?SMITH till! Iff! ?- UN, ? *? kmSm II t?? |K Ut'M7 ifcc* ?Mr ?uiftr, u4 tk? oom plaint win rt !??Itin ettoatloa. a I? our deeire to linn you. ?11 nrttetaa aent t? tkm Ddly K?*i for pubUoailoa mast be signed by the writer. otherwise they will sot bo pabltahod. ?' ? I.M ?! I I ?JU? TUBSDAT, ^BBRUXHT .19 111?.1 "lfebbe dar'd bo a hoop mo' worb dooe." sold Undo Kben. If dey got act o now model of wheelbarrow every year on' provided o beta m'b I? moko Mkf git oat**, ?0 w?.* Voriouo boot* of Memory. It 1? eerioualy uoubted. from 1% son t ree^arcbee, thai the memory roald?B in any particular Uaaaa such 00 the brain, the ganglion colli or tbe aervea. It hoi been prorod expert mentally by 0 boat of laboratory ?da? ttata tha^aUy klnl of bomaa ttowa ?neb tfikln, muadee, atomaah, kid Bey a or any port of the fabric of I'fat retain? and la able to rapaat ai (bo p re*? Ion once reed-rod.?-Dr. Leona?# Koose Htrihberg. Auetralla'a Animal I Amrtnila la curood with certain poeta, meh ai rabbit*, wild do?, kanga roo and blowfly. Large grma of money ore e pen t In an en d a* to r to leoaen the Bomber of rabbtts. It !? eottmatad that tn Victoria alone IM.000,00? were ?ai to death In It 18. It la gen erally admitted that tea rab bit a en* aa much aa one aboop. aad many g*a*lar? hare long alnoe redlaod tbal they cannot profitably ran sheep aa properties mfeeted wttb rabbtta. Oofly TBooght. *"-*J 1 fleatleneee and choerftdneee, Iboee oeme before dl morality; they era fee perfect dtUlea.?R. U 0, RINQINQ THE VICIOUS HQQS Unruly lowe Inclined ?0 Make Trouble of Vartoue Klnda May Be Bub* dued by Ueo of Rapia When the mwi get anmly In clined to make trouble of Tarloas kinds they cm be readily ?on troll ?d by an imnnaiot mad? of ropee and placed a roan d t ha jaws of tha animal. Such a ropa la act ?M7 to put In po liti o? with an angry ho*. se a Uttla device mada of aa aid broom handle ta used. Insert a small hook In ona and of tha handle and naar tha othar sod nail a strap, which, fas tan ad so aa form a loop, will aoable ona to fat a firmer grip on tha handla. Than take tha ropa aa4 maha a slip nooas In one and, hang It from tha hook oq the end of the smell pole and, wlUi a Quick movement. plaoe tha loop war and around the Bp par Jaw, whaa tha mouth !? forced open. Take hold of the rope with ona band Just above tha noose and with the help at tha rtaser Insert the ring or rings oa tha snoot. The animal wfll be finable to fight much with thl' sppHsnoe around Ita ** . , 1 ; * i. PADDY MAKES BLUFF GOOD .Irishman, Slngfehanded, ?epturee ?!* Oerman ftefdlera and Maroheo Them Into English Trsnohea, Prfrate George, at Brighton, wound* ?d. tells this story: ' "Paddy Keenan, an Irishman eerr 1ng with oar regiment, was aarprlsad pne day by a Oennan scooting party of six while ho was taking 11 eaay i little In s^ranpo at oor lines. Ha saw there wss no choice between bluffing it or a little trip to Berlt* or the grave, so he chose the fonrfor. Jumping to bis feet he ealled on tha Germans to throw down their arms, as they were covered by the rifles of hfs friendg. Paddy ordered them to march In single file toward our tranchee. Ha followed behind with his rifle ready. When tha. Germans found that the tr each is Were so tar away they ware waxy, hut aa tksy had prevtoasty thrown away their arms they could do notfclng .agaiaet Paddy and his rifle, so made tbs * a bad job and wot* brr MIISMh jr%, ?w The Taats sheap utilised tn tb* W,,ain, ap^wnli 1 IM llMH ?utfew hn km (mloH gnat dB rlmoer M JtUM (rua MUmtuton Dlnntor r,rtw My, tkat nI ol liti ?hop ?m ????lili l?kHp<m ito John mm gnmtti fra BO? at wm* Smug Ik* trrmtmm m? mm. Tkar mi< Ik* m of tttck llMUl u4 M tk* mmm Um ul. tXmt Mqr Trwth, T*w A rilckt o??, t TllWl ^fiwpi Maiixtm. r ^ ?ir , 11 T are they, Why, little heart-shaped hunks of the chewiest chewing gum, all coated over with peppermint candy-?a new chew to the gum and a new pep to the peppermint. All Dealers Sell "Bobs" Wh?r? Loyalty Counts. Loyalty to one's employer la the firvt lesson that should be taught to th* aspirant (or a place in the busi ness world, ssys a circular sent out bj the eiPeteney bureau of ilie Tork university. T?-" ? ? ? *>-, -'???? t? that loyalty met employer and rr?b! Uw employe?. Vegetables H\ Far Norix. l*?Uloe?, cabbtffe, cauliflover. oe? ery. lettuce, carrots and tu>ulpe ai ftne f oallty a> i extensively t town la TukoM Territory, Canada, t?tatoe* mr? the principal crop, reUJlie* ?* NOTI OK OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a oertaia deed of truat. executed to Edward L. Btew art, Trustee, by J. C. Cayton. and Lorena Cayton, hie -wife, and W. H. Preecott. and Fannie Preaoott. bis wrte, which said Deed of Trnit Is datqd January 81st,. 1914. and la du ly record?) 1* Book 17|, page 882. Beatifbi-t county records, and 1b hereby referred -to; the undersigned Trnfctee, will, on Menday, bte tint day of.)f*rcb, 181 A, at 18 o'clock nook, at' the Conrthouae door of Beaafort bounty, offer for sale, to the hlfhaat bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real and personal property, to-wlt: That certain tract or parcel of /and. lying and being (n the county of Beaufort, Btato of North Carolina, Richland township, beginning at Q. W. Lee'* corner in the Holidia line, tnd running with said Lee's line B. 87 1-8 Bast, Fifty feat; thence B. 1 l*-8 W. Twenty-flr? feet t thence K. $7 .1-8 W. Fifty feet to the Hol > fia East line; thence with said line M. t 1*8 E/ to the beginning, con taining 188 square' yanta, and well known as the 1, C. Carton store ?it* which raid site waa oo or eyed to E. C. Ca>ton by Will Dunn a Uttle, oret threa year? ago. I Alio that crtaln o tec h of good?, t wares, Joarchandlaa? fixture? and flxtgree and bopk accounts located In ?6* store building hereinbefore desortVM. and "balng the only stoe* ?Jf toads, wmis -and merchandise fixtures sod. book accoupts owned by nartles of FIRST PAftT. Diwfcabt *aYiwtr bk^Ttnade on me hy the hoi dara of Che notes saenrsd by said Deed of.Trust, this eale l> held to satisfy said Indebtedness. Tills Ifth day Ian. 1818. HDWAW> L. BTTTtfAftT, ' ?> 1 ' *? ' Trustee 118-4 we. ! IfOnn OF KAVJB. Tfbder snd by rtrfiie of the power of aale contained In a mortgage deed exeaated by Thorn a# Crawford and wife, datad A*r11 8418?, 1814. aad duly raeorded In tka o floe of the ftegjttar of Deads M Baa af or t eoua ty fn Book 177. fsge 488. which la hereby referred ta. t ha aadaralgn ed Vlll on Ua 8M day of FSbra ary, 1818. at 18 ?*4a*k noon, at the Coi ty Mm far sala ta der'for caah, the follaw4n* ad feaJ estate, to-wlt: Afnii? ?t J ud. m ?mltW? M* ?W. M? h>Iw with Ma llM to ? pm 1? nai thnw to ?? 9r?irtor4 4tto?; ttww ?Mk aM iit?h t? ?k< aM wmd to ?h. tosto iiilto a?mt any at taw. COTTONSEED MEAL FOR FEED Hoard'? Dairyman Think? Ab?\A tW Pound? Dally Quit? Knough for B??t R??ulU With Cow? In reply to ? query ?? to th? proyor ' amount of cottonseed meal to nse In a combination with mixed ground oora. Hoard's Dairyman make? th? (oilowing reply: Aa a rule, not more than two pound* of cottonseed meal should be fed dally. We recognise that in th? South much more than this la fed, but for best results we think two pounds per animal a day Is quit? ?nough. Aj mixture, therefore, of the corn and cottonseed meal should be much as to prorlde this amount of oottonssed meal dally. It would be better, how ever. If some other feed could be mixed with these two, as we bellero better results would follow. If the prices seem too high for the other classes of feeds, we would suggest that th? corn and cottonseed meal mlxtup? U put on top of the sllsge allowasoa. MEN BECOME MERE MACHINES Soldier* In t h? Trenohee Get Abe* luUly Dehumsnl*ed Under Con tinuous Fir?. Paris.?A motoroyollst who has been In front of the army and oontlno elly under fire writes a? follows: "When they ara la tha tranches with shells bursting a)1 around? men become mere machines "Tiey get ab solutely dehumanized ua4er continu ous Are. It Is the only alternative to folng mad! One has no conscious* ooss of finger, bat obeys orders with out realista? what they mean. Ona forgets what death, la. "When first I kad. to eart? * dis patch under fire 1 used to dismount whea I saw a shell burst on the rosd ahead add whit to sea V mors ware coming Now I don't actios them. My comrade rid Id? trnjntj yards be hind me wsi killed by a "hell, but Ike Incident had no effect on my; mlQd. We afe no better than brutes on tke Bring line." MOTH1B OF I1L1. Under and by virtue of tli? power of sal? contained Id a Mort(?|? from Jar Tj* PJerce Iiatak?-Pierce and Mary Plefca, dated NotmbW Mtb. 1916, aad recorded la the Raglater'a offloa of Baa a iort county. North Carolina, In Book 1st, page ITS, the anderalgned wlfl ?all at pobilo auction for eaah bo for a the Courthouea door af aald ooanty on the Sth day of March, ISIS' at IS o'clock noon, lha fololwlng deacrtb ad real aatata, to-%14: Beginning at a abort leaf pine, oorter of the Roy aad Bryan Pat rick land, croaaad public road ran alnc thence Bouth ?0 M Wwt II polaa to a ?taka, (banco Bowth 6 Kaat 110 polaa to a poat Oak; tkaaoe North ?1 Baat St polaa to .a corner In the fork of tko public ooonty road 1n the afOMoafd Roy and PU rtak line; tbenca with tho mata pub lic road to the Mania* contain ing by aathbatfda SS S-4 acrae mora ar laoa, tko Maa watt cod rayed by BaaJ. Patrick by daad raoordad 1a kmmflStm IM MM,WM !? h ?k? llM \ OCK CURING THE HALTER POLLER ?uM J Bm m fm ?ml ? turn tkat trsk? ki? baltar ropa a*ain lK UmiaT I kan ana km tkat m tM ?ttk as Italia by any otkar matbod. Tbla kab It auy ba nnd Tary naafly, howirer Pat a band amnd tka hona'a body )aat to traot ot tka ramp. To tka an J I Cord for th* H?tor Pullor. ot tkto attach oh? and of th? bailor ropa. Raa Um topo through th? fcaltat rta*, bat do not ti? tt to th? rln#. TU tho loo?? and of th? rep? to th? maacor te th? usual way. When th? horoo poli? th? bahd will tlfht?n ob hI? body, Thla, aapa Epltomlat, la oo anasual that It ?nrprlao? and my? tiflo? him. If ko has bad th? bablt loaf, howoror, i? will try af?ln, and afaln ho W1H bo feurprltod. Qradaally b? loam? that bo la not master of th? situation. Rk -will la brokon and bablt la cured. HOW TO PLANT SUDAN GRAS^ While M U ?oarca Bail PI" la It Plant In Hov??? Ixpwlminl at Collaga Station. Ai Ion? as the supply of Sudan graaa ???ed 1b limited, experts declare It I? Sest to plant It la row? thirty to forty ?wo Inch o* ??art so the crop can bt cultivated If planted lxj this man ner, f-oro two to three pcunds o! ?eed ?are required per aero. lR west-1 urn Texas, whore the moisture supply : la limited; sudan grass ahould alwaya , be planted In this way, aa without cul ? ivatfon it cannot be expected to maka j a heary yield that aection j Throughout the humid section of the South, audan graaa may be aown broadcast at the rate of fifteen to w?rty pounda an acre, or In close .nils, an ordinary grain drill being uaed. at the rate of ten to twelve pouLdB an acre. One of the moat sue cesaful experiments this year at Col* lege Station. Tex, was made with three-fourth? of % pound of aecd per acre in rowa thirty-six to forty-two Inches apart It yielded four tons an acre with a deficient rainfall, bad ly distributed. It was cultivated just liko sorghum or kaflr. Thin seeding forces sudan graar plants to sucker heavily and thua~ make a tremendous growth of italks. .There are instances where one plant nsd M high as 668 stalks?all having grown from one seed. In this respect do other forags plant can be <u>? pared with sr ~ aa^ Prompt attention to a slightly all teg ewe may save many dollars in s lock. e -e e Good seed, good cultivation, good eemmon sense are a pretty good com btnatlon If good crops are desired. ? ? e A splendid mixture for laying hen? is equal parts of cracked oorn. wheal and oata. which should be scattered In the litter. ? ? ? Pullets that have been properly bred, batched, raised axd cared to* should lay half aa maay egg? In th* winter months aa in the spring. ? ? e Belling hogs to the butcher for 11 cents a pound is like Ending money ?specially If they have had the as vantage of olovsr cr rJfatfa fee Root? are nearly Indispensable for the profitable feeding of sheep la sinter. e e e A herd of sows should be bred to farrow as aearly at Use nune time NOTICE OF ftALH. By rirtno of tfc* f<nr?r of contained 1b ft mortfs?? n? ?iitttd by B?nJ Rlngloterr wlf# to th? andwfifnfd, dstod NoT?mb?r 1?. 1*04. and Ttterdti In Book It*. PM? SOI Rmlatar** oflca of Baao tort oonnty, and horaln r#farr?d to 1 I will o (far. for Ml* to tha klchaat blddar for eaih, ?t tlu Conrthoa?* door ot Baaufort county on Tnaada^ tha Ind dar of Vafok, ltil, a? II o'clock noon, tha fullnaliig daacrlb ad land convayad ta tka add morttt afa da?d, to-wit: A oartaln tract of land altnatad la Waahlmttqn towoahlp. Baaofort county, North Carolina, and adjoin ing tha landa of W, B. Kill* and Othar and otkan and balng tha Idas tlonl tin tract? of land eonrayad to aaM 0lng1atary hy W. R. Billy ky daad datad - Novtnlxr IMk, not, and faoortfad In a*M Raalltat'i of ?M. and .tka km dnad la MtaM fa tarrad to for a fall and n^ktt a.i MTtftkm of tha a*W Mrer tract? ? land Tkl. Jam. Ittt. Ml*. ? JOtHVA W. ?WANNER. ^c^aeu^iwCT Thare to a veil coreda? the om wld which not the atroajeat a Mr ?m the apt ted Itraitk or ?n I ctroacaot omo that irtr llred 001 Uar apart. Only faith. tUMj, poetry, tor* romance can puah aalde that car tain o4 rtow and pictare tba npir >1 haaaty aadawlirhoynad fw> *. Charch, to New York ton. Wtort % WwiHt r?nj?ih>M Harry had Mnr i 'a Mre laiah, lito 00I7 touthap vi Ink I Am the carbon of ordinary Mkt doaa not bleach ta astac pri? material for near paper, a Fricb I h&a pataated a speda) Ink. The M plcmant le a compound from 1 oxtracla acting on ferrous aulphate, and tfcia la Incorporated with rafts, or mineral oil and reain, or bolted Da oil. In rapnlplnc tha pa. tt tha ink la bleached with an.add aolutVm of a hypochlorite, chlorine gaa kydroctriortc or oxalic add. tba j npai** ^Mli^ . NOTICE OP UAIM. Under and by rirtva of a Mortg *8? dated September 17, >114, from Daley A. Wall to the undersigned P. T. Woolard, which la recorded In the Regiater's office of Beairfort county, North Carolina In Book 18 bage 16, the undersigned trill gall at public auction for eaeh before the Courthouse door of Beaufort county N. C., on the It day of March, 1916, at IS o'clock noon, the following. de scribed real estate, to-wit: ? certain piece or tract af land ylng and being in Ohooowlnlty town ship, Beaufort county. State of North Carolina, and deecribed and defined is follow*, to-wit: That certain piece or parcel of 'and on which Daisy A. Wall now re sides lying and being In the town of Chocowlnfty, N. C., the came being composed of Tout lots from wha' ?h known ae the Perry Place; two ?>f the said lots baring been convey ed to her by W. E. F. Patrick and the other two lots b**lnf been con voyed to her by Hill and Jonee, both he said deeds being recorded In the Register's office of aBaufort county, ind are herein referred to and made a part of this conveyance. This 11th day of Feb. 1115 F. T. WOOLARD, Mortgagee. 'Tarry McMullan, Atty. f-ll-4wc. VOTIOB OF BAUE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power of sal? contained la a certain dead of truat experttad on February fth. tfOI, by J. H. Oraltfor to W. T. Hud nell, Truatee for Lona B. Hudnell, which aald daad Of trn?t la reoord* ?d In Book 114, yt|? III, of tka Beaufort ooaaty record?, which la hereby refered to (or partlealara, default having l?a. made In the nayment of tka debt eecured by aald nstrument, tke underelgned mortg agee will, em VHday, tka IStk day of March, rill, at II o'<*eel noon, offer for aala to tka hlgheet bidder for eaak at tka Ooqrtkovaa door la Beaufort ooanty, tka lollrwlng de scribed traot of land: ' A certain traot or tend lying and being In Richland tonmAtp, Been 'ort county, beginning on ike Bandy landing road at Was. Mourning"? -orner, thenee If. I 1-1 t. IJI pole? ?o aald Monrelng'o ooraar. thence f. 81 B. 61.11 pole? to a aweet (an, 'j. D. Mldyette*? comer, thenee elonjc ?aid Mid yetted BOberaen'e aad Bon *er*a HneN. 41 1-4 W. 11141 pole? a corner !g ike S?ea?nah. thenee with Robereon'i. Bonner*? and A, D. BeechatfVi Baa to a large pine In the 4 of HmoM Oil. A. ft Baaeti llfc'? rwiiff, thAiM tf tt J-t w. ? M tiftloa to M>? WlrtWH"r 01.J4 polaa to a aoraar ta V. V. Vifm'i lin? tbanea wltti ?II Hm ?. It ?-4 ?. II SOlM to another MT <ar af Mid D. V. WaiVatT, t omen, kaaaa mr?IKl with th* *?at mtrh if tba Hamitt MM ?. 1* 1-4 ?. ?? polna to th? iMir LAO?!?* '^^~zzs~jss : III aeraa i. ? HurfnMi at Frtmatr Ito, ?H. - TWa I :'*t I M K MKll ^p>IF.PAI. H ? ? ca?*? ?p th? m u ? ?*> n< kiHp?Mi ? ? ? Or?.t rmfcib? ability eomm tn th. modlfUd torn bmt ?ulUd to tfc*,,ort . H rm <io not h??p u ?? ? U> m* com It Mr ?" It km fzn?.i ? Th? Muh Hmn th? Id ot th? orop ?nd ? ? ? H?y ?Uac? and ? lo?d?r in i IMMl to atki tkat h?l? man Live Stock cnrts Th? marhat Iwuli Mfkt M Is Q?mI?w nmr th? mud ahoald k? ?kMd ?o th? jrovac r1?* m "H . ? ? ? To ovraat thuja (It? th? pl plonty Of ?x?rcls? ud do sot mr Indlcata that Mt ot Ih? body trior?? ot yooaf ptga oo o. ? ? n?ed the hop lightly, preferably dry feed. juet previous to ?hipping them to iparket. r ? ? ? In feeding grain to bogs, arm 1? .irom^r. It is best to feed o? a si?a. ihi ' ?dlui floor, 0 ? ? ? Judgment Is the outgrowth of ex i ienco, yet s men may hare a vide tperlenoe and yet laok to Judgment, e e e Your dairy calls tor pigs to patch the profit of utilising be vested If yoa have no J NOTICE OF ftAIJI Under end by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain mortg age deed executed to the undersign ed by R. H. Reere*. -which esid mortgage la duly recorded In the of fice of the Register of Deads tor Beaufort county, in Book 181, at page 10, and la dated the trd Any of September, 1914, and I? hereby referred to, the undersigned will, on the find day of February, 1911. at 11 o'clock noon, effer tat sale, at the Coorthonse door In Beaufort county, to the highest bidder for caeh, the following real estate, to wtt: ? ? ?? - Being lot No. 1 as laid eff by W. P. Baoghim which wan as follow?: Lot No. 60 McNalr town, was laid off into 8 lots of IB feet front, br 9f ft. deep (IB feet being left as an al ley to be used In cosmos %y those I ?old the sls loto to, or to their heirs and aeslgns, and this lot No. 1 Uss between the oqroer lot deeded to JU T. Rodges and the third let sold tc Blount Gordon. The lot No. CO was by fulls M. Btaton sold to Baaghatu ft Bragaw, by deed dated 10th day of Novftaber. UM, and recorded tf? Book 81, pats lot, Beaufort soanty record?, and Win. Bragaw oonrsy ed his one-half interest to W. V. Bsngtiam by dsed dated January I, 1888. and recorded in Book 8? page 110. This ttnd day af Jan. 1818 EDWARD L. BTBWART, ? Mortgages 1-18-4 ws. Know the Piano mi <?*> wa m bwy | i It 4oaa Bet a*.* tn. * Dlano -r t doM ut ptr to |m ?, Of I plane?jroa kar* too aaok TM tw? Mr KfAUN Mr lategrttr nil rur deauac We ara kare to Majr ut mak? ?pod Your Intonate and on re are Identical; . Mup?H?tt|, 7 en eaa nil w? oar re pre Maka tke koto tirala ae attree sire aa poertkle: Ur? U. tke CHARM *? MONO, tkat reetlat etaratte? ? a. - ? ?a. e -a. ?? ? a - ? * ? _ ^ n?rm wnicn ctmim puriiy #c ho??k? a. I H S Ward. Jwmim ?? WARD A GRIM] t-fc UTtt Wa kmUM U tha Coin of tha Fadaral coarta. ? ???????* O w. o. Attar* Warttn^tan. H. C HARRT WrMFT.LAW. ATTORNEY - AT-L A W AfUr Jkboitt 1?t 1111 Ratldtns Corn?r Baeond and Market 9U A. Daalal, Jr. J. ft. ^ O. Wmw If. W ' ?Nonif9Ml.Liiw **r?cttc? in tbe Superior f??4?r ?1 and Supreme Court? of. thu State. '*???? ? ? ? A. tk MtL?, m. o. . m?m4h ? 4SS&o*a I ?nwimmiiw, , J?? "d Wukl??to?. If o. ? f' ' bdwaro u imrjuR L bra ?Batom Vv,/* 1 vruBi&m.iTp. i ? ? ? ? ? ? . , ? ????.. ., . : . . . i ? Wuktactoa, #. o. ? ? . . " ' 111 r? ?i ?? j<mm n? < Owmiwi

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