HINGTON DAILY NEWS ?^ inQwlMSH-Mt teeWlt. D lalBUhlnc Nortkwwt wl?4< "* ^*4 7 -J WASHINGTON N. C. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON JUNE 23 WIS ??I* LOCAL CREDIT VNION NOW ASSURED KXr IN 35 HAVE SGNED That local aKihuu trt heartily a fhvor of formlag a Credit Union. "*? ?tllaed at a mm saoetlng of. the Chamber of Commorea. It ehown by tha number who t?t attaad tha oca tract of orgaalsaMaa durta* tha laac two waaka. w. >, Halry, tha local repfeaen ~ Meceaatll. Credit I In , eiplala 1? tha propomtloa to tha* had na prti? their stcaetaree to tka con- < *aeet. Ottr VI local merchants have *aad th.lr atmet to tha oontract and all hare npinid thsmaslvas aa b*l"? ?"eetly pleassd with tha pre dated plan. It takes only twenty tea aamea to aaaara the orgentsa ^aa of tha Credit Union Mr. Henry win probably visit Oreeavllle. Bel haraa aad other dtlae la thla Mo tion aad 'eallet tha merchaata of thoaa place* la the movement. Atuijltf to reports riven out this aoralac, tha Credit Union will be formally organised nest week at a special meetlai which Is to be held la tha Chamber of Commerce roeme by latereetail partlee. On aonsaat of Chaethuqul and other attractions la th? city at prcocnt, It waa decided to Jefi- positive ac tion tn the matter aatll all of the merchants ooeld attend the tteeMac. -Mm) Tea" Causes Arrest Jolee Oray. colored, was brought a? lata court yesterday afternoon, charged with making Intoxicating liquors. Oray was alleged to hare compounded a quantity at what le kaowa aa "meal tea,- which. If si lowed to etand long eaongh. pos s'ises the qealltlea for rendering a man hilariously Joyful and o neon trollably happy. Ha explained, the eHaatloa la ooart and was released upoa payment of ooets. ' KNJOV HA VRI IIS. Mlas Bertha Busman gave a hay ride to a aambar of her frh-nds Is? night In honor of har guests. Mlsees Hslene Coin. "MegglettV rinkcl Mela aad flam Oohn, of Ooldsboro. The oocasfoa waa a most enjoyablt oae. Rafraahnamta were Served tf tor tha ride at ?The Palms ? Thaaa present were Tholms M-yo. Addall OTtrlsa, AthaUe Tayloe, Slna Tayloe, Mary RhothA. Dorothy Browa. Helen Hadaell. Blossom Hndnell. Rita Warren, Grace Jones, ?Use Ballard, Mary Belle Ricks, or Fairmont. ? C.. Lewie Busman. Uoyd tewla, Oeorgt Howard. Mack JtotMaa, Jaok Warren. Whltlag V Ilk saner. Cotrr Teahscd. Brace Taakard. Setk Cordon. ChsrUe Hard Inc. Char lee DaUey, Frank Blaa 1, Wlllla Freak Freemiui, Joeh Rftode-t, ad Teas Oathaa. i were Mlsaee Mary Wat aaT *ed Latham loses , POPULAR Silent Play" THEATRE Tha muiMO Is Washington's SUM aorta thsatre Join tha TOOAY, a two-part detactlre story, "mm No. 111." featarlag Louise Vala, -Franklin Rltehle, ?retchea Hart man and Alios Hale. ?Tha Stage Coach Driver aad tha ?liV' ? wsatera drama, teeter!ag that wall known To* M hi Bernembar iHmtftM SATURDAY, Mstlaee aad fl*ht. - The Belimo. WOULD FORM GOOD ROADS ASSN. J. D. GRDQH MAKES EX AID ROAD WORK thM Reafckmia Report Oga dlUoo of Roads to All Pvti of du County. A "Good Roads Association/' composed of interested parties In. Washington and outlying districts, Including ?very part of the county, I? the suggestion of J. D. Grimes, of thla city, as an aid to the general improvement of the road? In the' county. Mr. Grimes views on tho matter ane as follows: "There is no question but that our roads In the county need im proving, and I believe that every realdent ought to do his utmost in lending all the aaalstance he can In putting t be roads In flr?t-cla?m shape I believe that the forming of an as sociation, having for its object the betterment of Beaufort county roads, would be an incentive for added in-, terest In the work and would sol much good along thia line. ?* "It would not Jbe necessary to [ have any regular ^association at first Let each person in the county, who 1? interested in improving the roads, I consider himself a member of the association. Further steps of organ Iratton may be taken at a labor date. But a eocretary should be elected and all members of the association should make it a point to report to him the condition of the different roada they may happen to traverse throughout the week. Then I would suggest that the aecretary send these notes in to the Dally News and that the paper publish thrcn. In this way the people could be kept Informed a? to the general shape of the road* a?d the road commissioners In the d'ffarMRt ^atrleu would the^ necessity of taking some a&foa In Improving the reads which are un der their jurisdiction. "It seems to me that this *ouUi be of material assistance to the good roads agitation and it would show that everyone? is Interested In the betterment of the roads." "I understand that Greenville Is going to do considerable work to the roads 'n Pitt county In order to Induce as many of the farmers, llv Ing U'tween here and that city, to tako their tobacco .there. New Bern is also agitating good roads. There arc a large number of fawners, who caA haul their tobaco6^to either Greenville. Nsnr Bern or Washlnp tbn and their action will be largo'y influenced by the oondltion of the roads. If "Washington hopes to have a large tobapo market this year, it is thne that we did all In o^r power to lmprovie the roads In our section. The road from bere to C! ooowlnlt;/ is an Important project, and. in my opinion, should be at tended to lirst.,Kv Examination to Be Held Here Will B? HeM to Fill Vacancy In I'mttlon of Fourth-4 Iamh Poat maatcr at Hurry. Th? United States Civil Service Oommlaaion announce? tbat on Sat urday, July 2 4th. an examination wMl be Md at Waahlngton. N. C., M a reeult of wl)leh It la expected to mat* certification to All a con templated vacancy In th? poeltton of fovrth-elka* postmaster at Sorry. N. C.. -"and other racanclea aa they may-occur at that office, unleee It aball he decided In'the Inter?? of th? service t? Ml the vacancy by re instatement The compensation of tka poatmt4t?r at thla office was fits lor th* laat Meal year. nunK 8krkmjri,y nx. Milled jtevllle, O?.. Jan? It.?l?o M. Frank W now under the prison phyalelan bara. HI? condition was declared to be too aarloua for him lo be aant to tka (leid. to work with other pfiaokera for a weak or More. The heart at Ik* afan|i aaa laka? abaat ? AreelinaaadU af rait of ?liaUlaHj at iwry beat. m iMtrameot eaoeltlv. Mft ta *h?? **-???* $729 PLEDGED FORTAUQUA NEXT YEAR * ' ' ? ' ? AUDIENCE LAST NIGHT BAUER THAT imlllUUMf BE CONTINUED. , ADDRESS MADE Judfc 8U)|)lwn C. Bragaw M?de Ex. cell east 8peecb. Urging tbe ?op port of ChMUnqu in This City. pledged at the Chautauqua perform- 1 aace last night for next year's event. 1 A number of additional guarantors bane signed the list. The prospects, from a financial (standpoint, are ex ceedingly bright for the continua tion of this form of instruction and entertainment In Washington. Judge 8tephen C. Bragaw made a moat forceable and Impressive ad dress at the Cuautauqua last night. Hi* stated that while the guarantors had never made the slightest com plaint regarding the deficit which they were compelled to.makje up, it was neither J oat nor right that the Chautauqua should oontinue, unless !t met with the staunch support and appreciation of the public as a whole The large number who sIgntfHl the pledges testified to the fact that | Judge Bragaw's words had made a I deep impression and that the public*, were willing to give their support ' to thro continuance of Chautauqua in this city. BIO SWAMP \EW8. We aTe having some very warm wMthir now and farmers are busy tilling the ?olL R. A. Singleton, of this place, at tended the Chautanqua at Washing ton Saturday afternoon. Sirs. C. M. Beaachamp, and Miss Annie Chauncey visited Mr?. W. S. Woolard Monday. Wiley Woolard and Sjmoa -JacK^ son went angling one day last week and carried home a fine hunch of disappointment. Mesdames Fannie Beaurhamp and Herman Jackson visited Mrs. Claud Woolard Saturday afternoon. The reason that the people around here have so many disappointments angling is because the boys hp been In ewlmmlng bo much they hove washod all the Ash ashore and they died on dry land. Asa Singleton was a visitor at the home of Thad Jackson Sunday night. Miss Martha Ball, of Cedar View, made a pleasant visit near Old Ford one day la?t week. Little Chaitle Woolard Is spend ing this we^k with her aunt, Miss Mlntie Raw Is. Mr. and Mrs. Hardle Jackson were visitors at the home of R. A. Sin gleton Sundayr? Reception to Mrs. Pickett VeUrtiu and Wives, Daughter? of Confederacy and ("hUdrco of Confederacy Urged to be PrwKut. 1 All membeYs of the Confederate veterans. Daughters of the Confed eracy and Children of the Con fed - cracy are urgently requested to at tend the Chautauoua performance tomorrow Afternoon and meet General Pickett, to whom a recep tion wlfl be tendered Immediately after the performance. Mr?. Btephea C. Bragaw. leader of the Children of the Confederacy, ha* issued a special] request that all member? be present and enjoy tly jrlvtlege of meeting Mrs. Pickett. WHOIjRHAI'K filWKTKIW WIliL CliOSR JULY 5?h. The 4th of July falling *>? Sunday this year, we the undersigned whole sale merchants agree to dose our places of business the entire day of Monday, July 6th. E. R. Mlxpn A Co. C?rollna# Distributing Co. James Rllteon "h Co. Klllaon Bros Co H.. M. Jenkins Oo / Pippin A Woolard. C. 0. Morris A Co m. ?. Phillips. ^ m. inmm NAVY "OFFICERS GET DEGREES AT COLOMBIA i?00*? *7<,uat" of the naraI ?t Annapolis, tava been taking couraaa at Columbia unl reraity and af* marching from the ererclaos at whleb they received their degreea Orphans Give Entertainment WH1 Be Given at High School Audi torium on Friday Mght. Tlio Public la Invited. A clam of children from the Odd Fellow?' orphan home at Goldsboro will be Id Washington Friday night and will Tester an entertaining pro gram. coslstlng of songs, recitali-f s etc. " The public In cordially invited to be present and hear the exer cises. The entertainment will be given at the high school auditorium, starting promptly at eight o'clock. A large number of children are at present being cared for at the or phan home and good work Is being done by this Institution. It la hoped that a large nsmber will be at the auditorium Friday night to o*e what the chlldre nhave accomplished and what ^tey are being taught. cHAKLiis cHAftnr r*? "HIS JTEW JOB." Tonight at the New Theatre the world's famous screen comedian. Charlie Chaplin, will appear la a two reel feature entiled, "His New Job,'? which Is onn contiguous scream from beginning to the end. There will also be one reel Vita graph comedy entitled, "Breaking In.* If you wish to laugh then at tend the New Theatre tonight. In jrder to accommodate their patrons that wish to see this picture the New Theatre will stay open uu tll after the program at the Chau tauqua Is over tonight In ordeK lo give them a chance to see this splen did comedy program. So attend the Chautauqua, and then go to the New Theatre afterwards. Tomorrow night there will b" shown war pictures In this house aa well as other pictures. PRAYER MEETING TONIGHT Prayer meeting -will be held to- j night as usual at the Presbyterian church. The services will be only] half an hour In length?from S 8:3? There will be no prayer meeting | tonight at the Baptist church. Regular prayer meeting will b*| held tonight at the Christian church. There will be no prayer meeting! at the Methodist church tonight. ASKS ASSISTANCE FOB YOUNG LADY. Capt. J. D. Gossett, who 1b In charge of the local -work of the American Rescue Workers, stated this morning that hr> had found a, younj, lady in the cltjr who Is ae rlouslv til and Is expecting to go to the h >sp!tal for an operation. Cap-1 tain Go*sett added that the young lady has no suitable clothing, and while she doesn't auk for charity, he is f-Ddin-orlng to provide gats.?*nts for h*r. He urgently requerta thoee ladles of Washington who are ab'.> to assist him. to send him a carl and he will call for whatever th 1/ may be able to give In the way of clothing to aid this unfortunate wo man. Empound Dogs Under New Law Owneps Paid Pin?? And Obtain? d Animal" Afain. One Make? II? Escap? from the Pound. Several do*s have been found on the streets of the city and have.l beep empounded by the police since ? he new dog law went Into effect last Friday. Animal? helongin" to Joo Buckm&n, Olenn Walters and Dick Neal were roped In by the of ficials during the last few days. Their owners called for the dogs and paid the one dollar charge. A dog belonging to CaptH'o Charles was nabbed by the pallc* yesterday and wan empounded. Evi dently the canine had more senso than he was given credit for fi?r wl?At: ihc- police looked for him a little later, they found that he had broken Jail. I f BRIDEGROOM RACK AOAIX. A U. Worth, of Elizabeth City, who recently Joined the ranks of the Benedicts, and who has JuBt r? tuitned from his honeymoon '.rip, was In the city on a brief visit to day. Mr. Worth ia ,n Washington and exceedingly popu lar. He and MY*. Worth visited Atlantic Olty. New York. Albany.] Qwbeck, Montreal. Toronto. Niagara Falls, Philadelphia and a number of other citieir and points of Interest. ? Band Concert Well Received Excellent IVognun Rendered b> ? I (Allan Ma?irianN. Lfcturc an I ttlngcra Tonight. Colangel/j Italian band and or-1 chetrtra ren*ii>ied a mc?i enoyable , musical progrcn. at the Chautauqua I tent and in the minds of many this was one of the best number* rhnt has so far be^n produced on the , Chautauqua program. The singing of Slgnorina Ruth Elliott was prob-1 ably the best that t ha? been heard i here since the Chautauqua rame | here, with the poaaible exception of ^ the selections rendered by Miss Kreda LaVlness, -who was in Wash ington on tho opening night. Montaville Flowers, in an interest ing Ja^turo and the Boston Oratorio Singers, will be the attraction* nt the teat tonight. j M US. GILES QUOTED I\ GREENSBORO NEWS. An Interesting f^^plo of how news Items become mixed up. is I shown in th?* following Item, taken j from this morning's Greensboro ' News: I Kinaton. June 22?"I was taught I by the Bible that man should rule' ?over woman I believe It's true, be-J cause God knew It would make it easier for h/r not to have the car* of home and state loo It is too much. I believe she should be shielded from the rougher, sterner element? of life, it make? her bel ter and kinder." Mrs. M. E. Giles, president of the , Washington, N C.. W. C. T. U . had Just attended a liquor trial, along with a delegation from the union and pastors of the town. The trial resulted In a hung Jury. "History traches that when the men of Greece and Rome berame ef femlnate It was the beginning of their downfall. There Is no history of the oountry where tfy* women be came piaf?cullne, although we have that condition In a measure today here." Mrs. Giles stated ShP thought the trial was a fairly conduct"*d one. "I am not a suffragette," , she said. "but. If I attend piany more 5 quor trials I shall be tempted to dn better than flie honorable Jurors In | this rase." Mrs. Giles once referred to the Jurors as sorry. It Is *ald l.hr majority of the Jury was for the acquittal of the defendant An Eaiy Choice. ntshop Han ford Olmsted said at a dinner party: "The charge that the church Is gov erned by mercenary motives Is nn Insidious one. I think this charge wag beat answered by the prison chap lain. "A chaplain wng addressing a con gregation of prisoners, many of whom had given more than one proof that they were profiting by hla visita. But there was a certain rough brutal-look ing fellow who always scoffetf anrt sneered. And today this fellow, when the chaplain greeted him, said: " 'No, I don't want to shake ^ands with you, parson. Tou ??nly preach for money/ "'Very good, my friend; have 1? ao." the chap.art answered. I preach for ironey. You steal for money. God chooae between us.' ** The success of the oat m la ^ the hands of the farmer. Work for the beat and .ha best* will rise up and reward you Tenant farming la Jus' one thing altar another without a . .?t da*. "GOOD TASTE" fRYSTAL ICE CREAM DELICATE IN FLAVOR SMOOTH IN TEXTURE. \ Delicious, SubstantiaI and Wholesome. Fresh Peach Today. TRY IT. Crystal Ice Company PHONE 83 ? WASHINGTON, N. C. HOME Building fcnd Loan Association Will Open a New Series Jlily 3rd. COME IN. Call at Banklhg House of Savings & Trust Company For Booklet Explaining It. GERMANS ARE CLOSING OH TEUTONir FORCES ARK NOW OKLY TEN MIL.K.N PROM CITV. FALL, OP LEMBERG 18 EX PECTKU WITHIN A DAT OR TWO. GREAT BATTLE Fierce Fighting Going on la Vkiatty of Ajtm. Maj Decide Fat? of Frances Italians Ar* Claiming Sac London. June 2S.?An unofficial message from Berlin says the Rus sians have been defeated all along their line in front of Lemberg. Qa Hcia. and now are fighting for time to eave their guns and other war materia.]. According to tt^?s <tu* patch the Austrian* and German? are ten miles from I*mberg. Fearful Loaae? in Wtat Wireless dispatches from Berlin represent the battle wliich ha? been in progress for some timr- in the vicinity of Arras. Northern Franee. hp on eof the great conflicts of the war, ^hlch "may decide the fate of France.'' losses of both the Ger mans and the allies ar*? described as fearful, and one eight-mile stretdh of field, from Arras toward the Bel gian border le said to be covered v. * t h corpse*. The official French and German statements today give few details of this battle. The Paris announce ment concedes that the CfcvmaiMi captured a .section of a trench at one point, but asserts they were re pu i sed' elsewhere. Tlv Berlin state ment mentions no important fight ing. Four More Vessels Sunk. Four more vessels have been sunk by submarines and In one ca?? ?the British Hteamer CariBbrook?? thirteen men of the crew are un accounted for. The Carlsbrook. en gag* d In transatlantic trade, waa sunk by gunfire from a German sub marine. A large Turkish steamer i>nd two Turkish stalling vessel* were torpedoed In the Black flea by Russian submarines. Fall of Lemberc Krpected. Advice* from Austro-lfungary headquarters In Gallcla attribute the n-*cent decided euccesnee of the Austro-Oerman forces to their superiority in artillery. The fall of T.emherg Is expected in a day or two. TtallMnn Claim Mnrrwivn. Thr? battle of Plava, on the Isonso front still Is In progress. the Aua trlans making repealed efforts to drive the Italians back across the -river. An official Rom" communlca ? 'on save then? attempts have j failed Elsewhere along the Italian i front l-*s Important engagement? i are occurring, with small succesgea [Claimed by the Ttsllnas. I A DEMGHTFTT, SOCIAL. ~ *. fflnecial Correspondent) "* Thursday from fi:3n to 7:00 o' clock. Miss Lena Rivers Jones gars j a Polly Ann Social at the home of | Mrs. T A. Brooks. Balh. N. <!. A' I while -w-s? spent In fancy sewing and embroidering After Interesting I contests and music, delicious -re freshments were aerved. Among those en}oylng the hospitality of Miss Jones were Misses Ethel Adams, Pearl Adams. Audrvy anri TTallle Brook?: Retha Burbage, Eva Gur ganus. Mary and Georgia Marsh. Bu sle flam'ver. T,nta flklttlethorpe. Wil lie nelle and Mildred Wlnfled, Alios Whitley. Elsie Mae Foreman. New Theater TO-YIOHT. CHAR ME CTHAPT.rN ?In? "ijilR NEW JOB." v 2 R?eiii "TOUCAKUW DT' 1 Ml VltAirrftph TOMORROW NIGHT "HBAR8T-0HLZO WW t? PHfimrm,

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