ackool and t*?" bamtlfcll eoennry of ?thi the 8k?." It wa? Mi Urtt Ulp to that Oa* M?o?ed region Dot It* aafa to ? It will not bo hla last *??*=.. k.v 4J ??Waring aaUakarr, wkleh la to eatod ti ? rathar flat country." tatd Mr. Karo. 1n?m a? the W tarn Mortk OaroUna Railroad ] gradually aaa ufoldad to I oar rla ton oat at tka grandeat ?paaonuaaV of natare'a handiwork, a ?cene that U ooaatantlx Ranging. and ? plaaatng to tka eye. MklK Ma Tllla on* geta Ma Brat glSfcpM of the mountain? a?s 70? travel onward they ' coxno rearer and nearer until wtatJNbf* Kanton la reached they ae*m almost \ ? ? b? at the* cai1 window. "At llar lon the" maln atreet of tlje town J5ntai rght'tip a sal net a mo^talo and :M O'd Fort you begin climbing Ik? lofty rnagee. _ "Seeing the cultivated fields ^ the aide of the mount^aa the aaa r-~m the East wondtre wfcjr the far rier* would work lenfrotraufeb nflaep' ;,lacea when down la my ooutitry *r.-at- areaa of uneultlyated land jt>ooada a? level aa a- floor which will produce ahondaatty. - Beaator Pjvxtor told ofoMhw work^ks en! ?0 place? falling out ef Ms field* and breaking hla arm while another , tory.wa* t old ot hqpr xhe .farmer., had to load up H* gun wlg^eogp ?n5 ?boot It lato Ik" fwruvt *? > plaatlDf ttat. vfwmt.w * ?But on laqglry I wa. told W ? It waa Impossible to gat tfcpa; ronup :? near. to loaaa. tbatr sraaaat abM tng plac?, that they would not nOra tor tki "beit Turin In tM Kut it a' girt. ?*>? ? - - "Vh? Tounlaln 'at "Robnd" Knob named tn konor of Oal. A. B. drwora of RaMgk, Wta onp of. tka plctufeeque elghU oa tka trip. Tka fountain waa feat Mao from tka laft aid. of the oar wtadov and fa a fa? mlnuteea the train hpd woiytie^ i-. round and wo were -klAoet at the aama plaoe again, only a llttla high er. lookfng at the Xountaln from' tke right. *4. of tl,. oar window-. There ,1a a point haw rhwo Ota railway can ba weeer In 'fire* dlffwadt placet where tt wind? up the mountain. "Wa want to Sylra located on the I Murphy brafich of tka Southern and on Aur way paaaad by tba' hlgkeat tfatiou Baltam, eoat of tka Hlaaia ?lauvu, ua*^t ] alppl. A hotel oa the au>unialn yo mm SED WITH HEE SCHOOL HE* *?*????*?>? "?'?SSSr**'4* ??? I uMu flytrm'lt took * < t? flrti* to CuDowhee <m a?-' at lV eoixJUlon <rf the ro*d?'. Tie jtoirB*t)l? ka* recently expended '?80.00# ttf roeda but the Uljp coet in* la not yet UniWiod.- hence- Ue mud! The snA?*tt> tMa rwl'w ^ m %!vrwl,fj i J "AallvwkM ]? jttuM-u ?%> the mogauln pMkl about S.OCN high. '. A new 'hdmlntitxctioa tag-LmT tuita erected fooentlj ?t tV? MlMjol. him irfbtlci. tliree etortoe ta heUht, tut# up with <-j?n nM* ud 'Is* practically fireproof. "The *1*1? dormitory b the old bultylaf and here too is the dining hall., T^e .. architect in drawing plan(? tQT' $** hullding'made the rooms too large, aod th^ao should be dot In two. This building if 1 three' stories Ugh aod one of the se I rlouf fauRs to be found with It ' I pfierp U not a Ore escape to the building. The fct^lrway is In the M?r Ml the building and should a ! occur it Is hpryilple to con tem plate the fate of the girls sleeping pn im JtWrd story. All the building: heated from i central heating ^. Kare said the school wai do ing a great work for thst sectimi o. the jslfate,. and ffatl'llqj * th?t I the jstaj? te assisting ?the ialrtltytlQ/rj In 4 ?ulwtai4l#l tm^ine*,-Cuiiawhet was] first .started aifa Ifrtvate school, said' Mr. Keye, stfd gradually gre* ent^ the the a&d for *n- jnttttiftph of thii ktoit In.tS? ?aetfe^Mne to iU aid intl4.?ow It 1 nt ol .ilHMMIt w' .. __iets. The young ^ goitfc ont from the school are lon^of wfcat the fiiture has In store Tor jthem.these Children of the hills Mr. Mayo spoke In the highest terms of the'-mmuagement of Presi dent A. C. Reynolds and said tha* the >tandhrd of tfie school has been" greatly raised during the-past two " Mr. Mayo is in favor of the ap propriation asked for by the achoo' both for'new- buildings and' main tdhance and tj^lnks t^at It would-be ?a jalsteke Jot the stato not to ren der! the nopessary. aid at. 4hV> <time hectare the* school pow passing through a crisis and to refuse the aid asked WQulf 'ltnpaif the useful neaf of tpj>} !ni$(5tJoa J$a jectlor Observer, February 19 "? i?*+ f*?M t v' ft**- F*t, i BILLS INTRODUCED.: m ? - ? T'lH^ (I ? ?1^1? . j( JL ?* i ' ~ T^f ?- ~i ifc ,j^^j IN THE HOUSE AND SENATE YESTERDAY! I 3R -?mn ? ^? gf S?i*V *?! *?^7k> J How Bills. . T% {oUojirliif m* ?Ml? ?? ii; tro4>oad: - , r4,-, ,, ^ _ B. B. ??4; /MmUr.ot, 16 PV ? ti. W< of ?dnoatloa of Cbattm oouatj. B. B. .198, D?r1i of Borko. (0 In oontomtt Mmthmtani Caimp. ? 8. B. ?>?. *nh at ctnac?. Vpro rtdo for the ?upport of th? North C*rolln? Moto Ubrw7. "V 8. B. '??t.* V?K of CfeToti, ti nlt ttT ?109,000 bofrd Um for tke ?My ?f,n 8. B. I?l, Morrli of' (Mmrrii, ti *??&?? ?r?nH? ?m,mlMIM.ri Of ?rtrlct NO. ? t# r?,otr? lanA. aWBoN tO TMIOVI ?.'B.'??f, Dixon m'OMtonf*, to .'xteod th? corporate limita of Bel mont In Ojflqp . county. nilla Introdttord. h* lenfl ?r*nt ht OhOrokeo. H. 8. MM. Rwnett. for relief o< ctori it ?**ri <* 'KoHilWiV' J H. ja no?, Bennett, for relief or J. R. McKooWe, forxier okori? ?( Morttoaorr. ftofto'Womoa and , , " ' ? f 4 ?? ?f I trt? mmmT LWs B. 1110, Kllllan at- Crtawba, ,4 <&&.? B? 1IU, KI!^_, of 14 aot-reUIlTO te Riding court? B. lflt. Klinarf df Mttwba, ?tf ?? rofiltlrfg to ^ y^lw-ttriirv B. lili. Wal^n^Qtang) bodri ?**ar Lo?f mil ?tokltnar' townahips, Alexander 'a. B. HH._W?!den. par reglater a. B. 121?. B?b?ob. pnijMjtw dp ti? of tra?D?ff ?t coiombuf ??. b. lit?. Jon??. ?Komu orno? ot trMtturar ,af Jtrkair oountr. H. B. m OalloWaj,, extend Jim Ita Qrlftou school jlatrtal, j . ? , < H. B. lilt, Riwti add Nettle?, amend rxTtaal ralaflve to cort*la' Cratraa rt Waat AOwVaftta. H B. 1119, Kin?, air.en'1 SaW *Mfaibm?ti mt. ? B. 1U0, Renfrew. for protec tion of travelling man.In fcotela and i aiy?'t-. B . Jlll.KHtfall. aanead ravlaal B. lilt. WiUam. of Cakalni., inland laws SipW^?! 1 tflfli T ? 1: Igduee i Caawall. -'?Msnr Bi llpp ftnt Matildi?> Chtuxh. VM B?oood IM. IUt. B. M Snip?, paator. Racular Mrrtcaa at 11 a. m., ?nd 7:10 p. m., with Sjeainiot by ih. pa?or. - Sunday School, B. R. Mlxon, an I pariMaaduit, Trill suet at 9:46' a. m. Baraca claaa, W. M. K?ar, taach Nta'at tit* mmm hoar. L * 11 Titpt Baptirt Charck. Market street. Her. R. L. Gay, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m.. an& 7:10;p. in., wttli preaching by t lie paator. Morning subject. "Seeking a Core (or Leproty." Bv onlng subject, "Who Should and Who Should Net Be Baptised." Sunday School 9:46 a. m., W^ G. PrlTette, superintendent. Strangers and rlaitors cordially Invited. .PHjlKlu Church Hist Second street. Rer. R. V.' Hope/ pastor. Regular services at VI a. m.." and 7:80 p. m., with oreachlnf bytltepastor.'' Morning 'heme7 'iTh* Pre-eminence of OhrlsC'\rJBTenlng theme, "Re-dig Mag the-Old Wells." The Bible School wt* meet at 10 Vclock; W. p/Ellis, superintendent. The public ts oortUally invited. bjrterMMLfltWtfu *? / Gladden street; Rev. H. B. S?a "'Kht. pastor. Regular at Teneral ptf&lfe Ess a cordial invita tion. Sunday School, Q^M. Brown, Jr.. tuperlaten^ent, wjJT^neet in the af ternooQ at S o'clock. ? '*'* _ > > -/? ? . St. Peter's Eplsoopj^' Church. Conner ' street, Rer. " Nathaniel Hardlnjf, jector. Morning and er? oni?g prayer at'the usual hours, 11 fc. m.. and 7:3*0 p. m. Bishop Darst \xtt the Diooes of Baet Carolina'will j lehver'the sermons at these hours. Kt the evening service the rites of confirmation will be administered. Sunday School, E. K. Willis, Jr., superintendent, and Bible class, H. ?!. Ward, teacher, meets at 3 p. m. AR most cordially Invited. SKBJ'lC'fet AT TRB OOUMTY HOMK Service? At the County Home "will bo coaducfed on tomorrow After noon 'i o'clock by 'Rev. B. M Snipe?. An invitation is extended to All to attend these eervicea. ? is. tarn * j ?" iB Ti? Dallr Novi Uk? plaa?ura In lonoueUif tii? narrlaica of oua of Wtfhlaitob'f pranlMOt and popu Ur la tka porno n of Mr, Oaorga fHntoai to Mtn' JuHa NMr**r, ?hleh bappy ?rut took nl?' at (ha ben* of tba fcrwta Ir Havana, Cuba: -*/? . ! ,V <3 Mr.' and tfra. Sahtkut arrlrad In ?bo?l<r a fawdar" a*o and ?ra.r? ?idln* on Raapaaa rtraat. Tba brld? '3 war ml r weloomad'to Waahlnroti Aa la m of ltinW< rating tadlM nd kar now mad* In thl?' eftr wlab> bar awry tori and ha(?p1aa*t. T"b?' (room baa a r ?aidant of tka otty for ihr naat eararal raara. bain? ?oMgad In i ha tn*raanttla btulnaa?. Ha ?njar> tka' frlandahtp and aataan of a larta nam bar Of rrfrftda n%o wlah for <?ra 4 brtgfa and proaparoai fatnra * Kar tka paOi whk!i tkar NEWS Tho Gfirmta ?Mill, In tod??'? nwti tkit nubiun tlkl program hn bdm made in the Uiruton of North enrBural?, ?long tb? Omu tortM,".^olk>wlnc the ox pulsion of lu Rifmima* from East Praaste. The Otnuu M? i?i<l to fear? captured Taaro*g?n, In the province of K<m?o, la meli'as ??v? al TtlkL^oe further aoutb. Ia Centrr I Poland, 'along tho W^areaw front, th< situation la unchan^ad. The allies' Is the *a|t. suposadly to preteat rthe OarnAn* from developing their offensive move meat In RuMla, hajried to severe en gag amenta at aeveral poanta. The Oe?m*?-^R.r office admlta that the French ware^ TatnporarUy sucoeeeful In a bat Re naar Verdun, but says thait later they were-driven back. ?ooardlng to advijila to Washing ton State Department, all travel be tw^an" England and -tha continent ha* bjaan auapendad **?y the Brltlah i admiralty until further notice. Garmany baa ?truck the first blow ?Uk? bar war tone decree went InK) j effect* French steamer was torpe iloadffi-qfcfcw flnglfci^ehannel bt a Germjip .submarine. ihe was able to uVUbbacftjtadly damaged, ?t -r are repprted tc bo^n^lqp^ng ihair Ttotorious ad vance through .tilufcowina, rolling back the extr^t&f.?4at#rn and of the Riyrelan * l^e*. London dlapatc) saya the RuMiixia have now evacuat ed all of BUkowfns, tHBciai reports from *atnogtad anfr'Vienna- vpeak o' 'enaguntara K gr?? ferity In t -4-iar*&iUUa?s lbat ?p^*eo>tly no de claiap- ta near. InOfcrtharn Poland' ****** which drove them from Bast Prna si a, and tt\,e fighting now in progress la described by the Petrograd war of lice as* "reaching the climax of atut jbornneaa." Berlin newsp^K commenting] i an t*#y t efleat ^he on the German ra#y to the Amert can note, refleot^he f??lhig th?t there mu? be no departure from the position Germany baa taken. Tl influential Lokal Anrelger ?ayj that "we Germans have resolved to fight without regard for the conaequen V'"" Ttoo aaowptd of the Brltlah bUweek |ly reports "from the front speaks of severe fighting near Ypree on the, ;weatern end of ihe battle line. Ge man attacks gained possesion of sev eral British trenches, which how-' j ever, w$re won bock subsequently. Ralefeb, N. O., Feb. 10. 1916.? ? Orkre concern I? f*lt by the friends Of Speaker Kmtoett R. Woo tea, Who ni Injured In the automo bile 'accident Thureday nlfbt and Which Mr. Wlllam O. Ay cock wax killed. At Unit It wa* announced that while eome of the ribs on tfce right aid# of the 8p?aker were broken, It tu not, believed that the Injury Wfta serloui. l**t nlfh* Dr. Hubert A. Roywter, the attending physician, warn not optlmlntlc. He atated that Mr. Wooten bad had ? fairly com fortable day, that he wa? holdlnr h fa own an app*arM from pain than the night before, yet ho considered the inJnrfta? pretty ne ilous. As to tho ox tent of the In juries. he not able to g$f at the examination had not been com pj???d. ? - Mr?. Wooten, tho Speaker'. wife. f.* Wooten. hI? mother. Mr H. C. Wooten, hi. brother, and Mr. T. c. Wopten. m unci*, ere with the Injured legislator. b.vltt* art ved In the eltr re?terd?y. The (Iret two the t rein end the letter two by c*r through the ooutrr. Mr E M. Le nib el Ooldaboro. hae ar rived to aee the Speaker The rwaalna of Mr. Aycoek left here yesterday afternoon at 11:1? Tor Fraanont. the home of hie moth er. when tke Intern??* will teke olaee The remains w?r? eeeoanpa 01?? by Mr?. Cher lee *. A/oock, Mr ? 11 rum The Washington (D. O.) Tim?? of] tbe 16th gtrtn, a glowing account pf "Lmdj Luxury" which la bMaj pr# serrtod at the BsJuoo Tb?Ur ?bere this -week. This play will bs mm here on 4b? night of March the 1st: "Lady* Lnxory" .the musical con* edy at the Belasco (or'thin week, Is a most pleading musical conooqpon and besides providing sufficient ^.a n.usement to mak? the time pass quickly, actually, makes one think? not too desperately, however?or two thillgS. ' v The first one Is that In the face of each s cleverly -woven and tuneful production as "XJady Luxury" whlcb goee quite boldly under the name of musical comedy, and which Is Just a* funny as one oould desire, that the usual injection of the Immodest ipto musical comedy 1? unnecessary to the auccess of a production, and, second, that musical comedy can have ^ an lntereetlng and coherent1 plot without arousing too much In trospection. Rlda Johnson Young who wrote ? he book and lyrics, may have ?een the cause of the success of that J which was spoken and the plot Itself but It Is also true that the cast which Is admirably balanced and flt ited to the play Itself has a finger In !the pie. The muslo of William Bchroeder is sometimes reminiscent, i but always Cresh and oatchy and re I cel vos as muoh intelligent treatment 'tif. is needful at the hands or rather j with the hands and feet* and voice* i of a comedy chorus. L Florence Webber, [who takes the [leading role of the young American J I.uxqry'^tas a soprsno voloe of ex cellent timbre. Forrest HufT, who plays opposite In the role of Jim i Warren, the rahchman, who enters into a plot to tarn the twenty-one year old "Lady Luxury" into a sweet 1'ncere, little girl again. Is well cast, and sings as delightfully as ever. DonaM McDonald, who Is tbe young brother of the heiress, Jim my,"la bright, cheerful, and dances with feet which are as nimble aa his smile 1? encompassing?and hi* emllc Is of considerable width. Tho comedy centers around the uncle of Lady Luxury, and the fact that, in order to make her realize how foolish is her pose as Lady Luxury, hs bides In a secret cham ber bebind a huge ca-pvas over the mantelpiece, l?tftin.g behind a me* efcge that- he ban used her fortune In wild ?peculation, and pauperized her. This played to perfec tion by J. W. Herbert, and the at tempt? of Jim Warren to supply him with food and the necessaries of life are an ever-present source of pure comedy. 'But unfortunately, the Jewels of a Rusntan dancer, who has been aaked by the young helrsas to dance, dis appear, and poor uncle, aocused of having made atway with them at the time of h la withdrawal from the scene, remin? perforce In his pic ture frame, from whence be become? a part and portion of everything that goes on. The costumes and JUllngs are at tractive and eatlsfacttory. FROM WILSON. Messrs. J. A. Corbett and John I>. Wells, of Wilson, are In the city today. Connor Aycook, Ml?? Mary Ayooek, 1 R*pr?**n tot Ives Allan and Mint* of Warn? and Uro committee appointed i by the Senate M follows: Bon atom Stereos, John ton* of Duplin; Mo Neelj. Mcleod. MoAuley and Hay Senator Johnoon of Doplln, who wm also hi the fatal ooctdent. and who soffared brnteoa and tfhook wont to Warsaw yesterday. ? teleffraoa i from Waraaw lee ?fl*ht stated that ha waa feeling better, b?t that wae awful ?ore And nerrovo from Che ahook. 1*. Ay cook ni tmmeoaely popu lar lnd htw death waa sot only ?Hock to t^e member* of {fee General Amenably but to tie .people of Ro l*lfh. Tbe relatjipa of tbo yoop* man hare the deep sympathy of *11. There I* (root arm path y far Speaker Woo<eo ud atotttt Johnson a ad tke frteoda of tfco%M?W aw*|t wKk Jeep InterttX fault of a ftir h?Te*tl#atlon ?f lip Injmri**. iwoit r! Sxt ^ANCl?CO FAIR OPlw J TODAY WITH BEFITTING CEREMONIES San frudwo, Cel., Feb. 10-? With befitting ctrtmony U tbe ywwe< of distinguished riymB HUm from many parte of tba globe t h? Panama-Peel flc international Exposition which hu IMS exploit ed and under T17 In gigantte prep ed today. Tbe expoeltlon hA? at tained a nearer state of perfection and preperednees Chan any prwvlons .large world? exposition rrer attain ed at the time of lta opening. The official openlgfVaa by direct signal from the President at tbe eagltol at Washington. The weather had favored the preparations and despite the war there i? a large foreign representa tion. Among the world powers rep resent ed are: Japan, Canada, Hol land, France, England. Argentine, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, China and Italy, with fnll repreeen tatlon and len extensive state and private exhibits from nearly every olvtilied country. The buildings repreeent an Invest ment of 960,000,000 together with the grounds and other material. The exposition occupies a natural amphitheatre extending two and a half miles along the ahorse of Ban Francfcsco Bay, Just within the Qol den Gate. On the east-It touches Fort Mason and on the west the Preeldo military reeervatlon. In the background are the hills of Ban Francisco and wooded b to pee of the Preeldo; ward, acroes the Straits, visa the Marina Hills and Mount Tamatpaa, while before the .grand esplariflra stretch the Island-dotted the bay. With this attracUrrt. AaAffAunC artists. archltesAa and U>W<y gardners have erected the "Walled City of the Orient," a city of shim mering green domes and red-tiled roof*, aet 1n gardens typical of Cal ifornia. Dimension and cost of the central group of buildings are as follows: Mines and metallurgy 962.000 square feet; cost $369,445; trans portation 310,000 square feet. 94 81. 000; agriculture 3 28,000 nquare feet 9425.000: food producta ?86.690 square feet, 9842,561; varied Indus tries 219.000 square feet, 9812, 691; manufactures 848,000 square feet, 9941,069. liberal arts, 961. 000 square feet, 9426.600. The palace of machinery cost $600.000, is 186 feet high, seventy six feet wide and 967 feet long. The palace of Fine Arts is 960 feet long and has an area of 906.000 square feet or nearly At? cres. The Pal ace of Horticulture la 116 feet hlich and rovers about Ave aeree of apace. No country baa withdrawn lta par tlclpatlon in the Exposition because of the war, and while the display of some European exhibits haa been pre vented the most Important of them are jrtiown. While Oriental, South American and Amerloan participation la tm meaeurably Increased, many Buro pnan. exhibits are shown -which were hot contemplated prior to the war. The exposition at Mihno, Sweden, * hlch waa closed upon the outbreak of the war, is still Intact, and a large selection of the beat exhibits bare been aect over Intact by ?teamer. England. Germany, France, Den mark, Finland, Rusala are partldpat Ing In this exposition. The best section of the exposition at Genoa, which Include* splendid samples of Italian Industries, man ufactures and arts, including many notable palAtlnf a, hare been brought here. Under Commissioner General Yam awki Japan'? magnificent exhibit! haa been perfect la every detail. I Japan appropriate $660,600 aad the pavilion waa bnllt by Japan see workmen. Ona of the featuree of (ha Japaneee site at the expoaltlon is a garden of 160 square feet which la atocked with plants, rocks and soil brought from the land of the Ml kado. Mor? than 114.??0.000 hu tan ipant by th? SUU and elty of flan Fmnotneo on tk? portion. Tfc? total amount ?tp?ad?d by tka ?* MMtar* and ooMaatoaartaa will a moant t? nor* tkan |IMM,?tO. Hut amount, howrfr. do?? sat la ?lad? ih. bomt which will h? <+mi on th. Otrta oarntr? at (?0 rraadaoo la roanaotlna wltk tk* Bnuull l?a With tka aaeopttoa ?( u>* hlKt ot fin? Art?, all kar? tai |M La Ut*>. U ? tttUf ?at u??. j i: eout (or U? loostlon ol tfeo Pa? Pacidc International Kiyud And with characteristic o? erg7 sad froo handnsss ths mm of tbo old Argonaut* of '49 have fQM ?boot ths dntlM of their sbfr. Promptly California |I0,?00,000 and used It In i ta? th? ?h *11 and the setting of i ?ho eeems to bo Justified la mil tog tho moot oostly. m oft end moot harmonloutly beautiful of oil world oslebratlona. Few ?uah undertakings boroto foro have boon reedy until ion? af ter tho opening day. This ono boo set m*ay rooords, not tho loot of theoo being that of prepare dneae. Although national In character t Me Jubilee, by Invitation of President Wilson, 1? participated In to o de gree never before attempted. ?very country between the Arctic circle and Cape Horn is repreoented. In tho FYeoch government exhibit la a reproduction of tho Palace of tho Legion of Honor. Secretary of State Bryan arrang ed eo that exhibits for the exposition were conveyed through all Euro pean oountrles without molestation. The American ambassadore, coneuli and other diplomatic representative* abroad exercising personal supervis ion over the shipments. . j Forty-one foreign Datlona and for ty ^three eta tee and territories are participating in the world celebra tion. The thirteen nation? at war aro exhibiting, France. Japan. Tur nkey ' and little Bolglnm officially. Sixty thousand exhibitors have ob LJgP* ?P?gUU-at. JLn Lacn M190 al a?_ Of tba first magnitude begin Wswb Jngton's birthday with the Vander bilt cup race. The sporting calen dar Includes every championship of this year. State function? begin with Presi dent Wilson's arrival three weeks after opening day. fetour hundred conventions will be held on {he grounds. Cross American mall oa** rylng flights will end thsra Tbo world polo matches, OCjmple | harness horse series of baooball add tog miles of avenues and aMCBfltooat palacos along tbo golden gate, a msnsa like which Rurepe oan not of fer even in peaceful times. NOTICE. The oflce of the Ctty Clerk win be open until ? p. m. at ntght until March 1st, for the collection of tasee On and after this dat? all property will be enbjeoted to lery for taxee and coet, In accord?nee with law. ? W. O. AYERB. City Olert. 1-10-Tte. WITH THK BLKS. At their regular meeting last nlgtit the local orderof Elka per formed varlone oeremonlee on the entrance of "freeh meat," namely. L. Letter Barage, Jim Hackney, Ram Orlet, Afhcrt Willie. Allen ChannWf and Harry Rear. Re fraebroeeta were eerred afterward and the meeting wa a pleaaant one enhanced by the preeenoe of eeveral netting brother Bike. New Theater f tonight "imrVHRSAL PHOTOPLAY*." I?REKI4?g NMJbmh Look! Read! Listen! Only Om H019 VMk To MJUlCHlat -* J'-f. ? '1-4?_*B *3<Mr - s*.

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