Ticenty-Five Dozen ^ SILK WAISTS Greatest. Values' in the History W*~ ? M of the .City Values ivorth up to $2. Special for Saturday 98c James E. Clark The Score Thitt Cillers Strictly to Ladies J . K . HOYT We Arc Shov. ?n_> A N*w Line Of Waists S^nrateSk irts T1-C-- ? r'. V.<lu?-? eJ . K. i;10YT. Km l^>*? m<'?* if or l)la'1i|<-r ivum' J-'lno I"." fx ??! Meat f i r:r -? tr?ps ari r> v.-? ? ? their ? ffort ? v ?? r ?ystom rjr-v' ?. - flush tho v- , riust re'.We :h tv. your bow? l?: r--r- ? '? ? vn??e am! pn'- ?>-. ? dull iris rv 'r. aharp pair" 'n 'V. ' * ach<\ dizr'.n ? ton*uo Is coa'M ? ??r !s had yon h::va r! g*? Th? ?ir'r.- '< Iraent. th?? i* .nr."; ia*M. oW*' >r < (wo nr thr**> ''*? * - Tr> n^'rr^j'7" V Ms and flu-M <?" ?" waat? jr^r aV?tr * ?al'* from ?ny tahWpoonfu! In ? t?efr?"?? broa^'a?* "'t ?. your kldr**"* v;V ?" ? fcladdor d'.?nrfl ? famo'ja <*alf!? 1? vm.' nf *rap?* an-1 I-*1 with !Uh * aflfi *-n? ' **nar?t1on* ?*> ?*' ? alujnrtah kMr> r ? ?; l*rttaf.ton. ^n,,< ? hirml?" a- * **? ful ?fr?rT?*"',r ? 1 wh'rh mllSlnr* ?' ? taka rriv a*"1 *v ? aarlr>u? kMn^v - ' In a f -ir. ? h. Th? Interior >.f :? < r ? ? v (?era!? of a rt>r . Itiar7, wri'hf. r.t tha fitiPtom !n * r. r ? ?a noUhar an or ?? r Aaaman chOrr'i ? ? ? mony in oqa ?? . In* and -r". I !?? which rami' d f liana danrin; 'n t" ? niwlr fbrr#? 1* . War In *11 t*? i! IHwrvlng C^wi Tha -roan ??f pa.1? wh?>rn ?lirr.> h>? torlnx If lhn?j r-'r ' rwfuafrat to lin rr.-v ii?l, I tfi T?*? rrfiv. r?n| f ? . ? ? aaanfuily *n<t or, 7. r ? owt laofir noiif ran > ?: ,?| vi ?? ' without crnitrndi.'n: ih? f i,r it ; ? nqu^t ?Thorr,.i<t n ?: - n < I todays ri:rw;i:\M VltftKrnph Iirumn "Pl*v*d From a I/fo i'f fi ii.'" In Two Par It T.ubln Pom?rlr "A BooinwrJinr" Rwln'llr " Matin** R:P.f? K1. "ry Af'^rnor. AI'MIfSTON h ft \f. ( -jsnts Bel 1 & Morris SOHE DON'TS 1'< ? an 'J Liver Sufferers ' i ni ?11<!ne for your gtotr i:H morning, noon and ?:--.\i'ly'*ueh medicine* or ? - i' .ry re!!#f and simply ? ' ?' A rhftt happens to b' ?'or rich. ti surclm! operation :.'-.vr>y? serious dancer ir ????- : r.d lr. mr.ny rases o' 7 ' r arid Intestinal Al? ? ran be avoldPd 1' ? i? taken In time '* ?v4th a foul smell rvM by h disordered i, t ?vr?r. tn '"lie dfsromfor' ?* "i ??" m* ?n ror.tart with '??? - t'omneb sufferer ? ?? ?'! \r no* be brined a/, oato, than yours " n -mver'ly rABtorpd by - Vo?<?rr f??J Ttemedy. '?*!' ? *-5i *ii'T>ent* are mainly 1 ' v rv catarrhal condition. TV-medy not or.lv mucus. but al ?' inftamaMon and a? *N - t- Vr'-r th* entire allmen i. .. 5 tract antiseptic. ?? ? ?nr.rpf nf ;?? marvel - -->i. 'nnt T>aln and ar ' - ''am- vn--r et nma^b allmen** ? 'r - . "v n'r,*1 your health ? ? - v."- were your case mav v?,. v, ,.m ? ' ' >t n-r'e Wonderful Ttern r.-.'rro rail that, you - ? *--m to h*a1?h araln. ? "rT"- ' T! m??dy has be*n i i. v-.v|r rft('tT m?nd??'"l - r* r?,k?pr/>,B .Tu*Mre* ??? ., ? f 74 >i rat or a, T.aw PariV^rs. Doctor*, v-ir^fs. >T?nnfa<*turer!'r. T ?'=??" Farmers find r*o ??????. ,"?? r.' life ? _ rtTj: valuable booklet r\ VlmApM f0 Qr>h. IT. 1 ' '? i r. c whlt'ngr St. Chlca TlomrdT I* aold everywhere ??'?.-ft n^der^tanrtln* that "?t t" r"fn"">r!*?d wltli ' v, f.T i.M* If OMF bollte ! vr? you alsoliitn aatlafac i? In California. ? caine The VFirletla# ? '? rn^'??n. antelope, cart v. j-li'-aBant, duck " r arfj rull t '1 Ju'rs From the Lemon, .'I rrv Holding the lomonn Id . f" v mlmilnii bwfure cut . ? M-nk'f v l?"Tiritiod?, thay an til :.?? tlio Ui? ? would otb f r ?nrr,r\ by Soakaa. ivj.th Africa faar tfea I~I<: J'K'I v. Ill ev*?n rrawl r|j:?f|ow This bird can canity kill I ?M Pension Plan. T or * rrnii'Thiho'it *oy of be r?t 'nrv p- nalons Id (he oM "* HiIk official rommunV r th- I'ritlsh war office tn a i*[ ffwm Anne Jler majoe ' ?"?' ?"*. hnen ptaaaed to grant Fiiton *1 in;- I. i. !|, n riilld. a corQinl* iJom M mUn In ronneqaence of tb# lp?? of L's frHi??r. *ho lied la the ?orvjoe And Hi ton WM at tba same flmfc tran??i1 furlounh until tartfc?r order, hta army pay balof Mgt >rt| |o UXlVUV, FOtHICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS I hereby announce my for Alderman from Kb* Bwond Ward of the cK y of Wk*bin*ton. I have so purpooe In rlrw exoept Co *ive th? citisens oZ Washington euch service as I think a public o P oer should (It* his oonstitueot*. I earnestly ask all Democratic dt? (scot to giro m? their rapport for this position 1n the primary to too held on April 9th. B. W. TAYLOR. 3-S4-du-4-10. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announco my candidacy for re-election at Alderman from the Third Ward, city of Washing ?on. I earnestly ask all Democrat ic citizens to five me their support 'or this position. R. I I JONES. FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announco ?sy eandldary 'or ro-nom1nat1ea ae Alderman for he 8econd Ward. My pnrpose Is o ?erve the whole people to the st lntereeta subserved. In view of the pending censtrne 'on of the public eewerage and 'her city improvements which was romot"4 through the efforts of the resent Board of Aldermen, and ? ?lr'nr the completion of these im provements. Inducer me to ask your support for re-nomtnatlon. Respectfully, J. F BUCKMAN. FOR ALDERMAN. T hereby announco my candidacy -?r ^nomination as Alderman from '??* Second Ward of the city of "ashlnglon. I have tried to do my "'ity as an official of tho city since have been an Alderman and if re '*ct?s1 will endeavor to serve the ?*ople of Washington to the best of v ability. I am ajtain seeking rp?-nomInation S?cause I feel that the present "*oard should endeavor to complete city improvements now under vay. C. O. MORRIS. FOR ALDERMAN. After hdnir re<iuwrted by aereral my friends to become a candidate1 'or Alderman I have decided to do :o, and do hereby Announce myself -\n candidate from the Third Ward the city of Washington, aub.'ect ?o the action of the Democratic pri mary. Respectfully. W. C. DUDLEY. FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announce my candldaey ?or Alderman from the Fourth Ward ->f the city of Waahlnirton. If nomlnatM. I promise to g!r? ?he dtlaene of Washington auch aer* v1re a* I consider a public officer ?hould irlre hla constituents. T earnestly as* all Democratic cit izens to pr1*e me their aupport for this poaltlon. H. T. STEWART. I 3-f?-tfe. FOR ALDERMAN. T announce myaelf a candidate for re-election aa Alderman from the Flrat Ward, auhject to the ratifica tion of the Democratic primary. M T. ARCHBFLT,. B-IT-tle. FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announce tny candidacy for re-election ns Aldermen from th? Fourth ward cA the city of Wash ington. I earnestly aaV all Democratic rltlaene to *1ve me their suport for ? hie potltlon. Respectfully, F. P. WHITLWT 2 XO-tfe. FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce my candidacy ?a Alderman for Flrat Ward, subject to the Democratic primary. If nominated I ?rtia11 endeavor to w>rv? niy constituent* to th? beat of my ability. ftAHUBL' ?. rARTY. 4-l-tf*. Px.ilalnlng "Memory.* When you apeak i?f others as ban1 fnf a good memory, you do not meea that at all. Instead of meaning thai the mat with a "jcood memon" hat accurately peroalred an event In the fall ramifications of all Its detail* and recorded It In his whole human texture ready for reproduction at will, what yon really Indicate la that be hae load power of retention, Irrespec tire of detailed aoeeraey or taithfafc ?? of the full re?>Ue?tt0*-|? *??< ?hh jfesKia T~ Owing to b&d weather OUR SPRING OPENING SALE er to give our out of toWh custom some of our real bargains. New goods Come and see us. , F?. ORtEANS WANTED ? AT ONOS, B EX1T5RI encsd Dress maker* at Ju. E. Clark's store. 8-17-tfo. HAVE SEVER Alt NO. 5" OLIVER Typewriters for Root; Fire Dol lar* for three months. M. N Berry. I-H-tfe. FOR SALE? BUGGY AND HAR. nesK, Cert and Harness and plow. Apply to J. R. Proctor'# Cafe at Norfolk Southern Station. 8-1 6-1 we. HE TTP-TO-DATE AND ORDER A I nice Corsage Bouquet for her for Easter. Lilly of the Valley. 8weet ? Peas, Violets, Roses, Carnations, Orchids, stc. "The Palms." 8-26-tfe. IP YOU NEED GLASSES, SEE DR. V. R. Mewborn at Hotel Loulee Monday and Tuesday. Apr. 6 and 6th, only. Satisfaction guaran teed. 8-8 1-5 to. IiOST ? FRIDAY, MARCH 26, BE tween Aurora and Reeds Chapel Church a black music bag contain lng 10 pieces of music. Finder re-1 ?turn to South Creek Postofflce and rc?elre reward. 4-2-3tc. WANTED ? SALESMAN TO SELL Lubricating Oils. House and Barn Paint and Specialties. Big prof its. Champion Refining Compa ny, Cleveland. Ohio. 1A>ST ? DURING STORM FRIDAY night, my skiff, eighteen feot Ions painted green, "with center board rudder, two oarB and sail in same. Came untied on river near ^Vashington Park. Finder please notify Joe L. Warren and receive reward. 4-3-ltp. "Rom of Hell." Tfce "Roue of Hell" Is the flaai liven to a flower that blooms on s roc of great sire and strength grow r.s on the siieo of Mount Agua? s :lgh F'CaU among the rugged tuoue *?Jaa of C antral A merle*. Legal English. The circumlocution ol legal ?>cn nents !s the penally of having 4 bi lnguo* language and descends u? ?rum these countries when thf 13ng lsh reid the Normans were slowly irnalparratlp^ Into one people 80 the t vo races, in the market rlaje or In social converse, to makh their me&uing clearer, joined a French word to an English or vice *ersa. rhf.t la why in the prayer book wor^s 10 often run in couples: "Humble ?nd lowly," "acknowledge and 00 n i'css," "assemble and meet together." Tho English was for the English, the v'orman-French for the Frenoh. 'hnucer is a great user of ?ucb bllin <ual phrases: "Hunting and vener lye," "wrlght and farpenter," "0U4 ?nd heed." And that Is wheuoe law yers get ouch talk ns "aid and abet," will and testament" and "use ss< > unt" Had Btay Thsn, "Tow are not vory happy in tbh ttoiiae," friends remarked to the rent er "No. I can't aay w* are^' "Touf j callings are falling." "They are. nn4 that isn't all. Our roof leaks. our c?l ar nila with water every time it ralna, : our rail's tors thump, our fumaoe li ton small for the house, itifkppetlte is too large for our income, 0% gutters have rusted away, the porch MOfetB* bouse hasn't had a new coat ofpmat for ser>n yraia, the wall paper hangs loose in every mom and the eMmnsy la ahorter after- every windstorm."; "Why In the world don't you movst" *B?oauae we can't find a not tier honsi with a hall that our long oriental nu iar * U1 III" 6zart !frmane? WeaHH. Tha oxar c/ Russia is a weiMMt ?Mlev . He receives the revenuea from , the Russian crown lands, and thaft urea Is eqnal to that of one-third of tb? United Btatea. Several years ago th? , imperial treasurer la reported to hav? ( advised the oaeri "Your majesty nee4 iave no fear of ever coming to feel 'he sting of poverty- Financially yoe Are solvency Itself. With one hand von could bay ont the American multl inlUtonalret, Morgan and Rockefelle* and BtUI have enough left to talk bus! aesa with Baron Rothschild!" it li <*id that the csar was displeased *1 -hs flippancy of t?e holdsr of ftla purw striae Whethar the glory It *90 JSMJKJir - Harden of (dm. tW Mm ml lniAj of a Oardaa it Man. u tha cradle of a r*ca, cum from tHa BumtrUoi, who had far (Dor* Imagination than the Semi tee, as tha aarijr table ta prora. The SulM who CUM from the northweet and Daralad eaatward, placed thalr Oar don of Bdan on the appar Bvphrataa. at tha raal cradle of their race. ha -*t>an Aflfcb and HKL and upstream oi U? dlrlslon Into rou( tTftnchee in Uu x Saturated. Try kvsn Mao (ell 1a tha rlrer oft hla way home last alchtT" "Too diia't mean .to aay ha vu drowned r 'Not drowned, moo. but badly d> uted." ? London Oplmioa. f Trapping tparrowa. la ?nfl\nd aparrowa art trap alth a sieve, one and bald up by ft ?hort fttaka to wtflrh a lonf string la lad. The trap la baited with br?%d rumb?, oata or wheat The'blrda are permitted to aat tha batt'unUl a nam ?>er bare fathered under the al***,' vhen the o ird la pulled. removing trus s?ake and allowing the trap to fftd iver the Hrda gathered under t*f *Ura A Bit to Think About On the doorway of an Italian oa tbedral are three lnacrlptloi*. The tlrst, beneath an arch of ros?? rooda R? foLowa: "All that please 1b but for a moment;" the aecond, beneath a croka, "All that trouble* la but for * mon,.cnt;" and under the main arch. That only la lmprjrtant which la oU* OC." How Insects Regulate 8pced Motion plcturea of hasecta In night ?how that they regulate" (heir speed hy changing the Inclination of their wihga rather than by altering the rapKUy of their motion. C*rpct Kn.&nta. "Carpet knights." quoth a writer ?nee in the long ago, "are sveh aa Dave studied law, pbyalc, or other arte or sciences, whereby they have be come famou i, and seeing that tney are not knighted aa Boldlers, they are not therefore to use the hcrseman'a title or spurs; they are only termed simply miles find mllitea, 'knight,' or 'knights of the carpetry.' or 'knights of the green cloth,' to distinguish tbein from those knights that are dubbed as s_4 .?Uce Uk the tiaid." National Religion of Russia. Prince Vladimir of Russia, wh t, brought the Greek religion to Russia 'n 992, preferred it because of It# oriental form, and thought it stood chrte er to the Russian character than the rites of the Roman. He made Klefl the seat of the rnet;-opjlltan, whUe the patriarch remained Juat the same in Constantinople But Peter the Q^eat forbade the Russian clergy to recog nize the foreign patriarch, and found ed the Holy Synod In 1722, which be came the head of the Russian churcn. There are about 1C,)00 mocks and 80,000 priests In Russia, the former celibates, the latter married, nesidea here are some 5,000 nuns with 25( convents, of which Noto Devitchy tf *Ae largest of all. Has Km Many Ruler*. The turn) Iloumanla oomea dmrx ?rom the day* of Roman rule, {La jountry previous to that being ova r ran by aemlnomadlo Greta? and Da* Jlans. Ita vicissitudes, transforma tions, malformations and reformations have been 'innumerable, being ruled by this and that exploiting nation, and It only reached ita present Independ ence after the Ruaso-Turk war of *877, and wiU^. the settlement for ihat time of the "Eaatern question" by the congress of Berlin in 1S78, Rou manla became La area and 1m pulsar J?e little kingdom of today Why the Bluss? VveryOne lore- the blue sky. wtO Ita brightness, warmth and aoftnee? Hundreds have written oi It In glow !ag terms of praise, while the late millions have felt what they efc*1 pressed. Who does not lore a pair ol blue eyes? Laughing blue eyes, trn? blue eyes, tender blue eyes. Irish blue eyes. The men who follow the a*** '.ove her every mood and hue. and yei tls her sparkling aapphlre cloak they would have her don on the happiest ocraslons. "It is impossible, in our rendition of society, not to be some Mmes a snob," wrote Thackeray ? not to have a heart that would reliah pumping a little blue blood along with the red. But when our thoughts are dull, depressed and drear like an un kind wintry sky. we are In the bluea Why this paradoxical defamation ol the color which Is associated with ee many of the fair and pleasing thing* of life? If- we must vilify a oolor, there are yellow canaries and Jaw dice; there are yellow devils and daa Qftt, Why the blues 1 ? Bo i Loo GloVa Languagee ef the WoHd. HI range aa It may seem, there tan More than four thousand languages ?pokes by mankind, while the nuns bar of dialect* exceeds this. There are more than sixty vocabularlee la Brasll and in Mexico the Nahua Is broken up Into some saves huhdref dialects. There are hundreds to Borneo, while la Australia there is no classifying the complexities. Assum es that It dial sets on the avsrage b?1o?# to saah Ungual*. we have fee eofomi total of fid reft w ""I"' V ? .Ju A J - ? ? HnJ nOW<>vWi iwywwwy ? Ae Atlantic oout from Nrw ] to Norih Cmrolina, the sbondanoo of wood iu???tad to the* that then Salght bo profit la tbo sale of uW la 1U1. 1ms than flftooa roar* aftat the founding of JaaMStowa, the Vtl glnlaas were selling sahefryai Croat $M to $40 a toa for expo*t^> gngliad Tbo burning of asfcee m a farorita bustptea undertaken hy aagrrm who bad run away from elarery ta it* South and had oottlod ta Oi aorta Mi capital wad required, aa wood weo free; and, though the Income, wae small, the work waa easy ??< oerrod to? tjtract a rood maaj people. As latfaa 18M Cfcnada exported annually Ql^'baiiala of potash and peariaafc, fce equivalent of more thaa M,Mt Hmk pf athea^? Hardwood Why le ftt TW the 57.000 varieties of thlngt fiwut women's way* that it la Impoo dble for a man to understand." aald a quiet observer, "I will mention onl> me. Why la It that women button on their coat* the other vray Hon the way In which a man buttooi Jt hie cost? A man's ooat Is so made that the buttons oome on the loft aid* or half of the garment, .whoa it la buttoned. In a woman's coat, the but tons come on the right side. When a woman pots on a man's overcoat vhe first thing she says Is always this: ?Why, It buttona on the wrong way!' Of coarse, the man thinks that the vr oman'a way ta wrong, and the only thing that Is oertaln about It Is that the man's eoat buttons on one side and the woman's on the other."-. How York Courier BOteburgh Die Psylnf the tpkd. Loots XVIII must bar* been i fy grateful for the Institution of apiea Shortly sfter tbe restoration he asked Fouche. his minister of police (who had filled the same office under Na poleon) whether he had been efficient ly spied o^on during his exile In Bng> land. After s considerable amount oi Veeslng, Fouche admitted that oae of the members of the royal house told, the Due dd Blaoaa, uaed to for ulsh regular reports oonoernlng his master's movements. "How much did you pax for bla serrloeer" inquired the *lnffr "A fixed allowance of ?8/ 100 a year," waa the reply. "I am glad to hear you say that," aald the king "We arranged to divide his earnings as a spy. and so long aa he was work* mg for you 1 used to draw KjOOt a year. It la comforting to learn that be didn't cheat me."- London Chrar Mtf ft Lasting Wwfc If the proper atndy of manhtnd fc aw, then history moat have the tor? noet piece In my truly liberal educ* Mon. In tbe broad, collect Ire view, M one of the moet practice! of studies, fhe man who founded thle repabllo <new little of science, they nerer had he advantages of a university exten >lop course, nor had they learned (nance or plumbing or short-stcc? vrltlng in a correspondence school 3ut they were profoundly verssd lb ho history of mankind, and partlcw ar!y l^tbe history of the Lnstltutlqai hicta man has devised for the pur ?so of maintaining hie freedom, an4 ' did in naUM Ma day. Anewered Hie Question. Prince George of Denmark was olcb tamed "Est-ll-posalble" by Jamee IL ft Is said that when the startllag events of the revolution of 1088 suc ceeded one another with breathless rapidity, tire emotions of Prince George found vent In tha repeated ezclams tlon: "Eet-lI-posifbieJ% King Jamee, enumerating those who had forsakes Mm. said: "And est-ll possible ha# unmi _ *ea i. u. mu. "1 Cor. Ssooad * Umn an. WuIUoiiob. M. c. Under EnClrmjr N?w Uuut Hot ui eoid liiu K I Kates ur ts? Wml WE'LL, HE ULAD TO 8JBB VOU hoomi oub .way. NOTICH OF 8HJ. V Br virtue of an order of tfet Clark jf the Superior Court of Beaufort ) joanty la tha proceeding ?titled Suganla Bryan. Administratrix of A. M. Edward#, decoased, ra. Clyde. Hupert and Albert Morgan Edwards' minora, by their guardian Ad Litem, ?V. H. Lodge, I will retail, at publia auction for oaah to the hlgbeet bid der At the Courthouse door of Beau* Jt oounty, en Monday, March 19, 1916, at noon, the Edwarda water mill and tlta. with the prlrllagae and appurtenances Incident and ba longlng thereto, subject to the wid ow's dower In the same; alao the ho uta and lot to the town of Edward where A. M. Edwards, form arty llr further description of which can ba had by reference to the deeda oon ed, now occupied by 0. 0. Sparrow raying the same to said A. M. Ed warda This Feb. ffth, 1911. A. D. MacLFAM, Commissioner. MMit NOTICE OF SAM. Under and by vlrtne of a mortg age to the undersigned from Bals?y A. I>ey and husband, dated Novem ber 18th, 1914, which Is recorded In the Register's offloo of Beanfort edunty. North Carolina In Book 185, page 158, the underslmed will sell, for cash, before the Conrthou^e door of Beaufort county. North Carolina, at public auction on tTy? 19th day of April, 1915, at 18 o'clock noon, tha following described real estate, rlsi The land described In a dfi^d from W. E. Patrick to Dalsey JLWall. ( now Dey) dated February^sSth^ 1914. which Is recorded 1n the Reg ister's office of Beaufort county. North Carolina. In Book 177. page 327, to which reference Is mad* and the same made a part hereof for de scription, being lots No. 5 and 22 as shown by map of the lsnd known as ?he V+ttj Place, recorded In the said Register's Office In Book 108, P*S6 48 And also the following personal j property: All of the stock of good*, wares and merchandise, furniture flgturag snd appllsncee now In use In thai store on the said pr?mls?8. This March 17th. 1915. JAMES ELLISON A CO., I Harry McMullan. Atty. 8-19-4we. -A "Take Her Along." Mother Is really a good, sport. Tot' Have elmply overlooked her In yoaf fan. You have always thought of he* aa a sort or combination angel and ! servant, and you have made uae oi her endlenelj and thoughtlesaly. To* have accepted her sacrifices as a mt> ter of courno. Sometimes yoo have not noticed how near you hwve come to allowing her lore to turn Into mere drudgery. The strange part of It lM 'ha* the lovee fun as much aa you* ?elf. that she Is just as lolly on a plo- < ale as anybddy .else you could Invito %nd that she is simply stunning In # bathing suit. To go on thinking oi everybody else and Inviting everybody ?lee before her la more your mis to* tun? than It Is hers. You are really nlsalrg a pal when you overlook hag ' *** Anr?>lM T<m?? Lessons Come Easier TF the child has a big, generous light to study by. The JRQfo LAMP saves eye strain. It la kerosene light at its best? clear, mellow, and unflickering. j The RAYO does not smoke or smell. It ' is easy to light, easy to dean, and easy to rewick. The RjfYO costs little, but you cannot get a better lamp at any price. < STANDARD OIL COMPANY W-JJW-.D.t (NEW JERSEY) ?22tXvk BALTIMORE .

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