DAILY NEWS WEATHBR?Showara Tonight. Cloiriy Tobmrvw. WASHINGTON N.C. FRIDAY AFTERNOON MAY 18 1915 *?.? YY 1 L/L/ itovl/Amh OVER 90.000 - ACRES Droutagt Work at Lake Mala mutktri Programing .* > * ~-j Satisfactorily. / START PUMPING Br JANCAKT 1st Prnnpt Witt Have Capacity of 1,000,000 OaUons Per - ? . Minute. The gigantic work of land re qlunatiou at Lake Matamuakeet U progressing in a rpost satisfae toiy manner. Moat of the canals, according to information given out this morning, bare been ootn - pleted and the pumping pliant ia ; ^also practically done. It is ex pected that the% plant will start pumping the water out of the lake and jbto the sound by January 1. ^ The figures in connection with ftfcfe woi^k arc stupendous. 00,000 'Mflp-will be reclaimed by" the (ffaieftgto of the lake. The watet will be pumped through the can als at the rate of one million gal" lops jjer minute. The shortest estimate on the length of jthe time to drain the lake is 10 days; tho '. longest, v30 du*a,. There are 1ft pumps, said to be the largest in the world. They h^ve a 108-inch suction and a 72-inch discharge. Twentv-five acre* ofL. the laTkc have already* hen reclaimed, and are'being used as a demonstration fnrm by the Southern Land Re clamation Com pan v. It is stated that over 2,200 different kind of plant? have been planted on th; tract for the pnrpefee of demon strating tho fertility of tho soil and the diversification possible. The work nf draining tlio lake and keeping it drained in a gigan tic undertaking.. . A network of canals will lead into tho lake and when these beoonie filled with , water they will lie pumped throuarh the lead-canals into the sound. In this manner it is a' H^ired that the rrclaimed land will always be dry. although it will he necessary to keep a crew con stantly at the pumping plant in order to pump out the water dur ing rainy seasons. It is the jJlaiv o^tlie Southern T ?nd Reclamation Company to sell the land to farmers as soon a.* thcT*drainage work is completed. TVmgla* R. frravea of Boston^ is the president of this company. ?*lr ? ; ? Speeders Are Brought To Court four dates of Traffic Violations Disposed of Yesterday. "Four cases of violation of trnf 60 rule? werer brought lip in the recorder'? court Vesterdav after noon. John Slade, sppeding, was vo1?hm-<1 upon payment of costs. Hobert Henderson received . ?he m verdict. Willie Gray Waters toot an appeal. Dave C arter, charged with not having his lights Hi after dark, was found ? not guilty. - CONTESTS AKOUSE ' BAT I GREAT INTEREST Tl>e contest V>oimr conducted bv | Tinas Tiro?.' Variety Store is n romine considerable inttttflt Sil verware prize? are (riven fcwav t n"ti week and a watch la given each month until . the content 'cl.*en. ' The urafanola contest ia also 'aronsing great interest and there ie a ereat. clamoring for vote*. The names of the winner? /># na?t contents are mihliaed In die advertisement of this ?tore In tod ??*? twa?. MAGNOLIA TO?AT BATH BATX mVM ,'Tn tKe awoxint of the h?H earn" Vi?t wok Iwtwon TlatVi ?nd Ms?-| W??. it ?-?? th?t TJstK >i?fl Mnmphfxl oror IfttnoH*. Thu h?? *ip-?)he-! lice. Chief Roberts got busy and in a short time Randall was land-i ed i n^ jail. The police also have other information at hand, which, it is believed, will lead to the cap ture of Randall's confederates. HIDES 30 MILES TO ADDRESS ONE J50Y Kansas Governor Finda the CI rad-. tinting Class is Com posed of Single Student. Topeka. Kan., May 28.?On?;: lone boy graduate at Maple Hill was honored, when Gov. Capper drovo thiryt mile.? through tli? mud and rain to deliver a oom fhenetynent add resa to liim. Some weeks Bp> the Superin tendent of Schools at Maple Hill exacted a promise that the Gover nor would como and addre&s the graduating clnes. Yesterday the Governor learnqd that the afore said ela.u<* conaiated of one lone hoy. But. the Governor kept hi* j engagement, just the Mine. LOCAL SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Interesting Happenings of the Week Mrs. Annie Guilford, who re cently moved to this city from Aurora ami lian built a most at I tractive home on East Main St., [ was pi ven a most, agreeable anr i pi'iso party Wednesday night in the fonn of ti miscellaneous i "shower." , I About thirty of Mrs. Guilford's i many friends in the city assem bled a short, distance fjom the Guilford home snd pfoceeded in a| I body to die residence. Those who had articles of tinware proceeded to wake up the neighborhood snd announce their coitiing. Mrs, I Guilford and her sister, Mrs. ftal li? Gallagher, wero overcome witli surprise when the delegation of their friends came ii. the front door. The oocasion afforded an inAnite amount of fun and amuae zhflbtk A number of s^ecHes added knuI.v to the jollity of the occa sion. Mra. Dumn v, M m. Blount, if rt. H. W. Carter, Mr*. J. R Moore, Mrs. E. W. Avnrs and MiM F annio Satchwoll al?o made bright and witty addresw?. Tonight Music at the "PA LMS" Forbes" Orchestra THOUGHT THE! "SUFFERERS" WERE OUT "Showrr" Parly Canted Con-aid-. arable BxciiemijU Wednes day Ifight. ANXIOUS HUSBANDS BEAT IT FOR HOME Made kure 71mi Their Wives TJad JVfli Joined th* 'Tniw*" WaaMngtttc honors: i The isAooent cause of all the [trouble wip a "shower" party I tendered W< a local ladv by her I many friends in the city. When , several reprwentativos of the sterner sex taw this delegation of 'ladies* proceeding: down the street, carrying brobms, beating on tin i pans and malunff other demon*51 ra II ions of a t*m?v nature, they nt jonee surmised tiiat the sufTrajrotte leause had broken looso in Wn?di ington. Several of the men im mediately shovad for h^me t?"5 T hnvr? "nnrplicd to to th? vcrv letter. With m v lonp oxp'r Hold Last Meeting. The O. .Henry Book Club will ' hold its last mooting next Thurs-j I .. meitcement A (Mr?a*. Commencement exerci^c* nt flu* Washington Collegiate Institute will begin Sunday night. when the baccalaureate pennon will l?e preached by T?m-. "R. V. TTope. p n s tor of the First Christian Church. of this city. Sp*-cial mus ic by the choir, which will l>e as sisted hv an orchestra. will be a feature of the services. % On Mondav night an ?tit??re-st inc program will ho render*,] in the way of mu n?ical recital. A number of excellent instrumental ami vocal selection* will l*e fca" hirpil. The 2rl?e club. which lni* done snl'^dM work dnrinir tin year, will also sing n numVr of selections. ^ On Tne?ers. - W?lne?rlay torght. which' Th lcno>?n as commeneenicnt niirbt the feature of the exercise?? will !?? the wddres? by Ci'rnBres-iTuan Tolin TT. Small. A declamation contev* will also 1 held in which .T. T,. Chanov. C. W. flarlc. A. \\ Frv. J. W. Chanpcll and T C Tver vili t?W- part. Awarding ? r ??ri/^ and dinlomr* will coir clndo the \ mo?1 enrdial invitaMni i< ??v tended to the trenersl public t? ? l?r Ttrc*-'>nt at any or all of these cv r-rci?es. icnr? and the cxcollont help T h?vft| in tho .?tndio. don't. fonr< t wn nrc rich t on tli? if>T> to ttir vnrv min ute. BAKU'S STTTDTO. Entertains at RonJc. Mrs. W. T. Litchfield, of A11-, mra. was host??!? at a rook parly at hftr home Monday evening in honor of her niece. Miss Mutti?* linker, hor erne*t, Miss Xanpni TFolidia, ?od Mr. ('harlo* T.it.dr field. A most. inforr^stinir seri? s or ;rnines was enjoyed after which refreshments wer served. Tli??* citvr "T)r. rtuI Mrs. K<1win .Tour* Xixon thr hrmor of vnnr r>rr>??r*Ti',#? nf tlir* mnrrinrrp of th^ir |"i?Rfr?r V?<*? .Ton'a T,niii?o Pnfrinlr ** Mr. fW1f* T^l?nd r.n tl?o pvprttni* f .Ti??w?. n* h?>lf nftr?r ?r>Vrn oVlfwV Rf "PnulV flmrrli. TVtor^ r%, Vn." i^frXrifr C*Jnh ,lf T H p ^rw'fp Pliib vill T)wr*#?ar nfforno^** V* William Fnmclv Thin will Iv. fhr Inut TTinotin?? nf tho acn?r>n. with til?* ipfirm tyf p t?i*ip HMd following A of ?!?# inc will be the rmtHnp of the Hens Break A1) Records At River Shore They Lay Two Efjga a Day?on d Double Yalked Ones at That . The hens in the vicinity of River Shore, a few miles from \Va*hiiigtou, have evidently heard of the fight that it being made ; irainat the hiph cost of living and have determined to lend their aid. Frank Wilkinson, a resident of that section, has nevera! Plymouth ?k* that lav two eggs* every Not only that, but the egp* :ti. double'volked. Contrary to the opinion that most of our readers may hold up on rending this, we will inform tliem that thin i? no ''nature faker" story. It's a fart. Resigns Position | Miss Estelle Davis Gives Up Po \i t inn at Hit' Uitfh Cthool. "Nfiss Estelle Davi?, who for the U?j?t oijrhl years lift? In?en at tho head ?*f tlu? mathematical doj??r! 11.?mu "f tin* Washington high school, has tenders! her resigna tion ?iii.l left today fc>r her home i i.- Atlanta. CSeorjria. Miss Davis, during her stay in Washington. bas made innumer able* friends who -will deeply re trrot. her departure. report of the Kc^pratinn of Wo men** CTlnlv* meeting at U?l<|slnn? hv Minn Adeline Mayo. * * * * A "MLtcrHawnw* Shoirrr." A number of frienda of Mis?; .Tanie I'll trick temle ivd lna* $ mi* peTTaneous shower ^fonday even* uiir at tlio home of Mr. and M' IT. C. Brafrnw, at their ostal "Five Oaks," Chocowiuity. A mort pleasant evening was enjoy ed hv those present. Card)* formed thi? principal uieih??d ??f diversion. Tfcfmdimeul* followed. Tliw pr? sent. wore Misses Von Kl>er alein. "Emily Patrick and Marirar et Tlriuruw. "Mcsdames F. IT. Vein FlN?r*rciu. Win. Vi.ii Elierstcin, W. O. Fnueette *oj<1 Joe Patrick. # * * * To Jlfccf Airxt Thurtflnif. Ar rli? meeting of *ho Addiseo "Book Cluh next Thursday after noon, the* principal matter of bus iness taken up will be the decision r?f tho course of study to l?o taken np dnrinir the next year. Tho el ill i will meet with Mrs. Ilerher TJon ncr. TTHEX PTXxEK COMES One Ought to If arc n Hood A ppctitc. A j;o?h! nppotite in the host sail?*. Jr itth*h a Ion* way toward lirlpinjr in tin- di'iri*stivo nnices?, and *lnit i< alHolntolv essential t?? health ari'l atreneth. Manv jiorson* have found f'tat CJrane-Xut* food is not only nour i shine* hut is a front npprtizrr and children like (lie tn^fe of it and prow st.ronp and rosy from its use. 11 i? especially flip fowl to make n weak atoma?'h strong and ereatc an appetite for dinner. "T am 57 venr* olil," writ?*? ;? | Trim, jjrandmnrher, "and have ihad a weak atnmaeh fnnn child Ihoftfl. T?v rrmit eare a? to mv diet 1 on ioyr'd a reasonable degree of health. hut never found any I thine to rrpial On?|K>"Xiit a? ? > slandhv. "When T haw no appetite for 'ircalcfaat and jnafr ent to k or p nn Ti,y itmnfrth. T tako 4 toaapooiifnb ?f Orapo-Xuta with jpood rich milk, and when dinnor comes T am hunjrry. While if I tro with out my breakfast T never fool lik" ~atinnl?lo to w*an nt all?thank# to Orapo-"Nnta." X?n"> ffivrn hv Postuitl Co., Pattlo Creok. Mirk F'ad, "Thr "Road to Wellvile." in pkffB, "TVore'a a Reaaon." Rv+r rtod fh? nfrnwti T H */??> ovp nppmm from time iti /ime. They air ut 700 subscribers iri town. Them aro still several old-faah ioncd persons who persist in call ing the party they want by name, instead of asking by number. Thii necessitate? being connected with information" and eanses consid erable delay. Many numbers have been changed in the new directory nnd subscribers are urgently re quested to look up the numbers liofore putting in their call. "zrnonA" rx TtrF ^ ?20,000,000 MYSTERY! The Tfew Theatre offer? their patrons tonipht a five reel pro -am headed by the 17th episode of "Ziuloni" in the $20,000,000 mvstorv. There will alao be three leeli of Associated filma. Thl? h on a e ia now offering the amnae? ment ?eekera of Washington a Una of photoplavs that ia hard to heat. The house ahotdd be crowded to ni arbt. New Theater TO-KIGHT TO-NIGHT. v ! 17th Epiwde of "ZTTDORA" ! The $20,000,000 Mystery. I?Rwl* AwwwimiiCf* ?3 Price*?6c and tOf _ mul ?w'? M* ItuUiC kla MM rr^?r. h? -WlMX TO* wtn * ""?J ?** "?i ftMftt ro? "*** C ?M ?! ftldmt TOO rrwrjt* ????*