DAILY NEWS Tmlr. OokW *?-i Port loo. Modmu to rrerfi ShUtiec Wtod. Become VaateDl* WASHINGTON N. C TUESJBAT APrEKNJJX M ARU'K 16 1? 15 / Mo. 37 Beaufort County In Past Sessions General Assembly ?? * - , ? , * * 'rf ; " | A Brief Review of Laws Repealed rnd feflSDcted at Last Legislature By Representative James L. Mayo in the House. MORE DETAILS GIVEN LATER In order that the people of Beau fort county may be fully Informed ar to tbe legislation affecting the county, enacted at the last session of the Oeneral Assembly, a brief statement 1? glren below of each ?. House bill No. 9 repealed a law +nnctma in 1907. which authorised the Hoard of Couptv Commission?-"*'* ? ?*11 an election ?o Issue bond* f" the purpose of building a new Court Rouse, therefore no election on thle matter ran be called until another bin -Is passed authorising aame. I House bill No. ?8 ta a bill to lew! tbe regular tax which is provided at each regular seeslon of the Legisla ture. This bill was prepared by the county attorhey and sent up. House hill No. ltO reduces tV number of Inspections which the standard keeper can make of scalea. and measures each year from four to two. Hoosb bill No. 118 repealed the mayor's Jurisdiction to try criminal, actions In the city of Washington. Hous* Mil No. lift repealed the, sftherity of the Board of 'County Commlaalou? 4? s^iiiui * U salary. House bin No. 681 makes a change In tbe method of paying a court reporter. The old law provide* i that he should be paid 888 pe-| week or any fraction of a week. The new bill provide? that he shall re ceive 88 00 per day for each day In actual service. This bill was pre pared br the county, attorney and np. i House bill No. 814 authorised the Boarda of County Commissioners of snv county to make donations to the military orranlsationa In their re counties. Hnnse bill No. 1048 provides that n ehevre not to exceed fifty eents wav he msde for reconnecting me ters In the city of Wa?>1ngton. -o,?? was ssked for by the mayor ? ??torney. _ ^ * Uon?? bm No 1.060 repealed the lew which did not go Ihto ef t r* nw?M ,pnhiu1tl?d to a vote of the n?oni? ind the County Commission er? B*??r saw fit to submit it at any . V?"nn. fnnpe bill No 10B1 repealed the nrohiblted oltleg and in T)?iinfort county levying a "?"Hal tax on butchera and flah deal ers. The towns are now at liberty m levy such a tax as they may de TTotJS? bill No. 1040 amends the "hartar of tba town of B?IhtTra io 'hnrltTnir It to eondamn property for *ha T*tiroow? of laying out atreata ?r.il sidewalk* and to bnlld parma r*nt *1dwwaI*B opon a petition of 75 p?r cent of th* property owner? In any <5l*tr1ot. Thla Mil Waa pra perM aodVtent np by ttaa mayor an* Board of Aldannan of tha town of n i*?a*en, * Houna bill No. HPS creataa a road dlytriet of Bath townablp. Hoiara bill tto.. 140? craa*m ? rpajt dlvCrlet of a portion, of J?ant#fo township. Hon9# bill No. 1480 -sraatae t road district of Highland tdw-^Wp Hodm bill No.. 14$1 authorial ?he city of W&ahinrron tc laaue ?*??* eon oo hands for th" purpose o' ??onip'eting eewerage and fciUdlng a flre alarm ry?t?*m. Raid bonds to *>e tabued when ratified by a vot*1 rt tteon1?> of ?h" city. ' Thu Wf wMl b? diseased moro '?"? 'n ?*?? nf*r fnture. VM N" 1*17 au?horl*en Oporw K Rlcka to colter* ' ""V ?HT-S vol Wo 1*18 amondf the ?**r th* Count* Hem#'. Tfct* hill wan nrenared and sen4 no the eonntr attorney. TTnn?e bill No 171T authorlr?*'* Pnnwty Pnrn ?*?!?? loner? tO 18811*1 Kond? not to ??r??*d *40 000 00 to land and bill a new' Coun-| TTon?e. | 77??? Mil vm nrenared and sen* i"i h* eonntv ettorner and wll\ mor# fnflv ernt?!n*d In some fu ^r. Jas. O Vrnn enfl Pha*. A nwn aro nam *<1 es com m t ??1 on ?rs for T/onsr Aer* ? ownsbln. and the tax rste Is flx?d at tO cenfa on the nronerty and f t 56 on *1ie **11. Thla bill wa drawn In accordance with the e* preF\TrrFR. Little Ml"? Ann!? M^VIc r?r F" * abeth City. arrived fhf* nfprm^" to visit her grandfather. Mr. J. r. Rrnrnw, Sr. SPRivr; ftPK\'l\Y{. The Hub 1? prmAnrHn* wfni? r\T\*T>t??? ?hp Tnnt aoa VnM(?o **io ifslp AnnnTn r.xrr f^tvtvc Mr?. Pnnt C Mro c F T^v?U?? s*rT*vod 1s?!? prnn'pf in l??1 w'fb thn'r bii?>?i?rrto who nrp stnMiiv ert here on tbe eovernment s*rv|r^ boat Hvdroers?nh??r. ?mm i Hi late winter and early ?princ vitality 1? at low ebb. The deatb rate at this Reason, especially for ?h ? month of March, la decidedly high. It id at this time tuberculo us and prifumonia claim their frr-at iit number of victims and ?o do the of the nervous and circula tory systems. Old people And It harder to resist disease now and l?ok with dread to the season's ap proach. Why is this? Is it mental, or a physical condition? What Is Its ef fect? Scientific Investigation shows "'a th:- d pression which is -both m ntal and a physical condition h matter of no little Import on ef "ri?u< v and health Professor I'untirspton of Yale University, has rocntly made a careful study of the cffcct* of fhe weather and season? *h* e?rnlnes of SCO operatives, cnirac-'d in pi^ce-work In the facto-' of Connecticut!. The results . li^wor' 'Wr carn'nES followed a j -?rijlnr seasonal *urve, that th?1r ? rr'np' ???re lowest in Janaury, r-l'rtiarv and March when the he-' mu to r'se till June. In th- ho! I weather they foil again but reacji f d 1 lffr h'.chest peii;i in November! The same car??fu! observation wis! ^indo of Ptudente at ~ WmI Point, and Annapoli? and the flg-j '?-"s showed the same thing, that I ihe high-st .points of efficiency were *!? the full and late spring and that I the lowest points were in hot weath er and late winter. Tl.o falling ofT of physical vitaKtv !r tate winter must necessarily af-, feet health and consequently the deathrate. Unfortunately It affects the patent medicine buMr.eas no lit tle. ^In some states It furnishes quite a boom to th? comer druc store* where sorlnar tonics, elizlrs' p?d brae r* are rontfnuously sold, acr-vv? the counter. Dut nothing -n ?he meeting of this point' of ?'rlnL"ncy like a arrong bodily rcsfc*ine??. Perhaps the condition 1* pfir from staving too much in doors !n heaied rooms, with too llt M* fresh air and exercise during winter, or perhaps from a sper'.al s'-n'n from a season of hard work In such caset; rest, sleep, good fund, onen air and moderate exercise arrt reeepi^rv to restore the body'r vI tilitr and build uu the resitting powers of ih" body. All excesses pvi?t be avofd?d Anything tha? em? make? a way for d!* rv!?on TV>-.o*ver would avoid lhrt *'eor; of this season would do well ?o a body and a ? rt-if'ook on life. FTFFtF OV TtUSTVFSS. Mr. f> F. Rhutl of Philadelphia Is In the e!ly for several days or l.iisinf??. T^ecture On Stock Raising Court Houre Thursday Night Mr. M O Smith of th? I'nl'nd Rnronii of Animal Tndiintry.l will rive nn Illustrated lecture om the question of stock rnlnlnar nt tlio Oourt Hoti?*> Thursday night, Mnrrh "18th. at eight o'clock. Rtata ami rovornmnnt official* *r? manifesting V???n Interest In the ef fort a that the farmar* are maklnr In stimulating Interest In 4 'fork breeding and raising. The production of beef cattle In thl? state 1? not a new undertaking, yet this brunch of the 11"e ?took Industry la at this time almost non existent, no f*r an producing wealth f- cwfTnod. Mr. Smith will uw ^trropMran I l'e ?r Ms vfow* on tho Ruhjort I nonufort rotjnfy farm*? will ho -Tin-wn how fhoy ran profitably *n racro In tho ralafntr of bettor atorV nnd mor? ?.fork. Thla leotur* will ho both 1nt?ro*Mn* and Inatrurtlva. and ono fhnt nhonld haro fh? tondanr? of orory farmar and rals-| or of Itvo atock In fho county. Mr. Rmlth will locturo at Holha-i von on Friday ntarht. Mnrrh tho 19.1 and ?t Chorowlnlty Saturday nlrht,] Mnrrh 20tTi. German^lxjder Dresden ^ank In The South Pacific After an Action Lasting Five 'Min utes With Three British Ships She Hauled Down Her Colors and Displayed the White Flag, ALL OF CREW WERE SAVED i.unuon, Mar. i;>.? ine uruiau admiralty announced tonight that :he Geiman cruuscr Drcsdtn had been sunk. Tho admiralty statement said: "On iho 14th of March, at 9 a. m.. H. M 8. Glasgow, Capt. John I-uce. R. N* ; II. M. \uxlllary cruis er Oratna. Capt. John R rcagr&vo, R. N'.; and H. M. S. Kf-nt, Capt. Jno: D. Alton, C. B.. tl. S. caught the Dresden near Juan Fernandez Island "An action endued and after live minute# fighting th" Dresden haul ed down her colors and displayed the white flag. She was much damaged aad set ou Are. and after j=h? had hren burning for somo tinK1 her magazine exploded and she sunk. "Tho crew waH naved. 15 bad'.y wounded. Petrograd. Mar. 15, via London? Tho Russian war office today tssuel the following statement: "On tho wholo front 1n the region of Prazasnysr, from th" Mlawa rail way to the Orzyr river, and t/n the left bank of th* latter river wr prorrnased fighting all thai way.l German counter attacks evr-ry-wherp' have been repulsed. "The pun? of fhe 0?.?owefj> for'-! i*eM have put ou* of ar'ion wr*1 German siege bakeries of heavy eal Iber which had been Installed within, rnnre of th" fortress. "On the left bank of fhe Tfstul.1 rlrer there has been no flrhllng. "Tn the Carpath'an mountain? renerally speaking there have be*>n| no chances. "Austrian attack? in the direction^ In BaTlcrrnrt and German attarks on No. 392. n^ar K^zlowka. have beet* repulsed. "Tn "sst Gallcla onr fronti? threw] ? be enemy baelc In the region to fhV on the heli?v* south of Yi>rt*?d hr OtIH?'1 | f*nnn T? m?V!nf? rood nTorros". "Pnrttal at?*ck* by French troon? north of T/*Me?nH. In the Pharn Innrne d'?trlrt. buve been rei*ltt*ero he*vr | South of the Vistula there hn* be*^ m. ehanae." Vienna, via Amsterdam to T,o* n. Man IB.?-The followlnir of ficial communication w** Issued ?o | nleht: "Tn th* iP*?Blorn Carpathian*. ftu dar sm calm. "North of the TT?rok Pa*s, there ?M fl*btlng of a furJou? character. Strong Russian for??'!? m ad o an at tack there yesterday and advanced to near our positions where for a time they maintained themielvea. Our troops during the afternoon made a counter attack, throwing hack the en^my on the entire front an?! cip'uHni four officers and COO n?*n. "On our position.? on bolh side? cf ?h* Op'.r rail y th" enemy, reln 'orcnl, repeatedly tried to gain the i>c!rhts. but fall" 1 with hear* lo?a es. An especially hpary attack col lapsed Sunday and In rirw of the ]oss.?s th*??* offensive* probably wll not be r?*pnate(i A thousand prison ers were taken In this battle. ??South of th<* Dn?M*t#r our coun ter attacks gained FTOtind. the Rue slane b*ln* ?n*h"d back from sev eral front wH-tors. "In Poland and W?t Oallda ?here bare be??n or.ly artillery du .lt,M NOTOCF OF ArrOrWTMENTS. The Frrnrrt of City Alderman at last regular meeting on Mon-^ -'??v p'.eh*. Marrh 1st. appointed th* rn!lnw!PP c'Mren? to *prrff. Tli'rrl Wnrri?W W T^rcrett. Fo-.irth ^Tnrd?H. TT PsrlJ W C. AYTTRfl. City Cleric. C-IMOte. OTIPTNAXCP!. Or wn".Ti tv? 'o'Tnw'nr ordi nance wa! *>nar?fd: ^r?inn 1 That It nhr.ll T>? tin Vttt'm? ''- nc-fftn ?rm or ror rorntt^n t? ?^11 cfv? nm* or otftpr h'Ioa nf nn >ve Snhbnth dav. ?T ,A r>|f?Ti >>? ^nnrntti^ rii1'*v nf i? TT?'??<1?TTir?nnAr nil upon ronv'/.t?or. >,* ftn^ ?10 Al? ord'n^nrn? ?n conflict here with are h??r*hv rmnnlmj W r ATTIRS. City Olerlr. t-^-Irttr TM K MAlf/* F*tra Feafnr* '*TRKY O* fTFUPTR." "*~* Prlee* K r ar d tOo Wednesday and Thursday March 17 and 18 Y0U ARE CORDIALLY INVITED THE HU B