BILLS INTRODUCED BfM: IN THE HOUSE AND SENATE YESTERDAY Kow BIlli. ? The foknrtaf an t Me wecv la 8. B loti. Da rta o( Bork., rel atlre to tba graded eohooli of Mor *. lot*. Millar of Kowma. ral atlra ?? tka iwom of t ha bum ?. 8. 1017, Millar of Rowan, ral ?8re to tba reomr.i of tha State dohool for tha blind to Sallabnry and tha aala of property or tha aohool la Rajelgb. - B. B. 1018, Bumfarovr of Wtlk?.' te anthorlae P. B. Brora, eherlS of Wllkoe to oolleot hack tazaa. ?? ?. IHf, Thompooa of Oarioar. to-*uthort?e tha eommlaaloaara of Vmolx to e*hmft M a Tota or tba poopla tha 4aeetion of laeulng boodi for ?ubila works. ?. B. 1060, OH?a of McDowell, mlatita to tha par of eollcttore vhao tha dafendenta ara found guilty ??4 ara aaataaoad to work oa tha 8 B. 1IO, Thompaoa of Onalow, t? prohtblt' travailing ekowe and car wrata aad pobile exhibition. of car ta hi klada la Morabaad CKr. 9.-B.-106I IW* mlativa ta rti? - i Vata (a McDowell county. 8 B. 1061, Co boon of Paaquo ?ank, ralatlra. to notariat public. S B. 1064. Thompaoa of IradaU. - amend tha ranaal reletIre to t' . malnteaanee of the poor. S. B 1065. Ward of Craran. ral atlra to tho patahjlrhpient of a drain ace oommleelon and a drainage law | 8. B. 106?, McRackaa of Colom-j baa, ralatlra to hooting and Sabin* In Colombo*. 8. B. 1067, White of Franklin, to plaoa tha o 11 oar. of Franklin on a oalary bawla 8. B. 1066, Bamaaraar of Wtlkaa, to eathoHne north Wllkeaboro to la ?oa- auppieaent .hoada .for. aid to Waataqga aad Ttxlkla Rlter Ball I aa folfbwT B. B. 1171, Sbaphard, aathorlsa Robaaoo commlaal ooera to tranafar game faad to of count/. B. S- 1171, Maunay, to amend ohartar of 'Charrymie ' H. B. 1174, Vamoa, to Incorpo rate Alamance, Durham aad O ran g Railway Company H. B. 117?, Maton, amend rerlaal ralatlra to aalary of Btata Librarian -B. B. 1176, Hall, enlarge achort' d let riot number one Darldaon town ahlp, IradaU aoonty. . . B. B, 1?77, Maoon, (rant aaw Ohartar to town of Warranton. B. B. 1178, Macon, prorlda for dlArlbutloa of nmt funda la War Ma. H. B. 1179, Smith of Wautauga, prarent manufacture and aala of *l?a wKbln two mll?B of Onion ; church, WaotaaCA county. H. B 1110, Dayton, change time b? holding court. of Yanoay. 9; B. 1111, Boat, amend ohartar WeHaM. H. B. nil, Hanaa aad .Mlekle, prorlda for erection of farm life oohool at Oleaimoae. Forayth ooun ?*? - ? ? ? ... H. ? 111?. Leonard, regulate pay of commlaalonen of Darldaon. H..?. 1114, Mlckla, validate acta of oartala Juatlcea of tha peace In ?a H B mi. Freeman, of Mecklen burg, relating to drat a age law. of Meokleoburg. H. B. llll, camp, aothorlae adfcool eonwilaetonera of Tryon town ?hip. Polk towuehlp to laaOe bond. B. ?. 1117, Baanatt Incorporate Laonel RUI Baptlet oharoh, Moat ll?B. llll, Oarawaa, anmd prl. ?*ry law ralatlra go Beaufort, "ara aad other ooutlee. ., . H. B. llll. Dala, prorlda for bet tar working of puhlic road? or Bar*?. H. B 1110, Dola, afcolteb o t arm of Borke Saperior oourt. H. B. lfll. Tucker, by ragoeat. gut borile eabmMoa to rote of alt . laeoa of Roiboro, bond laeue far B. B, llll. Notaad, aotborlee Waynaertlle to lam 16,000 bond. ?o boy watarehed B. ISftS, Noland, to build brld?a orar Jonathan creek. Hay wood count J 'm. ?. 11*4. Otbln. amend aot rel nt or farm llf. tolling oUce of treasurer of Madl-I von. . I H B. 1297, Ebb?, create office of tax colelctpr of Madison county. I H. B. 1298. McKay. place officers of Harnett on salaries. H. B. 1299, McKay, place Annie D. McLeod on pension lift. H. B. 1200. Hewett, provide for better system of public roads ir Krunswlck# - -- | EL B. 1201, Brummltt, amend Granville salary - law. ft H. B. 1202, Hanes and Mlckle. providing for crotoa Indexing of land sold for taxes. H. B. 1802, Bowls, amend pu' toad law qL. Ashe. H. B 1204, Douglass, amend road law of Wake. H. B. 1205, Douglas, for relief of W L. Wlggs, road supervisor of WUe. 4j. B. 1206, Jones, to Increas board of education of Jackson from tbree to live, member*. H B. 1207, Inecoe, change boun dary Une of Douisburg township. H. B. 1208, Dean, authorise spec ial tax for Franklin township, Ma con county. R. B. 1208. Mlckle and Hsnes authorise commissioners "of Forsyth to expend certain funds. H. B. 1210. Mlckle and Hsnes. authorise commits!oners to expend funds for publicity purposes. H B. 1211, Carr, authorise clt4e? and towns to amend and fram their own .charters. H. B. 1218, Grant, regulate fish ing In On alow H. B. 1218, Grant, to make board of education of Onslow elective. H. B. 1814, Battle, relaUpg to salarlee of officers of Nash. H. B. 1215, Hutchison, provide for apportioning school fund of Mecklenburc. Cheap money "will solve many of \tbp farmer*' problems. There is not enough of the com munity spirit among our rural die tricts. Suocess in farming depends upon proper marketing methods, v cheap cheap money and co-operation. Something is wrong In our market lag system when a wmall crop brings money and co-operation. Co-operation between practical farmers and proficient business men will eliminate Ignorance and preju dice. The highest doty of state and Fed eral governments ie to place agri cultural education within the reach of alL The farmer cannot be helped un til he organises, and the government can Vest help the farmer through organisation. By eo-operating with his neigh bor the farmer can learn new meth od? of culture and the Interchange of Ideas will bensflt both. The nation's menu must be made hp from the fields, pastures orchsrds and gardens, and to farm Intelligent 1y the farmer must know what is Alf ATrfhACmv? WINDOW. When It pomes down to a ques tion of attracting the public with a tastily arranged and decorated ?how window the Blectric Shop is risht there wHJi the balls on Thetr let**t is s combination Val enUne and Oeorgo Washington an niversary window which has attract ed much attention These gentlemen receive spclal material for new windows each week commemorative of national PA88KD THROUGH m-' I Mr. John O. Tooltj of Mhm VMM4 throarh lb. Mtjr fkimi) ???? t? lUMtk on of . Florence Webber, the dainty little plima donna of The New York Casino Musical Comedy Succefs, "Lady Luxury" Which comes to the New Theatre, M on. Might, March 1st FIGHTING FOR PURE MILK. (By M. M. (Wrick, M. D., Salta tion Expert.) ? So many dramatic disclosures have been made i a regard to the re lation between dirty milk and the exceeslve death rate among infants that farmers are beglning to realize as never before, the necessity of co operation with the municipal author ltlee in their light tor pure milk. MUk is certainly the most impor tant article of food In the human dietary, and K it also the most oon lajDlnable. It is, therefore, up to the farmer to se? that the milk from hit dairy geta to city bablee in as reasonable & state of .gasoline*? as possible. Kot that (fate Is an ex clusively baby proMem, for all sorts of diseases areanffled through milk Tuberculosis.*^*an example of this class, and a number of epidemics of dtptherla and scarlet fever have been traced to the milk supply, but when -we pause to conisider that one^ i fifth of all the babies born in the I United "states die In their infancy i frottN preventable diseases, and that | sixty per oent aT theae are due to gastro-lnteetin^/ dteeasee, due to j improper feeding or Impure milk, we naturally begin to look into the cause. I realise, of course, that not every farmer can have his milking done fctlentiflca.lly. but it is po4?lble for him to produce safo milk for his own use and that of the public by I very simple and inexpensive means He may not have an elaborate dairy ^outfit, but his cattle can be kept dean Vnd in perfect health with tKe Sssi&tauce of a veterinary. It will >oe to bis financial interest 1u thpMong run. Tar paper, white st and home-made cement will insure a sanitary stable at small coat. Then, there should be a covered milking patt In place of the old fashioned wide-mouthed pall. Thta will keep nine-tenths of the dirt out during milking time. AU milk uten ells may be kept clean by the use of a brush and a solution of soda fol lowed by a final rinsing In scalding water. If Ice la not possible for one farmer, Is it not feasible for several farmers to combine their Interest, and secure a supply of Ice at some central place at a reasonable oost. I hope the reader? of Uit* paper are not superior germs. If you are, send for some of the govern ment literature on the subject of the ears of milk. A request to the Bureau of Agriculture will bring a number ef bulletins to your doer, much to your enlightenment. ' QUBHT OF MM. PHILLIPS. Mies Kef Moore of Pitt county, ?pe*t the week end wKh lira. O. A. Phillip? lu Wsrt Second street. Mr. W. J. Midget* of Luke Land ing, H lu toe rfty today on buulaeee Mr* T. 0 Manning ha? returned her Home lu this city atf.r a vleft wHh friends tu Oree*HHe. OOOnj BDAD8 NOTES. So otlMtfdtla? realiaee th? Tal ne of goo4 read. aa do? the farm A community on wifely be Judg ed by tfc. kind ot highways It main tains r " ' / ? The greatest ohasm between the producer and the connmer is the uvid hole. Production must cease when the transportation costs eat up the prof it?. ?v*' ?* *" -~t * > - > toare eometfelng radically .wrong with the farmer who is op posed -to good roads. Without good roads, iliere can be no development that will be per manent and enduring. Bad roads keep children away from school* and Impair the efficiency of church work in a community The elementary principles involv ed In improved highways are social and domestic happiness and busi ness oconomlce. The police raided the blind tiger joint of M. G. ?tatoD, col^, at the corner of Pierre and Fourth Afreets Saturday night and caught Staton in ?.he act of selling a pint of Ujuor to John Perry, colored The officors found nine pints of liquor and secur ed a long list of names of people from whom Staton had been solicit ing liquor busies* for a Norfolk house. He was tried In the Recor der's court yeeterday afternoon and sentenced to two months on the road for retailing and two for soliciting. Appealed to 'the Superior Court and was released on bond. CAUGHT IN THE ACT. HERE TODAY, Mrs. W. E. Proctor of Grlmesland, was in the city today on a shopping trlp# TO WILLIAMSTON. Dr. B. M. Brown and MUses Min nie Loo Kelly, Mattle Griffin. Ruth Botler and Mary Vlrfinla Bonner motored through the country to Wil 11a met on yestardsy. returning In the ?Antd? QUESTS OF MOTHER. Mr*, r. R. Kuhn and son of Ra tol?b, ara the gueets of bar aather Mrs. D. R. Willis on East Main FROM CUBA. Mr. K. John returned _ w fro* Oata where he spent several w TH* opit. Mr Clifton Williams of _ Lak? to the gaeet of lfr. and ** I* Roper in Baat Main mmm After careful consideration by the Board of Director* of the Tebacco Association of Che United State?, It wu determined to leave the follow ing statement regarding the afrtoa tlon of bright tobacco, with reapect 4o the planting for 1916. Land suitable for the production of bright tobacco In Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina is auf flclent, if used, to make enough to bacco in one year for the demand? for ten yaara. Twenty-fl?*e year? ago the tobacco produced hrEaatefto North Carolina and South Carolina waa a very small j amount indeed. In 1914 these two sections produced over 150,000.000 pounds, againet about 140,000.000 pound? produced In the Old Belt aeo t ion of Virginia and North Carolina,, urhowlng moat distinctly how this new territory haa Increased. * Tobacco and cotton are the money crOpa of this part of the country. The Old Belt section is not adapted tc cotton and, therefore, it appears that the cotton section has made the Increase In tbo production of bright tobacco that must produce serious consequences If continued. Eastern North Carolina and South Carolina produced In? 1910?76.00c.000 p v, 1911?49.000,000 pou." . 1912?92.000.000 pounds. 1913?118.000.000 pounds. O* 1914?150,000.000 pounds. ?and over. I* Old Belt Virginia and NUrtf-Oiro Una produced in? 1910?100,000.000 pounds. 1911?148.000.000 pounds. 1912?148,000.000 pounds. 1918?200,000.000 pounds. 1-914?156.000.000 pounds. It Is fought that lesM than 250, 000.000 pounds la annually used, and for the two y?ars over 800.000, 000 pouixls have been produced, and 100,000,000 pound? more than Is used. The following will show how this over-production has reduced prictts. 8outh Carolina - In 1913 averaged $13.77 In 1914 averaged 9.68 Eastern North Carolina In 1913 averaged 18.56 In 1914 averaged 12.39 Old Belt North Carolina In 1918 averaged 17.72 In 1914 averaged 12.49 Mr. George X/ee of Swan Quarter, wa* a visitor here today. ? ? ? ? Mr. John Roberts of Swan Quar ter, has been In the city for sever al days. RANSOMVIliTiE NEWS. Quite a number of people attend ed the Farmers' Institute at this place recently. ? ? ? ? ? There was a baaket party at the home of Mr. J. W. Alllgood on the night af February 20th. The pro reeds to be used for the Methodist churcht ? ? ? ? We are glad to know that Mr. W. Kinlon, after a long Illness, Is much better. ? ? .? ? Katherlne Olivia Payne, the In fant dairghter of Mr T. 8. Payne, d'ed on February 14th. She was laid to reet at Wlntrteadvllle besides her mother who died only a few months ago. The family ha*e our deepest sympathy. ? ? ? ? Mr Clarence Dunbar of High Point. epent the night of February the 9th at the home of Mr. H. D. Setterthwatte. He was on his /way home from Hyde county, where he and father, Mr. Jno, Dunbar, went to fake the remains of his mn? Mr?. M?rr MtOtrncr at Mhv '? ?Wtl?? hfcr fitter, Mr*. j. t. Unto? . T- ' *?*? tM ?. M IfThi miMr, w?r% ta tk. REVS! ROTES Ffifll SCHOOL ARB MS The Athletic Association held the chapel exercises on Friday laat and bad a t err interesting program, which wsa aa follow?: * Sod??By the School. Scripture Lesson?By C. L. Ml<* cap. _ Prayer. Opening speech?By Ray Warren. Speech on the Hopee of Athletics ?By Edward Forbes. Bon?:?By Elsie Kelly, Laurie Branch, Jamee We?ton. 8 pec h on the Hopee of Athletic?? By Edward Forbee. Speech on the Place Athletic* Hold in the High School?By Win. Johnson. Song?By the School. Athletics occupy an important part in the work of the high school and is becoming the most popular or sanitation In the echool. The baseball team Is almost ready to start out for the spring practice. Under the efficient leadership of vuch men as Jim Weston and Fm Jones they hope to fain great suc cess throughout the year. The John H. Small Debating So ciety held Its regular weekly meet ing In the school auditorium The query for the daj being: Resolv ed, That the United States should ^hlblt the Importation of arme to ?Cq. -ring countries, was Tery ably -4>t j both sides, but owing to the i?, i that the affirmative argu ment was slightly superior over the negative, resulted In the negative losing her laurels. Tke RtU Kappa Club. The Etta Kappa meeting was on the Red Cross Society and its work. Miss Edna Willis read a very Inter esting article on the organisation | of the society. Miss Louise Hender son read a paper on the aid render ed by the Americans to the srnfferersi of the European war. M1m Bernlce Nicholson read an article entitled. I "Is the Peace Movement a Failure?" | This wa*? written by Miss Jane Ad ams. who says that It is not a fall-' ure. Mies Lillian Campbell, In con-l nection with the Red Cross work, read an article about the Russian women making such capable sur geonls and nurses. At the close of | the program a very interesting ac count about "the teaohlng of Hel |en Keller," by Miss Sullivan, was read. The Cornelian Club had a busi ness meeting on Friday. Old end new buslnrtes was dlscusned snd due# were collected. The program for nert w??k was arranged All the national anthems were sung by the school Friday afternoon ait 3 o'clock. A neat sum of# 112.50 wss realltftd from this and went to wards diminishing the debt of the Athletic Association. The taucce*? of this entertainment was due to the untiring efTorta of Mrs. J. T. Law son and the first year High School RETURNS HOME. I Mrs. 8. P. Robinson, who has been v krit ing her son In Washington, D. C., bas returned to her home In this city. VISITED HERE S m O' ON TONIGHT The teeth Installment of the "Trey O' Heart?" will " be shown at the New Theater tonight. This serial photoplay la proving to be one of the beat drawing ca*ds that this house has ever put -on. DISTRIBUTED ON APPLICATION. The Department of the Interior. Bureau of Mines, announce that a limited supply of the following new publications is available for free distribution: Fourth annual roport of the Di rector of the Bureau of Mines to the Secretary of tho Interior^ For the fiscal year ending June 80. 1914. Bulletin 84. Metallurgical smoke, by Charles H. Fulton. Bulletin 85. Analysis of mine and car samples of coal collected In the fiscal years 1911 to 1913, by A. C. F!eldner, H. I. Smith, A. H< Fay, and Samuel Sandford. /* Technical paper 80. Hand filing ?oft coal under power plant boiler*, by Henry Krelslnger. Miners' circular 81. What a miner can do to prevent explosion of gas and of coal dust, by O. 8. Rice. Applicants aro asked to co-operate !r? Insuring an equitable distribu tion by selecting publications that are of euppolaf Intores'. Requests I for all papers cannot be granted .without satisfactory reason. Publi cations should be ordered by num ber and title. Applications should be addressed to the Director of the , Bureau of Mine?, Washington, D. C. MAYOR'S COURT. The folowlng canes -were disposed of In the Mayor's court yeeterday: W. A. CoatoB, drunk. $5.00 and cost. W. R Walker, asault. 15.00 and cost. Claud Cherry, disorderly conduct. Not guilty. VUla Chery. asaault with deadly eapon. r'Bound over to Recorder'? court. HerbertxMark, col., drunk, faat nd reckless driving. $10.00 and co* t Bill Wiggins, col., drunk. $5.00 and coat ENROUTK TO RALEIGH. Mr 3. 0. Mann, Miss Margaret Mann and Min? Annie Watson, of Swan Quarter, passed through the city yesterday en route to Raleigh where they will visit Mr. Mann'? brother, Mr. Julian Mann. NOTICE. The office of tho City Clerk win be open until 9 p. m. at night until March l*t, for the collection of taxes On and after this date all property will be ftirttjented to levy for taxea and co?*, 1n*aocordanee with law. W. C. ATER8, City Clerk. 2 20-7tc. New Theater TONIGHT Mrs. N. R. Robinson and daugh ter. Miss Thelms, who have been vleiting friend? In this ctty, hsve re turned to their home In Washington. d. e. RBOORHfCR R COURT. Villa Cherry, bound over from Major's court for assault with dead ly weapon, tried and fined $11 and ?t. M. O. fkaton, oolored, retailing1! and soliciting. Tried and ?Iren two month? on the roads In each nase Appealed to Superior Court, releas ed on MOO bond. Mr. Oreely Rrlnn of Hyde nonnty. 1? spending Mveral days In the cRy AT OOL0MD CHURCH. Tenth Installment of "TORY O* HEARTH." COMING. "PARAMOUNT FEATURES." Print 5 man 10 Ommtm. N/ Notice! Tmpp -?? ie Look! Read! Listen! Only One More Week To MARCH 1st W|? WINDLTY. Sheriff I?W?tfc i