k* ? 1 NEWS THt WU1WR?M MM Mo4?rat? *lod?. WASHP^GTOW W, & fOESP^T AFTERNOON JUNE 8 1W3 - ? ' Www 111 "WHITE WHY DISCUSSED FOR CITY I APPEARED BEFORE ' BOARD OF, AJLPERMEN LAST ' RKtar. TO RAISE FUNDS BY nitVAn SYSTEM WILL COST $2,400 i' OUj WUI P?! tor OM of MataMuace. 0?v aaoo of that >ody In tbe "white war" luieui?t for Washington. Mr. Flynn uM the board to pay for mHtM of. the eo?t of Installation ud equipment and maintain tli? syi tem alter Iti Installation. He ?tat?d tkat the committee had conferred with rapfMeaUtlves of a well-known electrical coooecn and bad scoured Dgnraa oo the COM of a intern to mart the local requirement*. The cott for a "white way-' from the A. b. L. track* to Market itreet. alone Malo. aad up Market to 800 omd, would W about 111(0 The aaat ot maintain Ii>t thle system per Jear would be aboot Ml? In eiceae of the lift lighting sy?um for attar a coalereaoc Ruber* of th* boar? that tho committee .to ahead and endeavor to ral*e fund* kT popular aabsertvtlon to corar the ?Mlr* co?t of Installation He atated that the mM pobite eerrtce comml? ?too would decide Id regard to the malKtaoanoe proportion but added that tie felt imntll confident they would keep up the system. He alao mM tkat the board waa "sailing eloae to tka wlnty In the matter of jlaaaoae and tkat they felt they eonl* not very wall spare any money at ttrw preeeot time to pay for the thaUllatlon of the white way. A committee, oonalatfng of Meami. Bwckman. (Morris and Berry, waa appointed to act la cotajemctlon with Ik? Chamber of Commerce commit" t?? M aacurine fund? by popular sub for the project. Geo. T. Leeoh, oblef of panment, appeared before th* -bgard and atated that be had eeM Mr. Harena retarding the *tf?-t down of &e buildings owned by the latter at the corner of 8econd aad Market atraeta and that Mr. ?arwae ba4 prfmlaed blm ha would pull down tke two biddings between (he Baptlat church and tke corner and mak? Improvement? on cor ing tnHldlog aad the one on Second wtreat. It mm moved and carried that Mtlon be deferred In ?M> mat t*r until a subt?queat meeting of the board. wMCh. It I? undantood win k* Mid In a few day* O. M WIMleld waa elected chief *f tk? tre department for ?M* year Mseers. rowle, .Hoyt aad ?owm wer? Heeled member? of the Ptfblle Serrloa Commission to im r??pec ttvety for tba t?na? of three, two and one year?. The naeetlon of Olp Tnwanr Bwckman'e ealary wi agala brought irp befota the board ?A committee, consisting of Morrle. tone? aad Cany. waa appointed to feak into tki? matur aad deetde what ealary akould be ptld to the , ft waa aMTad tkat tfce-Weet Kar. dre oonpaay k? allowed to etteaf tk* co*v?otlon at New Bern. Or01 eontrolllng tke Hbertle? m aad doc? wttW* tk? city limit? 1 read aad approved. Tka tax lor tke ?ky during tbt? year I taad. Tka tax wtll remain ike as last y?ar: 11.11 real, aad 1 of o'her minor th* board adjflwn n ?era ?rresrft wtt*i ! f. *?*?, V ?;* v FUND ASSURED FOR COUNTY ROADS cojooTna ?appeared be. FOR* COUNTY COMMISSION. >AY. $3,000 RAISED Aurora to Giro >?.000; Commlwloo er? ffiOO and WMhiagtm A committee from the Chamber of Commerce, consisting of A3 M. Da may and Capt. Geo. T. Leach, and a delegation of prominent business men from Aurora, appeared beforo the board of county commissioners at the session of that body yesterday^ in the laterests of good roads for Beaufort ooUnty. A lengthy discussion vi# held with the commissioners regarding the present condition of the roads and what could be done to remedy this state of affairs. The commis sioners finally agreed to give $600 for the repairing of the road from Washington to Aurora. The oom mlttfee from Aurora asesrted that the citlcens of that town would donate $2,000 for this purpose, and the Chamber of Commerce committee stated that they believed at least $600 could be" raised In the city and probably more. ThtB asaures a fund of at least $3,000 for the repairing of this highway. The commissioners also agreed to give $600 for the repairing of the road from Washington to Leach ville, if the towns, along this route raised a fund sufficiently large to carry out this worlc. It 4s believed that this matter will be taken up lp the near future. The Chamber of Commerce com mittee will make a report at the meeting to be held tonight."Means. for raising the. necessary funds will J Discussion Qf Y. M.C.A. ProjectI Meeting Held Last Night- Plan | to Hbld General Meeting In a Few Weeks. A meeting, for the purpose of dis cussing the local Y. M. C. A. pro ject, was held last night and was attended by several meh of the ctty, | among whom were W. C. *E1Mb, F. | A. Wright. Rev. H. B. Searlght, W. R. Percival, Frank Carty and 2. N. Leggett. The meeting was of an Informal nature and was principally a discus sion of what steps could be taken in starting the movement. It was de cided that If satisfactory arrai.ge *ments could be made, a meeting! would be held on the first Sunday In July, at which a representative of the Btate executive Y. M. C. A. com mittee would be invited to be pres ent and discuss ths matter with lo cal citizens. It Is planned to make this meeting a general one, at which the public will be Invltjed to be ! present. ActivV> stepe In the protect will be takea after this meeting, if the matter Is favorably deeded up on. It was decided last night t hA t nothing could bo done relative to the Y. M. C. A. matter until after the Chautauqua. Epworfhs To Meet Tonight ' t Literary Meeting to be Held To la 'A literary and social meeting of the Bpworth .League will be field to night with Mtse Velite Maty of ?a*t Beoond street. An Interesting pro gram of music and selection^ from John Charles McNeill, will be given. M lee O rant, who Is risking Mlas Cu-lotta WehoUoo. tnd k0> Mabol will aln* inwml Mlaattoai. WMIe thta to aot ft bnMa?a> tn?. tt U hova M ?4 ro*njr nf ttt* brtn* tktfr " M S??*? 4 ?k? ??ud Bwarth Lm??? wl* 0. SUMMERELL BOOSTER FOR Y.M.G.A. l?V?\- J A ? . \1 FORMER WASHINGTON PASTOR COMMKXD8 PROPOtHTIO N HEARTILY. I WRITES LETTER Deplore? Praml SUte of Affairs. Hop?? that Project Will be Oar An Interesting letter, regarding Washington's Y. M. O. A. movement, /has been received from a former local ipador, J. iN. H. Summerell. ,?ow of New Bern. Dr. Summerell ?will be remembered by many Wash ington residents, for be was exceed ingly popular doling his stay here His letter reads as follows: I hear that a movement ha* been launched In your cky to have ? 1.1 M. C. A. with all that M means of] uplift and Inspiration to a commun ity that has a vision of Its need and; then addresses Itself to Its support | Taking It for granted that my dear friends of long ago?unforgot ten because still dear?will have their full share In advancing this Institution, I write my congratula tions at the undertaking of such a blessed work, and I would cheer on the givers to make a success of their effort. At one time the bar-reom gaped open with Its attaactlons to seduce our youth from the path of sobriety snd virtue. At present the "movies'', appear the only place open in most, towns at night to entertain?and while here and there a conscientious' manager may eliminate all objoc-1 tlonable scenes and vaudeville, stil? the habit acquired, makes the coq rtant fr>quenter of even well-cen sored houses unable to* rise to a higher plane of pleasure looking at picture?. Hence a real live Y. M. 1(5.-1. promises diversion and Improvement too. It offers ?o care' for and con serve just those things that are least guarded In a young man's life. Oh. It is pitiable that our young men. who are strangers In our towns, without friends to safeguard thesi. without homes to protect them, must drift hither and yon at the mercy of the moment, without any fixe* purpose, any steady entertainment of the highest order. Those who would furnish a place for recreation and healthful im provement are doing a blessed work for humanity, touching not only the young men. but through them, oth ers after them. Will It be out of place for mo to urge my friends In Washington to reach down deep frr tlta successful launching of the en terprise, and then for Its support, and then give it tholr interest. tBieiv presence and their prayers? ft I1 dared. 1 would call names and nam?1 amounts, and so help all In my pow er to "whoop up the whirlwind cam paign to Inaugurate the movement and then to encourage that long and steady pull that is neded to form the habit of supporting such a worthy Institution. May God bless the Y. M. C, A J ?In Washington and those w)io mo pushing Its <>stabll8hpient. J. N. H. SUMIMBRFJT-.L.. Degree Work For Masons Osr Ijodge to Hold flpecial Meeting1 Tonight for Work te F. C. Degree. A special communication of Oit Lodge. A. T. A A. M., Is oalled for t Mis evening at eight o'clock at the Masonic hall, corner of Third and Bonner streets. This special communication Is called for the purpose of conferring the fellow-craft degree. All mem bers are urgently requested to be present. By order of the Worship ful Master. O. M. WINTIEI.D, Sec'y. -4 ' M?t?at Pag Horn*. Tk< lirtart Ox Blunt], no* mad? ?e* ot are luppUetf with ban to feet loaf ui their hlasta ?re mo power M that they can be heard from twen. tT-tlT? to thirty Mile. M Ha They "? ?aearallr operated br ooatr.aa.d ??*. ?h? imntw bela? driven ? SAYS AlfALFA MAKES BEST FEED b. l. 8Wt v ?irrr fakmkrs TO DUVUTK AtWIKTION w> amir. WORTHflSO ACRE Ha? Ki*ht A eras of ttVkaU?1. YMd Jt pTff * Too An \ Eaoy Orup to Ilk That the finsMt Of Beaufort county should devote mor? time to the raising of al?a?(a and that this crop 1? one of tho aoM ftofl table to which they ana turu thotr attention, is the olalm made bj 8. L. Sub man, of thia city, who Is deeply Interested In agriculture and iffco own? a farm of 126 acres a ma* from town. Mr. Susman has planted eight acres in alfalfa. Ho his already made one cntttng thia season and la faking another ono this week. He sbite* that fc? will hare Ure cut ting t before the season la over. "Alfalfa is one of tke most prof itable crops that\ any farmer can raise,*' he states. *'I get from * ton to 2,600 pounds an aero frerh it and I figure that an aero of H brings me' $160 a season. It ftp aa easy crop to raise, i eg at roe veipr tittle stten Hon and uafcM tho t nest kind feed. I hope that mora of it will be raised in the covat^. Once the farmers tcollae what results may be obtained from this crop, t am sure tljey will not tieettaio for a moment: to plant aa much of it aa they can j apare ground for. In fact ! am no anxioua to see thia crop developed in the county that T -will \willingly lond the money to any nlan who wishes to purchase seed. I will also be glad to t>elp him with any ad vleO or suggestion s tfcat I can offer him." :j | Mr. Suamaq^a field of alfalfa la one. of the finest that can be found anyyrhere. Ho fo^naln^ tt for feed wffti _goS& soeoe'ak Tie rest of Ms crops are also In fine condition, in cluding excellent showings of co|tj,! tobacco, peas and peanuts. Convention at ~New Bern] State Firemen to Meet in that City | Next Month. Elaborate Prep aration* Under Way. August 10. 11, 12 and 13 have been set as the dates for the State Firemen's Tournament, which is to be held In New Bern this summer. Elaborate plans are already under way for this great Jollification. Fire-1 men from all over the State are ex peoted to attend. There will be I rr any interesting and exciting events J on the program and ?New Bern wil* endeavor to make thia celebration; or.e that will long be remembered by the fire flghtera of the state and all visitors who attend the celebration. OHOOOWINITY PROPER. Chocowlnlty la only a very amal" place, about three miles south of Washington, N. C-, and I would like to say Jnst here that every article .the readers of the Dally News find in Its columns headed Chocowlnltv, la not any part of Chocowlnlty locar whatever. Chocowlnlty hr a quiet little vil lage comprising three atorea, our general repair and manfuscturlng establishment, poatofficr, depot, and i two churches, where all can worship every Sunday. D. Oscar Moore In having hla reel*, dence repaired wbidh adds very much to the goods looks. Mr. McHodges, of Rocky Mount, was In onr village Sunday. R. R. Wile, of Blownts Creek, wit nessed the game of \>all hers Sat urday afternoon. James L. Orlste paaned through our village Sunday. Samuel Or late and H. B. William? j of Greensboro, have been landing some very One fish for the past week. *am I? some fiaherman. J Wo are glad to welcome Misa Ra ther Joaee home again from Colum bia, N. ?.. where ahe has been teach fng for the past sfeven monbs W. IT. Pari ok and aons. W. JI. T Patrick, have rotu#n*d home from ratkr*nr?, Va., whore they ntteod od tho marriage of Mo daughter. ANTI-GERMAN RIOTS IN LONDON Scene during one of the anti-German riots In London following the destruction of the Lualtanla The mob !? looting a German furniture sbop In High afreet. WASHINGTON Hospital News. Miss Sarah Harding, who was operated on yesterday at the Wash ington hospital, Is getting along nicely. Mrs. J. J. Jone?, of this city, was operated on yesterday. Her condi tion today Is greatly Improved. Rudolph Beauchamp, of Blounts Creek, underwent an operation last week for appendicitis. He Is still at the hospital. Mlas Garland Leggett, of Rober sonvlUe, wm also operated on for appendicitis la?t week. Mr. Newton, of Vandemere. Is at the hospital for treatment. Mrs. Ekldle Casey, of Aurora, who has been receiving treatment at the hospdtal for some time, left for hor home yesterday. Mrs. Lamb and Miss Lamb, who were operated on for appendicltli. left yesterday. Mr. James, of Everett, who hab been a patient at. the hospital, left yesterday. Joe Grady Corey, of Wllliamston. who has been confined in the hos pital for over tro months, left yes terday for his home. Mrs. Jarvls, of Blounts Creek, who underwent a serious operation two weeks ago. la Improving. Mre. Davis, of Wharton, 'is a pa tient at the hospital. Mrs. I#. Thompson, of Aurora, who has been In the hospital for about three week?. Is getting along nicely. Mrs. Windley, of Belhnven, was operated on la?t week. ?Mrs. Knott, of Farmville. was operated on yesterday morning. Her condition today Is greatly Improved. Mrs. Lincoln, of Auror? left the ho*p|tal Saturday afternoon. Horace Cow ell. who wan operated on a few dayR ago. left the hospital yesterday. Dr. F.H.Russell Well Known Here TV?th of Wilmington Phynlrljin I LM7M Many FVl^nrt* mkI Rfl? (Ivm In (Jrlff ?aid Hnrmw. New* of the death of Or. Prank Ha^nk Rurwell .of "Wilmington, wan reoelved In thl* city with a tcreat degree of aorrow by hlfl nn?..y friend? and retail vea In Waahlngton. Dr. RuasaU'a death followed an Imme diate lllnaaa of two weeka. Dr. RdmH wt? born May fi. 1872. Hta father la Thomaa H lluaaell. of Laarlnburir. N. C. Hla mother wa* Mlsa Fannl* R Havana, of thla cltr. The decoaael waa ? noph?w of JoiK> athan Harena. Tn?r slater. Mr?. Frank Mo**, la also a realdent of Waahlngton. \:s?? ??'? Mlw Yorfc Nawapapara B?U? thlrtynlaa n*wapap*r* jrtated la BatUah. New York olty ha* ?aa la Italian, aeraa Ovrman, mtm flddtah, (hran Ore*k. three Hungarian two FVeach. two Bohamlan two CYoa ian, on# Spanish. Barrtan. Pyrlaa ari '^?IL CUAMIIBK OF ('OMM?KCE MEETING TONIGHT. lm|M>i-t*nt Mutter* to be Brought l'l> for l>|N4>usMlon. An important meeting of t It** WastunKton Chamber of Com merce will be held tonlgUt. The "whitf way" project will be brought up. the report of the com/nittee. which appeared be fore the county commissioners yesterday, will be made, a 41 h of July celebration will be din cussed and various other mat ter* will be aaken up. Every business man ami pro fessional man in town?espec ially the retail merchants?-ere requested to be present, no mat ter If they are members or not. The meeting will start at 8:30. Former Teacher Is Married Miss Pitlard Marrie?! to Charlotte Man. Taught In laical School Last Year. ? News has been received hero of ihe marriage of Miss Acne? I'iatard. of Oxford. N. C-. to O. it. Rudlstill, of Charlotte. Miss Plttard taught History In the junior high school here last year. She wa* on* of the most, popular teachera of the school and numbor^d her friends by the rpore. She has the wishes of many for future happlnesn Interesting Text Tonight Rev. H. V. Ho|h* Will Prrnrh un "Men Must !>? KnmMhlnic to bo Sarrd." Rov. R V. Hope preached an er tollenl sermon lant nltthf on "Thou Art- the Man.'* An attentive audl enco was present. Tonfkht Mr. Hop?' will take aa hla subject, "Men must do something to be saved."' A ttend'mg Conference Rer. R. E. Umy I? A immg RaptlM MlnlMm Who MpH Today at Wilson. Rev. R. K. Oay. paator of the loral Rapt lit church, la attending the con ference of Raptiat mlnlatera. wh'eh la being held at Wilson There are several mattera of Importance to he brought up at the conference and it la erpected that a large number of delegates w4ll be In attendance Mr. Oay will attend the commencement exerolaea of the Kastern Carolina Teachers' Training School at Orr-eo vllle tomorrow. DaOy THovght. Tbo bow won M pomlbty atind ?1 w?yt boot, nor wo hnm&o fntltr ?uW ?tot w*ko?t ?>? WwttU U. S. CITIZENS ARE LEAVING ARE ARRIVING IN 8WTTZKR LtAND. DRt* KlltE FEEUMG OK GERMANS AH, INTENSELY BIT TER AGAINST (JOVBRNMENT OF THIN OOIWTRY. '4. ttl RUSSIANS ARE DRIVEN BACK Ornnan* Take <>ff?n*lvr In Um> E??t. UwIhtu Will Ik* Nrit Point of Attack. 'Cabinet Meet? To (Ia) for Final Consid er at i mi of Note. Am?-ri<-*iUf I/?ivc (?crnuuiy. 13a*?l, Switzerland, Juoe V.? American* are arriving here from Germany In small numbers. They defccrlbe conditions In Germany as being disagreeable to them because of the apprehenmon (hat there may i'uqiu war between Germany and (he United Stale?. Tliey nay that there is 111 feeling ont he part of ti?e peo ple aguaubi (he government and the puuple of (he I'ntted State?. There would appear ti? be comparatively few American* in Germany at the pret-i-ni time except those of Gorman des< ent. (n'rnuuw on Offensive. lx>n?i n>ii?- ni.il .i.! tt- - ^ iiMiai inu| rwwmer |