DAILY NEWS PRINTS MOJtE LOCAL NBW8 THAjt ANT OTHER PAPER IN THE STA1 Tin WASHINGTON PAILY NEWS TMB WViTHIR?Probtbto akofin toil|hl iM WsdBMdtj. VOL 4 WASHINGTON N. C. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON JUNE 16 1915 *o. 11? JOINT MEETING OF MEDICOS IS HELD BOARS or WMT Ut Ncunr AjfD HKAiyrs Mtn REPORTS MADE (Spsdal to Dally Nsws) OiiM^ini Aim* 1??Today* morning Mm of (ha Stats Medl ??1* Society nj plrea onr <0 the esajatat Ml of Ua Society and tho North Carolina State Board at Health. Tks eklsf fMin of tka morula? session was the report of Dr. W. 8. Rauktn, Raleigh, Secre tary-Treasurer of tka State Board o> Health. Hla report ehowed Increased ao tlrltiee 1? (01 dapaMoonta. Ti? ?-?tata Laboratory of Hygiene allow ed a gain of II pn cant la It? rou tine -work orar tkat of laat rear and I? addition distributed 11.006.000 unlta of diphtheria antitoxin as a gainst ?.164,000 the preceding rear, ?al distributed 117,111 dose? of typhoid saotlne aa agtnat It,0(0 ???!? tka rear before. It araa made tkat thla department pro poeee to construct and equip In tke -?ear fstare a biological plaat (or ?he production and distribution of racdnee. antitoxins. and eera. This *?1 add greatly to this department' effldekcr. Tke department of Education and tagtneerlag whoee wurk K Is to In ternet and educate tku public (en ?rally In sanltatloa an-1 nygtene dla trlbnted last rear 47.000 espies of the Health fw'.etha every month. It ?applied 11 dally pipers with 1?! ?ewe articles and >74 weekly papers >4? ae^arttsjse. sr. la Mat I! published through tke Ststa press about one article a day on stxde timely subject relating to eanUatton aad hjglaaa. The Bureau of Vital Statistics Is that department of the State Board of Health that doea the work of ool leelng. claaalfylng. and recording the births and deaths of the State acoordlug to /ace. county, tosru, and township; aad further \ classifying death? according to cauee ant age This .Bureau la tha Bute's barom eter. Ckarta prepared by this 4e partment showed thpl for the Brat ?re mouths of Ills there were 7.01? more births reported than for the H ret Ura mouths ef the year pre ceding, aud 1.444 more deatka. The death rate and btrtff rat6 for the State are 11.4 aod 1? reepectlrely as compared With the regtatratlon area ratas of last year which were 14.1 and M. The report of the Bureau of Tu berculoala showed that during the Tear, Jane 1. 1*14', to Juae 1. 1*11, . >41 pattente had been treated at the Sanatorium and that >11 had been returned to 'heir homes either n, aa arraeted or Improved cases The work of the Bureau for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease It will fee recalled, terminated May 1, 1416. Dr. Rankin's report sum med up the work o' Its Ire years' existence lu t Rese figures: Number North Carolinians et am I Bed tor hookworm tnfaetton, >47,V4>, or' oaa-etghth or the population of State. Number foamf lafeoted. 7>. ?7T. Number tiaalsd. ?6,41? Cost of work to *> suttee. ?I4.>?4 4?t to tke ?(?*. I1I.PI417: to the It00ke feller Sanitary Commission, 94), *11.11; total. $1*4.4*4.IT, or a cost of 11.41 ?ar eaas tranted 4 CaseS Tried By Recorder Appeal Taken kt On* Caea. Otker Three ?Unas* Vpea Pay awM at Costa. . Ntenl cases war* brought np for C ?posal_ at tha reoorder's court yea terdsy afternoon. Dl ok Hudson, c>argad with aseault against Will Untie, waa ??ed 111 m? coeta. An appeal waa taken, ftd Filler waa rknried with karlag nr llghta ok klr automobile aad was'released ty . sn pay neat of eaeta Tbs tame , rmlmt la the ess? of If. L. ftljmsna aad WllKe Gray We r ? / a CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM IS GIVEN OUT jr VERY ATTRACTIVE T OoMtn, Mafic wma Mule [<s AND A wnj. Tho proctsm for tlx local Chaa tnaiaa. ?Urt Mini MJ?, waa glran M (Ms mornlac, Tli? pro frm eooUlna u tnlareetln* wtIm of entertaining and tmualDc num ber? and Is superior to that of last year* la many- way?. It la as fol low?; PROGRAM Junior Chautauqua beglna at 9:00 Afternoon seesloc. begins at 1:80. Evening: ????W begins at 7:SO. FRIDAY Afternoon? Series Lecture?Superintendent Concert?Dunbar Soiree Singers Evening? Concert?Dunbsr Soiree Singers. Illustrated Lecture?"Bright Eyee and Wild Hearts of our 'Northern Woods," Chavnoey J. Hawkins. Chronoph olographs. SATURDAY Akernoon? f*?*es Lecture?8aperhi<end?ent. Magic aad Music?Springer an<f Chautauqua Entertainers. Evening? Ha^lc and Music?Springer and Chautauqua Entertainers. ..Motion Picture*. MONDAY Afternoon? Series Lecture?Superintendent. v Conoert?Crawford Adams Trio. Evening? Concert?Crawford Adams Trio. Lecture?"Modern Babylon". Dr. ft. Parke? Cad man. Motion Pictures. TUESDAY Afternoon?? Series Lecture?Superintendent Concert?Colangelo's Italian Band Evening? Conoert?Colangelo's Italian Dand (Motion Pictures. WEDNESDAY Afternoon? Series Lecture?Superintendent. Concert?Boston Oratorio Artists. Evening? Concert?Boston Oratorio Artists. Lecture?"Rebuilding the Tem ple.'' Montavllle Flowers. Motion Pictures. THURSDAY Afternoon? Conoert?Varkony-Hlnes Com pany. Leoture?"Friends of Yesterday." La Salle Corbell Pickett. Evening? **' Concert?Varkony-Wnes Com pany. "The Man from Home," present ed by The A ?on Players. SUNDAY A special program for Sunday w!M be arranged and announced. Offer ing. | Buy a Season Ticket. $2.00. ChiVliww:?rbr the good of all conoerned. we will Insist this year on the following role: Children un accompanied will not be allowed to |?lt nearer the front than the eighth , 0T ninth row. Adults unaccompan ied by children (except in the case fti the aged or Infirm) will not bo allowed to sit on the front seats. It may reasonably be expected that ->ne adult will aocomeany not mor t?iaa tluee or four children Meetings Held In Aurora ktm to Km Maw Reboot Iftmaa lUa4r tf NL No ?ta lk la Mapoataf of BaMla. ?' * r (??oalal Oorraa pond ant) M?atlasa war, Md la Aurora laal ntckt aad Moadar alikt to dlacu? tka Ml* of koadu aad othar datall' ooaaaetod wtt* th< kalldlmc of tk> now an^l koaoa to tkat oUr sot oral old? hiV, alraadr b,->a mad? far tko boon aad ao IrnaMa I, ax pw(i< la diapoala? of thorn. Plim for fko rafllhtl karo baoo tomplot od aad tko ?o?trart\in proMM? ba lot wttkta tka aaat too dar*. U J* tko daatra at tka raofta to kara tko kalldlM raadr tar j??liuu kr tho WASHINGTON MAN FOUND DEAD XBWB OF J. B. Rl SMELL'S DEATH IK NORFOLK RECEIVED TODAY. INHALED GAS Not Known Definitely Whether Death Was *a Accident or .Ao oocupliahed With Intent. News was received here this morning of the death'of J. B. Rue sell, en employe of the local office of the Norfolk. Southern Railroad. Mr. Russell died laet night la Nor ?folk. He wse found In a room on Bausch street tn the hooee owned by Mrs. Gilliam. The gaa jet was wide open and the Inhaling of the fumes caused Mr. RuseHl** death. It 1? not definitely known wheth er the death was the result of an accident or whether the deceased Intended taking hie own life. It was known that he was worrying con siderably when he left here Sunday night for Norfolk. Mr. Russell is survived by a wife and four children In this city. Mrs. Russell left for Norfolk this morn ing. The deceased wu born In Farmville, IVdrginla.. Hto parents are prominent residents of thst city He snd his family resided hers on East Second street. Building Tug For Eureka Co. Ve?ec4 Will Be 70 Feet Long and Will Be Used Towing on the i*amllco. W. M. Chauncey Is building a new tug for the Eureka Lumber Com pany at the dock In front of the company's pfant on West Main Ft. The vessel will bo used by the Eu r<*ka people lor tow i a* purposes on ?the Pamlico. She will be 70 feet long, strongly built and equipped with a powerful steam engine. Wxjrk Is being rushed along ss fast as" possible. Were Married This Morning H. K. Alllgood and Minn Rosa Mr DevlU Hevr Set Hail on thr Sea of Matrimony. H. K. Alllgood and Miss Rosa Mc Devltt were married this morning at the home of the bride's fsther. Will McDevltt. The ceremony wss per formed by Rev. H. B. Sesrlght. pas tor of the First Presbyterian church A number of the friends of the son pie *ere on hand to wltnees *.h' nuptials. Mr. and Mrs. Alllgoo-I havo left for Norfolk and other nor thern points. Upon their return they will make their residence t?1 this city. Mr. Alllgood Is one of the pro prletors of the Foreman-Alllgoo-1 garage and Is a popular and wer known young msn of this city. His bride shares his poudlsrlty and th*lr many friends here and elsewhere Join In wishing them the greatest of hspplness snd prosperity In their future lie. ? Railroad M an Joins Benedicts j. w. (umiMi of ttiu citr Married to Ml** V?ll, of Fljrmootti, M Woo? Tod*?. Th* Hat of Jus* waddlnca wu lner**aed today bjr th* marriage of J. W. Hardlaon, of ?Is citr, to MIm Katrin* N. Yall, of n*ar PJymoutb Mr. H*rdl*on loft tor gttfnoutk I**? nlfht and th* marriage took viae* it noon lod*jr. ? Mr. H*r<M*on ta * popular and ?f .VI.? inp^v. of th* Norfolk South orn odi?* la tM* citr and hu many frlanda ham Hta "BrM* la alao ?*H ??own In th? eltr ?h* I* th* da?*h t*r of K. C Vail. Th* earMton? ?a. ywformtd hr Rar. C. D. Ma 'on*, ot thla gpteeopal dloeM*. Mia* tam Patrick, of OttMrr*. to UIU lu ? kfr Mm. . . AMERICAN SUBMARINES IN PRACTICE WORK ,h?'riln* "J5?*rd a 'pea! V?1" tonwdo during tb. maneuver, off Bai r euro, cil Below la iubm?ine H-I rising to the lurfac? after a dive. Makes A Strong Appeal Need of a Y. M. C. A. and Assistance for Young Men and Boyt it Urgently Set Forth. (Contributed) Not manv years ago, In * town of Eastern Mirth Carol'?a a youig man was in the county Jail, under conviction for a great crime. It had been a shock to the whole com munity. for his parents were peo ple of standing and t?i>effrlty. With hie heart overflow In? with horror of t h? crime and an earnest desire to help the poor boy, a chris tian gentleman went to He was greeted with bitter curses, not for him, but for the young man's own father and mother. "They are to blame for my ruin," raved the poor hoy. "I was never controlled when I wan % child. They didn't see when I was surrounded by temptations, nor ^id they ?ee that I had the right kind of fun and amusement. How could t fight thrt devil when he once got hold of me?*' VtitI'\ jalMd to heaven, he contlnued^^ "And when my father and mother ure before the JudgmAnt Bar. I shall fell them so. I swear It, before God." The good man went away, sick at Jno. H. Bonner to Make Address WU1 Respond to Welcome of Mayor of fkarltiM? at th? B. P. O. E. Convention Neit Wk. A large number of the members of the local lodge of Biku are antlcl-. '?atIn* attending the meeting of the! North Carolina Association of Elks, which meets In Charlotte on June 24th and Ith. The meetings of this Association are held annually, end are largely attended by the members if tfhe fraternity. It Is of Interest to note that John H. Bonner, a member of Washing ton T.odge B. P. O. E.. has be*n In vited to respond to the welcome by ?he Mayor of Charlotte. The Invi tation was accepted today. This fact 'nereaaes Interest In the meMIng a mong the members here and Is an honor to the local lodge. It !? estimated that more than Are hundred Elks. with thHr wives, will b? In attendance. SATS BAKER. Would like to have twelve of the beet looking young men In Beaufort OOVBtyjto have their llkenea? taken Friday at Baker's Studio. heart, never to forget the fearful Indictment. Last Sunday afternoon. ?;xtr?n of our boya and young men were play ing poker. You ear that It nothing new. No. it te only a fact?a fact! which <rhou!4 near the consclenoe of every respectable citlten of Waeh-1 Ington. W?i YOUR boy one of them? Do you know? If ther?> are any chrietlan fatherahfiie, la It not time they provided aafe places for amusement for loafing and for the! ?pare time which the devil eagerly awbita 9 You fathera, whose business of < making money 1b more Important than the making of ooniCona which J might save your own flesh and blood, think what It would be to hear aurh an Indictment from YOT,R eon on that last day. Listen! "8. O. 8!" "Save Our Souls!'' The cry for help comes from your own boy. If you do not hear or heed, who will? "Who can? 8hut your <%rs?the remit may b* a wrecked body, a V>st soul .and for ever down in yonr heart, a bitter wall, "I have failed my own boy 300 Tichets Still for Sale Only I.failtr*! Kamhrr of FkMon Tkkrt* Are I#ff. Oairtnton Meet Tomorrow. A meeting of tbe Chautauqua guarantor* was held yesterday after-j noon at 5:30 o'clock at the Chambfri of Commerce rooms. A number of j the guarantors were present and a general discussion of this year's Chautauqua wan held The ticket selling committee reported a fair sale of tickets, but there still re main about S?00 to rllapose of. This lr-ares only 300 more tickets to sell and thoae who desire to procure sea son tickets are urged to purchase their, as soon *s possible. Another meeting cf the guaran tee In to be held tomorrow morning at ? o'clock and all of the guaran tors are requested to be present, as matter? of Importance will be brourht up for disposal. MAOR TO MBAWRR ? (ilTIHIW antd spouls. Oaeolln* tanks to fit any shape boat or anto. Tin. gal ran I sad Iron or slate roofing done at short notice. Phone SOL West 3d St. J. V. HARPHR f-U-ltc HOME Building And Loan Association Will Open a New Serie* July 3rd. COMB IN. ? Call at Banking House of Savings & Trust Company For Booklet Explaining It. "Model Letter,"" Says Capt. Leachl A|>Jplication for FN*1(1.m Received | by Him, Couched In Excellent Term*. What Captain Goo. T. I^each, man ager of the Eureka Lumber Com pany. t<rms a "model letter of ap plication,'' waa received by him this morning from a young man In Scran ton, N. C-, asking for a position. "I certainly wish I could help the younj fellow." said Captalu Leach, "for hla letter shows that he mean? business. Perbap* If you publtBh It In your paper, some of the other business men of Washington will be able to assist him." The letter follows: The Eureka Lumber Co., Wanhlnjvton, N. C. Gentlemen: Should you requlro the servlccn of an office asatatant, I beg to offer myself &s such. I %jn a married men and am 31 yearn of agp. I have hail several years experience along line of work. 1 nm a graduate in the bookkeeping department of tli" International CorreapondenceSchoolt Sr ran t on. Pa., and I may alao men tion that I graduated from the Gregg Shorthand School. 1123 Broadway. New York City. Febru ary S. 1915. ret?:vTnjc diploma sign ed by Mr. John R. Gregg, author of Gregg Shorthand. I am re^y anxious to put my knowledge of ahorthand In practice, and would be glad to obtain posi tion at f25 a month. I am fsmlt lar with pay roll and time accounts Should you entertain this appli cation. I refer you to ? ' Awaiting a reply at your conven ience, I remain. Very truly yours. (Name and othi?r details may be secured from this office by parties | who are Interested.) Union Services Next Sunday Churches of the OKy Will Join in Worship Hand ay Afternoon. Ne*t Sunday afternoon, according to Information given out today, the various ohurches of the olty wll' held a union service at the Chautau qua tent. The boor of the services or 4he program, have not been de cided upon as yet, (hut the meeting will probably start at aBout five o'clock. Prominent speskers will addrem the congregations. The public Is re<|nestAd to kc*p ths det* and hour 'n mind and to attend the services. CARD OF THANK*. We desire to extend oar slneere thanks to oor friends who -o kindly a?d lovingly came to onr aid during ths lllneaa and death of onr slater and ???t; for tbn words of comfort and beanUful Mower? and those who bel fed la any way. *. Jr. *9* ?tau*. VICTORY OF IS OFFICIAL KUfkUAN REPORT SAY8 THAT ALL LOHT GROUND HAH BKK.N RECOVERED BY BUi BRAR FORCES. OPPOSES THE c*1 > JAN ARMY kiiMtriiuiM Are Pulting Up FVrc? Kiglu, Turku Claim Victory. Everything Appmni Qolet in ti?r W?t Ix>ndon, June 16.?The Italian invasion of the Trentlno, which heretofore ha? met with little op position, now is challenged by the Austrian?. A foroe of 16,000 Aus trian? left Trent yesterday and Is advancing against the Italian? on the Riva Kovereto front. Heavy Agrhting ha? occurred ou the Ibouxo front, north of the Gulf of Trleete Although recent pre?? despatches have said Italians who crossed the lower Isonzo were pushing forward toward Trieste and an official an nouncement from Rome today give? no indication of a further ad vane? In that direction. The situation along the leonzo is dismissed with references tu minor engagement?, anil the irtatemeut that the Austrian lot-see have been serloos. Elsewhere along the front xmall Italian victories are claimed. The Italian war office charge? Austria with the encouragements of brlg anduge in the territory oocupied by Italy. Gcrnuui Victory Doubted. The oxtent of the mm- Austro Gcrman victory in Galicla 1h tn doubt. Although Berlin and Vienna assert the whole Russian line ovor a forty-three-mile front north and east of Prz'mysl was broken d<rwn, h is said officially at Petroicrad that the Russians recaptured on Sunday almost all the advanced trenches north of Przemyal lost on Saturday. Further south, in the region of the Wlsznlit river, successes for the Teutonic forces are acknowledged. Turk.s (lalm Victory. The Turkish war office claims a victory over the Russians In the Trans Caucausu* The Turks, it la said, occupied Russian position? In thn direction of Oltl. ru-ar the Rua slan border. T>cny Sinking of Khlp. Report* that the British battle* ship Agamemnon had been mt* a German submarine at the Darda nelles were denied officially today at l^ondon. Quirt tn the West. Although the German war office claim? to have recaptured some of th? lost position* north of Arras no mention of reverse* In made In today's communication from th? French war -office. It la said there have been no Important develop mentB. i Fnnda for Rngllah. Premier Asqulth today moved In the Houi* of Comranni a vote of credit of t T.260.000.000, and It -was passed he preminr ?mS,1 mated *t1ie expenditure of the next three moirthi at not let? than 118,000,0Q0 dallyl ?pots ss Kttohee PHoere. ?o many women grieve (hare are grease spots on their Utob ?n floors and water with any amount of aorxbblng will not remove thenax Inst try aloohol to remove these same ?pots, and yon will bs pleaeed with -he rsaelt. New Theater TOWTOJtT. 1 t 1 THtTR^DAT NMHT "HMirM?rtlc Km" W" Hetmi?. " a ' -Mi.

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