4GT0N N. C. SATURDAY AFTERNOON JUNE 21 HU ;hiima wants LOCAL BOY FOR ARMY il opportunity to (o to CUll ?< ona at tka lnatrnctoro o< t k? Ckhiw army bu bm offarad to William B. Bimtan. ot thla city, om at tk? (K*HtM Of tk? Virginia Military Inatltata. Mr Baagha-n ha? not rot IlllKI wkathar ha wttl take ad ran tm or tka opportunity or not. mtorta kara raoaatly baan made ?jr Inftaaaatlnl Chlnaaa cloaaly aaao ctatad with tka |?trumt of Mn Calaatlal rcpubllo, to wm gtad mataa ot tha ?* M. I. for inatruttora In tka army of tkat country. 1 caatly ?. W Nlchol.. auparlntandanl ?f tk? fMtStkta. racalrad a latMr fpam s promlnant Cklnaaa, llrinu In Maw Tnrk, aaklag hlan to ?and klm ttta aamaa ot gatteatan who might *a wlHlng to |0 to CUM to act ai la hla eomualtaHttn tka Cktaa ?aa* aaM tka twatraotora would ra ?#ra a Ubaral wlary and racocnltlon -ia tka Cfciaata Miliary world Mr. Oaagkam g^aduatad from tka IHlH thla yaar with honora Ha t^??lt to Waaklagtoa '*?' night and win daetda within Ike next taw daya whaihw h? mil ?erupt tka of far wklefc lixa baa? arada ky Om Cklnaaa loramrm.r.t *J Henry MfUs Died Yester&& iHanry MIH?, ona of tka oldaat rMdanta of C*oooifaltr. dlad art kit home that* yaatarday. Tka fa narai w?a Md thla morula* at 11 tt'aMok. Kar. C. ?. Halona oBelwt 1M Mr. MUla la wail know a through Mt tka ooaaty. H? waa a cM! war rat ar an. harlag aarvad In Ika oaral ry. Ha la anrrlra? ky a number of relatlraa. i Big Sale to Start Thursday 'An Important aranl la tka local fcualaaaa world will tkka placa next Tharaday. whan 1 *. Hoyt wttl ka (In t IMlT *kkk will teat tar tan daya. Btg radaeUaM kar Vaaa xiada la ar?ry dapartxent. both ladtaa and ataa'a aad It t? axpaatad tkat many raaldeau of both city and cavalry will Mka ntvutpge af tkU wwrfw't* '? "" l?at bvaaUu. ot Vfclak tkara an a large anmbap, x Mrv Hoyt la oarrplag a Ml M v "rettleemeat la tkla lam aad kaa alao aaat aat 'kauaaada at elmlara. Ha la tlae glrtag away tkra? kaav tlftal prlaea. Otkar ?otalla at tka Ml? may 4a laaraad fraai Ma adrtr llaadaat la Inilar"? papee v POPULAR ?Silent Play" THEATRE OAK PROTI I*. tyayor Explains City's Position In Haven's Case iw Ok, a?mot Act iiMM. "r hi BttUdlng, ?* On* of ' In rSpialalag why ^ aetloa had bee? UkM tal tMHi| down the old buildings M ?ko corur of Market ! Second KIWI, u.ror Eaglsr M thto mora log that this was a project la which th* *fty coaid not net arbitrarily and that It woatd, probably havs tO be decided by ttiV "All that tha city oBetala can do. ha s:ated, "I. la tha aarrlag of a warrant to th* owner of tha prop erty. Mttfytng him that hi* bal'.d-. Inf? rre In a dangerous condition and asking that they be torn dowa. Thle warrant I* served by th* ehl.-f or th* Itn d*partm*nt. 1 do not know whether H ha* ?m served aa T?t. If th* owner concents to lar down th* buildings. *Terythlng la then satisfactorily Killed. But If th* owner wMI not agree to tear dowa the bnlldlBga, the matter moat b* brought lato coart. for If the i Ity we? ahead aad tons down the building?. It might be made liable tor damage*, for It might he prfren la the ooarta that the building, weri not a menace or a re-trap " '*A number of varaoaa appear td beIIore that the ctty can go ahead aad act arbitrarily in the matter, hat tht> la not th* CAM Action of thia klad la coatroiled^by a State law." O- * Wlndeld. chief of the Ur? depwtment staked thto moraine that h* had not been aaked to serve th* warrant. R* Mated that It had been glw? to Captala I>eacb. the, former Chtef. to *enre. but that upon the aapltattaa of the tattife term of office, the Mayor had stated that jfbo warrant would be aerred by the L HOTOM nrvmt away krkk ?*? the beautiful picture la the Window of laflam'a Book store, to t>e" given away Saturday night, July trdi at * ?l a., to the bolder *f the lac*T number Numbers given tilth each Me cash purchaae. (adV.) POWWSB TO TBI f V' IfUHDBR or IS MRK' Birmingham. Ala.. June I?.?8yd Jonas, hanged In tha connty Jail yard thle morning, left a note la his ten la which ha eonfeeaed respon sibility lot thirteen murders. Two of his victims were white men. one a Mobile aad Ohio brakeman. and j th* -other a Minnesota d"puty sher iff. The others were negroes The law took Joaaa' life for the murder of a fellow eonrtoKN> Ban ner mine*. Jeffrrson^Mltnty. while he waa aerrlng a lift aeatenee for another marder. I.on Carter, oon rtcted of murder of a negro, preced ed Jones on the scaffold. iamta ronci'jt wkiik ATTACK Rl> ST OARAAKXA Waahlngtea, Jnne X Zapata forces defeadlag Mealoo Ctty bars engaged the attacking Carransa ar my la a series of artillery daela *?4 Mayed It* adraao*. Mo details ?rye contained la th* adrlees reaeh'ng here today which were the first la Ilea* Ions that the Carransa advance would be resisted Communleatlon with M'alco City hag bee* gat off slate Jus II Tt? Oeaeral Osasalas, the Carraala som mender, set the Wire? te Vera eras gt Otnnba. twsnty-flee mllea SMt *f Ik* eapltal Deputy Sheriff Passes Away CWI Rofaeveoo DM?ttU More - After Loa? Ilhm. nural ^ Deputy sheriff C. H. Roberaon died thla morning at tlx o'clock at his home on West Second street. The funeral services will be held to morrow afternoon three o'cioek from the home. Iter. R. V. Hope of-* filiating. Interment will be la Oak da lo cemetery. I Sheriff Raberson wu 39 year? of ass. He has been Interested In o$>6nty affairs for a number of yonrn ud served under Sheriff Hodges Sheriff Ricks and Sheriff Windlcy He has friends In every part of the county. Hie death came as the iV ?alt ..Of an Illness ex tending over a period of abQot fire months. He is vunrlVcd by a wife "and four chil dren. . * " Good Program lis Rendered Aloicfoiff CljMa l^on GoM?boro Bn tfitrined Large Aadjawe at the Auditorium Ijut Night. An exceptionally Interesting pro-, grsm was rendered last night at the j high school auditorium by he class from the Odd Fellows' Orphan Home \ at Goldsboro. The children sang , extremely well and were loudly ap plauded for their efforts. .J A large number were present and enjoyed the program. Practically 4 ercry srat In the large auditorium was taken. Play for Pennant git Rocky Mount *-v ?>&*** ... rif, 11 J- j - _x ' .vj^ ?}"- *' ? " " Newport Kep* and Rocky Mount to Hold Clksmpiouhlp in Rockj ?KMoDnt Next Week. (Special to Dally News) Rocky Mount and Newport News being tied for first place in the Vir ginia- Jrague. vrlll pU\ for the cham plonship of thfc leiguo lp a three game _aeries to be held at Rocky | Mount on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The Virginia league plays two "seasons" ? each year, the drat ending, on June 80th. The race so far has J been exceedingly close. In the opin ion of many of the fans, however, It1 is contended that Rocky Mount has the advantage and will win out in next week's battle./ I TUFT EXPRESSES PITY N?w Haven, Coon.. Juno }?.? Bpcaklog M (k* elamni dinner, ffl lowiog the 115th camneneagMOt ?* WUn of Ygla Ua|VTelty, Profaaaar "WW.?m HO..M Ta ft nirHKt i uortKlo pity for William Jenalnja Oryaa, rao?ott? raaljned ae ?tty ?t Stat?, and aUMitlMlly ?*. reiryad ga that they wffa bgtli ?ry Ini t* reform the world with tfcelr ting., th?y ought to rtind togetner Friday Saturday ? I ArbvoklM Coffee, pek lb He Hlikeet Orede Butter, per u> tie Atmoart Star (feme, per lb llo r. r. v. h?o>. w it toe Morten ? Oi*r 8k??ldere. per lb J?e Hem ??? *?rk, per lb 11? rineet TeMe Pteokae, ?or*k lb. per ean ISo Veer Beet THp?> wort* Me. p?r een JOe Pure L*rd. wortk tie. per lb tltte Conpoend Lard, worth It?, per Ik. toe row mid. J Oemelee? 11 oe Milrte et : Me . toe Ahlrte et ? . . p...... j.... t .> i\ . 4ee lt.?? Orerelle el Me el 40? n (ksee end Dry Ooode. Abere prte? ere "j for ell nkerge Meeokta. DAMS tf CO. " 'I I !???*?? I IU I. Local Elks Return From Convention; ; Elated Over Success - Had to^Malce Stirring Fight to Secure Next Year's Meeting Place for T hie City. Strong Op position Against Them. Tqy)oe and Bonder Make Speeches Somewhat tired an d eleepr,-Dkt elated end hippy orer having^ se cured next yakr's B. P. O. E. con vention for-thta. city. the Wasljjnc ton delegation of Elk? returned home this morning In their special Pullman car. They Vere enthualps tic over .the convention and loud in their praiee over the hospitality and courtesy extended to t hep while away. They brought back an exiting story of the fight which Washing ton made to eecare next year's con vention. Four ballots were taken. Raleigh. Orecnshoro and Ashevftle were eliminated successfully and on the laqt ballot Washington received' a good-sized majority. It was then unanimously voted that the conven tion be held in this city. J. L. B?r ral. of Ralrigh, the mayor of Greens boro. and Ex-?enator Cocke. , of Ashevllle, represented 'the Interests of their cities. J. F Tayloe repre sented Washington and made (pis city's claim tp next year's meeting. It was largely due to his eTbqucftce that Washington was successful. After the selection of a meeting placi* for next year, new offleers were elected. P. 8. Oorrell. of Wln ston-Salem. past president of the State Association, presented Mr. Tsyloe's name in nomination for president. He was elected. The other.officers were Col. F. L. Black, of Charlotte, first vice-president*. D. toek* fcfa, Ond vice-president; T. ft. Keh'oe. of >?ew Bern, secretary and treasurer. . The executive committee will de cide later the exact date of next year's convention. The convention was a huge suc cess In every way, according to the local delegates. The various forms of entertainment could not have been excelled and afforded unlimit ed enjoyment tnr the visitors. A feature of the convenlton was the speech wh'cfc was made by Johr F. Bonner, of this city. It was de clared by many to have been one of tho finest addresses ever beard at* an Elk convention in this State. Mr. Bonner's Address. i John H. Bonner, of this city, made a most Impressive response^to Col onel Klrkpatrick's greeting, a par ol his address being as follows: "Mr. President and Brother Elks: "jt Is Indeed a very great honor to em to Ve permitted tc respond to the welcome so cordially and hap pily extended to the North Carolina Association of Elks hero assembled; to look for the first time into the faces of men 'row the Old North State who are strangers to me as I stand before you, and yet wo are brothers?unite# by the Siamese bond of brotherhood. 'It has been my good fortune for the past six years to be a njemper of the prder of Blks and to meet and know many Elks both near *nd fgr; but this U the firet time I bavr had the pleasure to meet face t? faee the Elkdo? ot North Carolina, and h?n1i with K ?|tny tiki and loyal citizens of my owa Slate. "The order of Elks 1b yet In its .Infancy. It cannot be a matt t of surprise upon each foundation m we j have tulit that we tare grown from I the few 'Jolly Corks9 la 1S*7 to a membership of almost 500,000 Blks. yet, my brothers, the time will com o when every honest Amei4_??i citlsen will be pr6ud to say 'I am an Elk.' "As you know, the order of BLks (? strictly American, and I believe I can eafely say without fear of con tradiction that no eell or country other than the United Statee of America could produce, maintain and perpetuate a like order. (Ap plause). The charity that we prac tice and preach would b? crushed in Any countrr other than that over which floata the 8tars and 8trlnee.' (Applause). Justice as known to ua could not alt proudly on her throne and equally balance her scales In the countries of kings and clasars. Brotherly lore, as preach ed by ua. would be crowned arlth treason and cruolfled on the slimy cross of treachery In the land of European military despotism. (Ap plause). The star of fidelity would not shed ks soft and fervent glow on any other altar or flag other than the altar of Elkdom and the flag of t>ur country. 'May it ever ware o'er the land of the free and the home of the brare.'" 'Over 700 *e . ? Attend Camp Annual State Encampment Begins on July 6th. Loral Officer? WIO Attend. Over 700 men will attond the an nual State encampment at Camp Glenn, Morehead City, this year. The encampment begins on July 6th and will continue until July 13th. Among thoso who will attend the encampment from this city are Col. W. C. Rodman of the secotfa regi ment, Capt. A. K. Tayloe. of the medical corps; Regimental Sergeant Major,, R. Handy; Regimental Quar termaster Sergeant, E. R. Lewis and Regimental Colo* Sergeant, 'J. K. Hat ten. TO HOLI> HKRV1CKM. Th* American R?*?:uo Workers will hold their regular servlcea to morrow at the same place as they hftve been held heretofore en Sun days.* The publlfl Is o^dlplly In vited to attend- Captain Hftyes, of New Bern, will be a visitor. I Miss Qretchen Parker, of Greea I vllle, who Is well known locally, is visiting friends In A?hevllle. Chaape la Awatfg. -.ittla Margaret's Mot bad been th t several weeks ?nd Mariaret had ?t seen het dur!? tills time. Op ?#?? A hor for the 01 it time after her neee sbe cried: "My, M?U* ha* .?: h:';jzmv,arttfV "GOOD TASTE" rRYSTAL ICE CREAM Cherry Special?Delicious For Sunday, Order Your CREAM by 6 P. M. Saturday. WE DONT TAKE ORDERS ON SUNDAY. Crystal I-ce Company PHONE 83 WASHINGTON. N. C home: Building And Loan Association Will Open a New Series July 3rd. COMB IN. Call at Banking House of Savings & Trust Company Par Booklet Explaining n. LAW DTFOIICDIFXT ?. At tomorrow night'? service. Re*. It V. Hope, paator of the Christian cburcb vlll preach an interesting sermon on law enforcement. Mr. Hop? will deal wltn local questions to a certain extent and hi* sermon promises to be an exceedingly in teresting and lo&trnctlT* one. KINDWL YHHTKKDAV. T be funeral services of Ronald Styron were held yesterday from the home of his parents. The active pall bearers were Josh Tfcyloe. Jr., John K. Hoyt, Jr., John C. Tayloe. Efbert Weston, John Johnson and Mr. Mlxon. The honorary pall bearers were Oray Leggett, Allen Edwards. Mack Bryan and Francis Jefferson. Praises Hospital For Efficiency Ocratcoke lJght House Jfcecprr Mays i/ocal Institution Hi* Attained High Degree ot Profteieficy. Ocracoke, N. C., June 24. 1916. Editor Washington Dally New?. Washington, N. C. My dear sir: Will you kindly allow me spac In your columns to publicly express my high appreciation and gratitude to the physicians, superintendents and nurses of the Wsshlngton bos pltal for the kind and considerate attention I received at their hand* w^ille a patient in that hospital dur ing a part of May and June. Having met with the misfortune of losing one of my limbs from very severe case of gangrene whlcl necessitated the amputation of my right leg at the knee, tor which cause 1 was confined in the hospital for over three weeks. While In this almost helplesrf con dlttoo, my every wish was carefully wtofatd aod-guarded by, the efficient superintendent and most cheerful!? responded to by a corps of well trained nurses under her directions This most neeessary Institutlor has reached a degree of proficiency that Is most exemplary, and the dlt clpllno In all departments Is hfghly commendable. ( Notwithstanding the rush of work and business In taking in new pa tlents and performing operations sometlm?-* as may as three a day all received their share of care an<* attention. The doctors all were ver attentive to their patients, but mon especially Dr. Tayloe (or "Dr. Dave' as he is more familiarly known, t? distinguish him from his brother and associate "Dr. Josh"). Dr Dave makes a point to see sit the patients In the hospital three time' during the 2 4 hours, personally looking after rach individual case Ills last visit at night being fron 12 o'clock midnight to 1 o'clock a m. and often later as occasion ma? require. At which time, before re tiring, he ascertains by personal oh servatlon or Inspection, the o-ondl tiou of each case, and ?'>ea that al' are a? comfortable as It is posslbh to make them, leaving the necessar? Instruction* to the superintended and nurses. Notwithstanding my own physics' unpleasatn condition, and the sym po'hy I Mt lor those of my fellow patients, who?? aondltlons wen mor? serious than my own, I must say that 1 rather ?aJoyed b?1ng ?' th? hospital. Th? plaaeant and r? sponilv? associations of th? ladle? o' th? hospital, and th* many agrs? abls visits I had by frl?hd? and new acquaintances, mad? my stay there a vary egreesbl* on?, and I mart Admit It waa with some measure of r?crrt that I saw the time arrive for me to quit tho hoaj-.tal. As 1 could not ??? all to say good bye, I trust this article may b? the mean? of reminding them of my wish to do ?o. Even my friend, "Robert," whom I must not leave out. With the most sincere wishes for tit? suec?ea of the Washington hos pital and thanking yon in advance, Mr. Editor. I bag to be. Very trnljf yours. A. J. RIM-PBON. Keeper fl. W. Pt. Royal Shoal M. ft t at ton, M. C. "TtWl MML TO< ilrai row K?dok tomor row. Oood flu* M UlC POOIOIUM ?Ufa; utM Wok ci-ooada A lac ttn? krU??. Oat at tka old tort. h*moi Mm (totm at TEUTONS URE REPULSED BY pTODAV'8 REPORTS STATE THAT THE GERMAN'S WERE DRI\HV BACK U\ Hf88IA> RIBCU, 81'FKERISG EXORMOIK l/mu EH. FIERCE BATTLE .1 ItuMMiiuM Take Offensive. Ocrman Advance In Franc*. Anntrtana Are ltepul?cd by lUliu?. NoUiIng New In ti>e UuiLiDell?*?. London, June 26.?Repulse of German forces with heavy losses at three points on the Dniester '? sordid In an official sta' ^\jt' Si ven out today. In tht ' Jlne district the Russisn* < ?ied hy assault a strongly fortified height. Enormous" losses are Raid to have been inflicted on the Germans In the Kowny region. Grrm?n and Itusidan accounts of | the fighting along the Dniester a : ?ree as to the deaperat^ness of the I struggle waging there. Berlin, how 9ver, admits retrogression at only >ne point?Tart I now?declaring that tleewhere in the southeastern war |theatre progress was being made. (icrman Advance In Franc. Latest news of the campaign in Prance shows a resumption of ox rome activity on tho heights of t ho i Mouse, where the French tell of a violent German attack. The G"r man claim I* that the operation* | there were begun by tht French in J thaY" sTtifenClr tWvs retaken frtfto-^ hem. The French admit a oGrmsA# idvacco. but declare the former ilr.cs later were ro-cfltabliHUefr? In tho Argonnes the Germans de clare they have made gains. lluMiuis Fight Ilanl. I Gallcla and Its borders continue | to embrace the present main field | tt military activity. The Russians are fighting hard for the Gallclan territory that remained to them .f.er the Teutonic drive to Lemberg ?i d beyond. Desperate battles con ?t.ue along the Dniester, where '.he "'iissians cJaim to hav>- retained the dvamage, despite their admission \at Austro-Germnn force? b<- o <ushed across the river In two olaces. In tho KosmlerJIne district | 'Jrand Duke Nicholas' forces ere on ? h* offensive and claims to have arricd a strongly fortified height Sy assault. Accounts of conditions In Lem K>crg during tho RuKslan occupation, received in Berlin, tell of hardships ?efftred by the families of officials d1 ^placed by the ehan^o fri?m A us* tr an lo Russian authority. promi nent men, reduced to penury, hf?<l te resort to* wood-chopping t?f A living, while the women of families went into their kitchen*, baked bread snd eak ? and t'srh 'ravelled from house {9 "fll ?nij their product. Austria** lleimlsed. Activity sloni the front whe** VuttritR and HaIUw arniiss ft Ing eaeh oth<?rS?,ll ehleflp I? thA nature of infantry activity. Thf Italians elatm, however, t? be irM uslly advancing tlong the IseMe, and to have repuleed Austrian at tacks at several points Lateet Paris reports show Freaeh progress only In the ridge* esst ?# Metteral in the Vosgee, and tier* only to slight degree. Nothing new has been heerd from the Dardanelles. No Berskee at Oossty Home. On account of the funeral ser vices of liTr. Claud "Robereon tomor row, at which Rev. R. * Hone will officiate there will be no aervtoetf at the eonnty home. ' , ? ?* New Theater Change Program :w?3 Tonight.

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