ta *he Carpathians, bat In mini It tooM WW that ralc (oim4 Autro-Oaraaii forces h?v? <k?M liw win Ruartan oKamlte I Anal* Co* tho brliVi Jo4M A. IMwm on W?d It *??. iota M WM?T? tin <*r?moiiy Oox *vMt uvnral with Mlw Alio* WH oim n**r Old Fort :/r ru .1 ?.? [ d1*4 o? Tkaro Mr. Jmm Cot of h?d ht? WW*. Mr. v?* Uftt Brttn. April IS. ? The German oflHw report to day follow*. Between the Meuee and the Mo ? there was yeeterdsy 'nothing PerU, April 15. ? The French war offloe etafrmecvt today folhm: 'Veer La <Boieeile our heavy ar tillery completely wrecked German eheHeri and troochee. *4ln the Argonne near Fontalne aux-Charh?. a local engagement took piece from trench to trench Id which nto sained the advantage Our aeomdeney over the Germans at thda point fta becoming more and London. A-prll 16. ? 8klpp<r? of British trawlers <*bo sighted the airship (which raided the northe<vet coast of England, last ndght deecrlbe her aa the Z-f, one of the latest EopepMne. The trawlere alghted the craft 100 snllee from land. They helleve ehe came from Helgoland, nearly 400 mttaa sway. | KBGITLATION FOR ADMISSION OP FORKION OOTTOV I p^fashington, April *8. ? Prospec tive regulatione for admission or foreign catty* in the Unttnd Stales formulated Hp kttp out the pink boll I weevil, hare tveen Issued by the de partment of sgrl culture which has called a conference on the reatrlc tfopa to he held here April SO. Umler the proposed plan permits lor tie sdmlraion of foreign cotton mAt be Obtained tor all Imports Boston, New York, San Frandsro hare been designated as the only ports of entry for strch cotton hut it is possible other ports win bo -ad ded. After January 1 next the regula tions provide that all cotton Im ported moat be disinfected under | e up r vision of a department of agri culture Inspector. In addition to securing a permit of entry, shippers must notify the department of all Import* and shipments and a license must be obtain: d to enable the con* t slfneee to nee the ootton DR. XATHAN IK UITT. Dr. 9. A. Nathan, veterinarian, 'who ?? MMM hire lut lumnir, I ? rrl??a in tb? e?T rwU rd?T *nd will be Kx*t?rl it tk* WMhlnfton Ly.rr* * ,h* c"?"" . . . . Mr. H. C. Moot* tru in the ?l?y | |*terd?; fTOm KiUMwn ? S * * ** H M Barrua ?t>d R B * tfcll montlng afUr Buffalo. N. Y.. April 15.? A dot en feandlU h(Jd up a New York Cen J-tral fact freight train at Sanborn, nine mi tea east of North Toxrawanda early today, stripped aereral ears ol bolted allk valued at 150,000 and aped away ht automobile trucks up on which thoy had loaded their plun dec, - The bandit* were armed with repeating rtflee and automatic pis tola and fired aereraJ shots at the crew. No oao was injured. A poaae of detectives, mounted police and patrolmen from Buffalo, Niagara Fall* and Tonarwanda reach ed Dhe scene shortly after the hold up. 'but several houra of Mafchinp resulted In no arrests. When last seen tho robbers were beaded tow ards Buffalo. ' '"?vv After forcing the engine crew to uncouple the lo^omot^re an* run 't a short distance the engincmen act) three other members of . the tra'a were lined up against a box oar and placed under guaTd of a single bandit while the others looted the merchandise cars. ?Four fire-ion automobile twgu< were In watting and qukskl^^Porc loaded with the booty. Engineer. Goaa eacaped 'the guard and run ning a fusillade of ahote reached his engine, made a record run into Suspension Bridge, eight miles a way and gave 'the alarm. The robbery was the moat daring of lla kind ever attempted In this section, and the amount of plunder far exceeds In value the proceeds ot any other freight train robbery in the history of eastern railroading. SAYS IVAKEIl So The Www Theater wiU offer their putrons tonight s I've reel program headed by the eleventh episode of "tfudora" the $30,004,000 mystery T here irtH also "be three re^la of the associated fllmr.' Tonight's Ml. promises to be one of the strongest that this ho owe has yet presented. This house has made arrangement to preseat to their patrons on* Satur day matinee and sight of next wet* a tl*e famous Keystone comedy euc oeaa la six reels. "Tlllay's Paac?ured JlomaiMV," the funnieet comedy plc t ii ro W presented. Any one thai eeea thTepletiU'e and does not laugh will need to *.<* a docto thv ot'R nrrnm and cwees* It's tha (best that mopey can bur. J. E. Adams ft Co. 4-15-lto. , . -VVM> - ?' < f Raleigh. April 15. ? Governor Craig has received numoroae letter* commanding him for declining to pardon James Wilcox, convtctfti ot the. murder ?of Nellie Cropeey. Kv ery train haw brought the-m The governor noted contrary to public sentiment as expressed In petition <i. hut he iwss governed by the evi dence. he fait. A number of papei.i hMP ?cprn?Ml their approval Of hla coram. Including the Chartott* Ob mrver and W-'mlngton Dispatch. at Turtle B *y. Lower California. Mexico, and declared 'there never has been wy Intention on the part of the Japanese government to lo cate a naval base or oeoupy any ter ritory on the weet coast ot Mexico Operations of Japrrtede warsh ip? in Turtle Bay. emfcassy officials *aid, were eolely for salvaging the, strand ed crater Aeama. It jrae stated that while detailed reports from the sesoe had not been reoeived, aa tbo oonaul general at fcftB FranrUco waa handling the matter. Handing on the ahore bfT probably had been found aweary 4n oonnt* Uon with the salvage work. OJ^ffc^orta that a naral base bad tnent said: *lt is more than absurd; It Is pre posterous. There never has (been any; intention on the part of tte Japa nese coTernmen^ to loeatea naval baee or to occupy any territory oa the wcmt coast of Mesriee. A fe^ Jopanes*e flehennen, about a Score ir number, perhaps, frequeatt the wa ters of this bay. but thejr hav* no connection -whatever with the Japa nese naval establishment." . IN LOVI.VO MEMORY. A gloom of sadnena was cut ov er the entire community 3 <19 day morning. A-prtl 4th. when the angel of death entered the home of Mr. | Kl L. Barr of Chooewinlty, ' and claimed for lta own hie dear and loving mother, Mtb. Lena Barr, to live with Htan In that i>eautlfnl Citjr ?op high. j She waa "bOFn October l?Mr; '1331/ making her stay on earth 83 year*. 5 months an 16 day*. She unKcd with the Methodist Episcopal church \t Providence, Chooowinlty, In 187?, and lived irp to its faith 'till called to higher paths of light. On January 21st,, 1851, she wa* married to Mr. Ell Barr. and to tfcte union were -bora ftve children, of which only three stirvlve her. Messrs II. L. and Sidney Barr of Chocowift ty. and Mr. . Harmon Barr of Bath. She had been a great sufferer Mr -'cars, 'but bore her sufferings with "hrfstian fortitude. Her life w in open t>ook, read and loved by alt who knew her, and now that her vovk is ended on and ?he has ^one to reap her reward wh^ should ve grieve forwe knerw she Isswost y resting In the<8avior's love. She 'Will be eadly missed lr the * retire camimunfty, ae she was ever vllling and ready to help and as sist tho?3 vrho were less fortunate 'ban she. It was Indeed a pleiuur' :o be In the presence of this good wo-nan. She was ready when Ooi ?alVd her. 8he had long listoned 'or His wolce. She was a loving mother, a spk.n Itd neighbor, a devout Christian, of a lovable .disposition, and liked *y all who knew her. She leaves thi* e sons, one sUter n four brothers to mourn their Ios? br-idea many trlends. 'She ham only paid the debt th all must pay sooner or latta Can we ever forget her? Oh ncl | re can never forget one we lovd o well. She cannot coma to us bul we can prepare to meen her. where parting ls'no more. "The'Lorjl glv <th and the Lord taketh. blessed b ? ike name of the Lord." Oh, how oneljr U is without her! The burial services were ooaduot by Mr. L. H, Taylor In the ores noo of a large numb *e of grfef ! tricken friends and relatives, af r-aurrectlon mora. May we all ter which she was laid to r?at In the fntnily burial groond to anralt the strive to meet her on that bright and golden shore where there will; be no farewell dear*. May the Lord comfort the bereaved onee. Dearest mother, thou halt left of | Nett* -more yotir face *e can see; Hut In heaven we hope to inset yotr Theifc where parting wHl never If] Yfm . FORJSSMLT ' i BUi Mn4> la eenilaW in Jsll kara cbnfs*4 with ham * aa* of tfc* tn dir-kloa wko Oh <*at Mtortf*? ulftt uMimf slid ?hot WiKar CtRhrotl, nlakt WatxkmM ?i the Wnohlntton Pu*?jr Company OB HaokM; annuo art* taunt ?* Uk. ?a4 iaaa boon po*l*Tely IdcoUflod ?y Mr. Odthr.ll. ' Saturday c Lf tit about Mvtr o' clock Mr. CoOtraU 4laoovored Four di.Mn in the factory in the act of i^niaftl^g a get-away with a sack of fcoal. m,i called to them to atop J>n?<oC' them dropped his sack, but tk* othsrs succeeded tn getting away IrMI tMra. Later In the night h; saw -twO darkite coming towards the factory and went out and a*k ed them what they wanted. He drew "h!3 gun and they grefctoed him. todk the run tfway from hUn and prdoeedtd to beat Mip over the head wttfe" same, find then ahot Mm tnnough the fleshy part of the left i arm and ran. - fir. Cuthrell than want to the hone of Mr. L. I. CadWl on Third street and called him out and told i hhn of the occurrence. Mr. Cadell , attended to the -woiinded arm aaj beet tte could and had Mr. Cuthre'1 conveyed to the Washington Hos-I pital where he was given proper at tention. The wound did not prove to be dangerous and at this time he Is doing nicely. The other rfnrky I has not ail yet bean apprehended. HERE ON MONT>AY NEXT. The first reels of one of the most popular photoplays of the day. "The Exploits of Elalhe," which was to haw appeared on the screen at the New Theater on Monday night last, will he shewn withont fall on this coming Monday night. The first episode of the story la being reprlnt edjfa these columns today and wOl completed Tn tomorrow'* i&aue. judging from the favorable com ments tils picture has received else where, it should prove to be one of jtbc best ever leaded by the manage ment. Begin the story now and fol low .It up In conjunction with the pictures, and it will make them doubly interesting. # j Mr. John Roberta of Swan Quar ter was in the'elty reet?cday. MM aim is hl*inb Im ... . . T. H.. April IB? The of -th-e submarine F-4 In and the hull le filled with from ?ee?pe?e( according to made by Chelf Gunner'* D^Stllleon. who late descended to the ocean ind examined the wreck aftc* CrlHy. a diver had located the earner In the day. who mede a partial #ur> hoHt reported that, aa!d* damage to "the auperstruc wa? unable to fln?? other that the top platea were In. One of th* lines in their M the F-4 had fouled Work wa* today. K was nu.anncad to the wreck. THE DEADLIEST FOE v OF GREAT BRITIANS IN THE PRESENT WAR England U faofto face with Ui3 great problem of deaMng with the drink evil During the pa* weak the whole country baa been brought to consider the possibility of afoso lute prohibition throughout Great Britain until the end of the war. On March 19th. Ckancdlor of the Exchequer David Lloyd-Oeerge. re ceived a deputation of the 8h?p Building Employers' FVedcr*ti#n which urged that there * total prohibition of the of the war In order that th, - al reforms of the present titrte ?u " be made. The deputation aafce.l that this should apply not only to public houses, but. also to private clubs so {hat all classes of the c-oui^ rounlty ^jnlght oo-opreate equally I In destroying this deadly enemy of the nation's efflckmcy. The statement was made that de spite the fact that work was being carried on seven days in the week, the total working tim? on the avar- ' age in nearly all the shipyards wssj actually less than before the war, and the average productiveness of workers had decreased. | The Chancellor .of the Exchequer r< plied that the reason -why Che gov ernment had not taken more drastic action on the liquor question was because it needed to be assured tha* it was backed by public sentiment, otherwise more harm would be done than good. The government desire* every class in the community behind It Wlreff^tt takes nuch action. He declared that he believed the coun try waa beginning to realize the gravity of the situation, and added: "I have a growing oonvlction. based on accumulating evldenco that noth ing but root and branch methods would be of the slightest avatl In dealing with the evil." King George. Barl Kitchener, thei War Secretary and all the cabinet minister* la LoOdoft and many oth er iHKraiiseut persons have announc ed their intention to afcet*fn from alcoholic liquor* for the duration of the war. King George in a leftcr to the Chancellor of the Excheqde' I declares that he "feels that nothing but the inn at vigorous measures w'.ll eaccesrfully cope with the situation now existing In our armament fac tories. "We have 'before us the statements not merely of the em ployers, but of the Admiralty and the War Office, which are respon sible for munitions of war and for the transport of troopB and their food and ammunition. From this evidence It is without doubt largely due to drink that we are unable to secure the output of war material Indispensable to meet the requ're menta of the army in the fl?ld, and that there has been such serious de toxkeadng Kqlidt# during l,y in ot Hho norennary t*l? Of ?>Mr. , Er-n to M?*Vo th.r? t? for |?roMW?loi> V,m* ?' *????? l?l w?k l?m<Kl * ??"? which h. Ml. ?f hi. tonnm.* ot ?M?r* ???>"? ?>? *)? *r Hquor and doeiu-M lh?- h? would ??k. M?k? ? *rr r**nv.r "c tk* po?v to *> ??? ' M a. follow#: ""?'?? wrn M wH?<?t im?or *?"- "?? ?m. M im *? ?T ??* '? r 4' ' -'rlf .1 "ilT* :? .. JL' ! count*/ Is row suffering from the liquor trcffis and the chiMren at the poor are the #e<terers. The pre?f dent of a nation may not toe a drink ing man himself. tout ** he permit? hla people to Indulge in this poison, he 1s showing himself a TMkliaf. I do n6t permit my officers of ?ea to use liquor, and 1 am doing my b<st to put liquor out of business' wherever possible. When my troops reach a town. I order all saloons . closed." | The deadly drink evil has thos "?come an unexpected target of all ??. and who knows but that c r(*ults of the terrl bl? * be the attitude of ths natlobrf . . ard the liquor traffic? The Philadelphia "Ledger" says ed itorially thai Lloyd George's speech "marks a new pn<xh the history of tho attitude of mankind toward Intoxicants; and. cominjr from Great Britain, where the doctrine of per sonal liberty |H almost a Xet<*b. It is the more significant." ? - Baseball Ma; NATIONAL l.KACJL'K. At Cincinnati 2; Pittsburg 1. At New York 2: Brooklyn 0. At Boston 1 ; Philadelphia 7. At Chicago 2; St. Louis 4. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Philadelphia 3; Boston 5. At Washington 1 ; New York ?. At St. Lou. 5 0; Chicago 16. FEDERAL LEAGUE. At Brooklyn 17; Newark 6. At Kansas City 4; St. Loois 2. At Chicago 1 ; Pittsburg S. At Baltimore 2; Buffalo ?. AMERICAN AS^MTATfON". At Kansas City 5. St. Paul 11. At Colunnbu* 0; Louisville 2. At Cleveland 1; Indianapolis 10. At Milwaukee ?; Minra? poli* 4. SOI THEUN LEAGUE. At Birmingham 7; Mobile 6. At Atlanta 5; New Orleans 7. At Chattanooga 9; Memphis 17. At Little Rock 5: Nashville 18 SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. At Albany 7; Jacksonville 1. At Macon 6; CoItnWbrMr 4. At Augusta 0; Savannah S. At Charleston 5; Columbia 0. COLLEGE GAMES. '_?Clemr>on 12: Wofford 1. $7avy 8; St. John 5. Carolina 8; Rlchomnd College 1. South Carolina 12: I>avIdson 4. University of Milchtgan and L. 2. Georgia Tech. 8: Mississippi A. A M. 7. Harvard 5: University of Maine ]. SAYS RAKER. Just arrived. Ave thousand blanK postcards. How about your profile going upon a dosen of them? FIRE AT RATH. The residence of Mr. B. J. Draper at Bath was completely destroyed by flfe yesterday about eleven o'? clock. Most of the household effect* on the first floor wer* naved. All on the second flbor were a total lot*. No Insurance wan cart red on the dwelling or fum'*hlngs. FIXE OARRAGE, RUTABAGAS * Irish Potatoes at J. E. Adams A Co. 4-18-Stc. New Theater TONI0HT Rlawnth EplfOd? of Ttao 9t0.000.ft00 Mywi ?ry Al?* i ? R^U of A?0OQi*t?i nun* l Prion (? and 10c. OOMINO ' ??TIUULY'i PUNCTOBai* ? *

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