- - \THER?Cnaattled Xumjbt anil ' WASHINGTON N. C. WEDNESDAY' ftHUNOON MAY 12 1915 and well-at the Cfcpt Geor* gnd valuable a-1? M>d, , Ifaa bn taiWii* p*? g into the eity in or , the fame? to tain? _ i and other prodnee thare thi. summfir. I hooestly be tim thai it ?? tis?! fcr the >bM M of Waafcwtfen to ?A if wTcouldn't do ngerS*. ChoeWrinity road ftfo ??*yta.d?eto *ed ik in an aW* ,ua| litfon and something be done at onae towtard? I it I roqueat that ? ? W> appointed fro* A? body to apjx?# Wffl. 4* eonnt, ??^ ?jnoner* and a# ihoiie genttem#? ?whether they woold be witHa* to pweife an anwoot equal to . that raised by the boaineae man of the t*y far V* imfrnrnemrni bf thia ' BP? ? ? ' - . ? ? ?j.,? i *Uieo Arrived m . Port Mtomimg From Sew DEMPWOLF I IB OOWCANDKK Captain, W. W. 'Jaymet, it Sow on Duty at Pewr eofc, 9U.; 1 Ike revenae enttor I'anilioo (ar-1 rirfd ia ? port thin morning And .?will mpahl 'hem until tomorrow dke will a*il for Sew Bern. <*ptofned by J.iuk. R. W. Dompwolf. Captain If. ,W. Jovnea, bar farmer com m??der, i? now on duty at Penae Bo* Fla. j^The Patnlipo left New Bern Monday to auiat die mail boat Gertn*, running between JBel h a veil and Swan Quartar, which kad ran feground at Rose'Bay. I When the cutter arrived at the I bar,, the Gertrude had anoceeded in netting off the shoal. The Pamlioo then proceeded on her war hem _________ ? Commencement Of W.CJnetitute 'Chl * I Trognm it A<P>III :rd. Errr t>Ha-Promiem p>-he Kzcftd ' number I temi??. Sunday d**, SO, the I latiim wruttwi Will he preitcb "the the namr of I th4' apaakte to be announced lat er." A utvtieal meital inwlrr 'he dieertion (<f the mnai" vaciv-r. Jlaofa flight, Jm+ Mr. 1W tfcefw win be an lt<lonelbni: *?'?** The efllbobeM on J ?td a program, lir,] It torn ry nocietiee thai it* Will be rendered Wed _f mjrtu Jnno 3rd. u.^1k?' - ' %ii\Swain Gets Auto Back A^m Machine frotmd in Sim Ben Va Poteetion of Aaron Lupim*. 18.?Deputy 'kajr^jrecd eKoompa the white i. wiw tiw ?i? Lami hereMon .... w Wieriff W Vh.rsed with J}4*>it|g aa-automeWe, the prop jfcjr of ? Mr. Swam. Depntv. Smith Mated reeteirtav that -the mtmt' wia aeMed by I.TiKVm play in* (he ooflit float anfl the ??r ' ?rt tor the ?te of the . total ooat to Lupton is.X'sztw ? Mr In ?ood running order, ?o.t thla.wM learned to be ? mia Wli.ll* . TWHTTWu Mt the eOS.?TSf?? Bern : ? BERLIN CELEBRATES BISMARCK'S BIRTHDAY lientral view at the. Bismarck monument la Berlin on the occmiS of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the Iron Chaaeellor : ->*?W '-W Making Change In Thai- Store\ Lewii k Calais to > Move Their \ Men'8 Department to Store om Market Street. A change in the? business estab lishment of Lewis and Calais is going into effect today. The firm will move their men's department to the store which they formerly occtipiect on ^faxket street. Their Main street store will in the fu ture be devoted exclusively to la dies' articles of apparel. It is exported that the 'Market stjeet stow will ?pen for business Fri" day/~*Bptir jrtortir under the name of ''Lewis & Cal ais' there being"no change in the present administration. Air. Cal ais will assuiite tfce management of tli? Market street st^re, while I.J. T. Lewis will conduct the af fairs of the Main' street store. < * f,- ?' ? ' * Still Trying Morton Case Damage Su,it Expected to be Fin'^ uthed in Superior -Court This Afternoon. The ease u? Charles Morton vs. i tbe> Washington Light aud Wa ter Company, is -still in progress ^ in the Superior Court. It:isaex j pected that a vprdict will reachh (d by 4:30 this afterpoon. ] Tliis morning sesion of court, was occupied hearing .t]ie timony of various witnesgefviji the ease. The lawyers took eharge of the proceedings this afternoon. J The case has aroused eou?ider-j able interest and the court room was well fielled today. Striving Fcr a Public Library Btlhaven 7? Raiting Fundi tW Building a (larnedle Library In That Ciiy. /.? One hundred and thirty dollam hex to far fxvn subscribed tow the Pnblio Library fand In While of oourae the ?? ery encouraging the pre ?tete they must have *500 thov hopo to secure halo Mr. 'Oarnegie. Mr. Carno 5i that II'dim raises the sum d aeoUTM the site, hoped that the to\m ?iaing citizen will it ho will erect the hiaiU free of eoet to the town. Thin attractive propositi? "be jumped at Irv the lit wrwrtKnir with the further Prnetioitl be rained by th* ;it order to have thi? li m DEBATE TOOT ' The public w oordially'fc 'Srited to tttend the annual t< ' bate for the 0. S. Iftwrln * medal which is to be litld ' tonightUt flio high school pi ? ditorimn. Receive Program For Raleigh Meet Seision of State Chamber if C otn Merce Secretaries Prm\Ha to be fnfnrritfiMy ?' , ? Thfc following program of the Ktate Oimraber of Ocraimfrwj seo rtftarTe* wJur-arwicra?i&t in/* Ba le rgh on May 18 th,- has* been re ceived by Mr. Klrnu secretary of the local organization. Tho pro gram reads follows1 J 1:30 .-a. m.? Rogi.^tration, 'Chamber -of Commerce hall. 12-*.00 m.?Automobile rid# ov er the. city. T:00 p. Hi;?'Lttnchooil, Yar 'borbngh. <-'? > ?^Iddreas of Wfeleorae?-Air. Al 'rxaiider Wpbb, President Cham 1-er oi Commerce- of Raleigh. KesponsH^-'-M*. Poger Derby, president, h>an<! Hill Board, of Trade. '?'How.Can We,Link Rural Spv" tiona Wjth .Cities#'- Julian S. Mil kr. Greater Cl^aflotte Club. Discussion^.. 4<1Iow& Can "the Manufacturers of North Carolina Increase Their Output?" M. E. Beaman, Golds' boro, "N. C. ? ^J)ifeuagk>n:' ? "0)?ir TVrt and What it Me^ns North Carolina," l?r?uch. Wilmington, N. C, ? : Discussion: - <. ^Commercial Og^nipation And vrrtHijwc.'' J. C. Forester, Green* Disnuiston/t; ./'*> "Gnnreutloj&rf, Tlipir Cost and Their Valne,"^. .ftnekner, Ashe yillo H-.ard of Tuade. 1 s ' Plueusslon** "Tfe Value of *6 Official Or *??#.?1, . v. i TMnoimalnn: HOME WfipDTNG. Mr. Leo, PorWof, Belha??n iind Mlia 'Ftalino B/*?ni?n ol Htchmond, yA, were happily unit ?1 H marriage M L<fechVil> fl.V urday lut. Th* BW. Hnvi Fir rilh, paitor of the Chriatiar chnreh,. Belhaven, performed thi ceremony. The bride hM teaching at Leeehville." IM a tel? after the wedding the 1 and groom left for Rirhmot vieit the bride's' patenta"' ' ceremony took place at. 10 <ft at the home of Capt.J. I). lock. Ti)e groom ia a rc,id?nto Bflharen and ha. many fn' Miv BownUn ia from S county) Va. Slie baa been J in? ?4uV)t at Leeehville wihter, where the ha? hcmclf to the people of ti. Bolhaven ia to be cotigrati in baring thnae .??nag rwidhnta. (Tpo? their f will be at brnne <m Form Gun Club At New Bern Meeting to he Held ' Tomorrow Night to Form Organization There? Xew Bern, May 15s.?There wQJ be a meeting of a number of prominent \ew Bern i an? in the Chamber of Comemrce room Thursday night, at 8 o'clock. This meeting will be held for the pur pose of organ i ring a gun club and over vbod j who is interested in this class of sport is requested to attend the meeting and give what ever Assistance, in ' rtie advance mcnt of tho movement, that they miy desire. An organization of tbifr-Hnd waa talked about a year <aga. and in fact some steps were taken for the organization, but as it Hather late in the summer it was dropped. t The purpose of this club is t'? get the marksmen of the city to" getfier during, the summer month? and practice trap shooting. pONUMEHT: TO Thl? la :ha noauMtdt to Oaoa. ??niti ?low(irt ud J?W ?craren. haroea of Um ?a?olutlanarr ?ar. I* Ubarty rouqtr. Oaorfla bjr tka national loraramant tod uc ?aUad o? ?<rr.tiarji n?mwi?i ter. Th> monumant ti t? foot high and or ttana mouatala ?rantta Cimphar In ?ha Pnltlaplnaa. tt la raporta? that Bluataa balaaai fara ?Meh jrowa wM ti abundanci la tka Phttlpptnaa, kaa baaa foood to ba tdantlcaJ with tha pl?u; from which Ufa! camphor la oMaUad to oartaln parta of OWaa Tbo oommarctat po? albllltlaa pf thl? plant ar? bow batnj lOToittgat'd br the Pblllpploa Bari raau ,of -Satoaca and Auraan of for. aatfy.?Sclaottta AMartoao. r*-**????/? .i: -?= : Laat Nlokal In a Mlfl Dw. A waalthr ?m ownar in a mall ?wa on tba Wabaak rta-. wkoaa ?*a*t waa ipamlad by fowwr darlaat of tha H war. amnl ?" ?tcMI ta tka ytnallr IU? Ml far# |?M ttaaU 1. la or?ar to aa. tka watar M i H*** I Lfi&xo ftljl BELHAVEN IS PLANNING FOR FAIR f John N. PM-.Giles Out Inter \ SU&xisnt m Subject. Relieves it will BE A BIG "BOOST" Expresses Hiatself as Grtally En _ couraged OVer Prospects at Present Time. That 8blh?wn, would have an agricultural fair this fall, was tie statement. m?de ?his week by Jno. N. Paul, V prominuiit resi dent of tkat city. ''Mr. Paul ex" preaaed himaelf M ven' enthuai aatic o^pr the propoaition. * \ "Tea air, Belhaven is going to hvo an Agricultural Fair this fall I am almost certain" eta ted Mr. .Tno. N. Paul," and it is going to bo some ?bow you can state to vour readera." "Fore aome time," said Mr. Paul, "wc have beeii thinking about a fair for this sec tion of the county and the outlook now is more enoou raffing than ev-; or. in fact its establishment grows brighter daily. Wliy shouldn't we have a fair? There is no sec ' jtion to be found 'anywhere mon I inviting both agriculturally and otherwise. We can produce as fine stock one can find anywhere and so'far as farming is concern ed wo aro willing and ready to make la show down witb the best of them." ^ <rWhat time do you propose to have the fair?" ^fr. Paul wa* ask ed. "Well, that will depend upon certain conditions. We do.not care to conflict with other attract tions in Eastern Carolina for we desire to go "and see what they have to show and then want thee lo come and see The exhibit* will consist of all kinds of poultry hoes, rattle, hors **, etc. There will bo hfltse rac [?n?\ and other attraction*. "Tu other words" stated Mr. Paul "wo '?re coiner to haw* n fair that will be creditable i(Tn connection with the exh!l:i* Hon it is our intention to"Eave^a first class baby show where f?a [bics from threee months to twelve months (fan enter for a prise. r .% There will be a prize presenW ?o the most popular vonn^^ladv and to th most marriairahl'yfltHjS unnn. No one but ladies will of hmritJed to cast ballot* for tfie mannaceable vouncr man." Tt is th#* intention of the pro moters to have tbe oxhibitinn at |the baseball park, which is said? | ^ bo ideally adapted for su*h*jm j poses. 'f ?*#H Mr. Paul is verv much rfncolJrJ ??ed over the prospects. TTo ph- J bat such an attraction wi'1 onlv brinir a farjro j*uml?or of peo ple from wfirr hero but in addition 'these runtin^ w Can wv? for then* ?p]ve* that BeTKaven is still .'the map agriculturally and oth* ~se Tt i? t? bo booed that . ?obeme of Mr. Paul and those izens assltinr bim will meet with woewwi "and that their efforts v' t "bp encoilrared and ?*enerm?slv fu bv rvcrv rftir^n in "Belhsven. Pn' ?eco. LcecbVllTe and other p1a<" Altowther then for an Arm'cult" *?1 Pair in Belhaven this fall We can have it if we win. ' Virginia Bay" Opens June 15. Popular Hositlry ?t Ocean Vimr] Win Open far Thf Xinto Season. . The Virginia Bay Hotel at Ocean View, Va.r will open fnt the season on .Tune 1 Rth. This In one of. the moat popular and moat liberally patronized summer hotel on the Virginia eoaat. Tt is un der the aWe management of -Tno, A. Tqeker, who is trianaerr of the Hotel ts>uise of this eitv. Th4 hotel is located on the immediate waterfront and npntains 100 roon*. nmrinc paat Teats this nopular hostelry lis? heen well Patmt-f*ed hy Waehii*rton peo ple. . Mr. TncVer ennrasard the 'desire tndav thai thla patronsee would cnAtinne tturUff the cow w. WOUND FATAL HOBBS DIED YESTERDAY Selfy Inflicted Injuria Cu Uia Death at 11 ospihd. WAS PONSOIO0S * MOST OF THE TIHJ DeatK Took Place at *4:40. Body Removed to Home. Unable to survive' the deadly 'wounds which he inflicted upon himself Monday night, Herman Hobbe died yesterday afternoon at the Fowle Memorial'Hospital. | His death took plaoe at 4:40T It is etat^i that Hobbe retained consciousness until an hour bo fore hie death. He was able to 'talk but most of his words woro plees that his sufferings be m*de catfier if possible. His wounds, which ?uade 15 penetrations of bi? intestines," caused him infinite pain. \ The body has *>e?n removed to the Ilobbs homo wi?ere tho funer the Hobbs home wher^.the funer al services will be held. \ Guarantors '*'? ^ Hold Meeting , ?? Session . CG -Id Laet Night. Plan* JM. <t for ?ocaI Cluiuniuqun. Due to the arrival of Mr*. Hey ser of the Hwarthmore Chautau qua. Association in the city yeater dlv the meeting of the local guar antors was held last night in the Chamber of Commerce rooms, instead of tonight, 'as had been announced. About twenty of the guarantors ?> were present and plans discussed for this summer's Chautauqua. Oh acoountv.of tha absence of the. 4>ri*uden^ and v\cM?n|gdewt of the guarantor^ " CT was elcted t enjpertrrv * .ebai The names of the , various* 0?nfcr*\ mi t tees wore read * over. Oner change was'made imthe'Kst, Min Annie .Tantfs being appointed chairmon of tfie'Junior Chautau qua. Mrs. Hevser had several intei^ ert ing suggestions to make. She stated that plans.underlay for a parade on the opening, day of the Chautauqua and advised that a marshal ne elected. Capt. Leach was appointed to tltig position. 'After a discussion of general af fair?-in oonnortion with the Chan tauqua, the meeting adjourned. There will be no meeting to : night. (?? \u.... . ?Collegiates vs. Vanceboro Game is Being Staged This After noon on Local Diamond. The baseball trtam of the Wash ington Collegiate Insitute plays Vanceboro this afternoon at tfie -ftbPfcl grounds. The Washington t&ath has been holding steadv ?praCtice of late and are confident that they will win out In today's oontest. The local team has ha^ a .most successful reason. Thanks ,|n: the generous residents of the city, they have been Mvnplotely o^Mpped with uniforms and are ffrle to make a creditable appear anco on the diamond. Local Calendar Of Coming Events ' vx - Tonight?Annual debata for C. G. Morrii m?xVa at tka hiflh school ^auditorium. Publio i? yitad. Tonaght?Couimnncamant ax crrian at Aurora hiffh school. Thursday ni(fht?Claaa Day cxnrim at auditorium of hiprli ?A?*. ? ' Friday night l^nmionmunrrt ntnian at auditorium. Clar P?, Satajk# I . |H

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