FOOTTO-WAtCH- WRX _ . ?nfcr, Owtwr can have I and - IPQ mOTCTB^ht, W." V. B. fiafc. r.laat - Wwero Bowers-1 .jtahlic Lib-" ?n) - wtoniad F?v*,B UMh, . ? lOS-CBEAH; ANY YLAVOR I JMr bo? ?1.00 f[*l l kai,<43e balf gallon; tofephouel , 9aUobw'a Frui.l No. 430i Mrme.y re-1 taMMkif 'CRM unaotiafaetnrv.l '? MMwm. h'VHH ^SL^ai^uirsiS. ""1 -tlel Out . Naewuuj L. Xdmton^mtor nf 4e-| -Tfc. Mm Draasrl Dr**?r. Mr*-1 ?H-y CM W. m>* 4e4eafcaw eaaee If an?, abrl I kad shoals not* He I aa prarad MUphi I .. . ? 5r*K_fW^:| *7 kaad UU Ajrl) ?a. | IVA ' ? a. rivu . /I.nvi -# r> a t i i v*HF? w% 0OTVBVIVI i 3 01 8ALB Lia'ttwvtfoa to mel ??84 a r ? ? ... i tWin?, . . . " * ? meeting of the city bo?rd cation, whtoh lu to hare held last night, has been Spoiled until not week. ; . e e e ? Mia. Art Jones, who has bifett t??chimg schol at Royal, bu re ?-??nedrito her bom* in Holland, . ? MiM Joan ia well known Washington and 'has many ?i?i h>.. .... C. F. Qibfeoa* of New Bern, *aa among thw^onV nf town yiai tMfcii*-tha citr yeaterday. ? ? ? ? iMv -Joum manager of thcl New Bern. Mr. Young I ?toapaoird by his wife and I Mfcl. irbo will mak? their lomel n this tity. . iti-' ? ? ? Mjl. C. R. Sprnill land Mif I ""le^paufli teftthU.jtfternoon | Eobersonyillo, where they will I '"friends and relatives. T' ? * ? Mi? Nancy Bhytuv'of Newtou.. ia ?iaitaMt-hei- grandfather I [Williams un West I Mrs. Antiio. Burnis of Wan-1 is yisiting-her daughter,-[ a'Annio Burni? at theWaah fngton Hospital. ? ' . . r W. S. Bnrhhge (if Bath. i.. [spending today -in the oitv attend ?#-to'busineaa affairs. [ a i ? The meeting of the hoajfd of.*di|| iVrrtors of-the Pmt- National bank F 1 which was to hare been held Tue*| J day, has been deferred until I'ltewiatc on account of some of| Th?,members being out of town. Sj P. Trahan-of New Bern, ia ;| Sa tolfn today on business. * s ... * B. Wilson Boee, one of the fore J I men in -the city construction work 1 I (hat is going on, left last night for I JW inston-Salnm. Mr. Bose. dur-1 ( his stay in Washington, njadel jiv.frigid?, who will regret bis I Btpart?re/J , u ' ,-.??? ? ? ? S.' W. Livingston, of Wflpon.l I was in <1^6ity attending toibusi Iress matters todav.' I K tele S . Mre. L>H.' Farwoll of Eliza-1 [btth City, who has been visiting I | friends hero returned home to'T ?y ? is ? # ? *? 1 Mrs. Sam Laughinghouse, who] [spent yesterday visiting relatives! land friopds in the city, returned! I to her home jn Aurora last night, f u . #. ? 4 ? ? W. S.'Malone,of Greenville,J |was among the out of town visi tors here this Morning. ? * # * I' S. A.'Graham of Tarboro, was! ?en on tiie street* of the city thif | morning? Liwyvt HJH Un QuIH Pert?. His qnHl pea Is not qutto extinct In | Uoedon. Tk? legel profession, which | | Is fry o???TSgVe. cling? to It te toly, and nem? of th?" courts I I be eomplstel? equipped without | S plentiful supply of good goo?? quills i Have you aotioed what an Indlspen* I wesory the quill la to counsel | In aglaotatlou.Jy taking eote. malping a speech. or tn helpln.i I to point a warning linger St s h ??le wile em??London Chjronlcls. The Peetry Md It. 1 poet pep oee oeni fer adrer I It ?teg tbls week." declared the .tore | beeper aagiily to the editor of thi eeeatrjr paper. To? told eis yo?<| - ^ ? Mf shoepollsh U tier.- "Ard didn't I the edltoi. n. | resred tke advertiser. "Yo, Str I aoti Toe pet It la tbt eo) pet tfte eetlee of rawarr x-, ' a aw ?ltk t aisa-M po.Ur, er day. fed dry will pro mote growth (ft bone and muscle and ? weW-dfcfeloped healthy arlmal. Cora ii irt ? suitable food (or f mJty ftxjwiKg animal & ..D H?M Kimvid ?11,1*7 ?nd In ; pilffl Fin* May M told HhrHi Cgnton. 0Mt ?t tU* oitr, without racalrlng any mu Whan h* (nt | w?nt ta work for Tingling. Brows aura, ha ?l oSarad 190 a month. I A hoc t tlx months mo Brown hap- ! Mud to rnnrmber hla agraemant mad? with Tingling hack In I Ml. Ha dgmrad up hla wagaa a)d began ? ?nit In oommon yitaa couf. haro for M.OOO. with compound Int/jraat. I ~ " Tingling mad an anawar , 'a patiUw acknowledging A rardlct for.ll?J?7 war In JuJga Aka'a dirt Anon plrat ooujt, Ting though natlactad (arm ' to told it auction to band'f JndfonV . <' I f ,./??. v*l I Dr. Caldwell Belfeve?, Cy Mmr U. - Mr. tn? JRANGE ANGERS BIQ An. It Wat 8cur and the Elephant Hurlo | the Doiior Into Plls of Boxes. Portervllle, Cal.?-A trtcto elephant was standing in an alley In tho rear if a theater here when JJhn Wallaoc. \ ooxmaker, came along peeling ac ?-range. The orange was sour, so he passed It on to the elephant With a snort the elephant promptly ?round Its trunk about Wallace snd hurled him headlong Into a pt'.e of packing cases 30 feet away. Wallace was unconscioua when he was dug from tho wreckage, and two surgeons worked over him for nearly .hree hours repairing outs and con* tuslons. GiRL, 17, WEDS MAN IN JAIL bridegroom la Serving s Sentence fo* Violation of the Local i Option Law^ Springfield. Mo.?Rather than watt till her sweetheart's term in the coun ty Jail had expired, M'.ss Sarah Harrla, seventeen, was married in the Record* er'r. office at the court house to Haft rlson Gregory. Gregory is serving out a sentence of six months in the county Jail on a charge of violating the local option law. After the ceremony Gregory ?u led back to his cell, accompanied by bis girl-wife, who was permitted by the Jailer to oonverse with klm through the bara for half an boos The most economical method of growing calves depends largely upot conditions on Individual farma. ? ? ? Unclean flanks and udders are tbe most common sources of contamtna *.Jon in milk. ? ? ? No mattor how good the cow, the ?hax>ce? aro ten to one that the eali *rom the grade sire wCJ nowhere aaa* ?bp ww? THEN AND NOW r-% H. or more properly he must have firmly fixed In hie mind the exact con tour of a perfect pig. Then he must J are an idea of the kind of breeding stock required to produce such a pig. There are numerous breeds of swine, varying not only In alee. color\sbape, feeding qualities ofld general char acteiistlcs, but also In the quality of their product. It. la not the great big fat pig that brings home the money, but the pig that will weigh from 200 to 300 pounds at from six to ten months of age that captures the top prices. The breeding animals of the herd ahould receive the very best care and attention at all time*, but with al! of our knowledge of breeding and feed ing, Oe science of swine growing Is yet in Its Infancy. Castle Wss Financial Burden. Paris.?The duke of Tallyrand, hua band of the former Anna Gould, re gards the castle Sagan in East Prus-' sla aa such a white elephant because of Its expense of maintenance that ha ex pre as od Joy wben told It waa be ing occupied by Russian troops. Compelled to Swesr Allegiance. London.?Belgian functlonarlna at Ghent have bad to take the oath of allegiance to the German government, aoaordlng to an Amsterdam dispatch WE ARE AGENTS Iver Johnson, Reading Standard, Emblem, Hudson Dayton and Great Western Bicycle? ?old for cash or on time. We also have the most complete repair ?hop in the city all work guaran teed D.R. CUTLER Phone tM CASTORIA HH KM Y?lm Ahrm Ml How |Much Better You Feel If you are prepared against emergency by having a bank account! Nothing eUe can quite equal the beartglow that accompanies that feeling of preparedneo. If you are not a depositor here, ?tart an account t* day. One dollar will give you that start. Bank of W^ashingtort Washington. N. C. Pays Double Indemnity Our accident insurance policy pays double (or ac cidents occurring on railroad train or steamship. Get one before you start on that trip. Wm. Bragaw & Co. First Insurance Agents In Washington. N. C. M , - GOOD TASTE" Crystal ice cream FROM FRESll STRAWBERRY DIRECT 1ROM THE FIELD TRY IT PHONE 83 Crystal Ice Company Washington, N. C. LRON WOlD-M'uVn N?? York CiftN W LE J. I.EON WOOD & CO. B\NKERS and BROKERS. ?a?tel, Boa4s, OoNm, 4rala Mi Proruxuma. t ? riiM Mrtw, Otrnw BaUdUi, lorfoik, Va? PrlfftM wtrm to !?* I'ork tftoat KUu??, UUu|* ????< ?f UormfoadraM rwrwtiaiij ?uiidtt?. Uvmumu iM Mrfiui iMouta Urn Cartfml AhmMom TOOLS FOR THE FARM FOR THE LAWN FOR THE GARDEN FOR EVERYWHERE If it is a tool for use in this section of the country, we sell ti?and when WE sell it YOU can BANK on it. HARRIS HDW. CO Washington, N. C. Positive Protection Absolute elctrical efficiency giaranteed by us when wtf do your wiring. No cross currents, slip-shod installations or dangerouscompllcatlons. Just High-Class Installations That will do the work and preserve your safety We are masters of the electrical art. Now Located In Laughlnghouse Building. The Electric Shop, wm. Knight, Mg? ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS Richmond Aa. June 1-2-3 1915 CONFEDERATE VETERANS REUNION Ticket? o? Sale May 29th to Jane 2nd, inc, limited to June 10th. Extension and ?top-over prirnefM. For ?arintM, ?tc, call on S. R. Clary, , ? Agent | ^WwMutaa. N.C.