DAILY NEWS L4?M V actable ttMda, VoL* WASHINGTON N. C MONDAY AFTBRNOON APRIL 19 IMS *<>? * ENGLISH VESSEL GOES . AGROUND DARDANELLES , CREW "MADE PRISONERS London. April 18. ? The British, j aa ma offset to Hutr smxiw la ??>] HUmytnn a TX^rkiah torpedo boat 'wttch attacked the transport Man lton of Chofce yesterday, lost eh? aabaaartae Kl-6 which, while carrf inc oat a difficult ipoonataeaace la the DardaneHlef mine field, ran a * j I round on Reph?a point, the crew ! .uade prisoner*. According to ths Turkish report sen- en of the submarine c rew are la Bmf BtfUak atnnea have drappel bombe on tba Turkish en campment near the border, whll* a French cruiser, the fire of which wee directed by a seeplaqs, has been throw In* sheila on the Turks near El Artth whrre the army for the l^medon. at Efcypt has Its headquart ; ?f? >reeuznaJbly to bara.se the Turks, a* be Turk? have nsot shown say I iltv iitiwn >of attac**Ag ihe British alnoe their last repuws along the canal. * i In the Carpathian* there baa been fighting, trut no battle to be com pared with theme whddh the arrival j of spring brought to a cloee. The Aimtrtana report that t?hey have re pulsed Russian attacka southeast of Lupkorw pass, inflicting heavy losses J on their adrersalree, but elsewhere comparative calm prevails. The French again have heen ac tive In the Voeges. capturing an important height n**.r Metxeral. The British aoo, have attacked the Cermana, in 4he neighborhood of Tpres, where fighting was still in progreee whfcn the last report -was t dispatch*^. ?It again Is stated that German s?iltl ii to bring about an acrorrt j between Austria and Italy hav?? Pa.il jg ed, a req>ort, which If confirmed, Is v lik^fty to magnify In the eyea of the Italians the frontier Incident which oocurred yesterday. According to "the latest reports the Aaatrlana, who wars passing over Italian tarrt tory, actually tired upon Italian troops, who repulsed them. and In rot urn penetrated into Auatrton ter ritory. The ?lnkln? of the Greek steam er ElUsponios (by a submarine off the | L-utoh coast la likely to bring about firkftlon between the Greek and Ger man governments. The EUisponto* wa? destroyed -while on a toyage from Ymu'den, Holland. to Monte video in ballast OoDBtaiutilnople, April 17 (via -wireless to Berlin and London. April 18.) ? The follow Log Turkish offlCtai ( statement regarding recent opera tions In ?be Dardanelles wa? given out here tonight: "On the afternoon of April 14, the Kngldah bat/L&shlp Majestic bom barded a land position near Gaba Te po-h on Sanos bay. The Are was re turned and tho Majestic was forced to rotirta. ','On the following afternoon the Majestic attacked our advanced bar' terles but was struck three tiroes. The warship retired and was replac ed by the British battleship Swift sure, wttUch continued the bombard ment wtthoat revolt. "On the nights between the 13th end. 15th of April enemy torpedo boab-i tried .to penetrate the Darda nelles. They were easily repulsed. Gorman avlaitors dropped bom bp which struck and exploded on ene my coal steamers. "Main headquarters reports tha'. yes^ ray an enemy hyroplane was damaged by Turkish force and fell into the sea. A second hydroplane attempted to waive lit and was sunl: by our Are. An English armored crudaer iwftilch nigged sway the dam aged maohJna was struck by on shells. The lamisor with the hy droplane withdrew." URGED WITH coin A DISTILLERY Kttehln Roberson and Q T. Wool- i and irere trIMd before Unrtte?' ' States Ootnmfiasloner, W. H. Rom, Friday aften*oon charged with Illicit distilling. Examination wss wared by (the defendant* and an ap peal xnlade to ttvi Federal Oour and upon giving bond In the num of $200 eaoh, were released. TAOTK. Two men met. They had not seen each other for 30 yearv. They had finished school on the sa mr? day and had engaged In the same hind of Jbustneea. "I have made a fortune and re tired" eakl one. "I have made a failure" said the other. "How did you succeed?" asked the second of "the flPHt. "I liked mf work w?; ths antfwtir. '*1 did not Mke m; work and therefore failed." said the ether I^earn to like your work. The man wfoo succeeds Is tho man who Ms work. Taste fortells the outcome of undertaking. Cultivate ? taste for your work. Two other men mwt after yearn of se pared loo. One was a leading clMten, rtspepted In hie community. The other ^as a framp and Tags bond. They had entered ooM?*e to gether. The owe likrfd to work and ltkad the com patvlongyp wRh th< brightest mixta and cteaneet lives Ths attorr (Msttked bis duties, and llkttl the company of the shirkers ?ms? ftbe poker players The one M rwd tmsto, tie otW had bad ? Taste revests character. The ?orld Judges (what you ars by ob serving wha< you NHS and wbat yon fisiike. Tov taste predicts your #MMtty. CaKlrate good taste *T%s professor who belie/ ? court teg Ths police of the etty, receiving orAavi from a higher authority, are taking drastic measures to eradicate the houses o t Ill-fame within the limdts of the city. FrMu night they raided the houes of onr> Myrtle Bimpcon who resides In Union Alley and arreat?d her with one other oocupant. and placed them within the routines of tl#3 city Jail. Saturday afternoon they ware brought before Recorder W. L. Vaughan to answer to the charge orf conducting a house of ill-jam e within tihe city limits. Thn proprletar as wm sentenced to twelve months In jail; appealed to the Su perior Oourt and wan nrteased aft?r giving bond In the aum of flOO for her appearance. The other occu pant ww given Juat fifty minutes to Ivave the cKy, and she kift on an af ternoon train. *Five otrfer houses .were raided the Mino nig +mm ??11101 ' ? ii tun ? IS WEES Tho approaching Baraca-Ph'ila thoa Convention In Italefgh ttei* week,' beginning Thursday even'm;. April' 22nl, 1- crating w'de inter est among the young people of tfca Sunday schoools of thla state, of ill Protestant denominations. Abo at seven hundred lingular delegate have ensiled at Baraca-Phllathea head quart era, Git-eneboro, with several day* ahead for those who happen to be late In deciding bo go. In addltTon to' 'the regular dele gates. Beu.ral hundred visitors will attend the Convention. efipecdally on Sunday. Wlleon and Henderson are endeavoring to se white winded messenger of death entered the Lome of Mrv and Mrs. O. E. Jr.rk?on of Ohocowinlty. and took from them their only tailored eon, Arthur be? t?* dwell in that beautiful city on high, where all Is peace and lov* How sad it seems to stand by tno bedside of tiiom wo love and see th?n pa?a over tt> the oth^r slioroy Ho had no enemies, his life was too pure for that. He was al way; bright and cheerful arid mad" friend ???1th all whom he met. The "pick et line" of trt^imory still clings la, 1 r-autiful gar)ari4?-. around the life of Arthur, who craved to enjoy life's morning and to be ushered v.Uh triumph into the realms of tht r-oon-day. _ "Then let our sorrows ? paw to flow. God has only uncalled Hie orwn." He was a true and loving son and brother, faithful to his home and did all that willing hands oould do He never murmured at anything h* could Ao for his mother and sister* He was always cheerful and tried to make his home happy. Now he is gone it la sad and lonely. It the efforts of kind physicians, loving Natives and friends, cc have saved him. he would be with us now. But we grieve not as those who have no hope. We f^el tha' this should be a warning not to set our arfTfotlon too much on any thing on this earth, for H. seom? as If thai which wo prize most is sure to b*? tak? >n away. We feel our loss great ly but realize that it Is his eternal gain. Ood needed one more Jewel. 9C He called him homr?. where 'Jiere will be no more sorrow and pair snd where all Is peso* and love. Who enn stand upon I he summit of life's pathway and comprehend ?hat which await/? us? Today w^ bloom and flourish a ? t.he rose: to morrow* we are cut down snd with er." Ho has only pa'd the debt w? all must pay sooner or later. May the beautiful Wrrtc sing th?" Ir swee.t lullabies near his mound, and the m?mo^y of his life ever he Vv^>t groen by all- who kn?-w him May *he hand thai hns bounded so heavily be the hand to comfort and suooor the grief- stricken one^. No pain, no care can reach him now. The aniH cjnown Is on his brow. His death was Pharp. the jJaln severe Tc ipart. wKh one we loved so dear. The flowers lay upon Ms grave May wither nnd decay. Hit the love for him who Mes be neatft Will nev*r. fade away, He ta gone but nn4 forgot ten ,? Kev^r will h-la tim^mory fatl<*. Bweete?rt thoughts will ever linger | Around the grave where he Is laid Writtfn by a friend. FRSIK RARR, Cbocosslnlty, N. C. J. 8. F?*l of *** t? V Uft?r??7. I ?w -*>e -* ii ' t (11DEIEH niE if i m m, J The program of the annual com mencement of the Washington Put>-' lie School !ui? Juat been computed by Superintendent C. M. Campbell, Jr., and i a as follows: The exercise? wi>l be be??n on Sunday night. May 9th, with a aer non by R*v. B. F. Hi*?ke, rector of Christ Episcopal church. New Bean, la* the auditorium of the school | building at 8:00 o'otock. Rev. Mr Hunk* needs no introduction to i> citizcns of Waahlugton and the fohooi is# fortunate In securing Mm jon this occasion. Wodnesdsy night, May 12th a de jbate -will be conducted im the audi torium at 8:30 o'clock In oorope t't'.on for the Morris Debater's Med al on the subject, "Resoflve?d, that 1 1!4 ? United Statoa should adopt th jl.oltcy of subsidizing its merchant murine engaged in foreign trade." Win. Ellis and Witter Morgan w: uphold the negative rtde while Ray Warren an Dfbert Weston wlllr e?p 'rcient the affirmative. On Thursday nlgtit, May ibth, be ginning at 8:30 o'dlock the daw ex ervises will be conducted. Thursday night May 14th, at 8:30 o'rlock, the commencement addrei" jltr'H he delivered by Dr. Clarence Pee, iprenidenit and edJitor of the iProgreyslxi Parmer at Raleigh. | The nommencajnent will close with 'hn. grnlua-Mng exercises. . MOTOR TO WILMAMSTON*. Mrn S. R Clary, Misses Eleen W'nslow. Mary and Ethel Fowlc anJ Mr. Oleon and Mr. Hugh W. Wll , Items enjoyed a motor trip to W11 lliamston the latter part of thK- pari week. -s GlEfeT OF MR?. KEftSVN'GRit. k Mr*. K. E. Holland ot DanvJlW \a., Is the guest ofr Mrs. J. R. Kee &-r.ger In Market street. There is at leant this to say for ihe gold-Ash: It doeent' try to nln*. WILL ATTEND WEDDING. MUi Ethel Krcssdnger left yester day afternoon for Roper to attend U.e Gllroy-Roper nuptial* (here on Wednesday. A good left-handed pitcher -will rft'-n do morn to advertise a town Lhaa a Commercial Club. TO ATTEND INAUGURATION. Mr. W. G. Prlvette, County Super intendent of Public Instruction will 1 ave tomorrow afternoon for Chapel Hill to attend the Inaugural exer ctica of President E. K. Graham on Wednesday From there he will go to Chattanooga, Tenn.. to attend the Southern Educational Congress , ?Vftlch ron^nes the -week of tfie i 2Mh. Neat to adopting a net, of reaolu tions, a mRs* meeting appears to be the most futile thing. RETURN'S TO HF7RTF< >RI>. Mten pieon Win slow left this morning for her home nt Ilk -rt ford afiter spending some time In this '?Itjr n? the gueat of friends. As a general proportion the "ea* money a man has the morn children lit toelit able to afford. > ftP END WEEK END VtKRK. ? TK Mrs A. L. JonflP and daughter Mi* Rl^oaheth. left nh1> morning 'for tl#Jr hom* at Baltimore; Md., af ter npemllng tihe week end with her aMer. Mm S. R. Clary In We-st Sec ond ftreet. When the man to whom you are tellinc th? stor t tn^omee r^wtlre that, is no Indic&tfon tha* It In a poor story. VISITED AT PT\ETOW\ M***s Caddie and Mary FV>w1e re turned to tMr home In th? cHy to day after "ponding it" week ?md at rintitown aa tba gxirmi* ot Mh?e bm Hi Parkar, IWM MMERIIS irmEj Nvw nr*ter works and sys tems aifa booming in Nsrth Caroline today LKtle town# ftcd villages are lnstalMnc water 4nd w^wrt1 com-, where**. a few yeArs ago. only the Larger iovm had such things Now our largir town* are erecting magnificent permanent plants yield ing only the purest kind of muter and that~ln abundnoe. Th? conservative old town of Rd enton la waking up. At a regrot meeting of her city council an ordl cnnce was passed to Aifdrce the use ol sanitary cups. The ordlnahee d jnonded that the privies be made according to ths specifications rec comwendEvl by the State Board of Health and that th?y be installed before fly-tlnje. A wise ordinance for thin little town, but If she would have them In befcore fly-time, she should bo- up and doing. Durham propose? to run no risk In s jenrd to her city water supply. She lias been using filtered water from tbe Eno r1\vr "but owing to ;he fact that this river rece<\*? drain age from Hdlldboro. her plan )? to charge her source to Flait River. > Flat river la remarkably fre* tiOB) source* of pollution. It affords a| watershed that will be ample lor ths needs of Durham tor 100 years to con?". The new plan calls for a raw water reservoir of 40 million gal lons' capaaKy to be located at tlie present site of a smeller artificial latyi at the Country Club. This wall serve at an emergency supply, a settling reservoir, and will add materially to the beauty of the Country Clnb. Durham has vofc-d $500,000 bonds (o effect, those Improvements. Mr. Cflberl C. White Is the engineer i charge. Moreheud Olt.y la rapidly pushing forward the work of Installing one c t Uto mo?i complete .sowvr syntoma In the Statje. Aocording to the en gineers In charge, the system is al ready 40 per cent complete and Is erpeclted to 'be completed by July 1st. Such a sewer system with the iibolVtlon of the present prlv*es will nake ^forehead oan of the he<hl ?rt Utile towns In the State. Washington Li another North Car olina town that proposes to have a r '.ro water supply. She has bought 1 '? old privately owned plant rwhtch furnished the city water from de?-; wells near the center of town and which brought the owners one pr norto law suits on aooount of Its polluted water Perha/ps the most modern filtration plant has been ln fcUUtd about a mile out of town. The city supply now comes from Tranter's Or#*|k instead of from wells In the heart of town -in clone proximity to human habitations, privies, sewers, etables and other sources of polluAon. Washington also installing a rather ?ompl'ite Ljjrirles. Southporr. has recently Issued MO, 000 bond*? for the Installation of water works and a fwer .system. For her water supply she propone* to slnlc suitable number of deep wells as thero Is no surfarte waAfr avalrabk*. T!h??fi? proposed planu have i u?>t been submitted to the Rtaf/? Board of Health It Is "probable that tln^e. plans or similar plans with slight alterations will be ap proved "by f^ie board. *Tt*yre are known to b* about 12 or IB towns In the sfratp that are actively considering: the Installation of water works, sprw?r systems and sewage disposal plants, or htvprow ments In existing rwaiter and sewer installations. Amh T)?sir*?n Thoman P. Noe of Wilmington. spent a f?v. hours In the dty Saturday. Miss France* Woiilift> lam ev ening. Considering the tact thet the au dience knows It. every candidate wastes a good &mH of ?*ma telling 1 that U ia Intelligent. EXERCISES OF jom mi ? Ml ^nntul ?xerclsea of the Ju Hk '? School will be h?ld in the ao?. '4* trim on Friday at \?inc. the J' ^ vfll bpjrta at 8 SO o'clock doe wilt be odtnitted d-urtnc u* tatxyfl of n umbera of the ppygi. t An interesting program" la- being arranged for the occasion. whkrh will consist of a drama entitled "Courtesy of Ml lea ?kan dish." Cho rum*. dances, an tabetouls. abowing the tiarioua characteristic* of the earty ceUtore. Puritans . Indians, cavalier life of ttv* old South, the old Southern planters and Western pioneers. Ainro *acxh>knt skAtt wall. Ateut 6U? ml In from Small Satur day dj#terooon about t-wro o'clock, the hUtt*aoi>il 1 Of Mr. F1*to All4, good, whteh vw being driven by Mf, fThas. WaJieer, skidded and wjw precipitat ed dnfco the cana.1, which wiui about | six fe?* wide and six deep, but for tuimtely no one vta seriously In jured. Mr. Herbert A Hi good wan teaching Mr. Walker to drive when the accident occurred. Miss Jose phine Waller and M^srs. Walker, Alttftood and Guy Bright *frp' in the car. They were three and one-half hours in STtrloatlng the rar fror? the canaJ. but stranu*- to say the car vta not put out of commission (by the fall. They continued on their way here bringing with them from Small M4?e?s I,aura Walker. Maui?? A lllgood 4nd Holen H?nderMon, and Meeers. Willie Black and Csilpb Al llgood, returning that evening at 9 [o'clock. 10 DEDICATE IE. mm llLilTS CREEK The d?*d teat ion services of War ren's Chapel, Method 1*1 Episcopal Church, South, of Blount'6 Cn*ek, will be hold on the fourth Sunday. April 2Sih, at 3:00 o'clock In the aft.Hr noon and wll] bo conducted by the Presiding Blder of the District, Rev. Ohas. L?. Read. All arv> moot cordially Invited to attond HISTORIC MILITARY PARA1>E. Philadelphia, .Aiprll 19. Th?* flrRt regLment National Guard of this stale. -which formed soon after the first shot of the Ciril w?r Is ' years old today, l^ed by Col. Wil liam Ktiher Ridel I. 800 officers and m/m. escorted by Its veteran corps, passed In review b*for? Governor tlrumgaufrh who Mood on tho por Mco of the Union I>ea?:ue. with oth or dtfcnltarim. This ("venlng they will hsvw their annual dinner. i We am tlokV?1 to death with the l astonishing rwultji of our new ko- 1 dak developing outfit JuBt Installed j Fvery picture In perfect uniformity ! !n height llpht and shadow* No j mfrlti aonntr.hAd or flmr*r mirkftj Hardly any oonvparlaon with any. work wo ha.ve been doing Watoh I the reault*. nAKFin\q studio PIXMVTliI/F VS. MAGNOLIA. The PlnevUle h?neball team will Journey to Matgrnolla Wedneaday where they will me*t the Magnolia team at 2:10 o'cVoek in the after noon Th? Afegnolia 1*?y? are no gr?*?n hands at the aport and Pine vLIVe will have to hand out the real article to win from thein Quite a crowd In eperted to wttneaa thtn. Wd? ill a > the ftealdence of her parent* in Fourth ?tr??t A trial o/ right 'uucix latere to school Hoik* was held <3 **?? Kecoc d'tra Co^rt Saturday at *1 o'cloofc. The cbm camr up fnotn District \o. 1. Washington township. From the ertdeiioe given In at the trial It i?eema tha* a child of Mr. and Mr6. J. C. MoGowan, who 1* a pupil in Mis* Edith Haxdlson'a room 01 the Pinevlll* Gnujed school, bad committed some violation of tfce rules of the school, far which the ?. scratches and h?lr-pull? No aerinu* damage w done, but .41 ordff ?o upl.old the dignity of t lie P-'par?men* of Education. It ??as thought h*"? to take act I to a calnst Mrs. McCnrar. for simpl* ?r caillt. of which nffrnae sne was con voted and fined 1\* ap effort to restrain his wpo wan included In fhc warrant and lAfccd with the cost Tonight at the New Theater the first episode of the "Exploits of Kl&ine" will be shown. In connec tion with three o>thcr reels of A ?r> c rated Pluis making a five reel pro gr?un in addition to the regular program of pictures this house will display tonight about fifty slides or the different busdnese placew and hora-? around ;he c:ty. The prices for tonight only will be 10 and IS ctnts. MAKYIiAXD WOMKN AFTKIt TIC K VOTK. Haiti inor^. April 19. ? Tli? Just Government League vlil devote to day anr] tomorrow to plana for win Ring over the next i?*Kl*l%tvire to give women the vote X ATI VK HONS GOU>R\ \WFHT. San Fimnolnor?, A.prii 19. ? The 2Slh annual s'*i !nn of the Grand i'arlor o? the Native Sons of t.he ( olden Went wan opened this morn InK in th? N*tlv? Son's HulMlBg at the Panama Par-Mr KxposlMon. A fund of J I ft. 000 b?s b^en raised ?? > ; rnfertain the del^ftto* during this week Today there will a 1an | sanbe and Native Son's hall after ih* closing of the business All point* of Interest In the oitjr &'? well an the exposition will be ?!? Ited. Th| m an with money Is concerned mostly with the way his trousers hnnit in the l?*g The man wkhmit money Is mom concerns with lbs way they wear in the ?eat. New Theater A TOWIOHT ^ Flint Kfrisoda of "KX n^HTH (>K KltAVKK' In Two RmiIii 3 ASHOOIATBO FN,MK 3 hO SO WaehJnrt oil's Home* and Store*. Prices 1 t> *nd 16c. ? - - ? ? ? -> +