?Store, No. 480. Hyiy ? Tfr ' Y d8B*A?J*, BHWK awiTWhitb, ZFJBi&srasiSS?Z NEAR DEATH BY SMOTHERING tahU, WKkAU W OrM ESlSl?S sassaB jjswsyss'iK'istt?; OM?W? 0lO???fc dp. "1 I THE I STIEFF Tone A Quality > Tone v, k. From every standpoint of tefttl^raluM the *. ? ? \ Stifeff U*<m?lii#o(ie. Throuch out tb* ?tUr? nK?? of tba la MmoMttb?? Ims av?oe?a, a " that tp it tend Stlelf U ? rare oc?bi??Oon ol HaUmttvd volu?? and tympa ?L,?4l? - I ? - -liall?.. ' I ' tttttic ?inarm* quniity. y* j l I li tvidw^ ftt i?Mt*Uo. K?coocely? ?n iBttmmMI SeeBtiwl21lryP,04lM #D ' Choi. M. Stieff Laon 8. St*?I*. Mgr. ?IGrmnHrSt Phot,. 110? M*. V?. to a resident of H? 1? charged with ran * jounc child In his : ame Urn month* ifo. affair was ? ptn mo'den t It. In enteral belief U^t be ?111 John U. 8mall la In He delivered the men cement addreai tost night at Choate School In WaUinrfrvd. The Ooncreemnan la expected hack Washington either tool*!* or to ?<m. He ?will deltrtr the eom incememt address at the Washing ton CoUarfata Institute tomorrow nlcht. The Million Dollar Mystery By HAROLD MAC CRATH tratmdjhom Semi in th* Photo Drama of ths r Mamm by ?*? Thanhousmr Film Company man, lOaa Floram So to Jonea bn 1 Never go ur place without letting I him kaowt bok trn to the Hfner I drug ?tore. I in solni tft find your I lather Bom ?s> %u reecued. I'm [ ?cdng U find buk whether It waa the ?TUtOT tit lit. Hargreave." Jone? drew In a deep breath ud hI? ?yea doeed for k mom CO I At til* fear h* ipoU to the reporter. "WW do think of that won IH* t betlere that Ihe told the truth, ?e la charming.1" "She la But for all her charm and truth I ?annul balp dletruatlng her. I bare an Idea. I ehall call up your of. *?e al the ana or each day. If a day cornea without a call, yon will know that eomethlng la wrong," *A rery good Idea." Norton ahook banda with everyone and departed. "What a brave, pleasant young an!" murmured Susan. "I Ilk* him. too; and I'd like him for a friend." aald the guileless girl. "It la rery good to hare a friend Ilka Mr. Norton." added Jones; and paaaad out Into the kitchen. All the help bad boon discharged and upon hla ahoulders lay tha burden of the till anch Uma when he could ratoetote tha cook That* waa a stormy acene between Bralna and tha prlnceea that night. "At* you In your dotage?" ahe aaked "Tiare. bring your rolco down a ML Where's the girl?" "Is bar home. Where did you atip poee aba mid be. attar that botch work of letting ma go to do one thing white yom bad In mlad another? And an ordinary pair of cutthroat., at Vhatt "Tba thought came to me alter you left. I kanwr you'd rojogniie the men *n4 understand. I te? no reason why ?t dldnS worn." " w?*Id have been all right If you id consulted a clairvoyant ' 4?ea do you mean by ?MIT" Mm demanded roughly "* toana that then you would hare your friend the reporter wee to arrive upoa tha acene at lta moat vital moment." "WDat, Norton?" Tea. The trouble la with you, yon have been ao euceeeeful all Jheae year that you hare grown overconfident. I tell yoa tkat there la a deeperately thrwwd man aeaewhere back of all this. Mark me, I do not believe Har greave la dead He la In hiding. It may be neer bv. He may kave dropped from the Dallbon before It left land |Tb* nan they picked up may be Orta. the aeronaut The tve thousand might haw been bin fa* for raeculng Har (.reeve. Her* la tha gneteet thing we'vp ever been >p agalnat; and yow start in with every day method?!" > "Utile woman, don't lat your tongue ma away with yoa too far." "I'm Ml the feast bit afraid of yoa. L*o. To? Med me,'and It baa never be*n mart gppanat (ban at thla mo "All right. I fell by th* waydde thle trip. Truthfully. I reellted It live Blagtea attar tha mat) vara gone Tha My clever Mrin| I <14 was to k'?? Hw OM*k PD tay face. They eap'l ?Ml? baah at M Bit tha this? loek.d H aaiy; ?nd H would kav? w?rk?4 tar Norton'! appeaaaaaa." . "*?l ?II HI compromised ae Thai tatlarworrie? ma s iliu?." Har ?? " M It? anger aad iwv "Mrt always about i?me De y?u think Harare*?? wok ?la Int? hI? ?oolldeuo?r "OoB't toll. Ha'? bean w?l?hed ?might tor ?? hour*. Ha kaw't aallM ? latter or telephoned to uy ?I??? ??t tka rrooery Thar* have bam ao telegrams soma one In that mow? wMrrtt? money u, an o tU toa to ewe that It will be the (W." . war to Un wtadow and etared up al the stars. "Ton have made a good Isapraatlon ir with hla haak still to butler may know where I stand eve though h? cannot prove It. Now. I'r going to tell you something. Perhap you're long since guessed It Katrin was mine till H ar g reave?never min< what his name was then?till Hsi K reave came Into the fold. So sur of her was I thafT usod her as a lur to bring blu-to us. She fell In lov with him. but too late to warn him. had the satiafactlon of seeing him cai# her Mlde, curse her. and leave her. I one thing she fooled us all. 1 neve knew of the child till you told me." He paused t? light a cigarette: "Hargreave was madly in love wit* her. He cursed her. but he came bac! to the house to forgive her. to fln> that she bad been seized by the secrc poll cue and entombed In the fortress, had my revenge. It waa I who sent 1* the information, practically bogus. Bu in Russia they never question; the. act and forget. So be had a daugt ter!n He began pacing the floor, his hand behind hie back; and the womai watched him. oscillating between lev. and fear. He came to a halt abruptl and looked down at her. "Don't worry. .You have no rival 111 leave the daughter to your tendc mercies." "The butler." she said, "has full pow em of attorney to act for Hargreavt while absent, up to the day the gir becomes of legal age." "I'll keep an eye on our friend Jones Krom now on. flay and night, there wil be a. cat at the Ithothole. and 'war mouse! Could you make-up an; thin, like this girl?" suddenly. " "A fair likeness.'^ "Do it. Go to the ship which picket up the man at sea and qyis the ca; tain. Either the aviator or Hargreav is alive. It la important to learn whic. at once. Be very careful; play th" game only as you know how to play li And If Hargreave ie alive, we win. Tc morrow morning, early. Tears of ar gulsh. and all that. Sailors are eae when a woman weeps. No color, n member; just the yellow wig and th salient features. Now, by-by!" "Aren't you going 'to kiss me, Leo? He caught her hands. "There is specie? of Delilah about you, Olga. / kisa tonight from your lips would sni my locks; and I need a cftar heat Whether we fall or win, when thl game 14 played you shall be my wife. He kissed the hands and strode ou Into the hall. The woman gated, down at her srna! white hands and smiled tenderly. (Tb tigress has her tender moments!) H< meant It! She went Into her dressing room and for an hour or more worked over her face and hair, till she was certain that If the captain of the ship described her Wanyone elee he could not fall to give a fair description of Florence Har ?reave ? But Norton reached th# captain first. Other reporters had tiesleged bfm, but t bey had succeeded la gathering the vagueet kind of information. Thgy had ?0 dcecrlption of Hargreave, while Norton had. Before going dowq to the fcoftt, however, he had deWed Info the paet of the Princess Olga Perige*. It 00ft him ? pocketful of money, hut the end Justified the means. The Hlnmp had no paet worth mention tag. By Seeing }hls and t hi t together he fe me assured that She had told the elmple truth retarding the relationship te Florence's mothor. A oeblegTttn had Riven him all the facts I? her hit toryj thsrc were bo tap? or dl*r?>> nnclcs. It read clear an! frank. Tn* a Russian secret agent to know whs he was talking about. ?o Norton's suspicions?and he ha6 entertained some~-wsre completed lulled to deep. And he wouldn't h*v< doubted her at all except lor Um tod that Bralne had baen with hcr when ho had Introduced Hargmve, Har fresre had feared Bralne; that much the reporter had elicited from the but ler. But there wasn't the slightest evidence Bralne had bean In New fork for nearly els years. The princess had arrived In the city but a year gone And Bralne waa n member of eeveral fashionable clubs, nsrer torched cards. U)d seldom d rani cheea player and bllllsrdlst Perhai end inscrutable. I and seldom drank. He was an expert eheea player and a wonderful amateur btlllardlst Perhaps Jortas, the taciturn had not told him all ? w* J-?/ II I Grea?TtH?. S. &. tale i?fer alightly reduced in ?ltt coon t/ this w. feat (fee eland WM oever belter ud the tobacco to Am. too. T aon Cor setting aul bu bm tlx# t and though plants wore in ?orno place? ratfeer ?care?, there re enough to set out a rail on Pitt county will vudte a big crop tf king turna up to damage It. F1 bugs and oof-flronaa kara done a Ittle Injury, fc* Hot esough to nueaa anything. ? Cotton and corn ara aleo looking well. The cotton crop li lkk?tr to rjr smaller than laat year, aa t Ucreage haa bee? cut. More corn has b#en planted and all prom lees well for the farmer* U prices next ...fall are good. J when be cleared It tpl The more mye drying It was. til? greater the test and 4port (or blm. Norton was like a "I Am Not Afraid of You, L gambler who played lor big and only big slakes stirred h la craw ngs. The captain of the tramp at earnar Orient told him the aame tale ho had .old the other reporter* i he had picked ap a man at sea. The man had bean brought aboard totally exhausted. "Was there another body any where ?" "No." "What became of hlmf "I aent a wlreleaa and that seemed to bother htm. It looked so that ha did not want anybody to lea/n that ha had been reacued. The moment the boat touched the pier he lost hlmeeir in the crowd. Fifty reporters came aboard but he waa gone. And I could but tell them Just what I'm telling you." "He had money." "Abotft five thousand." "Please describe him." The captain did ao. It waa the aame description he had given to all the re porters. Norton looked over the rail at the big warehouae. "Waa It an ordinary balloonr* "There you've got me. My Maroonl man aays the balloon part waa like any other balloon; but (he paaaenger car waa a gew 'bnelneas to him. It could be djrlren against the Wind." "Driven against the wind. Did you tall thb U> the other chaps?" Don't think J did. J pat remem bered It. Probably eoroe new inven tion; and now it's at the bottom of tfc* Two men, a# I understand it, went of in this eootraptlon. Ona to cone for aood." T?r *ood,'' a?ko?d tlx roportor Omt lor ?ood. Indaod. poo* darili ffertoa took nl ? roll ol Milt. "Tbarol two tocdrad |a thU ron." "w?ur hm tk? ?wm?, wur m "lt'i rem KmtU to m? a ?mii Bitot i "U It doaaa't pot M alaad up wltk tka polio?. I'm only captain of a tramp; tad MB? ?< tk? karbor polio? tare taka? t <Hallt? to m?. wtat to m wiot a* to tor "Tk? potto? will not kothar you, TWa an Bupnti had na? tntaiiu; tkoy want ?Ithor hla Ufa or tla mow j mayb? both. It la a po?ullar oaoa, wKk Hoaala in tka baoUround. Mo a*kt ha*? laid tka who)? buainaaa baton tka polio?, bat to ohoa* to Efkt It o?t klaaalL Am? to UU tk? t nitk, I don't baltora tk? poll?? would h?f? doao any good." ~ m? to do tor tkat Handaoai rail of ' "If any aw ar wonaa wkohMti reporter ooaoa to pump yog I m. c.. twm i.?m Gor. TtMM? 1. Mnk, nrta tu ba< i lor Maw ?aafca. U MUr. . Ha *aa tM fm ?rorln, i ???? ?r *?r?, bat It tu n> Itftta ud tlom t?M-. <nrt? f<rr tM .??? tow dtn ta h? ahowfi ttavt?. takable <%u tkat ul'tmat? Mootaff probablr Ha t* now on tiba road to Iftmrr aad K bo oompltcaUon enaua, h? au fca on cba itMJ la a raw vaaha. Own* <o ki? ace l NEW RULte *011 Beginning nsxt Tu ?da t, June let, th? Daily News will place its subscription list cm a p*Jfl-fn-advanoe baa i?. Tki? has beoome necessary because the postal regulations are being more rigidly on forced and under the old sys tem in many instances the cost of collecting subscrip tions ha* exceeded the *? mounts collected. Our readers can appreci ate the fact thai it costs mon ey to operate a newspaper or *ny other institution. We hop#* it will not be neeessarv to taVe any nartl<* from our 17s?. bnf tins rnl'o ttrjTl be * strictly enforced. If ynif eanno? pav one year in ad *? raUre. psv for ?ix months, or four month* or onc'montl.. Washington, June 1.?Provident WHion roused * Targe audience at Memorial Day ?xerclee* at Arling ton National oemetery to a high nltch of enthusiasm ye*terday by applying Seasons of the Civil War to present day problems. He declared the solemn lesson of the war waa that the unity of the United Starte? be exempted in (he actions of Ka people. '*IM ua thinlc of our duty and the actions that lie before us," said the President. Mr. Wilson spoke slowly and oare fuily. and avoided any direct refer ence <to the present International crtala. /n| "GOOD JASTE" CCrystal ice ckeam Oar cuatotnera who wiah ice creuu on will please send ua their artel during the week. Thu appllea to erary ooe. we positively will aot take ordera on Sunday for Sunday delivery. We win thank you to get your ordera hi by Saturday t p.m. PHONE Crystal Ice Company 83 WASHINGTON, N. ? I . W)1 VOIDUOM W LB ; J. LEON WOOD k CO. ^ BANKERS and BROKERS. Ta. t Pili? ?M ? Um* I?rt f "?* ? 'M ?' OWT?9?ateM l?f BlfBfU i i o? *11 ??"'? ' fk Screen Doors Six different styles all standard sizes from 95c to $7.50 EACH Screen Windows from 25c to 65c Screen- Wire; Black, Galvanized and Copper at all Prices HARRIS HDW. CO Washington, N. C. 6crew4eee Do6f LvCfit. A aerewlesa lock which cerinot be picked from without In an Inretitlo* to carry comfort to timid htmaewlves This loct resembles a clamp with a tangu? to fit Into the lock plat?? of the door Jamb, held by a thumbscrew. This device may be used on window riashes, dumb ?altera and ?-ransom/ u well aa ou door?. Many Beneflte Derived. Good roads will decrease tguoranee fOTerty, discouragement, immorality profanity, back taxes, sheriff's sale* an? crouches. I Gardening Time Coming. Gardening time will be here bp I ore you are ready for it, if you art not careful, regardless of the colt* winds today! Bringa Market Nearer. The good road brings the murke nearer to you. From John Smlth'a Diary. Notelug thatte each? shyppo brot toe our shores nothunge but to roenne, we resolved toe brynge o?er sonir> sulteable wryves from England, thatte ye new nation migbte notle be a stagge nation. Ye expense for theso wyves we decided to lette, ye husband provyde according? to hys nubstauce, therebye making itte a doenation.? Judge. Amsterdam. Holland, June 1.? The Itafcliaanxelgvr of Berila has published an ordflr coiling to tbo color* all if*t claaa uw^beri of the landstram Of the final ????rve forc es. not previotwly summoned. ThU order diMh not Apply to Bavaria. German* In Germarry uruet report between Juno 8 and Jme 10, sn<t Germans outside of G?nnajiy as soon as possible. ^ V T Color EfTect on Deur. Dow ?h a Rrrat reKpecter of oolori. Tak?, piece? of glass or board and paint them yellow, green, red ar*J black. Expose them at sight. and It will be found that the yeMow will bn covered wllh moisture, the greon will' bo dorop. but that the red and blacfc wfll be perfectly dry. Queen Fruit of the North to Queen Fruit of the South Greetingl I come from the vigorous Northland, the home of Indian maize. My nature is Coril?pearly white Corn; and by a ?klllful process I am made deli cately sweet and attractive. Often am I complimented on possessing qualitiea super? ior to any other flaked food. Post Toasties I am Jo ved by thousands lor myself alone, but you and I, Queen Fruit, form a ? 'V 4*1 . >-J then betwwn times - "The Memory Uogere."

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