Ark.?Tke India* + the akeleton of a cow In a woode in i Howard county eared William fte* ne^jr, twenty four, from entering tke penitentiary. Kennedy kad been eon dieted of Vvcallnc tke oow. and ?en tented to one yeer. I e wne allowed -to, cerne to Little ** k alone. apd w^e ?bout to f? to tke pea tentlnry tr anrrender. when a tole ration ot frtenia brought htm tke food JUDGE HAS NARROW ESCAPE Dumb-Sell Ixeroleee Areuee Suepic That Me le CMndnhetlni With Enemy. [ London.?An In?1 lah Jndtfe kad A a arrow eeoepe flrpoa %rreet on tke But eout. ud.Mli ?Mtoa>rr wttk ?art aP',*.'**. mm*i i . - -?U?T* "I U Ox age when if count is ? indespeasable to the man or , T i who has money transactions. Your check Is always a receipt and the danger of paying twice the same bill is entirely eliminated. Become a Depositor of tiri* Bank Today One.Doflar Starts an Account Bank of 'Washington Washington, N. C, ? Weather like this is a Fire-Breeder Better protect yourself with Bragaw's Insurance ' while you can, before the fire comes. / v? Pbone today about it?Phones 75 and 59. Wm. Bragaw & Co. First Insurance Agents la Wellington, N. C. S&Y ' BIG TASTE Crystal Ice Cream ONE QUART OF OUR BRICK CREAM WILL SERVE SIX OR SEVEN PEOPLE, ONLY COSTING ABOUT 8c EACH We Wilt Be Glad To Explain 'Phone is' Crystal Ice Company Washington, N. C. ;|LEON WOOO Mwbw New Yorfc Cottoa puh uU that w ParSSE?? J?**k??^jra> w?b mM k* ?wk ? nt*?4 t* mm throw* ar ?2. # 7!3SM?S?iMkk. -?* JM* M Ihto: It m th* wnpumi W*M ha** m Mlm *n Mm u* En K/nm Man of Hla WH. Ht Rltcfflni * an of Ma wmtr "TTnfortunataly so. WtiMW ka dkMpa tAndlord. nil ih. rWta? Mr ar 1 Woat Oo Ron* Till Morata?!- ka ahaolatalj tnalau oa i Try Thumb TMa p taaka laataad ?* i ara aa?? to ?a paatrr aad oopbofM afcatt. tka i alotk mar ba aaalty rawra4 vka* Varlowa Vlawa af tha ?warn Tka taraar calla tk4 an t?a *aa? ?ana fartlllaar. u kaaea tk? Jliaat warm and pata dollara pilivluilf^ Ma raoact paokata. It la Mfc mad hj art lata, wko aaa ataiial