Craig!" I the number, he over to me. I took Kennedy, The Height*. City. my to are no longer final decision, and not try to tee me the matter. "Very truly yours, -ELAINE DODGE." If It' had been a bomb I could not ' bare been more sui-prlsed. I could not make it out Kennedy Impatiently worked the re trelver op and down, repeating tLe number. "Hello ? hello," he repeated. "Yea? hello. Is Miss ? oh ? good morn ing. Miss Dodge." I He was hurrying along as if to give her no chance to cut htm off. "I hare last received a letter. Miss Dodge, tell ing me that you don't want me to con tinue Investigating your father's death, and not to try to see you again about ? " He stopped, t could hear the reply. - "Why?no ? Mr. Kennedy, I have written you no letter." * The look of mingled relief and sur prise that ttoftsed Craig's face spoko volume*. "Miss Dodge/' he almost shouted. *thts la a new trick of the 'Clutehing Hand.' I ? I'll be rl*ht over." Craig bung up the reeciver - and turned from the telephone. Evidently ?Mr.\|ji?r demily. Suddenly hJs 1 Dodger he a.ked at length ?-> "Why. certainly." nodded Elaine. u *he lead the ?ajr upetalrs It to a dainty little room, breath tat the Wt or tU mistress. In fact. It atMMl a ?ort of profanity aa wa all followed In after bar. For a mo ment Kennedy stood ?tUL tben ha carefally looked about. At the aide of the bed. near the head, he stooped ehd picked ap bo me thin* which he bald la the palar of hla hand. I beat over. Something gleamed in the morning euaeblaa? aome little tfiln pieces or glaas. Aa be triad deftly to At the Uny little blta, together he M?tted absorbed In thought. Quick \y he taUei It to hla hoe*. ae IT te km ell It. "fctbyt chloride!' be battered. Wtafcptog the nieces carefully la i Paper aed putting them toaide hie (Wkw. km tlitant later he croased tte room to the frtortlow and examined It . %*Look>w he exftUhned. Them, plan!?, were mark* bt a Jimmy which bad been ineerted near the feck to open. "Mies Dodge," be asked, "might I tolght 1 trouble yon to let me se your arm?" Wonderlngly ahe dM so. and Ket Oedy bent almost reverently ? ore her plump arm etamtnlng It. On it was a staall dark discolors tlon, around, %hUsb waft a ellgbt reL noss and .tondetttfesft. "ThaU" he said slowly, "la Che matt or a hypodermic needle." As he finished examining Elaine's arm he drew the letter from nla pock et Still facing her he eald in a low tone, "Mlse Dodge? you did ante this letter ? bat under the Influence or the new twilight sleep.' " -Why. Craig." I exclaimed excited ly, "what do yoe mean?" "Exactly what I say With Mlsi Dodge's permission I shall show you. By a small adr. intention or the drufv Which wlU Inji re you to no way. Miss Dodge, 1 think I can bring back the memory of all the1 occurred to you last night. Will you ?"o* me?" "Mercy, no!" profited her Aunt Jo sephine, who had entered the room. "I want the expel**ment t0 be tried,'* Elaine said quietly A moment later l^ennedy had placed her on a couch In corner or the room. "Now, Mrs. Dodg?-" he ?*'<!. "please bring me a basin i-?** * towel." Aunt Josephine, "econclled. brought them. Kennedy di*?PPed an antisep tic tablet Into the' water an? care fully sterilized Blali1*'* arm ftbovo the spot where the r?d marlo^showed. Then he drew the hypodermic from his pocket ? careful sterilized It, also, and filling It scopolamln from the bottle. 'Just a moment. Miss Dodge." he encouraged, as he Jebbed the needle into her arm. She did not wlnc<* " Please He back on the couch,' he directed. Then turalnK to 118 be sdd ?d "it takes somi' time ior thlB to Thar# War# Mark* of a Jimmy on tho Window. IWf Mvmva tw ihm. -r hla mind to something. and a moment later lie opened tha cabinet ? that In exhauetlble storehouse from whloh he eeemed to draw weird and curtoue In* atmmenta that met the ever new prob lems which his strange profession brought to him. 1 watchod curiously. Hs took out a -bottle and what looked like a little fcvpogerinlc eyrlnfe. thrust them Into yMs pocket and, for once, obltrlous to f my rsry edstence, deliberately walked f out of the laboratory. . l I did not propose to be thus cera llerly dismissed. I suppose U would ten looked rldleulous to a third par ty. bat I followed him as hastily as If he h?d tried to shut the doer on his own shadow. We arrived at the oorner aboy? the Dwdgi house )ust la tine to tee sooth | er ? letter ? Bennett ? enter "And. Perry." we heard Elaine si . M we wer* ushered in, 'Someone has ereo forged my aeme?ths handwrit ing and erary thing? telling Mr. Ken nedy to drop the case? and I nsrer She stopped as wo entered. "That's the llnltr eiclslmed Ban natt. "Miss Dodge haa Just been tell Ing me ? " "Y)s. Interrupted Craig. "Look, Mlsa Dodge, thli Is It." Be hsnded her Ike lettet- the al> moet seised It. assuming It carerully. ber large eyes opening wider In woo 1ar. "This la oertalhly my writing and my aete paper," she munwrsd. "hot 1 newer wrote the letter!" id (ran the letter to bar tee said a word, ror work, our crimine' over uua mm and prevented an outer y by using ethyl chloride first- Let me recon struct the scene." A* we watched iQalne going tinder s'owly Craig talked "That night," he ?U. "warily, the masked' criminal ot the 'Clutching Hand,' hent over, hla arm crooked, might have been seen down below us In the ally. Up' here, Miss Dodge, worn otft by the straln of her father * death, let us aay, wee nervously try. Ing to reed, to do s nyttalng that *ould take her mind oS the tragedy. Per haps she (til aslee >? "Jut then the Clutching Band' ap peared He Mn> stealthily through that window, which he had opened. A moment he hesitated, seeing Elaine asleep. Then he tiptoed over to the bed, 1st us say, and for a moment looked at her. sleeptn? A second later he had thrust hie hand lnta hla pocket and had taken oat a small glaaa bulb with a long thin nedk. That sraa ethyl chloride? a drag which prodooee a quick anesthe sia. But It laata only a minute or two. That wee enough Ae he broke the' glaae neck of the balb? letting the plecee fall on the Door near the bed he shoved the thing under Blalne'e face, turning hla own bead away and holding a handkerchief over his own noee. The Mm beat of hto hand la eaough to oattee the ethyl chloride to ?pray out and overcome her Instantly He stepe away from her a moment and replaoee the new empty vial In his '""??V1* took abok from his pocket, opened It There moat have been a syringe sad a bottle of "TiTlhUln Where thai eaase from t do not know. * . ?mt?i i '? to <s? that nt later.- H. ?tola*, miicur MUH'tt. - "th no resistance fro?;hsr ? ?lowJr hs replscstf ths kittls sad tbs nsodls In his pockst , Hs eoald not hsn hs?n In soy hurry now. to' It takss time (or ths d Au to ?orl." Kennedy paased. Had we known at lfca*<tim?. Michael? he of a sinister face? must ha*e teen in the hallway that night, careful that no one eaw him. a tap at the door mad eke "Clutching Hand" muit have heckooed him. A moment's parley and thejr sep arated? "Clutching Hand" going hack to Slain* *ho. wae now under the lh fldence of the second drug. "OUr Criminal." returned Kennedy thoughtfully, "may hare shaken Elaine. She did hot answer. Then he may hare partly revived h?r Shn must hare been startled. Clutching Hand/ perhaps, was half crouching with a big ugly blue steel revolve* leveled full In her fac<S. ?"One word and I shoot!' he proth ably cried. 'Get up!' "Trembling, she must hare done so. 'Tour slippers and a kimono.' he would naturally have ordered. She put them on mechanically. Then he must have ordered her to go out of the door and down the stairs. 'Clutch ing Hand' must have followed, and as he did so he would have cautiously put ont the lights." We were following, spellbound. Ken nedy's graphic reconstruction of what must have happened. Evidently he had struck close to the truth. Elaine's eyes were closed. Gently Kennedy led her along. "Now. Miss Dodge." he en conraged. "try? try hard to recollect Just -what It was that happened last night ? everything." As Kennedy paused after his quick recital, she seemed to tremble all over. Slowly She begad to speak. We Btood awestruck. Kennedy had Iteen right! The girl was now living over again those minutes that liad been forgot ten?blotted out by the drug. And it was all real to her, too? ter ribly real. 8he was speaking, plainly in terror. ? "1 see a man ? oh, such a figure ? with a mask. He holds a gun in my face ? he threatens me. I put on my kimono and slippers, as he tells me. I am in a daze. I know what I am doing ? and I don't know. I go out with him. downstairs. Into the library." Elaine Bhuddered again at the recol Scctlon. "Ugh! The room Is dark, the room where he killed my father. Moonlight outside streams In. This masked man and I come in. He switches on the lights. " 'Go to the safe,' he aays, and I do it ? the new safe, you know. 'Do 1 you know "the combination?" ho asks me. 'Yes,' I reply, too frightened to say no. " 'Open It then,' he says, waving that ' awful revolver closer. 1 do so. Hast- ' lly he rummages through It. throwing : papers here and tliere. But he seems not to tlnd what he is after and turna | away, swearing fearfully. "'Hang It!' he crleB at me. "Where else did your father keep papers V I point In desperation at the desk. Ho takes one last look at the Bafo. shoves all the papers he has strewn on the floor back again and Blams the safe shut " 'Now, come on,' he says. Indicating with tho gun that he wants me to fol low him away from the safe. At tho desk he repeats the search. But he finds nothing. Almost I think ho is about to kill me. 'Where elso did your father keep papers?' he hinges fiercely, ?till threatening me with the gun. ?I am too frightened to speak. But at last I am able to say, 'I ? 1 don't know!' Again ho threatens me. 'As <3od is my Judge,' 1 cry, 'I don't know.* It is fearful. Will he shoot me? ''Thank heaven! At last he believes me. But such a look of foiled fury 1 have never seen on any human f?5o before. "'Sit down!' ho growls, adding, 'at the desk.' I do. " 'Take Home of your note paper ? the beat.' I do that, too. " 'And a pen,' ho goes on. My fin gers can hardly hold It '"Now ? write!' he sayS, and us he dictates, I write" ? "This?" Interjected Kennedy, eager ly holding up the letter that he had received from her. Elaine looked it over with her drug laden eyes. "Yes," she nodded, then lapsed again to the scene Itself. "He reads It over, and rb he does so sayB, 'Now, addresi an envelope. Himself ho folds tlio letter, seals tho envelope, stamps it, and drops It Into his pocket, hastily straightoning tbo desk. " 'Now, go ahead of me ? again. Leave the room? no, by the hall door. We are going back upstairs. I obey him, and at tbe d6or he switches off the lights. How 1 stand tt T <&' not know. go upstairs me ohanfdslly Into my own room? I and thla masked roan. " 'Take off tho kimono and slip pers!" he orders. I do thaty^^WTTnto bed!' he growls 1 crawl Utfearfully. For a moment he looks about ? then goes out? with a look back as he goes. Oh! Ob! That hand ? which ho raises at me ? THAT HAND!' The poor girl was sitting bolt up. right, Btsrlng straight at tbe hali door, as w*- ?(ltcbed and lUtoned, fa Int ttf. 8he gave evidence of com ing out from the elfeot of the drug. 1 noticed that Bennett had sud denly moved a step In the direction of tho door at which she starod. "By heavens t" he mutterod, star ing, too. "Look!" We did look. A letter waa slowly being lnaerted under the door. I took a quick step forward. That moment I felt a rough tug at my arm, and a voloo whispered: "Walt, yon chump!" It was Kennedy. He had whipped oat his automatic and had carefully leveled it at tbe door Before be could Are, however, Bennett had rushed Ahead. I followed. Wo looked down the tuMP Sore enough, the figure of a man could be seen disappearing around an angle. I followed Bon-, |Htt out ?f the 4oor and .Iowa the j. . Tve Got Him, Kennedy!" MIL Words cannot k?ep pace with what followed. Together we rushed to the beck stairs. "Down there, while I go down the front!" cried Bennett. I went down, and he turned and went down the other flight. As he did so Craig followed him. 8uddenly, In the drawing room. 1 bumped Into a figure on the oth*r side of the portieres. I seized him .We' struggled. Rip! The portiere: came down, covering me entire!) Qvw- and over we went, smashing ; lamp. It was vicious. Another mai: attached me. too. "I've got him ? Kennedy?" I heard a voice pant over me. A scream followed from Aunt Jo sepBlne. Suddenly the portieres werf pulled off me. "The deuce!" puffed Kennedy. "It's Jameson." Bennett had rushed plump inte rne, comln* the bther way. hidde: by the portieres! If we bad known at the time, out Michael of the sinister face had gainer the library and was standing iy'xhe center of the room. He ha heard me coming and had fled to thr drawing room. As we finished ou: struggle in the library- he rose hastil> from behind the divan in the othei room, where ho had dropped, and had cj iiit-tly and hastily disappeared through another door. Laughing and breathing hard, they helped me to ry feel. It was no joko to me. I was sore In every bone. "Well, where did he go?" Insisted Bennett. "I don't know ? perhaps back there," 1 cried. Bennett and 1 argued a moment, then started and stoppod short. Aunt . Josephine -"had run downstairs and was now shoving the letter Into Craig's hands. We gathered about him curiously lie opened it. On It was that awe somo Clutching Hand again. Kennedy read it. For a moment he stood nnd studied it, then slowly cruehed it in his hand. Just then Elaine, pale and shaken from the ordeal she had voluntarily goiln through, burst in upon us from upstairs. Without a word she ad vanced to Craig and took the letter from him. Inside, as on the envelope, was that same signature of the Clutching Hand. Elaine gazed at it. wild-eyed, then at Craig. Craig smilingly reached for the note, took it, folded it, and un concernedly thrust it into bis pocket "My God!" she cried, clashing her hands convulsively, and repeating the wordo of the letter. "YOUR LAST WARNING!" (TO BE CONTINUED.! JiOTUCR OF BALE. .,k Under and by virtue of tlje -power of sale contained in three; certain Mortgage Deeds, dated Mar. 26, 1912 May 20. 1912. and Dec. 1. 1914. re spectively, executed by Garfield Clemmons and wife, to Edward L. 1 Stewart, which said rartgage deeds are duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds In book 1 (S >1. | page 342, book 166, page 409, and book 182. page 9 6 respectively, to I all of which reference Is hereby had, same being In Beaufort county rec ords, the undersigned will on Fri day, 14th day of May, 1918, at 12 I o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door I In Beaufort county, offer for sale to tl.e highest bidder for carfh, the fol lowing described real estate, to ' wft : ! Adjoining the lands of W. E. Swindell, Katie Joyner and others, i lying and b&ing on the wwt side of Gladden street, and South ? side - of Ninth street, and being a part of the land known as ths Pats land, land hounded as follows; Beginning at a point on the South orn side line of Ninth street, where ?he Western side line of W. E. Swln Intenecta the Raid Southern tide line of Ninth atree., and running thence along and with said Swin dell Intersects said Southern aids of about 170 feet, to ths Southern side line of the Pate land, aa bought from O. Wllkine and wtf# by 8. T. Nldholaon: thenoe along and with the said Southern side line of the said Pat? land, running a distance nf about 1B0 feet, to the corner of the lot eonv#r?d to Katie Joyner hv G. Wilkin* and wife: th?nre North wardly end wtth the Fastern *1d line of the said Katie Jfoynsr land and nsrellellns the first llneN^r* tn r*c1t*d. rnnntnr a o''* snd wlrti the said Southern aid* line of Ninth etr*?*. "* ?*eri?*?M th*nce running WsS*wsrdlv ale*" end wtfh til* SSTd Son.heri eM* tine o* NTnth street a distant of s >ont nn f?*t to the be^tuntns Tfcla ll?h dsT ef Ae?H1. 1S1I [ W?*?D u ??WA*T MWn. ST'T* r:? , i -i artlda pobllshed by !ty to the Wuh ?31 of Issuing the turn of Thlrty ix>llars for the pur shall rote b?Uots on which shall be wrHteu or printed the -words, "For Sewera*? and Fire Alarm System" and th 09* wi shall oppose the Issuing of said bonds for Mid purpose wUl rote ballots on which shall be written or printed the words "Against Sewer i|e and Fire Alarm 6yrtem." The following persons have baen designated by the Board of Alder men to act as registrars for tie n rlous wards, to-wtt: First Ward ? W. K. Jaoobsoa. Second Ward ? T. W. Phillips. Third Ward ? W. W. Leggett. Fourth Ward ? H. H. Dal vs. The following places hare bsw . i estimated as {tolling plases fer said election: First Ward ? Washington Mster Car Company. Second Ward ? City Hall. Third Ward ? Leggett'e Store. Fourth Ward ? Andrew's Stors. The registration book* will be open on the 2nd day af April, 1815, and will remain ?pea tar the perled of twenty days. This 23rd 4*7 of Mas*. 1011. FRANK ? ItVOTSB May sr. Countersigned: W. m. Ayers, Cl* dwt. t-S8-a4Mal. none*. Having qualified as adeatalsttat ?f >f the estate of John R Perry, i* ?eased, this Is to noMfy all pe?e?Kis holding claims airadnst said estate, '.a file same with the aademteaed ldmlnlstrator, or with Simmons ? Vatiatoaft, attorney*, within one year fr0m thle date, or th^s notice will be pleaded 1n bar ef payment. All persons indebted to said es tate will pleas* make Immediate settlement. This Uareh 23. 1518. A. If MW4T, Administrator Jehn R. Perry, de ooased. 3immoas A Vaughn. Attys. WE ARE AGENTS Iver Johnson, Reading Standard, Emblem, Hudson Dayton and Great Western Bicycles sold for cash or on time. We also have the most complete repair shop in the city all work guaran te?d' D.R. CUTLER Phone 288 CHiWESTERSPIL^ Lpra-SEM n be**, iau?T RibbM. r thi&Ti&sffeflKteij I rm>k-onM|wl,i(lM.AIlrtti(UM< SOI B IV DRUGfiKTS CVERVWHERf A D MI NTSTIt A TOR'S IfOTIO. This !? to notify all person* that I ha** thla day qualified m Admin istrator Cam TMtiorou Annexo of Geo. Williams, daoeiued. AJ1 par "?n? holding claim* again* said ea tat* ara notified to file nld olalmi with ma on or bAfore the 10th day o? March, 1916, or thla notice will |ba pleaded la bar of thalr recovery. I All parsons Indebted to slid e? 'ate will pleat* make lmmedUUe pay ment. This 18th day Maroh, 1918. B. J. BR I DO 108, Administrator 0. T. A 3-so-flwe. ___ Sympathy. Sympathy with pain l? not tha hlgfc ??t form of sympathy, Anyone oan sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, hut It requlree a very fine na ture to sympathise with a friend's euocess. Sympathy with Joy Intensl Sea the sum of Joy In the world. Sym pathy with pain does not really dl mlnlsh the amouc* of pain.? Oeeai Wilde, CASTOR I A I?r Inluta ul OUUtm. TIm KM Yn Bin Ahrm hartt TQDAYIS THE DAY ^ to get that Insurance you have been thinking about Put it off no longer. Wm. Bragaw &. Co. First Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C. /n "BIG TASTE" Crystal ice cream Fresh Today Strawberry, Peach, Pineapple and Vanilla CRYSTAL ICE Getyaar refrigerators realy ao/r while the weather la comfortable. PHONE 83 Crystal Ice Company Washington, N. C. . LION I* JDD -Hi ??>?? N<* y?k C.a E???a;e -UKIS W LI J. I.EON WOOD & CO. B\NKERS and BROKERS. ?torts, BoOi, Cotfcm. *rmt? mm* rrorMou, m Hum Ifj OufMlw BalMlf, lorfolk, Ta> PrtTrt wtrw to Ifw fork Mott OfclMf ????? ag rrwSa sad otkar Mim Ooriwfwidww wmm p>ctf?Uy toUdltl (BiMlaal am? lurflMf Aeroufta *!*?? OiNM Aft? tin ?, Summer Cooking Shouldn't Cook the Cook k Getting dinner ready in July is just as com fortable as in Novem b e r ? i f you use a FLORENCE OIL COOK STOVE. The heat goes into the cooking, not into the kitchen. It docs your work well and reliably, and keeps vou com fortable. It requires 1csj> watching and regulating than a coal stove. You can keep one or four burners at an intensely hot or merely simmering flame. Come in and let us show you-jiow these Florence Automatic Stoves work, how simple and reliable. No Wicks to burn out. No Vafvtt to leak. Once started, each burner will keep going at the same power until you turn it out. PERFECTLY SAFE HARRIS HDW. Co W ashington, N. C. ' Tht Turning Point >? Oil St* i* Huttey" FLORENCE Oil Cook Stoves "Look for the Lever'* LOWERS FOR \LL OCCASIONS. WE GROW THEM Roses, Violets, Vallles and Carnations a Specialty. Wadding and Funeral Flowers arranged in'the latest artistic stylet Blooming Pot Plants, Ferns, Palms and many other nic? plants (or the house. Write (or Spring Price List of Rose Bushes Shrubberies, Hedge Plants, Evergreens and Shade Trees. OurBusInets Is Growing. Mall, ulftgrtph and Ulophono orders promptly tMtatod by J. L. O'QUIWM * (X>., HAbKGl. K. 0. T PlvnM, ?tor t 41. G?0*n Hom 14?. ^ NOT1CK OF HALF. By virtue of an order of renale, the laet bid having been raised, 1n the proceeding of Eugenia Bryan, Admx. of A. M. Edward*. deceased, agalnwt Clyde, Hupert end Albert Morgan Edwards. helns ?tMaw, I will tell at publlo auotlon for enh to the highest bidder, at the Court house door of Beaufort oounty, on Monday, May 10th, 1915, at noon, the EM ward* water mill and elte, to gether with the right# and privi lege* Incident and belonging thereto, eubjoct to the wldow'i dower 1n the name, the vacant lot adjoining the I mill property end the house and *ot | in the town of Eward. lately om-n |ed and ocovptefl by A. M. Edwarda. The property will be offered both a* a whole end In pareelg. but no bid of lean than 81* Hundred and Thir ty eight <$???. AO) Dollari for the whole will be received. This ApHI 10th. 191B. A- D tfael.RAN. Advl?? for the Timid. X>eo"t be afraid to be alone T7?tfl 7on overcome such fear, you lire In a pitiable elate of dependence. It meant that you mutt faiten your preaano* upon aome other human being at all tlmee welcome or not, for you irlN crow *elfl?h in your faar, arid icnort the rlfchta of otbere Without Peraonallty. The man who ha* no refuse In htn* "elf, who llyea, ao !o apeak, la his front rooma, In the out"r whirlwind o i thlnta and opinion*, la not properly a | peraonallty at all . . . h?. ta on* <u' a crowd- ? Arnl"' 8pote on KltoHan Floor*. 80 many women grieve heeaHi there are greaae apote on their kltofc J en ftoore and water with any emount j of scrubbing will not remove them; Juat try alcohol to remove thee* name epota. and yon will be pleaaed with the roault Strength Teeted. On a teat. a bM waa found t?t to ??n > mo ttmrn ***** Wu It*

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