NEWS K300 INSURANCE - i * ?**. ??"Mata? Uu tU *? **'?? ?' ?Wr lll.HI ta ?boot ?,. >?? <* ?ka toa* ? In tataykoa. TO?. of ItMllI Mm OB MOOQBt (If ^??tWdey'e eotltmtlM His ato->? ? "*H *fO)Mtia tfct Iom of hi* il **" *" ?*????* it?r? Im mot Kt ?mi ??iix ffti, tt 1* mpuuHrf tJwt ?f kulUin? Win atart at tw ? RjeatrionTo ?'*? *: Mrs. Pickett _ . Dw IM imiiM ramainad at the ? CtotUiiw taat aflar rimtartar at-] lotm'l |Mhii t* IM Vn. Ooearat Mekatt. Tka raoapUoa w?*| ef m lafonMi mum iu ?m thor oaaklr aatorad te?nwto look a4 nmyi of tki? of port natty to maot m ? tka IMIv w?n at tka Booth ? ' , ' A tmtlttl tomut of rad ul ark*? U?W ? Uw colon ?t Uo Coatadariaf??paa |mWti* to Mm. Maka? br Uw Oaacktdra aafad?r.i. ?a? aad kaatlai a?? towaca Tka raealvlaa llaa eoaalM?d at . Mn Ptokatt. Mtoa Laaa Wlaato*. praaldaat af PaaUao CkapMa, V. r> . rf: Hit Btapkaa Bracaa. taador of ? tka OklMMa at tka CaafadarUT; Mm V- ?*? ?? ?""ak. *? *a? rowia ?a? Mia ?. w. Maltok, a Plata ofaar at tka O. o ? ' Mra Ptokatt wnaanfc karaatl a* deMrhUd witk th? eordiAlltv -til aaartaar atrial ta Mt, '" POPULAR 'Silent Play" THEATR Pa rou think OHAWJR CJIAP U* to faaar? II 70k waat to lai^k aa? aajor rooraalf aaa km tosw Mktarad ta. "W TH PAJIX," ttat ara a? kJ#*tkL*? uur1" ** """ *" m " * , >.1 Axm 11*1. S. Ward Vi?cnsses Suffrage Amen " Si i' Jl to Believe That Colored People Will Show Good Senee m Leaving Election Places and Ballot | Boxee Severely Alone TMr raqueet for mj opinion of the reeolt on our politics la North Ou*Uu it tha late decteion* of the rH?ll tapnu Court atectlnc ih^ Sulrila llMlmit to IM. Conatl tatlon of th? atrerel Botthera State? MMlna this Umr: It eaasot bo Igiwm In compute and accurate detail, of couraa, what aubetitute ?111 be mate lof the prea aat constitution and ttatutaa peru latlm auffrace. became the proceaa ?f poliuce. like erartrhlni ?He. I? oaa of erolutloa One coodltton pro daeea aaotker aaturA came and ef fect. We mn to aea Brat what the att'tude of tkat eletment of oar pop ulation whlfh waa dlafranchlaad by tk? aew CcaatltaUon will be. end ta b? omet aid plain, aee whether wa are to wttaeee renewed elf o ft to omarJaa. aolldUr, and manipulate Ui> rota ky thq now minontr thu aufferod politically by Ita dl'lfi.l ?aaaaat, aa we wltfieeeed In tke nlnatlee. whWb condition IM to the Ita effect! at tka aew constltu ? were ao eurprlalnfly food aar aoclal. lnduatrlal and political condition!, and especially oar aoclal condition. tkat there ila raaaoi. I think. ttr bellere that tha colored people will aaa their latereet In lear Ing politic! to white people and ehow their rood eeae* In 1 earing the election places and ballot boxoa rarerely alone. I do not believe -we need any law to keep excloalrely political slocttoae in the haada of tha white people. The only danger le In tha electleae w lndustrlsl and economic q aaetituii, aaoh aa bond Ertssr^.r-.s,.? It how^rer. we find another rush for the registration books and strong linkup of tha colored brigad* under a white brigadi? or unJ?r Icurt motions racal vadila tha lodge 49* Bight before, as we saw twenty , ran? ago. yoa may pat U down .With all tha aeearanee of atarnal deeUay, tha remedy will he promptly forthcoming, aad this remedy I? the ?hlng you ask me to suggest. I can aaa, 1 think, how we can still lire, and lira wellf'xThere fa aothlag la the decision and cannot of course, u> prevent the 8tate Cram recognising the registration which was made under tha Grand father clause aa a permanent. one aad permitting any person register ed aa It to vote without further reg istration. The Court does not hold that ,thdi registration was void. It holds la iffaet ao mora than that it was ancoaetUutloaal to prevent oth ers from so - registering who could not *o(g pafore 1161, or wftooe an cestors eouid not. The objection i? to tha dUerimtnfeftoa, and there 1? aa qoeaUoalag the right of the ttata *? preecriba a peraaaaent roll of registration vflld at to gll who H, f t follow? (hea that a .aw would, k he aWalgtffr safe tkat aa qalred all mea to read aad write befeee registra 11 ?g to rata and tur tha# pee riding that sitth as regis tered uader the Oraadfsther .clause dead aat raglstar. By this you have literacy tast sqaarsl* aad fairly ?aat*, aad there will be ao die o)? w^u m*? wlw | c^onoi read. In fact, It It bo more than 1? now, tl/e Uw, but to say the [iwl of.jt, it ls, for reason* not necessary to say hare, not vary gen erally so understood I do not see [any hob-goblins myealf. I do not think it will ever again require force or qhlcanery to make good. wUU supremacy in any state of the South, especially North Carolina, and God forbid it should. The New York Times well said editorially: "The determination ?t| the white man if> rule the Ian?' In ! which he lives la not affected by the decision. Wherever that determi nation has been challenged the re sult has been the same." The better fueling between the races In ihtt State consequent upon the new cap tion laws must be more than n^iil fjrlu* W erery good man In ?Jja world. 'B.contemplate it with pro foqnd pleasure., I think of U return to' th,i conditions of the nineties wlthi supreme sorrow, The truth is, thero was last week no race prob lem in North Carolina. It was set tled on the broad line of eharlty and self respect and good ctttsen ship. Nor do I agree with Judge Clark/that we need to* desecrate the sacred ehrlae'- of the home by legia lating the ladles of the State to the ballot box to swell the vote. I think Woman's Suffrage Is rather sllenfced then evoked by the change, if ther.' 4s to be'a change. The white men bf North Carolina can take care vt Its politic* and may be trusted to jo so, without resort to the repul sive course "Of masculinising and vulgarising the p&rlty' and culture and ; refinement of th* State which the Vust and feoTrosjon from oar nat uralness; where we return*after the cosrsenes* of the day's fight is o>4r, co bow, to admire, to adulate, to honor, to love. r "Where we In wonder, bow before them. ? Break Qod's command, worship and adore them." wahd. 110 Guarantors For Next Year\ Expected That Ust Will Be Ran Up | * to '120. All of Old Guarantors ^Signed, Exciting One. r " I One hundred and ten local men | have signed vtheir names as guaran tors for nexlr ysar's Chautauqua. It 13 believed that this list will be run up to 126 in the nest few daya. AH ty! the 'old cuarantora. wltjti one ex ception, f have again 'pledged them* I selves to guarantee the Chautauquu J the required funds for their woek'<*| utay in this city. In 1,914 the fht of guarantor? numbered 80 men. There was a dtflelt of $10. This year, the guar antors numbered 89 men. and ther? was a drtfalt of but 14.19, It Is flrmlf believed tfcat>te Chautauqua will pay for Itself neat year o?t of (IM H??IW Of U?*?U Mid. aiurda Cottaa. Mk 111 A Hlfkoot Or?4. Butter, ?*r It, . Wnw'? lui Hini, )? ft." ,7J ..... U* . r. r. V. Mum, por 1U. ; 90c f Morgas * Onr U^ouldor.. por lb . , It? H.m Bat Pork, per lb 11? riBMt Ptuhn. wortk ???. Mr . l*o Vorr Boot Trig?, worth II?. ?or nw . I?? Far* UN. wortk Ho, por lb lltto Compound Lard, wortk 1?0, p?r lb. .... v .......... l#o . row m**. , ' 1 Oo?fa?4aad U.?0 HblrU ?t ?0o Oatraataad 60c Skirt. .t , r,v 40c Oaaraatoad |1.*0 Or?r*Jl? at ?0. 4aatMtaad Nt at 40c ?orr low ?rlee? on Mora a* d Thy Oaado. Aboro price. .N 'of art only. Rooter ?rtce^for tU ikMo .okoa.U ?" aMjr^" TURKISH WAR PRISONERS ON LEMNOS t of TvkUh prisoners o t war near Madrot. !?!? of L?mno?, theJr *ay from camp to UaS^Tally 'work. WANT STORES TO CLOSE JULY 5TH BI S1YES8 MEN EXPRESS THElIt WILLINGNESS TO GRANT REQUEST. 2-DAY HOLIDAY tVculd Give RnidenU of Wsblng ton Opportunity of Vieltiag Othor CItlM. Whole- ; mit*9 to Cine. A movement I* on foot? imoni acreytl Of Ue merchants oTlie city to close (be stores as 5th. The wholesale grocers bar? already announced their Intention1 of closing their establishments on that day and a number of other bus iness men have expressed, their wilt lngness to do likewise. "I don't believe that there will be much business done on Monday, fol lowing the Fourth." said one of the merchants this morning. "We have always celebrated the Fourth by closing the stores and I don't think wo should make an exception this year. A number of our residents are going to Brlharen on the fifth, others will go to Ocraeoke and very few people will come to Washington. We are willing to close up our store and several others to whom I have broadhed the matter, say that th ere (n favor of closing -up for thr day. "Many persons in the city will dofcbOees want to visit ntly at tempted to violate the State liquor law, was brought lato the recorder s court for trial yesterday afternoon. Right Is alleged to have shipped h (rank of liquor to Washington un der tbo marking of "crockery." He hap asked for a trial by Jury. The caa? will be tried In court on next Wednesday afternoon. Dave Dixon, charged wltb hav;*,K stabbed Will Cox, will be brought up for trial tomorrow afternoon. Dally TheupM. r?7tb oomee lot opes la a Ufotin*. -berefore. let us so aofoy It as tr be ?till young whaa we are i4d-? ? GOOD TASTE" rRYSTAL ICE CREAM Cherry Special?Delicious For Sunday, Older Your CREAM by 6 P. M. Saturday. WE DONT TAKE ORDERS ON SUNDAY. V L j Crystal Ice Company PHONE 83 WASHINGTON, N. C. ; ?-<"? ;T"; , home Building And Loan Association Will Open a New SeriM July 3rd. COM1J IN. Cull at Banking House of Savings & Trust Company For Booklet Explaining It. GOOD ROADS" MEETING AT EDWARDS WAS HELD IN THAT TOWN WEI) NE8DAY NIGHT. WEILL ASTTENDED. $350 RAISED Mewing to be Held mt Aurora Tu morrow Homing /or (pnrpoeo . of Forming airlng of the roads in the conuty. a large dele Kutlon was present from Aurora Will Thompson and T. M. Lawrenc. presided at the meeting and eacl made speeches in ,fa*>r of the good road? movement. The citizens o K d wards expressed themselves a* heartily In favor of Improving the roads through their soction. A meeting will he held at Aurora tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Ai this meeting It Is understood tha^ a permanent good roads association will be formed. Officers will bt ?looted and formal action will b< *aken In the good roads work. Many person? from the country around Aurora are expected to be at th< meeting and It Is believed that a large sum will be raised lor the road work. Intense enthusiasm Is being ex pressed In that section of the count: over the road work and everyone i ?ager for it to commence at ono*. Elks Having A Big Tim( 'onventJoa at Charlotte Grand Hor ; Oreeatabopo. Raleigh and Washington Bid for Next Meeting. Charlotte, Jane 15. ?B?w??r 1000 and 1100 men were In th? pa rade her? ]Mt night which wan thr "nature of th? day at th? annua meeting of the state association North Carolina B. p. o. Elk#. Concord, High Point, lUtolgh Charlotte, Washington, Oreensboro W1nsto?-S?Um and Wilmington had Mg d?legatlonff In the lino of march Concord loading with III mambori. A fMtnra of the parado waa a float r'presenting th* thlp of atate drawn hr the Wilmington delegation. Th* oonwntlon waa welcomed to th? oily mtorday afternoon by May. or T. L. Ktrkpatrlck. In an ad dren' delivered at the opening exercise. In th? Masonic tempi?. A hand con cert and tango dance on the streel# waa wltneaeed by thotiMUids aftor t h? parade ?' The conrenlSon wilt close tonight) eftsr ? program la flatahed that will keep th? ma bnay ?11 dar lUleigh. Or?M*oro and Waete leglen are making atrtmg hide for the n*if m??tlng. Iff RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO RETREAT FALL OF LBMBBRG is BEING POIJ4>w*:i> BY A GENERAL III-SKI.\ \ RETREAT OVER A WIDE FRONT.- . TURKS WINNING H*ve Take? New Of An rive Mure merit. Koven IlrltiMh VrsM*)? Hate ll?vn Hunk by G?r liuui Nubmnrinr. London, June 26.?The fall of l.emberg Is being followed, accord ing to Berlin advices, by a general Russian retreat over a wide front. In the Leraberg district the victor ious Austro-German armies aro said o be driving the Russians eastward, vhlle to tho west the armies of ?2mperor Nicholas are falling back Trom the country northwest of Przemysl near the Russian border ' ud as far north aa the dlBtrlct of Klelce, Russian Poland, about 100 miles South of Warsaw. Berlin dispatches say the Rua slana at L^mberg kept un?their re sistance to the last, their line be ng cut In the north and finally In :Ue center, before the city. Fighting on Italian Front. Fighting continues with varying legrees of intensity along the whole tallan front. An official Rorno communication ?*.ya Austrian attacks at several nolnts wary repulsed, but mentions :io important advnnrcs by the Ital "fc'ns. Appareftliy Vho1 'Invasion of Austria baa b?en checked by the re .?ifoTcenienta?brought?in from laliclan front. Turk* Win Frcefi Victory. The Turkish forcea in t lip Cau casus, which recently have undor '.aken a new offensive, arc said to s.ave won a frc-eh victory. Constun Inopie announces that they cap :urcd positions along a front or learly two mileH in the vicinity of }ltl, the Rustans fleeing eastward. Sink British Shf|>*. Seven British fishing vessels have i6' n sunk by a German submarine iff the Scotch coast. Stoat of the rows were paved. Reports of ypsterdny's fighting'on the Franco-Belgium front Lndlcate hat the battle in the Arras district tias subsided. Along, the r<*mainder 4f the battle line, no important ihangos are recorded Entertainment At High School About fourteen children will tnh# oart in the program which it to fe? rendered foalght at the high school tudftorlum by the class from tta "?<*1 Fellow'? Orphan Horn# af loMrboro. The olais has met with a moit :>rdial reception wharaver *bey have .??en thli season and their program '? rrtrWy one of high merit. A large tnrilepoo la expected tt toatffct'J 'ntertalnroent. BAYS BAKER. If you live In the country at?4 ever have to come to town for anythtu* %nd you need a Utile rest, don't for* wvt we have a large reception room full of chairs, plenty of foo0 cold lee water, lots of beauttfal pictures to Don't forget the invtt* t!on Is free; ooata yon nothing; ]?att be glad to have yon. BAKER'S STUDIO. New Theater TO-NIGHT. Change Program Tonight. DIG 14 DAY COST SALE. LEWIS & CALAIS, Doth Stores: