AFTERNOON APRIL 29 1915 \ The Exploits of Elaine A ttetecthre Novel tod ? Uobon Picture Drama ?T ARTHUR R REEVE * '_? ' MMIHlmnWlliM,. UlhMoH|U.lMnM. ?VNOF1I?. sS^^SSi 53Jk?Vffir5 .ySHpJgl sjsnssL^ K?nS^ J-ivrsri SSBHi??? fourth episode t?>? rrot?n talk. K?nne?j. 11 j,. 4oor ^ " TV""11-' ?p- .1 ' .rS,' ?' ?*ln?-S&> the brutal tDacMnatlona of the Clutcbla* Hand. Bennett ?. on the step ?f tin cab 1? * "-???? ?M together. on. ? Elal??- they assisted her W?r tbe car and up the step. (0 the liJPSj*'* Annt Josephine was wait. drr,ns?m' h.t uk^;,^"in? *?u "?? "? "And to think they? act* aMy?ear a "*?? *??"?<'7 Mned"T' ^1' WU' pr?vtnt >t* being 1^"' ?'??> "*ny one should i e^rn tb* combination.'* Tbey atood before the safe ? mri_ ^^^J5rKS??",??< 1,cw ''Wonderful I "he admired. Kl,!n*?"" *PPro?e of It,- cried Kialne, much plaaaed. "Now I base semethlng .to. t0 rtow you " drfw'^^r1 " "" ?' ">? said, drop wtokf" *lMcln? "P M him 'Care for It?" he repeated. 'It will treasures?" ^ahe .UppMi th. picture Quickly into . Come." ahe Interrupted. Aunt Josephine will be ,ODi,rl where we are. She . * chape rob," ,he * ? "?'?'>?> ^Bennett. Aunt Josephine and my ?tf S? ^rn'ed*""*"" " *""? nJ^L??r',',? ' fH noticed Ken* i *0^,, ,,n", " tbs door to I'X"W7 ? w.?t orar ui.. m^T "? h'd" ?"??? .^VatSw^. "*? " "? "??r ???>*?, glancing at ?Pa rtitn* aa he turned *fr*14 1 ?u?t to now." irtiWH^ "?ri" ?lto? .ha stood "*.*???k h"?? f?r me today." about t?*??.T," a,?ra*lhln? ???'??? LoUMTiL ??Mdy . W.?M< ft* k?.y agala," ha raaM i*lMta?Uy D* f' Ofc. I hope ye?. ws gat tWw soos l "?lM rfiUSTMTO MUM* to laoMa - ? . bosUka Ml* to tka wan >? a hot ka? and pttkaae -?Sa'SXtSS ated by clockwork. Aero* the blank white paper ran an Ink Una traced by a stylograpblc pen. need aa 1 had seen la mechanical pencils uaed in office*, betels, banks and such places Kennedy examined tke thing with tatMwt . . -What la it r I aaked. -A new kino* rack," he replied, ?till fating Carefully at the rolled bp part of the paper. *1 have In stalled It because It registers every footstep on the floor of our apartment. We can't be too careful with this Clutching Hand. 1 want to know whether we have had any vlBltors or not In our absence. This straight line indicates tha* we hava not Walt a (moment." / Craig hastily unlocked the door and entered. Inside I could see him pac ing up tod down our modest quarters. "Do you see anything. Walter?" he called. . .1 looked at the klnograph. The pen had started to trace its line, no longer even and atralght, but zigzag, at different helghta across tho paper He came to the Coor. "What do you think of it?" he Inquired. "8ome idea," 1 answered enthusi astically. We entered atod 1 fell to work on o special Sunday etory that 1 had been forced to neglect. I waa not so busy, however, thatrl did not notice out of the corner of my eye that Kennedy had taken from its cover Elaine Dodge's picture and was gazing at it ravenously. I had finished as much of the article aa 1 could do then and waa smoking and reading It over. Kennedy was etlll gaiing at the picture MIbb Dodge had given hlnh then moving from place -%o place about the room, evidently wondering where it would look best. I doubt whether he had done another blessed thing aince we returned. He tried it on the mantel. That wouldn't da At last he held It up be side a picture of Oalton, 1 think, of finger print and eugenics tame, who hung on the wall directly oppoalte the areolae*. Maatlly he. compared Lhe two. daintfa picture waa precisely the aatnasis*. I Hext he tore out the picture of tho scientist and threw it careleaBly into the fireplace. Then he placed Elaine's picture in ita place and hunt; It up again, standing off to admire it. 1 watched him gleefully. Was this Craig? Purposely I moved my elbow suddenly and pushed a book with a bang on the floor. Kennedy actually lumped. I picked up the book with a muttered apology. No. this was not the same old Craig. Perhapa half an hour later I was still reading. Kennedy waa now pacing up and down the room, apparently unable to concentrate hlB mind on any but one subject. He stopped a moment before the photograph, looked at it fixedly. Then he started bis methodical walk again, hesitated, and went over to the tele phone, calling a number wplch 1 rec ognised. "She must have been pretty well done up by he? experience," he Bald apologetically, catching my eye. "1 waa wondering If ? hello! ? oh, Miss Dodge ? I ? er? I ? er? Just called up to aeo if you were all right." Craig was very much embarrassed, but also very much in earnest. A musical laugh rippled over, the telephone. "Yes, I'm all right, thank you. Mr. Kennedy? and I put the pack age you sent ma Into the saf?, but-?" "Package?" frowned Craig. "Why. 1 sent you no package. Mlsa Dodge. In the aafe?" "Why, yes, and the aafe is all cov ered with moisture ? and ?o cold " "Molature ? oold?" be repeated hastily. "Yea. I have been wondering if it is all right In faet. 1 was going to call you up. only I waa afraid you'd think I was foolish." "I ahall be right over," he answerod hastily, clapping the receiver back on Ita hook "Walter," he added, seising bis hat and coat, "come on ? hurry I " A few mlnutee later we drova up m a tail before the Dodge house and rang tbe bell. Jennings admitted us sleepily. Jt oould hot bate tm long afta, we laft Ml,, nodi*. lata la (lit a ft ?moon, that fliula Martin, who had baan quit, worried car our lost abaanoa attar tha attaint* to r4k bar (athar, dropp?d la m V lain a. Wtda-ared, aha had 111 taMd to Watea'a Hon Of what bad happened. * -And t?? think tun Ctutebldi Rand kad raaottrad tha InertnlokUat pa para that eapaad him to",i?urd?r /our father?" aaked (tula. ?lalnrahook bar bead. "No. Ut m? ?haw ?oo tha hi aafa l>? bought. Mr Kanoadr thlnka U wooderf aL' 1 abould think rfta'd b? proud of It: adnlrad loata. -I aiuat Ml fatbar to gat m too." At that ran moment. If thaj bad kam *, tha ClatoWai Hand, wtti Ma AMI, aaaka* (Ma. wa? teertn, at ?M t?a Ctrta tto? tha aUar kMt at tha tortlam. SINE IQ CMIISSi IEDETI1 The State Fish Commission Board met here tut Hotel Louise m 11:30 o'clock this morning. Present at the meeting were: Ed.1 Chambers Smith, chairman, ,of Ra leigh, L. B. Winslow of Hertford, A. V. Coob of Bertie county, ?. ] H. Freeman of Wilmington, and, ,W. M. Webb of Morehcad City, i At the time of going to press no ! action had been taken by Board; with respect to the appointment of an ia?istant Fish Commissioner and Shell Fish Commissioner. The appointment, will probably be! madefthis evehing. Adjournment j was taken ta| 1 o'clock for dinnefr. Susie rote to so and Elaine followed her to the door. No sooner had the (one than the Clutching Hand came out from behind the curtains. He gased about a moment, then, moving over to the safe about which the two girls bad been talking, stealthily examined it. He must have heard someone com ing, for with a gesture of hate at the safp Itself, a? (bough he personified it, he slipped back of the curtains again. Elaine had returned, and as she sat down at the denk to go over some pa pers which Dennett had left relative to settling up the estate the masked Intruder stealthily and silently with drew. "A package for youw Miss Dodge, ' announced Michael later In the eve ning, as Elaine, in her dainty evening gown, was still engaged in going over the papers. He carried it in his hand* : rather gingerly. "Mr. Kennedy sent It, ma'am He! says It ctaiaina clues, and will youj please put it in the new safe for hlra."i Elaine took the package eagerly and examined it. Then she pulled open the Utile -fouud door ot the globular | safe. "It must be getting cold out. Ml*' chael," she remarked. "This package is as cold as ice." "It is, ma am." answered Michael She closed the safe, and. with a ?laulf , John V' . Who is there anion* us who does not recall thcee fa mous words in vbich the Puritan maid took matter? in her own hands when it oacne to a question of Win# hef chtnee at happin<>? if she remained silent ? Pri*cillu knew what she united and wont af ter it She wti? the firnt exponent of the Feminist movment which is' swooping the worid today. If you Wish to see Priacilla in hor native envirdunrem ho sure to uttend the prewhtadon of the "Courtship of Iffiles StanHlsh/' whieh will be yven in the school auditorium on tomorrow fFridav) evening. April fcOth. A large crowd is expect*^ to attend. The jrirls of Hie Hiph School Club will sell refreshments at the conclusion of tfc* after Racing out at thctn. took a auic!: look at ?he ?afa. "Good!" b? muttered. Nolseleuily Micbael of the .inl.ler f "A Package for You, Mitt Dodge." face moved In ~nd took a position In the center of the room. ss If on guard, while Clutching Hand sat before lhe| lafe watching It Intently. "Someone at the door? Jennings it answering the bell." Michael whis pered hoarsely. "Confound It!" muttered Clutching Hand, as both moved again bohlnd the heavy velour.curtalns. ? ?*???? "I'm so glad to see you, Mr. Ken nedy," greeted Elaine unaffectedly as Jennings admitted us. She had heard the bell and was com ing jownstalrs as we entered. We three moved towHrd the llbmry and someone switched on the lights. Craig Btrorie over to the safe. The cold nweat on It had now turned to icicles. Craig's face clouded with thought as he examined It more close ly. There was actually a groaning sound from within. "It can't be opened." he said to him self "The time lock Is set for tomor row morning." Outsldfi, if we had not been so ab sorbed In the rresent mystery, we might have gecn Michael and the Clutching Hand listening to us Clutching Hand looked hastily at his wMcfl. "The deuce!" he muttered undei his breath. Btlfllng his suppressed fury. We stood looking at the safe Ken nedy was deeply interested, Rlalde standing close beside him. Suddenly he seemed to make up his' mind. "Quick ? Elaine!" he cried, taking her arm. "Stand back!" We all retreated. The safe door, powerful as It was. had actually begun to warp and bend. The platea were bulging. A moment later, with a loud report and ooncusslon, the door blew off. A blast of cold air and flakes like snow flew out. Papers were scattered on eveff side. We stood gsilng. aghast, a second, then ran forward. Kennedy qulokly examined the safe. He beat down and from the wreck took up a package, now covered with white. As qulokly he dropped It. , 'That la the package that was sent,*1 cried Blaine. Taking It In ^.table cover, he laid it on th* |able and opened it Inside wae a peculiar shape flask, open at the top. but like a vacuum bottle. "A. Hp war flasfc!" ejsctftgted Craig. "What la NT" aaktd Blaine, appeal ing to him. "Liquid air!" he answered. "Ae It evaporate^, the terrific pressure of expanding air In the aafe Increased nntfl It blew oat the door. That la %bt4 cq^sed ths cold sweating a&4 the I CAROLINA % Will THE iWasliin^on. April 2*. ? Rcsulu | of big glin practice bv the coast ar tillery militii last vear were an nounced tonight bv jg^lu-r Gen eral Miles. Companies making the iH'jf score* with the various weapon^ with their average of hit* wen* : Six-inch rifles ? Fourth Maine 4 hi-fis out of five shots, mean rang**, 5 275 virdu: figure uf merit. 08. 000. Eight inch Kflee ? Fifth Xorth ( an ?Una. 2 hits, out of 3 shots ; tfenn-range, 6.19? yards, figure of merit, 42.800. Ten-inch rifles ? Third Maine, .'i hi is out of 3 allots, mean range. 7.007 yards. figure of merit. 00, T welvp-iiieh ri fles? V > ?u rt?vn * li Connecticut. 3 hi's out i?f 3 .|?of mean range. 0,277 yard*. fiffuri* of tittif. 00.104. Twelve inch mortar* ? Sm-i ?i. ! Khinlo T stand. 1 hit rmf 2 -hot*, mean ilangr. 4.400 yard#, tiger- of merit. 00,104. groans." We watched him. ?r Rrtlo*!. On thf other *l. WniiuT. j* former ;fsi?l(*ii( of ?ii?> eity. Mr. Warner moved fi>?ui ln-rc to; Mountain lust March, with the hupe thai the climate there I would lend to improve the heulth nf M r-. Wunier. who wa> aiTlieted ' .xi : ill tuberculosis. lint aiucc? mov- j nir there hercouditioti gradually I prt'w worse and the end came atj ;.*4f? a. in. Mrw. Warner was tin* ?laughter] of "M r. and Mrs. J. 1'. Fellrrs. for mer residents of Washnjrton. wl;.-| f\ow live in Toledo. Ohio. \vher''| Mr. F.-lleis was manager of ih**l Toledo Stave i? ltd Heading Co. IWid<*> a hil-l?and. tin* dt-ceu-ed Lmves a father, -n p mother an J ti\%> "i -iters. 'Mi rv-ritui ii- aro fSpivtod to ar rive lier?* tlii* evfiiiii?: at 7 :W o' clock -Hi a Norfolk Southern train. ?The fuiK-ral services will U con ducted from (1k> re^ideinr of Mi. WarinT*> parents Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Warner in Wairr street, tomor- ! row fir '> "Yl.wk hv l(ov. R. Y. Uiipi- "t 1 1 ('hir-? niTu nliiiii h1. inicrn-'I in ( >,ilc ; t-alu ct-un'i'-rv. On mvntmt i }i iifuiuli )in*i t? N?. |iV| A. r ni..J A. M. i:t their hill t earner Thirl ;? 1 1 ? I linn ii#-r streeN tomorrow < Kriiljiyi cv eniiiff u4 * rtVl'wk f< >r t.he jutrpo?r| of conferring the Master* flejfret\ Monilrf'rs urjre.1 '?? lie pro-mil. YU ilor* cordially invitcil. P.v order raa???d Joy when told It was 1 Ir c ocfupied by Russian troops. Qomotllsd to Swiar Allegiance. I.ondon. ? UftS?t?n funotlonarlaa at '3tiont hod to take the oath of J illtglanc* to tha German government ?wording >o in Amsterdam dispatch j? New Theater TONIGHT Tliirt?*uifli Kpinodo of **/A 'DORA" In two t(ofl? Also fl Korl* Aus^hUm} Kilm? U Price* 5c awl lOo Aill Nwt Work Nimfoti Mnaiml Company." HI 1MB 11 MET if mm Mr. Editor1 I read, and I trut J have duly considered the articde V. ^ ,-ld* '1'. Kodman, in tba -v -^"w?, published on the 13th m?t. J du not mean this for con troversy, for 1 have duo respect for ?e? ladyship, and much regard for Jut capability, but in the foar of <>od. regardW of the frowns or ??'?its ut m unkind. I have a minj lo oner u few ?!?. ighn on the set Jt'i't <#f woman. -W. if Wc. believe the Bihle to !> i, of tak?*n out oi lli" tup yf his head. nor under bis mhi, s.? jtrrorviinp \r> mv under ?laiulmi; she was not to ni|c over lniit. neither whs Ik* to erusfi^ her, ' ^ """rifii. ihcriah cam for ?UK. 1i?t. Ht, waff to Manrf ut^jiij.J risrhr and contend in a law "i mnnnr fuiihere where- CJod Himself plae ed . er. ? Out of if b]le jg qurp ^ he :i t a iht re. i he (S reeks wore once the most nowerfiil nation on earth. but iris '??rv in forms u> that in their prid* ' .ev forfgot (to d, took fhin^v in ,p hands and that wan t he It? TTMoriaiis know. Now ]??? i ?* r men he men and our women .)o women, according to the type ?ct forth in the chapter mentioned / 1 hove. ( >f course there r.-r cxeeptions to ' S?nitinie< women havo I to Ok. forw.i -,l and do what their dHicafe. mode', mm. res shrink ? from : and blush at it *. in the cane of rather when she was informed her kinsman More.-ai. that tern whole nation of .Tews wejv poin? to he destrored and it was in her power to pv ? ent. and if *he didn't: *he would !*? destroyed also. Oh! bow ^lie hand ??"? forward. She so dfVftded the law of the King ?die sent word fo all .Tew? in Rhu ?hau to fast nnd she and her mai don? would f/j.vt al-io. which thev I d. She thr-n wa? endojred with' wisdom from on TTiph. came he" fore fho Kinff ripht and her neti tV.n was (ruajifwl. Sh feared ilod. x ow friends, pride has ever heeri ?he rnu?e of thr> overthrow of na 'ion" kinjrHoms. churches. h >mes. Piop and think of the cost of our iJr.fv T>oth eivil nnd religion*, llu- Mftod of our foref atbvvr* vat price and if the h -roe