Country Correspondence Wo fear? been having some rainy weather bat for tbm last day or t Wo It basni rained rory much and tli? farmar* are all busy plowing their Wo had a wee children'.^ day first Banday night in. June. We had a" ?a-) time and a large crowd was present. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jolley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fenner Jackson Sunday Miss Mamie Corey was the guest of Mira Qladys Jackson Sunday af ternoon. There was a large crowd of boys at the home of Fenn r Jackbon Sun day afternoon. Guy Swanner and Grover Kodgers were In our midst Saturday evening O. B. Wynne was out automobile riding Sunday afternoon Miss Sophia Jane Jackson spent Tuesdmy night at? the guest of her brother. Fenner Jackson. Mrs. Fenner Jackson was a guest of Mrs Martin Canady Sunday af ternoon. Mise Martha Ball has been the guest of her easier. Mrs. Us. Jackson for a few days. Mrs. Charles Cliauncoy was the guest of Mrs. Feuner Jackson Mon day afternoon. Mise Bessie R dim wgs the guest of Mis* Irene Keats Saturday night. AN ORDINANCE* Washington. N". June 8, 1915 The Board of Aldermen do enact: 1. It shall be unlawful for any psrnon. Arm or corporation to per mit his, her or its dog to run at lat Re upon the street* of the city ?miens accompanied by 4U owner, either chained or roped Every vio lation of this ordinance shall sub ject the offender to a fine of $10.oo. 3. It shall b? the duty of the Police Officer of the city, when any I dog shall be found running at urge upon the street? to impound th?? Kaioe for a period of three days, ai d the Chief of Police shall post a no- , tire at the city hali describing a* accurately as possible the dog ;*> Impounded and If at th? expiration of saJd time, the owner of said dog , shall fail to call for same and pay the fee herein provided, the said I dog shMl be shot, by the said Police I Officers. 3. A fee of $1.00 shall be paid bv the owner of any dog demanding the return of same for the Impound-j Ing and tatting <*are thereof. 4. This ordinance shM! i? :?i j force and effect from and after Jun?' 18th. 1915. ?-8-10tc. Albert SlBfMon vm t h? |u?t of Jnm Jack so*-Saturday night. Mrs. Mack Chauncey vial t ad Mrs. Fenner Jaokson Saturday ??sain*. Mr. and Mrs. O E. Jsckson spent Sunday with their daughter. Mrs. Clayton Jackson. Mr*. F oner Jack ?on visited Mrs. Jtm Corey Thursday afternoon. Mrs. O. B. Wynne was the guest of her sister. Mrs. Bra<)y Wednes day. Memrs. Ruth Palmoor and Mar shsl Jackson, ?of Old Ford, were Plneville visitors Sunday night. Staff of A" vrt h ('arohna. Urn v for County?fn the tp'rior Cour1 T. )I. Hhiiht h j i*1 II. O, Bonnet Ami it? t Tohn B. Kespa?s aud Frank IT TTa n'ov. To Wh'un it .Vai/ Cane+rnn The parties alfove nmnod bih' all ?titer persons inicwtnl w: fake notico that i>n tlie 10th da> ?f April, 1015, the above natnee petitioners filed a petition in the office* i?f the Clerk of the Snperioi ( ourt of Beaufort county to hnv* the title i?f e<yt:un lands tBcrcit. described registered and confirm ?d pursuant to Chapter 00 of tlu Pitblie law? of 101H. and tlia' ?ninivnons has l>een issued, return able at the office of the Cl-i% of the Superior Court of Bean for' ??mntv on the 1;"th dav .?f June 1015.' Said land is * itn ate in the com: tv of Beaufort, and ?aid Stat, -uljoining the land of John B ''wpa'H and Frank 11. llarve* ?*rd Imunded and described :>? f??] low*; Beginning the mouth ' Wp Run: running with sat' f*nn to the Mill Pond: tin n< with the Mill Pond t.? the Canal thence with t.he Canal to Brna Creek: and with Broad Creek t the beginning: containing fift* acres, more <?r less. OKO. A. PAT~T.. Clerk Superior Court Beau for Countv. 4-12-8wc New Facts About Cancer. A study of 1.000 cases of cancer e< the stomach reveals the fact that thU disease claims mo:? men than wonieii as Its victim? i^id that it occurs m&s? frequently between the ages of forty and sixty years, t'leer at tne stoci aeh. on the other hand. appears nioyt Jrcquently be? Anon the ngcH of twen ty and fort} years. In over 90 p?-r *er.t of the cas-s of cancer herodi'> ?eetced to p'ay no part wiuiovsr No Season Tickets Will be Sold After ChautauquaOpens That is a Positive rule. Buy your season tickets now from the commit tee or Worthy & Etheridge Drugstore and H. T. Latham's Book Store. 31 EVENTS 31 ' SEVEN JOYOUS DAYS!" Chautauqua Week COME ONE. COME ALL $2 Season Ticket $2 Children Under 12 Years $/. JUNE 18 TO 24 Automobile Repairing Wf are Prepared to do any Kind of Work lo Ynur Au tomobile or Marine Gasoline Engine. WE USE v The Ojygen Proces* in Burning Carbon From the Cylin der*, which Insures a good Job at the least cost Agents for Studt baker Kepair Parts Located On Water Street at Garage Formerly Rjm by Harrii Hardware Company. 01 Vg US A TRIAL AT YOUR WORK FORMAN & ALLIGOOD P, H, form** A. K. AtHgood P ERSONALS u a. Mldgotta. Of Aurora. *u brought ^ Waahlngtoo h'jffpit*] yesterday ^ wu opwtttd on for appendleU ' ? ? ? ? Mn J. ' T BUalf who bu be ?n v ?it lux h or mother In Pamlieo oouoty, rvtur. Qe<J homo this morning ? ? ? ? ? ^ Pmflk Hart 0/ N?? Born, i* Hpradlni t odo7 *n ^ho city on buel ? ? ? Jan. L. Mayo, Jr*' w&> operated ?c yesterday mom ,n* mt the Waeh Mgion hospital for enlarged t owl I# 'ils condition today . ** Mrs. W. L. Mhrr'.H, of nr*r A? rore. is Id the city tod? ,Jf on a brief visit. ? ? ? ? J. T). Ferguson, of New R*rn. Ill spending today in th? city k ttcr,d'n?' j to business affairs. ? ? ? ? L. T. Thompson, of Aurora. wa' in the city yesterday, visiting **!? !fe who is a patient at the Wt4 '' i <ton hospital. I W. P WinstMil and family mo '"*4id from their home at WiBBtwd lie to Psctolus and spent ycster ?y with B. F Sears. / # ? ? ? ,Kd* Matthews and family am! '#s Mary Crumpler motored tc f'nston yesterday. * ? ? ? ? W> A Coat"? left yesterday for ' ?rehcad City, where he w.ll sp??n'! mo time. ? * * * ? II. I>. Simpson and Ren Saddler ?re 'n New Bern yesterday oa . ilef visit. ? ? ?? William Rhodes. Sh^lton Mov id C. Cordon were In Greonvlll. 1. sterday afternoon ? ? ? ? Charlffi Ftemloc and Tom Cowan Wilson, were Washington risltors vterdJi v # * ? # v. Miss l-elola Bailey, who has beer #lr'n* friends and relatives In tliK ::y. lias returned to her home in ':a|?rxtovn, Md. * * * * 1.5*1?? Smith, of New Born, visited ?ends here yesterdty. Miss Alice Moore spent yesterday th friends and relatives in Stoke* id Greenville, returning to Wash gton this morning. * -? * * ,1. C. Rop'-r and T. J. Mann, of .ike Landing. were Washington sitors yesterday afternoon. * * * ? Mr. and Mtb. Will White, Mr?. Miss Swindell and Dr. Ralph Baihaven. spent yesterd^ In Washington. * * * ? The Are department was call* d .?i? this morning to extinguish n -mail flrp in the yard to the rear o' r. H. W. Carter's house. ? * ? ? L. G. Cooper, C. O. H. Home, Misses Eatelle Green and Mary ">iuith jj^d C. A. Brown w^re In the ?y yesterday from Greenville. ?# # * # Alheri P Parne?, r.f Greenville, vas seen on the streets of the city nflay. # * * * J. M. Hodges. of Beaufort, ap' nt --sterday here with friends. # * * # Mrs. Frederick P. Whitney and ?Unrhters. MIsseB Fannie and Jo .? phlne. left today for Beaufort, ?her? Ihey will spend some time * * * ?? Mis? Ruhy Tolson left today for *. orehead city. * * ? * MIrscs Klale Marsh and Sally Car ow and MesBnf, Herman Carrow. "om Leughlnghouse and Arthur Hl ett motored to Roanoke Rapid?? ?^sterday. ' A / ? ? ? ? Mrs. Tlmolhy Culler and daiigh ?r. Mi*s Msry Cutler, have return ed from Henderson, where they vs ved Mrs. Leon Joyner. MisweR Katherlne and Mary Belle Smal have left for Rocklnr 'ham. N. C., where they will visit 'friends. r f # ? # * J. I> Mpscomb. of Wllar>n. spent Sunday in the^clty on a visit wllh frlwids. CONFEDERATE RF.HNTON Low Fnres to Richmond Vin SOU FOLK SOUTHERN R. R. Account of ANNUAL REUNION (hf'K" excursion ticket? oil Mia May 20th to June 2nd, limited tn> .f?n? 10th. For general inform?! t'OH coll on Norfolk Southern tick ! et ?storit?. H. 8. LKART), General Paaaenger A??"1 W??Mn? Okie*. Wlim *Mbtw ortumll ?( alaaa *r ta? ?M*a. If a torUak to*?] la Ma??? la tk* kotuat ai Ik* k*nl K ?m?.? m am<M *? ftm m. j*-' 2 Local Doctors on Program Two Washington doctors ar? on the progTMi of tbe Stat? Medical Society, which boffins Us anxrajd conveatloe at Greensboro tomorrow. Dr. H. W. Carter wlkl read a ta per on **Th? Evolution of Modmi Mastoid Operations.*' Dr. D. T. Tayloe will talk oa a subject which up to date has heen unannounced. <X ?MM KM MS DAMKLH. Kay* DmIHr ta In Favor of Piitcio g Nary on a Better Kfflc.Vacj Footing. J Philadelphia, June 14.?Be-irwtary Daniels 1? heartily in favor of ;plans for placing the navy on the moat efficient footing possible, said Rear Admiral "William 8. Benson, a guest >i?re tonight at a reception tendered ' y the Medical Club of Pblladotphia. rteporta to the contrary are itnjust, he said. 'It is unjust to think the head of the nary Is not to sympathy with ^ "lovom on t. Fie wantj the pocvle to ^?eive 100 cents for every (dollar the"> ' Put 4nto the navy. ??T.'iere Is a wrong Imprest-don a Noad ooucerning Ihe efficiency o' the imvy. The b&ttl'shlpa of the fV.ej; are ftt#? equal, class for class, of an^-in tb c world The mem who f-rve upon .these siMps are suprrfr to any other s. and the target prac -l-je^rfccord? these men can shoot < s?Toight and hit the mark. "There to, of course, much room for Improvement and the effort is V.cJi** made to put every unVt in th'l I feee Into th? best ponlble Qondt-1 I tlon.'? i ~?; T ?| Untile Etc ti. ^ "I kalnt help l>eln' snjjerst A)ot* ?hoo.' .Friday," aaJd Cb^le Eben ^ * hr., . ret afrit** daJ- tt alo' ao >jucr < %?jut roc doe* on Friday dat brli 4^ t,a<i luck as what you sl&snteps o 4 Vrldaf #.a' live or six rrher d v s -4 - - % - Washington. D. C/. June 14 ? salary of 91 ? rear Frederick V . Buimelator ha? been appointed J custodian of tho cut-off channel I front and mr<ruie lights in the] Patapaoo Rirar. Custodian Burtneleter baa but 1 few duties u> perform. In addition I to his salary ho baa tho froo ase of || a homo on the lighthouse recurva tion. He oould not he carried oo the Government pay rolls without a specified salary, and to give official Importance and reapoaalbtltty the. nrlary of 91 wai agreed upon. J OWnUBRISs CAPTURED. AahOTllIe. N". C.. June M?IU. turning to Atfnvllle jesterda? rrom a trip through Jacfcson and Tr.n a.vlraoU coup ties, royonue offlcers reported th?L/ destruction of three lllfott dlsMlferloe lB those counties. With the plant* ??? destroyed ?.000 gallons ot beer. Operators succeeded in making their escapo J>efar? ths arrival ot Undo Sam's Bleutks. ?Mar Agwft ttltftrm Hold Reunion. Ki'Aafem, June 14.?A remarkable -wan witnessed here when four fl,*tars who had lived out their' '?"three score and ten*' alighted from I * train. They were Mrs. Edith 'ttranson. 79, of Atlanta; Mre. N. J. Onaond, 77, of Hlllsboro, and Mrs. 'Vaggle Griffin. 75, and Mrs. Katie 9tlchar6t4>u, 73, of Durhapx.. w The ?j-jartet wer? exceedingly afitdve and I lively. They came. In acoordanc* with an annual custom, to visit their niece, Mrs. N. Moore, here. Subscribe to the Daily News. "Cot yot?r yearly boot cost. Wear Hob-Mark Warrior Rubber Boots a Bid sea bow seldom you will have to replace them. Hub-Mark Warrior ? mbber Boots wear longer than other boots because we spend the time a ad money to make them as staunch as boots can be made. They can s and the bard use you will give them because for sixty years we have si udied th<> fishermen's needs and trade these boots to meet them. Always buy Hub-Mark Rubber Footwear. Dealers who sell it sell the tx at of everything. BOSTON RUBBER SHOE CO,' Maiden, Mass. THE OC?^N VIEW. VA. Open June 15th to September 1st. Ninth Season UndtrSaoe Management The Mom Popular and Moat Liberally Patronized Summer Hotel on the Virginia Const t. lOO Rooms Immediately on Water-Front. Overlooking Ches apeake Bey. In lull View of ?11 Vessels Pacing Through Historic HampTbn Roads. ' Amusements Bathing, Boating, Fishing, Bowling, Billiards, Music and Dancing. Motion Picture Sho?, etc. etc. Rates, in Keeping' with the Stringency of the Times For Particulars Write ? . J NO. A. TUCKER, Manager Until. ftJM 1st Louise Hotel Washington, N. C. C0XBTKPA190X CAV8B8 MOOT 1LLB. , Accumulated wart? in you* thirty feet of txtwels causes absorption of poisons, tends to produce fevers, upsets die est I on. Yjou belch gas, frel stuffy. Irritable, almost cranky, it Isn't 70a?It's your condition. Eliminate this poisonous waste by taking one or two Dr. King's New Ufe Pills tonight. Enjoy a full, free bowel movement In the morn ing?you feel so grateful. Get an original bottle, Containing S 6 pills, from your Druggist today for SGc North Carolina- Superior Court 'Beaufort County Before the Clerk George Wright ?a. Sidney Wlnfleld, Allen Winded, Prances Mack, Win. Mack, Augusts Latham. Jack Latham. Ida Watkias, Warren Wstklns, Net* Tripp, Henry Tripp, Elbctrta Hdll, James Hill. Jesse Smaw, Islah Smaw, and Sarah Whitfield. July. 1915, at 12 noon, sell, at pub He auction, before the Court Hcut>r door of said County, to the hig'.?isi bidder, for cash, the following de scribed real estate, vis: In the State of ^jgrth Carolina County of Beaufort, an& In Chov> wlnity Township; beginning at s short leaf plr.e a corner of the Rov snd Benjamin Patrick land, cross in k the public road, running thence 8. 80 1-2 W. 31 polen to a'stake thence 8. 5 E. 110 poles to a post oak; thence N. 65 E. 58 poK* to a corner in the fork of the public eunty road In the ?foresaid P.oy snd Benjamin Patrick line: thence with the main public road tp the be Klnhlng; containing by estimation 32 3-4' acres. Dated and posted this June 12th, 1915. HARRY MeMULLAN. As Commissioner. 6-12-4wc. Notic? of 8*lo for Division. Under and by virtue ot a decrei of the Superior Court of, Beaufor County. North Carolina. In the ubovi entitled special proceeding, the ut derailed, Harry MoMullan, aa Com missloner, will, on the 14th day ol NOTICE OP HAUL By rlrtus of Uie power ol ml* contained la a Deed or Tnpt exe cuted by J. E. Wilkinson and wife. Mota 8. Wilkinson, to J. J. Barrett, Is Trustee, dated February tttk. 1014. recorded In t ho Register;? of ftco of Beaufort county la Book 190. Pi?i 414. which Is hereby refer rid to. the said Trurtoe will sail at pob ile suction Cor cash to the highest bidder at the oo^rthoaee door of Besu fort county on Tneaday. July ?th, 1915. at noon. aO the real e?> tate end personal property thereto described, consisting of a lot or par cel of land sltuatfd In the rlllace of Leech Tills, Pantefo Township, lylnc on the weet elde of Punco Hirer and adjoining tke lands of Mr*. Mac#s Let h am and others, bounded os she North by the land occupied by D. L. Burgess and Mre. Meccle Lathsxn. on the East by Punco River and on the South and West by the' lande of Mrs. Msccle Latham, containing one acre, more or lees, end known es the rim Lot. tocether with the latere, ways, wharves and riparian rlchts belonging or appurtenant thereto, iiid also all buildings, fix tar??, mw tiIII, dry kilns, engines, machinery. *nd equipment of ?very kind and loscrlptlon upon or *bout the said and premises, or used In con ieotlon therewith, Including all ??arts and * parcel* thereof and all 'ools and Implements upon or about the said premises or need in con nection with the msdntenanoe and I operation of the said plant, with all 'iddltions. repairs, replacements and additional machinery. Implements, tools o? other property made or ac quired in connection therewith since 'February 18th, 1914; also on? car 'boat named "The OaroUns*' sod 'about two mllee of Iron or steel rails and all bars, plates and other parts or appurtenancns belonging thereto or used therewith; also any 'and all other property conveyed by . the said Deed of Trust as fully M if herein at length enumerated. This June 1st, 1916. J. J. BARRETT. 1 ?* Trustee. ?-5-4wc. Subscribe for the Dally News. A FEW RARE BARGAINS FOR SALE No. 1. The J. F. Lynch farm at Koyal, N. C. 17 acres. About 8 acre? in cultivation. In good condition. Parmer this year. Two good dwelling bouses on same. One 200-foot Artesian well, cost $150.00. Two dwelling* o>st over $1000.00. Fino land. Farm front on town road, and only 100 yards from Washington & Vandemera I Railroad depot. A real bargain for quick sale at $1250.0??, payable $250.00 cash, and balance $200.00 a year. No. 2. N. N. Winficld farm at Yeatesville, N. C. 112 acnes, 12 acres in cultivation. Wire fenced. Dwell" ing house and outbuilding* set in a beautiful grove. Buildings worth $500.00. With a little money spent can be made a very good and a very attractive farm, and a great bargain at $10.00 acre for cash or at $11.50 an acre mi terms .of $250.00 cash, and $250.00 a year. . No. 3. Pendell Bush farm at Acre Station. 8 m'le? from Pinetown. On public road. 85 acres. 83 acre* in cultivation. A sandy and gray loam soil. Very fine tobacoo land, fine for peanuts, potatoes, etc. 50 acres of swamp land on bark,, and as fine as and the same character of *>'1 as tho Wilkinson swamp land. Stuc]^ corn will pay the cost of clearing and cultivating the swainp laud in three or four years. Will raise at least 8 barrels of corn to the rtcrc in stuck corn without cultivation. In good white neighborhood, near churches and school house. A new nix room dwelling, painted, and just completed. Farm just wire fenced. We have just spent several hundred dollars in completing dwelling, fencing farm, cleaning ditches, etc., and putting farm in^ good condition. Buildings and improvements worth nearly $1000.00. Will take $20.00 per acre cash or $22.50 per acre on tewns of $259.00 cash nnd $250.00 a year. You had better look at this. You will not have the bpporhinity to buy as good a farm as this at this price again. No. 4. 57 acres of woodland on River Boad near Broad Creek six miles from Washington, fronting on Military Tfoad, young growth of timber. Very fine tobacco land. Tn good location. Is a bargain at $10.00 an acre for cash or $11.50 an acre on terms of $100.00 cash and $100.00 a yeair. No. 5. 10ft acres of woodland near "River Boad, four miles from Washington, N. 0. Cut over. AH high lao-1. exrept about 200 acf& of swamp. Very fine soil, good-tobacco land. Considering its location, mpximity to Wellington, it is a splendid investment. We will take an acre for cash for the whole tract or /orfifty acres, w oi ./ill take $0.50 per acre on terms of $150.00 rash and $150.00 a year. _ . , No. 0. The .Tease Phelps house and lot on Reven>n Street between "Market and Bonner. Four room*. Lot 50 r 150 feet with erood high lot in back and nice garden, with a little work. House in excellent eondition, jnst re- *' i red snd painted and out buildings put in good condition. Write or see us for prioes and terms. We arc offering this at a bargain. , We have 100 fanr* and tracts of woodlands for tale In Martin, Hyde and Beaufort Counties, at bargain prices. Wrifht us and we will send our catalog of descriptions of (dace* and pictures. Washington Beaufort Land Company Washington, 1>?. C. I /NO. K, COREY, Manage y.c ? jtoaMBBMMHfc *. ~ y 'l M

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