TALKS OF CASE Ma 1M All of Local ] ?%?4 It ta? tint ka had coafarrnl with Rar. H. a. Saarlsbt. PMtot of tka Fra?>rt?taa ok arch. ?nd the tmtur ikM M ka ate had'aot In aaoouaela? tk* tact tkat ? ?. jjtaa* ?k Hot ftadfeaaa ? aim kara for tka 11 ' "1' ?ka a^ataoaa at Lae Praah.'' ? nr. aw. Tok eay tkat It W^a 4 ? ?? by tka lootl vaattra.' laaTtac tka Jmvraaaton that tt ma apil ky all tta paatora. Permit ma to aay-that. at taut, m of tka paatora did sot *ra tt. I aa*a*t. If tka < at ) trust waa kaowa. a majority of ?ka atcatsn of la Kg noth > aiarlta of Ik a. mat It (a I tka aoarta tkat kan t raaa teov mora *oat tt ?ta thoaa ?sssscsrsuriS Li ka kopad tkat ?ft PaWWt ?<?* tog" it tka ?Ntt atata W Ont*l. ara maa or aaMelaat IMaMsaoea to 4a tkat fear wit aot allow ?Minaal<aa to ka ItflmaeU ky oataMa parttaa ate k*n notklm to do v*b ?tka ?*aa. , ??l voadar ?V ?? ?mar y^fta itfTanloaa to aklaM ortntaab tam tka eooaaqaaaom of t?* ?lani - ?tea tka a alti toda <MHM ' t*r ? ralaaaa of BaraMma Mian >an ri ^ lfcm ttaaa paopla raadr to l*nd' K jwieetky mot aaawtuoa to ?w #tl . * f *t crtmlaaK a??da)ly ? ?? <*?? ?>\ M bad wamltt or aooMl. promi axaoa.. Protaetloa of trtmlnal. oro a?ataatk>D of otgu la tha pual.h maat of crtmlaaia w about infant ? ?ana*. Oa thla aakjaat Judu? Carta* la ararlaatla?!? rfekt May Ma trlba tneraaaa." Stockholdert I Meet Thursday 0*il|ll ?f M ft WwhtaftM to MM taHl ?WW? Ttwro !- T ?*>-? A m ?Min? of tin MookhoMor? of th* But or Wukla^ton wtH 4>o ' M4 THirxt.r ?t noon. Tlx. will t>? th? r?pl?r imatl MMttMr. The ?lootIn of diroctor* taf ?<%?* bo ~V win %? brought ttf. MAriuoR oomiuM "? "mvn MB* ? t%? New TkMtr* w}ll <??? Mioir patron* toMctat s tihroo ml fu'.wa ?Uti* "Wm. MJH," " ?UM) (h* thMtTM ?r. ?1 M wh???m Ht a * M>l *o*? -with V. t?* tn H, ?hor ?? ?*? t? TRIAL JURY FOR CLIENTS TRIAL ON FRIDAY a* 17 plats of wklakar. )'? W. C. Rotfman. I Hmni tor tba defendant*. demaodOd i trial ky !?ry. tor b|a sllesia. The cue win Harry Peede. *?mil nth ?Kd 1*? Ma automoMla, waa fined MU of sDart _ :? William White, -chalfed wiVi 'rid lot Ma motoregmla, at a nllUr salt thaa tka Mr allow*. I ecu)lad a alra liar dacMo*. . . a Jaet nblab'Whlta. colored. dbanied br the ooort. Balnx unable fo ?ar tba line. ah* waa aaotaaoad to tan 'ikf in Jail. Tka mm ?a lint R W- R%bt. oolored. ilkmked with karlnr ?o ?tat. ?r Honor ?MUX 4? ttjn. will not be broacht 19 In court qntll tba lattar .part of thla wfak. owln? to tba />???? of Via attorney from tha atty. ' j. Commends Advertising Ibat there la no question regard* in? tba rseolta 4arirad from nawe paraf ad ? artiste?. iwaa the elatement aiada Ma moralne fey *, H. Baker, tba popular local photographer Mr. Baker la a ataady adeartlser In the DaMy nm and bfc caption. K^YS BiKBR, la familiar to aft oba? na'tity. ' **ta?t rear." ha etataa. "I .im ?p a?acualu? Wfcarts? that I waa tatting no reaultt. 1 feH away be hind In mi prodla and bostaeaa blacked ?? amaalnclr. t didn't know what to mata of It. I ba?an ad rartlaln? again tkla year, and work cammanced to aoane In acala In (OOd rttape. I bekere In aArertle lat and I baits'* It vara " ? * r A t Sgrvices IMInml UtdI M*?> * U? ChrKHl church. . . ImlM Tonight. 'A good clUndMM, appredatl InMrM, eiooNeot music ud m mot* Mod Mat ud DUrrlnc sernjon by the pastor, marked the flret of I week's eertea or nJ?htly meetlsc* be In? held ?t the Christian oh arch 'Mr Mop* took M hI? tat, "He flndeth flret hi* brother. Hm, and smith unto htm. V? tan found th UeriWl.' which Is, belies Interpret ed. Obrtst" Tke mm held the oloewt attention at th* ookftwta tton Iron etmit to finish. | TooKht Mr. Hope will prekok on I th* neighborhood church This s?r mon promises to M ?ren more in nl?ht A tood ?to?d ooacrevstlon H looked tor. >,f* ??..< .>?7; RAUT CAJMCJM ' " ? \ TMINimo BOHOOI Win IV I?lUe, Mar II - The <-om >?X exerclss* of tM;?..t.rr TMokers' Tralntnc Mioo CYCLE CORPS OF THE ITALIAN ARtfY Hlcycto detacbmom of the Italian army maneuvering near the northern border of tlx oonntry. JIM BAUGHAM RELEASED AT NEW BERN town DBcnws that killing ># OF CHILD WAS AW Aotroujfi. NO TRIAL HELD ?? Wm Itu-own Out of CoiK YfsUrdsj Afternoon by Jud|o Oeorg? W. Oowmt. The ewe against James Baugharn of this cltji, which was tried ye? terjtay in the Superior court in see-, ?ion at Now -Bera, .was thrown out] JA court hjr Jmlhf?wil?u w! Cfla-j Mr. Mr. Baughsm wu .charged with reokloss drtvlug which resulted la the death of Jame? Ringold.a chTM. Judge Conn<v^.held that the affair waa purely an accident In which Baugturai was In no way to h!ame.~ A notion waa entered by Solicitor Aberoethy for the expung ing of the records made on the Su perior court records by Judge Cur ,tor and iwhloh reflected upon Vs official and personal character. Judge Connor announced that he would act Tfcuntday. The genral opinion Is thai Vt; will (be stricken off. The news of Mr. Baughams re N* from the charge held against him, wae received with constdgrsfclr elation and satisfaction by his many friends In Washington. He Is one of the Jttoet popular yoyng men of ^fc<> city and no *one_ regret ted the scctdenfta* kllBng of the child more than he or his family. All repsni tlcn posatble has beon made to the fMngold family. The .father of the citfld sent a.note to court yeetordsy ?fating that he believed the affair ?#s an accident and that he wished t9 withdraw his prosecution. TOMBSTONE DATED 1816 IS FOUND 8TOVK WAS V VEAJgWlK 1> IN THE REAR OP OU> FOWLS HOMB. IS IN GOOD SHAPE tn Memory of Mrs. Puny Holland, Who Died in this CMy in the Y ear of 181* The men engaged In tearing down t ho old Fowle home on Mfctn street y 06 ter day unearthed an okl tomb stone In the rear of .the hou*e,which wu-bmw Ik.oitaM, Ho grave wm fou?d and ft to WHwxl that the tombstone had been brought from ltd original location at the cemetery and moved to where ft was found. The inscription on the stone read & follows: In Memory of KRS. FANNY HOLLAND The late consort of Mr. John Hol land, Merchant of the to^n of Washington. Who depsrted this life on the 4th of August, 1816, Aged 71 years. She was a loving and affectionate w'fe. a kind mistress, charitable to the needy and the loss of her was much regretted by all of her friends and acquaintances. Inquiries regarding the Identity of John 'fTolfend were made this morning of some of the prominent residents otf the city, but nothing appears to be known of the Holland family here. F. Newlbkrry, of QreenTille, was a local visitor In the city this morning. GERMAN DESTROYER AT ANTWERP TM. o? ?TV?>" SMSS?? ?? iinjron? ..Hn. pho.o.r.^ H ?~U )0tjn to Indicate that Holland # neutrality has been tki*. Clinton. N. O. ^ ? Monter, Jun. T. 10:00 ?. m. Mmiih? of Board of TriM < 00 ?. m.. ClMt Mr t:?0 I> at., Alanu? Dln??r ! MM ?, |;t* I.m TM Op*t+, "MH?do,> ttca. WadaMdKT, Jna? ?. 11:11 *? m..| iMr? Hon. Franci. D. Wl04Mr.ll. 0> U:M * Oi. mm MANY ATTEND MUSICAL RECITAL rI\raitBraKO . PROGRAM AT WAftlfHlGTO*' COLLEGIATE munrvTE. WELL RENDERED Program To al? h t Will be Given by the Literary HocAetle? of the In*titfct?\ Public Welcome. A large audience wm present last rvkght At the m unload recital whleh -was beld to the auditorium of the Washington Collegiate Institute. Tht, ?jrocTain cpsesdingly well were well applauded. The liberary eerie*fee of" the In stitute will render the program to night. which also promises to be ex j tremely internet Ing. The program will be aa follows: Invocation, Rev. E. M. Snipes. Piano, Mlseefc Eobaok, Balnea and Earnest. Heading. Evelyn Eufcank. Original story. Nello Randall. Song, Girls' Glee Club. Prophecy, Ldndley Tycr. Reading, Edna Oalnes. Quartette, Missee Morris, Warren. Earnest and Paul. ?Calendar of School Year, Clara Paul. ; Song, Glee Club. t Comlo play, tfAxln beT Father," a negro farce In one act. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the exercised tonight, and It fe hoped that a large number will be present. NOTICE. The State and County license tax a all lines Of business where a specific tax Is charged Is due today. Junto list, and (expires May 81*t, 1916, and to avoid cost and embsr rsasment you should call at my of (floe at onoe and secure your license, 'as It Is strictly against the law to do business without first securing your license and this applies to ev ery person In the county Who Is en titled to pay a license tax. Respectfully. " W. B. WBTOL/EY. Sheriff. SAVE . ! YOUR TICKETS Wttfi *r?ry pnrohftoo m*<H it vooxra. wkleh (? aaatored. Tha pwaan holding tb? lockj mrtw will Hw> (tnn a a?. IHiuod ?01 of NOMHfl' BX Qtrmrra oamoik s.t.r<i?T ?t ? ?tote*. Worthy at EtkerM?* CABINET ACTS ON WEIGHTY MATTERS DWCU80IKG UmOUTATlOXAL QUttllONg AT Mivnxu TODAY. TO ACT OPUJOTE ill Decide Answer to be Sent to Germany. Take Up Affair* la Mexico. Washington. D. C.. June 1.?At the meeting of the ethinoi to-lay, President Wilson will bring s p two questions of importance: the reply that Is to be sent in answer to Ger many's note and the ?*tltude that this country w-'* regard to Mex*" ..ueved that the ..many will he dispatched - nore the end of the week. No Mat as to Its nature has been girf?. hut It Is generally stated that the communication will be brl?f and to the point, demanding immediate ac tio* by the German government. The note to Mexico, it Is claimed, will request that that nation bring an early end to the present warfare within fta boundaries. Should no action <be taken, the United States will find other means to save the Interests of n on-combatant? who are suffering as a result of the perpetual conflict. Orr Lodge to Meet Tonight Work Will be Held In the E. A. Do gnee. Member? l?rge<I to be Present. There will <be a regular communi cation of Orr Lodg* No. 104, A. F. & A. M. at their hall, corner of Thfrd and Bonner streets, thin even ing at eight o'clock. Work In the Entered Apprentice degree. All membera are urged to be present. Visitors tn the city are cordially In vited. By order of the Worshipful Mas ter. O. M. WICT1ELD. Secretary. THE NEW YORK PKEH8 COM MENTS ON GERMANY'S NOTE <*<-neral Sentiment I* That It Evades Ifwrurn. CJerman Paper Defend* It. New York Times.?The Herman roply Is not responsive to our de mand. It does not promote that "clear and full understanding" as to a igrave situation "frhlch President Wilson In hI? note declared to be desirafble. New York World.?The German note in response to the American protest against submarine attacks upon merchantmen does not meet the Issue. It is worse than evasive. It is insincere, even pettifogging. New York Tribune.?Germany's answer to our government's protest against the slaughter of Its citizens, peacefully and lawfully going aibout their business on the high seas, will not satisfy American opinion. It does irat strike the note which the people of this country hoped that it would sti+ke. New York Pre??.?'Berlin's answer to President Wilson's note Is friend ly, gracious, and?unsatisfactory. N?w York Hemld.?Germany ha* l*nor?d the rmA lamic pr*a?nted by the American note o>f Mar 18- As vii efetrly a?t forth In that historic doonmont th? attitude of th? United Btat?a I? not t>???d m>po an y one of the ?er1?a of th? ?mti dt?d. htr. upon th? principle lnrolr?d In th? method of warfare In which tfcey war? Inctdontfl. | Kfft York* (Now York) ?Th? r*pty of the O#hmao *or*rc ment show? condlaatrety that Oar many la moat anxlons to Kra at oeaca with Amerfcm. That ah? ae aim? to ahrrwn wh?r? ah? la wroi* la tn>t natural, nad wa think fair minded man aHll oonc?d? that w|t* th? raw* b?lnr earrtad on th? nnv* llat aa an aaxIMary ?rwhwr 'h? pr#. la atrtMHK th*t German *4f?J dtm thOtttht U M4 f??* * ??? ROUT TURKS IN FIERCE BATTLE v\ I AWT AT LBABT S^OO MKN| lil tin ?H LOW Wii ONLY SOO. . ' 130 BOATS SUNK NUUnent bj British Offlckla Show That Number DwUujed Hlacn Beginning of War. London. June 1.?Hotry fighting od Galltpoli peninsula, resulting la the rout of the attacking Turkish force?, ie announced In an offloial statement given out today. The casualties of the Turks are ?aid to have amounted to aC least 1,000. British loeses are given as 300. Battle at PrsesnysL Berlin, June 1.?No new develop ments have <jpcurrod since jester day. The struggle for Prsemysl stil* continue?. No serious engagements are reported in the eastern theatre of war. v Success for Rivutuni. > Petrogad, June 1.?The battle on the San In the vicinity of Prsemysl la developing in favor of the Rus sians, according to an official an nouncement given out today." The Russians, between May 12 and Mar 24, captured nearly 19,000 of their antagonists. 180 Vessel* Hunk London. June 1.?An admiralty statement, giving the number of . British * merchant and ffrhtfng res stta sunk or nap t u red alnce the be ginning of the war, shows that 66 merchantmen have been sent to the bottom by cruisers of the enemy. IB by mines and 62 by submarine?. a total of 130. H in k Two More. London. June 1.?German sub marines Saturday torpedoed the British ??teamer. Dixlana. The entire crew was saved. The Danish steam er, Sober*, haa also "been sunk In the English channel. The cwwr wa4 aaved. Ex-Governor Takes N. C. Bride Former Executive of \Vlaoonsta*- Mar ried Miss firmer Mason of Durham Tudky. Beaufort, N. C., June % 1.?Ex Governor William H. Upham. of Wisconsin, and Miss Grace Wilson Mason, a oharming young society telle of Durham. N. C., were mar ried In this city (hM -morning. The ceremony took. p)ace at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Duncan and was performed, fcy "Rev. B. F. Kuske, rector oftChrisf- Episcopal church of Neur Be^n. ' Mr. and Mrs. tJfpftffcm ftave left for Annapolis, where t-hejc will attend the commencement eaerclses. 2 \ Few Delinquents On City List Lint Taktra FlnM?rd Thrtr Work Ycwtrrday. JMalla Will Im Giren. Oyt Tomorrow. Tha lint tAk*>rn of city and county tax?? ftnlahad hair work at tha orarttwun y?*t?rda.y ?ftarnoon. "Whw a**tr tb<a morning and a ?He ad wh?4ff?r thar* wara many dalln quantn oh tfc* Olty Hat. Mr. E. T. B'ewart rapllod tha* Uiara wara rvry f?w hujf^that ha did not know the ?zaot number. Ho atatad that ha would <ba atola to *lva * batttr ld*a o^lh* Snumrfbar by tomorrow. UuiA vlyi' iTif op ramj). .V'Nrinini; Mi? tbra?ymr-oM damrhtai1 of Mr. and Mca. Guy Tt*po, 4f Mt. Hop?, d lad Saturday aftenmmf. May 29th. New Theater TO.BWBT. "awmmhatb

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