~Wb DAILY NEWS THI WWATWBR?PMtlr ckjodf to Bi?k? ud rrtd?r. VMinla nMr Ij ?la*. V v V WASHINGTON N. C. THURSDAT AFTERNOON JUNE 3 1915 Wo. 107 i i i ? SWIPED AUTO FROM GARAGE LAST NIGHT MADE GET- AWAY rich t ? In tU imr of t. ?. 1*rwt* on Worth Mtrktt fllrMt and stole s pfinfir Ford touring oar. be H?tft to Mr. Lewi?. The rofefem |?la?d entnuuM to the garage by trMllBf Um took on the Orost dor. 1%s met lip or of KIm ?Al>y ta not known, tli? car until thle The polic? *im at oooe notified of M*e one* and tracked the unto out Bleaahf twi lMdtM to the conn There they loet the hero beee Met to practically oil pert? of the cotttr and to neighboring dt ?ee. notifying the reeWeote and po lio* to be on the look-oat for the mr' ' v u Vanceboro Depot Robbed MBb Over ITS. Wo Cine IWt Were Bocae vaknown party or partlM : the Norfolk Southern depot Tnaoeboro Taesday night and i aad motif to the amouat | all of this wKh (he ex [ dollars, which r tram the ticket case, was te the aafe and beloi*ed to the Southern Kxpreaa Oompeny The pa(e wee unlocked yseterday morn |ag wheo the robbery was discover ed. but It could not be learned wheth er the agent had forgotten to lock j n Tueedar sight or the burglar keew the oaaibinatlon. The other gooda stolen oonalated of eatables and three querta of whiskey. The robbery wee committed some time between ten o'clock Tueeday Blfht aad six o'clock Wednesday Moralng. and the thief covered up Ids tracks so wall that the officials are at a complete loaa as to knowing how to start about appertaining who tke pert lea are who committed the dead. Mo chin was left and the officials e uspeti no one.?New Bern Jotrael. !"Negro Is Tried For Robberies t?M Told fitorfc* ? 1VW tmu*6*r. Ow win be 'Artfevr JU&dall. the ne*ro Who wa# arraated laat weelk on the char*? or tMittf taapHcatad In the Hoyt and h-Wat Km rebbertee, a t vp tor trial la the recorder's l yefUrday afternoon. Randall told conflict In* storite, elalmlac that tha ptotol had been gl aoa tO h la by another pereon *n )4 eaying that be had ordered it j of Ww No aotloD warf la mm Tha eentenoe will be Impoaad on blm today. ?>* IV Mata ?1 Oowtr MbHM tax Oa aH It?? ?f 6?taw *bm a annWe tax k ?barr*d la ?nt Ton *mU sail at my ot ?aa at aaoa aa4 aaenra mr llsaaaa. aa M la atrlallr a?ataat tka k? 49 kailaaaa wHkoat Drat aacaria? M tteaaaa aad tfcla apvllaa ta < tha MDr w%# la ? IMPRESSIVE ADDRESS BY HON. JOHN H. SMALL Eloquent Message Given by Him to the Students 9f the Washington Collegiate Institute Last Night. Excellent moalc, en Interesting declamation contest, a large atten dance end * most eloquent end !m prssatvs address by Congressman John H. email were features of the dosing exercises of he Washington Collegiate Institute last night. Mr. Snail's address contained a strong and flarceable message to the young people. H4s words were well choa ea and dellrered clearly and dls "t need not tell yon." lie began, "that I am honored at "being here toalgbt and iMrrlng the privilege of making this, the first commence ad dress of the Washington Col Institute. There *1? som^ about this Institution that appeals to be most forceably. In my mtnfl the grsaft claim that this Collegiate Institute has on the eon-| ftdence and the flalfch of the com rrrunKy. the comity and the State ts the Tact that K stands for true democracy. It's doors are open to everyone who seek enltghtment and f-docatlon; and 1 IDre to look upon this Institution In that way?ae wel coming all those who dsslre to bet ter tbemselvee, no matter where they are from and no matter what may be their station or position In life. "Yon. who attend this Institute, are fortunate In having the oppor tunity of doing so. Do you realize what H means, what effect It will have on your future life tnd what beiv^Hs yon will derive from the years you spend here? I want tr put t hart question before you night, "Why Am I Here?'* "Yon, young men, are here to fit yourself for ttfe. Your parents ind yon yoaraelf realize that education will give you a great advantage over yoar ?m? n ? la the struggle of life, no aaiter wbat vocation or what **T of business j?ou follow. Yon | ire bere to mold your bralne, to ac quire concentration and to mesler yourselves, ft la an unbroken rule that the man Who cannot master himself cannot bope to master ott ers. If you want power and Influ ence. you must bo a little smarter than the man you try to Influence but never tet him think you are smarter. I think H te the bounden duty for every man to aucceed a a far as he oan?taking the word "?ur ceee" In its worldly senjw. Tho world haa no use for the Indolent, for the uocapable and for the lr responalbte man. I would not di' courage the acquiring of great wealth; I believe a man la to bo commended If he obtains great rlchee and power?provided that h>? secures them by llgltlmate methods and does not trespass on the rigii'i of his neighbor. "You, young ladles, are here. In a large degree, to make you 'home maker?.* What could be a higher aim? The home Is the basis of al* civilisation, and this Institution car do nothing greater than to make Itr girls future?home-makers. "But even all this Is not thf greatest reason why you are herf There la aometbing else, and tha 'something' 1r embodied in the com mandment. Thou shalt love th* neighbor as thyself.' Wherever ?there has been accomplished som Treat deed, some great work, t her ha been at sometime the essence of this law?'thou shalt love thy n^gh bor as thyself.' All the qualltle you obtain here should not only b' used for your betterment, for you: advancement, but also for the bet terment and advancement of vou neighbor and fellow man. Where 1? a great com plesati o r> for a life of sacrifice and a life giver Jo the service of humanity. Influence will be yours, respect, admiration ond a life of happlnnes. And at th* end, when that vital queetlon Is ask pd, 'Where Is thy brother?* mar you be able to answer, 'Here he Is!" and not. 'Am I my bnother's keeper?' The declamation contest last nig*h' was won by A. iB. Fry, with C W fJlark and J. JZ Chaney second. Th? Judges were Harry McMullan, J. B Ross and Dr. H. W. Carter. Th" diplomas to the graduating clas* were delivered by Superintends' Fletcher. Miss Jessie Fubank. prer ldent of the senior class, receive! special mention for her xc client work during the term. Present Opera Tuesday Night 'The Mikado" Will Be Fcatuir of ComnwawuHit Rxerditrw of K. C. T. T. H. at Orewvllle. "Ths Mikado." a beautiful Jap anese opera, which will be given by the Alumnae Association of the Eaat Carolina Teacher'? Training School Tuesday night, will be one of the features at the commencement exer cises of that Institution. The opera will be beautifully staged and will be participated In by a cast of about fifty. The alutn nae association will use the fund raised from the performance as x beginning for the building of a gym nasium for the training school. NOTKTK TO TBAGHKR8. I wwh to call the attention of the teachers of the oounty to the r qutromentsQ of/the School I*w rela tive to attending Teachers* Institutes or summer schools. This notice la for those especially who expect to tftftch for the first time next year. The law requires all persons who t each in the public schools of North Carolina to attend continuously tor ft term of not less than two weeks a sounty teachers' Institute or som? rummer school. Aft there will not be ? county tsftohsrV Institut? In this oounty this summer I wish to cftM your attention to the summer school ftt thft Bast em Carolina Train ing 'School ftt Oroenrllle, N. C., the Stftto Normal and Industrial College. Oreensboro, ft. C., and the State University at Chapel MIH, N. C. In formstMon shout th**e schools may be had by rsqwst to the Presidents of these Institutions. I ftlso wish to Oftll the attention of the tsftohftrs of the county to the tec* thft t tftftcbsrs holding first grad? certificates from other counties In North CftroAlna ftftd other vtfttes mar hftTS thsoe Indorsed lor BsftUfort Official Test Of Plant Today Preliminary TWrt Iju*t N'lght Kutls factory. IVUettd That Plnnt Will Comb up to Uunrnntet1. A preliminary test of the city light and water plant waif made yes terday evening. Indications.are tha the plant will more than come up to the required guarantee. It I? ex pected that the official test will he mado this afternoon. Englnee* White 1b In the olty and ready tc make the teat. A delay haa been caused toy the non-arrival of the thermometers with "which t?o test th eteam. These are expected In today CARD OF TTVANKM. We wish to thank our neighbor? and friend? through the columna of our paper, who have been so kind to us through the Illness of our 1M tie boy. who has now Tegalned his usual health; thanka to the untiring aklll of Dr. H. W. Dunn, who on January 8th started treating him when we had no hopes for him. He ?was helpleen In every way. and eouM not talk or walk. I would al so thank our beloved Rev. N. Hard ing foar hi? kindly inquiries and com forting word a. ?Mr. and Mrs. Ira Congleton. ltp. tlons: First, that th? certificate of- ^ fered for Indorsement la either In < dat?, or that K expired with the last ?cholaatlc year. Second, that any teacher offering a certificate for In-1 doraement shall take an examination on th? fttat* Teachers' Reading Course tftv the year 1914-15. 'Ad-1 dr?iM th? 6u perl n tend ?nt for Infor- { mation a? to this course. Any teacher offering certificate for 1n dorscsnmt ?ha1l furnish testimonial? from th? County ?apt. of the oounty In which she last iatfM. w. o. FRrvnrrno. OCRACOKfe IS PLANNING FOR 4TH RESEDKNTB ABB l?p\XQUfQ fob ajt Bvvnnm cel. BBRAIIOKi WILL BE ON 3TH Man/ Euttiaf Md irea are on Pi Jojn?r to Make (Special Correspondent) Ocraooke, Jan? >. i? eviantful Fourth of July celebr?tk>*, rich !n Interesting, exolUa? ud amusiug /eature? Is belo? pkrafd this year by the residents ot Oeraookn. It promise? to be the Met?t ere nt of its kind ever held ?t this popular re sort. Pony pennioc. So?t race?, fwlmmlnf contest?. hasp hall gaxikc, fireworks, dancing, en adw*s by State Superintendent of Schools J. Y. Joyner, and many other features will be carried oat dart^ the day The people of Ocraooke are mak ing elaborate preparations for thn celebration, which will he held on Saturday, July 3rd. Boate will leave Washington on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, preceding the Fourth, and daily transportation will be In effect (from Morehead City and Beau fort. Excursions win alse be run from Swan Quarter. t*ke Landing. Englehard and Wyvocklng Hun dreds of visitors are expected from all parts of eastern Carolina. Ample accommodations will be provided for all who come. OCRAOOKE KEWS. The buoy tender Juniper has been In the harbor sine? Saturday work ing the channel and outlying sound "buoys. Postmaster Howard has Juat bsrilt a vory creditable and neat postof ? Hce that 4a a credit to his enterprts lng efficiency. He he* Installed a neat cabinet containing about 7G boxes, a window for the delivery of package?, and another for money orders, t would be a credit to a much larger pfoce than Ocraooke. The old poetofflce building will be used for a photographic studio. The various lifo Bavin? crews went off duty at midnight on May 31st and will return at midnight July 31st for another ten months of continuous duty. W D. Gaskfll Is going to change j his comfortable bouse boat "Ho?^ i Into a floating restaurant catering j especially to visitors who come flown Saturday nights and return Stmday evening. The Ocracoke. Hat(?ras and Cape Hatleran ball clubs are scheduled for four game?, the last one to be p'ayed here on July 4th. Hold. Meeting At Rectory I* a?e la vWher they are wise or not Enjoying L If* Re alone appesrs to me to Ara an', to enjoy life who, bela? engaged If some buafoeee, seeks reputation bf ?ona lltast rloos aadoa tor aoa* mm JAPA*! AFTER GERMAN TOY TRADE Japaneae manufacturer* ar? making a determined effort to obtain at> much aa poaaible of the trade formerly held by Germany. Home rime a*o the; government made a display of (lerman toys that sold well In America, end the Japaneae har? turned their attention to duplicating thoee articles. The picture ahowa a Tokyo toymak?r manufacturing dolla for the American market MISSIONARY MEETING ENDS CONCLUDING MKNHJON OF AURO RA CONFERENCE HKI.I) UiffT ma trt. GOOD PROGRAM InM-miJng BuMnnu Mr?tiiiK Held. J>ft for Their Honim This Morning. (Special Correspondent) Aurora, N. C-, Jone 3.?The bual ness session of the Women's Mis nionary Society of the Washington district, was held at the Methodist church at Aurora yestorday. Mrs. N. H. T). Wilson, of GoldSboro, pre siding. Vies Ktmlly Gu-ilford, o Aurora, made the address of wel come, to which Mrs. E. M. Snipes, of Washington, most fittingly re sponded. The report we? then made by the various delegates representing dif ferent societies. Mrs. Wilson made appropriate remarks after each re port. commenting on the details, as they were brought out. One of the questions asked each delegate ' was. "What is your greatest difficulty The general answer waa "Getting people interested so that there will be a bettor attendance and greater real." Only one-tenth of the South ern women, it Is claimed, take an active part in this grest missionary i wort. | The meeting was fortunate In hav-. ing present Miss Sallle Lou McKIn-1 I non, of Maxton, oonference corres- j | ponding secretary. She ha? Just re turned from attending the counc'.l at Kansas City. She mad* several excellent suggestions for better methods of work In the society A telegram was sent to Mrs. W. P. Baughaim, of Washington, district secretary, expressing regret that she could not attend the meeting Mrs. Wilson led the meetin* latf night. Miss "MfiKlnnon lectured on serial *err|?e and the best way to interest the peopln ?o that they j-nav take an Interest In the work. "Social service," she explained, "not only means pulling the child out or the mud puddle, hut covering up the mud so that there will be no pit falls The meeting closed with last night's service* and the delegates and visitors left for their homes this morning. MARRTOD. Diamond-A11 Igood. Peter Diamond and "Miss Amy AII Igood. daughter of Mr. and Mrs R. F Al I Igood, of FJaat Main street were married last night at the Chris tian psreonage by Rev. R. V. He. pastor of the Christian choreh. Roth the bride and groom are well known hers, he being 4 prominent business man of the Hty. They will make their home In Washington. Annual Meeting Of Stockholders Held. This Neon Flank of WanhingUKi H<>aMa of Mo*t Pro?|Mv r . Monday on official husi-1 ness and from t.h^ro will eo to Tr!n Itr roll*?KT to attend tha roTnm*?nrr mant ax*roln#* Iff* ??on. John IT Small, Jr.. Is a atudant ?t Tr'nlly. "HFARAT-ARTjIC * VFWR AT N'KW TRKATRF I Tonight at th? N*w Thastra av ary patron will ?a? tha fnmou* "Hanrat-Salln" pictorial ni?wi ThH film offar* aT?ry patron a oh an r a to **a th* happanlnra of tha antfra world at thalr door. Yon will hav a ohanoa to *** tha Rj*d Croa* work In tha war atrlckan flaldw of Furopo, and a rraat msnr othar lntaraaMng: faaturaa of that awful war, a*, wall *?. manv aoana? of Intarawt through out* ha TTnltad St?t#?n T?>ara will lhat will Intarairt an v nvovla fnn To morrow fha 18th aplnoda of "Zitdo ro" In tha 120.000,000 myMary will ha ahown. ?trt Tha? Ifa Too Lat?. A?* aomatlma? aftar marrytng a '?an aha oooa ooaaldnrad a good oat oh a woman woald Ilka to tkka him o9 tha hook and thr*?w htm baok.?K? 1*NITKI) HTATBK ADOPTH A YEW AND VICJOROLS TOLICV, WIL SON DfcX'I^RBK FACTION* 3!t*ST VK.XSK FlliHHNG. ? -V?/. % T_ 1 wOTE BLiilu^xlAPTED Will I'rolMblj l?e HulimlttMl to Uic C*bliiK Tomorrow and Theo I>l^p?(d)n1 to (iermany Saturday. WaahiDfnon. D. C., June 3.?In xho note dispatched to Mexico, Pres ident Wilson publicly called on all factions in Mexico to seMlo their difference* and *et up a government thai can accorded recognition by the United State*. The note d< alt at length with the condition? now exiting In that oountry and concluded with thla forceable paragraph: ?'I therefore, publicly and very aotenily call upon the lead- 1 en* of faction* in Mexico to art together and to a/rf promptly tor the relief and redemption of * their prostrate country. I feel v it to be my duty to tell them that. If th?y ran not accommo date i heir difference? and unite for thin great purpose within a very wtiort 'trme. t hI? p?v*rn ment will he confltmined to de cide what in-anp should be em- "" ployed by the United States in * order lo help Mexico lo save herself and trerve her people '' n PreparIns German Note. The President already ha? herun preparation of the next note to Oer manv. and it Is exr?*?cted the note will po b?for** the cabinet tomorrow and be Hi?pateh??d *o Berlin Imme dlafely afterward The main point o# the document probably will he an Inquiry tr> ascertain definitely and nromptly 5f the German grov^rnment. intend* lo adhere to the nrlnrfpal* o' In'ornafional law hitherto ac e#?pt??d universally. or to conduct its marfffme warfare according to It* own new r?;le*. Tntcrvlfw With Bcm?torff. fount n??rnjrtr?rff. th* Oermarf amhaaaartor. hart an anrttoncA with Pra*!rtant WIlMnn v^atarrtay after noon. N"n atatanoant I* e!v?n out ra earrtlnr tho ?letati* of fh* lntarv|??w. form4 INrnatorff tolrt r?TT?r* nt tho "TKiert- ?ha? Pr*??r1?lont W||p*?n hart r?*cr!vr*rt him moat rnrrllalTy anrt that both w?r? trvfnr to flnrt n way out of th?' rtffflrii'tT pA-ronrt thl*. ho woulif rof hI? visit. Board ~Met Tj(ist N?qfHc ni?rnwd T/Mirlirr*' fluUr!?. Wai Nfw IVflrhrr? FIcHM to Pill VnrnnrlA?. "TTr* tiOHrrt of ?duration Of tha city ?rhool? m ft mart at'1 a v Th* nuta tion of 'tarhora' *alart??r vm rtla ruawrt Oth?r routine Twlnaa? wan *)*o t?V??n 'in *nrt rtl'oowrt of. No haw t*aoh?r? wtra H?rtA?l to tnka tha nlao* of IhotiA who raoantlr T? trtrnort anrt to All ofhtr vacandaa. New Theater TO-VffJHT. "l^nM-MI* Plrt??rl?l Nflll" ? a No? 2 - OTH F7R HRBTA -1 TOMORROW Hth FplMA of "ZTTT>OR A?' ?In th*? 120.000.000 ?TYWrWRY. W,QQ PANAMA HATS FRIDAY & SATURDAY $3.75 LEWIS & CALAI?? Market Street Store. ? .3, K