yoLfc .- , WASHINGTON N. C TUESDAT fcfTERN JON M Alt II2 1915 No. 27 BILLS INTRODUCED IN THE HOUSE AND . SENATE -YESTERDAY Vnr MM Ths following mv Mite in troduced in ths Seaais /tote>rtsy: Hobcood of Guilford, to authorise the oormnleeloners of Guilford to condemn load for pobilo purposes. Snow of Wake, to authorise tho purchase on Salisbury street In Ra leigh property adlolntng the lot ^?w owned by the stoto. Snov of Wok?, to creete o recor der1? oourt for Woke Forest town ship and preecrtbe tho Jurisdiction thereof. Herding of Pitt, to create a board of road commissioners In Pitt coun ty. Giles of MbDoweU, to empower' the aldermen of Marlon to levy o tax on meat dealer*. Flshsr of Sampson, to regulate the fees of the treasurer of Sampson eoutrty. Bumirarner of Wilkes, to relieve J. p. Filed re for certain damages. Hxi*oint nnd th? dletrlboHon of the nubile money of Henderson county. flood of Polk, relatlre to the nrooer drainage In Henderson coun ty. Atw*ter of Chstham, to Incorpo rate th? town of Bennertt In Cbat *??*n nntv. r*or.Snr^. to nrerent th* rate of + a af Xfo?1ri*nhnr?r. to nro feet tH* nnbHc In the sale of freight ATI rtnMIf sales. m Vr\r?^>?o?*i of Pocklngham. to re "W E. Fentress. T.1n*bs??1r of Mitchell, relative to th* law of >*??? Mal^tte of Tvrrell. for the relief of th# 8nid'?rn' Home at Raleigh. Cohoon of Paeouotank, to author Ice the construction of a road thmnrh the state's property In Morganton. ^VfcPae of Mecfrlenburg, relative to eonHoatlon for Insurance. Warmer? of Burry, to correct an error In tbe pension roll of Swell Wh?t*fcer. an old Confederate of Sorry. McMlchaei of Rockingham, rela tive to the election of a road super visor of Rockingham by a vote of the people. Herbert of Clay. Ia Incorporate Marble In Cherokee county. Wearer of Bunoombe, to author ise Weevervllle to lssus bond*. McRse of Meoklenbarg, to amend the law authorising the commission ers of Mecklenburg to lssus bonds. Thompson of Iredel], to authorise the commissioners of Iredell, to Is sue bonds to fnnd Its indebtedness. Fisher of Sampson, to reduoe the number of commissioners of Samp son connty from five to three. Fisher of Sampson, to decreaee the number of commissioners of Sampson county from five to three. White of Franklin, to authori?? ths board of trustees of Loutsburg to hire oonvlots. Snow of Waks, to changs the name ef the police 'ustloes' court of Raleigh and oonfer civil Jurisdiction. Harding of Pitt, to amend the law authorising the County commission ers of Pitt to have the books audit ed. Gardner of Cleveland, to amend the law relative to the hours of< working In factories. Haymore of Burry, relative to the serving of olvll processes by tel ?ohone. GHllam of Bdgecombe relative to liability of common carriers. * G1 litem of Bdgecombe, to exempt county and towns bonds la Bdge combe from taxation. Gilliam of Bdgecombe, to eetab llsh office Of publle weigher la Tar boro. ' Now Mile Introduced. Bills were lltrod need In tbe Hoaee as follow?: * Klttrell, permit KKtrell. farm-life school to Issue toads. Durto, prohibit live stock from running at taffe la Hoc IrtMd township. Carteret county. ?ohool district to Issue CuitU, *m?od act eatebllihln? raoord?r? court of Cumberland. Carrie, for rellaf of John Under Wtoborne, authorise Murfreee Vwo to lasa? bond?. ?nabora?, primary In of HaAford county. Wtnborae, tU Um? for killing eqalrrel* In Hertford. Jcw*"' authorise oonunleatoners of Jockeon to teso* aurplu* *tock law fund?. Btbertdge. elect 'constable for Wan?,.* achool dtotrtei, Dare ooun ty. BWba. allow clark of oourt of Mad lUon county to employ clerical help ?cot*. to provide uniform tax for aehoola of Pandor. BrwmnHtt, amend charter of Ox ford. 8<*?r. authoiiao building 0f bridge over Wrtghtsvtlle .ound, Harrlaon. by requeet. prohibit ??la of wine and cider In Wakelon acbool diet Hot, Woke county. I?onard, amend act eeUbllshlng recorder* court for Lexington. Phillip*, abollah olBce aundard keeper in Mitchell. Phllltpe, to provide for laying el" *nd ,rani?way. In Mltcb ^Mewborn. to amend charter Snow -J*?"' m"li ch*n" Washington Truat Company. Waahlngton. N C Mayo, autborlxe the commleslon ?ra of Beaufort to eatabllah work house. Mayo, amend rertsal relative to compenaotlon of certain offlfera Mayo, to Increaae the member, ?hip Of board of education of Bean fort. Mayo, amend road law of Beau fort. i l?w**T0 *m6n<1 Be,ufort primary Mayo, repeal certain rfetlon. o' '"V^ 1,11 relating u> Beaufort county. / *?yo. ?mend act establishing re corder* court of Beaufort. Mayo, authorize the comml,.lon ere of Beaufort to, build new coun ty homo and other buildings. M?yo. amend gajne law* of Beau rort. Eth.rldge. regulate .hooting of Wild fowls In Dare. Dunning, extend corporate limit, Of James vlile. Conely, .How Old Port to change source of water auppiy. of m!h7' 1? *lk>W e?wml*aIoner ' M"1on to br?hlb!t carnival, and w.k Mb,bUln* '? town Witherspoon. for protection ?? and game In Cherokee. Douglas*, to amend charter An (led. ^Douglaaa. to amend charter Ca Brookett, amend aot relating tr in High Point recorder, court Benton, to work road, of Colum bua by taxation. Hendrlx for relief of A. T. Oran> v" th" Superior court of Da Mlckle. authorise and direr board of agrlenlture to organi,, bow road patrol for North Carolln. ??'"orlxe North?,? ,OWr . ",WlCk to h?, oonds for roads. ? Catawba, to extend imlts of Lon^rlew. Freeman of Meoklenbnrg. resu * *'"'??? of game In Meeklenbur, lWwle, by requeet. aulhorfK Bon Vllte townrtu, T.dk,n county. |? ? ?t?e bonds for roadn. Klttra", to gr salaries of Vane ?"nCWi. .. *? "corporate Klttrell srm-llfe school district Pu*tt. relative to luflgment* b '"fault In Oaaton. PtMrtt. amend revtoai relative tr ooor<* ">' fourteenth Judlcl,' ustrlet. Puotl. allow voters of Oa.ton to -ota on bond Isaae for road*. Valentine, regulate killing o' vame In Henderson D^*? *** Otbbs, amend act rela ** to railroad. In Maeon Orant to protect g ah in Onalow Roberts of Buncombe, amen' barter Black Mountain. Robert* Of Buncombe, annex Bn *" Democrat dl.trlct edMson county to Buncombe Kobart. Of Bonn combe, to create v*??l ?" ?l?rtet is Buncombe *** ^ 0*"nt? from onrtemtk a>< reetore It to twm Belhaven, Mtr. 1.?Mr*. C. W. Smith entertxlnM Saturday evening la honor ot hwr cousin. Mil? Ida Shaven der. whoee marriage to Mr. Chaunoey Pegrara of Hamlet, will taka place on Wednoeday, March 14. The guests ware met at the door by the hoateas, and ushered . Into the parlor where Miss Shavender greet ed them?after which an appropri ate eonteat was engaged In, the gueet of honor winning the priie. Then the gaeeta were ahown into the dining room, which wae decorat ed In pink and white. _ Cupid was suspended from the wall Just over the center of the table. In bi? greeting he made known the archer had aimed well and struck the mark. The color scheme wae carried on4 'n the three-course luncheon. The first a salad course, second, pimen to sandwiches and coffee; third, minta. served on double heart?, the hearts being given as farora. Miea Weston made the announce ment. In a very charming manner, ?vhlch she found on her place-card Ml the others giving toasts to the ??neat of honor, and responded to by ?he bride-elect. Those present were ^"??es Ida and Louise Shavender, Vntherlne Weston, Era and Laura ?Hiomiwon. Ruth Credle, Mlna Top -'n*. Helen Guilford, and Cora Wll Mnaon. FROM SWAN QUARTER. Messrs. W. O. Harris, Elbert W Mldyette and Joseph Credle arrived 'n the city yesterday afternoon ''om 8wan Quarter. GUEST OP HROTITER. Mr. John Hackney of Wilson. Is ?he truest of his brother, Mr. Oeorge Vackney In Haokney Avenue. Gol. Thos. Strtaftad of Wayne? vllle, Inspector General of State Mi liti?, Mwisated b7 Commander R. W McNeely, U. 8. N., Commanding U. S. 8. Tallahassee, made the annual Inspection of the Sixth Division, North Carolina Naval Militia, ofi this cKy? at the Armoty here last night. : ?, * The Division assembled at 7:80 o'clock and were pat through In fantry drill?, signalling. Butt' Man ual and big gun practloe, which last ed until 10:80. The Inspection waa rtgld In It; entirety, and the Inspectors paid high tribute to tha discipline and training abown, and pronounced them one of tha moat efficiently trained Divisions In tha State, which was quite contrary to-'a report re cently jjrculated throughout th< 8tate by an article In the News an*' Observer written by their Waahliu ton, (D. C.) correapondent. "With reference to all the Dlvl? Ions, Colonel Strlngfleld stated, "that they have found the men qual ified from the standpoint of seaman ship, which has been acquired by ac tual practice aided by local ronrtl ttons, which makes them Invaluable as recruits for regular aervlce " Tt is gratifying to know thai North Carolina ranks first In the navn1 militia gunnery In the United Stated qualifying on battleships. These gentlemen have Just com pleted the Inspection of the Fir?* Division at Dolhaven, and left th' city this morning for New Bern where they will Inspect the Second Division tonight. WASHINGTON VISITOR. Mr. Harold J. Washburn was visitor In tho city on yesterday from New Bern. "Seven Keys lo Baldpate" ONE OF THE MOST GRIPPING PLAYS EVER STAGED IS TO BE "EEN IN TIIIS CITY NEXT MONTH AT THE NEW THEATER. AND IN ">RDER THAT THE READERS OF THE DAILY NEWS WHO HAVE NOT ALREADY READ THI8 STORY MAY HAVE THE OPPORTUNI TY OF SO DOING, THIS PAPER H AS ARRANGED TO RUN IT SERI ALLY, AND THE FIRST CHAPTER WIXiL APPEAR TOMORROW HOLDUP AT CTHOOOWINITY Robberies and boldaps are getting o be a very common occurrence at hocowlnlty. On Friday morning ibout three o'clock as the night a ?ent for the Norfolk Southern Rail ray Company, Mr. Ray. waa dosing he door of the office he heard some body aay "don't cloae that door." When he turned aroand to see who he party wm he looked down the -arrels of two revolvers In the handa ?f a white man with a maek on. rha mask man demanded that he the door, and at the point of 'he pistole he forced the agent Into ho office and made him open the afe. However, there was no mon y In the safe, which it neemed was '1 the highwayman was after, as he| "1 not molest anything else. Tn the early part of Saturday! '*ht some one forced an entrance nip the ticket office through the *>'adow in the waiting room, an' -oke open the ticket case, also op "ed the safe. Again no mohey ?as found and nothing was noticed 4 missing. TO ATTEND MKFTTNO. Mr. C. P. Aycock of Pantego. ar -'ved here yesterday to attend the ?neetlng; q^the Board of County Com ?nleeloner*!' FROM PIMKTOWN. Mr. Surry Parker of Plnetpwn, a visitor In our oHy on yeater day. 'otte Mints, amend the general school 'aw* of North Carolina. Lone at Halifax, amend charter Wei do* and Roanoke Jtaptds ReJl The regular annual meeting of the Sons of tho American Revolu tion will be held at WaehlTijctor. North Caiollna. at the homo of the Knights of Pythlaa, at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday the 8th day of March, 19 IS. Rualneea of Importance will com? before the meeting and all member* are requested to be present. FRANK H. BRYAN. R. T. Bonner, Sec. Feb. 16th, 1MB. RHGUTjAR OOMMTWICATIOIf, There will be a regular communt cation of Orr l^od*? No. 104 A. F and A. M. at thefr hall, corner of Third and Bonner utroets. this ev ?nln* at 7:*0 o'clock. Work in F> tared Apprentice All mem Ver* nr*ed to bw preawnt. Vlelttn?* K?^thren In the city cordially Inr' *d. Ry order of Worahlnfnl M??t*r % O. M. WTNFTFT.TV flecretar* FROM RrSIVF??? TRIP. Mr. T. W Morrla. general man of 'h# erm of ,T?mM F Clark ' '"mnanr, baa returned to the c'?* from a northern btiftlnees tr*r While away he nurchatw?d an exten i ?Ive lin? of spring and summ#> goods. IN TU P, CTTTY. Miss Will!? B. Co well of Orean '?111#, arrived in the city yeaterda* ?f ter noon to be the gueat of Mr and Mrs. Frank V Wflftt to Was' One-of the moat Interacting exer cises that have been held to achool was rendered on Fridcy morning by the Cornelian Club In the audito rium. There was a cornet eolo by Mr Belby Jonee. Mies Oladys Alli tfood placed a very eweet selection on the violin. Mlee Ruth Butler rendered an instrumental aolo. Miss Carlotta Nicholson redl?4 "Bobby Shafter?' Gone to Sea." A very In -tructIve talk on the Roman mat ron Cornelia, for whom the c* Is iam?-d, was made by Mlse Ll<* man. This varied program greatly enjoyed by ell. Cornelian Club. The Cornelian Club had for Its urogram on Friday evening critical ^ketches on the important charact ers 1n the "Merchant of Venice." The proeram was very Interesting nd Instructive. The Preliminary Debate. Th? members of the John H. ~nia11 T>Ahotln?r Society are -naklng -'?enaraMons for the preliminary de >?te which will bp held on Thurs day *venine of *Mf wook. At this tme the debaters will be chascn to --?nr??iw?nt the Washington High *?r*?nl in the trianeular debate. ThA nuery Is ' Resolved That the ''iftnl Sfatf should adopt the pullcv fubsiditlng Its Merchant marine" ^ntte a rreat d??a1 of interest Is be '??t manifested by the boyi *n this ?uhl^ct. We are confident of sending out ?>vo stron* toams. The debaters to: A^rmative. Elbert Weston. '??^Me Wooiard, snd Charles Hard on the neestlve. Walter Mor "??n. Ray Warren. Joe Wilkinson. 'v?iHam Ellis, and Whltln* Mcll1 '?enny. . F.ttA Kappa. Tho program for thp Etta Kappa *?n Frtdnv vm a debate. The aue -v war. "Renolved. That a miser !h ?"ota Injurious to society than a ~*pndthrlft." Thp affirmative Bide -?*as unhelrt hv Tsttal Wnrren. Thel ma Ruck and Mildred Smith, while ?h? negative w^? upheld by Vlrj?1n 'a PM1, Kplene TTudnell and Man?a -pt WhiOey The declolmer* wore '?iartv* WiiMey and Mary Whitley. The papers on both aides were Rood, hut It was decided hy the Judge* ? hat th* affirmative won. Thr d?c ?a-natlon was won hy Gladys Whlt ltv. Highest Avereues. 5th Month. Kindergarten. Mary Respeas Cr*tlto. Mary Charlea, Grorer J'?nes. Flret Grade, Section C. ?Llyodj Henderson, Claude Robeson. L'nda John. First Oradp, Section B.?Eliza beth Klappe, Wallaco Armstrong, W'lllam Water*. Flret Grade, flection A.?India "nrper. Marjorl? Phillips, Alhertina Oden. Second Grid?, Bf.ctlon B.?Ola Ty ron, MrkrI? Alllgood, Lynda] I Ross. Second Grade, Section A?Sallle Gowell. Hubert Forbes, Eliza Grimes Third Grade, Section R.?Ellia ??beth Orlurs. Helen Cliffftn, Lou 'Hynn Cox. Fourth Grade, flection R.?Char Me Rrown, 94 B: Marvin Godwin, ??ft,#; Rnna Rrooks, 91.<1. Fourth Grade. Section A.?-An nette Dudley. 90 9; Cha*. Black, *<9 7; Mary Allllgood. *9 Fifth Grade, Paction B?Maud "amohell. 94: Walter Randolph, '?S: I^ee Hill, #3. Fifth Grade, Section A?Leon '"11. 94.8: Rnby Swln?*?i|, *8. S1*th Grade, Section B.?Lucy nnrleton. 91.1-7: Mabel Pippin, 1.1-7: Charlotte Rodman, 99.8-7. Sixth Grade, Section A.?Earl -'Ifton. 97 1-6 Walter Raker. 9B "?-8: T.lla Roper. 94.1-8. Seventh Grede. Section R.?Dorl* Tnnee. 90: Alice White, 89.8-7: I#au ">npo Womble, 89.8-7; John Spain. ?7.8-7. on by the heads of the de pfc ? of History, French, and Gon. actively. Dr. t*. ' \ted that one of the principa! e?. of the war upon thli country was the demoralization of the 3outh's over-se a cotton trade, because of which we have already lost over one hundred million dol lars with Qermany alone; and that the war was in large measure respon slble for the unprecedented prices in wheat and had been entirely In strumental in protectlnc American ugar growers from the competition which would have resulted from the oresent tariff The war has Increas ed the cost of living, but has devel oped many American Industrie? and has given us a large trade balance with Europe. In contrast to the blow dealt the railroads by the war la the excellent opening for South American trade offered the ?hipping Industry. T-a*t Friday evening our basket ball team who defeated by Wake Flor ?*3t on the visitor* floor by the score of "23 to 12. This wa? the second panic In the aeries; tho first was won by Trinity, but Manager Lambeth has decided not to . Flowers. A capacity audience greeted "La dy Luxury" at the New Theater last nljht and It *a? no more than she could properly have expected, fer such a dainty, capricious, winning Miss deaervefl the beat. Freah from the Casino, blithesome and gay, she preened her butterfly wln^g for a brief space amid the Idle rich gather ed at her b'ddlnr to assist her In eel ebratlng her coming Into her Inher itance. only to And that her heart was with her Texas lover and that true love need* no luxury. Torrent Huff, as Sam Warren, of Texas, p!ots with Uncle Van Cuyler (J. W. Herbert) to teach Lady Lux ury that all Is not go!d that glitters, and In a plot of unusual coherency and plausibility from the fertile pen *?f Rlda Johnson Younir. succeed* in doing so to the satisfaction- of all. Including "Lady Luxury" herself. admirably Impersonated by Florence Webber. Emllle Laa a? the Ruslan dancer whirled, spun, and kicked her way Into the heart? of the audience, es pecially in the "Poster Dance." tn which her costume tr? rn) blrarre as the music and the stops. And who over knew of Russian dancer without a case* of fewels? The ln?s *?f hers. w?'h th*> ?nbn^nnen' '?-c?iv \ compllested the plot. Sara J. burton, as Harper, the family's old eolored bntTer. was excellent as was M1*s Fltxroy as Mrs. Draper Bowles a part wMcfc scarcely *ave her fltrinr opportunities. Donald McDonald snd .T?an Pel If tier, a* he f.ivenM? brother of Lady T.uxurv >nd_dauxrhiQr of Mr? D^an^r-Tor-l?? "Wertfvelv, *n?**tned ?hHr snlendfd "enut.it Ions. thoiiFh Maud threw McDonald over a' ?he end 'nr th? fascinating r,,?nt Plnla?e|]| (Arthur Albro* witos- voice was well test 'd Ir "When I Sing in Grand Ope ra." Ti. * twenty musical numbers nrovIderf hy William Cchro-der were n'1 ? hnrmlnr nnd tuneful that ft rt-feult to d'e^rfminate Proba Pink a Plrknnlnny." bv Miss Webber was the most catchy, ?houeb her "Dream On. My Prin cess" and "Louring for You" were "berallv encored. "That Par-tag Oance." by Mr. McDonald and Miss T-ea. and the *nsmble numbers, wer* most effective. The Casino "benuty chorus" was 'etchlnr: some said I* wan ptt7 more was not seen of it. or them, snd tie costnm'nr was np ?o the ?tandaM. Taken s* a whole i* wis he moat capable oast ever sean l-ere In a musical comedy and one 'hat will Ion* b?* r-w and t fs to be hoped that this la a fore runner of others In thl* class. Mrs W. r. Fiue*tte of Orlmes ? tnd. 1* th* rne?t of Mr?. E. 3 Sim mon* In Fast Main street. FOTl ATT.ANTA. Mr. W. C Pond?, who be* been ?oea'ed h*r* with th?? T P Me<"!ra "v Oomnany. lAft vestprdav for At lanta. Oa.. wher?? ho ha? aceptod a position. New Theater RROORDKIl'fl OOTTRT Th? following rnrak r?r? dUpo? 'd of by tli? R#cord*r W L. Vannh *n r??f#rd?y afternoon: Tlob?rt R#?d. colored. drunk Co?t. Bom?n W?t?on. colored, drnnk. Cont. Fob?rt Moot?. rolorod, r*f*1lln* (*n1l?r On arnonnt of famllr Jud? m wit wa* nn?p?nd?d upon payment of cowt. OUKOT AT T