DAILY NEWS ^>WMW>n*t?>?Mfc ????j'MBfctu Prt<Ur ??rtl7 cloudy. ? I i .?_ WASHINGTON W. C. THURSDAY AFTER NOON JUNE 17 1*15 ^ ?' ROADS NEEI > <wt to MM U , rtrtt Mm, ??4 tkay an alao artlxj mm *? W* b. dom. T aotln In ?M fayar wfcara mara ara ? aarlae la <? ba Ml f boj? tod Ma of then I i IB idriBoa, Bor * nambarl of aa ??t to ut?o<! tkain- I Ut aa kan tba food fan la; then to ootkta? -w Mi ?n la tha| >???- ?? 1 ? Tovri Ttrr truly, wot ? e ?? k "Negro Girl Is , Kept Chained I By Hrr Btep-FaUMT "Come ban. } If niU to ?bow ye ? sl?ht-" Tba> spoke a ooi ored attlaaa ?T MbMn rwttrdaj (a Jostle? of Iks Pa? Oeort? V. lalkaat. Tka J settee rat to ?M~ the "sl?ht." He found a color? ftrl. about 14 years of a?e, studiu ?liUkM with baa?r chains She was koaad utul tka waist aad from bar wslst tka ckala ran dow.1 to kar to*, whars It was locked secoreiy ?boat kar aaklaT When ssked what a?* was doing. >he ts ptlad tkat kar etapfathar. oaa Dan,l Lee. look tula method of keeplni IM bom? whlta ha was sway at work, aba added tkat M locked bor to a tablo aad ha? daft* so for tka last woaK. -?tr?t > ? What action win batakaa by tki proper aatkoAtlea. la aot kbofa a' the preoeat. tl la aertata. however, tkat tka aaaa wUl be tkorosfbly In ?dltav Ml? ?Isltok orar tka rHy rc with rtra aad kaatllac appa Waakiiftoa. ' Ha alao kad doapld srabla to aay about the badatWtil Itaaiaua of Ma of tka toalala* mk to erase his path. ? Of Orr It*. A. r. * A. II callad tor' toaltht at I o'clock at t hair kail at tka earner of Tklrd aad Itsaafc str sets ink special eon aiualcatlon la eallerf tor tho pur pose of (?afarna? tka Masters da ?r??. All Marker? aro orgently re ?Mmnr'Wliii FORKING FOR WffiTEWAY MIT AJTBR.YOOH AKt ACTION 6 TAKEN Discuss Sale Of Tickets Met This A meeting Of tbe ChauUuqua (QMnton WM held this morM^g la tto Chaml>erof .Commsrcs ro&rrrr and ?ev?r*l important matters, prom inent among them being the safe of ticket?, were taken up and discuss ed. A final campaign will be mac^e to day and It 1a believed that over j*. Solid red tick vrte will be sold 1 night. This will leave only a few ticket? and those'who desire to pur chase season tickets are urgently re quested to do so at once. Another and a final meeting of the guarantors will be held In the Chamber of- Commerce rooms to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. At tht? meeting It Is essential thai ev ery guarantor be present. A SPECIAL SERMON. Will Be Preached by Ker. J. J. i/ssrte at Asbury M. K. Church. A special sermon will be preached by Rev. J. J. Lewis, at Asfcury M B. Church near Bunyon, N. C., Sun day morning, June 27th, for tbe baneflUI of Mother Lodge, No. 1, C. B. H. All members of the lodge ara requested to assemble on the ch?rdh grounds not later the*M0:S0 a. m., for the purpose of entering In * body. ' ? Violation Of Th* uBlue? Law (Mlini wms* Ottar Own M th* eeeelon or th* recorder's oourt ye*terdey tfteraon. O. M. WU1U WM charred with telllni oooa-oola wlthla the city limit? on Sonday, in violation of th* city? "Mm" law. He <u Oaed t*n dol lar, u4 coata, bat took an appeal trmi to? declaton rendered Dr~a T. WleboHon wee charged with h?TlB( H llfh? OB hI* eotomo hll* after dark. He wee fined coat* of coart. John Hardy, colored, wa* charged with ?topping Ma tre Defer on the city rtreete. He waa fined coate. im>WT WfUTK l.BTTBR. "I wleh you'd Juet tar la yonr paper today that I dl'do't write that letter about the doc law, which ap peared th* other day orer the IBIt Uh. -W. C."> eald W. F. Clarke, local manaaeT of the expreea com pear "A lame nunjber of p*rao*a ?ar* eek*d me If I tod WrHtafc It. hMMM^thaa lattlale are the mu Chautauqua: opens here TOMORROW PJUMDI i MANY EVENTS k;lT' 2:00?Parade aUrta op Main I: 0 0?Afternoon Morion of CfeM* 1:00?Bvenln? aesrion. Chautauqua vltk begin? to Wirt Ington tomorrow. Extensively ad vntlMd throughout the dt7. county and adjoining sections-of the State, tt la efepected that the attendance will fnatljr cue??! that Tha sale of advance of UUK Tha avtomobila parada tomorrow prorata?? t- b? a big attraction. A large namber of antolrta hare an nounced their intention of catering In tha parade. Brigade* of young men and lad lee will also tako part. Picture? of the parade will be taken ' and abown at the Chautauqua at *o-1 morrow'? evening session. The pa rade win proceed from the court bouae up Main atreet to the Chau tauqua ground?. Admission will be given free at tomorrow's afternoon performance to all who take part ?n the parade. The following bare been Invited to act in the parade: The Naval Militia. The Boy Scout?. The Camp Rire Olrls. Tho Fire ^Department ~ The Suffragist?. Salvation Army. It la also desired that aa many children as poasible be on band. They will be decorated with sashes, banners, and streamers furniahed by the Chautauqua Association. AH those having auto? are aaked, and will be decorated with banners and streamers. Any business houses who wish to Jc!ir the parade are asked to bring placards and banners advertising their respective businesses. ? The parade will be formed at the court house at two o'clock and pass through the main streets to the big tent. Start On Cruise On 3rd Of July Interesting Itinerary Hbh Bwn Prc l?ml for the Hoys of the N. O. N?vr1 Militia. A most attract It? cruise has been planned for the North Carolina nav al militia this year. The local com pany. the 6th vision, 1? eagerly looking forward to the day of em barkment nod It In expected that a large number wll" take the cruise. The Washington company will leave here on July 2nd. proceeding by train to Norfolk, from whore they will embark on the tJ. 8. 8. Kearsage on July Srd, for Nearport. R I. Two days' shore leave will be granted them at that point. Thiy will then sail for Gamders' Bay, where target practjoe will be hel' 'for tw$ days After the completion of the Kesrsage will sail tor New Ytffk^Clty, where two days1 shore Is*** will be granted. From New York', &e vessel will return to Hampton Roads, where tha boys will disembark a ad ,t%ke the train for ^aaMftton, arr ving hero 6n the morning of July 17tb. "WDORA'' CI/OMDB TOMORROW WIOHT. The New Theatre will preeent the last episode of that faraona serial "Zudora" the $S0.900?000 mystery, tomorrow night. On aooount of the Chautauqua opening tomorrow night this house will keep their place open until after the Chautau qua la >?? In order to g*re any one that wis has to attend the Chautau qua a chance to aae the laot of thla serial. 80 any one can attend the Chautauqua tomorrow night, them come to the New Theatre and aae tho <??1sh of IMs great aerial. * Raw la a picture showing to what measure? the civilian population of Mexico has to resort In ordar to kaap NmU from ftvtoal starvation. Poor Mexican women with smD'.y market baskali are seen thronging about 9M af tks vaf tfm supply depots, whsre they are given barely enough,to keep body and soul together. Why <|ty Needs Y.M C.A. Local Forces Aire Urged to Join m securing Association ' For Washington. (Contributed) Are we doing t k? right tiling by oar koy? W? t0 do right, of com. Oar life la wrapped up In .them. Vol ?0? w ??Troonding thein with Meh influeacdb as make? for the beet physical, nfeet&l and moral conditions in the Caere? Ia it not time that an urgeoftAlea la made for Home aort of coniiaBUy conscious ness which will a^ptken the satis fied residents of ?10 community to the proper sense 0# their dvic re sponsibility? What'local forces are at work for the m?ral regeneration of the community? Perhaps the : oung men are not-entire!? blamc wottfcy for falling ifc*o?ills whic'i m iuittag In every town. There are no Christian Association? for either boy or girl. There are at lenot a score of men who might oa? <!y hnlld and equip a Y. M. C. A. cr -iomo Institution equally profitfleb.e from a social standpodnt. Tet noth ing of the kind hae ben done. Do we realise the. importance of con serving our young manhood? He * bo graepa tho youth grasps the future. If you wai<t to do eome thlng for the world, do 1t for the youth. We want to occupy people'n minds and lives, eirpeclally the young peoplo with thoughts and activities along the line of good to such an extent that tbe preponderance will more than offset wtiat la sometimes a stronger attraction along the lines, of evil. The essential thing for r strong nation 1* to have a generation of men with clean bodldflk There In no hope forvthe future proaperlty of a community In the judgment and discretion' of the profligate. We want to keep the youth from temp tation. "ReaiW beginnings; tt :ls too late to employ medicine when the evil has bttcome strong by hab-| It."?Ovid. There t? a tremendous awakening throughout the worll as to the na ture and needs of the young man and oar duty towards the youth. Training them to be ever for better things, for progfeee, for a big' standard of living, for slmpleness and gentleness, honor and clean mirth. Who shall cay how great la the slgnMcance of this movement ? In the Y. M. C. A. schools of America 74,000 boys and men are fitting themselves to step up a IKtle higher and most are following Leng fsUow's rule for greatness; tolling up*?* te the rtstte. tht Y. tt. ? AS1 furnishing the ladder for their ad vancement. Thfs ifltufocdatlon has chosen for Its own the motto, "Ter ence." "Anything that concerns a man do I deem of indifference to me.'* That Is why the Y. M. C. A. Is gslnlng s?ch a tremendous hold Ion the men of America, and the CTy which John J. Holland once voiced still ascend?: "God give us men, 9 time like this demands: j Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands; Men whom the lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office san not buy; Men who possess opinion and a will; Men who have honor, men who will not He: Men who can stand before a dem agogue without winking! Tall met, sun-crowncd, who live above the fog. Tn public duty and private think ing. HOITK HA8 RISKS' CHANGED. At the argent request of many purchasers of tickets for the Chan tausua, ths hour* of beginning the sessions have been changed from t:80 and 7:30 p. m. to S and 8 p. m TO PRBAOH TONIGHT. Rider John A. Shaw expects D V. to preacl^ In the Primitive Bap tist church tonight. [Bervlco will begin at f o'clqck. "GOOD TASTE" 'RYSTAL ICE CREAM SPECIAL Red. Cherry and Scuppernong TRY THEM. Don't be diaappohited for Sunday?your Cream must be ordered by 6 P. M. Saturday. ? Crystal Ice Company PHONE 83 WASHINGTON, N. C. HOME Building And Loan Association Will Open a New Seri? July 3rd. COME IN. Call at Banking House of Savings & Trust Company For Booklet Explaining It WASHINGTON Hospital News. Lawrence Midget te. of Aurora. Is a patient at the hospital. Ho was operated on Sunday for append'clt's and Is doing i.ice!/ Mrs. Rochelle, of Washington, was operated on Monday for appen dicitis. Mrs. Tanksrd, of Bath, who ha? been a ?ntient at the hospital for the last week or two. 'eft for iM home yesterday. , Mrs. R. H. Kao.? also left the hospital yesterday and has return-1 ed to her home in Farjpville. Allen Ives, of New Bern, who wif operated on by Dr. Carter, returned home yesterday, greatly Improved. Mrs. Lee Thorn peon, who recently 'tanMrwent An Operation T retttrne ft her home In Aurora today. Mrs. Wynn, of Jacksonville, also leaves the hospital today. OBITUARY. Mrs. M Art h n Mlxon. Friends and relatives are today* mourning the death of Mrs. Martha Mlxon, wife of Jesse B. Mlxon, who passed away at her home yeeterday afternoon at about 2 o'clock. The funeral was held thla afternoon at 4 o'clock from the home. Rev. E. M Snipe?, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating Interment was at Otkdale cemetery. Mrs. Mlzon, about two years ago. suffered from a stroke of paralysis. She apparently recovered from this and waa In god health until stricken with apoplexy last Friday. Since then she had ben seriously 111. 8he la survived by her husband and six children, County Treasurer E. R. Mlxon. of Washington; George W. Mlxon, of Pungo. J. G. Mlxon. of Runyon; Mrs. J. D. Eborn. of Bay fclde; Mrs. M. G. Peel and Mri. H. M. Candy. Deceased was an earnest worker and member of the Methodist church She was & slater of the late I?. R. Mayo. She was a loving wife and mother and her memory will be kept green by many residents of Wash ington and eleewhere, who knew her and loved her. Slander Case At Bel haven Preliminary Hearing Held A gain*t Ellsworth Thompson. Wltneeso* The oaae of the United States rs. Ellsworth Thompson, of Pantego. chargedwlth slandering a young lady through the United States malls, waa heard before United State? Commissioner A. C. Latham, of Bel haven. Tuesday afternoon. While Ave witnesses were exam ined. due to the fact that two m.v terlal witnesses for teh government were absent, the case was Alntlndeu until a late- ("ay when theae wit nesses. one of whom real dee In Vir ginia and the other In Georgia, car be present. The defendant has be?n required to faralsh the same ball as already given tor his personal ap pearance. E*-Sheriff George R. Rlefca to kto ?J? ZEPPELINS m RAID ON COAST FIFTEEN PBfUONS IN ENGLISH TOWNS ARB REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN FILLED. F1RKH STARTED BY BOMBA. ITALIANS ARE PROGRESSING AuntrUna l n*Mr to Cheek IitwIwi (ifrniMw Claim Himtwhi. Brit ish Army Offensive, l-on<Sou, June 17,?A Zeppelin raid over the northeast rout of England last night caused the heav iest lose of life among non-combat ant? from such attacks daring the war. with the exception ef yeeter lay's raid by French aeroplanes over (tarlaruhe, Germany. Details of the attack on the English coast are held hack by the British censor, bat It Is announced officially that fifteen per sons were killed and as many more wounded, and that several fir*? were started by the bombs. The at tack on Karlsruhe caused the death of nineteen j-tsotm and fourteea worn wounded seriously. Jtnlinn Invasion The Invasion of the province of Trent by the Italians la proceeding steadily, and according to the Italian general staff, the dominat ing position? gradually are being occupied. The Austrians. who -has* despatched fF,O0(rJiBeiV from Ti*ent to resist the Invaders, have not yet sccep'ted battle. On the Isonso front thp Austrlans have prepared elab orate defense^, including lu some locations several lines of trenches of ma.ionry or concrete. German* Claim Ruccewee*. German claim? of new successes in Gallrla are confirmed In part by an official statement from Petro grad It Is sild the Germans brought up fresh tro>ps. and the Russians were compelled to fall back. No mention la made of Moiclska, the rapture of which was announced yesterday si Berila. Brit I mli Take Offensive. The British army on the western front has resumed the offensive. Paris announres that (he British have carried a ur. t her line of Ger man trenches -yest of T.a Baasee. T?>rpe?l? Boat Sunk. A French torpedo boat has been sunk In collision with a British steamer. 81? members of the crew were drownnd OBITI AR V. Mr*. Tallinn Arrhhril. Mr* Arch bell. wlfa of E. L. Arrh bell. of thla pity. dlad thla mornlnfT at 11 o'rlork. She wm 40 yeara of ar* and !? aurvlved bv har hnaband and flve children. Tb* fnn#?ra1 aer vlcea will b?? hold tomorrow after noon at S o'clock from tha Preaby Urlan church. Rev If. TV Raarljcht offlclaHnr Tntarmant will be at the oM Trlnltr church In Chooowlnfty. T>ecaa**d waa born In Waahlnarton anl haa llrad all bar llf? tn thla city. Wafora h*? marrlara ah? waa Mian T.nilan Cranrar 8ha had been 111 for the taat twr? month?, bat her 4a*th cama aa a aad ahoch to h?r rHatlvea and manv Manda, who I nra-red and booed for her recovery. ( flhe waa lovad by all who hnaw her. Mncera armpathr I? extended to tfe? bafaar??r1 membara of har family. New Theater "Haartt-Bellc News" f War Ptcturaa ' <* Tomorrow MgM SUDORA" j '

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