a i hi SHINGTON DAILY NEWS 1 " ^ m 1M TWi I1I1H ?1? jiaftr. etra? sort* wind*. ~ ij t i -1 ? ? ? - WASHINGTON N. C- SATURD\#fiTERN'OON JUNE 5 ?13 *? ">9 JURY BRINGS NOT GUILTY VERDICT j ARE ACQUITTED ?? ftUl having rtolatad tba liquor Tbay ^*r* triad by Jury aod Tha gmm ni triad bo> ?or? it^linl Recorder Bryan. Tha BdH m iifr?atU by Attorney M. 6. waa nitty of har ta? la Ms peaaaaaloa more than tha law atlawad. Tha jury arrlred at a ?ardBct in than half an hour. A of apeetatora ware In and followed tha tbavy Suit For Damages \ fttl ?V I to my ko In which hm rnmmM. th. Toun, wo* or J. "W. Btawart. viaM th* daalh of Barl Tutor, th* ato-Taarold son of Wr. Hi Mrs. L. J. Taylor, Mr. T?7 ?fcr. u>M*ah Mi attorney*. W. D. Wtfnr MB S M. Oreen. baa died aatt JunM Stawan and Ms /**? w. Btawart. for dam 0*M la.??? amm of 9>5.000 and the ?01 WB| op at th? next term of Own ii n Superior Court for th* ?**? caaaa. ? bkb eocxplalnt Kr. Taylor claim? ?hat 7?mam Stewart waa under the age lU?v*4 by the lav for drlren of aiOooMlM and that he did wil wrongfully drlTe the au kllled hie eoa He tik? father of'J am vltfvlly and wrongfully al io drl re the an torn o leed the death of the Journal. $100 Prize For Hi story Essay Traag Mm Mom Old Ford Rwlm Honor at UnWn of North CwoHna Cooper, of Old Ford, who (ha Waahlngton %l?h eehool a few year* a*o. wa* nmflj awarded a yrlae of $100 #or wrttlne tha boat history aeaay ea t*e ??Wet of *X5#lon!al Rxpan ?foa 1? Beaufort County*' at the Un taarrtty of North Carolina Mr. Oaoyar I? tka aoo of R. A. Cooperf Ml la wall known la WMMncton. } Trtampfc if Mu?*?. IwWItt Mtar day rta J *rtaa?k a* th* daat and dumb laJk 1*?? atartina fft* Ton k?o? ?M Mliwrt ? ho*la dnrto? tha la. kMr fipta tha ah or* Thar? war* ??. ana. M aad dama talkina ?al*t4 r*h thatr flagara to tha hmhar v. laad. ?boooald roply. Thar war* th Wh that could talk, fraal anh?*fd taarall- -Laadoft ^ Wik bliltfl ftrttti r*pU*d Thr**-Ptnf** M4tm*ad h*r. Uaardniu, , j aWlaaaa of OrttMaa ' to Oat. Tbira alpt < I Mr X?o toarna k I was 0?loh Ml' *? aonsm.ma m aa i ?a' a (r? othara ma? ??? MHWdV?? Y.M.C.A. PLAN DISCUSSEIlf BY MR. GAY LODGES TO HELP c*y wm ?*%?? c? Room lb?? for Y. M. a 1 An excellent suggestion, and one which he ssje kM bean discussed b r several ass*' of the city, vu made this morulas regarding a lo cal T. 0*. C. A. %>y Her. R. L. Qey, pastor of ti? Flm Baptist Church of Lhlfl opntr Attorn?7 (NMrtl ??tMr ??*?, a* Twelve New M en Wearing Horns Initiation* ?t Elk Lodge Lout Night Successful. Ceremony Wh Followed by Supper. Tbe "big night" of the local B. P. O. E. lodge came off last night. *U successful in every way. Twelte candidates wore initiated in to membership, the ceremony being followed by a most enjoyable sup per. Although the members are some what reticent regarding the even ing's event, it le rumored that the proceedings had any three-ring cir cus backed off the boards. Those who were initiated were W. A. Blount. Jr.. W. B. Beetty. Claud Jordan. Ernest Harden. Warren 8h*ldon. Charles Stancill, Sam Silverthorn. Roy Peterson. H. W. Williams, M K. Berry, Guy Buckman and Ed Pllly. Morris Pleased With Advertising Says Tlurt It Brines BvceUent Re sults. Dally News a Good Medium. When asked this monnlng whether Tils newspaper advertising in con nection with Clark's big sals was bringing him results, I. Morris, man ager of the store, stated that he was more than satisfied with the re sults. ' "A number of customers have come In and mentioned seeing the advertisements. In some cases they brought the paper with them as memoranda. I heartily believe in advertising and I believe the Daily N?#s Is an excellent medium." Dentists Meet At Wrightsville Tooth L'uIIwn of State to Hold An nual Convention There on June 21, 22 and 23. Wilmington, June 5.?The pro gram for the 41nt annu&l convention of the North Carolina Dental Society which will meat at Wrlghtsville June 21. 22 anver the body. It seems to be conceded that an eastern man will be nominated for Governor, and It is believed that th* Lieutenant Governor will come from the west. Is Host At "StagT Party Fred Maltteon Kntert*ln#?1 Friend* La? t Nl|ht With Dinner. Enjoyable Affair. Fred MilHuon *u h on t to a party of hl? friend? laet nlfht. The affair ?-whlc^ wae etrtctly "ate**'?prov ed a moet #aJoyable one. A number of wpeeehen were mad? after the Rjpper and Mr. Mallltion -wan the recipient of both conrr? tula Won and pretended commiseration ower the ?tep which M 1? undwetood he planu tekin* In the near future.' Thoee present wwe T>ra. Jo?h and Dare < Tayloe, Joe T^yloe, I>r. John Rod-1 man, Wiley Rodman, ?. M l?ttttoj Walter Crodto. W M Bofe. W. Vf Mollhenn Slight Gain*. Condlt/loiis virtually are stationary along the western front, so far as in nhown by today's official com munication*. Blight gains north of Arras are reported by the French. fllnk flwHIUh ftteamrr. TBe Swedish ateamer I^appland wa? runk ye?t?"Tday off the Scotch roast. No submarine wa* sighted but the captain believes th?? vessel was torepdoed. All on boatM were rescued. 'Won t Cut Hair Till War Is Over Rt. Paul M?ti Fntor? Wasit In whlrli He Agr**? V?f to Put M*or* to HU T/ftfk*. flt. Paul. Juti? B.?William A Fl*chh*rh. of flonth Rt Paul, hasn't had hI* hatr ca! Muc? tha irr?*t Ku ranaan war broka out In Ajrrfi*?. 1914. HI? mattad anil tanrlad lock* of *andT hua huva glvwn rl*a to many *urm1n** and rumor* In Pack In r toiwn. Ftaf-hbiWli ndtnlttad ha had under taken to waar hi* hair untrfmmed until tha ?nd of the wat. hut denied that tha renuft of tha atrurffte would makt *ny ay him tlftft * vaaf. I am aa mira aa any ona can ha that yiHU t* tlat I)II ? I'NITKD STATES MIST KNOW WHAT A'l'lTI'UPK GERMANY 1H GOING TO TAKH ON QITOVHON OF MAJOTDCB WARFARE. NO alternative' COURSE GIVEN fit'iierally BeJIered TTiM Diplomatic Ih-latlims Will Bf Severed If (ifmun)' Doan Not Ltw np to Demand? Made by y Coon try. * t \ New German Note FloWxyl. *' Washington. June 5.?President Wllnun finished the new note to Ger many yesterday afternoon and laid It before the Cabinet. After the cabinet meeting the member? w??re unusually reticent but there were ?orne Indications that the note had not been finally dla yosed of. "We reach?*! no final conclusion abmr. anything." said one. In answer to questions Secretary I Bryan replied "I cannot divulge anything that happen* In cabinet, meeting." The meeting larted two hour?. It Is stated. however. that the ' cabinet approved the note as a whole Minor change* In phraseology may me made to make it conform with previous erprwodons In diplomatic correspondence of the United State?. The principle Ir fhred and unalter able?that the United State? must know definitely and promptly, whether Germany Intends to Ignore vfrtt and Hearah rights and continue torpedoing vessels without warning, or whether rules of maritime war fare which have governed for cen lurlea will be followed. In German quarters here, dt Is ex pected that the German reply will be *?theld until Gerard has arrived and explained 1he situation. Ms, It la estimated, will take at least a fort n'ght aa the boat on which the en voy sailed wonld not bring him to Denmark much sooner. Plague Menaces Entire U.S. Cost Country I* fterfonaVy lYireatemed With an lnraMl?m of Bubonic Plague, Say? rhrNtcUn. Mow York. .Tun* 15?According to Dr. W C Ruclcor. n?*l?fj?nt "urponn Konoral of the United State* Public Health fl^Tvlco. prartlcatly the cn llro roaot line of tho United Rtatog I* "s^rlouRly monacod" with en In vasion of bnhonle plugu* T>r. Backer !? ono of tho foremen* Aulhorft.lo? on tho anhjact In thin country. It 1<* 1ar*o1y doe to hi* effort* that Cal ifornia In praMlmlly free of thle droad dl*oai?# Ml* labor? In the eradication of the plairuo from New Orleanii aro ?o recont ?* atlll to be familiar to th* public, T>r RucVer *et forth the detaflle of proaont pluru* eondltlon* In a pa per on Ple?ne?it* Qooaraphlc re tribution and It# Menace to tha United Btatee,** which ho read before nhe Stato Medical Aaoodatlon of To*a* at Fort Worth. Te*aa "Bubonic -plamio follow* tho main travoliMl road*. aproadJnc out a Ion* tho le?o b*at*n path? to the romota ond* of the oarth.'' ho aald. "For nately. It? aproad from ono country to anothor oonnw mora frequently by wator than by land." New Theater TO-TTTOWT. AewxiatWI Film* K?RKRI/t? lffWDAT KTOHT ?th Wptaodo of ?TH? MPixjrm qr w-*r>*w RUMS OF COLON AFTER GREAT FIRE Mor? than half of the city of Colon. Panama, wm A??lrormd)fT the recant great conflagration. The photograph (Ivea a new of the ruins from Bolivar street, looking toward Oiiakihel. The rnlna of the market are seen In the heckj round.