i JLAJWAfc ?*W* TUA-N A? T UTUJiK FAPER tU THE STATS. }*,'> ZZL?- 3 m * ' l '\ ' " I ' 1 Cmm. y THE WEATHER: UaaetUad tofcigbt; probable iliaina DAILY NEWS 3 ___?3*= ? 7 WASHINGTON N C. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON JUNE 2 1115 ***?106 J. H. BAUGHAM TRIAL A > FARCE liOQUi TOUWQ MAM M OOM AT NMW / POPULAR VERDICT Cm? Dtd Ifoi Oo to J ur,' Verdlrt 9t No? Omtttj INnrted bj J*d|e Ctuor. Th* ea? of aut? *calmt J?n?e H. Btufham. -which bu crwtvd Bo much talk on aeoount of t h? mobi Uoa?l a.rfair between Judge frank Carter and Solicitor Abernathy. tras ?kM at Nnr Bern on Monday by a rertfcct of not guilty. It wae veTy generally known that there -was no ?vase of ??njse tor the criminal provocation as the psfcllc knew that the death of Mr. Rlngold, a n onr seventy year* of age, was due to ? rory unfortunate accident which conld not have been prevented. At tli? conclusion of all the evidence In the trial at New Btern Judge Connor announced that he wonld d tract the Jury to return a verdict of not guflty as there was no evi dence to sustain the charge that had ?been made and as It appeared from all of the evidence that the case was a pure accident. The triaJ of the case was begun Monday afternoon and all of the eye witnesses to the accident were examined either Iby the Stale or the defendant. All of the evidence showed that young Bingham passed the old man on the road leading from New Bern, both going in the mom direction, and that after Be ogham bad passed him his horse became frightened and ran sway, throwing Mr. Ringold and his wife Who was In the buggy with him out in a ditch. From this fall th' deceased received an Injury to his back and, after being carried to s. hospital by Ban f ham. developed puei^uAmta rwbVft* r<Mtfted Jin his ^ death several weeks afterwards. The evidence Introduced at the trial showed that young Bangham was not driving recklessly and that th*?re was no truth In the suggestion that , bad been made that he ran into the buory. The result of the trial' wan to prove that the criminal charge that had been made against young Bangham was preferred without un derstanding of the (sets In the mat ter and was almost ridiculous, al though the accident was very un fortunate *nd regrettable. This paper by mistake referred to the accident ss causing the death of a child. In which It wss confused, as the deceased wss sn old man over seventy years of age. 11 Is quite probable that but for the sge and Infirmity of the deceased the accident would not have hap pened aa he would have been iti? to have controlled his horse and prevented the runaway. Small 'Number Of Delinquents ToUl of 101 om City, County ami fMAte Ltet, of ThoM. Who Palled tO lift TtlUM. A total of M whit? and 88 negro doMnqtmnts lo Hating their tax**. ?*? reported by List Tak?r B. T. ?thwart thkr morn In?. Thia num ber to exceedingly small as compar ed with prerlou? years. It Is ?am to?d largoty of the floating element Of v*?1 (teats, -who ?or* ?way and 90 iln?bw Mor? ths that for *W?C ths taxes arrtres. ^ And In ? Hurry. A Obtaaco tour ma ? k r? MM* to taov wb*a a loin I? tollta* ? II ? ?7 I Mila? UW liwkiri tmla* Cwion. inn a*?nu, !*??? u4 tone otb*r* abouM Uk* to wMr?| Th* 8UU ul Ooratr tax M *11 11m* Of Mi*** wb*re * (?Miae tu I* I* 4n* today, Jhu** DM, *wl ?nrlr** Mmj tit, lll(, 1*4 t? ?TOM ooM U4 nbir ruauat re? akeou <*n *t mr of ?ee at om* nt eaeate year III?*. a* It to rfaMIr **t*lM< tfc* law to 4o taalam wttboot Drat aa?uitm year Ueaaaa aad tbU ?1*11 m I* ar err paraea la ?ka aoantr ??o w an I to far a lletaaa taa. *? % WW?1 ?**?? blhr-: n> a ' > JOHN H. SMALL TO SPEAK TONIGHT I" r WILL MAKE ADDRtsa AT WAHH. I.NOTON OOLLBOJATE IN HTOTTK. ? TO HOLD CONTEST to fee Held. Other Interesting Number? The additm t>y Congressman John H. Small will be the feature of the Commencement -exercises at the Washington Co 1 legate Institute tonight. In addition to Mr. 9mail's address, a number of other Interesting num bers are on the program for to night A large attendance is look ed for. The program complete, Is an follow?: Declamation Contest? X. J. L. Chancy?"The duty of the South to the Country Boy." I. C. W. Clark?"The end, what shall 4t be?" 3. 'A. B. Pry?"The New South.'' 4. J. W. Chappell, "The Stars and 8trtpes.* 5. !L. C. Tyer?**Wrlttng a name." Piano trio. Misses EubanV, War ren and PauJ. Commencement address, Hon. John H. Small. Song. Olee Club. Awarding 'of diploma?. Announcement of prizes^. Interested In Tombstone Data Regarding Hollands 1m Found in Census of tl?e State, Pub lished t* 170O. ? ? f~ '' ~ The old tombstone, recently un earthed by the workmen In excava tions on tfce ground occupied by the old Fowle hone on Main street, has aroused considerable interest and a number of persons have visited the spot to read the Inscription for themselves. In a census of the State of North Carolina, taken in 1790, a record was found of the Holland family this morning by F. J. Berry, who possesses one of the volumes con taining the census. The family is listed in Pitt counytrNew Bern dis trict. It states that John Holland was married and had a family of two daughters-* and one son. ITo wm n!so the possessor of five slaves. It Is believed that this ds the familv referred to on the (Inscription on the tombstone, although there are a number uf Hollands to "be found In the volume in other parts of the State, including six who 1>oro the nmne of "John." RAKER HAYS. Here I* the load for a big cannon. !<ook out that you don't get hit. T am not going to take any special aim; ju*t falls my lot to want to rtvoot a big cannon. If you happen to set a alight wound, don't blame me, for I am going to shoot to Juat j hear the noise. All hands up p1?*nse. Hold your breath till the word Is I given. BAKBR'S STUDIO. You | can guess the'rsst. INTERESTING MEETING AT AURORA WO.WKN'H MISSIONARY' HOC1KTY OPEN'KD HIMUON LAhT N1QKE. MEETING TODAY Tt* Social GnUrUloment I am* llglit. Rusioean Mortla* Opeord mi 11 O'clock TWs Morning. "? (Special Correspondent) The Women-? Missionary Society of the Washington district met at the Method tet church In Aurora. Ja? night, in their regular annual coft4 f^rence. The opening* seesjoa wa1 well attended by rl si t lug delegate? More are expected to arrive today. Iter. W. E. Trotman. pastor of the Aurora chiirch .read the scrip ture lesson tor the evening and also lead the member? In prayer. The children of the Bpvorth Leapue rendered a beautiful song service v.-hich was heartily applauded. Mrs. W. E. Trotman then Introduced the speaker of the evening. Mrs. N. H D. Wilson, of Goldriboro. Mrs. Wilson made a most Inter esting address. A large part of her talk was made for the fc*neflt of the children. 8h? told them of the gr<*at part they ha$ to do In bringing the woilld to Christ. She also urged th? parents to show the children how they might .he faithful and working Christians. After the services at the church, the Aurora auxiliary gave a recep tion to the delegates and visitors at the beautiful home of Mrs. Tillman Paul. Refreshment* were served j j and a most enjoyable social session | was held. Many wishes were ex-1 pressed that this conference might j be an inspiration to all who attend. The regular business session I opened this morning at 11 o'clock Mrs. Wilson, of Qoldsrtioro. being in charge. Mrs. Speight, of Raleigh, who was to have conducted the meetfng is foroed to bo absont on account of Illness In the family. PI X E VIL LE H APPKXI XfiS. Wo ar? having: lots of rata and cool weather at the present but the farmer* are all busy resetting to bacco and chopping cotton. Mrs. K. G. Singleton and children of Washington, were tho guest* of Mrs. MarV Parvtn Sunday. W. M. Parvtn and wife, of Wash ington. were the guests of Mrs L#. Parvln Sunday. Miss Kathleen H.c?es spoilt Sat urday night and Sundry with Mian Mae Kdwllrda SUnoi!. J. E. Corey and wife. Ruby Corey and Mrs. Mamie Doughty, of Wash ington, attended services at Wayers Chapel Sunday evening. Don't forgot there will bo Chil dren's Day exercises at "Wayurs Chapel first Sunday night. June C. Everybody Is cordially Invited to at tend. Mat Woolard, of Stalling Cross Koadir, was In our midst Sunday j evening. Thore Is Sunday School at Wayers! Chapel every Sunday evening at 3 o'r'oclc and prayer meeting Sunday night at 8 o'clock. Ever/bodv is cordially Invited. FAR^WORK AMIDST SHELLS Wlthtaf tka <0004 of tfce btf (una nun7 rranch pMatata ar? toadlng an almoat normal lift, tar farm tun muat 10 on or tban .woKM b* no rood tor lha ftfMtri. TM photonraph abo*? farm koma ?tartled hj a baratlM ahelU It KM U*?a rwantlr mr A11 kar. ra?ao*. ITALIAN GENERALS GETTING READY i Generals dl Mayo and Penicbette of the Italian arnvy Inspecting an aria : lion station on the Austrian frontier. S. C. BRAGAW IN FAVOR OF PROJECTS KVDOR8BS PUBLIC PAKK AND y. M. C. A. MOVKHENT8 FX>R tWY. URGES ACTION Hope? That Uotii fropodtknui Will be Carried Out Hncoeufullj In Ne? Puture. "I am In favor of all movements that are brought up for the better ment of community conditions/' stated Jud?? S. C. Bragaw thl* morning to a repraseatative of the Dally News, In reply to a query re garding what he ?thought of the public park and T. M. C. A. move ments. "There Is no question but that a public park would b* an excellent proposition." he continued. "The only Obstacle appears to be & suit .\Lle location. Wo need a park bad 1* pud I hope that means will be found whereby we will obtain one. 1 understand that the Fleming Park lias been suggested and It has also Wen said that "The Castle/' out In the river, would make an excellent rite for a 'city park. I sincerely hope that the movement will not die cut and that we may be able to Be nin? a park In the n?*ar future. ''Regarding the Y. M. C. A, move ment. no one who has any thought (or the welfare of our boys and young men could help approving of this project.. At the present time tii<?re Is not one single place where o young man may find clean, moral and refined amusement of the kind which he should have. Wo have no reading rooms, no gymna<riurn, or anything of that kind where they may go after a hard day's work and And wholesome recreation. I hope that the matter will be carried through successfully." / FROM K. P. D. No. 4. Rev. J. J. TjawIs. of Batb, con duct?! divine services at. Asherry ftunday. At Reaver Dam the ser vices were held by Robert Lee. W? have hal several hard rains during the past week. The land will be too wet to plow for several days. C. C. Nelson, of New Hern, apent flaturday night and Sunday with bis brother, 0. A. Nelson, of tbla pUoe. We are glad to note that Mrs. W. A. Congleton le soms better after r.n illness of several weeks. Mrs. Adeline Alltgood and Miss Ida Allfgood spent one evening last week wKb Mrs. Juliet. <"nngleton. ' Tbf friends of Mrs. Jesse Hodges will be glad to know that hbe far Im proving In health after a severe 111 HH. Mr. and Mrs. W. R Woolard and little daughter Annie lionise, visited at the borne of Wdlllam A.. tiongle-1 ion Sunday afternoon. ? Misses Ida and Bstelle Alllgood, of Batb Road, ap*nt Monday after noon at the home" of William A. Mlsv Gladys Tettertoo spent flnn dev with Mrs Mamie O. Mlxon. MM Begat*, Woolard W ?***. mm en* mm wortk ?u Preparing For Memorial Day T>n Tribe to ImpimlTe 1 crciM-H at New Theatre Han day Aft<?rnooa. Elaborate preparation? are being | mode by the local wigwam of Tau "tribe. No. 18, i. O. R. M. for their memorial exercises a* the New Theatre Sunday aft?rnoon at three o'clock. These servlc** are enjoined by thn laws of the order and are a tribute to those chief? who hav<? de parted for the hunting ground of their fathers. The chiefs will assemble at their VTfewam promptly at two o'clock. It 1m expected that a larpr** attendance will be present. The public la cor dially Invited to attend. Tobacco Is In Good Shape V. H. Sholbumr IMwom? Pro?poet* Sftyn Richmond Men Ait In terested In Washington. V. fl. Shelburne, one of tlic man agers of the Ceatraf Tofbacco Ware house of this city, stated this morn ing that ho did not believe the re cent cold weather and heavy rains ?would have any 111 effects on I tohacco crop of this section. "The cut worms may do a little work In thin cool period.' h? stated, "but I bellev* that very little dam ape as a whole will occur on account of the weathor. Of course It will delay the season a little, but \hat won't do any prcat harm." Speaking In regard, to the reduc tion In acreage, "Mr. Shelburne stat ed that he ddd not "bellove that the crop would be more than 10 per cent j less than last season, if that much "I have Just returned fyom Rich mond. Va..'' he fcatd, '^nd while there talked to several prominent tobacoo men In that cltv. They ap peared greatly Interested In the local market and asked numerousqueBtloni' regarding It. Thpy were particu larly Impressed with Washington'* ?trateglc. location, and ?ald that with two railroad1* and waterway, we ought to make things hnm." Mr. flhelburne-'a principle rsason for the trip to Richmond win to fr? spect the new member of the family that the ntork had left. If? a girl Dally Thought. Tooth ootdm but ono* In a ttfetiM* orefore. let ua so enjoy It as to bt Mm young when wi are old.?Lo*^?0 Kesp vXunny Store a, Uttle sunshine la your heai\ mi the rfray daya will be easier.?Oo umbla State. / 8AYB ICR. OAMP(BF>!/T, ? J. 8. Oa-mpbell. the popular * * Jeweler of tbUr city, la another ? ? advocate of newspaper advert!*- ? lil?. He said this morning: ? **A gentleman hand??d me hla ? wmbch for repairs this morning. * Maying that he saw my adver- ? tleement In yesterday? paper.>' ? H yon are ui?t a steady adver- ? User. WAKE UP! Come In and ? let W0 to*? over. ? kt 4" * ^ * '"V. ? . U. S. IS NOTE TO MEXICO TO BE SENT TODAY. GERMAN NOTE BY END OF WEEK Qreenvllle, |N. O.. June 2.?Mr Fred Mayo, of Bethel son of Mr Hardy Mayo, foil dead late yester day on the streets of Bethel. Mr Mayo had been suffering with hoar 1 trouble for ?Toral yearn and bad been In a -weak condition. He was a young man between 25 and 30 year? of age and leaves a wife to survive him. He was a very bright and prominent young man and stood very high in the Bethel community The news of his death reaebe dber this momhrg Mre. F. J. Forbes, of The news of his death reached here l"ft this mornlnjf for- Bethel to st t >nd the funeral serxlces.?Green-i \llle Reflector Services At The Christian Church Large Number 1V?*oij1 1 ju>i Night in Spite of the Iutieinent Weather. In spite of the inclement weather, fully ?B persons, were present a! the Christian church last night and listened to a most interesting ser mon on "The nelghbohood ehuncb," by Rev. R. V. Hope. Excellent music was a feature of the services. To night. Mr. Hope will take as his subject. "The Church?It't Re sponsibilities." BTfi SWAM1* VKWrf. We are having some cool weather now and lots of rain and crop-, seem to be growing bnt very Utile. Miss Martha Ball was a wisbtor near Old Ford Friday last. Mrs. L. H. Jackson was the (runrt of Mrs. R. A. Singleton Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wool aril were the guests of her father, Nicholas Rawls, Sunday Asa Singleton and Roy Perry wor st Thad Jackson's, near Old Ford. Wednesday night. Little Ola Mae. the Utile daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs W. S. Woolar.i. I? spending this week with her aurt Ml?s Mlntle Rawls. Mrtss Julia Jackson and Mr, Reach am attended the union meeting at Macedonia Sunday. Sam Orlst and N. L. Simmons, of Washington. were business visitor? In c.ur vicinity Wednesday We are sorry to note that Mrs L. H. Jackson Is totv ill. TTerr msnv friends would he glad tr> see her out agahi. Wet Jsckson m*de a flying trip down to Nicholas Rawls' last Bun day. Mrs. Herman Jackson spent Sun day last with her mother. Mrs Fan nie Beach am. There was quite a erowd of lltt'r bo>i at the home of R. A. Singleton Kund^y afternoon. Mr. Bruce Leggett and Ml is Laura T,eggett, hoth of Stalling? Cross Roads, srere happily marred Sunday afternoon. Laura Is s beau tiful yonn* woman, one of our best flrls and a faithful member of Old F??rd. 'Bruce is a fine young man and a well to do farmer. We wl?h tnem evsry happiness SorowfeM Door Iwk. A mtawImi look which cannot N pfckod from without U an tnrvntkm to carry comfort to ttmld hour awlraa. Thlp lock r(M?mblM a clamp with a tanfttiA to fit Into th* lock plat? of t ha door Jamb, hold by a thumbacr??;. This dwrteo may b? naod o? window Inaahofl. dumb waltor* l?d trao*>Tp# MEXICO MUST CEASE WARFARE ANHWKR TO OKRMA9TY WELL I1R B1UKF BTT TO THK point. ?* . Washington. I>. C-. Juno 2 ?The Cabinet yesterday dlvldod two ami a I*bIf hours in discussion of th*? Eu ropean and Mexican si'uatlons The preparation of a second not?* to Germany was begun nad a warning statement to the factions tn Mexico was completed. It Is expected that, the note to Germany will be dis patched by tomorrow or Friday and that the warning to Merico will be made puhlic today. Rejoinder Will Be Brief. The pret'alllng belief after tho i cabin?*? meet in* was thnt a note. | probably very brief, would be dis patched to Germany, asking whether the Imperial government Intends by it* note to di*r?'pard fundamental principles of thf international Isw. If Germany insists on imorlnr the customs of nations and humanity, it is probable lhat the United States w:ll ?ever diplomatic relations. >Vmil<l Not Mean War. Diplomatic non-Intercourse, how <M?-r. would not necessarily be fol lowed by war. It was pointed out today, or any other step*. unless American rights were, flagrantly vio lated. To Restore OsliT. The restoration of order nod the relief of millions of non-combatants frnm Hie devastations of Mexico'? milltarv "lament?. !b the poller adopted bv President Wilson and his cabinet with regard to Mexico. The note will be sent today to the lead ers of all Mexican factions, serving nnllce thai unless an agreement 's arrived at as outlined In the" pre*i dent's note, the p?irpo??e of the coun try will be tn give moral support to n coalition of the best elements In Mexico and accord the government 1 hereby create?!, formal reeognlt'on Commend Newspaper I/TI t?*r Rwolvwl Prom R<"f. R. K. Tioral R^)|dmtn Olvo Vli'w*. In r communication to a local httfflnrnn man^Tlcv. T? IT. Jlrooma. formerly prrflor of tha Metliodlat church of this rlfv, mnk<w rpvtrI PRttwrlne remark?? rorardlnpr tha I>al1y NVwb. In part, hi" word* ar? ?? follows: "Thr Washington F?ally N??wn hart nppnrantly rcm?wn<i If? jrrowth, nhow IriK va*i Improvement*. TI I? now o nit's r?adabl* and I h*?*rt.lly ?m Joy It.' A lady ov*r tha tala^hon?, said ?hI* mornln*: "I want to tak? thU opportunity of tallln* you hov much r pnjoy your paper thaaa d?yi. It cortalnly I* Intaraatln*" ftaya JudRo 8. O. Bra^av: "I har? noticed conaldarnbl* Improvement tn tha paper of lata and I want to oon iri>itulat? tha forca on tha many change* for tha hat tar that have re cently bean mad*.' Modeety forbid* u* from quoting othara. Thought. TfaTa yoo arar thought ?ar1ou?Ty of marr^fa ?1r?" "Tndnad, I hera; arar ilnca tha caramouy."- Bfcatoa Tran script. New Theater TO-TfHJHT. 1 "AHWKIIATHD PTIMfl" THITODAV NIOHT Portal Nawa^.

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