ItEWS THAU .AJTY OTHER PAP Sit Q( THE STATE. NEWS THB WBATHER?Protxbto ?kovan toalgkt and Waliwlir aJHEgtfoN N;?~fuMDAT ffihbtNooN iunf.'is ?is ko.m REV. R. L GAY DEALS WITH "TIGERS" TM4S OF HAVOC THB8K IX&TI I ' T^KSS. *?w A STRONG SERMON la Low The local liquor queetioo. the ef fect? of drink, tho changes that tare been made 4b recent jeer? re gar^lnd the rum propoettloo and the methods of operating "blind tigers" were discuesed by Rev. R. L. 10*7. -pastor of ?he Jlkst Baptist church, Sunday night tn one of the most Interesting wraoai erer heard In "Washington. Mr. Gay spoke etralght from thb slfoulder. Hie words la fcart were as follows "? bar keeper 1a not a good man. He never was * good man. I say that the blind tiger ia not a good man. He onght not to he a rt epectable man; ought not to be re ?pected. The man who engages In the traOo of liquor knowe that It, ia killing men; he knows that tt it making widows and orphans?he fcaowe aH that. He knows, as one of the greatest men has eaid, "It kills more men than war, pestilence and famlno combined.'' And yet brethren, we hare not got as strong a sentiment against H as we ought to hare. He engages In the busl nees to make money- Since we hare bad prohibition and the law fortrldp a man to sell it, he Is lawless In doing it. He does not carfe anything for his country. He is not triot His one aim Is to make good la gold coin. He does not care tor the law, and eo he is a criminal, and he knows that he is a criminal. Bo that la not all of it. The maa m<ia la that business i defend himself. Amy man who maa a blind tiger will He on the witneea stand?you know thai: Now a man who Is engaged In the meanest bns lnees on earth, protecting hlmsel by Mes Is not a food man, Is he? He ought not to be respected. He not only goes Idto i| with the purpose of perjurm? himself for bis own protection, but with the Idea that he is going to make his friends swear to a We to protect him. The man who Is engaged in that business is engaged In the meaneet business on earth. He Is an all-around vil han; he Is an all-around criminal. He is the most degraded man In your town, no matter wha? his name may be. He !e not lit to associate with decent people. He demoralises your town. He le not a good man, Summer School Starts Today VltonHj of N. C. Bedna Heaatoa of Hu m nv Chapel Chapel Mill. Jons 1?.?The Unl TWIttr ttamwr School begin. 4t? twaatr-al4Mh HUton June It Taaadar and Wednwlir tki? waak are reclatratloa daji. mod on Thar ?day wo+. wll^ K In In oar ???t. Orar ?W toach.. > and aty dan la ha*a illDl?,. their Intention M attending; whtla thaaa who hare made a* ieaw laUtin aad other, who will enter lata. WIN yrakablr brinx tka anmW op to lit. there la ararr Indication at thle bala? tke mom aaeeawfal and ?ratable eae atoa la tha hletorr of tha Rehool Cantata at C. M* E. Church wm u* I* aatnd cantata, entitled "Para dtaa." will to ft ?an a? tka C. ? ? ohareh Tho radar nl(M. bafftaalkg at eight o'olosd Twaatr-i*e voloaa will taka part 4a tha niacin* it yker of aoloa, dnata aad tear tattae wfll h? faalaraa/?? tha * cram Admlaalon of it ceata will ha ehargad. ipeolal arraageneat. kare kaaa Hie lor "white peraona A committee from Aurora went te New Bern yesterday to confer wlth the commissioners of Cravens county relative to securing the u ?unw of that My In the good roadh work I? being contemplated. It is necessary for the people of Aurora to travel for a distance of about eerven miles along a road wMch leads to both Washington and New Bern. As the latter city would derive considerable benefit from the improved road, it was thought prob able that the county commissioners would lend their assistance in the matter. When the Aurora committee, which consisted Of W. A. Thompson, W. L. Selby ? and T. W. Lawrence, appeared at the Cravens county court house, they found that the board was not in session and that no definite answer could be given to their proposition. They Interviewed ths chairman of the board, however, and the latter gave them reasonable inrance that Cravens county would contribute two doUsrs for - every dollar raised by the people of Au rora. The matter will be brought up -for action at the next meeting of the board of commissioners. "Good roads'' continues to be the princlpsl topic'of conversation in all parts of the county and interest. In stead Of lagging, is growing more daily. ~ ? Opposed to The Dog Law BELIEVE THAT CRAVEN CO. WILL HELP SAW CHAIRMAN Local Keeident (jives Opinion* on Matter. Tell* Why Law Who u hi Be Abolished. Editor Dally News, Washington, N. C. Dear sir: 1 have noticed considerable agi tation during the last few days over an ordinance which the board of alOfrmen intend going into effect on Prlday ?of this week. There ap pear? to be a good deal of opposition to this law from certain channels. The law Is dead wrong from start to finish. We don't want any thing Uhs it ? for Washington. Why should the liberty of dogs be infringed upon?' ft is unreasonable and unjust. Let the anlmalj^ have the same Mberty as they have bad heretofore. Let them go sniffing around the vegetable? and fruits In ths grocery stores. Don't chase the dogs away from around the market Let them stay there so that they can annoy ladies and children who desire to do <Uie8r tiding there. And even if s dog should accident ally bite some chUd on the street.*; that Is not of so greet Importance. The children ought 'to be kept off the s'.rtets. Why should we wake up Wash ington- Let us gq on as we always have -be^n doing. Even if all th<> cities in (hie section are enforcing dog Uhft, that is no rranon why WsShlngton should do It. Let up koep the loga. We love to see the'* mangy presence on the streets, to have them sniffing sround every thing they oan reach. The board of aldermen are unjust la trying to depHve ue of all this Very tmly yours, 7 W. C. Will Inspect Naval Militia LieuI. M. W. Connor. (J. 8. N? Inspector and Instructor for Ui* State of North Carolina. arrived In Waakin(toa today and will Inapaet tir ?th nivlalon add oflcara of the rirat Battalion, preparatory to f? tara infraction. tonight Lieut Ooaaor la om* ot tka boat Uni authorities la Uli eattton oa karal mat Ura and the toaal oflloar, and id men expeot to .. . a MAY HAVE TO | CAJ-L EXTRA SESSION SAID THAT WILSON IS THINK INO 8ERKHHLY OP CALL f: - " ? WO OONORE8H. FINANCES LOW No Secret at Washington thju Gov ernment's Funds Are Running * Low at Present Time. Washington, Jan* IS.?That Pres ident Wilson is thinking svloaaly of calling Congreee into extraordi nary session to 'provide money to run the government was the opinion expressed here today by one of the loading members of the. house of representatives and a man -who has always had the conpdence of the President. ^ \ Whether Congress -w1H .be ask to extend the war tax measure or revise the tariff by taking sugar off the free list 1? not yet settled. It fai known, that either one or the other win have to be done. It *.t no secret in Washington that the government's funds are running low and that the question of raising ?ufltelent money to run the govern ment has caused administrativ leaderk. considerable anxiety. To Decorate For Chautauqua ltuslneas Men and Property Own em t'rged to Decorate TTieir Build ings and Homes. The chairman of the- decorating committee for the Chautauqua, which begins In the city on Friday. iBawes an urgent request that all of the Easiness jnen of the d^y start onee-^' dRbfattiHf ? thrir places of business along the princi pal streets of the city. It is aimed to make a grand dlapjay of banners and. flags to Inaugurate the Chau tauqua week, and in order to do this., each merchant is expected to take some steps In decorating hi-? building. The property owners are also requested to decorate their homes and residences with flags and bunting for the occasion. Many Tickets Still on Hand (< uor an torn Miut Dispose of W>00 Worth Before Chautauqua Opens. With the Chautauqua but a few days off, the ticket selling commit tee are finishing their campaign with a whirlwind finish. So far the ralos have been fairly good, but !here still remains $900 worth of ticket* to dispose* of. If tickets to this amount are not sold beforo the opening of the Chautauqua,, guarantors will haye to make (he deflclt. The guarantors have announced that parties subscribing for tickets t. Ill please pay the committee when oalled upon, a? the Chautauqua Ae rodatlon Is calling for a settlement r.nd Immediate funds aro necessary No season tickets will be sold after the opehldg of the Chautauqua. Changes Made at the Louise ITaah T?>lor In iTenr NMtht Clark. : VanXortwV-k. D?T <*?*? ?"? T. O. mow, trilil Frank Taylor, of Whlttakar?, ar rlvad In th? ?ty ywtacday lo " umi a poaltlan nln ht elark a. the HotaT during tha abaanca o( maoan-r. H. A. Tttokar. ft* Ar. ftummar month*. H. C. VanNort *1?k, tha traaaot nlitht clark. win taanma dar dutj? at tha hotal. whtla T. O. Blow will taka tam porary man ft m .nt of tha hoalelr; Mr, Toeker will ?^d moat of hla Uma aa Ocaair Vlaw. wkara ha will ?aparrlia affair, at tha Ylntlnlfc Bar hotal. "? win. ?owarar,- a?a*d a d^jr or twa of aaeh -waak la Waafc. taftoa. Mr. Taj lor fcaa a anmbar of CrlaaM In tha dtr who wm ha ?lad to aoa him haw a?al?. Ha aatad aa night elark at th* toataa (mum* LONDON WOMEN RIOT AGAINST GERMANS Seen? In a London fllfwt during on? of the rocent aati-Oerm&n riots. The woiqsd In custody of the two con ?tables *M one of a mob Lh*t had wrecked German shops. Value of Home Economics Interesting Report Made by Mrs. H. W. Carter, Chair' man of the State Board. (Br Mrs. H. W. Carter) The aim of Home Roooomles Is to enlarge the earn total of human happiness by improving the average of human health and increasing the purchasing power of the small purae. It seeks to teach the pur chasing power of tbfe Individual purse, not so much itf the manner of pounds of flour or ^aef that th<^ contents of the purs? WtU buy. but what in terms of fop d value the patse 1C*Tfcchffl??'th<r-?ody of the consumption of time and en ergy, since efficiency is an necesaary to the proper management of tho hrono as to that of ^he office or fac tory. Housekeeping is a profession and though the statement has become trite, the professional attitude to ward this business !? far from be-| !ng reached. From a'selfiah standpoint. 1 re-' grrt to say my time an Chairman of Home Economics expires during this meeting. The office has been the' source of a great opportunity for education along the line of the most | tapor.ant work this Federation baa vndertaken. L--have tried to do j c?me good ui repay the Federated Hubs for having given me such a wonderful opportunity to learn lea ?on^by actual experience. T have demonstrated to my own satisfaction that a woman can cul tivate her own garden to the beae ilt of family and friends and Im prove her own and the health of her family and Increase the else of her '?ocket book. snd. at the name time. Mlustra.A to every one that It 1? ?'?"wr to raise vegetables than to Guarantors Meet Tonight oortjuti Matter* to be Brought Up. MMln* at. Cliambfr "of Cflmmf?*. A meeting of the Chantauqua Riinraotorn will be held In the Chsm i^er of Commerce rooms tonight. at S:80 o'clock Several Important matters ar? to be brought op and It ! Is urgently requested that all mem bers be In attendance. MADE TO MKAM7RK ? OITTRRM ar*1 apoula. OaeoHne tank* to M. an7 ah?pe boat or auto. Tla. gal van I ie4 Iron or alate roofing done at .abort notloe. Phone "JM, West Sd 8t. J. V. HARPER I 6-15-1tc. buy them, and 60 grow a great num ber of different vegetable? In the open garden during the winter months. 1 have learned that I could serve a four course luncheon to 140 county teacher? for $12.29. 1 have told you how I have learn ed to serve a cheap but nice lunch eon. and now 1 will nay 1 have learn ed system In labor also, as very re cently 1 had promised to serve a luncheon for an organisation of -Whlchl sun a member aad Thursday my cook went home sick. I went riding and to a book'club meetitu? did alj my own homework, had a I number of callers, and served a well I prepared luncheon on Saturday ;ev?n better than If 1 had had plenty of servants In the house. We ser\e<l| 7C> plates for 112.10, chicken Jel'y , bouillon with rcayonslse. and parc-^ ley and crackers; shlcken salad on lettuce leaves, cranberry Jelly, pick les. celery, bread, crackers, and Ice I tea with lemon, and pineapple sher bert and cake. If by my feeble effort? I have In duced twenty people to start gar dens snd ten to say that through m* tpey have given luncheons for their clubs for one-half the old price, do you blame me. dear club women, for giving tip my work with deep re t^et? I have served my two yesr? as Chairman of Home Economics snd have lesrned all thee* thtnr* snd many more because I wan Chairman. The government >>a* kept jtie istrpplfed with literature which I have sent out, and dally and woekly letters which I have turneu ovnr to the various papers for pub llca.lon. 4 Violations of Traffic Laws 11 rough t F p in R#wrdm' Court YmtmUjr. IMA^nnUi Wfr? All Fined. Four ran m ' of traffic violation* ?wore brought up In the Recorder's court yesterday afternoon. Jam?* Weston wn charged fflth having no rear light on Ma machine. He wan retained upon payment of costs. Two cmAi, both charge* of ?peedIng.were brought against fllngleton Wallace. He wng taxed 18.00 4rd cost? in each caae. Will Leary, colored.'wan charged wtth speeding and fined $4.00 and costs. James Kelly, charged with as aault, was released upon payment of coats. HOME Building A(id Loan Association Will Open a New Series July 3rd. COME IN. Cell ftt Ranking House of Savings & Trust Company v * For Booklet Explaining It In addition to tbn numerous au tomotiile? that are expected to par ticipate In the automobile parade on Friday, there will be a brigad? of f-fty young woiueu with umbrel la.s and a t-rlgado of fifty young men, with ?ashen and attractive t>an- 1 nem for young boya to carry A kind of motion picture, called cbronophotogTaphs, twill be taken of the paradend shown at the Chautauqua on opening night. The parade will Htart prompt'y from the court hous^ at two o'clock. AJI participant? are rwqupiited lo be on hand by 1 4 5. Admioloc to the afternoon per fornMpce Friday will be given to all p^tlolpant* of lh?? parade. The Impression, from yeafrday'a article In the Dally New?, was construed by ?orne to mean that fro? admin alon would be given tn ?ach and ev ery -?performance of the Chautauqua In this city. ^V,a=::a Liquor Case * Up Thursday Wm. Swunnrr l<> Answer Charge Jlelatlve to Shipment of 12 J Bnml* of I?lquor. / Big Parade on Fridayl In Addition to Antomobilr*. WU1 bo | Brigade? of Youn^ Men and ? Women. The crb? against Wm. Swknnfr. who In alleged to have boon impli cated In the shipment of twelve bar r? 1h of herring and liquor to thla city Saturday, will be brought up before the recorder on Thursdaj thin wftek. Mr. Swannor. It la #tnted. mi ; the assertion that he knowa noHitr.g of the shipment and that, the liquor was evidently shipped to Wanhing tnn through mistake. Is Advocate ?Of AJew Law J. H. Rrklln (ilve* HI? R*'a*on? for PevorlnR the IVopoerd Doc Iaw. Mr. Edltof: 1 have r*ad several articles in your paper concerning the do? la? 1 happened to be at the meeting of the board of aldermen at the time the law was passed and there teem od to be very little opposition to H As for myevlf, T was heartily In fa vor oMt and I do not se? any reason why the dog *hou4d have any fhor liberty than the horss, hog or cow. for we already have a law prevent ing these animals from running at large. It senna to me that the horse, hog and cow are of a great deal more benefit to humanity than the dog. and I believe that the eight* of *11 kinds of dogs In all kinds shapes on the ^ streets, fa a public nulsanc? and should be dnlt with as sneli * As to modifying the law, I h? Here in equal right* to all and s(?elst privileges to mme * *. SCKW, BIG TEUTONIC IS y lolUP.t ULi AIMED ANNOUNCEMENT HAYS THAT 10, OOO RUSSIAN I*RJpONERH WI-3RK CAPTUKKD .BY THK GKRMAN PORCRS. RUSSIANS CONTRADICT Hay TluU 20,000 Auiitri<?iM am (?crmjuu Were Killed. Hcmyy Flghttaff in Franc?. Turin Kopalno AUiea. British S?Mum<r Hunk. London. June 1H.?In nartberta Galicla, between Prxemyal and Lem berK. th*re ha? been a renewal of furloas fighting, and Berlin claim? the Teutonic allies have gained an Important victory. An attack along a forty-five mile ffont 1? said to have resulted in capture of the Rus sian positions bntween Cyernlawa. northwest of Moeciska, and 8lenl?wa northward of the Sac The an nouncement says 16,000 prisoners were taken yesterday. 20.000 Austrian* Killed. A pre?? d^'patch from Petrograd gives anothw version, Baying 20,00" men of the Austro-Geruian attack in^ force* wsrs killed, the remaind er being routed. Heavy Fighting in Prance. In Northern France heavy light ing continues. The Oerman -war oftico today announced that the French had sustained a severe de feat near Arras. The Kretich mili tary authorities asserted a German work had been captured near Lor ette. but admitted the Oermans .hai recaptured part of the entrench ments at Souchez won the previous day. Itrlti?h Htoiuiifr Hunk. The British steamer Hopetnount, of 3,300 tons wm sunk oc Lands Knd by a Gernyvn submarine. The crew was rescued. Turk d Ropu I m- Allien. i I ??a vy JljtHHnc has be?n resumed the Galllpoll p?*nln?ula. The Turkleh war office announces that attack* of the French and British force? HK?Sn*t thn Turk lah right ??Inp were repuln?d. and that the allies were thrown back to fhelr original positions with heavy louse*. -_i AuMro-ltjUlan lint tie. OrnupaMon of the Carlnthlan town of Valentina by thn Italian? I* announce officially at Rome. Along the Teonfco river a battl* of larro proportions hae been In pro ;r?? fvnral day*. Although *ha T- apparently havn won *ome ?/"S* igea. the | Austrian* have Sronjrti ? up relnforr*m?iita and are offering determined realstance Sink Another Ship. The S.KOO ton "Brit I ?h M*am?r -^rndal* ha? been Hunk In the Whit? fl<~a by r mine. RAVfl TMKFHR. Tnhln* picture* with * Kodak 1? bully jrood wport that lawte ?II tb r*ar ronnd. You nlmplr *?n't b?et f? for r^el fnn. a* tho?e who've tried It ren t?M yea T/et ?? be tb<? one t? ?ell yoa a kodak: for" that t? oar bndneea pnrHy end simply We know yotir went* end een help rr.n. TIA'Kim'B BTTJDTO. ? ?mall r?cta About Mora??. O ray horarii era the tonnes) lived ? nd cream oolomd ones the oin?t nf ?????fed h* ??Tiwimur? ,-??ne#^? New Theater wouNBatuLT mofrr iMth NWrhi tMOwtoAT moifr "iiTr

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