Shirtwaists For Ladies Juet received a most attractive line of Crepe de Chine Waists m white aud black. Price $2.50 BAC" See our tine of Corduroys in all colors at 50c yard. ?J ? K. HOY T Dunbar Soiree Singers Will be a feature of the First Day of Chautauqua Week JUNE 18 TO 24 31 EVENTS 31 "SEVEN JOYOUS DAYS!" HOTEL CAFE S1.00 PER DAY FOR ROOM AND MEALS I uould announce thai the third floor of the "Nicholson Hot*l" will in the future be controlled by V J. Uudlicy, who will also manage llit* Washington CaCeTn connection. Positively no better rooms and bo.trd can be obtained in Washington than be gotten b> application to S. J. GODFREY. At Cite Under Morton's Furniture Store MEAf.S AT A LI. HOURS AT CAFE. COOK IN COMFORT THIS SUMMER YOU can-make your kitchen as livable as your living room ?if you have a NEW PER FECTI0N* Oil Cookstove. No wood-box, no ash-pan, no coal-hod to bother with. A clean, cool kit chen, and half the drudgery gone. The NEW PERFECTION is quick and handy like a gas stove. It lights instantly, and gives you a big volume of heat, easily regulated just by raisingor lowering the wick. It is easy to operate, easy_^>clean, and easy to re-wick. 2,000,000 women say it's "gas stove comfort with kerosene oil." Ask your dealer to show you his N E VV P E R F K CTION line stoves with one, two, three and four burners. Note particularly NEW PERFECTION OVENS, especially made for use 'on these stoves. Ideal for roasting and baking. Uta Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond Whit? Oil to obtain the hr?t retultt in oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamp?, STANDARD OIL COMPANY 5gR" JSSiSm ggSU .fliiiijk,. i Mita Fiul? Whitney ?ave ? thea tre party last at? h t In honor of Jin. Harry Bradkey- The occasion wu ? moat enjoyafcle om. Thoae who participated in it war* lite Mami? Birbank. Mra. J. O. Blount. Mr*. Wank Snawand Mr?. Harray My Huprt^k Bfatlxlay l J. C. Meeklns. o? Marka? atreet. was moat agreeably surprlaed nI? h t by a pary of hla friend?. * ho called to assist him in celeb rat hi?' the 5 4th anniversary^ hla birth day. Tha gneats enjoyed a delicious ? upper and the occasion -wax a moat Jolly and merry one. Mr. Meekltta* kr^w nothtn?v of the party and his surpn'ae wan ?reat upon the en t ran?? of hla Mends. Ha waaitlw rt? Iplem of two beauiful pictures, a Jrum. basdball. nome toya and other proeenta of a aim liar nature. Thoae pr .?aent w:xe Waller Crodle, Char lea Morton. Fred Ayers, F. p. 13 urban k aui William Rumley. .k ram ir eoorafctat *epA*a v* coming to Waafc^ton from every *?etion of the United States. Bucine? It pick- j in* op ererrwhere. | The exports of this country are' growlA* by lup? and bounds and ?h? farmer end the manuC*^'ur?r vil! real the boost if the tide kaopa 4? ' The President hale been informed that -wharf one ehlp *waa under con struction In thla oountry a year ago two Ara twin* bulk now. The de mand for American vessels U ln cretfatng.'' ?pet? on Kitchen P foe re. - tO many women grieve becast* there are grease spots on their t Itch ?n floors and water with any amocnt of scrtbblng will not remove then I fust try aloohot to remove these same | ?pota. and 70a win be plesned with The ~M.ind Expands As Health Expands Quirk Improvement In NotlcMlilr | When l*ro|?er Aid to Nutrition . !? Ohm. A low state of th?? general health if now the acoepted cause of back wardne? In children. So la the cafe of a back-ward child It is beet to look towards building up its* health. It will usually be found that the ma:.n trouble Is in the food, in lacx of assimilation and digestion. Jleuoe care should be taken in the kind of food given to the child. This, with plenty of air and exer cise, should bring about a change for the better. Watch the condition of the bow els. to note whether the wasto 1? being passed off or not, or whether '.s being passed too freely. M either condition prevails give a smill dose of that gentlest of all laxative tonics. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Thousands of mothers will testify to the wonders it has wrought in the lives of their own children, and Jor that reason legions of families like those of Mrs. Daisy McBroom. Hlllaboro, Ind., are never without it in the house. She Is the mother of 1.urile and has ibeon using Dt. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin for Lucile since she was two. Mrs. McBrodfan says II saved Luclle's life. It is the stand ard family medicine in the MoBrocm home. It s pleasant to the taste and so *<>OTOE OF HALE The undersigned Commissioner, by virtue of the authority duly vent ed jo him under a decree entered m the Stipedlor Court of Foaufort fco., tr. an action entitled Geo. R. Terry and others agalnet Augustus Which ' ard and otiheTS, will, on Thursday.? June 17, 1916, at 12 o'clock noon, sell at the Courthouse door in B"ac fort county to the highest bidder for cash of all that certadn tract or parofel of- land situate 4n Washing- ? ton township, Dee-uPort county and the Stote of North Carolina, which ' is d earthed In the decree as follows,1 to-wtt: Beginning at an iron stob, ,1 E. ' Terry's corner. In Old Field Branch ' thence rurmng South 57 1-2 East li?J? I poles to Augustus iVittle's !lno, a' rine stump, with an Iron stob, a cor-1 ncr, thenoo North S3 1-2 Ra.?t 124 i*oles to a long lcstf pine and an iron 1 ntoh, a comer In 'Caleb Mlxrolle's line, thence North 56 WV*st 129 poles, to an Iron utob In Line Branch; I thenre running Aoftth 57 1-2 E. 195 Field Brtonch to the beginning; con tallrttng 127 acres, more or Ires. It being also the sam? Isgd described In the deed aforesaid of John W. Torry to Richmond H. Ttorry. This 17 day of May. 1916 W. B. HODMAN. JR.. CommlM'oner. 5-ll>-*we. I. V CILE MoBROOM perfectly safe that it 1* given to ?n fanta, and jet ia equally effected for frown peopl?. All druggists sell It and the price ia only fifty centa and one dollar a bottle, tbe latter -for families who need It regularly. Dr. Caldwell'? Syrup Ppain baa no equal aa a cure for constipation, In digestion, biliousness, headache?, aour stomach, gas on the stomach, liver trouble and kindred complaints It baa no many advantages that those who onoe use H forever after dlacard cathartics, salts, frills and other coarse remedies, for they are teldom advttable, and should never b<* given t> children. Families wishing to iry a *r*e sample bottle can obtain ft poet paid by addressing Dr. W. B. Cald well, 41? Washington St.. -Monti cello. 111. A postal card with your name and address on it will do. NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an execution to me issued ont of the Superior Court ? ?f Beaufort county upon the judg niomt therein of E. H. Hobb? o gainst Q.(N. Howard, being judg m en t No. 9534 on the Judgment! Pocket of said court,. T have lev" j ied upon and will Bell at public, auction .for cash to the highest bid der at the Courthouse door of i Beaufort county on Monday, ; June 17th, 1915; at noon that lot or paroel of land in Washington. Beau forfr county, on tho East side of Bonner street, between Third snd Fourth streets, in that part of the city of Washington desig nated as "Bonner's Old Part," it itig that part of lot No. 54 which is fully dJsBcribcd jn the deed from Jss. H. Corey and wife to Geo. N. Howard, dated July 6, 1908, nnd duly recorded in the Regis ter's office of Beaufort county in Book 147, psge 601, to which tef rrence is hereby made. This April i 0th, 1915. W. B. WTNDIVRY, ?Sheriff of Beaufort County. Subscribe to Dally New? Mlulonuy SocWtr \? ? ? mm M*. Ohoekle returned tod?j> from New Born, itm ?he tu been villiw friends. * ? ? ? Mr. and Mr?. J. K. Hoyt have cone to Norfolk on a biM visit. ? ? ? ? Mr. "and Mr?. J. w Paul. Sir. Mr. and Mrs. J. D Paul and Mr and Mrs J W. Paul. Jr.. left thla morning for Richmond, where they will at tend the Confederate reunion. Mr and Mr* B. R Trtpp. Mine Alane Tripp and MRT8 IT" doe? the rest No pain, no fussing, no changing sbOM, nb llmplnt- It never fall?. Try It to night for spy corn, call a?, Wart or bunion. Be sure that yon get "QKTS-IT ' and nothing else. | om-#1 t> Mid bjr drnnfita ?v?irywher?. II? K hotII? or M?l <11 r??t bf >. L?wr?nM * Co.. CM??