str paras* Co. i-lHto. I IAVB A m, ?V*K PASME l ar, itztr koi* powir i?li mc ?I. Promlor To ?rta? Cm, a?ulp ad with <ImWi U?bU. Mlf atart <r, ili? sami ran bj *n*in? ud ?H tha UtM JiTtM, ate., for alo OB mat tonu. or will m ehasc* (orroai Mtmto, good nato? noitcocoo or mati anything. Car kaa run 1?m than ?,000 mile- , and la la parte* oomdttlo?- a?o Raakaor, Jr. l-ll-lve. nKWOOPHfO AND PHINTINi for InglU Btadlo. l-ll-tfc. ~ - "IX PAY flc FOB OOPT DAILY New? of December 1Kb 1mt. Newt Office. FOR RENT?10 ROOM HOU8B OK ?Mi Main Btreet with &11 modern oonrenlencee. Apply tO B. B. Herdinf ft Som. Dh. ?VGLffl STUDIO. TRY US FOR ?ho rtifldren'e plctvrea. FOR RIHT-TWO OONNBOTiNG 'nnmi sultable for light houe* Vr?l??ng. Oood location. br.tS, e'wtrlelty and km. 119 Bjane st. WANTED? A SWA btrd beby baccy. Stedlo S-U-tto. ffTOTOQJAPlI THRlf NOW BR fore ' wxrSf ^mr*L$)\*T Inglfs Stu dio. ' 2 22-tfc. WANTBD?poamo* BY ?OCTO mu, of good hahita Kxperlenc ?4 In lm ooda and grocery baal m Utow Box 114. " 'I J-JS-Stc NOTIOB OV SAL*. By TtrtM of the pvwtt ot ?1? hi a deed of traat to A* akecnted by E. A. Lowther and vita, dated April IM. 1114. aad recorded Is the Res later'? otBee of Beaufort county, to Book lll.^Mt 47?. wtilch ?? here by referred to, default lavlai been made In payment of the lsdabted neaa thereby eecured, 1 will Mil at pobite auction to the hldheei bid der far caah. at the Courthouae door of Bean fort ooaMar, oa Monday, -the Mad day of March. 1111, at noon, that certain lot or pereeT of land .It nated I? Beaafort county, bain? a part of the paopeiO known as ??WaeblngbiHe Park" deecrfbed aa Lot No. II U4 tiie eaatern halt of lot No. 11, !? Block II. on the map of the property known aa Waah ln?to? K*. which map la recorded In aald Retftfer'a offloe. tn Book 14? pace 117, aad la herehy referred td" bounded on the Baal by Walnut ?keel, on tke flonth by Colonial ara ana. and on the North by an all?y the lad* bereta aim?t harln? a width tf/Tt feet and depth of 140 I. aMnimM la the deed of J no 8m*a aa? wlte to aald B. A rth?*, dated September 11. lil#. and recorded ta laid Reatater'a of ?w. 1?;?ook in. pane 71. to which referenta ta elan ude. Thla *et>. IT. 1H?. CrfA*. A. FLTNN, I Trnatee Mt-tn WE ARE AGENTS Iver Johnson, Reading Standard, Emblem. Hudson Dayton and Great Weatern Bicycles ?old for cash or on time W8 Also have the most Complete repair ?hop in the city all work guaran D. PERFECTION sMOKyi Fs^y^JL heaters ?VOU need a good* A warm room to ?have and dress in. A Perfec tion 8mokeleai bil Heater will warm any ordinary room in a few minutes. .The Perfection n easily portable; you can take it to sitting-room, cellar or attic ?afiy too m where extra heat ia need ed?and it it *t>ecially convenient in very cola weather. The Perfection it economical, too?it burn* only when you need it. No coal, no kindling > nO dirt, no ashes. Good-look ine; ea?jr to clean and rewickj odoriet* and ?motele?. DRESS jm?OMFORT Look for tht TrhnfU t STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY-) CMmRt BALTIMORE Old Pension _n. had ? roundabout way Of be military pensions In the old WhMM this official common! from thw PrtUah war office In the rtlp of Queen Anne- Her majea ty, It runa, haa been pleased to grant ntton Mlnshull. a child, ft commla sion aa ensign In oonaequence of thr loaa of hla father, who dlad In tha tarrioe. And- Fltton waa at tha aame line granted rurlougf until further Tdar. hla army pay being aent rega h's mother. VI>M INI 9TRA TOR'S NOTICE. - Notice la hereby:-given that the -undersigned haa t hla da# duly quail fled aa administrator of Char 1M F. -Fulcher, deceased, late of Beaufort county, aad all- peraona holding Maline agalnet the aald aetata will present the same to me duly verified within one yea* from this data or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All parsons in debted to the aald estate will plaaaa make Immediate payment. This 4th day of Fab. 1*15. RUFU8 J. FULCHER, Administrator. NOTICI OF SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power of naV contained In t Mortgage Deed', dat ed 11th day of Xoremtier, Ills, hy Jeeee Alllgood and Freddie D?ho rah Alllfood, h 1? wife, to John O Bragaw, Jr., and -duly recorded In the office of the Regtater of Deeds of Beaufort county, lit Book 184, at Plge 114, Which la hereby referred to and made a part hereof the an deralgned. will, on Monday the llth day of Varuh, lull, offer for ?ate, to the htffheat bidder for eaah. at the Ooartfcovee door In the town of Washington, N. C., at 11 o'clock noon, the following deecrlbed land a and premlaea lying and being In the county of Beaufort. State of North Carolina. In the city oi Washington, and more fully described aa Follows | - situated In that part of- thr etty of Washington commonly known a MoNalr town: Beginning at a point on the South aide of Third street, i distance of It 1-1 feet of the North Met oorner of lot No. (1. and run ning with Third street Beatwnrdly a distance Of II feet: thence South wardly. parallel with the eaat line of Mid tot No. 11. a distance of 11? feet ID the back 1!?e of tot t*o. II: thence Westwardly 4r1th the aal'J back tine of tet No. St and parallel with Third Ktreet, a distance Of feet: thetvee Northwardly parallel! with the East line o? lot No. II. *? dtetaaee of 111 feet to the beginning on Third street. It being a pan of the western half of tot No. II. Me Nait town, and h?tn? the same ne' er the sal* lot rUnreyed to R. ' .Tones hT Chart?! H Powell v hy df"" dated tlie 1? th. daTMt llerewibar 1*0?. and dnlT reearfed In the of flee of the Register of needs fort eomi'r. In Book IM. na*? Jl' and hy the aald Jonee conrer^d ? John Q Tfahoum hy deed dated January 14th. 1??1 duty recorded In the ???Hit's ?Wee la Book 11' a? nage 111. aad hy the aald He henm i-onreyed to T. Stewart on Oktober t?. TIM Whit* deed la la jv recorded In eetlf Register-? offic io Book 11? at oaga 411. and b? ? ??e said Stewart con"T?d to W W p?... *? deed dated W*>. l?b. Ill* an* dnlr recorded In the aald RaSla ter's office In Book 1T0, ?? pan IIF and hy t*? aald B?sa eonrayed to sita&. ?JkSsSVSKr V.wVh' Mllro?,eeiSl? f ihlth WINTER SHELTER FOR SHEEP WIm Shepherd Will tee That Arrange mtnti for PrMMtiM of Flock Aro Qood ?nd Sufficient. The shepherd who la wl?o enough U bo prepared (or wet wintry daya u4 cold win tor nlghU dooo not d rood loeae* from pneumonia, and tho mortality In the lambing toaaon ot ttoit February and March that will oomo from brood? Ing owoo that hare boon weakened by ozpoonro. Aa winter boglna to draw a little nearer, ho aooe that hi- abeltor lag arrange menta aro all that they ought to bo. It dooo not matter whether tho abed? used by tho eh oop aro eo rory warm or hot. ftbt they ttttat not bo oo open that the wind oan whi*tie through them Afid I there moot bo plenty of ventilation, eaya a writer. In Farm Progreoa. Plenty of light and ventilation. and freedom from drafta ore tho main conalderatlona. The warmth of the ?bed la looo Important than the no oeaelty ot a good, eoond roof. 1 never put moro than fifty aheep In ? elnglo ehod. More than that number i will bo hard to manage and the eh'ancee of aoddente among erwee with lamb will bo greatly Increased. The ?hod Ought to bo about twioo aa long ae It le wide and there ehould be ample room tor eTory animal to lie down lniide Ha doore without the ap pea rap co of crowding tho place. The floor most of oourae bo abeolately dry and remain that way. The feeding faek ehould bo plaoetf on one alto of the abed and eboeld oonalat of a flat-bottomed trough at the bottom, surmounted by g wall A (h^p^HIp# built rack, uMi of alata pallad >b?l tkraa laobaa apart. Pvt. R oat tar ?none* from tka atOa wall ao that tha awaa ma# faad at It tnm both aldaa. Whara tha apaoa la aot gnat anoaf h to alio* tha raak to ka built oat Ma tk? wall ao akaap out faad tran both aldaj, tha bottom at tka mok will hara to ba built alaatlns anou?k to allda v , ka grain, kaj, oka?, tikak? kita of forata and laaraa down to tka alOa ?k?fa tka akaap ara laaOa?. Itd? aill kaap tha tar alda of tka <Hk froaa tela? iv with moldy faad. Mttat Milk far M?a. It ? MMtfr aattmatad tkal M* poaada at aim milk ara wortk m mtfth aa a kalf VMM at MVItl faad bin parpoaaa?tkal U, It eera la N aaata a bo.bal. 1? poanda of akin milk ara worth ? eaota. la taMtm Mm ?!'? ttik Potttlki Bf Mm milk to ona poand at (tata ?J| talna 1? par c a l | .1 <S,t - - >?1 UhHU SENT (MR STORY |TeIeflrapher Who Flashed Newt ?f Masiacre Jint Retired. AtHf HKy V?CM of AtUM 8?iVfo> John M. Carnahan Rstelve? a Pension?Tick? off 80,000 Word? In Two Shift*. Missoula, Mont?The nsws of th? Custer massacre wm first told to tb< world In 1878 by John M. Cirnahan then mansger and operator In th< Western Union office . In Bismarck North Dakota. After an active servlc? of more than fifty years Mr. Carnahar has Just been retired on a pension. Mr. Carnahan began bla career a>> a telegrapher In 1861. In the fall of 1878 the Northern Pa dflo railway line had been s^mplete^ aa far weat as Bismarck, if. D. Mr Csrnahan was aaked to go to Blsmarcl and manage that office, and In th* spring of 1878 he went there and thr big chapter In the story or bis event ful life began. For It was while h* Vas at Bismarck that be sent to tb< world the account of the Custer mas sacra on the Little Big Horn In July 1878. Wort Abraham Llqcoln, the post o> (he Seventh cavalry and the beadquar ten of Brigadier General Custer, wa? at Bismarck. Mr. Carnahan won Brigadier General Cnater'a friendshlj and he beeame the personal friend of the officers st Lincoln. And so It war that he and the post surgeon rode oui from the old garrison with the Cuatei expedition when It started In Jone 1878, to punish the Sioux. The surgeon and the operator made the first twelve miles with the Seventh cavslry. Ther they turned back with the last dto Patches which Brigadier General Cut ter sent No word oame back to Blsmarcl from the Seventh cavalry and Its com mender. But that occasioned no sur prise. Expeditions of that sort wert a common occurrence In those daya. It Was os the night of July 8 when the steamboat Par Weet came down the river to Bismarck. The Par West broofht the wounded of Reno's ooro mani and the official dispatches which told of the Complete annihilation of the Coster command On. the morning of July 8 Mr. Caraa han found on hte'deek hi the telegraph offioe a oarpet bag filled with official dlapatchee. There waa an Immense lot of them. Ha "flashed" the newa to the Bast, and then settled down to. the transmission of the offic!sl story to. the de|*rtoeat of war hi Washington. It was eight o'clock on the morning of July ? when he begao his tremendous task. Not until five o'clock the tot low** morning?>1 hours?did he leave la Instrument*. Then tor three hours he dlept the sleep of utter ex haustion. Re returned to his work, and fbr * hours he sat at his key. It waa four o'clock the next Burning when he ehftcked off - the stgnatftre of the tast dispatch in that oM carpet Mat 80.W0 void? In tk? *br twa dara IttuMufNtt] ? ^id bw eUtaorfti* for am, and ?UHMM aaodlt Mr. Car oaMd 6ot laaa* kl* official wort and tkara ma ?o aibar talacraph op rat? wlthlo two hundiad mtlo*. To Mi* Now Tort Herald, the Chic?, .> later Ocean and the St Paol Plo near Mat ha taut aa Bach of Iha aowa a? ha kad atranath to invt*. And that *1? tka way tiu aawa tt tb? OnataT battla waa aaat oat Tkat ?aa tha bi? n?*a adlola In tha oaradr o? Joka rarnahai) But la tha profaaatonal afftttfotU rean at a talacraph Mr thara aiut b* masy IncMaala -?- ? _ ^vi.t _ ,*??>. iiaami nuna op "V* ?mw rw1 if ?k?r W*r? m*r'~ j. Harris, a rr Mecdon DmU. D. Devi* TU d?B DmrH. Mro Qvtir, ~ " Carter. N?wm Dirk. EbTK B. L Bmti MttL_ H. B. Allen. Ira Rom. L. Hop* Lbr Co . David Carl*. ? w^Ur rM rf Alto* H Harris, f Sawyer. The interstate 6?v| Co.. Aujuiti A.'Im, Fmmt ,, c la ad R?ub?a Past Fred PmI, Bala Paal, Jmo^ AmL Aia Paul. Charlie Paal. Ollaer AIM*. Denver Altoa. Bogart AIM. Bar ry Allen, B. 8. Allen, S. B. All?. O. P. Alias, Cornelia Alien. Lacy Alton. Lillian Alton. Vera Allen. AuibiU Alton, C. B. Bpenoer. Miranda 8 Bolton. R. C. Holloa. Lillian R.' Oerrawan. B. O. Oar rerwan. O. O. Spencer. Sophia A. Spencer. Harold T. Bpenoer. Cur tto Bpenoer. Douglases Bpenoer. NOT1CB. To Whom k May Concern: ? The parties above named, and all other persona Interested will take notice that on tbe l?th day of Feb ruary 191S, the above named peti tioner filed a petition In the oOce of the Clerk of tke Svpsrler Co art of Bepufort county to kave the ti tle to certain land* therein describ ed registered and confirmed pursu ant to Chapter 90 of the Public Laws of 1118, and that summon has been Issued returnable at bhr office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort county on the 11 day of April. 1916. Said land I situated- In Beaufort county, Pante fo township and said State, adjoin ing the lands of John L# Roper Lum ber Company, and others, and is de scribed as follows: Beginning at a gum, George Da vis' corner near the head of Pungo river, and lndicatod on th? map at t ached hereto, by the hand, running thence North 88 1-2 West 286 poles, thence North 85 1-2 East 126 pates; thence North.4 East 86 polee thence South 48 West 81 poles; thence South 62 East 82 potoe; thenoe South 86 West 126 poles; thence Nprth 41 West 118 poles; thence South 4 West 244 polee; theuC? South 86 East 40 poles to the NorthC??* corner of the Wil liams Clark grant, tor 100 acres, which grant la dated Deo?7*b?r 17, 1794, and recorded in the officd of ?he Register of Deeds of B^afort county in Book 121. page 866; thence with the line of that grant, reversed South 24 1-2 West 124 poles; thence South 4 1-2 East 780 polee to the Rock corner; thence North 89 1-2 East 220 poles, to the old turnpike; thence South 84 West 700 poles, crossing the intercepting canal and cdrhefing in the line of the grant to lfo?44 Martin dated 1786, thence North 78 1-4 East 140 poles; thence South 4 West 282 8-5 poles; thence Sonth 86 1-2 East 628 polee; thence South 5 West 75 poles; thence South 87 East 468 polee; thence North 67 1-2 East 238 poles to Plncy Oroyo Branch; thence Northeastwardly with the va rious courses of Pinoy Orove branch and down the center thereof to Pun go River; theficd Northwestwardly up Pungo river with the various ooursss thereof to the^ mouth of In dian run; thence 8outhwestwarJly with the various coureee of Indian run to the mouth of Ffcrd Run thenoe Northwardly with the va rious courses of Ford Run to the Southeast corner of the Jacob Dsr den grant which Is dated 17th day of December, 1794; thenoe with the southern line of that grant North 85 1-2 East 320 poles; thenoe North 3 1-2 East 87 1-4 poles; thenoe South 85 1,-2 East 820 polee; thence North 3 East 48 4-5 polee; thence North 87 1-2 Weet 77 poles; thenoe North 4 East 159 2-8 poles; thence North 87 1-2 West 14 poles; thehce Norbh 1 Wost 150 1-2 poles; the&c* South 89 1-2 West 24 poles; thefiC^ North 2 East 109 8-5 polea; thence North 68 East 58 poles; thence North 87 Weet 58 1-* poles; thence North 3 1-2 East 116 pbles to ths beginning, oontalning 7.749 acre*, more or lesss, exclusive of the ex ception hereinafter noted. 8s(d land hereby granted is shown by the attached blue print made from a survey by Jolyi B. iuwpass In July, 1914. Saving and excepting from the boundaries hereinbefore recited 8 tracts or parcels of land which are particularly described as follows, to-wlt; First Tract: Boginnine ?t fig uro 14 on the attached map in the southern line of th* grant to Jacob Darden dated 1794, running thanoe South 68 1-2 Weat lOS 8-8 polea; thence South 6 West 102 polee. thence North 67 3-8 East 186 polet to the mouth of Ford Itun; thence northwardly with the ford Run to the Southeast corner of the Jaoob Darden (rant, said point being In dicate on the attached map by the Ague 21; theace with the line of said grant North 8B 1-1 Weet to the point of beginning, aald tract of land Is Indicated on tha attached map and marked Abram Banks. Second Tract: Beginning In In dian run near the old Leechrllle road at the figures IT, running thence Root h 17 8-4 Weet 89 polea; t hence South 88 Bast 197 polea; thence North 67 2?*t 164 poles; thence North 65 Kaet 14 polea; thence North 60 Bast 88 polea; thence South 84 8-4 Baat 88 1-4 polea; thence North 88 1-8 Baat 0 poles tp Pungo rlrer; thence Norfeh westwardljr up Pungo rtTer to the mputh of Indian Run; thence weat watdly up Indian Ran, wtth th?? t? rloue course? thereof to the point oi beginning. Bald tract of land being indicated on the attached map aa the Ourganua tract. Third Tartc: Beginning on Pan go rlrar. aa shown on Mia attached map by figure 84, rannlng thai 4T West 79 poles; B*?th 81 Waal 8# polaa. Bauth 48 1-4 Baat Iff +elee; i North 48 Bast 888 8-4 polea to Pun rlrar; thanoe Pungo river tM? point, of beglaniag. Said trapi oT land being mpan on tka atlaoh *>i^drv"oe?r^ tulttfewdl.St' ^ Xr*. ,*1 Become a Depositor of thi* Bank Today One Dollar Starts aa Account Bank of Washhtgt&n #4 aJ . ? Good It Get It, Wm. Bragaw 49k c;?. Pint Insurance \gvutt I? Washington. 'N ^C SEE BIG TASTE ? I Crystal Ice Cream EVERYWHERE PHONE 83 Crystal Ice Company XVashingtoru N. C. Don't Talk High Prices Phone us your orders, special prices on Flour. Full line of heavy and fancy groceries. SCOU & BERGERON Patent ippU*d t or OUR FORCING BOX Is well and solidly built of 7-8?inch cypress wood and painted to avoid rattening. The dimensions are 12X14 inches at base, with an 8X10 to p and depth of six inches, The glass slide works in a grove at the top, premttdng it being withdrawn at the will of the growth and also to facilitate easv storage from season to season. When the glaaee* and wood en portion' can be kept separately, the wooden boxes being of such shape that they "nest" nicely, one within the other and take up very little storage space. . Cucumbers, Cabbage, Tomatoes and other vegetables are wonderfully hastened hi their growth and productiveness by the use of these boxes, snd la sections where they have been used growers have met with the greatest of success, No other mMhods of forcing bas yet been devised and we suggest that attars be plfoed early as there is sure to be a great demand for them as soon as their true worth is recognised FOR SALE AND DISTRIBUTED BY Hassell Supply Go. & Hatrb Hardware Co. WASHINGTON, N. C Positive Protection Absolute "elctrioal efficiency by at when we do your wiring. No ctom current*, dlpfhoi installation? or i?niehmlfcjd?. ?' Just High-Class Installations That w|)l do the work, and preserve your safety We are master? of Um ?lectrlcal art" JJ. . Now Located te 1 The Electric Shop, advertissments^in tre DAE1

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