Bought Your Chautauqua Tickets Yet? Thursday is the last day as pos itively no Season Tickets will be sold after Chautauqua _ Opens ? Buy Your Tickets now and y Save Money. 31 EVENTS 31 S2 Season Ticket $2 Children Under 12- Years $1. Vc)t:v jJN JOYOUS DAYS!" JUNE 18 TO 24 APPLICATION FOR PAIUKJN UK PKKDKHUCK dWttJY -STANLY. ~ Application will be made to the Governor of North .Carolina for the pardon of Frederick LeRoy Stanly conTicted at tbw October 1911 tvrm of Superior Court of Beaufort ccui#y for the cnime of murder, and sentenced to thp State* prison for a term of fifteen (15) years. All pere?on* who oppose a grant* ing of *ald pardon are invited ? forward their protects to the gov ernor without delay. Thla 20th day of May. 1915 ? -9-3 wc. DOGS! Won't Be Allowed| at Large After June 18 A Fine Lot of COLLARS AND CHAINS AT HARRIS Hdw. Co. ARROW Soft COLLARS Of WTilt? Pique or R?pp, or plain Mull. 2 /or 25c. .State of North Carolina. County of Beaufort?Id tluf Suncrior Court The Interstate Cooperage Co. VS. M. Me. Jone?, Mrs. B. B. Marsh. \v A. VV.nb.tld, J. L. Bray auj Mrs A. E Clark. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The parties above named. and ?.l other perrsons will take notice tha on the 24th day of April. 19 10. tht"> above named petitioner filed a pvti iton in the office of the Clerk of t!j< Superior Court of Beaufort Count v to have the title to certain lund'f herein described, registered and con r'.rmed pursuant to Chapter 90 of he Public I .aws of 1913. and that Hummons has been Isnsued return ?.ble at the office of the C?->rk of th' Superior Court of Beaufort Count} on the 12th day of July l?lf. Salii ?and l* situate in P.intego Beaufort County. Stat/- of Nml "aro'.ina. and Adjoins il?e land? o' Mrs. A. K. Clark y. I others. an-J l> particularly descr ied as follow?;: Beginning at a corner on Pungi Creek which is marked by #n iroi pipe iml>d<l d In cement. running ??ht.-nce Nor-h 23 decrees West 12( <?5 pj|'-s to n. S. Rush' north-'n.? "orner. .?aid corner t* inr des.gnat ? d and marked by an iron pipe 'heme North 4 0 West GO poles to n 'orner marked by?an Iron pip' ?hence South 78 Went 297 1-3 polof ?o a corner marked by an Iron pipe; ?hence North 5 Kast 64 pol- s to ar Ton pipe on Bee Hideo; thence North S3 1-4 Kast 16 poles to ar Iron pipe; theno? North 18 pole.? tr an Iron pip# ; thence North 48 12 West 16 poles to an Iron pip'; rhence North 56 3-4 W*?*t 15 pol-M to an :ron pipe: th?nre North 4f West 1C 1-2 po!e* io an iron pip-; thence North 57 \V..-? 1G poles te an Iron pipe; theipe North 33 Wrs 12 poles to an Iron pipe; thenc North 54 West 1R pol>* to an Iron pipe; thence North 4 3 West 29 pole? to an Iron pipe, thence Nort ? 1A Earn 46 1-4 pole* lo n small gu making out of Manduel Cr'ek which is a branch of Brond Crenk thence Northwardly down said gut ? o it* moulh; thence down Manduc' Creek. Its various courses to a go4 making out of said cr'ek on the Ens' <!de thereof: thence from the corner on -?ald gut which I?? marked by nr iron pipe South ."1 Fact 29 3 4 polo. then?v? South 31 1-2 East in 3 poles to an Iron pipe; thence Somi 74 East 26 pole* to an Iron pipe; thence South 4 1-2 East 16 pole to an iron pipe; ttvnce Nr.rth 72 1-2 Rast 19 poles to an Iron pipe; thence North G8 1-4 East 15 pole* 'o an iron pipe; thence North 28 3-4 Fast 119 2 3 pol"* to tyi Iron pip en tho Southern edge trt Panteg. Creek; thence Easterly down Pan t?go Creek to Pungo river; thenc Southwardly down Pungo river h the nioutlT of Ptingo Creek; thence Weatwardljr up Pungo Creek, th? various courses ther^f. to the be rlnnlng. containing 1037 acre? more or Imb. ?*ld land being knowr as the Schooner Point tract of land and the courses hereinbefore g1v?n being th" marnettc courses for Jan uary 15th. 1907. The defendants herrfn above nam ed and all other person* are hereh? notified that on aald return day th?* petitioner will apply to the Court fo * d*eree r>f Registration for tha t 'le to the lands described In sat petition. Wltne?? my hand thU the 9 411* lay of April, 1915. ORO A PAUL. Clerk Miperlor Cour ?-lf-twa Inoi Ktrlng Tlp?. Wh<?n th* rr?ta) tip? ?*>m? ?fT Ui* iho? strtafn. wl?** *h? and of Ihc str!n^ elowoly and flrmly *?!Ul strut W?*.r thr^d. 7h?n ipw through r-DAitedly * b"tt?r tip than ?-ver tfi th*. ??*0 ?m? ?tmt n?v??r mmM oft.?Hc?r* ? '?? * ?' ?..! <(r? vlna Burial in the Queenstown cemetery of some of those who lost their lives when the Lusitanla vu de stroyed Ly a Gcrcsaa torpedo. In this one grave 60 bodies were Interred, with full military honor?. Country Correspondence It. F. I>. No. 4 BIUKFS. Hev. Chas. D. Malone filled the pulpit at St. Stephens church Sun av morning and night. Mr. and Mrs. James Q. Mixon_and ?>u spent Sunday with Mr. Mlxon's ? .other, who Ir very 111 near Wa^es hapel. Miss Bila Ma?1 Eborn spent Sat* rJay r.lg'.u and Sunday with Mils l>rtlo Pinkh*?m. Mr?. Rhoda J. Alligood left Sun ay for a w*?:k*E v|*it with her son "clton Alllgooi. of Berkley, Va. Mrs. Rrlwardc and granddaughter, ' I'.bh UutHc, have been visiting Mrr. ^ueenie Bright and family at Bun ? jn. Mr. ar.d Mre. George L. Allignod. Pun no. visited their parent?, Mr. ?id Mrs. Alexander Alligood, Sat rday and Sunday. Cecil Gwekin. of Pinetown. visit-' ! Ben AlllKood, of this place. Sa* ;:rday night. Miss Estelle Alligood spent Sun .'.ay wlih Miss Laura Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Alligood w?rn jests of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Hod Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M L. Ch*rry spor, n<? day recently with her mother. >frs. Frances Alligood, who contla :es very ill. Rev. C. D. M?'one, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Coogleton and lit*1.* laughter were gueRtR of Mr. W. A. cngleton and fimily Sunday. Mrs. Bettle Rob-rson has be*.. !*!tlng Mrs Jphmp Hodges. Miss Stel'.a Cor-gk'on visited Mi?; ''ariha Alligood Sa'trday afternoon STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA. Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution. I o All to Whom These Presents May Come?Greeting: Whereas. It appears to my satia '.tcilon. by duly authenticated rec ril of the proceedings for the volun irv dit-Kolutlon thereof by the un ;i'mous consent of all tie InrK ?o'derfc, deposited in my ofBo 'hat '*.?? ''lu-pherd's Run Farm, In-^ . ~?rporation of this State, whose ?jiinclpal office Is situated in th? ?own of Washington. County of '"eaufort, State of North Carolina ? Junius D. Grime* being the ag?nt ?heroin and in charge thereof. up in whom process may be served). ias conrplled with th? requirement? ? f Chapter 21. R??vlsal of 190R, en * ill'-d ?TerporationK.I' preliminary "o the Issuing of this Certificate of OlfooliiHon: ?Now. Therefore. I. J PRYAN ! f!RIMKS, Secretary of State of tly j t!t.ate of North Carolina. do Jiereby , -ertify thst the said corporation -'id. on ahe 2nd day of June. 1f?1R, ' lr In my office a duly executed, find attested consent In writing to ?he dissolution of said corporation, executed by all tho sfo-fckholderp ?hereof, which said consent and ' ? ii? record q t the proceeding foresaid are now on file !n my of ''ee an provided by law, v rn In T?rtt1mon(y Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixrd m> official seal aft tRal-eltftv this 2nd day of June, A D. 1?1B. J. BRYAN, ORIMKS. Secretary of State. ft-?-4wc. Por CnORha That "flung On." T.ln**r1tn( couvh?. bronchial U rrlpp? cold* *nr1 nlmllar Mlm?*?** th** "han* on" nnttl Mm iro I1h*1? to iMt all ?nmm#r If not ?urM. F?*W# Wonr* tort T*r Com. *?on<1 11 fttfcaf inf'? mm ?Hon. H#*r p??Mur*?. r#H*r# dltfrowr ?nr <Hort>*rir?t ?t th? tottm. h*nt#h -toffy, ml#?*?/ hr**thiiHr W1 ?iM ooortfco mi Ml ?1)4 Hfnnrtit?1 mmpm. ft to nttn* t? Mtto*. ?ofo W. W'illiinH an1 children' cf Washington, and Mrs. Ella *Wid mere visited >?#. J. M. Oottor. Suu day afternoon. OLD FORD VKWS. There were not very many who attended church at Old Ford Sun day. Mrs. Jodie Roberson was the Sat urday guest of Mrs. H. C. Cherry. Mrs. F. S. Woolard and chlldrcr were visiting her mother, Mrs. J. A. Robertson, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilson were the guests of their mother, Mrs. J A. Roberson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J-odto Roberson spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Bessie I'urrooghs. We aro very sorry to hear of MIsh Ksther Hodges being In the hospital where she ha*t to undergo an oper ation for nnnendicitis, I ut glad to know she Is getting alone nicely and will be at home in a few days. Arthur Arraond passed through cur midst Sunday on his way to see his girl. Vrs. James Cherry was vlsitlnc her mother. Mr*-. J. A. Roberson Sunday afternoon. ? .isis on, R I-' .1 . 2. and give u; the news. We want to hoar from you. Lewis Moore and sUter, of Tran tee's Creek, were tho Sunday guest' of Miss Bessie Burroughs, of nea Old Ford. ? The boys around Old Ford ar< splltting the mill pond open swim mlng. CARI) OF THANKS. We desire to extend our Hlncere thanks to our frleAd.s who so kindly and lovingly aided us during the illness and death of our little daugh ter: for the wordrt of comfort and beautiful llowers and those who l elped in any way. and assure thr ?hr?lr kindness will never be forgr ten. Louis Hardlson and family. 57 nt r of 2V nrth Carolina. Beaufort Cnvnly?In the Superior Court II. Bonner and H. C. Bonner Against ?John B. Kespus and Frank 11. 1 farvev. To Whom it May Concern? Thp parties above named and til) other persons interested wi* tako notico that on the 10th day ?f April, 1015, the ahovtf named petitioners filod a petition in the ?ffice of the Clerk of the Superior{ our# of Beaufort county to have 'he title of certain land? therein <!es?>rfbed registered and confirm "d ourpuant to Chapter 00 of the Public laws of 1918. and that Minitnons ha* been issued, rcturn nble at the office of tho Cldrlt of 'he Superior Court of Beaufort onnty on" tho 18th day of June,1 iOlfl. Raid land i* situate in the conn-i ty of Beaufort, and taid State,' mljopiing the land of John B. i I'oAoJiM ^ and Ffank H. Harvev' nndV)UA?led and described aa fol low^ l!<yinr:u<? at the month of Mncp Bin; running with Mid linn to rt>e Mill Pond; thenw with the Mill FoBd to thn C?n?l; r henee with the Can1*! to Wroad CreeK; ?n<! with Broad Creek to i he hefcSnninn: containing 4/ty mtv*. mor ^ or lei? e 80. A. PAUL, Clerk BiijwHw Cwrt Bewfort Conntr. iiMr* H PERSONALS F. Royston, of Henderson, it In '.he citj today attending to business matters. ? ? ? ? J. T. Mallard/of New Bern, was hrre yesterday on a brlet visit. < ? ? ? ? Mrs. W. 41. Wind ley has returnee home after an extendel visit at Seven 8prlngs. ? ? ? ? John Pedrlck has left for Swan Quarter on a brief visit. ? ? ? ? Oreely Brinn. of Hyde county. Is spending today in Washington on business. ? * ? ? J, H. Bland, of New Bern, Ib among the out of town vlaltors in tho city today. ? ? ? ? J. W. S pence, of Elizabeth City, who Is well known locally, was a -isitor here yesterday afternoon. ? ? ? ? H. W. Cutchen, of Rocky Mount, parsed through the city yesterday. W. E. Swindell, chairman of the county commissioners, is confined to >ls home with illnr*?. ? ? ? ? Mrs. A. J. Barbour, of Greens boro, and Miss Mary E. Underwood, of Goldsboro, were local visitors yesterday afternoon. * * ? ? Mrs. Ed. L. Thornby from Hyde county, spent yesterday with friends n the city. ? ? ? ? Mian Mary Ulakely spent yesterday In New Bern on a visit with friends. * ? ? ? Drs. J. G. Blount snd D. T. Tay !oe hsve returne-1 from the meeting of the State Medical Society at Greensboro. ? ? ? ? R. L. Henderson, of Wllaon, spent yesterday In the city on bualness. ? * ? * Wllford Whitley left yesterday for Chapel Hill wliere he will take a law course In the summer schoof of the University. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Jam?s H. Filling, of Atlsnta, Oa.. Is visiting her mot^r, Mrs. W. M. Bell, of East Second street. NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to the authority vest-' ed in the undersigned by a xlood executed by M. C. Cutler and K. John, trading as Cutler & John, the undersigned will offer for sale on Thursday, June 17th, 1915, at twelve o'clock*noon at the store on Main Street, formerly occupied by the copartnership of Cutler & John, the entire stock of goods and fixtures which were conveyed to the undersigned Trustee by the *nid M. C. Cutler and K. John. The terms of said sale will be cash. Private bids on ?aid prop erty will be rcoelved and duly considered. If an opportunity is desired to bid on the name pri vately, an opportunity to examine the stock will be allowed'and an inventory of the stock, which has been* taken will be.submitted for tarnation. This the 27th day of May 1915. W. B. RODMAN j JR., , Trustee. 5-t8*4we. "I tatot half Mb' aapanMOMt ?k?* *rU*7." mm DmU Ebaa. "bin ( iWtti dat U tin ao >)Ht ?hut m 4o? oa PrWUr M bfl-fa ba< Iwk aa vkut ras iliaU^ m TrMv ft or ?1? atfcar ton 1 vaafc* ?V CONQREM SHOULD OIVI THEM PRCFERCNCI IN APMIO priationST \ 1 By PmUr lUdfwi This nation la now uterine upon an era of marina development. The wreckage of Buropean com marc* haa drifted to oar ahoroe and the world war la mating unprecedented de manda for the producta of term and factory. In tranaportaUon facilltiea mi land ?? lead ^?e world bat oar port facilities ara Inadequate, and our flag la aeUom aeen In foreign *orta If oar government would only divert the energy we hare displaced in conquer-' lng the rallroada to maaterlng the commerce of the aea, a foreign bor torn would be unknown on the ooean'a hlghwaya. This article wUl be oonflned to dlacuaaion of our porta tor the pi ducta of tke farm moat paaa orer o wharfs before reaching tke water. We kare m tkla nation (1 porta, of whi^h 41 are on the Atlantic and 10 are on tke Pacific Coast. Tke Sixty-second Congreee appropriated ovgr-^61,000, 000 tor Improving our Rivera i Harbors and private enterprlae levies toll of approximately 150.000,000 annually In wkarfaie and ohargee for wklck no tangible service la rendei-ed Tke latter Item akonld be lifted off tke backa of tke farmer of tkla na tion and tkla can be done by Congreea directing lta appropriation? to porta tkat are free where veeeela can tie np to a wharf and discharge her cargo free of any fee or charge. ? tree port la progress, tl takes ont the unnecessary link In the chain of transaction? In commerce which has for centuries laid a heavy hand upon commerce. No movement la ao heavily laden with results or will more. widely and equally distribute its benefits as that of a free port and none can be more eaally and ef fectively secured. Holland Giving Up Motoring. Kubber haa become very acarco In Holland. It Is becoming almost impos sible to obtain tires for motor cars, and the pricea are prohibitive. Doc tors In some caaea are giving up the use of their motor cars for this rear eon. The bicycle, which is perhapa more used in Holland in proportion to the population than anywhere elae, the flat country and excellent roada ren dering It an exceedInjdy convenient means of locomotion. Is also affected by the exhaustion of the rubber sup ply. Persona of good Judgment are ot opinion that In a few months motor cars and cycles will disappear from the public thoroughfares tor tkls "Commencement." Twenty-two members of Princeton's senior claaa announce that they have nevdr been kissed. Before reading (his we never could understand why the end of a college course eraa known as commencement. Dally Thought. T rath cornea but once In a ttfetfsaa. 3kerefore, let na ao enjoy It aa tcbe still young whan we are old.?Lot ?/a* rw. Chicago, June IT.-r-Tbe strike of 14,000 Chlctfo str est car men wbich began Monday wM oaMed off abort)? alter t o'clock yesterday. JLU points at Issue will be settled by arbltra tlpe. Announcement of * settlement came too late to stast care for the rueh hour* earl) today, and tbe imt armies of worker? were obliged a galn to depend on "motor busses, moving trucks, ice wagona and rail road suburban trains for transpor tation. the CHjr. We are Installing a good ventilat ing and ooollng system and expect to bare some eleetlUftaas In opera tion tonight, but owing to the uncer tainty of express delivery, we can not promlae to be fully equipped. For thope who do not want to miss any of the Million Dollar Mys tery, we are going to do our best to make It aa'pleasant In our theatre as we possibly can tonight. Next week you will be treated to one of tbe coolest placee la town. Tonight we will show six reels. Including "The Million foliar Mys tery," In two parts; "fVjrd Weekly." in one reel of current events; "Red Tape," In two porta, and "Jealousy" a comedy In one reel. Adv. NOTICE OF SALE UNDEB MORTGAGE. Pursuant to the power of ude contained in that mortgage exerwt od by A. D. KitToll and wife, h Kitrell to Scott and Company, of Now Born, N. 0., defanli therein having been made, we will Bell the lands therein described as follows, to~wit: ?. A certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Beaufort coun ty. in Bath township and desrib od as follows ,to-wit: Adjoining1 the lends of S. R. Fowle on tba South and West, Alonco SparroW on the East and the Bonner traei on tho North andx?this being a ract of land owned by Dan: Kitrell, deceased, containing fif ty acres, their undivided land and the said A. D. Kitrell bf? his son entitles him to convey one half interest in the 50 acreacflfiA it being whore he resides. .?\ at public sale to thft highest Kid der for cash at the Courthouse door in Washington N. C., on the 21st day of June, 1915, at IS o'clock, M. SOOTf t CO., By Guion k Guion, Attya. 5-20-4 wo. Wot, cold (Mt brinu: rheumatism, pneumonia, chfll-blalns, ragghl, ate. Good, staunch, warm, comforfiibla boqts ara battar to buy than medicine. Hub-Mark Warrior Rubber Boot* ara for flahermen, the baat foot protection avar known. Fur m%re than ?i*ty X?**? tb*jr lur?? been ?h? choica of tba great majority of mVn who work at tba nets for ? living. Always bay Hob-Mark Kubbar Footwear. Basil who mU h Skit tha baat of everything. _4 BOSTON RUBBER SHOE CO, lUdm. Mm THE VIRGINIA BAY OCEAN VIEW. VA. OiJen June 15th to September lit. Ninth Season Under Same Management. The Moat Popular and Moat Liberally Patronized Summer Hotel on the Virtflaia Court. too Rooms Immediately on Water-Front, O ve In. ting Chea apeake Bay. In full View of all Vessels Pausing Through Historic Hampton Road*.

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