WASHINGTON N. C. MONDAY AFTERNOON MAY 31 IMS T T lJU&i lllkj? L/VI NEW CITY PLANTS ? O. C.sf?l **11 be In ?ortHnc to in owt tU* nondpf. of nohte? * fln^l l of the city's now *0* and water plant. ? teat vUl be 9q*4? to MB ether the ipoohlnery and aH parte of ?be -works oome up to the joai mate *tren toy (he con tractor. Tfco dtj officials will bo It is el pumping plant fffl be lnopootetf to Tntmrtrw. HAi fcjtaot te and on* oWtftto o final before the man 4b charge of conetrooOon are released from their rlspooeWllties. Has Resigned As Teacher at Hlch Hcfaool. Kc Mlaa UlUon CtnMl; -nfeo tu fcnd ebaree of a? eedence del Lm?n< , or tbe 'Woah&^um fa1?h aohool, h?' nmuri >er pooKloo. tUm <)*??>jt 111 ha* 1au?ht to thf ?took tan tor mm r<u ud tot t tor? ymn fir wort boo *md in tko htf -?ohool. Under h?r eoppr TUlon (be ooioaco depwtment lra> creottj knprorod. CHrolotrr iw? added to ?M> ooona M yeor tnt Miaa Ouo?tt-U ha been one a* Mbool and her raw drlende wll recrot to learn tirat aha -win "no eODUm h? era? (MM. FaJJs on Porch Dislocates Hip Mrs. Ktanbeth Mayo, Afed 86, Met ? With Accident VrtAmj. ? Mre. Ellaabeth Dno, mother of B. B. Macro, of thla oltar, fen on the floor of U* ,porch of the Mojo home oo Second atreet, FYtdey afternoon, Malocatrac her hip. She baa b quite til tor the lot two day? trat tier condition today 1e reported ai ramuy Mre. Kavo la one of the oldeet ree Muti of Waahlacton. batnf ?? yeare at ace. In *?tte of Her ad T? ??lit jeer a, ahe nib about with ?vn WAV BWfO AOTTATKI) AT WUMIIIGTON rulHlw; Will Be OraUated Thi. wgtmln?ton, Mar it.?The prov oattton of the notary Clu*> to eeoure an ommaaUl ayatam of Ucttlnc lr the heart o? the downtown bo.ln dtatrM la accarantly meetla? with the hearty approral of the elUaea* Rarly thla weak the petition* are to *>* preeeoted mom the ?ualorar men of tie nwMentlal eeotlona of the dty. The eeUtloM are to phuied before council rat Wedaae tmr. There la bo upeeMed term of year* for a contract with the Tide water rower Company euCTeeUd lr tke petition, but the Centred impree ?ton It that tt la ontmrr In all Ix t? i Sudden Stroke Results in Death MAYOR TALKS OF "TIGER" PROBLEM 8fex? ?m Uqnor leiw went Into effect to North Carolina, or rise* 1909, <fct> <JHT haa hover employed ft I Mtlve or <pa#d one coot to ft de 9re to teottfy ?sftlo?t ?17 f ttm*. In ftpwkhit farther of tke matter. Air. Kugler remarked I m fol terra: "ft le ?M that pobilo eeuttmen I 1? in toror of tli? Mlad tistra and thou the vndbMc doda* not approve of I t bo method of amimliar a detective to eatdh tfaoeo ?who violate the law 1 You aald a0 touch tt yoor odWorta' I on Saturday. But how ara you 30 t?? to nwke arreets If you don't nee I the detective to ?et your evidenc? I for you? It <a necreaary In order to I convict a man of the illegal sale of I Mquor, that ? wttueaa aeea a mani huy the liquor and pay for It. And I haw are the proper official*? to set I ?hkr information, if they don't a* cure a detective to *** ?t for them ? If a policeman, or a man of good I moral character go?? into a no-celled I blind t%ar and arte for a drink of I Iftvuor. and the propiVtor suspects him of tettiac the Information to I uat again* Mm, do you e?ppo<o that man la *oln? to fat a' drink . I "A? I -want tO eay 4e that wf? arp here to clean up Uv> town. If any better way o< arresting the blind tftara than by mean? of detective *ervio? 4a ?variable, we surely would Hke to know K." District Meeting Held at Aurora Womun'n Missionary Hoclrty to Meet H??*n on WedBMd?; Morning. The Waabtncton district meeting of the Women to Missionary Spclety will be held In the First Methodist CtruToh of Aurora, N. C-. beginning Wednesday at ttfeven o'clock. Mrs A. Speight, of ?Raleigh, superin tMeat ?tf Soda! Serrioa, wiU Con An IntenartMg program baa bee (prepared and It 1a espected that large number irtll fee In attendance. 'A VordtaJ M?WtUua la extended by the Afurora auxMary to alll delegate* and tfrtto?*. MITCH TOBACCO PliANT?D. Crop Oltltfnk tn Rockingham Is Very jteManne. tl.?Nearly ?11 III* tobacco orao 1b tbie Motion hae km Mt oat, and e Wure orop ban planted. Am * imotI propo sition the oartaiMWW the tohaeoo arrMCt tu fceeo Mt to the "othar felknr." Wo hear of Instumi vb*o farmer? ham ploughed n??m? wlvwt ?elda to plant thorn In to TMt *1000. Mr. ?. V? Hlnee Aia retmitly mad* aoraral trip* orar title county asi Caawell county Ha aara ho nerer aww a mor? preopereea out look tor cr^pN in hta Ufa The farm er? are irall op -with tholr work, he eayi, and ara choacifvl orer the noorMMoc tradition of whait, ton, oata. toaoco and other oropa. V ??t the Oh flatten Church Mat nlcht tataraoUn? and by Ror. C. K ft the Roanoke Dr. Lee troocht ?" Ma earn on la ? oleer and & HUERTA'S HOME ON L0N6 ISLAND o ?' "J"* re"l!ni? 11 Long Wand, whicl. 0?n. Victoria? "i1!1" *Mch be fcoi lMlallod hli wife and their bousubold ot S? children, grandchildren, tutors n:i4. aarvanti. Boy On Bicycle Runs Into Child Wan Riding Whed oo Sidewalk. Son of Mr. and Mm Gorham Slightly Hart. Yesterday afternoon. Da may Gor ham. the youn# son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gorham, was riding his veloci pede on the sidewalk In front of ihe home of hfln grandparents, Mr. a6d Mr*. A. M. Dumay, wl**n he collided wHh a boy on a Mcyole, was apse* and (thirown hea^ly on (the side walk. His injuries were noV of a serious nature. The 'boy on the lii* cyc*\ who was riding on the side walk at tihe thne, was not hurt. CAMILLE SAINT-SAENS Camilla Saint Hat n*. ih.> EMMNM | HYench composer and the first deje pate of the Frango-Anitylcan oomihts Hion for the Deva lopped* of Political, Economic, Literary and Artistic Rela tione, photographed as he landed In New York. Thw*/Omposer, who 1b eighty yeara -old, looks forward with uncommon pleaaure to revisiting the United StateC He will be entertained oxtonslvely by the French soclotles In the many cities he expect* to visit during the three months of his stay Mr*. Why Men Eat More Thar Women. That men eat Ave or elx per cent more than women-?not because they tre gluttons, hut because they actually require that much more nourishment ?appears aa a result of an investiga tion made In the nutrition laboratory of the Carntfle Institute at WaahlnK ton by Francis G. Benedict snd I* K. Bame?, aaya the literary Digest. The reason for the discrepancy seema to be that women hare a smaller propor tion of active tissues than men of the eame weight snd more Inactive material, eneh as fat The Investiga tion disclosed that the average warn an generate? ohly 1,355 heat antta In tha 14 hours, as against 1,638 pro duced by the *man. or about two per cent morn for the latter per pound Of body weight. When group? wers com pared, after careful selection of indl vldusls of nearly the same height snd Waifbt, the men were found to pro duce about It per cent more heat than women. One of Wafe Evi*. Marond Barke aaid: "War suspends the rates of obligation, and' what la km? suspended Hh <U*?er ? .i'.M 1 rinds Note On Local Bank Confederate Note, lamed by Bank of Washington, Found In A tetter flrora 1\ F. N?alla of Philadelphia, wee reoently received by Jesse B. Rom, caahier of the Bank of Washington of tbta city, statin# that th? writer was 1n pos session of a 920 Confederate not? isfied by the local bank during tp> war. Mr. IfeaMs desired to know whetftw the present Bank of Wash ington would redeem this note with .'interest. , Replying to the letter, Mr. Roes elated that bank which Inmied the jdete was a different organlz t Ion firom the proeent Bank of Wo* l:;giaiH and that be believed th>? not eoirttf-not bo redeemed. Ho how eve i rqursfed Mr. Nealis to kindly aent I him-? hlatocy of the note, in anNwe to which the following letter wa ecelved today: In T^ply to yours of May 24th, I Thle note was picked up on a hack street in the rear of 371 ? L-ocyat Street. Philadelphia. It was among ?ome scraps of paper and was found <by my. i*on. who gave tt to me. I ?'riqutrt*d o{ the tenant of the prop erty on' which the note wae found ?whether It belonged to htm, but he Mated he knew no'Mng about ft. I hsftvwtth enclose the note, Co do with as you eee At. It appealed to me a* I had relations that fought on both aides and who .belonged in the South as wall as the -North. Thanking God that'I'llej-e Is no North or South to day. "burf one common country, I am. Touts very truly, T. F. NBALiIS. *;? Mr. Rons hae the note In 'his pos session at the present time. * Celebration For Jonesboro City I* Planning for Big Event on Fourth of July. Jonesboro, May 31.?Jonoafcoro Is planning to have the biggest 4tB of July, oelcrfbraHom this year ever held In thda section of the Stat?. The committee In charge la looking to give the people something entirely new In the way of anruaernent. The committee hopes to have ready Inthe next few days a program complete for publication, and aasureg the pub I lie thfcr? will toe no doll times in Joncffboro on that day. "EXPLOITS OF RltAIXE" HERE TONIOHT The "New Theatre opens for the week tonight with a reel pro gram. The ?th episode of "The Exploit? or Elaine*' will 1m the head liner, wsth three othrr reals of tfc* Associated Alms to addition This house ha a made arraagamaata to give their patrons a strictly comedy night eadh ??t starting Wednfa day *f nsxt week. They also ara going to have the "Hear#4Mlie pic torial WW' each i**?k stahttng this coming Thursday. This flhn will ?hoar thfllr many patrons an of the Mteat events of the world, including many aoenan In the war stricken fields of Europe. The New Ifeaalre has always tried to *fve tfcatr fi rm* the very best that they could secure 4n the photoplfT Fro? ?O. ?? *111 ?Othtt ' t to t ifrrthTtntT. THIEVES ROB BELHAVEN STORE bfUblMuBNit o4 Croorge Adler Brotai Into Saturday HlghL V/ERE OAPTCKED YK9TERDAT Took Goods Valaed at Orcr $1N The store of Qeorge Adler In Bel hav%n was robbed Salt unlay cdght of *oo?*? valued at fc??r *L00- Mr Adler is one of the leading merch ants of that ctty, dealing in dry roods and clothing. The thleWss broke Into the store during the middle of the night, mak) ing thetr entrance by forcing their way through a dour In the rear of rhe estafclfshsaenf. They helped themselves liberally to clothing and other articlea. Hie police of Bel* haven w^re tameddately notified the robbery and through their forts the th teres irere located ng** Swan Qsartor. TTiey nrere placed tinder arrest and are now in Jail. The robbery "was committed by two negroes, who had recently Wir ed time on the road*. PROMTXHHT MAN DIBS AT VANCKBORO I>r. Benjamin F. Smith Paused Awsg at That Place Friday. Vencefooro. Msy 31.?Vanceboro lost one of her oldes* and most pro minent citizen? early Friday morn ing hi tUn death of Dr. Benjr.m*n J. Smith, at hla home here. He had been to fsiling hesdth for a ion* time, and laat wwek he suddenly grenr worse until his condition was euoh that hla death was expected *t any hoiw. He was one of the <Aarter mem bers of Mo New Bern lodge of Ma sons of which he was muter for tereral years, and was a great work er to the lodge whloh he helped to build, and lored so well up to a ?hrtrt fHnto Mro Ma .l^illnJr heaWh Tendered W*m unsMe to long er srad end assi*. He Was sr Cpn rederste soldier, and a Strong *be 'Tc-?w in th?Str caiase He was a member of* the Episcopal church of N'piw 'Bern from which the funeral took place yesterday afternoon, con duced by Rev. C. D. Malone, pastor of the Qpiscop*.! churCh here. Recital Tonight At Institute lirttrentln? MmM Ffrogrmn at Wanhtnffton Collegiate Tn*tlUit<\ An dntereatln? program, to which he pufblle Is cordially lnrit^d, will rendered tonight At the Wfhluf-, ion Oolle?late Institut*. Wlnnln* at nlfcht o'olook. The pro*T*Tn will r-nTNriHt Of & TOUSlCAl TWQiUl a? <*01 lows: 1.?Oypfy Danoe, Nola Mae Fletcher. 2.?Watt*, Gwendolyn and Marti nci Warren and Ellsatoeth Miller. 3.?Bdekwelm Glide. Juanlta War ren. > 4.?Welcome ?w*et Springtime Girls Glee Oldb. 6.?Cheerfulness. Octavila Bel* and Edna Raines. 6.?La Grace, Lola Paul. 7.?Life's Dream, Ole* Club. 8.?II Trovatore, Agatha Warren aad Clara Paul. 9.?Hungarian Rha^wody, Evelyn Balbank. 10.?Vocal. I'ldle D'Amour, Nell# Randall. 11.?'Mozart's Sonata 1, lease Ed bank. II.?Homeward March. Evelyn Eufbaak, Ellsabtth Miller and Lola Paul. II. IH^H, Girl* Glee 01?h. 14.?Poloaalne. . Mfaeaa Morrla and Warren a* first piano and M 1m?? Rufbank and Paul at neoond piano. Preached lait NUrht. Tba bMcaiurnta mm l?t m*bt **? trurtiM br R?t n. V. Hop?, pMtor of ttll OkrlMltn cbnirh of thin etty. Mir, Hop? took h la Int from Rovaltttone S!:H. on the t>rnadth ?nil height o*f our ?fluaj. HI. word? reoalved the "???M attention from hi. tunri Th? Mrnton ?M an eloquent one to adIMUon to tka atudmta of the Tnatttrnte t h are vera a far?? num ber of vKttora present. !, ?* SBRVJCRfl TOKfTOHT. Th? ?r?t of Ml*, wealt*. nvmtlr meeHnc at ?a frhHatlan obarah ?m be held toalftrt *.Tl R v Hop? ?111 oa??/ the pain, i ALFRED VANDERBILTS SON 0< V'v .4 Little Alfred Qwynne Vandeibllt Jr.. whose father was one of the ric tlma of the Luiltanla disaster, nil) ahan> Id the fortune of between $5<V 000,000 and $70,000,000 left by his per ent Tbe lad'a mother was Mian Mar faret Emerson of Baltimore, lie U not yet three years old. FIERCE FIGHT IS MADE ON PRZEMYSL Reports Indicate TIuU AustrvXicr man Armlw Have Advantage. 9WTTZ ERLANT) MOBILIZING. Two Mot* Veasels H?vc Hcen Sunt by German Submarines. London, May 31.?A supreme ef fort t? bolne mad? by the Austro German armies against the fortress of Prxemyal. Tho battle Is ?till un derided. but today's events appear to dntflcate 'that the allied army ha the advantage. Rolnforcemnts of the Rusjane ar? en route and ex pected to arrive today. Submarine*? fttnk 2 Yssfcclw. Ivondon. May 81.?A German sub marine Friday wight itunk the Eng lish steamer Tulloohoor, a vessel of 4,000 ton*. The crerw escaped. A report from Paris also states that | the French steamer Dixie was sunk ? by a German submarine. ' BwIms Mobilizing. Generva. May 31.?-The Swiss gov ernment today deeded to mobilize th* -flret and third division of re-1 ?ervee, numbering about 70,000 men. TOWNS MAKING IMPROVEMENTS Old Fort and Hertford fllfow Fear of War Times. Old Fort and Hertford are the next North Carolina towns to make nota ble municipal f?ntp#ovem?nts Old Fort, the main gateway to the moun-1 ?alne proper, with a population ofi not over 1,000, has contracted for s sanitary sewer fcystem tb cost* a-1 round $10.000. Hertford, the quaint old torwn on the Perquimans, has gone two far ther. She has contracted for water works, eleeirle lighting and a san' tary sewer system, together with street Improvements on apeo'fled rireetK Hertford Is a town of about 2.000 people, some 60 (per eent o* which aire n?groes The lowest fig ures for Hert.flnrd's Improvements, net to Include ?traet Improvement, will *be albout 1KB.000. DEATH OF OTTTT.n. Jontra*. the fonr-rnonthe-oM of Mr. *nd Mre. Ch*r1te Walker. <yf n*at Third Atr*et. yeeterdajr. The fnn?ral wi ikm ww held (Ma afternoon frran the hom*. R?r E i M. ftalpee offlrtetln*. The Interment j vu In 0?kr)?Vf> OOMPUtTRD AWKINO. ? ter** *in>tn*. iMde off ?eWan ited ?te?l. haa J net bwti -wnpWf' fcy J. V. Htrvr 4b front ^ the He? eell hlort o? Mart?* itmt Ovttere hare ?lw been iMrtaflUd. The wort 1e a dUtlwn ftmrwT?iwi> ?a the T"? avatar. ??1# <H? ?M 1M Mt M?. ANSWER NOTE OF GERMANY TOMORROW ? . i'.A Ptf^drat Wltao. to Wit* Hto NOTE 16 UNaA'?WACTQRY. Avoid? the Principal <*?tJ> Wi Washington, D. C., May SI.?1W not? ervnt by Germany to coun try and the reply which the OoH?d States will tend In amnrer tcr It, form the principal ?object for dla caMton in official circle* today. Oar. many mad? the statement In bar document that the Imperial Govan? nvsnt cannot aacape the tmpreaaloa that important facta, harts? direct bearlnc on the sinking erf the L,u*t tanla. may have escaped the atten tion of the American government. The note also declared that It to not its Intention to submit neutral *hfp* in the war-zone, which are guilty of no hostile acta, to attacks by aero planes or siibvnartnea. It aays far ther that In the case erf (be LaicI tania. which Germany alleges waa armed and carried large stores of munttlona. "ft was acting in fuf^tie self-d?rfen?e. The entire text of the of the note 1? a "side-step' al the demands made ibty this country. V. 8. Answer Trmvwrow. ' Washington, D. C.. May 81.?A" meeting of President Wilson with his cahlnrt will be held tomorrow and ft N the general belief that the entire session will be devoted I o the diftoiiflslon of Germany's note and !Yamin* of a raply thereto. It (a voiced by those close to the presi dent that thin country win not en gage Into any lengthy dlwcutrions but that th^ answer will be io the point and as brief as possible. "Stiir Operators A. re Elusive Officer* Were I'nMunceseful in Tkeir Search Maturday. l>eputy Officer FJd Jamefc with two atniaiants drove out to Chooowlnlty township again Saturday- In anarch of another still, whloh It was sus pected alas located in the woods about six or seven miles from Wash ington. They were unsuccessful, however, in locating it. Thn officer"' also endeavored to locat^Hbe opera tors of the two stills which werSy nna*4h?<d Friday, but could And no x trace of the mfr-n they were after. Sponsor For Confederates Mis? Marci? Mycr* IWHrm Prxitloa of Hotwir Reunion. iMfe* Maori? Mywn loft .on the Atlantic roast tins train (jhl? morn in? for Richmond. Va., to attend t h? r on f od oralo Retinrton In that city. Mlwi Myers has been appointed Rponeor for the flonH of Confederate Veteran? of the army of northern Virginia, bn this, the BOTh anniver sary of ?he clove of the war betweo the State?. The ladle* who will act as maid? of honor to M.1?? Hyena ore M te? liUHe Dartiam. of Virginia, And Ml?? flail 1* May TlUman. of flooth Oaro Una. Both of th**e ladle* are well known in Washington, having min *ral time? vWtod friend* her?. "FOOTR" ON fHfORT mm*?. Th* torpedo boat "JToetik" wm% taken try the nerval mllttla oo a ?hort rrnln down the rtrer yeeterday. The/fee?el went from here to Ber ntom, Btnpptag there for three or four hour?, and from there tailed down to Jndlon lelaed. home F rem. The banana plant yields M timer more by wel?fit than the potato and Itt Ume? more than wheat. It bear? two orope a year. No Ineect will eb ?ok It and It la Immune from 4'-* New Theater TO-NlGHTl ' ' Eighth Rpiandn of <Th? EXPLQTTO OF M.AJNg Pfiow??nd ^ I

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