S8*fe* VOCAL H*Wg>HAN *X7 OTHW PAPIB B TUX STAT* ? ????? i DAILY NEWS WEATHER?Fair ttftltht. D Imlolrtlnt \orihw??l winds. WASHINGTON N. C- THUt^VV AFTKKNOON JUNE 24 1915 ^ Mo. 1? TWO BUlLDINtiS OOMPIJBTELY \ DESTROYED; OTHERS DAM* AUKD BY FL.CMES WHICH BROKE OCT SHORTLY A ITER DINNER. BUCKET BRIGADE DOfeS SERVICE Difficulty in Securing fitter. Wuth lngt< n Fire Department Callctl t'pon for AmliUnce. Flame? Now I'nder Control. Fire this afternoon threatened the destruction of the entire town of Edwards. Four buildings wore damaged by the flames, two o*f then; being burned to the ground. The entire population of the little vil lsge was convertrd into a bucket brigade and toiled for hour? In thr attempt to subdue the fierce b'aze. After considerable work, the fire was put under control. , ..TlU^flr') was flr?t discovered ir the upper story of L. C. Tripp? store. This buJIdlng was turned trt the ground. The flames spread to Dr.* Oswald Kafer's residence, nex* to the store and th!v. was also com pletely destroyed by Are, very little of the furniture being- craved. It D understood that no insurance wo carried on either these building* Mr. Tripp's home al*o- caught tr. firo. but the flames were put out b* forj mr.rh -.vas done Tfi* wards &. Dowdsy'r. store was threat ened ard the "fire <*ausi'd som?* dam age tfcor^ before the buckct brigad" could put it out. The Washington fire deportment was notified of the fire and s-fced to render a*slRtaneo, Chief W ??? flold ordered the steamer lo be lak en out and put on a special t*al*> which was to take :t tr? the sce?i" Of the flre. Before the engine wft 'placed on the train, however, an other phono tnesrawe was received Having that the flre was under con trol. Edwards in located ibotil 23 tnlle frntq this eity. on the Wa~hln>:ton ic Vandemere Railroad. Domestic Science Teacher Elected to Fill l*oslt ion Dur ing Neat Year. IHuh School Faculty Rc-Elccted. Miss Maude MeClees, of Durham, has be'-n electod to fill the position of domestic science teacher in the y Washington high school. Miss Me Clees taught in Washington som? tl?r?o agfl, having in charge tho do mestic science department of th? New Bern and Washington schools. Bhe 4s well known in Washington. It was also sta4ed this morning th?>t alt of last year'? high school faculty would report again for duty at the beginning of the fall term with the exception of Miss Dalrym ple. wtio did not apply fffr work. POPULAR -* 4Silent Play" THEATRE TO ORGANIZE PERMANENT TAUQUA ??.? I'LANNKD TO HA\1 HNGl'LAK MONTHLY MEETING? FX)R ClflLOKKV PLAN DISCUSSED >11otlng of Ixiral Ladlot Held Ye?? U-rday Afternoon nHb MIm Oppcnlander. Tbe formation of e permanent local Jan!or Chautauqua Assoc'a tion, was the subject of discussion at tho meeting held yesterday after noon at the Chiira-.r.ua tent and at which about tweuty Washing: in Utiles were present. Miss Nan Op ptnlander, who Is In chars? of the branch?_of Chautauqua work, made a most Interesting talk at the meet ing sod explained the many bene fits to be derived from tho forma tion of the junior association. "We are endeavoring to form a district In North Carolina and Vlr-i Ktnla," said Miss Oppenlander. "and 'but a lady in charge of the work. It Is our aim to get twenty cities Interested in the proposition. The lady superintendent will then visit each city once a month, holding meetings with the children In play, tell them stories and advis? the mothers' and teachers In plans of recreation for their children. "The cost of this project Is very moderate. It nniounts to $65 for ?janh city. Tho children's contribu tions of flvo or ten cent* and the pro ceeds of a little play, which will be riven at the close of the year'? work, will easily cover the erpsnae." Those of the ladles who w?ro nresent at the meeting were enthu siastic over Miss Opper'andcr's plan nnd while no formal action was tak ?n, It Is believed tiiht Washington ?*UI accept tho pr'tTOSt'.lnn. Another . meeting of the mothers will be held ?n the noar future. Mirt.OppenUnder left, this aora for Wilson?" wliTe she will be ??latforin superintendent at the "hautauqua Ihere, Anti-Typhoid Work Propresses Cani|ialpi 1? HoominK in North ampton County. Many Have Applied for Treatment. Kajelgh, N. C.. June 34.?The antl-typhold campaign is on in earn rtt. It 1h booming up in Northamp ton county. Th? first day the dl?-. pon3arles oponed 860 m<"n, women and ch.lldren applied for tho treat ment. ^ Tho doctors report an ex ceedingly hard day's work. Tb'-v were as busy as they could be every minute of the time. Two sets of dispensaries are being operated, on lor the white people and tbe other for the colored. In Wake county 592 people ap plied for the first dose. At Raleigh noarly 50 peoplo Applied before the dispensary doors could be opened, and some twenty or more were turned away aJiopr the dioponsary was closed for the day. Ope sla p'.flcant fact about tho Raleigh' dis pensary was that the first two per sons to apply for the treatment were doctor?." and throughout tho day a total of 16 Raleigh doctois applied for treatment, practically all the other? having already bee* !mniuiilce4. EXPLAIN WHY! * BIDS WERE NOT MADE LOCAL MSROHA.VT^DlHCU88Ef | DIFFICULTIES IX THIS "PAMLICO- CASK. UNEQUAL BASIS New Bern Business Men Have Ad-1 vuU|e of Nq| ibrlo? Co Pay Freight, tofonuatlou Vague mm to Articles. That Washington merchant? were unable to bid on the supplies for the coast guard cutter, "Pamlico,'' ow ing to the fact that details a? to the mature of the goods wanted wtre not stated and on account of being on an unequal footing with the mer chants of New Bern, was the state nent made by one of the local bus .nesa men this morning. "It has been my experience to bid 3n several government propositions of this kind,'' said the merchant, j "and it le only the fellow who Is j on the inside' that can successfully '' hope to contend with those parties ! who have been filling contract? in j the past. The details, a? to the j grade and price of articles desired, |> are very vague and there is really but very little definite information given on. which the prospective bid der can figure his price?. "In the 'Pamlloo' case, this; cr I ter is stationed at New Bern and ?lie government, in securing bids' provisions and supplies, requires the | ??rices to include the chsrgeB of placing tho articles on the deck of ?he cutler. Of course It can readily lje seen that the merchant who is closest to the vessel and who does not have to pay freight charges, has a big advantage over the business j men of other citlce. I am sure that i 't would have been useless? for any merchant In Washington to have ?submitted bids on furnishing sup dios for the cutter under these con-. Iltfcjns:' irtlte'' hotter had been sta-" ?loned-at Washington, It mixht have nut a different light on the propo sition, but even thni, It would have j been hard to secure accurate infor mation as to what was wanted. The men who supply the cutter at pre?- ? ?snt have been d-olng so for many J v*ars past and are acquainted with alt the details." Elks Leave For Convention ltotemilned Kffort to l?r Made to Accuro Next St* to Con root (on for this City. Betweon twenty and twenty-five members of the local B. P. O. Ti. i lodge left early this morning to at-, tend the State convention in Char- , lotte aud also to lend the Influence | of their presr-nco In securing next war's convention for this city. Tb-fy left In a special Pullman car and will return here tomorrow night. Among those who took the trip wrro J. F. Tayloe, 8. F, Burbank, W. A. Blount, Jr., C. A. Little, W. n. Robinson, F. J. Berry, M. N. Ber ry, C B. Sterling, John H. Bonner, Geo. F. Ricks, Hugh Paul, Alien Obauneey, Caleb Bell, W. E. Proc tor, Hermann Carnow, Walter Cra dle, Jim Billion, Will Ellison, John Oden, Hoyt Moore and W, R. Rob inson. Friday & Saturday SpecialsI Arbnoklu CetfM. p*b Ik I l'. ... t ...??? ,Um. ?prth it'o: ??? u>. i?? y 00 Shirt. at . 80c at>r fchlrl* t? ?1 / 40c Mt&LaM3n!it/? Orerall? at Me ihM?' ir ?w*,to y loaf prion? on Shoe? ?n d Dry Ooods. Abo*? pnc*? ar? i iiS? 4Uh fOlf. Regular prtc?? for ail charge account* ? ititim iimitilil,'itilHliiiinint.iiUl.iiHiiHirii.ini; BOM UP VHH SON OF MR. AND ?1? I?. to. STYItON, OF this i. ;rv;'iWAa pound in TUB KlJfiato Tin? MORNING. FELL OVERBOARD Wm U?t 8?S M HI? Kattaer'a Store Yesterday BvfeUng. lSeileved Thai llo leU from Dock In Rear ot JE. H. M lion'* tftore. Ronald StjrrO?, the clne-year-old ?on of Mt. and, Mrs A. K. Stjrrcm. was found drofteed In the Pamlio^ river this morning at about eight o'c^ck by wen who had started dragging tbe river thcr? for his body. E. R. Mlxon. C. G. Morris and Mr. Miller, wen- among those who were engaged In hunting for ,the body and who were present when It waa discovered. The boy waa l*st aeen In hl9 ?father's store at about ?even o'clock yesterday evening. It Is supposed that he went ar^lind to the rear of E. R. Mlzon'a afcoro on the river front and fell overboard. Hla par ents became alifmed over his ab sence last night iand a thorough search was mads this morning. The thoory was advanced that ho might have fallen Into the river and sev eral men at oncs'began prodding a long the docks to see whether they could locate (M,' body. A negro, with a fish 11ns, to which were at tached neveral book*. Anally found Jt alongside of Jh?.dock in the rear of Mr. Mlxon's aiotf. The boy was unable to awfcm. Iti)* -olothss were -fotm* on -tbwbodf when- -tt was brought to the ssrface of the water. The body baa been carried to the home of the parents. Chautauqua Ends Tonight "Man From Home" t*> he I*re?entor I tisements. and wish to take the a1*, vantage of same. Any young ludv cutting out this ad. and briugirg with it one new silver dollar. wlJl g"t one dosen of our nice dra^l postcard pletsres. This only giod 1 !or tomorrow. Friday. I BAKER'S 8TUTMO "GOOD TASTE RYSTAL ICE CREAM DRLICATF. IN FLAVOR SMOOTH IN TEXTURE. Delicious, Substantial aWd Wholesome. Fresh Peach Today. TRY IT, Crystal Ice Company IWOWfe ffr .. WASHINGTON, N. C. HOME Building And Loan Association Will.Opena New Seri?? July 3rd. COMF, IN. Call at Ranking House of j; Savings & Trust Company For Booklet Explaining It. AUSTRIANS REPAIRING BRIDGE IN GAUCIA Aiulrlan troo|>F at work rri>a1r'.ng a bridge on the Gallclan slope Carf;'.ili:acs *i.lch I?.*U been blow? up by the retreating Ruralana Odd Scene Witnessed By Pinetown Citizens Surry Parker Gives Interesting Account of Actions o/ the Fish in Woods Swamp. Ldltor Daily Now?. Dear dir; The writer bad a rather unusual experience recently, which l?c be lieves may bo of interest to ttouie of your reader?, especially those wht ere Interested in fleh and the.: habits. Wo are now making a new road 01 Acre Bridge, where thore is. af ter a heavy rain, a ford about 900 .'eot loug in tho county road. l*ast week, while at tliis polni, planning the work of eliminating this ford with Mr. JiodguH. auporlnUudtyit of. thr road force, Burton Osborne, of >?iear Plnetown, came over to where we were standing; and offered to show us something of a tuost un usual nature. We fo'lowed him to a point in the ford about two hundred fert from v here we bad been Standing jyad saw h vrjyr largo black fish.^jjx^CJrlnnel" n ?. ho called ltT~-ttr~was complete) surrounded and coverod by a black j in h sb , which a]ipear> d tu h*4 just dark j Krass or R^methlnR of that sort. but which, upon closer examination, I proved to be a mass of small flirh I swimming along up tho swamp very ?lowly. Clone on tbelr trail was a S Hugo cat fish, which wan eating up I the smaller fisb aH fast n* It could 1 leather a mouthful. There must have i b en from 5,000 to 10,000 of the ' ?mal) black fish In the lot, oach about j two inches long. The sire of the I ont!re mans of fiali was from 18 20 feet long and from 2 to fi feet wide and fro:? 4 to 8 Inches deep. It. took ihem fully 20 minutes to cro*s th^ county road, which in about 20 feet wijje. T^he old black flsh was about 3 f?et long and the cat flsh. which was destroying the little ones, war. about 18 Inches long and looked like a deep wster fl?h. as It wai very brightly colorrd and not of the dark muddy hue of the swainp "cats." The stream at this point was sot more than a woods iwinp. Th* county road ta or wu lower :han th** flirrounding lands, being worn and washed away through >cars of u*e. and It la supposed that these, nn'i had Jol* tho deeper part of the stream in the center o' the swamp to try and got away from this par ticular catfish which war deatroylug tne little fish as fa*; as it could ?wallow them. We stood on the footway and watched the sight for enme 16 or 20 minite*. 1 Fuppo*? incidents of this nature aewml f r the fact thai such large fl?h are being foand eo 'Nr*""apfm ?ni wptH^nrattp.V-* Verr f nl> yours, SURRY BARKER. Plnetown, N. C. Ward Makes Welkin Ring Made Ht Irving Sprwh I Night, I'l-fring Hnpport of Cltlsens for the (1iBUUai|ua Nml Year. Hon. H. fl. Ward, orator par ex ccllcnce. gave the audience at last night's Chautauqua performance an onjoyable treat when he ascended to the platform a moat stir ring Hpeech. ^nTing the eupport of the peoplj^pr next year'? Chautau qua*. " Mr. Ward a speech-wa* of the kind that an audience need war hut once to remember for a life-time. His delirious tenor voice penetrated to the furthermost corner of the huge tent, and outside f-or ?ever a I hlnokn away One resident of the city, who was sitting on his porch on 'Stcond street, below Harvey, stated | this morning that he heard Mr. Ward distinctly. Th* only error be made was (n thinking, that Mr. Ward was catling upon hell to fire Its support to the Chautauqua. The speaker uaed the word "help" In stead of th* othr* one mentioned. There la no doubt, however, but thai Mr. Werd'a words had the de sired effeat, for a large number of] additional ticket# were purohased and guarantors secured, fie was aeeorded vociferous (good word) applause upon the eonclualon of hie addraa?. 105 Signed. Up As Guar alitor s\ tielleir*d That 1.U? WUI Rr Rob Up! to IBS. AddltMnaJ TickMm Hut? IWn P1?dfMl. 105 local ra?n hare alrnH th '? nam** a? guarantor* for a**t y?ar'? r.hidUnn^ Th* Hint t? not yet complete. and U I? th? aim of th* commflttaa In charge to aaeur* at leaat 1SS. Quit* a nnnrtwr of thos* who attended th? Chaataaqoa p+r fermance last night. algned their nama? to the list. Additional Airship*. Seventeen I'rr^mii Wrrr Killed. L/ondon, June 14.?Lemberg, cap ital of Gallcla. baa fallen before the ?iro-German armies which hare ^/?^.-?eeplng across the prorlnee i. . * L0"*? month?. An official annoti. the Austrian hnadquarte. the ctty waa cap tured by the eecond army after a severe battle. Austria ban ri?claimde most of the province of Oalicla. occupied by the Russians early in the war. The fhll of Lemberg bad been expected for several days and was admitted in Petrograd to be imminent. The Russians arc reported to have with drawn most of their forces and sup plies from the city, which waa threatened with Envelopment by the Auetro-German armies advancing from the north and south. South of Lemberg, In the Dniester rug'on, a strip of Austrian territory (.I'll is in Russian hands, and an official Petrograd statement reporta an important Russian victory there after a battle of several days. At Raws Rusk*. 32 miles northwest of Lemberg. and near the Bukowlna border other Ruaslan succeane* are claimed. Italian Reinforcecarati The Italian general star an nounce? the arrival Jaf Important re inforcements for the Aufcrlans alonK the Isonzo front north of the Gulf of Tries?., but declares they were repulsed by Alpine troops In a battle in the Montenero district. Genrvs dSRpstchea Kay the Issllant have captured all tb* positions de fend'rg Mslborgeth and are bom barding the fortress Itself. *?.r. *?l*h Steamer* Captured. Pive Swedish nteamers hound for England with lumber were captured in the Raltic yesterday by German warships. Nitvsl Yards IHvrtroyod. A message received In Berlin from Chr!ntisnla save the nary yard? and arseml at 9onth Shields, on the northeas* coast of England were destroyed by the eppelln raid of la*t week. The caenaltles are placed at sHventeen persons killed snd forty Injured. The official Brit ish account ef the rsld gave the number of dead at sixteen, but did not disclore tho name of the tow? stisoked or the extent of fh# dam age Might Victory fo* A minor French ricterf en th? ? heights of the Mmii" and a defeat in the Vosgea are reported la the ' Parit offclal statement todaf. Oer man attacks in the Arras dlatriet and In Lorraine were reptilsed. Th* Prri rh advsnee in Alaaes was ?ei< t'uatid, leading to eeeupatlon ef the village of Bondernach ea the Pecfct, fHrtvatto? ?f "Cam?#*.* MMr, th? aatflcUad *nrm of tte Uatln oomaadl*, La dartrad froar t h? iraab oomua, a faatlva proeaaatoa, u4 taldanl, to ting. bemrlnf o* ?ba ?4? Minf d?rtat tba ? rwara ?f th? Kut. Tli? daapar tba nit tba bari?? tt It PB t&a vahlola and tha mora It rttarto apaod Find a waar way of doto? ibo aid work, ba a road bulldar and >ot * rot matear New Theater "HBAR3T-8EL.IO NEWS" War PletiWHi 1 OTHER ALJ, NI5XT WWMK } KM PI RK MURKJArL ?HOW l "OLOBB TMItlW