WfiATffBlt illii vr/tSHINtSrCM N. C. '-iUBBklRL _ , is ... ywtytoirTc ?t katrf, Good Mvtit, Jaastatt and Other trmts Witt be Fw .Washington thin the. war fn En rope, the sinking of the I hV'.i ii* ot any otl w incident, is the bi? picnic thai is floing to V?- held at WtoMnjfton "Park Thursday bj? the Tarioua Bmtday aehooU of the ri?jr. All of the stows have'V""? to close at nopo on that <Uf aii.l ? crowd of or?r S,000 periom is expected to bo at the park aad eajcr Ilia fan. A mt entertain *?? anl iatflRvtiiif pnpun hue Jam prepared as follows: ? PROGRAM. Transportation to the park will ttalt at nine o'elodi. Autoroo L (rite* and carriage* will nt oa - Main street from Piaxse street oa out to the park. Basket* wi}l be ^-colleetod on the sanae roots and taken out to the park ia wagoas. Aaa?miMt* at the picnic ytiinal* will be a* follows: ? :8? to M to 140?100 yard dash, i*, 50 oaqtfa* jUtK 1?40 to 11?*?? yard dash, priaa. T8 (Mtti. * 11 *i U.^??Warie. . ' . ft te 1130? Pi? M. $L00 ' *""* to 32?Potato race, prise 1! to lt;80?Tub race, price] ?1.00. - ' ^aA one entering this race I requested tp .brin? their own tubal and l?a thing . suits. Bates are I to* far alb ?.iSo admission. 12 .80 to l?Musi?. 1 to #?Dinner. ?, 1:80 to t 'Jfaaig. 8 name btweejfj W. H. and W. C, 1. AH person? who can jare to decorate car or o riage with flags add banders; tbit Mig'in nMraoriam of the Meck Uafburg declaration of indepWr" Tho ntfMdmuait aommittae. will serrt ias cold lemonade and free of charge all day will be tnraed over Ittae at and sHfl J* i " "jEeawnae* reqti reqtmtsd to and wooden their dinners ? gfaatly simpli fy matters hi preparing the dinv general tatptatfesi is extend f ad ant a*Aot Mto and aiake it a VuMmMa? rr , 1 _/?- 0. OAJIY, Ml pionlo ooaunit v ui-ftrz?r * "* * |? ^ v n?rvirfs North Crollna. Sum .... for Te?ch?? wlTl. pra r.Junv 1!; Uwl ooMinnr Mah*. rlmfii* J?lr W . _2tfS i ncnlir p* H rit be cm Tn# FOR RETATLKEfl JHS'DWTffOLKSAf.E^S 8uggttU Matter to Attention of Otkr Merchant* if the w?r A local credit aseociatah. for both wholei^K ind rat Ai, rr.'.v chant? ?to atfggcaled i Jfcilav afternoon by PTJj Berry, one of file prominent buiinehs ^nen of thi? oify. Mr. Retry fiited that t! im pfopoeition had eome n p be-1 fort bt* tta/for mine reason or inW*r, nothing definite bad ever been donet >? \i'. "Thera'uno qneetian but that Waahingto^ needs some kind of a credit Uoocaatioq^" ho stated, "and I believe that the various merchants will agree with me is :Hut statement. I sincere!v trust that some stepa will be taken in thg jwtl- future to form such an organi ration. Ft doe? not neces sarily have to be om an elaborate plan and it would not coat the merchant* B?T elaborate ?im, cither. I hope that the matter ia given the consideration it mor its. for it ia an important project and one in ifhleh both the retailer and whaleaator ahould be intercat od." WEen aaked wtather he had any plana in mind for such an or ???iaai^nt aa^te mentioned. JMr. Berry sUted that he had pwn the ?natter considerable thought he outlined a prelitp'msrv plait whWh he thought might interest I some of the other. merehhfota. "It wae My idea,'' he ??tinned "to engage the jervice? of ?me bright ywog man. aa secretary.I [paying him a monthly salary toj | interrtrt himself and lend hi* *er viet?* to the aseocia^ion. It would he necessary to divide the work into two* divisions; * system' for the wholesalers anil a avMvrn for tba rcfiflers For the first rkf?a. it was mv idea that we join with some t>i the adjoining counties ir wWcH the Wholesale merchant* of t&is'&ty do business, juid get them to oft-opersto(with us. "A credit ?nrteui for the retail merchUnta would, .of eonrse. onlv take in the immediate vicinity of Waahiqgkm. c The local mer chants wouldthavo to co-operate it* t his and keep a strict record of a 111 their "uatoraens who are worth" of credit aad who are not. Wit) i i this information in the luiiiil ?v I mentioned, it| mple matter for when customer I mit bow the latter < other trades people, in "I trust that some Wctipu will he taken\along these linos. Mi plana may not meet with the ?p ?>royal of the other merchant? and . they may possibly have something better tnjanggeat. If they have T hope they will make their views 'known ,ao t&t a)l may benefit therefrqtii Of eqane, It is rin J 'leratood pat such an organization |would b4 of jtu.t a? great benefit te-thoeti hustomert who are prompt m the iaynent ef bill, as it would he to. the merchanta them ?elves. ' It would be a eonaldera We ueM to? man Who could boast that he had a rank of "A" with all the merdutnta with whom ha did tS|lMI?*, ? Club Meets Tomorrow t0. Henry Book Club Htu Chang ?4 Day of U tut ing on Ac count of Picnic. HMca haa been reeeWH from tha wvrvtary of tha O. Hanrv Book Club, that tie olub will mart tomorrow afternoon at 4 ?'?Jock, wtlii Mra. W. C. Rodman, in ?Md . of tomorrow afternoon Tki? ckan*e of data baa Iwn ittLfcasr - American tank iiwrner Gulflight. which wn blown up by a German torpedo or mine off the Scilly Islands He low, a! the left. <8 its commander, rapt. Alfred Gun ter, who died of heart failure; at the right, Charles C. Short of Chicago, wirclesa operator, who junircd orcrbonrd and was drowned. * * Offer Prizes For Best Shots Interesting Events to be Pulled off at OunClub Thurs- j day. A Ane hundred bird event and five 20 bird events wifl be features! of the "shoot" that the Washing ton gun qlllb And pntpsfg from 'New BerlS? Wilao?? *nd Tarboro will hold at the local -ground* on Thursday atVnuwa^ojgauiijng at throe o'eTodk. A geld wat<-li fo$ i?*to W jnr? to the person who tyiakea the high est straight run !ii die 100 bird* event This proline to. bring forth some keen competition. There will also bo $20 in prizes divided mong the three highest gy>s on a handicap basis, in the 2|N)i]rd event. The shoot- is expected to draw; ? large cr&wd of spectators to the( club ground*. It doe not begin j untH practically all of the events ( at the Washington Park picnic, have been disposed of. j I Novel Class To Be Started. 'Bible Class'Will be Composed of f Drl? gat en From Each Branch _ of Business. J | A Bible class, composed of one ^doctor, ono lawyer, outs tailor, one groeeryman, one butcher, one ^druggist, one gam bier, one horse thief, one phoe maker, one l?ank 'fcfy^one prints end one delegate frora^nmeroua other professions 'pnd bnahv-Hs enterprises, will |meet tocfi the first time next Sun flay at the Christian Sunday school. The elans will be taught 'l^v the pastor of the church, Rev. R. V. Hope. Tt promise? to be well attenrWl for each one to whom Mr. Hope ha* mentions! the matter ha* expros*d intpi S?t in the clans and promisor) to' jittend. The cla*s will meet at 10 o?<>lo<jk next Sunday, mflrnlug. V Planning For The Shriners Ortmtion to Entertain Vinton on Elaborata Ptaa. Greensboro, N. 0., May 18.?? Plana for entertaining the thous and or more Shriners who are expected to bo in Greensboro next week %re being rapidly worked ut tbts week. C.. M. Vanstorv, general chairman of all'the local oommitteees, has called a special faceting of thaw committers for Wednesday afternoon ?t { o'clock when report? will he. made on the progress of ail work heing done in akiiping the program of enter tainment. Thia will pr. ?' hr the last general meeting of the eommltteaes. and all .letsil? win he looked after at thia tiste. Levi p. Morton. vicc-presldent Of the United State? from 1889 to 1893, for mer member of congreaa, governor of New York and ambassador to Prance, Huh Just celebrated his rilnety-flrnt birthday. This snapshot of him vac made recently ns he left his resi dence In Washington for bis dally walk. Olives Pained Conscience. Seventeen years ago Miss Delia Uboldt, clerg In tho store of I. Shan Ifelt. Colfax, la., stole a bottle of olives. Today L. It.1 Shanlfelt, son of her employer. In l>uslne?a here, re reived a letter addressed to hla father Who died fcevb i ycira Mgr> In Sunny aide. Wash. nrkn > vledgir^ the theft and remitting 50 centa In payment. Mian Uboldt fsld that the Holy Ghost haa convicted her arid shown her that she ought to pav Pendleton1 (OraJ Oitpatch Time? *'? Catch *Negjro Near Bethel 'Wat Wanted for Auauii en WMt? Man of Virginia, r. | Ed Prior, ,?11#? Writer Thorn at, t negro who htt been wanted in Drendon, V*., for aeveral month*, ?m caught lut night it the camp of the Eureka Lumber Company, neUr Bethel by IJenu ff R. " Sheriff K. Hyman. and Ohief of Police Capt. Smith. The nqgru k wanted for the aaaanlt and Job bery of ? white manin a Virginia town ?nd the ofHqefe of the Vir ginia c.ltv had . repeivetl new? that their man war in thia conn? tv. Chief of Pill lea <rf ftrend on. arrived hage laat night and accompanied the local nfflwre to tho acme of the cantnre. The wrreat waa nude about 11 e'rfeck lea? night and tho negro waa brought bore and jattel for .the night. The fift with To Elect New School Faculty Hoard of Education to Meet To night*. .Planning for Sum mer School. x ? A meeting or tljo'ljoanl of od AH-ajion of the citr school* will bo hefd tomorrow nipltf. A' the ra^ctin? teaohafcft for the ensuing T^aV wffr" -be iJw Imi and other lui.siiXOhH disposed of. It is under st-Mjrl that,,an attempt will be made to ^arrange" Jor a summer si-li jol in. Wa*h*a#<on during th<* Vinmnp months, 'to t?yin noxr vocfc. This sohool will 1k? for the U'Dftit of those students who are backward' in their studies. Thi* ir-atier will also ho brought up at ?omorrow night's mcetinir. BAKER SAYS Will ffcrrv a full -inn of K?i daks 'and supplies first of -funp Kodak? for ront or to rxe! frrt old ones. BAKER'S srdi Good Program At Graduation ComtHfitwrtnenf Exercise# of Col ored School Lad -V iqh f. ^f r. Small Spoke. An intereatiner prog-ram wn? rendered last- night at the com ?neijeement exercises of the colrvr yd school, which wr held at th' C. church. A large audi once was present in spite of th ?nAlement weather, Congressman John II. Smil1 made the address 'of the evening had to with the needs of th<* nfterp race and the steps the^ ?luniTd take to hotter them sel yc ?ipd their conditions. He unfc' that they endeavor to accumulatf Vrrnpertv. thai they learn aolf-rr that tpev he dependable ' lo^'fhelr neighbor" and learn U de'^on^j thine well. "NTr. Smal ?d^: presen ted tha diploma? t* ?h* frradoatlntr class. which wa "?Vmp?#ted of. five Jmemhers: Fll? XquUp Pooper. Bertha Tnez Lit tle^aJllle Annla Tenfold, Simile1 \hr?m Cherry and William .Tas Humor of Or?#* Writer*. Tha humor of Dl*kana afwaya ha? aomwthlng urmoDtiqui about It Th? aatlra Mid humor of Thackaray art llko a lath to human arror Tha hu mor of Molloro it ti? waapon of on* of tha graataat ncr.sactarlan praaob vi that OTOT Urad?a praach?r flo ?otinclnu "^artaa and thn othpr pr? mary *lcoa th%t apoM eoclaty, rot th; poul and mah? mm unhappy. -4 Phyatolana 11?' Oarmany. , Oa*m*i^y arar?a?a prartlctn* phralclaji for aach I.OOO Inhabitant*. th^T proportion bain? hlfhar In aom? ?f tha ctttoa to* 1ow?r to the mral Wall Prom China, WW? ptprr 1? rh1fl? u a? **ro uwWff. u. ArUTO KILfc? 6-YR. BOY IN NEW BERN Son of Mr. and Mr*. L. T. Tay lor 18 Victim. LIVED ONE HOIK AFTER ACC IDENT ?pi?:i? ? Fourleten Year Old Boy Was Driving Car Which Uit tke:-,* Youngster. An accident which daat. a shad ow of ^UmVui over two of the most prominent families of Kew tt<Hrn occwrrwl last nigt at T :4S o'c]ix*h when Karl Kin#, the six year old ton of Mr. and Mr*. L. T. Xav krr, was ran over and kjllod by: ??vm-passengcr automobile (Jrirm by James Stewart, fourteen ,vo*r* of age and a son of Mr. aud Mrs, J. W. St>en*art. Killed Xear fTomr. The accident occurred within ft few yard? of tlie rfetima' home, and was wit noised by ?everaJ people including Mrs. TToward Baiu and twti children of thin city and one of tlie delegate? wlio bere attendiiur the Council of th/ Diocese of Kast Carolina, who was a gu:*t at number one Pol* lock street. 0. X. Ennett was al so near the scope and he ran t? the child, picked him up anil ear ned him to hi? home just acros* the street. Drs. T?. S. Prinfro?e' and R. X. DufTv were &mmitoneri and they rendered all medical -at tention pott*i hie, but to no effect, for Ik* died of conclusion .of fit' brain within au hour without re caining consciousness. Returning from Park. The Stewart bov was return ing from Glenbnrnie park with n party who had been attending the supper'giwt> t<? Hie doliwt? of the Conncil of the Ka>f Carolina Ovi-cse. when the W?rribfe trau> d\' oecirrred. TT?' wa* goiv?- ??p T\.ift Front street ?? a moderate -poof! and as Ke nirnrl h* tli right to go down Poll??*k -tn-ot the little liov. who wjis plaviti* with other children, rail out in front of rhe car. Before thp-driv ?r <vmld step the hie machine. ??u* ?f the front wheels pa^ed over the chjld*> body. The funeral. will held thi~ afternoon from tlie home and the* interment will be made in Cerlar Qir.\ e cemeterv.?Xew Rem .Tour jifd. - ( ... Hail Storm Was Local TTAfr. 0*ftrr Cer/inn* of the Counf>t I?i port OnJif fihower* of /'"in, The lnrffp?t hail *tow* ever .<H>n in Washington ??1 tlii-? time .f year foil yesterday wiiinp >hortlv after ??< veil" o'clock., ^otfiV ? * m f the ^toi.ea were overit*) ?t?*-h ?n oiri'MinferwK'r Rovwtf* *V' ?'jrhtf* wero broken but no^O^j^t lamafie is reported. Th^* hatt ?aated for about*'ten^ininufea^**^ Tt is bojieved tkat the *t<}? N8f> a Wrrl on**. Iniormatioaa "rom Aurora i? to the etTert th-it ihey had no hail there and that .r>erelv a light shower of rain i ted that seetimr.' v *-?> , R. R. Warren, who Ifrve* n> hert distance from towti, frepirt* ?d thi* morning tiiat a H^ttf ftaSI i>ll in HU vtaln&r, but .tfcat vtt ^ull wn tl?r<T>irt Ittte anow'tud t{_ 'nil itonN wore of v*ry?' WNilt ?i?e, \ BelHaven wai via!ted by E.aLq.w ?r, b\it ropotu no ball. m-'mT""? 1 "?'*? {*?W NOTICE. We have been reoneatrd bv the united pienie eommittee to let an many of our employe? oft. as wei Van Thursday evening, so we are Vmdiy waking our enatomemto aar '1st ua in thrt matter bvi.-.foHtin? "their ieo Thuradav mnnlrtltr a*' the wagon* will not go -Out fit t 1m evening. * ? , * tTleapeetfultyv i>: HRVKTAL l<*Tf C(X ; ? '" >? **? .jox-r rutmrt , -T? kar? ? ?>niV?H tttoat. tar; (tfuht - mrt.1 ~~0m> t*mt ta* prtttta?. nt*'". W? InlarMttnc-: bo* -M Ullr Pntar-'l mn? ? PJ8P -TRIBUTE - TO COLONEL Grimes ]Vill Tfedi&rfe Auditorium al OriAtttdnd to Him. 1 \ INTEJi?*rrXG - - 'tT EXERCISES. Con^rMffmaii Small fo ^pcalc. W'*# llonor Memory t tti0/ CoZ. Grimes, " Impress! eoKTciaes marking # ck*infr?ITthe school at Grime? land and <*tiibute to Cul. Alston Grimes. -flriil be held at the school Tbnredaj rtorn i evening. rotaife of the morning ex fetri&ei? ihe dedication of the higfa moot auditorium to the nNOiorv of--Col. Grimes. Con ^rosMiian John H. Small of this 'city, Wilson of the Eastern Carolina : ,4Toacher*' TYainiim School at .Greenville and Dr. Lati^'hin^house of Greenville will pav tribute to the memory of the filft.nW inBu to whom the audito rimM-'U l*v-Ui dedicated. Th? i.Mor.inp program, complete will be nsJoUows: i)?^h(Wioii of Alston Crimes memorial auditorium. Prayer,'Iter. Nathaniel Hard* iu|T. ' ? P-nn^entwi? ?n of auditorium. Prof.. Undorwood, superintendent ?if od^e^^o in Pitt county. Tribnti'^?Conirrw'iiwn Small, Pn?f. \Vifttftn and Dr. Lau^hing Addrt*.?. Hon. .T. V. .Tovner. V ?!?<i*r..y(Mil North State" >tJ)iujio5r*'iH l?e served on lie ean^UA.iit X- o'clock. TllPWmtijr exerei** will eon* ? of a p rot IV operetta, jriven hv tf??v fH?ii?o] ehildren, a number of ?M?>. tttjt|^*al selections and otl* ??r uuiertaiJkin^ features. Receives War Souvenir tu - . ' ? Horhl YtdHt'i Man Gets Novel Afe Mint to of I l ig SI rife Ac rose - the Ocean, \\ novi'l xoivenir ? ?f tho hip war In Europe Iiils 1m<>h received hj l\Villis of this city from 1.. Myer of tho 33r<l Berlin cavalry. T.icut. Meyer is jd initiate friend <?{ Mr. Willis. ,. 'jUn- H-iivi-nir rorifisl* of part of a h?ir?ov tiuilie. white in color. A' letter from Lieut. Meyer explains rhAf tlie j4dand~ wore rut. from hi* ciiarjfcr \vliii*h was shot. from under him in a Unfile along tho Vpp* river. The (rorman offl ???<? hadlv wounded in this charge and fnivwl m lake furlongh at his homo in ffanov?*r. from which tho let for and souvenir were sent, FepirDoings n*r TSJSn Greenville ) ??*?* i ** ? .m * ??? YoiMfjCitHn flora to See I J r.< Girl l!er Marircd to .?*9 1.?*^* Another ''tfflTVncr man of Grernvillf <nncd up JiIm jov-ride wagon Run? about thirty mil?? out country 'to ice hit g?r1, Ami ft* 1|H1 upon hi?? arrival At her loutff Iga? uho hnd been married ml nine?. t?M 4*i?r<l to Imagine juat what kfnij of feeling o'erahadowtd tMa young fellow, but not a ploaiant ,ane.vtty !? awured. Perhapa h? i*v? th# (rood fortune to nt mwof*? mor? coni?rv?tivfl mind toft?. i'<* i ' '"'*SAYS RAKER r "T**t week I *aw two or three ?utouM'hilo?? at nfght on Second ?tr^ct * Jfad oa liltle oxtra steam. >^VilUKKirS STUDIO. vSrw Theater A,** * i. TONIOIfT ^T?g?Kn>K OF .lENNUXX" " . Tomorrow . iC-Ufrl? A?oci?i?iH Kilin??| fri?>.w4i(X. ^

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