t daily nwB nana mobs locaa htwb thak akt other fam nr the stats, t >?-*:* ?~ij <?%? v - ?? f '4, V J . . ' * , < " SHINGTON DAILY NEWS TBB WUATHBR?F?ftr kmlfht B nMtlled tomorrow. Mod?rst/ wind?. V*.? . WASHINGTON N. C. TUESDAY AFTERNOON JUNE 22 W15 Wo. 12J ? 1_ NEGROES ARE BROUGHT TO COURT ; ATO OTHER* rwrmDAV Araourooir. SHOOTING IN CITY Two futpgBd try Pistol Sbott. D?ro INm to be Brought to Trial Considerable excitement ed it the colored section of the city yesterday whro Will Moore, a negro, broke loose with a revolver, shot another negro three times In the ehoolder and wounded him esrlous Jj. Ono of the balls passed through the man*? shoulder and struck "his wife, who was standing behind him. She was wounded hi the leg. The cause of the ahootlng is not known as yet. all parties refusing to tn'k. It Is expected that full details will be made public at the trial which will be held this week. Violated IAqvor Law. At the session of the recorders court this 'morning, two jnegro&s, Sam Robertson, of PlnKown, and Chsrtss Jbnee, of Bel ha re n, were charged with alleged violation of the State liquor law. It is stated that 49 pints of liquor were fonnd In their possession. Robertson was released, as he Showed tf^t he was not guilty of ths offensf Jones was fined $35 and costs,?the recor der being lenient with blmo n ac count of the good reputation which! he bore up to the present time and to which a number of white per sons testified. Roddick U Tried. Spence Roddick, Julia Reddtck and Lena Reddtck, all colored, were brought up in ths recorders court yesterday afternoon, charged with. Melting aa affray. Ths first twr were fined $M.aad.eo*s end the last samed was fined K sad costs. Dixon Trial Saturday. T>sts Dhcon, who stabbed Will Cox at Hdll's stable Saturday, will be brought up for trial Saturday afternoon In ths recorder's court. Bears Kill Hogs ~Near Pineville (Special Correspondent) Ten large bears wandered orer to C. M. Jackson's plaoe near Pinerllle last week and played havoc with a number of hogs belonging to Mr Jsckeon, of that Tillage. They chewed, olawed and scratched the animals to such an extent that they inflicted permanent injuries upor them. They vsOuld probably hare killed all of them tf Altxst Woolard, C. M. Jackson and others had not appearsd on the scene and frighten ed away the disturbers with several rounds of No. 4 shot. Before run sing away, howswe, the bears made S charge on the men and for a mo ment there was considerable scurry Hi find climbing of trees. Finally tbS bears dlsappesrsd in the woods One of the hogs has died end It is feared that some of the others may slso- keel over. Tf the stock law would only fence ths bears out, ws wondsr if It would be appreciated or not. Which is the worst, tiels, bears or politics? A. E. P. S.?We are Informed that Constable B. T. Chauncey Is on the trail of the fugitives. POPULAR 'Silent Playm THEATRE TIm Belimo will show edine extra |ood ptetaree tonight, on helnc ? pretty <Tunk, 'Tka Ward ot the Million." Another, aa excttlnit rail road pletar* la which xiaa Helen Hotmca ti atar eetreee, "The O^n Drawbrldce." Caat hat not leeat la the tret epi ?ode of a corned? eerlea. "Tka iarr Family Dleoorere Her hm,r JOB tOMOBROW, Tile No 111'' a deteettre etorj la two ?trte; "The Warn CoMh Driver and the Olrt' a waa??rm drama. TheJJellmo. ADVENTURES OF LOCAL TOURISTS I.VTERWI1NO LRTBRH RBCKIV BD PWXM J. O. BRAG AW " Df FMBCO. SOLVES "MYSTERY" Fteda PMkase on Train, (her a HxmijuukI MOe> From Here, Bear ing Label of Local Merchant. -v, Th? adventures of Wash i as ton tourist? to the Panama exposition should make Interesting reading? tf letters received from J. 0. Bragaw Jr., are a fair example of the many 4 nt erect tog Incidents that local resi dents are meeting with on their long trip. Mr. Bragaw left here several reeks wBgo and his letters to rela tive? and friends here are replete with diverting end amusing accounts of his "adventures." 8 o mew h ere weet of Chicago, Mr. Bragaw happened to be walking through the cars of the train on which he was on, when he suddenly came across an empty seat, on which reposed a good-sized package. His eye? happened to catch the print ing on the package. It read "Try J. K. Hoyt first: Washington's Greatest Store." For a mlnnte two Mr. Bragaw Imagined that he had gotten on the wrong train and wm bound for Kome a^aln. He naturally was dealrons of knowing bow this package, evidently coming from a Washington merchant, had found its Way on a train many hun dreds of mile? from home. Ho waited for a moment or two and ,then a lady rame through the ca* and took the seat on which the package lay. "far. Bragaw fhought she looked rather familiar, but was unablo to place her name In hie mind. Finally he introduced him self to her in the hopes oT exp>aln-v f Tnf am mywtearr of the package. The lady was Mrs. C. N. Sheep, of this city, who was on her way to North j T akota to visit relatives. ! Another letter, received by Wil liam Bragaw recently, stated that Mr. Bragaw had arrived safely dn Fan Francisco. In describing the hotel In which be was staying, Mr Bragaw went into minute details as jlo the solendor of the building, part of his letter read as follows "Everybody dresses for the din ner. The men all wear dress suits -??rd the ladles,?well, tke ladlp don't wear much of anything." Mr. Bragaw stat^j that he Is en loying the trip Immensely and that I ?h? wonders of the exposition be I little any description he might I make of them. I Public Hearing Was Held Today MfwUng in P>d?*l IluUdJng to !><* termin?* of Flfthlng Htruc tnw* In Pamlico Wnun.l. A public hearing for t-hf purporo of determining limits within which flahlng structures may be placed in Pamlico sound and tributary waters, was held in Washington at tha^Qfy^ office building today. At the meet ing, which was well attended, m-xpe. showing the proposed flmlta. and draft ef the proposed regulations, AVatiable tor exatr (nation. Free Atricles Are Given Awc/fy Jamas IB. Clerk's Store Offers Er eeptftoaal OppofcwiMe* for Be. coring Beautiful Articles. James S. Clark are offering a most liberal inducement to their customers this week. With every cash purchase made at. their atore amounting to one dollar or more, they are tiring away m beautiful ehlna dlah or bowl. This la an ex ceptional opportunity for securing these articles EFtBJ! The resident? of Washington are urged to nots the window dlsftlay of these arti cles at thstr store. (Adr.) WW>sut Heps. He Mil anything with a pesslmt* yes fled a bright sSds tor h|r M WW% look at it for fsar lfctvfttfi dm |H|| k|g| HhUi CaaaUiJ LEO M. FRANK IS GRANTED CLEMENCY GOVERNOR 8LATOX COMMUTES HIS SENTENCE TO LIFE IMPRISON MEN. TAKEN TO FARM Prisoner Has Left for State Farm. Wm Taken There Under Cover of Atlanta, June 22.?The sentence of Leo Prank was last nlrfht com muted to life Imprisonment. Prank left for the State prison farm at Mlllldgevllle at .nldnlgnt. Sheriff Man*urn was notj^d of the commutation only a short time before the train left. He put Prank In an automoV.e and rushed him to the train. ^Jprank is expected to begin work oifrthe farm today. Ho was accom panied on the trava by the Sheriff and s strong pj*.io of <*eputle?. The departure from jail was kept secret In fear of rioting. TRmrTE TO MR. HAMBLIN. (By a Friend) On Wednesday, June 9th, at his hotne In Norfolk, the spirit of our friend, Abraham H. Hamblln, pann ed Into the great beyond. He waa aged 77 years. He was well remembered her?*, as he taught in the Washington high school many years ago, and -was ? zealous worker in the church and the temperance cause. He married Miss Rutfr Redding of our city. He wm a faithful and useful member of the Park Avenitfe Presbyterian church in Norfolk and wa* strict And prayerful in all Mb religious ftatles. i The universal regard in whica ho 'i'W held was attested to by- the -oncourse of friends who attended :tls funeral and the number of ex Muisite floral tributes. May the blessings of Him who doeth all hingR well rest upon the bereaVed 'amlly. Change TS/lade In Elk Schedule Tr?tn Will Here at 4:28 To morrow Afternoon. I^rgf Num ber Expected to Take Trip. 1 Members of the local B. P. O. K. lodge wdll leave here tomorrow for Charlotte and. judging from prt?? ? nt IndlcatiouK. a good delegation ?111 make the trip to th* conven tion In order to lend force to their request that the next Elk convention b? held In Washington. The Washington lodge will leave I a one on a Rpeclal pullman at 4:25 tomorrow afternoon, arriving at Charlotte early' Thursday morning This chango In time is made In or ler that no part of the State meet ing will bp missed "Itlathoduty of every local Klk. who ??do so, to attend Jfrln fnnrnnllnn " said B. W. Taylor [ thla morning. "It will prove a most enjoyable outing and In addition, Washington la going to make a strong flght for next year's conven tion. We want to show the Elka of the State that we moan bunln*es and WANT that convention. Whoop 'or up boys-'and get the crowd togotlier. Cooperation moan* aueceea.'* Bince printing the above, we re vived the notice of the following rhange In ached ule, which will be carr*ed out inntead of the one Juet mentioned. % Leave N. 8. depot. Washington, Thursday morning. ,1:56 a. m. Arrive Charlotte, 1:55 p. m aame day. Leave Chirlotte, Friday night at '/Arrive Washington. Saturday morning, at 10:66. Fare for round trip and pnllman la >13.SO. . 1 NTHflRNTI NO MAOAZIVR. ) . For the benefit of taoee who might be Interested In th* atory of "Chautanqna. ?t work and at play." the pobile library has thtar week's lato? ef "The Independent" mar* ilne. whleh contain? an Intereatlag MtMt* O* <MI II ma? t? w?fH M U?tv? N; Htwi ITALIANS PRESSING ON TO TRIESTE Scenes In Trleftta, the Austrian city on the Adriatic which (he Italian advance In the valley of the Isonxo threat ?ns The Servian orthodox church and other hnlldlnga are and. Inserted, la the railway station. Met To Discuss Y.M.C.A. Project Meeting Held VwUfdaj k( Court Houwi. No Arttoa Taken. <V?m mittee to Walt <m Mr. llragaw. V b A moetlng of th* executive oo re mittee of the "CoOmnnlty Yj. M.'C. A." pro)eet wan bald yesterday af ternoon at the odurt bouse. The proposition was affaln thoroughly discuased and wltk each discussion additional plans and methods of pro cedure are outlined. There appears to be Ivo question now but that the matter will be carried through in Washington. No definite action was taken n the meeting. It'befog deemed advis able to await tMk' ?torn of J. <3. Uragaw to ibv ?fty. Itfr. Braga.fr if> at present in San Frandaoo. He has been appointed a member of the executive committee. In the meantime. It waa decided to talk over the matter with all of the leading resident? of the city In order to keep up Intorest In the proposition and obtain ituggestlon* rrgardlng tho work. Mr. Huntington met with the com mittee yesterday. He has returned to Charlotte. Pinetown Routs Grimesland. T earn Won n Doable SntnnU), Taking Pirnt fiamc by Hoot* of M-IS ami Srflonil, .VS. Pinetown and Grlmesland met ln| mortal combat on the diamond Sat urday afternoon In a double-header which resulted In the complete rout ing of (he Grtmesland aggregation and the triumph of the Plnebnwn forces. The latter won both gamea. risking the fhrRt by the score of 13-5 and the second, 5-S. H. P. Webster of thin city, took part In the atruggle. Joining the Pinetown forces. He waa hailed aa the Anl lime Rodatua at the conrluaVon of ?he affray, which Is Latin for "some WORK HARD EOR A LOCAL BALL CLUB FLEMING PARK HAS IIRKN PLOUGHKD UP AND PUT IN SHAPE. TO RAISE FUNDS LumW In lYomlaed for (?nindxtjuid. Uavcbftll Equipment Hm Al ready Been Ordeml. Krom present Indications it ap pears that Washington la going to have a baseball team after all. The diamond at Fleming Park has been ( ploughed up and a number of load* of clay have been unloaded on the field and will be rolled down, put ting the field 1n bettsr condition than It has ey*r been In Cheat protector, gloves, bats snd halls and other paraphanaP.a havo been or dered and are expected to arrive In a ahort time. The Eureka. Mossj and Kugler--mills are reported as having expressed tholr willingness to contribute^ lumber for the con duction of the grandstand. It la also believed that the Peaufort I Ccunty Storage and Warehouse Co. will allow the use of some i/t the elajr on their propel for addl'jlonal improvement on the field. * A petition iv111 be circulated a ronng the merchants of the city within the next few days In order thnt funds may be raised for the building of the grandstand It Is rxpected that the contributions will he liberal, as most of the merchants have expressed themselves sa being heartily in favor of Wval baseball. Challenge* have been received from Ayden, Plymouth and other cltlna. Gameg will be achedu1*^ Just as soon as the field Is In play ing condition. Oscar Brothers snd John Hamil ton left this morning on s visit to Norfolk. Dr. Cadman Stirs Audience Kl<M|u*nt IA>rturv Given Night H the Local (Imuuuqnu Fint<nAlniiM>nt. Reverbrant with gall.amblc elo quence and a hypsopbyilary otnni corpora! depth of feeling. tbe micro cosm leal and percutaneous addreai, delivered at the Chautauqua last night by 'Dr. a Parkea Cadman, proved a veritable pedoirophy .o lyachnoacoplc technique. All of which mean? that I>r. Ca?! man made a b.g hit with the au dience last night In hia lecture on "Modftrn Babylon." Take Henry Ward Beecher'? practical knowledge of human nature, the eloquence of William Jennings Bryan and the fore? and wit of Hilly Sunday, mix them all together, aud you have Dr. Cadman. Although hi* lecture wait an hour and a half In length, hts audience never Inst interest fo a second. He has proven one of th? beet attraction* of the Chautau qua 90 far. Elmer Crawford Adams' perform ance on the violin was another fea ture of laat night's program and for a time It looked as if Mr Adams would have to remain on the plat form for the reel of the evening. *o vociferous was the applause which ! rewarded his every selection. Miss I Magulre's singing was also well re ceived. The evening's program was an exceptionally good ono. Establsh Home For Friendless l/>c?l American IImvu?* Worker* to Aaalst Ht ranger?? anil Other? in Xp?l of Help. The local representatives of tha American Rescue Workers are en deavoring to ?etabllah a home In Washington tor slrangers and per sona who are llnancially unable to secure lodging They have Issued urgent requests that the citizens of Washington cooperate with th*m and lend their assistance by donat ing clothing, old furniture and what ever eontrl but Ions they are al?le to make. ' "It will aid us In trholterlng homeless hoy or girl." said Captain J fl. Oosaett this morning, "and It 1s our aim to rare for the friendless. No one knows when some of their boy* and girls mat r.efcd aaalstance and we hotfe that the readmits of Washington will be g'tierous with their aid." A postal card, add rested to Cap tain Oossett In this ci'y. will be ap preciated Any articles that the clt Ifns of Waahlngton may care to glvw, will be railed for Hew Facta About Cenoer. ? atudy of 1.000 <msaa of oanoer ?f the mmarh reveela the fact that thta dlaeaae claims more men than womaa aa Ita victim? and that It o^evra neat frequently between the ag s of forty and alxty year* Ulcer of the atom 4ch, on the other hand. art>*?n moat frequently between the a|ti of twen ty and forty years. In ever ?0 per eant of the oaaee of oaooAr heredity "GOOD TASTE" 'RYSTAL ICE CREAM DELICATE IN FLAVOR v SMOOTH IN TEXTURE. Delicious, Substantial and Wholesome. Fresh Peach Today. TRY IT. Crystal Ice Company PHONE 83 WASHINGTON, N. C. HOME Building And Loan Association Will Open a New Series Ju'y 3rd. IN. Call at Banking House of Savings & Trust Company For Booklet Explaining It. ADVANCE OF TEUTONS GOES OH Al'STRO-OERMAN PORCK8 Alt* t'UWIKG IX OX LKMBKRO. EMPEROR WTLJ.I AM 18 CON NOTING THE CAMPAIGN. FRENCH GAIN I- nuaual Violence Ooinn On. Turkish Forced Have Tnkra Off^naive. PKrofcrad Admit? Ixmmi. Lon<f>n. Judo 22.?Auaf ro-Oer man fore?-? are closing Jn on Lem berg. capital of Galicla. The Gor man war office today announced the capture of Raw* Ruska, thirty-two mile? northwftst of the city. Km poror William 1? at the eastern front directing the campaign, which his central* believe is near a successful conclusion. " "?*> FVfnch Are Sncwfnl. Further French succoeeee In Northwestern France! north of Ar riw an well as in Lorraine and in the Voage* were reported today by the Paris war office In Lorraine the '*an'ur? of the Herman Wrst lini positions for a distance of nearly a mile I* claimed. The fighting was of unusual violence. Turlc?* Tnl.e Orfmaive. The TurV1?h force on Galllpoli neninstila took the offensive yoater dav ap>l an official announcement from ^onatan'ir.oplo says heavy Iobf?? wpr? In flirted on the Franco nrlli'h left wl ne. The sllles were -nmpeiied to chance their position and later a bombardment ara Inst ?be new line* silenced the allied artillery. Victor** Is Reported. Rer'.ln and Vienna record a series ?*f successes still unbroken in the Galiclan campalrn Tho lat<at re port from A ustrtftn headquarter?! nnnoun^K s "new and .complete victory." The Russians. however, ?till a**e fleh'ing obstinately on the I'.ne of the Wererorcs river In the rer'on of Orndek. a Short distance west of I.ember*. Pctrorrrnd \dmlt Pefroernd admit? the Anstro. Herman force* have mud" a fur "'*t ad'*^nee fn ?Ve Dniester dl? trirt. nnd nor'h of Lemherr Th? Teutonfe nllle? ar" clo^n,,. (n 'erloiialv Hireatenlne Rnaslan pos ?'??lnn of the dlv / The Fr'-nch and ItrlHsh are Veen l*?r nr a con 11 r> no 11? offeq?1ve In the t ,? Tta-see and Arm? districts of Northern France, in T.nrra'ne and fn the Vosges. wllh varying for tun?*. On fh#. Tfnrjnr frf>nt h*d whether 1? Interferlnr wlrh operat'ons. 'THAnidF tv tomorrow VTOFTT. The Vor Th'**re ?>111 hav? to. '"o-mw nfrht bb ?vein sive comedv nfeht. Ths? world's famon* ?creep '?"rnedlsn. Charlie Chanlln. will h? oKowr> ?n *'Vn reel fpalnre entitled. "*?!? Vew Job." Which la on* enn '"nnon. stream from harlnnlng to "?e end All neTt week th?- ho?a~ ??111 offer their na'ron? a MnMeal ?"omedv Komethinr OMf nf oTdl -??rv kind, and ona that will e? ?alnlv nleasre Week after next thav ^?111 have a Stork romnnny hare "Wf 'he enttre weak rlvlnr a new and | -omelet* T?lav each nlghf. Roth of e^mnanlea thonrh different i ?he k'nd of nisva ?h?v preaenf. will ha the beat that ha* aver bean here I New Theater TO-VffJHT. Af*RO(^ATTUT> 1HT,MR 3 -RlUWTfl?S WFTTNWTOAY OTOHT "Corner <N1Ht*' CH ARCTIC OHAFIJN ??mu NWW TOW." h TiTi N wXT WFBR ?H1JBCAI, COttmtT"

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