DAILY NEWtS ?# P I ^Ht. Fair, Modcnte NortiiweeC Wtadi. |Hfi# \ WASHINGTON N. C MONDAY AFTEItKO ON MARCH 29 1915 Mo. 4? A Fatal Accident _ Near Williamston Yesterday Afternoon ? - ?? Young Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Taylor Accidental ly Knocked Down and Run Over in Front of Their Home by Auto Party En Route Here. DIES AT SEVEN O'CLOCK A molt distressing tragedy occur red yesterday afternoon In front of the home of Mr. and Mr?. W. L. Tay lor about four mile? from William - ?ton, when their seven year old eon, Ernest. was ran over and fatally Injured toy the automobile of Mr. A. D. MacLean of this city, jrhlle en route from WUMlamston here. Mr. and Mrs. MacLean and eon Angus D. Jr.. aoconypanled by Mrs. Rhodes Gallagher and Miss Bessie Boyd, left here yesterday morning for a pleasure drl re over the roads of Martin county. went beyond Wll Hamston. returning there. Shortly afternoon they left for this city. About a quarter to one o'clock as they wpproacbed Mr. Taylor's house, a car driven by Mr. Henry Green In which were members of Mr. Tay loria family, had stopped flt front of ths house en the left hai^d side of the road (having a flat tlqy) for the purpose of entering the lo? on the right hand side of the road. Just ahead of the car driven by Mr. Green stood an oak tree on the fame side of the read. As Mr. MacLean's car came up. going about twenty mflles an hour, the little Taylor boy dashed from behind the tree to open the gate for Mr .Green. The en gine of Mr. Green's car had not stop ped. and the boy could not see or hear the other car. so his father stated. Mr. MacLean's car. driven by his son. passed the orthrr car. and could not and did not see the llttla fellow until their car struck him. Young MacT^ean, In an Im pulse to avoid the oollVsslon, sheeT ed to the right which drove them Into a telephone pole, breaking the pole off at the ground, also smash ing It Into again at the point where the forward end of the brake? came In contact with the pole, the pole falling (backwards on the car be tween Mrs. Gallagher and Mlwr Boyd, who were on the rear seat with Mrs. MacLean, narrowly escap ing their heads. Mr. MacLean and his son were occupying the front ?eat. All were badly shaken up but nobody In the car was seriously In jured. Mr. MaciLean's ear was badly bat tered up and bejpg a very heary car, probably saved the occupants from serious .Injury. Mr. MacLean stated. "It was- Ilka a bolt out of a clear Ay to me." \ Mr. and Mrs. factor both saw the aoeldent, so th?y stated, and while suffering the deepest grief stated that It could not have been helped, and acquitted all of any blame. Drs. Hugh B. York and Wm. E. Warren wore summoned from Wll Usmston, ? and came In a f?*w mo ments, Mr. Maclean also phoned for Drs. D. T. and Joshua Tayloe of th'.K olty, who arrived about two o'clock. Mr. MacLean's car was driven on hore, Mr. MacLean remaining at the bedside of the little boy with the physicians until about seven o'clock when he ??ted. ? Mr*. MaoLean was prostrate 1 over the sad occurrence and baa required the attention of physicians j?lnce her arrival yesterday afternoon. When George M Cohan writes a play he It aur? of the earnest atten tion of a theatergoing puhlic which has oo>me to know that hi# stage ef forts are distinctly worth while. That being the ccm, the announce ment that his lateat farce, "Reven Key? to Baldpate," Is to be present ad here at the New Theater fo* one time, Friday night, April Snd, will be welcome news t^ this famous ac tlior's following. Tt has been eat d that "Seven Key? to Baldpate," 1? a distinct d Apart n re from stage tradi tion, In that Cohan haa thrown eth ics aside and constructed a farce a long s/beolutely new Tinea. It was Inevitable that In doing this he tfhould have arootod discussion a mong the reviewers of things theat rical. but the concensus of opinion seams to be that Coblanle departure, admittedly daring. Is the most In terecting, laughable, thrilling and al together enjoyable piece of comedy writing that has been seen CqT sev eral seasons. MVnmN FROM NORFOLK. Judge and Mr?. Stephen 0. Bra gaw returned Friday night from Norfolk, where they attended the masting of the Lumberman*' The New Theater opens tonight for the we*dc -with a three reel pro gram of Associated films, which r* eery one knows are among the bes' photoplays released. Por tomor row matinee and night j^anld Froh man will present the world's most popular photoplsy favorite M1m Mary Pick ford In a five real featurn entitled "The Eagle's Mate," a great drama laid In the hills of Vlrginls. For tomorrow, the fifteenth snd last Installment of the "Trey of Hearts" will be tfhp*rtr In this house also. The New Theater announces that on Monday, April IStb, they will stirt a ,new serial entitle*) "The RxploK* of Blaine," and ssme will be Shown In this house every Monday there after. This serial has proven to bs evary one knows are among ths best where that Is betfeg shown. Matinee at this house tomorrow at 4 p. m. AMOOIATBD OWARITTIW MVRT. A meeting of the Associated Char lUes will be held this evening at the banking house of of the Savings and Trnet Company at eight o'elook. ?? eiyone Interested in the work of the Mi are Invest to attend. WFUNfl A CULL IN THE OPENINQ DAY CEREMONIES AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIOKAC EXP0SIT1<5I* The Panama-Pacific International exposition was opened by a wireless spark, dispatched by President Woodrow Wilson at Washington, and caught on the tendrils of a wireless aerial on the lofty Tower of Jewels at the exposi tion. Instantly the power was released in the mighty Palace of Machinery and the portals of the exhibit palaces opened. The scene in on the grind stand after the ceromonlea had ended. Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane, Got. H'.rara Johnson of California, Mayor James Rolph, Jr., of San Kranc seo, President C. C. Moore of the exposition and a r.otnble group of visiting dignitaries being seen in animated discussion of the epochal event. In the press box the correspondent are seen flashing to the world the new? ?lint i*:?? cxi>o*!tlon had opened. IN At 12:30 Wednesday, Miss Lida T. Rodman will giro a luncheon in honor of Mrs. Breckinridge and Mr?. Archibald Henderson. Cover.? will ho laid for twelve guests. Though this is the first vl.Mt of Mrs. Henderson to our city she i herlts a clatm to o,,r good will several m^mbpr* hf her family In the pasrt have been known and loved by an older generation: her mater nal grandfather. Dr. Cutrljs. s min ister of the Episcopal church, resid ed here for a short time prior to the Civil War; and her gr?at uncle Judge William E. Shlpp mad? mnnv, friends among the lawyers and p<?o-1 pie by his able rulings as Superior court Judge. Information leadlg to the identi fication of the person or person* who have been stealing bulbs from our lot at the cemetery. A suitable reward will be given. Josephlno and C- 8. Whitney. BASKET PARTY AT OLD FORD. A go&fl time Is promised to all who attend the basket party at Old Ford school house Thursday night, April 1st. A surprise Is In store for all. ? ANOTHER STORE ENTERED. The store of Mr. Chas. M. Little waa broken into tome time during last night by parties who aro not as yet known. An axe belonging to Mr. W. H. Call was used to knock a Iorwer panel out of the back door through whloh tho store was enter ed. Nothing was minted except some email chans? which had been left In the register. The culprits are supposed to be boys about four teen or fifteen years of age, and pos sibly the same ones who have broken Into several other.jtoren here in the pa?t few weeks. DR. BAI-XDERS VERY IUi. Dr. J. H. flaund^rs of Wllllam ston, arrived Jiere ?n yesterday ae oompanled by Mr. Leslie Fowden. and is very 111 at the home of his mother, Mr?. C. F. Seunder? In East Seoond street IS In the preface of the baptismal '?tvIpo In t h? Episcopal prayer book p.re fount! tho following beautiful lines: '"The minister of every par ish shall off?n admonish ?h*1 people that they defer not tho baptism their children lone^r than 'he flrrt or second R,,nday n**xt after thei^ birth, or other Holy day following between. unles* upon a great and' reasonable cau?e. First. let the, minister of th? parish, or In his ab sence, any oth'-r lawful mlnls'er that ran ho procured. with those who aro present, rail upon Ood and say the Lord's prayer " On Palm Sunday, in the afternoon at the home of his parents. Dr. and Mrs. John C. Rodman. little Owen Culon Rodman was baptized by *he beloved rr-otor. R^v. Nathaniel Harding. a few friend* and members of the family being present. A beau tiful picture will always be found In tho heart* of Miojre present. The pray haired rector, who has served his parish through many Palm Sun days, and of tho sw?et baby held In ?he arrr.a of parents and sponsors The irponaors were Judge and Mrs Owen H. Onion of New RTn, jfrs H. C. Dance of Wilson, and T>r Nathaniel Rodman of Philadelphia VTSITlVrj MfSH SIMMON'S. Miss Annl? Orlst of fhorowlnlt v. is the house guest of Miss Elizabeth Simmons in Fas' Main street. TONIGHTS TTIF. VIOIfT. On tonight another event In the moving picture world of the city will take place when the doors ot the new moving picture theater are thrown opeh to the public The man agers have spared no expense ft r.:aklng ?Ma^h*>ater attractive In arrangement eJ?d punish 1 new, and w|ll give t*ie1r patrons the b?st run of picture* 'obtainable, with a num her feature* Interspersed. flATTBT>\Y VTSTTORfl. Mr. and Mra. Noah Latham were In tAa city Saturday from Chocowln lty. ** MTSR fin.WTNnF.R HERE. Mlaa Trene ftfeavender ef Panteffo. ayeat the day In the city. ILL HIED I Dr. and Mrs. H. Walton Carter will bo at home on Wednesday af ternoon from 3 to 5 ociock for the purpose of giving the cltlr^^s an op portunity to meet the distinguished kadar* of Equal Suffrage, Mra. Da Isha Breckinridge of Kentucky, and .Mrs. Archibald Henderson of North 'Carolina Thest* highly cultured w^men hare kindly ronsrnted to come to Washington to sepak on a public auction that Ik Irteresting the civ [lllzed world today Wherever they go honor and hospitality in heaped upon them. It goes without aaylng Jng that Washington will not fall ? behind in lfa welcome to Intellect, 'hoantjr nnd wit. All are invited to' meet them and to go to the Co,,rt IHoum) that evening at 8:30 to hear |them npeak. If It ao happens that you are opposed to Equal Suffrage, I po any way and hfar what the other utile has to ?ay on a live question 'upon which you Should be informed. N'o Invitation* issued All are cordially Invited to the reception. Wrr.T, TAK K COTOfTO IN KM HATAfTXO. Mr .1. W Oden of th?? Southern Furnl'nre Co. will l?are tonight for "Raleigh. where he -will tak? a course In embalming under Mr. Ed ward Brown of the firm of STown Brother*. Mr. Od?*n will h? out ^f the otty for foiir week* and during his ab?r>nce Mr. Tobe T*ew1a will have oharge of th? ,:rd?rtak1ng e* labllahment of this firm. CHANGE? POSITIONS. Ml** E1*le Marsh, who has t>?w>n employed In the office at the store of .Tame? E. rinrk left today for Beihaven to spend severel days with her parent*. On her return to the clly who will begin n?*w fltrMn* In the office of the Metropolitan In surance Company !n the I*ngh1ng house Building flh? will be ?ue ceeded at Clark'a by Mlw* Ella I,ee Wright. * ?? ? ? ?? +*t', MAKE MOTOR TRIP. Mra W. C:*T*\icene. M4*r*n An nle Orlat. Mary Clyde Haesell apd Elisabeth Car row. and M"*?ra. RanV dolph and Tnmage of OreenviUe, motored to Tarboro. Kooky Moun* and W1l?on yeetarday BATTLE FOR PASSES IN CARPATHIANS; WAIT ON WEATHER IN DARDANELLES London, Mar. 2? "lolent bat-1 ties for posseaai se Carp*-1 thlan paeees con tit "if ?* Rm slans who rwttUj t% * ^ osses slon of the Dukla pass, Mnf their way toward Bartfelu ^ ? side and Svldnllr' on "the ** ^ where If they achieve their c ~9t they will take possession of * heads of 'he railroads running southward Into Hungary. The RuaMans also are operating against Ursok pass to the east bnt at Lukhola pass, still farther to the east, they apparently aro satisfied to | withstand the Austro-German at-| tacks agalnnt strong positions a* Kozlouwka, which the Oermans have] tried so often to capture. Along tho roet of the eastern front battles are of a desultory character, due doubtless to the fact that the ?now is melting and the rivers eith er are open or are covered with snch a thin coating of Ice that they will not bear any weight. In the west the commanders are waiting for better conditions bofore making any effort on a large scale although the French here and there are attempting to capture positions, which will give them an advantage when the gonerat offensive starts. Their more recent efforts have been directed against the heights of the Mouse. ea?t and south of Vordun, In which both aid?*? claim to have made gains. The object of these operations is to compel thewe Ger mans to evacuate St. Mihlel wfcer? th?lr line roaches the river Meuse. bending the French front. To the general public more in teresting are the operations in the Dardanellw, of which, however, nothing official has been published for some days. It Is presumed that tho allied fleet Is wr'tlng for m'n^i e*seep<*-s to oomplete their work be fore attacks on the forts are renew ed, and perhaps also for the arrival of reinforcements. Upon the success at thee? opem* t!ons depends not only the fate of Turkey, but probably the future pol ^ * of the Balkan states and Italy. A 'taly bi? demonstrations were . today, calling upon the gov .?nment to take action to realise the ambitions of the country, while In the Dalkan capitals the diplomate of the allied nations are trying to reorganize the Balkan league and injure the simultaneous Interven tion of all the Balkan powers on the side of the allies. Before thle can be don? Serbia mnst be Induced to make concession* to Bulgaria In that part of Macedonia which fell to her after the last Balkan war. The Germans also are active So fia and are trying to Induce Bulgaria by the cession of part of European Turkey to remain neutral. Berlin. Mar. 28, via wireleas to Sayville. N Y.?The army headquar tcrs official aattement today says: "Southeast of Verdun French at tacks on the Meuse height* near ComVes. and In the Woem Plains, near Marcheville. were decided, af ter stubborn flgh'.lng, In faror of the Germane. "On Hartir.anns-Wellerkopf. la the Vosgei mountains, only artillery; duels took place yesterday. "Russian charge? In the Augnsto wo forest (near the Eaat Prussian fronMor) were repulsed. "Between the Plena and Omulei* rivers (branches of the Narew rtTer in northern Poland) Ruaslan attacks broke down under the Grvman fire. "Near Wack the Germans ca^ turr1 900 Russians." Tlift following vttluabie prizes -will bf offarad through tha North Caro ollna Raef Br^fcders' Association, nf West Raleini, N C . for the bast Reaf Caltflr Survy__mado by rui school i^hUi 16 years of I aire. 1. N C. Reaf Brcadars' ?nd Feed ers' Association. WpM Raleigh. N. on* pure-brad ba??f bull calf. 2 Sand Hill Hoard of Trade. Ab erdeen, N. C.. o^ia pure-bred RerU Milra boar. 3. Animal Tndnr4rr W<>it Ralelrh NT. C.. rn* 12!> "iIt* stock Ilbrnry. 4 T>r D. H Hill A and M. Col lege. W??at Ralefph. V CV. 110 worth pura-bred poultry, any hre?*d desired %? rormnmendad by Oflleo of Poul try Investigation* 5 Tndlvldcal prlres consisting of recant book on lir? stock?. A nnmbar of othar prl**a aro be tu* c?n?1d??red an?t Mil probably he arranrod for by tba time the aurvey In completed. Tiffs work ha? received ?ha en dorsement of Dr. J. Y Jopnar. fftnta ifuparlntend^flit of Pnblir Tnntrue tlon. In tha following lettey "I da*1ra to g!va my haarty i proval to th? pla/l outlined harewl'h by Mr R. S Tntrla. S?vrratary Traanurar of tha W0rth Carolina Reaf- Rraadar* and Feeder*' A ?mori *1|nn, and to urtra all County flnper i 1 r t ?n d ?vn ti? to -o-oper?te with Mr CurW? *s far as poaalbla in m skinr tha survey a surceas. Tha present financial condition In tha fTonth teache* nnmlMaknhly tha ne^d of rr#*tar diversification In f?rmlnr. and thara fn no branch ,,t agrlenltura, which offara pp-*ater opportunity or mora Indnceman' for iflveralflcatlon than that Vhlch Mr. Curtis la un dertaking " Tho work will eonalnt of obtaining correct answera to A number of oueatf^ns pertaining to baaf oattl*. Tha replies ara to ha ohtalnad by tha adhool children works n g In ro paratlon with tha t?aaf rattla far Vnanr In thalr sohool df?tr1ct. Tha work baa alraad> lean Instituted In about forty countfe? tn tha Rt,,te through tha 0O|,i*ty fWiool Ruperln tendanta Tn a faw Inataneaa Vharc tha aohoolt have closed tha work haa 1 e^n taken up direct with tba rural ? hoil teichiri ted rural achoo! ?-liildmn. J Anr rural aehool wiafclnff to com pet? in this surrey whldh Is state* w'fj? should writ? for cv^mplets la f(>rmHtlon concerning It. from chooowixtty. Mr and Mrs. Robert Wlnflald of Chocowln'lty, ware In tho city on t Saturday fil'ESTS AT HOTEL IjOFIflE. Whil* In the city Mr#. T>eabf Pracldnridica ?'Ill b* th* ru??t of the Equal R,.ffra*a League of Washing* ton and Mrs. Archibald Henderson, will h* th* Kuost of Mlsa LIda T. Radman Both will b* antertalnad at Hotal T?niv*a<*. j MTW. PAfTfj I,EA VER. Mm. Hujrh Paul Wt thf* mnmlnif for N*w York Cttr to rt?1t ralattrev ard friend*. < IIKRF FROM CREKNV1M/R. Mr and Mrs. J 1-oula Rlmpaon of OrAAitTlll?. are tho irucsta of Mr and Mrs J C. T>avla on Eairt Rorond street. REAVER D\M RW\MT* VKWH. Mr? T/ IT ~Jackson *p?nt awhile last Tuesday afternoon with Mn. Wesley Woolard. ? ? ? MA?nrs TotptV? TTofljras and Fr an Woolard ap*nt awhile Thumday nlpV wfth Mr T* ft Wor>lard. ? ? ? Mr. A?a R1nrl<?ton *p*nt WMn^ dar rvlifbt with Mr Treba* Mardtl 'n of Old Ford "*1 ? ? - ? " *" Mr* T,. IT. .Tark?on waa tba nuaft of Mrs W. R. Woolard W*dna?day afternoon ? ? a MV. .T???**a Woolard. wfio ha? (Continued en Fonrth New Theater TOMTfTOT ARROOIATWD m .MR t - Re^tW?S Tti?"?dar Matins and Nljrltt T)en1?l Frogman Prwwenta Mlea Mary Pink ford In "TRK EAHTiF'R MATH." In Fire Reels * , T**t Jnstfrllmesrt of -n?T o* mAm'

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