mnm rem* more local ITEW8 THAK AKT OTflfel PAPER n* THE STATE. T WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS THE WE1TRI*?Probabto ?how?r t to*l(bl trttmr P?rtlr eloWr WASHINGTON N. C. SATURDAY AFTEB>lOON JUNE 19 1915 *?? 121 HUNTINGTON TO SPEAK SUNDAY WHJU MAKI ADDfUMA AT THE JOINT BBVIOM TOMORROW. DISCUSS Y.M.C. A. to Follow i Promet for Wuh taftsa. Uood Mule. . N At ? union service of tfee church?? of Washington, which are to t? hold it th? Chautauqu* tent tomorrow. O. C." Huntington. Interstate Secre tary of th? T. M. C. A. executive commltte?, will be the prlnotpal speaker. Th? following telegram was received yeeterday evening: Frank A. Wftght. Wuilacton, W. C. Will c4me for Sunday via Nor folk Southern Saturday night. O. C. HTJNTINOTON Mr. Huntington's addree? will !??? to deal wtth eeveral Important Mbjocta. prominent among them being a ttscuseion of a Y. M. C. A. plan for Waahlngton. H? will give his cplnlon aa to the beet way to proceed la this direction to obtain th? gr?at?et good to the greatest number. He wffi also outline the bret plan of work to follow In order to arouse general Interest In T. M. C. A. work and to aasure th? 4natl tutloB the support of local residents. Other fnature? of the service? will be music by the Chautauqua enter talaer? and selection? by the sev ?ral church choirs of the dty. The eerricea promt?? to b? of a moat in teresting nature and the public is cordially invited to b? present. Th? service? at the Chautauqua teat will start at six o'clock tomor row evening. The public la urgently requested to be en time. AsaouceoMQt of Marriage, Th* following announcementa have been leaned: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Harrison announce th? approaching marriage of th?lr alster Mlse Ruth Nlmmo Wicks to Mr. Orrln, Banks White on Thursday, June the twenty-fou^H Nineteen hundred and fifteen ^ Ashland. Virginia. At home after July the tenth, 103 South Third Street. Richmond. Va. Tliouqht Trial Thursday Was A Fair One (lira. If. B. OUm, Pres. W.C.TX.) I hear there has been unfavorable comment made bwanae the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and other*, attended the trial of * liquor mm laet Thursday. We were especially Invited and urged to go by aome of the city oounctlmen to hear a aample of Washington'a efTorta to rid heraelf of the etench of blind tlgerlsm. We heard aa fair a trial aa could be. It showed the city official? were doing thfir duty notwithstanding eome eay not. Every troman. after hearing the ??idence, said the defendant was entity. Erery one of them said they were eerry for the defendant, (therefore would not make good: Jurors.) We were surprised thai eenetble Junor? would eay "not guilty." They were sorry, too. I was taught that man ahouM rale i over women by the Bible. I believe It'? trme. beoause Ood kaew tt would make It eeater for her not to have the car? of home end ?tate too. ft la toe much. I believe she should bd shielded from the rougher, sterna er elements of Nfe. It make? her better and kinder "?toe Is a moneter of euoh awful mien. To be hated If but to be se?n: But seen too oft we become fa miliar with It* face We tret pity?then embrace." History teaches t bet when the men of Oreece And Rome became effeminate that was the beclnnln? of their downfall. There is no history of the country where the women bee*?* masculine Wd h*ve that condition In a meae nrf today hare. I am not n euffra KIM bnt?lf I aur mm U ?Mr trtote 1 ?h?n U \o ? If w ?u ?o iw MMr tkaa <M ^aa^s? _? Tk^ea^ae CHANGE IN ?ER\1CG8. The various churches of the cHy have ?treed not to hold any evenln* services tomorrow on account of tht special union service which Is to be held at the Chautauqua tent. The various congregations are urgently requested to be preeont at the Chautauqua services and a cordial Invitation Is extended to exeryone. The services at the tent will begin promptly at alx o'clock. - New Law Stirs Wide Interest Wadila(tOB CUlaen In Brooklyn Ex. presses Himaeif oix the New Doc Ordinance. That the new "dog law" for Wash Ing ton haa not only attracted con siderable local interest, but hae in terested the outside world aa well, la proven by a lett-ir which wa? re ceived this morning from George H. Moore, of Brooklyn, N. Y., a former resident of Washington. Mr. Moore's letter reads as follows: Editor Dally News. Dear sir: After reading several articles In your paper concerning the dog law In Washington, I would say that am In favor of it and especially dur ing the months of July and August, for the dogs are liable to bite some little child or other persons, causing death from hydrophobia. But it seems to me that the law in Wash ington should be as It 4s In Brook lyn; that all dogs muat have a muz ale on and a license on his collar from tre American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal I have a very fine spaniel, but I have to soep -him muzzled and provided with a Ucensc tag. I know that there are people In Wellington who have valuable dogs aw they should have them muzzier' If they want them to 90 on the streets. I was born and ra'sed In Wash Ington, but have beer a resident of Brooklyn since 1891 I am a sub scriber to your valuable paper. I will be home on Julv 2nd Yours very truly, GEORGE H. MOORE. 125 Willougb-by St. Brooklyn, N. Y. LU8TTANIA INQUIRY END?. No Date Set for Announcement of Court's Finding*. London, June 19.?The final pri vate sitting in the Lusltanla Inquiry was held today. Addreesen were de\ livered by Butler Asplnall for the Cunard Company and Solicitor Gen eral Smith for the Board of rTade. Captain Turner, of the I.usltanla. waa invited Into the sitting. Gunboat Marietta to Vera Cruz. Washington. June 19.?The gun boat Marietta was order?d from Boston to Vera Crux to replace the gunboat Machias now en route north bringing sick from V*ra Crut to Norfolk. At present the cruiser Sacramento and the gunboat Petrel are off Tamploo while the cruiser Washington and the gunboat Wheel ing are at Vera Cruz. State Board Issues Bulletin Raleigh, S. C.. Jon? 19.?cancer Is on the Increase. The State Board of Health realised the timely Im portance of checking this increasing disease among our people ha* 'nut prepared and Issued 50,000 oopies of a special leaflet on the subject of fatal In over 90 per cent of the at tacks, whereaa 90 per cent could be cured through early recognition and HNQpt removal. "Cancer and What You Should Kn*w About It." s Largely because of publlo Ignor ance and neglect cancer now proves ?A Yd RAK Kit You should own a kodak. ?With a kodak yoji, can take your chick ens, ho*?, cattle, sheep, horses, au tomobile, farm products, your house and home, family group, children In their every day clothes, In thtfr play house?; cab take your kodak abroad to summer resorts, picnics; take your girl's picture; anything you can see with your ?atura 1 eyes. Any child can operate It. S3 very young man or lady needs one. Think about the pleasures that oan be de rivat by having ona. Price from It.09 and up. Olva us a oajj a^g_ M ?? UUraat you tm eaa^ fcTUDtQ. WOULDN'T BID ONCONTRACT FOR CUTTER LOCAL MERCHANTS OVEKUM)K OPPORTUNITY POR BVS1NE8M. INVITED TO BID No Submitted by Local BumI new? Men on Contract Amounting to He vend Tboosand Dollar?. Although offered an opportunity ?which might be termed an urgent invitation?to submit bids for sup plying the coast guard cutter "Pam lico." with provisions, coal, water, etc., (not one single ^merchant In Washington availed himself of the opportunity and no bids were sub mitted by any of the business men of this city. Tho government Invited proposals once a year for supplying the cutter with supplies neceesary for Its op eration and provisions for Its offi cers and crew. Congressman Small took the matter up with the treas-1 ury department through Ouy C. Harding, deputy collector of cus toms, who Invited the merchants of I Washington to submit their bids on. the required articles. The ooat of supplytng the cutter and her crew for one year emounts to several thousand dollars. Tho people of New Bern, where the cutter is stationed, are eag^r for It to remain there in order that | they may have an opportunity to bid on the provisions and fuel. A larjje number of bids are submitted by the merchants of that city every year. Rescue Workers To Leave Here \djutant and Mrs. Harmann to Leave Wednesday. Capt. and Mrs. <ios*ett to Take Their Places. Adjutant and Mrs. W. Harmann.. who have been in charge of the local work of the American Roeoue Work ers. will leave next Wednesday to establish a home for fallen girls ant1 outcast children somewhere In the vicinity of Raleigh. They have la bored tirelessly in the Interest or their work here and have wrought .considerable good. They desire most heartily to thank those of tlK residents of Washington who have audited them while they have ben% hei?. Captain and Mrs. J. B. Oossett and family recently arrived In Wanh lngton and will take up the work here that has been under the super vision of Adjutant and Mrs. Har mann. Captain <k?sett and his wife have been In rescue work for a number of years and are efficient tollers In the causc. Try S wanner On July 5 th Motion Made In Court Yntrrda) Afternoon. C'Mp May Bo Tried Before Hiat TIra?. At the session of the recorder's court yesterday afternoon, a motlch ?m made by H. C. Carter, Jr.. rep resenting the State, asking that the r?ae against Wm Bwanner be con tinued until two weeks trom Mon day, which will bring the date of the trial to July 5th. The motion was granted and the court stated that It both attorneya came to an agreement, desiring the trial to be held before the date set, it would meet with the approral of the court. The caseState re. Wm. J. Day. charged with edieged assault, was brought up yeeterday. On motion of the 8tate, with the oonsent of the defendant the case wee continued unlit June 28th. THR CRI71BKR NORTH CAROLINA RBTt HVKIV Ha? lioen In Foreign Water* TWi Months. Offlror. Ten of Fight- 1 t I?? In the Dardanelles. Boston, Mass.. June 19.- The! cruiser North Carolina returned to-1 day to home waters at for ten months Of-rarled foreign serrlc?*. bringing accounts of the fighting In the Dar danelles Officers and men said the LAa&tkrti aid rVeneh foroas had stis | tataed heavy Immm and t bat ship* I? AUMAtrl? ?? JARVItf FT N BRAL AT ^ F. M. The funeral of the tete fcx-Bover nor Thomas J. Jarvia will be held In Greenville tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Bishop John C. Kilgo t? expected to '**l*t Rev. J. M. Daale's In offic(atlck ui ilxe services Many telegrams r* ondolence have be- n received ty Mrs. Jarvto from resl oents of a'l rnr's of the 8tate. Given Hearing Be,rjr<2 Mr.Russ Men Accused of Bela? Interested in Illfcit ? HUH" Arr Plaood Under Bond. Robert Jefferson, who vai found by U. 8. officer? yesterday morn la* In the vicinity of an Illicit distillery near Bunyon. was given a prelimi nary hearing before U. S Commis sioner W. H. Rusa yesterday after noon. Examination was waived and a bund of f200 raqulred Not being abl-j to raise this amount, Jefferson was put In Jail. A warrant was also Issued yester day for !..uth?r Alllgood. who alr>o resides near Bunyon. He vas brought before Mr. Ruwi for a hear ing. Examination was waived and A'llgood was placed under a bond of f200 to guarantee his appear ance at the October term of the Federal court In this city. A bonds man wa.? found and the defennant was released J*?feri>on was present at tha hear In? of Alligood^nd testified that he wa* merely a Mir^d man. working for .Mllgcod. His bond wa? reduc ed to fioo, which wa* procured and he wa* 'oleased. attorney Harry McMullan repre sented both Alllgood and Jefferson !n the <*a*e DEATH OF MR. HAMBLIN. Abram V Hamblln. aged 78, pass ed away at his home In MoTfolk Wednesday. The funeral tutrices were held yesterday afternoon from the Park Avenuo Presbyterian church In Nprfolk. Interment was in Riverside cemetery. Mr. Hamblln will be remembered by many residents of Washington Ho taught school here several years ago. His present wife was a M1ss Bettle Rtddln of this city. He was a visitor In Washington a few years ago. The news of his death will be learned In Washington with the deepest regrst. MANY ATTEND CHAUTAUQUA 1 YESTERDAY 1 XTKRHHTl Nti PERFORMANCES GIVEN OS IMT*\L DAY HEHK. GOOD SINGING Dunbar Hutree Msgtri M*kr> Big Hit. Dr. H ?w kina Lwturr Foot ore of Ppogr*ni. The lnltl*l performance of the1 Chautauqua Id this cltj yesterday I was a grand success Id every way A large crowd was present at the performance yoaterday afternoon | and In the evening every seat was taken and many were forced to j stand up Id the rear. There ts no doubt but that large crowds will' attend each perforamoce If all of: them are up to the etaudard of those ' given yesterday. One excellent feature of the en tertainments I? that they start promptly at the appointed times? 3 o'clock In the afternoon and 81 o'clock In the evening. A number of the audience last night did not get Imo the tent until about 6:30 and as a result th?y mlseed one of the te?t parts .of the program. The Dunbar Soiree Singers were repeatedly applauded and forced to give many encores, \fisa I^aVIness. who took the part of "Tk? Goose GUI.'* had a magnificent voice and ner singing was one of the most en joyable features of the entertaining program. Miss Price's Impersona tion of the Italian woman wan also excellent. I,ongBtreet and Thomas did some fine singing and merited the loud applause which was ac corded them. l>r, Chuncey J. Hawkins' lecture on '^Brtght Eyes and Wild Hearts of onr Nohthern Wood?." was on* of the most fntereetfir* lectures ever heard In "Washington. His pictures wer?? excellent and his explanations of them Instructive and witty H* was granted the eloeest of attention from his andlence and many eexprea slonn of wonder and delight were hearfl over the truly wonderful pic tures which were shown T. C. Greer, of New Bern, spent yesterday here -on business. Friday & Saturday Specials Arbucklea Coffee, peh lb 18c Highest Orade Butter, per lb 25c Armour's Star Haras, per lh 18n F. F. V. Ham*, per lb 30c Morgan ft Gray Shoulders, per lb.. > He Ham But Pork, per lb 11c Finest Table Peaches, worth 35c. per can 2Ke Very Best Trip?*, worth 25e. per can 20o Pure f/ard. worth 16c. per lb 12*?e Compound I>ard. Worth 12c. per lb 10c FOR MEN. Guaranteed $1.00 Shirt? at. *0r Guaranteed fiOe Shirt* at 40c Guaranteed $1.00 Overalls at 80o Guaranteed BOc Overalls at 40c Very low pries on Shoes and Dry Goods. Above prices are for oash only. Regular prices for all charge accounts. J. E. ADAMS & CO. Phone 97. "GOOD TASTE" fRYSTAL ICE CREAM SPECIAL Red. Cherry and Scuppernong TRY THEM. Don't be disappointed for Sunday?your Cream must be ordered by 6 P. M. Saturday. Crystal Ice Company PHONE 83 " WASHINGTON, N. C. HOME Building And Loan Association Will Open a New Seric: July 3rd. COMR IN. Call at Banking House of Savings & Trust Company ? v For Booklet Explaining It. ? WORK 0!f WHITE WAY. One or the comnrttees, which has In charge tlie soliciting of aubecrtp tlona for WuMdciodi' white way. ?tarted work Thursday afternoon. Several merchant? were ??en The other committee expect? to start Monday The soliciting eo far has met with good success and the com mittee which has already made start is fairly well satisfied with 'ts work. , Trunk Mystery Solved At Last W*, Not Taken from N. H. Station by OriKtnal Owners, But by Other Interested Parties. The "trunk myatery." which has been the sub)*?ct for considerable dia cussion on the part of a number of residents of the city during the last two weeks, appears to be solved at last, although tt is not believed that anything will result from the solu tion of the "?mystery " It will be remembered that two trunks, suspected of containing II quor. were recently found at tb* Norfolk 8outhern by the police of the aity. One of the trunks wi spirited away while the officers were on watch. The namen of the "splrit ers" are now claimed ?- ' known, but as ne - hlislied at men tl< . will substitute ott.. names for the real names o'. those who were Interested in th? cane. Smith and Jones went to Norfolk and ordered the liquor there They packed it in two trunks and sh'pped It to Washington. The ot t shipment reached the ears of Brown and Black, two young men of this city, and they determined to secure the liquor for their own use. know Ing that Smith and Jone? rould take no action, because of the contents of the trunk. When Smith and. Jones returned from Norfolk and found that tha trunk had been stol en, they were somewhat vexed. Ii fact, it may be said that they wer erceedingly vefed. They scoured t!' country and found the trunk abon nine miles from town. Loading 1* into a wagon, they proceeded to find a hiding place of their own for it. Brown and Black, however. goi wise to what wa* going on and they swiped thetrunk again. Then they took the liquor to town in snv quantities and offered It for sal here .according to information given out. And all Smith and Jones can do is to keep quiet. ARR VHTCH P< >STI*< >.N KD. On account of the union *erv|r*?n at the Chautauqua tent, tomorrow afternoon, the servlcea at the county home hav? been postponed "Childrens' Day" Baptist Church EireJIfnt lYogram Will IW KaiiIit- j p*1 at the R\cr<i h4?m Tomorrow Morning. I An Interesting program ha? Seen prepared for Ihe "Chlldren'a Hay" "xerctae*. which are to he hold at 'he Raptiat church tomorrow morn In* The puhlic Ik cordially Invited 'o be p-?*ent Tha program will h* pa follow? Son* by School Scripture Reading. by Ruth White Prayer, hv Rev. R. L. Oay Recitation. "Children'* l>ay 'a Beat." by Violet Ooodwln The riower Welcome. by ?.mall girl" Primary Solo and Chorui by thr?e d!rla. Recitation, 'Tome and Help lis,'* by Lena Rue. Son it by 8chool Ten Uttle Candlea. an ?xerclae. by eleven children A violin duet, by Annie Mao and? Oladyn Alilrood Recitation, "The Man my Mother TWnkn 1 Am.'* by Kdmond Mo?kin* Y-our Own, an exerciae by alx (Clrla. R?l?rHnn by male quartet. Recitation Motion ?onc. by nmull children. Scripture ??x*rc1ire. by clana No < Vocal duet by Blanche and Oladya Alltffood. Recitation, "Our Co'.leotion," by Iteaaie Hohbn Collection. ?V?na. "Around the Throne " Prayer for ?he home land, by (4?o?4 MeakU*. GERMANS ARE NOW NEAR LEMBERG ARE DRIVING THK Rl'ftttlAX J-VHC1K Di FRONT OF THEM. U BATTLE IN WEST T pert fir FlgliUnjc Going on In Franc* Note is RerHved from Mexican OfflcUJit. Berlin. Juqa 19?-Dispatch"? from the oasteru frontier Indicate that tho AuMro-Cerman force? ?re retir ing In disorder The Invaders ar? but ten mile? from Ixraberg Tbe dispatches also state that the Rus alans are fighting desperately and burning the village* behind them to prevent the Germans from securing ?fay anpiftance in the way of provis ions Pt|ffitliix in the West. London. June 1*.?The fighting In the Arras section and at the north ern and southern parts of the abort British front, la an desperate as any the western theater of war has de veloped. It Is too early to aay which side has the advantage, al though both claim gains. , Mexico 8ends Word. Washington, D. C., June t*.?The 1'nited States government was noti fied today by Cb&zaro, president of the Villi*-Zapata oonventlon govern ment '.n Mexico City, that If Presi dent Wilson's warning to Mexico factions should signify a threat, the convention po\eminent will maintain the dignity of the Mexican people. The communication states, however, that the oonventlon continues to be lieve that the general aims of the I'nlted State? la to help Mexico In k friendly manner. It 1s Intlma'ei that anything Id th? itature of a ? threat" will be relented by th* ;?? ople of MextcT Murder Case Is Decided I .lit Iut WalUT* I? Given Trial i WiDInmMon for Allegtxl Killing of Color?! Man. The trial of Luther Walter*, of Williamston. for manHlaugbter ex cilrrl much interest In that cttq tola week. The caae was railed "Wed resday, a jury being ?elected from a special venire Martin A Martin and If. W. Stubbs appeared for the defendant and A K Dunning and .ludpo F D Winston assisted Solic itor Allsbrook in tht prosecution. Walters some time last year had some difficulty with a color-d man named Brown over work done by Brown's boy for Walter?. Walter* armed himself with a pistol and wuot to Brown s house t?o thresh th? matter out. The argument becom ing h*?atpd. Brown Is said to have picked up a hlng*. whereupon Wal ters shot him. the wound proving fatal months after. The Jury was out all-night Wed nesday nnd stood at the settlement 11 against and 1 for the defendant. It whs decided between the counsel and the Solicitor to compromise by Walter? paying all cost, $100 down and $10n earh yp?r for five years ?o ihn farr lv of the d"*d man. an<3 the jury was discharged In ihe case. Walters has alwnyn been known an a good. Qiilet man and there was much sympathy for hint and hla family. j tj| Avoid Worry. To lire above worry Is no lltttft task, especially for persons of a nsrr? out temperament. NsTsrthslsss, It !? poealble and oan bo attained through the ever conqueimg powar of tba will* Then, too, worry Is one of beauty* greatest destroyers; It llnee the (IM with furrows that are difficult to r?? move and far from pleasing to look upon. New Theater Change Program Tonight. ? n PRIDAT, JULY Ind "TH* MASTER KJBY." 1 i v ~ lA

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