1 A. 1m' km*bj flvofc that th# uAr'U* nam* of Coott A ?? 'nlftanraMi oompoMd oi "W . teftf'?rni B vr. B?!?.. u. '?**' bwa mutually dlMslTed . ttlslSth 4kr of J???, ??is. a W. ^SSoMON. -wxrvi^ t> ?'WtH'itW th* "tro* A* oHWkance. 7H. O.. Jone t. 1915 WMtHl te* AMtfmra do enact: 1. Ttoat H Wtell he unlawful Cor ?nr'p^rKm, flam or corporation, to I||| W to? or hofi within the > Mmltt of t ho Cltr of Weih tion Ttoiattnjr this ordinance shall ho *fVfltjrwr fc mledomoanbr, and upon 116.00; ? day Mdd hog? ehell remain In the- city, ahftlf oonetltvte t eeper "ViM-'Mo Wwt "bo poJd on or he ?MW?<y IN. After tfcit dete I Hr?irmiU, for o o pel d L At City Hail it ?toy frMi t to 9 p. XB-, from I HM trd of Jntf. ItH, for jtfe wf ebore tax?* '? cYevp- reopeotfuiir, J. F. fLTKN, , fu Collector. MMec. NOMdU tOUTHKRK R. H. OO. r^^BfcijUL-TnAIH T# MlinXaa OKjr end Betom ?MMUr, Jm 19th, lain. 8p*rt*l Train lAV. Kinetotf ??p?l?i Train? M. Klneton ?.0? PM Ret? 91.lt Un Dmr 1 11 Af Bata ?1.11 In CM ? SO PM Hate |l.if Lre. TMtim l!?l W Rata ll.il ?VMb No 1?? Vn. Wa?tln?ton 4.11 PM Rat* >ljt M IHMhn m PM ?rt? 1111 I t*. Now Bara 7.1? PM H?t? ?1.00 ArV MorakaM ?.10 "M BatirMot Htiu Mara**d Cttr 11.41 PM ip>n:?| at New Bern ?M Ml HV ll ft r Wuhtepttoe. Tf?k?t? too? crly M apeetel Train, Trda U an? II Ma Bhiik MTM? WlM'H applf I? - f; t. a. ?. D. K TLX, H C. LBAKD, om. ?m>. Am. Norfolk, V?. ' ?-Hit. &ST I' " WE ARE AGENTS' Ivar Johnson, Rending Standard. Emblem, Hudson Dayton and Great Western Meycles sold for cash or on Wa also have fM la th* dty All work guaran D. R. CUTLER Ill lil II (Ml illuU, Oft., June IT?TW wo rn? are drink In* more llqaor. vbil? men. m ? rule, ar? drinking len than they did a few mrr a*o. la one of the ?tartlh? point* brought a?! la the Georgia ftf ht for prohlM UonT in the current Issue or the Georgia Commonwealth, edited by Rer O. W. Blchelberf er. Attention Is called to the fhet Chat the preee of tt*e oountry everywhere haa xaach to eay on this Increase of dunking amoof women, whteb nat urally brefda an Inherited teste for drink In 1 Million Dollar Mystery By HAROLD MAC GRATH Awn 5ccmi brrh*. Photo Drama of thm by thm Thanhcrujer Film Compaq? &d*aJwaye lovedTln Jreams, yet never ?en. Number T8 Grore street tu not an 'ftttraettre pUoe, but when she ar rived AA tu too hlfhly keyed to take note of Ita eortMdne*s. sh? was rather oat of breath when she reached the door of the third flat. She knocked "timidly. The door waa Instantly opened by a man who wpro a black mask. She would hare turned then and there and flown bet for the awift picture she had of a well-dreeaed man at a table. He ley with hla head upon his arms. "Father!" ahe whispered. The man raised hla careworn face, ?o very well don? tkat only the cloaeat ?cmtiny would hare betray*! the' paate of the theater. He aroae and! ataggared towar^ ber with out atretched arrpa. Hot the moment thoy eloaed about her Florence experienced a peculiar ahlrer. "My child!" murmured the broken ; man. "They caught me when I waa about to come to you. 1 have given up the flght" ? eob choked him. What waa It? wondered the child, her heart burning with the mlaery of the thought that ahe waa aad lnatead! of glad.1 Over hla ehoulder she sent a glance about the room. There waa a sofa, a table, some chairs and an enormous clock, the face of which was dented and the hands hopelessly tan gled. Why, at such a moment, she should note such details dlaturbed her. Then ahe chanced (o look into the cracked mirror. In it ehe aaw several facea, all Waked. These men were peering at her through the half cloaed dopr behind her. 'You Mkt return home and bring me the money." went on'the wretch Who dared to perpetrate auch a mock ?ry. "It Is all that stands between me and death." Then she knew! The lnalatent dally warnlnga came home to her. 8he un derstood now. She had deliberately walked Into the aplder'a net. But In stead of terror an extraordinary calm fell upon her. "Very well, father. I will go and get It" Oently ahe releaaed herself from thoae horrible arma. "Wall, my child, till I aee If they will let you go. They may wlah to hold you as hoatage." When he was gone ahe tried the doors. They were locked. Then ahe crossed over to the window and look id out. ? leap from there would kill h^r. She turned her gase toward the lamp, wondering. The faiae father returned, deject edly. "U Is as I said. They Inslat ttpou ?ending eome one. Writ# down the directions I gay? to you, 1 am vsry week!" "Write down the directions yourself/ father; you know them better than t" Slnos she sew no escape, she was determined to keep up the tragic fares no longer. "J am net your felSer." M*o I see." she replied, still with the ft ma stag calm. Braina. la the other room, shook his head ?ngaly. rather end daughter; (*? same steel 1? the nerves. Could they bead her? Would they break bs?! Hs did net wish to Injure hor bodily, bet g million was always a million, and there waa revsaia which worth mora' to 4ilm than the ??ney Itself. Ma listened, motioning to the others to be silent "Write the dlrectlocs," commanded tha flMundrel, who discarded the brokexpman style. "I know H no hidden money." "Theft 9*kr father dies this night Orange ?at a whistle to hla lips. "?Ua, fHur MI rafaaar "Once more. Tflft moment I blow ?*? whittle the J?4n Ip the other raa Win understand that your fathe? b to die. Be wtee. Money Is not h lag?life is everythlag> "1 refuse I" Sveu as she had known this vile creature 0 be a Impeetor ee ?he knew tha^M Med. that her tether waa stIU fraa. J Orange blew the wfctoOe. Instantly the room fceoeaw Mad with tasaJcad men. But flmsac wds ready She aalaed the laiap aad hurled It to the > tadifferent !??????????' It ax< I or went out Hspftty lor fcafr. ' At tha aaa? i CIST OF LIVING HH EVERY YEAR Washington. O.C. Jun? IT.? The cost oC tiring la higher than ever be!or? gowooMt statlstlos ?kov and to increasing 4Tify year. In 1914 the coat of Ailing the market baaket of tka average -work ing man's tamily waa $8.68 higher than In 1911 and 16-43 higher than In l?9f,f calculating on relative price figures announced today by the Federal bureau 4f labor statistics aa a reault of Its most recent Investi gation of retail prices. The chair went true. A crash fol lowed. "She ha? throwrr herself out of the window!" yelled a voice. Some one groped for the lamp, lit K, and turned In time to see Florence pass out of the room Into that from which they had come. The door slammed. * The surprised men heard the key click. She was free. Bat she was no longer a child. CHAPTER V. The Problem of the Sealed Box. "Gone I" Joqea kept saying to hlmeelf that ho must strive to* be calm, to think, think. Despite all his warnings, tho warnings of Norton, she bad tricked them and run away. Tt was maddening. He wanted to rave, tear his hair, brenl: things. He trajnped the ball It would be wasting time to send for the pollcc They would only putter about fruit lessly. The Black Hundred iMieW how to arrange tbeae abductions. How had they succeeded In doing It? No one had entered the bouae that day without his being present. There bad been no telephone call be bad not heard the gist'of, nor any letters bo bad not first glanced over. How had they doae It? Suddenly* Into his mind flashed the remembrance of the candle light under Florence's door the nigh' before. In a dozen bounds he was in her room, searching drawers, paper boxes. basket*^ He found nothing. lie returned In despair to Susan, who. during all this turmoil, bed sat as If frozen in her chair. ? "Speak!" he cried. "For God'e sake, say something, think something! Those devils are likely *1? torture her. hurt her!" He leaned against the wall. blB head on his arm. When he turned again he was calta He walked with bent bead Joward the door, opened It and stood upon Mie thjfcsbold for a^ space. Across the street a shadow stirred, but Jones did not see it Hie gaze was attracted by something which shone dimly while on m ms HSEM Washington. P. C.. Jan? 17.? Formsr StcrtUr; Bryan in t h? flr*t section o? bi? statement# on "The C?uMie?? War.*' today prophesied that the greatest peace-making op portonlty In all hlatory waa certain to coma to IS? United Satee, ard 'declared t). .0 would be a demand for aa,interi:.ulonal conference with the retarc ?f ^caco to change the rales of In?TnaLiouel law which 'seem to )<u^e b?en trade for the nationa at wa * rather than for the rations ct p*'i' e." XM WUt JIM t ovjron? nr? llflpc. 7TV rmn to It ? crumpled letter, unad drtmd He oarrted It back to tho houss. smoothed tt oat end. read its contents. Plorecce In her kaste had dropped the letftar. He clutched at hi* hat. put It on and ran to Susan. "Here!" he crlad. holding out an ap tomatlc. "If anyone oomea tn that you don't know, shoot! Don't aak quee Oone, sheot!" "I'm afraid!" She breathed with dlf Acuity. "Afraid?" he roared at her. He pui tp* weapon In her hand. Tt slipped apd thudded to the floor. He stooped for it and slamnsad It Into ker lap "You lore your life and honor. You*11 know how to shoot when the time ooiqee. Now, attend to me. It J'm not back here by ten o'clock, turn this note over to the police. If you can't do that, then Qod help us all!" And with that he ran from the house. Susan eyed the revolver with grow Ing terror. Por w)iat bad she left the peace and quiet of Mlsa Parlow's; as sssaiqation. robbery, thieves and kid napere? She waited to shriek, but her throat was aa dry as paper. Otn gerly ebe touched the pistol. The cold steel sent a thrill of fear over her. He badn't told her how to sboot tt! Two blocks down tke street, up an alley, was the garage wherein Her greav? had been wont to keep hla ear. Toward thla Jones ran with the speed of a trackAthlete. There might be half a doten taxlcabs about, but he would not run the xiak of engagin* any one of them The Black Hundred waa capable of anticipating hla every movement. Tbe ehadow across the street stood undecided.' At length he concluded to give Jones ten minutes In which to re turn. If he did not return within that time, the watcher would go up to the drug store and telephone for inatruo tions. Out Jonos did not come hack. 'Where's Howard?" be demanded "Hello, Jonee; wbat'a up?" "Howard, get that car out at dhoe." "Out she corny. Walt till I give her radiator a bucket of water Gee!" j whispered Howard, whom HargTeave often used as hla chauffeur, "get on to his nibs! Pirat time I ever eaw him awake. I wonder what's doing? You j 1!"4T .bv.v tub at'? bui' nt lbn?% mil DEBT IF HIPE US Budapest. Jane IT.?The national debts of the belligerent powers kave been Increased 911.110,000.000 elnce the beginning of the war, ac cording to flgaree compiled by Dr. I&lemer Hantoe, a Hungarian finan dal authority 51 Atlanta, Ga., Jane IT.?The hear ing before Governor Slaton on Leo M. Frank's pie* for commutation of hia death qentonce war resumed bere early todar. William M Howard continued kla argument In behalf of Frank, taking up the dlscueslon cf the testimony preeentel at the trial, at the point whero he left off when adjournment wu taken M >od*y mummy-faced beadw'altera. ... Al right, Jone?!" The chauffeur Jumped Into the car and Jonas took the seat beside htm. "Where tot" "Number 71 . . .T and the rest of it trailed away, smothered In the. vio lent thunder of the big six's engines ' During the car's flight several police men ballad it without success. Down this street, up that, round thle corner, 60 miles an hour; and all the while Jones shouted: "Paster, faster!" Within CwelTomlnut.es from tbe time It left the garage, the car stopped op posite No. 76 Grove street, and Jones got out. "Walt here, Howard. If several men come rushing out, or I don't appear within ten minutes,'?tire your tun a couple of times for the police. 1 don't want then If we can manage without They'd only bungle." X "All right. Mr. Jones," said the chauf^ feur. He had, in tbe past quarter of an hour, aoqulred s deep and laatlng respect for the butler chap. He was a regular fellow, tor all hia brass but tons. As Jones reached the curb, Florence came forth as If on Invisible wings. JonVa caught her by the arts. She flung blm aside with a strength be had not dreamed existed In her slim body. 'Florence, I am Jones!" Sbe stopped, recognised blm, and without a word ran aero a? the atreet to the automobile and climbed Into the tonneau. Jonea followed Immediately. "Home!" The car shot up the dimly lighted atreet, ahone palely tor a second upder the corner lamp, and Taalahed. "Ah, child, child I" groaned tbe man It her side, all jhe teoseneat gone The Million TMlar My?tery ia shown at the Bolijo theater ev ery Thursday Matinee an i Night. (To be Continued. ) The Kina Tn Hm Always Bought ATLANTIC HOTEL MOKF.HF.AD CITY, N. C. Opens June 15, 1915, Opening Ball June 19th. R. P. FOSTER. : : Proprietor. .A. J. COOK, Assistant Manager. The Coffee Dru s Do you know what it is ? It's caffeine ? a pol ton o tu and powerful nerre Irritant - ?bout 2 12 gralni lo (he cup of coffce. Llfttea to what ?hytlolans ?sy: The sure, easy way out of coffee troubles is to shift to Instant Postum ?U * % y V r.f " ^ J {,;"?? io"?? . .f ?; J "There's a Reason" Coca-Cola Bottling Works F. E. MAYO, Prop. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS NOIIOB OP LAND HAUL North Carolina B??ufort County. Under and by vlrtuo of an order of the Superior Court of Beaufort! County In a Apodal Proceeding en titled. Ruuo Doyd A Others re. Ma jor Snowden Water*, tho undorilgn ed Commlaotoner will, on Monday, tba 12th day of July, 1916, at twolYa, o'ptook noon, at the oourthouea door In Vlaifart County. Mil for eaeh to tho klfhNt bidder the following do arrfbad tract of land: Mtaate, lying and %alng la Bean fort Oouaty, North Carolina, an* In k mmt Umi aa the Watt* i of George J. Waters, to tie division lin? bvtwNn Alfred Wetere ?nd file children, thanoe with Mid line rnnntn? northwardly to a ptae, thence eairt to the beginning, con taining SO acrea, more or leu. Terma of sale. caab. Tan per oent deposit required. Thla June 7th, 1916. jwnus d. rmrwrcs. Onsmfaaioner. : i

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