DAILY NEWS ' v WBATHER?Fair Tonight and Tomorrow, Light Moderate* WinJi i "* ? VcL6 WASHINGTON N C FRIDAY AFTERNOON MAY St !*1S * ' " - ? : ^ , ? ? ? ? - HODGES WINS GUN CLUB EVENT Made Itigh Percentage of 89 Out of 10Q Birds. ftOUlRES WINS THE HANDICAP ^ moot mid. Isdrge Crowd of Spectators Were Present. Some excellent shooting, excit ing competition and keen rivalry wefls features of the interesting program at the shoot held by the focal club yesterday afternoon. A large crowd of spectators witness neeeed the various events and cheered the winners. In the 100 bird event, Hodges ran away from the crowd with the excellent average of 89 per cent and won the watch fob which wm offered as a prize by the Du poirt) Powder Co. Squires made second with 85 per cent and Thi may whs a good third with 84. Th complete scores wore as fol lows: Names P.C. Hodges. 89 Squires*- ?? ...8.1 Dumay.. .. .. .. 84 Maxwell ..76 Bland .. ? --.71 Etheridge.. .. 68 Jtafenport 67 Elliott.. ? * * ? ? .63 Worthy 63 Moore 57 Fowle ?? 54 Gallagher.. ?? ...49 1 The 100-bird handicap event was won by Squires with Dumay and Hodges running second and third respectively. In the scores given below, the figures in th rvnttheeis show the handicap with which each man was favored. For example, although Squires' per" eentage is given at .91, he really Villed but 85 birds; the additional 6 being his handicap. Kam? P.C. SquireB, (6) 01 Dumay, (6) .. .. .. 90 Hodges, (1)*? 90 Maxwell, (9) .. .. .. . v85 Biqnd, (l$).v 82 Wo? for Whipping l'ru Raleigh, N. 0., May 81.?Snpt V. L.. Thompson was fined t,wen-1 ty dollars ?uid costs for whipping . Chris Ooker, the frail white boy I eonvict, ^3uard J. J. Johnson fin ed ten dollars and costs for whip ping Paul Jacobs and W. T. Til ley discharged, in judgment of the case handed down yesterday by Justice of the Pesen J. R. Goi ter, before whom the case wae tried Wednesday afternoon. .In?-; tie* Owens sat with .Justine Ool ter, by request, but the decision in the ease was by the latter, and he stated last night that he wished this to be utatftd that the public may know he is willing to take the TO tire responsibility for the rerdict rendered. aa? oae ?ar the Mul* fallow watehla* a eMekaa wrwIWI) tnakt&c Ha war tbreatffc tU ih.ll Jtat thea hla father oaiae ak?i i ?etbr mM: "Pipa, I aea how t i tats out of bis shell. but .hat at wlatllil Is hoi WMa,'? Crist. "Rlixabeth ?Simmon? and Rebecca Simmons will leave to narrow to attend the commence ment exercises of A. and M. Col lege. ~ENTERTAIN CRESCITES Thrtfc Crescite B?n?k Club meeting this afternoon wi?h Mrs. TTovt Moore. Several interest ing papers were read (faring the enrlv r>art. of the meeting and an enioyablc medtirg being b'jM The attendance includes practical ly all of the prominent members. A social sesion followed flit* busi ness session at which Mrs. Moore scrvc?l delightful refreshments. ATTEND OOUNCIT* Mrs. W. A. B. Brancbr Mis* Ra"hel Rumlev. Mrs. Julius Cut ler and Misa Lena Windley were delegates of the women's auxili ary ami parochial societies of St. Peter's Episcopal Church at the ??* nncil wbich was held in New Born during the early part of this week. The first three ladic? ro t??moUr ca*?a v*** nMnr^oro turned over to the women; in fact Goldsboro was wide open ti. the Federation and their lioapi talftv and generosity knew no bounds. T give part of the open" hig program, so you can get ? idea of the delightful actions, each growing more intere^tiii" ?*nd instructive. Invocation?Rev. Peter McTn tvre. Address from the town? Col. .Toseph Robinson. Ad?1iv*s from tho cluh?Mrs. "P. R. Kerne l's v. president of the Ooldstar? AV.unan's Cluh. Response?Mrs. /'Iirence Johnson. Vocal Solo Mr?. Horace Powell. Presi addrws?Mi*s Adclnide Fries. Orcetinc?? from South Carolina Federntion. Ohio Fedcr at ion. Xorth Cnrilona Tenchcr??' .A-^emblv aun Pnughter? of the American Revolution by our own President. Mi*s Rodman, rnven ii. her inimitable wav. Wcdncs *? ?? two joint conference* were held, one on Library Extension! and Literature departments at (f'on t i lined on Pase Four.'J American Money Meets British Nobility A SCENE m "THE MAM FROM HOME" TO BE GIVE* HERE ' OH CHAUTAUQUA IF yon were ? young lawyer secretly In lore with ? most charming young lady whose fortune bad been left la yoar cere by her fsther and this young lady wanted your consent to marry a worthless nobleman who demanded that ?be five him ber fortune aa ? tnsrrlsge settlement and your Investigations proved that It waa nil a same uf fortune hunting on the part of tbe people with titles, what would you dot Well, that Is Just what Daniel Voorhees Pike. "tbe man from homn," did This great American comedy la to be given here on tbe last night of our dfeautaiHjua by tbe Avon Players, a moat capabls company, and you will havs tbe opportunity of seeing on? of tbe most successful productions tbst have come to tbe Americas stage In many years. You'll admire Pike, with all of bis whrewdnees end drawling humor, his courage and bis ?elf sacrifice. And yonMI like Ethel Oranferftlmpeoo?at the last, though yon may pity her at first All ot the characters are exceptionally wall portrayed- | PICNIC WAS A COMPLETE SUCCESS Outing Yesterday Wcut Heartily, Enjoyed by all Who Attnsded. j HOLD ANOTHER NEXT YEAR Believed that Joint Pienie Willi be Mad-' a Pertnatumi 4?uu/ ul Event. \coordin? to the picnic commit ??e. between 1.800 and 2.00 per sons attended the outing at Wash ington Park yesterday. Others however. cJaim that this estimate is too low, and that 2.500 would be more correct. At any rate, the ground* wero crowded with pleasure seekers. who enjoyed the picnic and the various forms of amusement that were provided for them. he supply of refreshments wn? ample to provide everyone with plenty to eat. Dinner wa* serv ed on the immediate river front. nn?ler the shade of the trees. Tf is stimated that over 1,50(1 were seated on the hurriedlv provide )>enche* and on the erass. enjoy ing their lnneh. Forhes' orcho?* f;imished music for the occa?ion (?nd added greatly t<> the pleasure of the outing. After dinner, a number went j in bath in#, while other? cii!o\c<] the swings. watched the rare? and witnessed the hall game Inter ??n in the afternoon. At about. f??ur o'el??ek. the crowd began to return to "?lie eitv. Hy six o'clock the park wn* de serted of picnicers and the on I v visible reminders were th - pn|???r r?n th grass. the large tents, swine? and benches. So successful wa? the event that the romniitteew from the various ehurchea practically decided ve? terday afternoon to hold a similar r.'Ynic next year in the same man ner. Quick Marriage In Wilson f'oupb E'trh Qthrr nt Sta tion atid Hurry off tnf Hu?r? w*eks of thia wrJqjL "WHITE WAY* IS PLANNED FOR CITY Will Extend Through Business Section of Washington. ^ II. B. CHARLES OUTLINES PLANS A Conference is to Be Held to Discuss the Matter Thor oughly. 1 An active campaign for a "whit? way" in Washington will soon be started in thin city anuld 1? plac<\i alone the street at intervals of loO f?iet; not op posite earh other but alternately, so that a space of but 50 feet sep* amies light from light. At the corner of Main and Market rtrwiN Mr. Charles would put. four of thesis poles, ono on each corner of the square. According In lii<; preliminary plan, the light ing would extend along Main street from the A. C. L. depot to below Market street land along Market *treei as far as the post office. The system could be ad cd to a-- required. At the eonferonce which is to be htld to discuss this matter, all details will bo brought up and thoroughly gone over. It is be lieved ihat the property owners along the streets will agree to pay fo rtho erection of the poles? which will cm t about. $25 each? nn-1 the eitv will agree to furnish the eurernt. Ball Game Yesterday W'/tJth infffnn CnUroiafc Institute fhafcaf'fj Town Tram. Wnahinjrton (\riIojpnfo Inati n loam oompopo/1 of ln**nl pluvor-i yn*tor f? r (he Ti>tit 11 to. A lnrco rrowrl of apeo ? at'?r? wi turned t.ho contort. Tim town toani linwl up as fol low* : She]fop. p; TflvW. p: Moore, lb: 0. WVaton, 21?: Worrm. 8b; rJarHnor. ?*: TTarri? rf; Paul, cf; WrWr. If. ;uf,f.xsbot?o hoys OWN AKltOPT.A^E Oro?ni?ihoro. iMihy 21,?Three ^roenahoro hoy* are "the prmid Arnera of ft real aeroplane that ? ill make flifrhtfl. The hoy* are1 Forrwt Wyfton0 msrine. The Vnmur avintors hav? alreadv mad?? ii-veral flichN.