Inki?* IiJiMA mmm Uoet folkd for g? t that the kidney* like tk? bow*U. IM elucglafc ? ck>gsed and. awd a fitting o? elonally. ?1m we have backache and dali misery tn kidney regtod. se-1 vere bwdtchr?. rheumatic twinge?, torpid livar. acid stomach. sleep1?& ccu and all aorta of bladder die order*. Too simply moat keep yonr kid man active and clean, and the mo vent you feel an ache or pain In the kidney region, ?get about four o one? of Jad Salts from any good drog etoreL here, take a tableapoocful In a glasa of -water before breakfast for a few days and your kidney? will then act fine. This famous salts ts made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with 11th la. and Is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to nor mal activity. It also neutralise? the adds In the urine so It e^o long er Irritates, thus ending bladder dis orders. Jad Salts is harmlam. Inexpen sive; makee a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which eteryborf should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding eerlous complications A well known local druggist eays he sells lot? of Jsd Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while It In only trouble. Loefl Enough Already, A rather fussy man traveling froai Wew York to Philadelphia had been much annoyed by his opposite com panion. a tall, lanky fellow whoae bony H>*e* troubled him not a little There was a stop of several minutes at Trenton and the tall travsler ros? from his seat, and said with a yawn: "I guess I'll get out and stretch my is?* a bit." "Good gracious!" ex claimed the other, "don't do that un less you are prepared u? psy doubt* Care, or to take a nompartmeat all fer flori* Carolina. Beaufort Oot ?M?o?rt, Mu? Um - J ohm H.' Ode? et al. Ml tlPW M- . >?* -yJl'-l J H. Btokop et aL* ffottoe 1? tifm by kb Sww? District tkat o? tke Ith dar <* March. ltli. ?1 U o'dock. U tke OoortkMM trn Washington. N. C- tkey wi4 raMln ihM kida (or ?ca ??y? or aald district ??4 ?11 otk er work to ko do?? 1? connection th?rtnrtxb Tkat tk? approximate amount of work to k? dooo to aa fol 111.400 sq. yards of. Bxecutlon. Clearing t 1-4 mil?* of rlfkt of way. Building tkree highway bridges. Cloartnf out tko outlets of canal 'at Rowland creek in d Pun go creek. Tkat said work to to be completed wtthln Virelre montka after contrset Is lot." 6?Id work or contract tkere for may be let a? a wkole or in see Uona: The rlgfet to rsoer rod to re ject any end all blda. Tke bidder will be required to enter l*to bond for fcellhful performance and con tract. Specifications for said works ar? on file la the ofloe of tke Clerk of tke Superior Court of Beaufort Coonty, North Carolina This F?b 2Snd, HIt. Tke Board of Drainage Commis sioners of Jackaon Swamp District. HARRY McVTJL^AN. Attorney. MMwe. Various Vlf** of the imna Tke farmer calls the snow tke poo? asn's fertiliser. It keeps tke grounC warm and puts dollars?proepecttrely ?In his vacant pockets. It Is much ?steamed by artists, who use almost ??ery color oxci*pt" white whon they set out to paint iu Their favorite tints for 'his parpeso are pink, purple and s ?laty blue. It soemn to be the chief business of artUts to Inform ua cour teously but flrmly, that our eyea axe tiara.?Exchange. Getting Rid of Sparrow Pm? Ifowhere to tk? Bhgllah sparrow t? sludod among tke birds protected by tow, and aa Individuals and flocks hare an extremely narrow range, each flock oocupytog one locality to wkloh its aotfvtttoa are chiefly oonflned, tk?y are easily extarmlnated. Wtoo a place has anoe been olearsd of spar* wri It will be aome tiwr ^ k Tha Better Quality. Tfca ?an wfco la dapandable haa ?onafhtna on tha chap who la meraljr hailliaat-?Philadelphia Inquirer. Every Sip ?'INSTANT POSTUM Is Satisfaction and suggests the aroma and flavour of mild high-grade Java. That's because the rosted "berry" of wheat, from which Postum is made, has a] snappy flavour remarkably like that of the rosted coffee berry. The reale tast is a de lightful savor distinct!velyJPostum?rich and nourishing. Unlike coffee, Postum never imposes upon its users a tribute f o headache, nervousness, biliousness, sleepless ness, heart flutter and other ills, because Postum contains not a particle of the coffee-drug caffeine, or any other harmful ingredient. INSTANT POSTUM is the concentrated form of this pure cereal food-drink No boiling required- made in the cup with hot water? Instantly! Wonderful convenient for the home, for travel, for picnic?handy anywhere. Delicious! 30c and 50c tins. I If coffee is interfering with youroomfort-end^pcces* as it does for most users, suppose you shift to POSTUM. "There's a Reason" Postum may also be had in the original form-which must be well boiled-lSc and 25c package* Both forms of Postum are equally wholesome and delicious, and coat per cup about Jhe same. , -sold by Grocers everywhere. ?? V i t 11 v <c. .. CT:- / iT . i Try "Geta-It," Its Magic for Corns! Mew. HM You will HTir know to? r?el 17 ?*v K U to let rid o I * eon un til you h?ve tried mO*TB-ITB." Nothln? Ilk* tt bu ever been pro duced. U teke? Ice* time to'apply tt then it doe# to reed thU- It will >?? j Nerve I Um rHWEftfyCra ~ atattr t dumfound 70?. eepeclaly it you have tried everything elee for corns Two drope applied In a few eecomle ??that's all. The oorn shrivels, then cornea right off, palQlewly, without fuaalng or trouble. If you have ever made a fat bundle out of your toe with bandagee; ueed thick, corn-preeelng cotton-rlnge; corn pulling eaJTeft; corn-teaelng plaster* ?well, you'll appreciate the differ* ence when you use "GETS-IT." j Your corn-agony will vanish. Cut ting and gouging with knives, ra sors, file# and aclaaore, and the danger of blood poison are done away with. Try "GET8-JT" tonight for any corn, callus, wart or bunion, Never falla. "QBT8-IT" Is sold by druggtsta everywhere 25c a bottle, or sent di rect by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. HOLDS OFFICE FOB 44 YEARS Civil War Veteran Has Continuous Term? as 8ehool Board Clark. Marshall, Minn.?For 44 years Ja cob Rouse has been clerk of ths school board of District No. 1 In Lyon | county. He waa first elected in 1870 and haa held the office ever since. Ha has seen the district grow from a small one-room log achoolhonae with but a few scattering pupils to a four room conaolldatod schqot with four teachers In charge of 185 popila wkf hare the advantages of domestlo sci ence and manual arta. Mr. Rouse Uvea In the Camden valley of Lynd township, whore In IjffO he U)ok a claim In aectlon?22. He was Jor one term treasurer of Lyon county and ifl ? veteran of the Civil war. HOW TO IMPROVE LAMB CROP Practice of Allowing Youngetsrs to Run With Mothers Until Breeding Time la Objeotlonable. Lamb t should be weaned when from four to four and one-half months old Bo says Frank Klelnh^lns. shepherd of the University flocks. In answer to numerous lnqulrlaa upon this sub Jsot Many floe km asters a How the lambs to run with their mothers until breed ing time. Thla Mr. Itletnhelns ro garda as very objectionable for It an noys the owes ftad keeps them In poor oondltlon. Moreover, at this time the lambs get but little milk and the? will really do better without It. j When taken from their mothers, the Iambs should be put on a piece of fresh pasture, which will help to avoid much at the stomach worm troublei After weaning time the ewes should he put on a scant paature for about a week In order to dry them up qulcfe ly During thla period they should be milked a fesr time? to prwvent the udder from oak lag and aa soon aa they are fairly dry they ought to be placed on good paature again, where thsr put on fleeh and become Strong and rigorous before they are bred to the fall. ?arly weaning and good oare of the ewes after the lambs are taken away enables the ewes to ao Into winter r<srs In good condition, thus ald wtntsr feeding and Insuring s large crop of Strong lambs In the ?ring. W?4 foe Weening Colt Ofton tho paetnrea AT? abort and dry wh?n tha young oolt 1? weaned. There to no food eo ncrarlahln? to tho fool u to groon graaa. If o lato pan tare la available, tho fool ahould hava froo aooooa to It. If the loto paature U not at hand, wheat bran ahould bo fed twloo each day, with good clover I* IMMENSE DAMAGE TO COTTON I Nearly 1i,000 Square Milo? of Now TarHtory Info?tod During 1?13 by tha Boll Weevil. \ The boll woortl did aboot thirty mo tion dollora' worth of damage to tho ooitoa crop la 1911, m oatlmatod la tha now report of tho entnmologlet. Nearly elghteee thooaaad aquare m I lee of now torrftoey boeamo Infaatod dar ing tho yeor. ?vary effort to bolng made to control thaao dopredaUone, partkmlorly by the ago of powdered orthooraacato of Um4, aad hand pich tag of cotton njuarea aod botla. A* ?epata M iaad waa triad with varying reeulta and tha quaatfcm of tta no> ? 99 9 ? ? k ? ? ? KM. /^^CE "tp^xl^r?e. ?141 Cor. Imod<1 4 Harrey Sta. N. O. ? Under Eatlrely New ? sat Hot and coU ? wsrlHu b? TO 8KB YOU com OUR WAT. ? ? ? j ? ? ? e ? ? Ncnci OP IWT M?UHO OF CBBDROBA. In tha District Court of the United 1 Mat ter the Eastern District of North Caroline, Sixth Division, la Bankruptcy. In the Matter of John P. Feller?, ?T IN BANKRUPTCY. To the creditor? of John P. Fel lers of WMhln*ton. tn the oonntj of Beavfort. and district aforesaid, s bankrupt. J Notica-Is hereby flren that on the 18th &Uft February. A D. 191S. the said John P. Fellers was duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Washington. North Carolina, at tha oflBce of Stewart and Bryan, on the 1st day of March. A. D. 1*18. at 11:80 o'clock a. m. at which tine the said creditors may attend, yrore their claims, appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may property oome before the said meet in?. This 18 day Feb. A. D.. 1816 FRANK H. BRYAN, Referee in Bankruptcy. 2-18-lOtc. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. In Uit District Court of the United State* for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Sixth Dlrlalon. In Bankruptoy. In the Matter of Ruhr Feller?. Bank ropt. IN BANKRUPTCY. To the creditors of Ruby Fellers, of "Wtahlnfton in the county of Beaufort, and district aforesaid, bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given that on the 18th day of February, A. D., 1915 the said Rnby Fellers wae duly ad judicated bankrupt and that the flret 'meeting* >of her creditors will be held at Washington. North Caro lina. at the office of Stewart and Bryan on <he 1st day of March, A D.. 1915, at 11 o'clock a. m. at which time the said creditors may attend prove their olaims. appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly oome before the said meet ing This 18 day of Feb. A. D. 1915. FRANK H BRYAN. Referee In Bankruptcy. 2-18-10tc. KVKRT MAN SHOULD HE PH<> tographed/ If you don't want one eome one else might. Inglls Studio. ' ? 2-24-tfc. BOMB DONT8 For Stomach and Liver Sufferer* Don't take medicine for your Stomach ailment* morning, noon and night, as usually such medicines only give temporary relief and simp ly digest the food that happens to be in the Stomach Don't permit a surgical operation There Is always serious danger In operations and In many ca*s of 8tomaoh, Liver and Intestinal Ail ments the knife can he avoided if the right remedy Is taken in time. Don't go around with a foul smel ling breath caused by a disordered Stomach and Liver, to the discom fort of those you come In contact irltb. If you are a Stomach sufferer, don't think you can not be helped, probably worse ca*es than yours have been permanently restored by Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. Most Stomach ailments are main ly caused by a catarrhal condition. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy not only removes the catarrhal mucus, but el lays the chronic Inflammation and sswNte in rendering the ^ptlre ali mentary and intestinal traot anti septic. and this Is the secret of Its marvelous success. Don't suffer constant plain and ag' ony and allow your etomach ailment to phynleally undermine your health. No mater how severe your case may be or how long you have Buffered?one dose of Mayr's Won d?rf^l Itemed v should oopvlnce you that you can be rettofed to health again. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has been taken and ks highly reeom mended by Member* Of Coagreaa. Justice of the SupttlH 00*1. Bdd dor?, Lawjrcn. VnbuU Bank Doclort, DrttfklM.. KlHH, Wlt> ufacturar?. rriMU, IfenlaMH, Fir mam anil pwrpi. m Ml walk. of llfa. Son? for FRISK ntlMkl* bookl.f on stomal Aiimaata to Oao. H. M?yr 154-111? Whlttac ?t . Ohlcafo. Ut. ?wr'i Won<1artul Ramwlr la aol? trr laadisc itmnUU o???Twbara rltk th? porttlr. .o?artU?dln? that roor moaar will ba raHndad ?llh ><at or inlMI* II ONE bol. Ja fall? to fit? TO* ?baolula ?<*?<>?< k'lt.laU.u.U Almost eaery one know? that Sage * and Sulphur, properly com pounded. brines back the natural oolor and luatra to th? faded, awaked or gnfr dandruff, ttching aoalp and 0(09? Ins hair. Year* ago the way to got this mixtura was to make It at bomo, which la Nowmdaya wa limply a|k *t any drug atora tor "WratwC *!? ?nd_ Sulphur Compound."'"Toa will jet Everybody uaaa thti old. famoua roc largo bottle for about 10 cents pa, beoanae no ona can possibly tall that you darkened your hair, aa It doea It ao naturally and evenly. You dampen a ?pence or koft brush with it and drarw thla thro ugh your hair: taking one email at rand at a time; by morning the grap hair disap pears, and after another application two. your hair beeomee beautiful ly dark, thick and ilosay and yen look years younger. HAVE FIFTY HOUSE DRESSES which I wlU put on aale next Fri day morning. They are worth IS.50 to $7.00 each, will be aold on Friday for $1,48. This la great bargain. See weet show window display. J. K. Hoyt. YOUR KMPIjOYKK EXPBOTS YOU to be on time. Or? sleeping U no excuse when a dollar wlll?**y a reliable alarm clock J. 8. Campbell, Jeweler. Phone 383 J. 2-2 4-1 tc. ^ PLENTY OP PATIHNCE TO TRY and get Just what you want of the little ones. Inglls Studio. 2-24-tfc. NOTICE?I HA YE TAKHff UP ONE oow, color red, with White head, marked crop and under square the left, under square the right. Owner can set seme by applying to M. 1. Burrus on Langhlnghouse farm and paying" charge?. If not called for within 20 daj? will aell to pay charges. 8. L. Laughlng houser < 2-24-lt4<wc. CASTOR IA Tar Intuits ul GUldrta. Tbi Ktad Yoa Hiti Alwqt B?fM Bears the <XfBUQM Of An Actlw Liver Meua Health. If yon want good health, a elear complexion and freedom from Diami nes?, Constipation, Biliousness, Headaches and Indigestion, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They drive out ferqientlng snd undigested foods, clear the Blood snd cure Constipa tion. Only S6e, at your druggist. mHp JP DMdi is a watenneUfn with ? est*? bili*, allowing ter tt to be ait h rersrse earns, so that it maj li tbs ?ood olMkaltkMd ? getting the mti full of w?t ?mM bra a Joks with t MMIdatifl Mr* roll -847." nl4 tS* waiter. h*TO Dot ODijr BMB O KOMI? NO, bat I bare m?ii a bteoott box. a tabla ?poon, a chimney sweep, a chain link, a bom gay, a cam era slide, a pwlw flHMa. a sword flab and a wall Muwmf Osme In California. California Is 00? of tba richest state? of the Union in gaaae The varieties Include doer, elk, moose, antelope, cari bou. wdd turkey, pheasant, duck, cooee. brant, plorer. snips and rail rlolsat ?boaid be tir? lazatlre-toalc, *7 9 bars QMd It, is the of simple herb* Wtitf psprta tj*" < _?- , the sane of Dr. OaltfweH* Syro# The prte? to fifty free trill bottle nrlte to Dr. B. Caldwell, 451 W? m. ? ?arty toll this dub. lMt*4 of a fir* to tfce store to wans h place a lighted c. the llaht of which r'r T??* Definition of ? ^?wlmtot "Pa. what to a pwtitttotr "A. pm> Bitot to a man who. no matter what 1? |ets on Christmas, would ra|V?r AWT AMATEUR WHO WAHTB Df formation can have it to tlis bask of oar ability free. In*lis Studio. Wo do amateur work. S-14-tfe. AN INDIVIDUAL GREENHOUSE Patent applied for The advantage of bain? two or three weak? In adv*Boe of the regu lar season and a lika length of time ahead of other and leas progressive growers 1? apparent to all trnek plantera. In the early spring whan the publie'a palate la era Yin# for the "tret* of the aeaaon" and (Ilka tha "kids" two weeka before drena daj) "can't hardly wait for freah green stuFs after the monotonous "earn ed goods" period of winter, a repeat of new grown vegetable? fresh from the ground la a treat Indeed. OUR FOBOirO boxes supply this TREAT. Beaefct Your CsstooMra. Whether you sell to the eomletlo n merchant or direct to tha eonsum er either will welcome your early shipments or dellvsrlse. You being able to supply them ahead of other growers wiH "put you In good"? will giro you the "Inside track" for other aalea when the aeaaon proper opens up, and cause them to apeak of yon aa one who la up to the min ute in progreaaire gardening. OUR POROKO BOXES FORCE EARLY SALIBS. Bwit Yoonwif. Some people go to farming for their health, but we take It for grant ed that your object in being in this buaineea la to make money?you owe It to youroelf then to "get all that is coming to you." Sayptjr youreelf with a vufllelent quantity o f our "Individual greenhouses" to meet your demand?. Be able to "de liver the goods" at a time when the market it highest and you will find that you fcave not only gald tor your Investment several tlmea over the fl ret season, bat have a aloe little bunch of "Kale" (we do not mean cabbage either) that you otherwise wouldn't have. OUR FORCING BOXES PORCH OUT DOLLARS. ORDER -EM NOW! SPRING IS COMING! FOR SALE AND DISTRIBUTED BY Hasseil Supply Co. & Harris Hardware Go. WASHINGTON, N. C NEW THEATRE MONDAY NIGHT ONLY. MARCH 1st. The New York Casmo Success "LADY LUXURY" Books and Lyrics by Rida Johnson Young. Music by William Schroeder. Staged by R H. Burasides. WITH v. FLORENCE WEBBER, Late Star "Naughty Marietta'* ""?iKffiTSL. ^"When Dreams Come True" JEAW EMILY FTTZROY. SAM J. BURTON' E. H. CRAWFORD And Others BEAUTY CHORUS. GOWNS BY LADY DUIT GORDON. PRICES: Orchestra, $2.00; Parquet, $1.50 $1.00; Balcony, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Seats Friday

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