4 * tart', -awm DAILY NEWS i tnlckt TrUmr ?utlr ?totdr. V WASHINGTON N. C. FRfOVr AFTERNOON JUNE 18 W15 Wa.m LIQUOR CASE RESULTS IN MISTRIAL tout vtumut to unm at an ?'V i AQRIKHIXT Bl m ow MANY AT TRIAL in? to th? doora with aa liitna^d iidluM. ?M .IMurt with Ut*r**tth? taatl vxoar br fcotb th. MM* ?ad.tbe do th? cm? or sim. n ?*: charred with m riolitloo > *?a?r law, vw tried yeater " ' A?*.tm> R? v* mm m4 after onr M hoar*? MOmtlu ul ton ?tort, th* Jwr Trttmea. onabla Si It la aaM Out Mr* f?TOT Of I W. ?3. T. V. Th? croiwda b?u saihaclac M (h* court ho?I *t about ?:?0, and hr th* tin* Sharif Windier opened <??1, ?TMtlfllT mrj Mt in th* room **i ujL?p<ed. Th* m*Bh*r> of th? "W. C. T. v., Mcomputltd ?7 Kar. X. 1?, Oar. **atar of th* Uap tlat oharch, oacaplad aaata of honor IB tha Croat of th* KM. ?a*T ?? ?ocara* Th* eamlaation of th* Infon oo* cnpl*d th* ftrat hal/ hoar of tha liiiiaafllaga B It- Willi. and r. W. OW aahad to ha mcaaad baoaaa* *f aiaHiw*i>l to tha flra d?p?rt Mat. E. W. Aran, 8. c. Hodaaa, *. 8. Hill. B. W. Bergeron and J. P. OtMU war? ?i?ml??d ?wd ?t"ier to ?taad tal ; oa Jarr 4atr. lh* oooalaUd 'el Oaa Bawata. John Ecklin. Bannar I. Ihuta. ? L Kop*. Richard N. m?rc a*4 Jama Bright Mr. KMd IWatikw. V K HU waa tha tr*t wltn-M troagbt on th? ataad. R* ???tHe<i that Mr. ?traaner had aak?d him ^lldar to grant him atoaiac apac? fir taa harr*l* of hentng. which ?ma*at ha wu aaahla to graat. Ha ?Im mum Ml Mr SwanMt'i ilat aaai* t*' tin BAtardar morn 1M. avian that?? (Kldd) needn't hotfcer ?boat th* atortox plae* for 4m tlllll a* ?wanner wouldn't tlMfrarta act >j?r*Mn7-a*i w?* also placed on ? mmc mi fled that Mr. |f M com? to htm wtth the i Wt'tfent he, too, had _Ji #r*nt him * place to flor? hie herrla?./ WMe rfim <m at Chief Of PolMa?lLoberta told the eon rt of tke ?UMI tha liquor W1I I CMIKtAd Wltll JlM OB? of tka eraplorae of UK> Coaat Line tee tlfl?d tkat ko M (Ml out th? way MU f?r tko eklpment. B C. ci?*ry Meti ?*?ct far a? Co?* Hue. *?t ed tkat Ki. t>uD<r had come te DM e? Friday afternoon, eaylak tkat t k? herring did not Mleaf to Ma. tkat ka did mat order them and tkat ka 41? not waat them ?olleitor Carter, wko repreeented tka ?tate'e Intereeti 1? tka nn ?re eaatad a akaak far lilt, made par aWa t? one Preeman tMaeer and elaaed by Wo. Huur He alM 11 ill tad a tat wMah kad kaaa Mb ae en* of tka ?arrele of Manor C L. Maa, ueUtant eaakler of th" ?arista aad Troet Oaeaiaay, n> alaoedth tko wltaaea ataad and tee MM tkat tke Utaatara Ob the ahadk ?M that ef Mr. IvaBBar. We waa alao ehowa tka tac kad eaM that tha wrKlnf cm tt bore a eery of ftwaaaar. Tke ehank waa leeaed la Norton aad waa dated Jane ?th ?? Mr. ?waaacotoak tka etaad And Mr. Meholeon, teettted that ka did Dot order tha ?*aar. tkat K had r baea h kle ?oeeaeelon aad he had ne knowledge of the ??Ml ke reealrad a nottae , Coaat line on rrMar af Ha wa? pat under a rift? hr Mr. Oarwr. "?Were roo la Nortel* oa Jane (kid ekadk a~.ee. P> "8* la bookkeeper lor W. $8 "w?o i? w. a. wiiumu," "Tk?7 in a whoMaale liquor "Why did yon Imuo tke check tot' ItlfT WUr didn't 70s mak? It an ?mo amount?1*1?, ?10? at "I KM ihM the tmout.1 nad? out tie oheck tor." if', "Now. then, Mr. Swaaner, r? teamed a tww minute? ago that 70a did net liana? In earrTtat large amounts ol m oner around wUl/jm In 7007 pock?U You alao said .that 70a had >0 bine to ps7 In Norfolk. Wb7 dW - roe leave eoch a- large obeok?f "1 needed ttra money. I oasok up some ol it. drank HP aotne, a aaad It u? for other purpoaes. 1 rad ceneldarable left over Trbea' I returned to Waaktarton/> -'i | "Have 7*na erear 'been oonvtoted of selling Bfltsor before J?' 'Zr-- jiiw "W?m jo? *nflty?"* -1 VM Mtsr "I understand that yon wore A nod IS? aad oooU, Wbl?h jou paid. Do jot mean to say (hat yon wore "not t'uflty and than didn't appeal the ?**?" "I acted upon adrloe of ay at Attorned iNicholaon asked the Vidro that tbo caoo bo dlamiSMd without coing to the Jury, aa the defendant had levor had the ltqnor la hla possession. ? Mr. Bryan ruled that -the warrant coald not be dl> m'eerd on theao grounds, for a eon etruotire poesssskn count? the nme aa aetaal possssslon, and It had been proven that the liquor wif In the poaaeaalon of a common carrier. The attorneys then eummed np the case, after which tl? judge charged the jury and that body retired Into the Jury room for deliberation. They returned In a little oror an hour's time, unable to arrive at an afree Gun Club Held. Shoot Yesterday Owing to the/fact that Chautau qoa week beglna in Washington to day, the bll parade at two o'clock this afternoon, and the enforcement of the new do? law, the Washington gun club htld Its regular weekly shoot at the club grounds yesterday aftemcon Instead of today. Maxwell' topped the list In yesterday's event with the percentage of 84. JC'sr was clo*e behind with 83. The com plete scure? made were as follow*: Names BtrdM Killed P JC. Maxwell 76 63 .84 Ktar 76 62 83 Squires 76 60 .80 Kthertdge 76 60 ?* Moore 60 40 Elliott 76 65 .74 eierila? 76 66 .74 IfOdfSS 76 56 .74 Davenport 100 69 69 Pbrtpr 75 B0 .67 fettker , 76 60 .67 Odiafher 50 80 .60 6al*i4 25 If 48 VMMm ?6 1? 40 The public Is cordially lavlted to com4 out at any of the flab event ifcd Join In th4 shooting. Many Potatoes Being Shipped tO M l4ur*> R?lWt? fmt Aurora tut* Hut totato th???uU from ttul aartloa ?till coatlnaa ant that larta thlp naata ara mada dalijr Tir*, tw load! vara abtvpad (rem tharo OTtr tha waahlnrton ? Tntaim rail. ??? IWUrttT. . S?* of thaaa can, H *M ?t?tad, ?ara load?4 *1th on* Mmdrad tad aaraaty-flra ?ur?, of tlluto ?Uad tkat aa azeallaat ?rlea'fe Mat aa?r* tor tu. Uto*. O*? ?t the f*n?tra laat waak aold Ml tint, which amoontM to ?KM IwVala, h* ?"??*# ??? barrel. _jW i ? of oar Ion? oom. Probably thaaa are lorhd oaaa la tout damn; at whom jraVhar. no p*oto?T?i>a M ia roar daw to ?rotor. tkalr ?tot ?rae ?kila tka? ar. attil ?Iti, Wikt. ta1 ?fcimi ?*ii? PARADE SEEN BY HUNDREDS OF PERSONS > AN IMPOSING 8ICJHT IN MARCH UP MAIN TAUQUA HERE Wffl Start at ISight. . -With over ZO auWmobllqs In Hne. all of which weru deconated, large crowds of children. a repreeeatatlon of the loeal euffrafaUa* camp Am girls. boy ?*x>ut?, t ho naval militi?, th? Are department and other dele gations, the Chautauqua parade t h la afternoon pro red an attraction which drew hundred? erf people to Main and Market streets to witness the spectacle. Tfce parade presented an Imposing ! sight and was several block? long. [Considerable applauee was tendered to the various dslegatioaa; part leu larly the smfragettas, who bore ban ner? and presented a m est dignified appearance. "The naval militia also came In for a good shar+ of the ap plause. Tho crowd was in an ex osftdingly good humor and many witty remark? passed between spec tators and participants In the pa rada. The parade waa formed in front of the court house shortly before two o'doek. It took conslderabl time la getting the automobiles in line and decorating the children, but at last everyttyny wms In readlneet* and the llne-nf march up Main street was begun. parade proceeded direct to the Chautauqua ground? where the formation waa broken and most of those who took part In the march remained to see the af ternoon performance of he Chau tauqua. 7 .. The automobile* of the suffra gettes In the parade were handsome ly decorated with yellow and white streamers. The occupants carried banners which were labelled "Votes for Women." "Women Wanted on the School Board.." "Taxation With out Representation Is Unjust." U. B. Ward acted as marshal of the parade. He wai> on horseback. Captain Leach, who had charge of the event, attended to the line for mation. The Campflre girls rod? In two automobile?, carrying banners which Identified them. The Jnnlor Naval Reserves also presented a handiiome appearance. A wagon, on which rode nearly all the young boys In town, blowing horns snd^ringlng bells, fur nished the "band'* for the occasion. The line of march complete was an fdllbws: Naval Reserevs. Junior Naval Re serves, Motor Are truck. West End Reel, Ocean steam 4r. jOceso reel, H. ft II No. t. Bend wagon and automobiles owned by the follow ing: Charles Cowell, William 4B!l (ton, Captain Leach. Dr. Mann, F*. L. Phillips, C. A. FIynn, Mr. Warren. H. W. Carter, J.-D. Grime?, Mr. Cox, Mlaa L. T. Rodman, Salvation army oar. B. W. Ayers, J. W. Dalley. J W. Dalley. J. W. Dalley. J. F. Buck man. Clyde Paul. The children, deeerated with Chautauqua banner*, followed the automobiles while W. p. Prlvatte, on ? bicycle, brought np the re*r, Still Selling *Tauqua Tickets At a meetlat of the Chautauqua taarutorw t hie moralni, report? on the Ml* of ticket, were made, tut It la set definitely known 3u?t bow tour tlcketa are ?till tor aale, aa ?ur of th* puutort who hay* ticket. In their poaaeealon war* not preeont at the maetlnl Another meeting win be halt) tomorrow mom Ing ?t ?:SO In the Chamber ot Oem atoawwtK . It haa bo>a decide d to Mil i ticket* until pfter tonight'? formance. Attar that tlma, parohaa an Will be nnahl, to procure theae tlcketa at far price. There will * no reduction In tke price of tke tlcketa. _ i *'? p ?A'rm BAKItn there w?a aaek a We oatht to a -J-'V-iF.ly*- h*rb0f. ?' _"*? c*"lul 01 ??W?. "Hich Ule Italian artillery ha. be*un to bombard trow, a point omr th? mouth of Lb? I?on*o river. Ladies Give v . s Of The Suhinner Trial Mmbm of. the ^tC. T. U. anil Kqwl Saffraf? l%^Ei;pp?M Opinio? on the Representative? of the W. C. T. U and the ftqaal Suffrage Asaocla t'on were gpesent at the Swanner trial yesterday afternoon and ap peared greatly Interested lo the de veloproenis mt the eaae. In order to aioertaln- the Impressions made up on them, a tMpfsentatlve of the Dally Newe this morning called up on a number Of these ladles on the teelphone and naked what they thought or the tr!%l. The following statement? ware given out: Mtaa li T. Rodman. "The evidence wss moat clearly a - gainst the defendant and the action of the Jury fas absurd. Jn my opinion a cbflrt could have seen from the evidence that there waa no question or doubt as to whether the man was guilty or net. The ladles were preeeot at the trial In order to show that the better class of prople In Wsshlngton opposed the, sale of liquor and desired to lend their Influence In abollshfVf the Illegal practice." % Mrs. H. W.,Carte*. "I was greatly surprised at the action of the Jury. **?-felt , after [ hearing the evidence that Mr. 8wwn ner wss guilty, without a doubt, and ! that the best thing he could have done would have been to confrsa his guilt, say that he was sorry for what he had done and. offer to live an upright life. I am sure that the court wtQltf have been clement In Its verdict. I feel that every prop erty owner should do the same as Miss Rodman has done?notify all tlielr tenants who are accused cf Il legal liquor transactions that they must vacate their stores. This, It seema to me, would put an end to the blind tiger question to a largo degree.'' f MIh? Brownie Gfleft. "I don't believe that there was sufficient evidence that the roan possessed tha liquor In qusstion. However. It was proven that he was In Norfolk and Issued a check, the amount of which Just covered the cost of the liquor." Mrs. Fannie Rugg*. "All I care to say Is that the ev| Enjoy Picnic At The Park R<*ld?iU -of Chocowinity H?d En Joyabte Outing to (hit City Ye?W?U7. Perhaps a few dogs, cats and In valid persons remained at home yee terday, but from the appearance of | (he delegation that drove over the county bridge yesterday morning, It looked as If all Chocowinlty was coming to pay Washington & visit. Over 100 persons drove over In carts buggies, hay wagon? and automo biles to enjoy the annual picnic of the Baptist Mission Sunday School of Chocowinlty at Washington Park. A most enjoyable ontlng was held. TMe party reached the park at^fcbout ten o'clock and spent the day bath ing. playing ball, and having a good tlem in general. Dinner was served cn the grounds. The plcnlcers re mained at the park until three o' clock and then proceeded on thslr way home, tired ont but happy and still able to Join in the singing of a fow fongs. . The party Was under the super vision of the pastor, Or. J. M. Mc Kendle, and the superintendent of the Sunday School. T. E. Adams. The plsolc was a huge succewr in ev ery way and plans are already un-j der way for making next year's e-] vent an even greater success. Great Interest 1? being talen in Sunday School Work at Chocowinlty at the present time. New Theater 20th Episode of "ZUDORA" The $20,000,000 Mystery 3 ?OTHER RESXL8- 2 FRIDAY, JULY 2nd "THE MASTER KEY.'' dence was prett) strong that the man was guilty." Mrs. M. R. ?U?w. "As president of the W. C. T. U. I am going to try and see that m<<sn bers of the society and others rfige present at overy trial that Is brougm up over the liquor question." Crystal ICE CREAM HOME Building And Loan Association Will Open a New Series July 3rd. CuME IN. Call at Banking House of Savings & Trust Company , For booklet Explaining It Want Aliens Included In 4th Celebration Object 1? to Stir Up Patriotism In Hreatfs of Thoee of Foreign Illrth. letter to Mr. Hmall. Congressman John H. Small yes terday received a communication from the National American Day Committee of New York City. ask ing hit. assistance and cooperation in making July 4th Americanism lion Day In every city of the nation. The letter In part reads as follows: Hon. John H. Small. Washington, N. C. Dear air: The committee withe* your co operation In making July 4th Amer Icanldatlon Day In every city of the nation. la any effort being made in your city to incit^de alien resi dents In the Fourth of July plana? Why not Join the other American cities this yesr In extending a spec Is) invitation to newly naturalized cltliena and alien residents to he preeent at the Fourth of July cele bration? Very truly yours. NATIONAL A MEUICANIZATUON DAY COM M JTTKE. Frank Trumbull, chslrraan. 95 Madison Ave. New York City The following suggestions are made for the dajr*s program, which were enclosed In the above letter: A public reception to newly nat uralized citizens, button? with th American flag and th? word "citi zen" on them. t<T be distributed; special music, pledge of allegiance, pageants, taoleaux. folk dance? by school children, speakers. He. The day In not necessarily f' foreigners or newly-naturalized cit izens. but may be participated in by every citizen of the United Stale? DEATH K.Ylm THE CAKKKK OF THOMA8 JORDAN JAKYIK. Ex-Oovemor Thomas Jordan Jar vis died last night at nine o'clock at his home In Oreenville. His death came as the result of six weeks* Ill ness He was In his eightieth y*sr. Weak nee* of body. Incident ?o heaviness of years, brought death. Ths funeral will be held Sunday, services being from the Jarvis Me morisl Methodist church. Bishop Kllgo will mo?t likely assist in t servloes. PETROGRAD ADMITS LOSSES 1 THJS GAIJOASI CAMPAIGN HAS KHACHKD A CRITICAL STAGS. OKRMANS (MXTPTUIG SEVHEU AL RUSSIAN VUjLAOES. FRENCH ARE MAKING GAINS H?ve flight Advantage Over G?f? nuui Forces In the Wmt. Italian <'aui|wtlgn frtNwim: Hat ' Turks Put d Flgbt. London, June 18.?It was an nounced semi-ofldally In Berlin to? day that the Austro-German forces along a 682 mile front In Poland. ?Gallcla and Bukowina bad begun a general attack In a battle expected to be decisive. Prnocli Make Galax. On the Pran co-Belgian front where the British and French have undertaken new movement* said to have resulted In tbe capture of Ger man positions at several points no changea are reported with the ex ception of French gains in the Vos gea. The official announcement from Parla says the heights domi nating portions of the valley of th4 Fecht now are under rrench con trol. German* Still on Offensive. An official communication from Petrograd admit* that the German? have occupied additional villages near flhavll." In the AalUe is but say? the Kusetsnk regained lo? '> ground near Priaanyas. It la'In ths vicinity of PrtaKnysz, which lies north of Warsaw, that the Germans apparently are making their most determined effort on the Pollefc' front, although the fortress of Os 40 wet z agalt^ia being attaoked. Campaign Is Ottkal. The Galician campaign baa reacb sd a critical stage. In view of tbo continued successes of the Austriams and Germany. The Petrograd com munlcat'on says little of the battle along the San but states the Rus sians ha v* won some sdvantage In the fighting further south, fti the Dniester region. I (Allan? Gaining. Official advices from the Italian army headquarters represent tbo Italians aa gaining advantages sit along the fronl. .particularly In the Adlge valley, which leads to Trent. On the Isonco front, where centers the battle for possession of Trieste, Italian successes also are claimed. Turka KlichtJng Hard. The Turkish forces on Galllpoft peninaula have taken the offensive. An official statement from Constan tinople says heavy losses were In flicted on the French and British? Hnt a l4>ndf>n snnouneement de nlarea the Turks were repulsed la an attempt to recapture trenches. s tee's Strength Tested, On ?'tset. a bee we? found sea)* tent to pull a weight 100 tlaaes greater 'ban its own Friday GJ Saturday Specials Arbuokl?? Cott%*. pah lb lit Hlfh??t Gradu Buttar, p?r lb. 16c Armour'? Star Ham?, p?r lb ?.. II? F. P. V Ham?. par lb. ...] w'... 10? Morgan A Gray 8houldara, par lb 1(4 Ham But Pork, par lb ' 11a Flnaat Tabla Paarhaa. worth *8e. per can . 18? Vwjr Baat Trip*, worth I8e. par om 10? Por? l.aM. worth 18?. per lb ( ItH? Compound lard, worth lie, per lb 10c FOR MEN. r Onantnt^d ?1 fa Hhlrta at 80? Guaranteed 80c flhlrt* at #?. .? 40? Guarantied 11.06 Overall? ?t *. ^ 80? Guarantied 80? Ow*all? at 40? Vary low prtoae on Bboea and Dry Goo*?. Abo** prt??? ara for cm* h only. ft?*"1?r prleaa for all char g? adnata J. E. ADAMS 6t CO.

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