DAILY NEWtS No. 51 ? "?*ff > TNH U(ht to >fi(krflte North and APRIL t 1915 SUBMARINES SINK TWO MOKE STEAMERS; ARMIES ADVANCE IN CARPATHIANS London. Ma r. U-? Two Oenuna sutanarinee. the U-tl ud another whone Bsmkr kM not teas MWf <*l*ed, which hare b^m operating oft the weet coast of BnjfUod during the peat few dan, b*re added Wo more ItIM etaaasere, the Plans tn lu ud Grown of OutH, to thslr ttet of 1 1 HUM ?. totaling in slnre Saturday night. There wpt wo low of life on the two Willi, although the subtna rt ne fired before tie crew of the Crown ? of -CuUe left the steamer. The Ororwn of Guile .wee sunk by ?hell lire, tat Che Plaminldn wU tor pedoed. \ . As en offset to thle. e Preach do stroyer renuned end It In bettered etak a German Bttwrtm off Dt i As the deetroyera fee**, been un able to round op the euhanartpee ?blp owners here petitioned the gor ernment to t? allowed to arm their ahlpe. Tbta baa not been permitted heretofore, ne eteameie then could -bo?ooaal*?red ships of wmr and be snnk without notice. ? The beery- loss of life In- ttir sink ing of the Mfan and AguHa hae a ronaed n storm of IndtffnnUon and the denaand la made that the cap tured wow a of onbmarlnee be treat ed an pirate*. Thle Question and that relating to drink, whleh la said to be censing delay In the delivery of tnunttloas of war, absorb pnbllc Interest. The king, through Me secretary, has srtit a later to the chancellor of the ex chequer, emphasizing the neceeslty of stopping exeesslre drinking, and has offered if fit is considered edrls rt iB*r SETS EXfllPLE FORM SOOTH Whit has been considered one of the finest examples of looaMted and effleWit wort u the eradication of malaria In tfie Roanoke Rapid ? com mon Ky- The story na4i with as keen Interest as a report of the Gorges antl-mallat campaign eon ducted In Che Panama Canat Zone As a matter of fact the methods am ptoyed by the Roanoke Rapids force ?ra the same aa those In the Canal Zona. The situation was somewhat as follows : There wore four sterams running In and around the town which afforded breeding plaoee for moaqultoee la rest quantities and made malaria a disease of almost plague-like proportions. One out of *v*ry seven persons examined was found to he defected Officials man the United State* Priblle Health Service mad* a surrey of thto com m unity and recommended that theee few streams b* drained and oiled asd thai the under brush be cot out. On thl* recommendation, through the aufrport and co-operation of the different mill companies and cor poration, the work was undertaken About seven mile* of dttohlng was don* and 44 acre* or mora of under brush well elaaned out. Ibe streams asd their tributaries were oiled, which process was accomplish ?d aa follows: A jdrip can contain ing crud* petroleum oil *ss "plsdW at th* head of eyery llttl* stieam. which, by constant dripping, kept a thin film of oil upen the *urfa*e of th* ?wat*r. Thl* prevented the mo ?nulto's breeding by kHlInc th* eggs end larva*. As a etwult oC thl* antl-moa^ulto campaign, malarial chills wers re duced about It per cent th* ?rst yaaV and thl* lu spite of the fact that a person one* Infected with ma larta 1s MaM* to hay* reearf*aoea eyery aummer for two or three years Th* *ff?t* already nrtad aa a resnlt of this work ar* set forth In the fol 1 owing extract from th* committed* "During th* aummer of l?ll, pri o- to any antl-malarlat work, the milt* war* constantly abort of kelp en aecount of a large number slo> from malaria. During ?h* past ?ummer lh*r* never was * day ieh*o th* mill* did not hare sufll cl*ot help, and It waa a froqnsnt *o camnr*. notably at th* Roanoke etole, personal I7 to glte up the use of alcoholic liquor and to prefcfbl' the um of k In the royal household The government feu rrmcfced dj decision la the matter. It hu been decided to Incorpors the Liverpool dock or* in the army voluntarily beoanee the workers re foe? to work -week-ends. They thus wlU recptre botti army mad thet reguler pay. 80 flu m actual fighting la con cerned official report# contain lit tie newe. Tfce big effort In the wee*, ?till seems far off and operetionc me confined to an occasional attack and counter-attack. Airmen or both sides ere busy watching the opposing force and dropping bombs In the east the Russians are 'hold tng the Oermana in north and cen tral Poland, end are putting forth all tlvir strength to force their way through TTasok end Lupkow passes with the result that some of the hea viest fighting of the war Is In prog ress In th/? Carpathians, both side* claiming: successes. The Russians who already harp forced Dula pass. are making their way down these southern rtopes the Carpathians- into Hungary and, according to British critics, aoon most compel the Austrtans and Ger mans defending the two other pass es to fal back or be threatened with Interference with their commu nlcatlons. Australia, whtdh already has sent two contingents to ffcght for the em pire, has offered a third, which prob ably will be accepted. In all cases ths dominions hare ernt more men than was originally expected. mills, that help had to be turned si ray. It is true that a number of people had malarial chills daring the summer of 1914, tout as 96 per cent of them were recurrences from an Infection of the previous year they were eaall y controlled and the opeVativ-ee In rare Instances had to quit work. It is a fact that 95 per cent of all clasees of malaria occur ring during the past malarial season bore the history of baring had the disease in the year prior, very fen new corners being infected." The cqpunlttee advised (further that, If the work that is already started is continued, in three year* the place will be practically free from malaria. RESOLUTIONS OP RKSPRCT OF P. B. O. U. OP U. NO. 182f the occasion well. "We have Rel com heard a better recitation, and Httl? Miss PaV.le Hunter In to b heartily congratulated npon wlnnflnp j vhe decision over the older oppon I >nts from this township. I The visitors se^ed well pleased with the reception accorded them and our town, being the geojtraphi oal center of Beaufort county, on this side of th* river, should he th*> scene of many more competitive ?neetlnsrs of schools throughout th^ "onhty Plnetown Is always glad to ex tend the glad hand to visitors and *ny meeting of Beaufort county peo ol* will be gladly welcomed herp. The "Commencement Be?" Is still burning around this man's town. ?.nd everything Is getting prlmod 'or one grand time on the greet day. Witt signs an around to remind ns tb?t the b1(r *rent Is a real fact. Interest la growing /dally. The school, though handicapped by a late start, Isn't losing any time a leng the way and the. Betterment As sociation dormmSttee. patrons and ? eaCtmrs mre working for a success ful showing. litre's hoping we meet you In Washington April Rth, fellow citi zens of Beaufort county.1 TV i UMs only the prtce of a tletijM and we'd I go farther than Wjtfjkffon to en joy all the goo<|, things that are In s?ore for thoee Who are present on the treat /occasion. This being eur ?aM?n efert we ' W? i? in ir?- immmhmms llio C#nrt Ha*fA ? was pUkAd at| 8:30 o'clock last night with Wash ington's most representative citizens to hoar an addrrss on equal suffrage by Mrs. De=hn Breckinridge, of Ken tucky, sccond vice-president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Mr. H. Clay Carter. Jr., fir?* lntorduced by Mr?. H. W. Cartrr. and made a short but well directed talk on the subject of suffrage. Mr. Carter, in turn Introduced Mrs. Ar cli I bald Henderson o? Chapel HUl.j who read two po^rn' with refernecel to the suffrage n?'stion, '.he moft : beautiful of which was her own ? composition. Her- rendition show*"1 to a great extent her ability as Trader. Mrs. Tarter thT Introduced Mr | W. C. Rodman savin? In part "he 1* no stranger to Washington and net I a newcomer Into 'he suffrage work. \ but wa* conver'ed when he studied Ms first la\c book " In his talk hA showed that he had the subject w?v lr hand, giving great credit to hi* town people. Mr. Tlodman th^n Introduced Mr' Breckinridge. th<* prlnclnal Bpr-nk"'' of the evening. Mm. Hreek1nrlde? j for an hour arid a half, held ?he va*t audience spellbound by the mr fill handling of the *uffrape nnenfjort Her witticisms throughout 1he d!r course was received bv loud applause and hearty la?ierh'?>r. Mrs. TlrerV 1.1 ridge more than upheld the splen did reputation which had preceded her. anil her mild knocks at antl suffrage politician* ?was well re ceived, a* noth'ne *11 said that could be disputed. It was *00 had that Mr. Wi bb could not have henr?l Jhe explanation given on his rerent article "Why Wo Should Not Have! Suffrage." Washington penr?Ie hare never n/wer before harl ihp opportunity, of hearing a ap^nker the equal or( Mrs. Breckinridge and many w, 'he commendations heard on every s1*?- ? ? ? ? HIS HAI IS Washington, D. C.. Mar. 31. ? "If th^re or<> hard times under the Wilson administration, I have fail ed '.o find them" paid Edward D. Kasfon, president of the Columbia Crnphoplmne Company of New York. In an Interview here today, ?*I hav never found business so good " I have voted the Republi can _i n!l my lffo, but my hat> off to Wilson. II-- is without doubt I the greatest president we havp '0 Democrats had done tbe wisest \ bins they had ever attempted." SPFVD FARTER IIO?,IT>AYS IfKUK Mr. John K*?als Hoyt. Jr . who Id attending Randolph-Macon Collage st Bedford City, Va.. arrived laart ev ening fo spend the Raster holidays wltb bis parent)*. Mr and Mr*. J. K Tfoyt *? WVDAY AOHOOTi ASSOCIATION The r,a*?ern Carolina Sunday School Association will meet with the Oregon Baptist Sunday School at South Creek, N. C., on Sunfey, April 4th, at 8 p. m. GERMAN RAIDER TAKES COAL HURRIEDLY; GUARDS BARRING ALL APPROACHES Newport News, Va., Mar. 11.-? Under aurpervlslon of the U. 8. Nut. the Gmnin merchant raider, Pitna Eltel Pried rich, tonight la Ail ing her bunkers with coal Sixteen hundred tow were rered along side of the? German ->n bargee late In the day end the < 'mmedl ately began the task of v the V* \eseel. O vnfrn the ooal arrived C' * shipyard aehore. where the ^ Frlederlch la docked, ordera wt * at onoe civrti to bar all approaches to the yard for the night. Captain Thlerldhens requested the Washlng ton government to furntoh a patrol for the pier which hie ship occupies and marines were sent from the Nor folk Nary Yard for this duty. Ap proaches to the pier from the river front as well as from land entrances to the yards were eff*esage to Commander ThlerteJhens collector Hamilton returned to Nor folk tonight bat will be here again tomorrow to looX after develop ments relating to tho German cruta er. "What Commander ThlerlchenJ proposes to do Is still a mystery. The coal ly* was permitted to take aboard was measured by Unltad States naval officers on the baals that It would be sufficient to supply the ship In a run to the nearest Gorman port, Bremen was the port which figured In the official naval apportionment. Scores of rumors were circulate' from as many source a* to the future course of the Bltel** commander, but s r<^>ort given con siderable credence late tonight was that the German captain had a-vked for a pUlot. One report was that be wlahed to have bis ship piloted to the Norfolk Navy Yard to be intern ed under the neutrality laws of na tions. Another was that he pro posed before many days to make a daah for the open sea and make a da ring attempt to run tho blockade of British and French warships wait lng for htm off the Virginia ca-pes Why he should take on board ,so TntKJh bnnker coal If he Intends to In tern his rfhlp. was explained In one source on the ground that the Ger man commander wished to make It appear that h? Intends to make a break fe>r liberty up io the very laet m nut* hi order to hold the sillier* v KhljiF off the Virginia coast. Oeorja V. Cohan, whose lat-rt successful comedy. "Seven KeyR to Baldpate." is to receive its first local presentation at the Nwr Theater Friday nljrht, April 2. tells a story that Is so very original that Jt 1? worthy of reprint, and better than all, he wwears by 1i La halldom that it l.i the troth. "One night In early June," so says Mr. Cohan, "was awakened t a suspicious nol?e In the butler'* j pantry at my residence ! ? quietly j betook mys'elf down the rfalrs with 1 oat awaking Mrs. Cohan, who Is . very nervous about bnrjrlsxs. and carefully opening the door of th* pantry beheld an unkempt Individ ual who w*w helping himself to n I particularly fine ccld chicken whl^h I win* irtowed away In the refrigerator. I rraspd tihe Intrude by the collar and pushed him Into the vegetable cellar, where he spent the rest of the nlrhf. pT?y*umably comfortably en trenched on a sack of potatoes, or ?tome other equally soft epot. In the morning T telephoned the polio* station, and had an officer come for my mldrvlght visitor, and went down to court to appear araln^t him When he was arralrned he npp^r^d so particularly forlorn and told such J a pitiful tale albout his hunger. and ihat he bad only broken Into the house to get a bite to eat. that I hadn't the heart to appear arslnst him, and I ao notHled the Judgr fha Flrwt M*thod1a* ehnrch will meet with Mra. P A VIWhoTwon Fri day afternoon at 4 oVloek. A goo?l att*ndanc? la deal red. MTW. AROfTBRM, HAS OTTWIT. Mra Trnman TTanka of Brooklyn, V. T . la vlaMIng Mra. M T. ArfWhell at h??r home on Waat fl?cond atreat* Cohan, What there pltfiher of me wti so good. I wlah yon'd ft* tt wfth tti? InapeHor to^rlvw me two or ttirea extry on?a ao I kin a^nd 'em to mm folk*." New Theater ' ? v TONIOHT Jeaae h. Laakay Co.. Preaanta "TTTR MAN ON TRR BOX** 1 In Fire Reel* Nln?h TnvUlhnent of ?UTTPORA. Tha *artal of Mjvtar y.