DAILY NEWS CIowUim*?, rmrnl to MwfcnM WWW. HM1r Worthf*. Vol-4 " WASHINGTON N.C MONDAY AFTERNOON MARuH 1IU15 Ho. 36 SUCCESSFUL CRUISE OF A'GERMAN SUBMARINE; SINKS FIVE VESSELSl txmJo*, M?. 14.?Tha eebmartee U-lt OM of UM largest u4 tMtMt of Oar*** uadee-*alar craft. has M a Will-to three da ye off the Qlcily lAfftd* i&4 In tb* Engllah channel tW? ?0 Thursday. Friday and Saturday ahe eabh four BrltHh steamers and on? French itiuiir, and damaged thrae others. The German commander gat* the erwi of most of the mtamers time to leave their reaeels and la tome <** as towed the ablps' Ufeiboata with tfco erew to paselng ataamera by Fhl^l they were brought to port. TiK* U-If waa chased by patrol boats, but porrad too elusive while ?leamera whleh triad to ram or e* cane her found the submarine waa much faster than almllar craft which had prevloualy been preying on Great Britain's overeee trade. . With a German submarine In the waters around the Sicily Islam!? which the War liners pass on their wit hero?* tha -Atlantic much anea-? ?Ineea la felt In ehloolng circles, and during tha day a report, which also reached the American Itaer New York by wireless^ waa circulated that one had been torpedoed. Thla report, It la believed, arose from the sinking of the Andalualan, which belonge to the Bllerman line. The Brltltfh feel they more than evened matters up for the losa of theae steamers by the victory at Neuve Chapelle and the defeat yes terday of the Germana In their ef fort to recover ground r?tried hy tho British on the jii l aiiiWiig dara. According to a report Issued"*^ the war offloe tonight the German# delivered several minor attache Sat urday morning and another one In the afternoon but aH weee repulsed The total number of prisoners teh ee in three days waa 1,710. while It la estimated that tha total 1 oases were not far short of 10,Odi. MIS ONPNICED (By Col. A. !#. Falrbrother.) This Carter case is on* of mors eerlous moment than some folk may think. Judge Carter has been a 'horn In the flesh. He has stood up and instated that the man with a hunch of money who did wrong was more guilty than the man with out the busch of money. We nerer believed tkat. The bnneh of money U merely a one night stand. It wa? Shakespeare's proposition that the rr*i> who stole yonr puree stole -*? nnd h? elaborated by explain ? pur-e was mine and ?* man keeps his mon*' T"? ?hroad with a pocket to '??'r and this gold buirlnr ?? i*nns r ally nothing but selfish rniliflratlon. We hare always In ?' t^d 'hat the men who went o trt ln ? mn and took the gaff and ' ?*'r millions were heroes, be ?nui y Arrumulatlng the millions, they '?re In shape to do things with tho millions?whereas the Woary Willie with but a dime could buy no street bonda; could aid in bo way to build republics and to contribute to the happlnes of man. We harp, In .our phllpsop&y oon ended that the man with great riches carried a great burden, and he was to be pitied rather than cen sured. But because Carter allowed himself to Insist that oonrtets should not be cruelly treated; that men In Asherille running big hotels must rotne into camp when they sold kT illegally along with the nigger heck driver who had violated the ?rw?meny people picked Carter on t a? a man who stood for the "com mon herd" end felt thst the grand Vafid appealed to htm. We nrrer had t ha pleasure of nesting Judge Okrter. We narer hare had the pleatn?* of meeting any one whd opposes Mtu. Tr.sre fore we feel tboroaftklt. o6t**etsct to maW the remark that Jodge Car ter shofifd hare, a?4 at once, a Mil fair ?MA untyplgfrlrM Investigation ' If he hA* been guilty of moral 4* lhtonendM Uk the fact* be spread upon A* tmt*. ant let him hid British airmen hare been actlye ?Cain and hare destroyed * train at Don, a ear Lille. The Belgian array continues to gain a little pond at the bend the rirar Teer. and In Chmam parne the Argonne and the Vosgee there ha# been lighting. The Oermani again have bombarded Ypree, 80! ? ?one and Rhelms. In the latter two town? the cathedral? hare Buf fered. The French hare occupied Bm bermenll, on the railway midway between Lnnerllle and Rlxengen on tfce border? of Larralne. 8ome Idea of ??? T?t?ht?but the m ??*?#? ?? of h'* honor ?hou1'* not be ^andbatrrwd and l?ft pro* ?rate. Tf Carter is Innocent or mil ?*?it maVM no difference now? wHdUt^t ?he fact may be should b ?*taA>ll?W. speedily snd wlthon -?*>idfce. MARCH lflTH IN HTRTORY. y 1665?Jam** Duke of York, estab Ifohed at Gunfleet the firs* I regular system of naval war fare in England. 167S?The famed act of Indulgence paused by Charlea II. con taining a clause for Ifbertyof conscience. 1809?Qustavus Adolphu* IV. Ring of ffweden. arretted and d* ?prlved of hI? functions of gorernment. 1914?An earthquake occurred ir the perfectore o< Aklta. It' * and of Hondo. POIX) PliATlM TO PACTFIC. New York, Mar. IS.?Local polo player? Journeyed to San Pran dec o for the gam*? for the ohampionahip which began today. The tisi tin? teams are espacted to be a grea* boon to the ?port on the Pacific There I? an *xc*ptW>n?lly Ana polo field -otertboktof the . Golden Oate. Player? who do not bring their mounts will be supplied by mount' itn Mr. E. L. Rbper, ?who ku bMn a member of the business staff of the Dally N?w? for (1? put year, hu resigned to acospt a position m salesman in the ?hoe etc-e of Mr. E. i L*> Brooke on East Main street, and! began hit duties there this morn in?. i Wliile with the News Mr. Roper showed energy and consistency In all matters of business entrusted In to his hands, and at all times exhib ited a sunny and genial disposition towards all with whom he came in contact. The News regrets the loss of his ?services, but wtshee to congratulate Mr. Brooks upon the acquisition of same. The best wishes of the en tire force go with him In his new calling. SATTRDAY VISITOR. Miss Earl Proctor of Orlmesland was a Washington visitor on Satur day. NEW BERN VISITOR. Miss Rebecca Simmons spent th^ week-end with Miss Ellen Guion in New Bern. RETURNED FROM VISIT. Miss Wlimlfred Nicholson is at home from a visit to her 'sister, Mrs. Dan Taylor In Hamilton. FROM GRIMESDAND. Mr. and Mrs. Ruins Galloway wer# tm the dty on Satnrffiy from Ortnaesland. HERE SATURDAY ? Missos Mara!? and Ethel Adams, of Bath, epent Baturday here shop I Mng. BEL HA VEN VISITORS. j MImk* Maud Hooten and Etta Toppin, of Belhaven, ware rlaltora In tha city on Saturday. WITH MR. AND MR8. HACK YEY. Mr. and Mra. C. H. Whlchard. o' "andemere. were guesta at tha home ??f Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hackney or "*fest Main itra^t on yesterday. VISITING HERE. Miss Mamie Edwards of Edwards. 1% a visitor at the home of Mr. and v*ra. Grant Merrlnan In East Malr ??treat. TO OREENVTT,I,E. MIsRes Catherine and May Belle "t?*11 and Mr. William Knight mo nr*?d to Greenville yesterday re irnlng In tha afternoon. ( HERE YESTERDAY. T>r. and Mra. Jas. 8. Hhodea, Mr. -?nd Mrs. 8. R. Biggs and Mr. J. W. -Mggs. of Wllllamstnn, motored Vrs yesterday. AT ORIMESIiAND. Misses Mary Clyde Hass?11 and EUaaibeth Simmon* spent the week end at the home of Mr. W. C. Ean -ette at Orlmealand. FROM OHOOOWINITY. Mlaaea Mabel and Julia VonEb Aratntn and Mr. William VonEber stsln were here yesterday from "'hocowlnjty. SPEND MJNDAY HERE. Mr. and Mm. 8. L. Iiaughlnghouse of Vandamare, apent Sunday In the dty with their mother. Mra. W. L. '.auglitfighoufte, on Waat Second itmi t OPERATED ON THIS MORNING Mr Albert Willi*, who was operat ed on this morning at tha Washing ton HoapHal for appendl??*. waa rsportad as jetting along nkwly at ttoot today. IBS. LEACH 0. On Thursday afternoon. March 11 Mr?. (Ho. T. Leach was the charm ing hostess of the O. Henry Book C lob at her handsome home on West Main street. The efficient prestdeu. called the meeting to or der promptly at S:30 o'clock. The paper for the afternoon was written by Mrs. J. K. Hojt and on account of Mrs. Hoyt's absence wan read by Mr?. John H. Small. The subject "Lady MacBeth." was admirably treated by Mrs. Hort and was thor oughly enjoyed bylHl. Mrs. Small. a? usual, read In h<*r own delightful manner. The reading for the af ternoon waa th? first and second acts of MaeBeth. This Is proving to be a rery interesting part of the nrogram. A social hour followed the literary program as the guest s were invited into the attractively decorated dining room wh??re a de lightful and beautiful luncheon wR? ?erved. Bach guest waERGny. Many nf the people visited by th*? committees werf no* at home yen t?rday, and these will be seen d?: Ing the present w?*ek. as It Is desir ed to have every member of th< parHh represented In the plan. When all are *een the total aggre gat? sum 1a expected to reach $4,500. PfyRAD FOR nitEAKlNO fl!R TOMH LAW. New York, Mar. 15.?Karl flu ent*, managing director and Felix fkffner, who have be??n absent from the cHy, are expected to return to thia olty and plead next week on the charge of violating the cu*tom> laws for which th^y have been 1n dloted. The charge I? that they broke the neutrality byk aupplytng the German shlpa of war' with coa' and other supplies MCRWftR OOI RT OPENS. Pittsburg. Pa.. Mar 15.?The Li cense Court opened today. There are I.MS petitions la comparlaor ifOU 1,WS la* mr. FUST ST1TE u II Trinity Oolleff?, Durham, N. C.. Mar. 16.?It has been announced here that a State eolleclate track ' 1* planned to be held on the Trinity Nfleld gom-' time In April. ?. A M . "Wike Forest and Elon College have signified their wllllngneaa to partic ipate. Such a meet would be the first pf Its kind, but should It be held and prove successful, there Is no doubt that It would be an annu al affair, going from oollege to col lege. Trinity has now definitely ar ranged one m^et with Elon College, ??nd Manager Gocorth expects two ("th??r meptw with A. A M. and Wake ^??rest. rnptaln Matton of the ?rack team declares that prospects , nre better this year than at any| ! other period In the history of the ??port. I The local S!rma Delta Chapter of Kn**is Delta Pororlty has been --Ae^ntA,! w'*h a handsome loving o?n b* 'he National Council In rec-j '?enltlon of the echolarshlp stand In* of the local chapter, which has ' nveraced above ninety for two suc fo?!lvo years. Only three of the fonrteeen active chapters are enti tled to this honor. President W. P Few left yester day morning for Greensboro. where he spoke last night at el*hT o'clock before the students of the colored A. & M. College. Mr. J. A. Thomas, a native of Petdsvllle. and now a prominent to bacconist with headquarters In ^hapal. China. 1* a preat friend and admirer of Trinity College and at ?he nam? tlmo much Interested In 'the Far East. For some time past . It has been his pustom to donate to ' th? collere library valuable books on the East as they appear. Only wMMn the pa.?t w?n?k h? has sent, a two-volume work, which 1s very va'nshle. T.eRov'* "The Americano In the Philippines." (These notes were prepared by th?- Office of Dairy Experimentation, Went Raleigh, N. C.. which will be piad to anawcr all question? con cernlng Kama.) See to It that your bottled milk dni?5 not show a eedtmont?If ao ?rive the hooded or covered pall a 'rial, together with the usual drain ing?It will bring results. rienn up your barns and cows and I'f-rp tb?m clean. Cut some win dows In th" milking barn and let all ?* ? ?unllc.it lu that you possibly can. Do not advertise the fact that you irr? lax with the disposal of the ma ?wiro hr Wtlng the pile accumulate n?ar the barn. Wash your hands and put on cKan rlothoa before milking and i 'hav1? W. C ATFRS. City ClerV 2-9 tOte. ORPTNAXTF. On motion the following ordl narr? wa? ??'paeted' Section 1 That It shall b* un lawful an v p?T?on. firm or ror roTatlon to srtt. give awav or eth?r wlro dlwno?* of on the Rahhath dar ??tit Hrai*?. e1tfar*tte*. to^a^fo. flrlnlr?. 1e*? f*r**m 'ronf?**tlonrr??? frnlts or randl?? Provided thnt *?fa and r*e**nrAT??? m a v *?11 their r?r1?'*r?*d rnests or rvr^of? nVnr meals, clrars. Hrarett*? an* tohacoo. Section t Anv n?raon. firm e>* "omoratlon vlolat'nr the nmvfeVen" of this ordlnanee "fiall b* enlitv of a ml?dejneanor and npor conviction whalt be fln?^ 110. All ordinances tn conflict here with ara hereby rmealed. W. C. AYFR*. City Clark 2? to Us. "" I If there erer vu a tlms for Southern farmers to diversify, e? pedally to grow more food and feed crop?, now la the time. Io other word? now 1? the Southern farmer'? opportunity to get safely into the kind of farming that he should hare been doing all the time. With a low price for our main so-called money crop and with good preepecti for a contlnuancc of good price?, there are at least two good reaaons for dlvemtfylng. and no roaaon what ever, for not doing so. Among the various general crop? yet to be planted, none I? ?o Impor tant as cotjr "Wo need more grain snd more forage, corn supplies both. No crop we grow 1? eo well adapted to the cheap feeding of live stock as Is the much neglected, but won-, derful plant, called corn. It will easily produce from thirty to a hun dred bu'hels of grain per acre, and at th" same time grow from on? to three ton? of fairly good forage. To grow corn successfully, the ob serving o< a feV Important princi ples are nectary- The to rre, [plenty of moisture, a good supply of nl^rocen. Improved seed and suit able cultivation, This means deep breaking, the turning under of le gume? and maintaining the soli mulch throughout the season. When land is broken at this time of the ve*r, it should be wrll harrowed the same day to pulverize lumps and to save molsfurc. In making plan? 'cr com growing this **ason, the com should have the choice of the best land. It doe? not pay to grow corn on poor land. Commercial fertilizers. Inte'llgeriHy us ?d. usua'lv pay when used wit* rotton and *ome other crops on poor Isrd. but rarely more than pay their ier * with corn on poor land. Olva tli' corn the best Und and plant 'suiflclenf acreitre to snpnly all prob ahlo need' at home and some for v. ur neighbor?. You cannot afford t buy corn at from seventy cents ? n dollsr ner bushel, when It can >e rrorn at from twentv to thirty eeni*. Often. w1*h rood farmlnr. the stover grown with the grain nnys all cost, of rrowlnr the crop, *hu* leavlnr the grnln as *n sbsolute nroflt. Vorth Carol'na should be ?rowing not les? than thirty bushels of corn per acre. Tt will probably i?ake this much to snnnlv all need?. Tt will take th!s much to fl> r*od 'ermine Who wnnis to be a sorry 'armer? c. t? m*T)goN GOBTTTAT/S AVT> GORO AS. To OoT. <7oeth*l? and Brfiradlar Of?7iorn! Cormn nromotlon to tha rMiV of Mnfor rnm? by undisputed right of preeminent m?rlt. Their nam?** mii*t be l!nk??d for all tlma with tho hnlldlnsr of the Pan umu run?!. What th?y have contributed n?r?nn?!ly to the nation'* bonor and nnoTP?n in tti?t epodi-Tnuk'nr Achievement hn<* fl*M their place fr rerocuhly nmoner the prenteat Amer 'can* of 'heir time In Kr pratltnda tha country ha* but Inadequate mean* of rennvlnr tb^tn throurb the rnvornmi?nt for th?*1r **rr!fw*. To rnl?e ?hem tn the hlirhewt rank open to tb^m In Ihe ?rmr 1? tha only recognition wlfhln It* power. Ooethal? the jrr*al?wt an? rlneerlnr work In the world. To Oorran* credit Ktand* tha &re?tewt iranltary work known to m o flora nclenca. The whola undertaking tn which ?baa? two soldier? ona ao ?nir1neer, tba other a doctor, wara ?nr**refl. ?*? untouched by ftcandal. Their flerotlon to tba national n?rvtra and th??lr brilliant record of achleTamant In ona of tba Ana?* chanter? In tba history of the United Rute? army. New Theater TONTQffT. AflSOOTATFJP FILMA. s -rrbtlA?8 TttfoSDAT NIOHT Bmea |fcTlae "TTTR RPfQ ANT? TmSKAlT 4?Real a - 4 Thirteenth InatAllmattt of ??TRJCT O* HBARTR." ?? U4 19o. .. r